A 5k and two words that make me extremely happy.

Eating a sugar cookie just a few minutes after finishing a 5k is always a good idea.  

Posting a picture of yourself eating a sugar cookie just a few minutes after finishing a 5k probably isn’t the best idea.  

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I ran a 5k yesterday morning (sometimes I don’t really talk about races that much before I do them because I am weird like that) and I took 1st place woman overall and won a sweet gift basket of stuff from Utah Run.  You’ll see a recap up soon.  Just know that it hurt because racing a 5k hurts but that is good for training right?  I also got a PR (I will explain more in the recap because I am feeling a little torn about it).

It was 50 degrees at the end of the race yesterday.  Utah, I am really starting to love you again.  This meant that I didn’t have to worry about falling on any ice for the entire race… I thought for sure that I would be dodging ice during this mid-February race.

One thing that I really love about races is that after I do one I am motivated to run and train even harder for the next one.  It lights a flame in me.  They get me excited to continue to wake up at 4 something o’clock to run each day.

With the warm-up, race and cool-down we did a total of 10 miles.  Thanks PRO Compression for my sweet heart socks.

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Brooke didn’t like her quesadilla so she tried feeding it to her baby doll.

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Later on we went to the mall to let Brooke run around.

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And boy did she run around.  I have no idea where she gets all of this energy and desire to run all day from?!  All I know is that she is getting FAST!

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The two words that always make me the happiest girl around —>  FREE MEAL.  

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A big group of us went to this Brazillian steakhouse for an amazing meal.  In the below picture they are cutting up the grilled pineapple for us.  They marinade the pineapple in brown sugar.  Heaven.

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The night ended with an intense game of cards at my friend’s house.

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I hope your weekend has been excellent so far.  I am looking forward to sleeping in and making chocolate chip pancakes with the Brookers today.

What are you looking forward to?!?  (Could be something today, this week, this year… )

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Congrats on your race! It’s nice to see hard work pay off :) Why are the cards you’re holding blank? I’m looking forward to getting a new job soon. Have a relaxing Sunday!


Her excited face is too cute! Congrats on the race you speedy lady :)

I’m looking forward to picking a destination race for the end of the summer! It’s either going to be at the beach or in Iceland most likely and hopefully include our friends who we only see once a year since we moved :)


Congratulations on the PR! I’m looking forward to my run today :)


Toddlers get faster…..trust me ;-)

Way to go on the PR!!!!


Brazilian steakhouses are the BEST! Congrats on a PR! Enjoy your relaxing Sunday :)


Wow congrats on your PR!! Can’t wait to read the recap.
Im looking forward to my run here in sunny Scotland.Plus watching Olympics after (Finland vs Canada, woohoo:).
Have an awesome sunday!


Awesome job on your 5K win! I can’t wait to hear all about the race! I’m looking forward to cross-country skiing with my parents this afternoon, plus watching some Olympics!


Wow, congrats on your PR and win! You totally rock!!!

I need to do a race that gives out sugar cookies at the end. :)

I’m looking forward to Spring! Nova Scotia weather has really been interfering with my Boston training. :S Whenever you say ‘dodging ice,’ I totally get it.

I think Brooke will be quite the speedy chick ;)


Can’t wait to hear your recap. Those are my favorite brooks shorts…I really need to get another black pair, because I wear them all the time!! I am really looking forward to races starting- I have a 5k next weekend and then 2 halfs in March- I totally agree that races make you excited to run!!


What kind are they…they look comfy


I’m looking forward to my half next month – it’s been way too long since my last one!


AWESOME job on the PR!!! I can’t wait to hear more about it!
Today I am looking forward to a long run and watching the Olympics!


Congrats ! And I do love the socks


Congratulations on the win!!! AND the sugar cookies. :)


Congrats on your PR! And that cookie loooks tasty.

I am looking forward to not teaching high school Monday: Presidents’ Day—-> NO SCHOOL. :)


Congrats!! I can’t believe you wore a tank when it’s 50…you’re a tough girl (I already knew that though). Looking forward to the recap!


Congrats on your race! I am looking forward to having my baby in another month and a half! I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever!


Great job on your 5K!! Cards Against Humanity is so wrong it’s right!


Pancakes for us this morning too.


Congrats on the PR! I can’t wait to hear all about it. And I can’t wait to be able to run in shorts/tank with arm sleeves again. Cookies after a race are always a good idea. Whenever I run one that has them, I scoop as many up as I can before I leave. It’s part of the refueling process ;)


Congrats on first place! I see you ended up wearing black– that made me LOL. Good choice imo :)
Can’t wait for the recap! New PR?!? Let me guess, you ran the race in like 10 min ;) You put us all to shame!


Congrats! I would definitely be eating a cookie ASAP after I finished a race…


Wow, congrats Janae! You rock! Also, COOKIES!


Great job! I can’t wait for this recap!
In the first picture I think you look so much like your older niece!
I totally relate to Brooke running all day. My toddlers don’t walk…they run from morning until night. If only I had a fraction of their energy!
I need a free birthday meal because it’s my birthday month, too!


Congrats on the first place finish! Looking forward to the recap! What else am I looking forward to? Hm, sounds lame but I have a new sweater I can’t wait to wear. Yeah, that’s pretty lame!


I am looking forward to my little Bea getting over her cold. What’s worse than having a sick baby?! :( Great run and congrats!


Congrats on your race!! That is so awesome. 5k and 10ks Do HURT! It’s a different kind of hurt from a marathon but I love it just the same! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)


Looking FIERCE! Congrats!


Congrats on your 1st place finish!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


I am looking forward to graduating in May, Europe in May, and Costa Rica in July. But, I’m also looking forward to the moments in between :) Congrats on your PR!


Awesome job!!! Congrats on the PR! I’ve been craving sugar cookies lately, I’m sure they taste even better post race!! I’m just looking forward to spring! It’s warming up into the 50s here this week, and I can hear some birds chirping this morning! I saw Easter candy at Target last night, so I guess I’m looking forward to Easter too! It’s my absolute favorite holiday and the best holiday candy in my opinion! Have a great Sunday!!


Good job on your race!
Cookie pictures are good if the cookie was good, right?

Looking forward to a weekend in Searttle as soon as the pass clears up .


Congratulations on your win!! I am looking forward to a doughnut after church this morning. And if the weather cooperates, a hike this afternoon!


cards against humanity is the best!


I spy… cards against humanity?! love that game! congrats on the PR!


Bacon. I was told there would be bacon at brunch today and I’m super pumped.

Congrats on your win! I hope you do write that recap :) also, cookies are always a good choice post race.


I wish I could train for such a long time like you! I get burnt out after about 5 months of running, 2.5 months if it includes speed work. I also wish my training translated into racing! I run similar speeds and workouts as you when I am training, but my races are way slower. I’m just not that competitive and don’t enjoy racing. It would be nice though. And I’m a lot less of a hard worker than you are. (Not proud of that at all)

Complaining over. I think it’s great you are able to train for months and months–really it’s been almost a year you’ve been training! Yes you cycled back for a couple of months, but kept higher mileage with occasional speed work and were able to keep the training. That’s awesome. I love your hard work and determination. Keep working for your goals and I am sure you’ll achieve them!


Audiobook version of my book’s coming out soon! (looking forward to that, and shameless self-promo such as this).

*temperatures are rising. Going from 10 degrees today to 48 by Friday.
*Another episode of True Detective on HBO. Wild stuff.


Congrats on your win and PR Janae!! Can’t wait to read the recap!


Congrats on the 5k! I’m looking forward to going hiking today and my first marathon in May!! Getting excited! :-)


Congratulations on your PR and first place finish! You’re amazing.

Mmm I LOVE Tucano’s grilled pineapple. It’s been too long since I’ve last been there…

Today I’m looking forward to a lazy and relaxing day with my little family. It’s been a go-go-go type week, so we all need it!


I was looking forward to sleeping in but then my body woke up at 7:30 all by itself. Rude.


Congratulations, I am so proud of you!!! I also can’t wait to read your race recap because I love the way you write them !!!!
I am looking forward to sleeping in everyday bc I am on February vacation!!:)


awesome job!!


I love (slash super jealous) that you can run 3 hr. marathons AND win 5k races. Geez, lady!! And you don’t know where Brookers gets her speed and energy :). Girlfriend is probably 1/3 my height and can out run me!!


Congrats! Can’t wait to read the recap!
And you totally deserve that sugar cookie right after finishing ;)


Congrats on a pr and winning the 5k. You are a hard worker and a determined racer so this news doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. But seeing you, joss and her sister sweep the podium (with Heather right behind) absolutely made my day yesterday. Love my running friends -y’all inspire me.

I once asked the server at Tuchanos if he would just leave the entire pineapple at the table for me to eat. He just laughed like I was joking. I wasnt.


Nice job on the 5k! You rocked it!


I’m looking forward to a day on the boat and soaking up some sunshine in the Florida sun! :) Congrats on your 5K!


Thank you for being such a real person. I love your posts and pics. I agree races make you want to run more races too!!


Can’t wait to read your race recap. Congrats on placing first female!!!!!!
I’m looking forward to warmer weather and my next paycheck to get a new pair of Brooks.


I love our socks! Those are awesome! Do you think I should wear compression socks for my half?


Congratulations on the race! Can’t wait to read the recap!


Wow, congrats on achieving 1st place, girl!! I’m excited to read your recap of it!


I can’t wait to hear the recap! 5Ks are always strange to distance runners, but we like to hear your stories :)


congrats on your first place win and the PR!

i’m looking forward to a relaxing sunday with the fam :) hope you and brooke have a great day!


It makes me feel wrong laughing at some of the responses to the card game.

It feels so wrong, but incredibly right at the same time. One of those games you laugh until you cry!

Congrats on the PR


I am embarrassed over how much I loved that game.


I know. It’s this awkward feeling of feeling morally wrong but loving every second of it. HA. Such a good one.


I’m so cold right now I can’t even think about racing!! Which means that of course what I’m looking forward to is warmer running weather!


Whooo congrats on the race! I am not surprised that you took 1st place woman :)

I did a 5K yesterday too … I was thinking when I first got up how I won’t ever sign up for a race again because I hate getting up so early, but after PRing I was like “ok after my half next week I will sign up for 10 more shorter races” haha The endorphins trick me into doing crazy things every time!


Congrats! I don’t like to talk a lot about races before hand either. It kind of psychs me out. I am looking forward to my stretch class today. My legs and back are soooo tight and I can’t wait to stretch it out :)


Nice job! I am really interested in the recap but for sure it’s impressive you took first. I always brag to my husband and son like you’re my personal friend, you know? “So Janae totally took first place in that 5k this morning!”

blank look.

“Who’s Janae?”

“You know…she’s the mom of that darling Brooke, the baby I always show you random pictures of and it makes you happy?”

“oh…right. But you don’t actually know her”.



Hahahaha I really like you!


LOL. Thanks. Clearly I like you, too.


haha – I have this conversation all the time

“Who is Janae?!?!”


And you would think after all this time they would know enough to at least humor us. Could you pretend to listen to me? :)


Oh wait…I think you are…


Congrats on the race!! :) After having this baby, a goal of mine is to run a 5k- never done it! Hey, if I get a sugar cookie after, that should be reason enough, right?




And oh how I hate to love that game ;) haha. It’s just sooo funny but so wrong!


I totally was scouting out races that I want to do this year (costs in Canada for half marathons suck though!!). I found a couple 5 and 10K’s I might register for and goal is 3 half’s!


You are one fast lady!! Congrats on 1st place AND a PR! I’m excited for the recap :).


Congrats on the PR and the 1st place win! I hit a PR yesterday too in my heart PRO Compression socks. I know they made me run faster!


My first half marathon next weekend!!


Congrats on your race! Can’t wait to read the recap.


Congrats on your 5k win and pr!! I “ruined” some baby dolls as a girl by feeding them oatmeal cream pies. Yay for Brooke! ;)
I ran a 5k this morning… and I’m looking forward to warmer temps whenever they’ll come to KC!! :)


You totally killed it yesterday! I was so proud of you! It’s always a thrill to run on the same pavement as you my dear :) I’m so glad you got to go to Tuchanos too! Bet ever for birthdays!! I agree on the pineapple, best ever! I love the teryaki steak there too! Yum! I need to go again soon…. Enjoy relaxing today with Brooke. You deserve it after yesterday! Xoxo


And I will take credit for the awesome photography skills of you eating that yummy sugar cookie! :)


Congrats on the 5k! And… now I really want a sugar cookie. :)


Congrats on the PR and those socks are awesome!


Congrats on your PR! I can’t wait to start running again in the next couple of weeks :) You inspire me! I am looking forward to taking my sweet baby girl to visit my family this next week :) They all love her and it just melts my heart.


Congrats on your 5K! I’m looking forward to being able to walk again. :)


So funny I’m no where in your league on running but I don’t like talking about a race or if someone asks about my time goal. I’m real vague even tho I totally have a goal in my head…don’t wanna jinx it!!!
I love racing and the high it brings me! Super cool about winning!!! Congrats!


Congrats on winning that 5K! Way to go! I’m glad the race went well and it’s awesome that you PR’d! Your training is definitely working. I am looking forward to napping, and hopefully maybe getting some fro yo tonight.


I’m looking forward to running the “Hot Chocolate 15K” in Seattle in two weeks. Chocolate + running….doesn’t get much better!! Oh wait – yeah it does!! It’s also an excuse to see my twin nephews (16 months old!!). Gaaaahhhhh….so excited to run for chocolate, giggle a lot with my little dudes, and spend time in a city I enjoy!

CONGRATS on your great finish!! Looking forward to the recap!


Congrats on your race! The 5k is a tough one for me, and I’m sure your time is probably have of what mine is, lol!

I have a love/hate relationship with all the restaurant coupons that I get during birthday week. I always sign up for every restaurant’s rewards club, so I usually end up with so many free meals I can’t even use them all, and I HATE wasting a free meal!


Way to go on the PR! Free food = always the best ;)


Lose the conflict! If, in a race, running 13.34 on your garmin in 2:01 doesn’t equal a sub 2 half then running 13.02 in 1:59:58 does. The garmin is not an infallible, all-knowing device. It is merely a tool. Take your PR and feel GOOD about it. That’s an order!

Congrats!!! More cookies!!!!


Congrats on the PR!

I am looking forward to being able to walk normal again after being sooooo sore from my race this morning.


Congratulations on your win!
I love Tucanos! I try to go there when I visit but for some reason we didnt make it there the last 2 times we were there. Crazy! I love the pineapple too.


Awesome job! Congrats on the win and PR!


That’s so funny about not telling folks about races. If I could not tell folks about races, I wouldn’t, but I feel like, since I’m a blogger, that I have to tell people. Double-edged sword!


Wow! 1st woman overall and a PR! Congrats!!!


That grilled pineapple is the best! Congratulations on a win!


Congrats on the PR! And those are some great pictures of you!


Oh, and I love the Olympics, so I’m looking forward to watching it for another week! Always a bummer when it ends. Noelle Pikus Pace winning the silver in skeleton is probably my favorite moment of the games so far, seeing her jump into the crowd was awesome – and she is just so excited in interviews (and she is from Utah!)




Congrats on your race! I’m looking forward to the full recap! That Brazilian meal looks amazing!


Congrats on winning Janae, super impressive! And a sugar cookie is ALWAYS a good idea :)


Congrats on coming 1st! My running motivation hasn’t been that great lately and reading about your running journey always spurs me on to action! :-) In the near future I’m looking forward to going to the ballet with my mum and getting my wisdom tooth out which will hopefully once and for all end my months long dental issues!


Congratulations on your race!!!

Is that Cards Against Humanity?? That may be the best game ever invented.


Congrats on your race!

That pineapple is awesome. I had it at a Brazilian steakhouse once and we knew we had to recreate it at home. We throw it on the grill many times during the summer and it’s amazing! We just use butter and cinnamon though, trying to keep the sugar at a minimum (but sometimes we splurge!).


Congrats on your p.r.! You are such a speed demon! I participated in a virtual 5k and it was not my best run. I knew I would be slow because I am 18 weeks pregnant (this pregnancy has drained all of my energy, I was not prepared for how much it would slow me down on my running) and then I tripped a half mile in, and fully ate it with the asphalt. Scraped up my hand and knee, and bled everywhere, it was so traumatic. Hopefully after this baby comes I can redeem myself with some faster times.


Great job on the race- congrats on the PR!

*Quality performance apparel for men and women-http://expertbrand.com*

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