You have to be realistic about what your body can handle.

We had great plans to have a killer track workout this morning.  We were planning on doing 3 sets of 4x400s.  I had been thinking about doing this workout all week and I took my Monday and Tuesday super easy so that I would be ready to go fast today.


We did the warm-up and after we finished that we both knew it just wasn’t happening for us today.  We were exhausted and realized that last week’s training really took it out of us.  We decided that it would be smart to just go out on the roads for an 8 mile easy run.  Much better.   We all have days/weeks where our body just needs to have a break from speed.  

I am finally in a place with my running where I realize that it is much more important to really pay attention to what your body is telling you than to stick to your plan perfectly.  Hard to do when you are a perfectionist;)  We even planned to change our Saturday tempo/long run a little bit to let us really recover before going hard again next week.  

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Every day after I do Brooke’s hair she grabs my blush brush to try and copy me when I put my make-up on.   She is starting to copy everything I do and so I am trying to eat healthier foods in front of her so that she wants to copy that too.

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My calves have been kind of achy lately and very tight.  They aren’t ‘injured’ but I am all about preventing injuries by staying on top of things now.  Josse gave them a deep tissue massage and then scraped them.  Yes, it hurts really bad to get this done but it is SOOOO worth it when it is over and it always fixes the problem area for me.

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I can’t stop with this lunch.  I am turning orange because of the amount of sweet potatoes I consume lately.  

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This may be my first Throw Back Thursday post (yes, I know it is Wednesday but let’s pretend it’s not)…  Brooke from exactly one year ago today. 


In my post about how I eat the marshmallows in my Lucky Charms first, a reader told me about the fact that they sell marshmallow only bags.  SOOOO worth the $8.  

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How is your running feeling this week?

Any areas that are tight/bugging you when you run lately?  What are you doing to fix it?

What was your lunch today?

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I did the same thing today! I was supposed to go to SLT but my body is exhausted so I think I’ll do a short treadmill run instead.

After my aqua spinning experience last night I’m not feeling another experiment tonight!


Hi! I read your post about the water spin class and I thought about this…a friend of mine in NYC does it all the time and loves it. So the next time you’re interested in trying something new, maybe consider this – it’s in Tribeca and it started in November – – it’s basically a workout on trampolines – fun!


This looks so fun!! I’ll definitely have to try it out soon- thanks!!


My tibial tendons are sore after runs the past 2 weeks. They always feel fine again by the next morning but I’m all about injury prevention so I’ve been doing strengthening exercises and tons of extra stretching and foam rolling as soon as I get back from my run, just really babying them. Lunch was a salad which is like the third time in history that sentence has been uttered.


My calves were tight after my long run – so I’ve been sporting ProCompression socks everywhere now


I am feeling a bit tired myself…I did 7 miles at an 8 minute pace today and it didn’t feel spectacular like I imagined it would.

The scraping hurts sooo good. I have some tightness in my upper hamstring/lower tushy area so I try to stick it out and foam roll.

You are going to kill it next week!

I wish I had that for lunch. :)


I had to change my run plan last weekend due to my IT band being super sore – listening to your body is definitely hard when you have a plan, but you’re much better off in the long run (pun intended) if you do. In stead of the long runs I had planned, I kept it short and foam rolled afterwards.

Lunch was left over Singapore Street Noodles.

I feel like this week I’m making a come back in my training. I’ve had 2 strong runs and 1 strong speed work day. I’m getting ready to start my next training cycle next month and I am SO excited :)


My calves and right hip flexor are talking. I need to stretch ad strengthen more. Blah. Running is going ‘alright’. Started training again and it’s hard seeing the slow pace against what I know I can do. At least I have my dog to run with me. Lunch was a salad with chicken burger crumbled on top.

I went to a cycle class at the gym and thought of you. Sorry if that’s weird :)


Mmmmmm…..entire bags of cereal marshmallows…… :)

Love the throwback photo of Brooke!


Cute picture of Brooke…..and being a 49er faithful myself, I love the onesie!

I have my longest run ever this coming weekend, 19 miles, so I am excited and nervous to see how it goes.

Lunch today was eggs and toast, boring :-).


I did my first slow jog yesterday after having a shin injury for the last 2 weeks! It was so exciting and I had to force myself to go slow and only did 2 miles. I woke up this morning and my leg felt fine. Yay! Now I can try again tomorrow.
I really could have used Josse though. I should find someone here that does scraping.

I love Brooke in that headband!
Little ones are so cute about copying us and really it never stops. My 8 year old daughter still copies me. Even on the things I dont want her to. It makes me more careful about a lot of things.


I can’t believe you bailed on a workout. tsk tsk

How about using the perfectionist thing to PERFECTLY listen to your body? :)

I’m all for erring on the side of taking it easy. Just don’t make me eat those marshmallows!


I’ve been feeling under the weather lately so no running in almost a week!!! I have the Miami Half Marathon this Sunday so I’m in big trouble! Im hoping to go for a nice run tonight.

Your so right. You have to know and accept the limits of your body. :) great advice to avoid injury. :)


I’ve been feeling very fatigued this week also. My IT band isn’t hurting, but I had some weird feelings going on in my right knee yesterday during Body Pump… definitely not doing a speed workout as planned tomorrow, might even rest completely. I want to be ready for my long run Saturday. I have a terrible time with my calves getting tight and cramping, I would probably cry like a baby if I got them scraped, but maybe I should look into it!

I am so ordering the marshmallows!!


Good job listening to your body, I’m doing that a lot this season. Don’t want a repeat of last years injuries. My soleus is really tight and achy so my coach gave me a new stretch and I think I will go get a deep tissue massage too.

My lunch today was Chuck E Cheese pizza. I have to start turning in my food diary to my coach tomorrow so I figured I eat whatever I want today because I will be too embarrassed tomorrow.


My lunch was two eggs on toasted bread with jelly! I couldn’t decide what I wanted to eat and that’s all that sounded good… haha


I experienced the same thing this week with my running- last week’s serious speed runs finally caught up with me and not only did I have to push through an easy run yesterday, I had absolutely no desire to even look at the treadmill this morning. In fact, true burn out set in and I questioned if I would ever run again. Thankfully I feel more normal now after taking a running hiatus today!


It’s definitely not a great running week here either! My back has been hurting on and off from being pregnant so some days I just walk or do yoga. I wonder if scraping would have the same effect making it feel better ;)? My lunch was complete bust todayI was so disappointed haha. My giant apple was rotten inside, my sandwich got soggy, and I thought I had a nerds gum ball left for dessert but turns our I ate the last one last night. I wanted to just start over…
This is most likely the most negative comment ever ha.


Eh. We all have those days. And who likes a soggy sandwich? I’m sorry your nerds gum ball was gone…though I admit I’ve never had one….I feel for your loss.


My piriformis is all tight and aching right now. I’m doing pilates 1-2 days a week to stretch myself out, doing PT exercises every day, and sticking to running 1 or 2 days a week only right now.


Oh-also. I NEED THOSE MARSHMALLOW BAGS. That’s the best part of the cereal after all :)


I have pretty much the same lunch on rotation right now: always spinach and sweet potatoes, sometimes with chicken, sometimes with goats cheese, sometimes with an egg, but always the same base. Soooo good, especially if you slightly heat it up. Nothing beats the cold as nicely as a warm lunch salad :)


I have been doing the Jamie Eason’s 12 week LiveFit Trainer weights program and the other day my biceps/triceps were killing. Like, aching to the point that was not normal. I was worried about injury so I took an extra rest day and I feel like a new girl today. Glad you’re being preventative too :)


Did the same exact thing yesterday. Arrived to track practice early to do my own thing and boom it was a no go. I did end up having to take a work related call right when I got there which delayed things and when I did my 800m warm up, I could feel that my legs were not going to enjoy a track workout. I ran an outdoor, snow covered path race on Sunday which messed things up a bit. Will try again on the weekend!


Same thing happened to me today! I was planning on a tempo run and the body just said NO! So I made it an easy run and stretched a lot afterwards! My calfs have been killing me, not injury just sore, I’m thinking it is from last weeks training!
Such a cute picture of Brooke!!
Lunch today was a peanut butter, greek yogurt, banana mixture. Super yummy and filling!


I had to change my speed workout last night. Tempo run was just not happening in the ten degree weather. I was having a really tough time breathing. I got halfway, then switched to an easy run to finish it out.


I’ve definitely gotten to a point of understanding that listening to my body is far more important than “the plan” as well.

Now, let’s buy some marshmallows.


My glutes and IT bands are cranky! Thankfully I have a massage today. Thanks to your posts about Grafton Scraping, I’m also looking into finding someone in Calgary since I know I’m going to have some tight spots as my training ramps up!


We actually went out for a work lunch, I know, unheard of in the teaching world.
I got a spinach salad that had chicken, strawberries, blueberries, manderine oranges, and candied pecans on top………so.incredibly.good.

Running hasn’t really been happening this week. I had a killer hoidays working out and then I could not let up and it has continued till now. I’ve been wanting to give myself a two week rest for a long time now. I know the time is right because I am not even craving a run.


My body was majorly exhausted this past week.

I recently started training for a half marathon and did a really intense 6.2 mile run (long for me!) on hills this past Monday. The next day I had a panic attack just over something that got me a bit emotional (that started happening about 1 month ago after another really long exhausting run) and I was wiped. Then my body started coming down with a bad cold.

Long story short, my body was trying to tell me to JUST. STOP. It was EXHAUSTED. I started sleeping 10-12 hours a night and still feeling wiped out so I basically just took the whole rest of the week off running and strength training. In the mornings I would ask myself, “Should I run today?” and I still just felt exhausted and sick even while I just sat around. So I gave myself a break except for one weight workout at the end of the week, and I gave myself permission to sleep as much as I needed or wanted to.

As it turns out, by Sunday I was feeling GREAT!!! So much energy and I felt so rested. It was fabulous. Now looking back this week I don’t regret it one bit, because I think sometimes taking even a whole week off running can be really good for us and bring us back stronger than ever! I was mentally exhausted also after some tough runs so now I’m ready to come back and start training again. So never be afraid to take time off!


I completely understand what you mean about being a perfectionist & wanting to follow your fitness schedule instead of listening to your body. I’ve had that issue more the past 3 months than ever before. I recently injured my foot & have been wondering if my body was trying to talk to me back then. Just shows the importance of listening to your body & resting when it asks you to.


Mmm I had a really good salad for lunch today too! Lettuce, hardboiled eggs, chicken, green onions, and cucumbers with poppyseed dressing. And some popcorn on the side.

My running this week has been good! Well, mainly the fact that I actually AM running this week…time to ramp up the training!


Even though it is early in the week my running is going great. I ran 9 miles yesterday without planning on it just because I felt so good and did not want to stop. I even wanted to keep going further. It didn’t feel like work at all… and my pace wasn’t that bad either :)


Oh sweet LORD I need that cereal!!


My trouble areas are always my calves and my feet. After your first post on scraping, I ordered the scraping tools and have been doing it along with trigger point massage. It seems to be helping!


Oh good!!! That is so awesome!


My running has been nice and easy this week..,I have my first half this Saturday so fingers crossed it goes well!


I love the Lucky Charms marshmallows. I used to eat all the cereal and save the marshmallows for last.


I just need to say that I love these hand bands you have been putting Brooke in, they are soo stinking cute!


I ran 3 miles today with very little pain into foot!! Hooray!!!

I had a nice spinach salad with blueberries, strawberries and grapes. Yum!


Good for you for starting to really listen to your body and accepting what that means. I have also learned that is very important in performance.
My lunch today was cheese and crackers and some raw veggies!


My hips and the back of my left knee :( I’ve been icing a ton (it was one of my new year’s resolutions) and stretching for a longer time after each run. I took the last few weeks easy since my half marathon and am hopefully going to kick it up a notch next week to start training for my next races!


I went to lunch with a friend to Chipotle and had a veggie bowl. Yum!

I have been running lately. It hasn’t been fast or long, but it is what it is and that is running. Woot, woot!


Awww LOVE the photo of Brooke from a year ago!! And love her cute headband from today! :) Those marshmallow bags are ridiculous. So worth it.



I swear it must be this weather. I’ve been really on and off with my training because get tired so easily. I’m glad to hear that you listened and better now then a race. Having that sort of thing happen at a race is the absolute worst.


Oh. My. Gosh. Thank you for sharing about the bags of marshmallows!
That is EXACTLY what I am getting my mom for Valentines Day!


It’s Thursday in New Zealand, so I feel like a throw back Thursday pic is completely appropriate. I can’t believe how much Brooke has grown!


Listening to your body will soooooooooooooooo pay off! Good for you!


my running has been good so far but I may also have to cut out some speed work this week due to soreness. It’s hard to convince yourself mentally that sometimes letting your body recover is doing more good than pushing it.


My problem area is plantar fasciitis in my right foot. It has been bothering me off and on since march. Boo:(. I am taking time off running bc of it and I am 5 mos pregnant, so I thought I would be a good time for a running break. It is slightly better. I stretch it a lot and sleep in a compression type sock that is supposed to help. Any advice??

For lunch I had a bowl of snow cream (had to, we had our first good snow in 3 yrs!) and a Lara bar! Maybe not the healthiest, but oh so delicious:)

Brooke is super cute, as always! Love the throwback pic!


I really want to try scraping, I’m intrigued!


Way to listen to your body!! That is awesome :) I had tighter hamstrings this week, so I made sure to stretchhhhhh a lot.

That throwback pic is too cute!


I do the exact same thing- push my body too hard and then don’t like to listen to it when it tells me “no”. It’s definitely just one of those things where you have to learn to listen to yourself! Also, marshmallow only bags?! Totally worth it!


Once, when I was about 7 (circa 1990), we bought Lucky Charms at the grocery and came home to find a BAG FULL OF MARSHMALLOWS. My brother and I were in heaven. Now looking back on that, I’m convinced we won something (as in “chance to win in every box!”– and you knew you won when you opened a bag with only marshmallows)….
It was a good day.


They sell just the marshmallows!??? Oh man I am going to be showing my husband this he is going to LOVE it!


I’ve barely ran this week because it is SO COLD! I miss running!! Lunch today was a turkey, mayo, pesto, tomato, and spinach sandwich and an apple. Yum!


I so needed this today! Couldn’t get out of my own way today and was just plain tired with no ambition. Been having great runs and good workouts, but realizing and listening to when you need the rest is difficult to do. So I made some healthy lunches for work tomorrow, pureed some food for my littlest one, and am hitting the hay for work tomorrow and a well fueled run!


First, I have to say I love the headbands you put on Brooke. They are absolutely adorable.
Second, I have no motivation to run whatsoever and the polar vortex is draining me of any iota of motivation that might have been there so there is no run for me. I’m hoping tomorrow I can push myself out the door.


Where are Brooke’s headbands from? They are so cute!


I did 10m today, on the treadmill even! Ugh these sub zero temps are killing me! Lunch was a small salad, I can’t eat much before I run or I get a terrible side stitch! Your daughter is a cutie:)


Oh my. Those bags of marshmallows are crazy! I’m glad my kids have no knowledge of them.
My calves have been tight and bothering me. I’m stretching. That’s about it. And lots of hoping the problem will just go away :/
My girls and I had mac and cheese with butternut squash and sausage for lunch.


I had a great “first” run tonight, and my “second” run sucked…till I realized I was going up hill. It’s all good.


I know I watched it happen but I still can’t believe that Brooke has surpassed her first birthday.


I’m slowly learning to listen to my body and realize that I can’t always do everything. After CrossFit and hiking yesterday, with a plan of running this morning, I woke up with every ounce of my being screaming at me not to do anything. And that’s what I did (well I went to work). And I don’t even feel guilty about it.


So, lunch today wasn’t really all that big a deal, however, the best thing ever happened for dessert and I have been dying to tell you about it all day because I feel like only you will appreciate it as much as I did. For dessert today I had a popsicle, A SOUR PATCH KIDS POPSICLE! YES! They are real and they are awesome..and you need to have one asap.


Funny, because yesterday was supposed to be a run day for me but because of my work schedule and not seeing my children I didn’t run and I was okay with it. For lunch I ate shrimp kebobs, some stir fried broccoli and cauliflower with garlic and some fingerling potatoes and a chocolate biscotti for dessert, the benefits of being a District Marketing and Communications Director for College and University Food Service.


I usually have the exact opposite problem. It’s really easy for me to listen to my body and get in a few extra hours sitting around! I love your motivation but it’s great that you’ve learned to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. I’m sure you’ll be happier in the long run. And clearly someone knew what they were doing when they decided to just sell the marshmallows! I could eat that whole bag. Lunch for me today was Subway – just turkey, nothing exciting.


lunch was tuna and toast with hummus. relish!


Cereal marshmalows!? Why have I never heard of such a wonderful thing???


those marshmallows = my favourite snack! i won’t tell you how quickly i consume one of those bags ;)


So far, everything’s been going great with the running! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little sore after my 11-mile run on Sunday (which I’ll probably start calling “Runday”‘since that’s my long run day…hope that isn’t sacreligious, but God gave me legs to run with for a reason so I’m going to say it’s not). Ohh, the ramblings of a blogger. Had pizza for lunch today. :-)


I sprained my ankle pretty bad on Friday morning, so I took three days off completely, biked Monday, biked and walked Tuesday, and walked and shuffled/jogged today (with the help of an ankle brace). I’m trying to be better about listening to my body. It’s less forgiving than it used to be!


My ITB is always tight: I practically live on my foam roller. Probably the biggest lesson I’ve learnt with running this year is that it’s ok to alter a training session if the body’s not feeling up to it!

As for lunch today… I *may* have had a chocolate cupcake… :S


OMG!!! I agree so much…I’m training for my first marathon an was following a plan that had me doing speed work and then long tempo runs 2 days later…long sort short I tried so hard to follow but my legs began feeling like they where serious going to fall off everyday so I decided to nix the speed work and concentrate on getting the mileage down…which is hard when your a perfectionist with all things running! Hopefully next week I can get back to the speed work! At least one day! Lol


my runs felt great… up until today. I had a fabulous 75min run yesterday and I was planning on a 30 min tempo run today. But my legs feel like lead! So I ended up with a brisk 90 min walk. When I’m tight I do yoga and roll on a tennis ball. When I can I get a massage but you’ve got me intrigued about scraping!

My lunch today was embarrassing – 1/2 a package water crackers with hummus and 2 pita breads with Nuttelex. Meh!


Brooke is so adorable, poor nose though ;)


My running this week has been “forced” hate when that happens…
Taking a few rest days and hoping my running mojo returns.
I had leftover spaghetti and meat sauce for lunch!


A couple of weeks ago my calves were so tight for an entire week and a half. During every run I would have to stop and stretch them out … especially during the first mile. But then that magically went away. Might have had to do with new running shoes … but they were the same as my last pair (brooks adrenaline) and my last pair never caused tightness. Hmm.


You’re giving me hopes! My calves have been hurting for over a week now…


Is Brooke ever upset? She always has such a giant smile on her face!
No running for me this week, I am having surgery this morning on a broken hand.
Lunch today was Pad Thai at home. It was delicious!


Whoa! That is definitely worth $8!!

I can’t believe how big and grown up Brooke looks compared to last year!

My runs this week have felt pretty good, but it’s so cold outside I think I’ll be sticking to the treadmill for a few days.


Sadly I haven’t been able to get runs in this week. Weather has been unbearably cold in Chicago. Running outside before my husband leaves for work is my only opportunity to run during the week. I’m hoping to squeeze a run in this weekend, but I hear more snow is coming our way! How many more months til spring?!


I love Josse’s blue/black jacket/sweatshirt, do you know what brand it is?

I am so envious that you have a friend(s) that will get up at 5am and run with you! Its sooo cold in Boston, I cannot get myself up to go by myself, but I know if I had someone to meet, I will be up and out the door! Great job ladies!


I wish I never saw the marshmallow thing. It’s one of my favorite snacks and I’ve been putting them in homemade fudge lately.


My calves were achy earlier this week but the Y I work out has one of the those wooden slant things to stretch your calves and it’s a miracle worker, I’m in love with it.


Brooke looks so cute putting blush on!


my calves have been tight lately, which is a NEW thing for me. I find that the faster i get–Those are the things that hurt the most!!!!

I love that they sell just the mallows…one whole bowl of that would = one happy happy girl!!

My running is good this week..I did some Yasso’s this morning, i love those-they make me FAST!


Sometimes even after I rest a day my work out will not turn out how I planned and yes it’s very hard to not feel like I’ve “failed”. That happened last night I planned to do 5 minutes intervals and I cut one short by a minute and it through off my mojo totally. You still ran 8 miles! That’s a great work out :)


Who knew you could buy just the marshmallows! That’s awesome.

Good job listening to your body and knowing when to pull back a bit.

That’s important!

* Apparel for Men and Women*


Girl, my calves have been hurting as well this past week… it’s the first time that this happens and, although I know it’s not an injury, I’m starting to get worried… If you have any suggestions, please do tell!!! Will this go away eventually??


My calves and feet have been tight lately. My chiropractor taught me where to focus on to loosen up the spot that is bothering me. He is also having me do foot and toe strengthening exercises. I didn’t realize how weak my feet are!


Running? What running? Haha I haven’t done much of that lately. I love when a new month is about to start, gives me the chance to set new goals and start fresh.

Love Brooke’s little 49er outfit! My favorite team.

If I wasn’t trying to eat better I would totally buy those marshmallows bags!


How cute is Brooke?! I can never get over it!
I have seen the marshmallow bags… I am sooooo tempted :p


That’s so funny that you eat the marshmallows first! I always eat them last. I would buy a bag in a heartbeat!


I actually did have my skin turn orange at the end of last year. The palms of my hands and the soles of my feet were practically glowing. I do love me some sweet potato!

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