Our video from driving around San Francisco in a Go Car.

I am going to warn you.  I had way too much diet coke before our Go Car experience and I was a little crazy and probably overly happy (Saturday was one of the best days that I have had in a LONG time).  

I am embarrassed but I am going to show you our video anyways.  PS we got the cars from here (pps they didn’t pay/sponsor me… I just loved the experience and wanted to tell you about it).

You may want to turn down the volume because for some reason I thought it would be fun to yell for the entire video.  I promise I will never say the Y word again.

Yes, we are looking into buying our own to drive around Utah County all day long.  Actually, we are seriously looking into getting a motorcycle with a sidecar.

And a few more pics from what we saw along our tour.

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Seeing a city in a 3 wheeled car is the best way to see it.

At one point the three of us were just relaxing at a table and all of the sudden my sister disappeared.  She came back with 7 cookies (one of those being a lemon bar).  She was on a mission to find the best cookie in the city.  The winner was the chocolate dipped macaroon.

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And then we all split an ice cream sundae.  We do this thing where we have to try every sugary item within a 5 mile radius when we are all together.

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And then we ended the night with my absolute favorite tacos in the whole wide world (I promise, they really are).  Please go to La Taqueria in Mission if you are ever in San Francisco and remember to bring cash because they don’t take cards.

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Enjoy the rest of your Martin Luther Kind, Jr. Day!


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Looks like you guys had an awesome time! Glad you got to have some fun family time.


Sounds like a great day! The Go Car looks like such fun :)


LOVE IT. and love san fran. glad it was so fun :)


It really was a picture-perfect day! So glad you’re doing FUN things! You really must do all the things you “couldn’t” do before. Finding the freedom to be YOU!


LOL those cars are hilarious! I need to go to Sam Fran now for tacos and little yellow cars. Glad you girls had fun!


That looks so amazing! I love San Francisco. Next time I go, I want to ride in one of these!


Ahhh that looks like SO much fun!!! Yay for having such a fab day! :) That ice cream sundae looks RIDICULOUS! In the best way possible haha



Looks like a fantastic day! Glad you had so much fun! :)


That looked like such a good time. My husband is taking a guy trip and I am trying to figure out a girl trip. I wonder if there is something like that in Seattle?


Like what in Seattle?! No matter what the answer is yes, come visit we’re the best city!


I meant the car tour. I know they have the duck boats. Go Seahawks!


You crazy girls!!!


Oh my gosh, I love your laugh!!! So cute!! I think you should do videos more often!!


I thought the same! Such a great laugh and it made me smile!


Looks like you girls had the best time!! Made me happy just watching. Have a good day!!! :)


Thank you for that! Your video made me quite happy today! And now I’m looking for flights to San Fran :)


Chocolate dipped macaroon?! That sounds to die for! :) You girls looked like you had SO much fun!!


aww, I’m glad you had such a nice day :) that ice cream sundae looks like a beast, I always end up craving ice cream when I read your blog.


That looks like so much fun! I regret not doing that when my family and I road tripped there a couple years ago!


How fun!


That’s not even fair showing us cookies, and ice cream sundae, guac, and tacos all in one blog post. I just ate an awesome dinner and I’m getting hungry again just looking at your pictures!


I love seeing that smile on your face! You look so happy! It looks like a great time and such a beautiful day! We have snow and gloom here – not quite the same!


Janae that video just makes me want to hang out with you more and more. HAHAHA that is hilarious and I would do the exact same thing. I’m glad you enjoyed your time there!


My family does the same thing when we travel! We have to try all the good food in the area and always end up splitting things so we can each try a little of everything! Love the car ride video – it looks like so much fun!


that looks like so much fun!

I should have waited until after supper to check your blog… that food looks DELISH and now that’s all I want to eat tonight. :)


I fully support the purchase and consumption of numerous desserts. :-) So glad you had a wonderful day!


Glad you had such a great day! I’ve done the yellow cars before and they’re SO FUN! La Taqueria also has the best veggie burrito ever :)


So happy to hear that you had a great day!!! The video looks like you had so much fun, I want to try those cars someday. Did your Mom try them with you too? The food looks delicious.


How fun! I’ve never heard of chocolate dipped macaroons… They sound heavenly! Enjoy your evening!


I absolutely loved that video!! I was smiling the whole time while watching! And the fooooooood. I’m so hungry right now :)

PS I ran my first half marathon yesterday! (Aramco Houston Half)


It’s so great to see you having a good time, Janae… even if part of that is Diet Coke induced ;)


What I wouldn’t give for that ice cream sundae. It looks AMAZING!


That tour looks like so much fun!!!!!


It looks like you had so much fun! San Fransisco looks beautiful…much better than the cold and snow!


What a fun trip! I really hope you had as much fun as it looks like you did. I love San Fransisco. So different from South Florida (where I live) so for me a trip to northern California is always ah-mazing!


I love this video! It’s good to see you having such a great time.

Also, my sister needs to learn from your sister….I would love it if she showed up with tons of cookies!

The weather in Colorado this weekend was beautiful but that California sunshine looks pretty hard to beat right now. It reminded me of running the Nike Women’s marathon a few years ago!


I’m sorry, I think I missed everything you said after the picture of the ice cream sundae……


It looks like you guys had a blast! I’ve never seen those little cars before but now I want to drive one!


Your trip looks like it was so much fun! I’m glad that you had such a good day :) I want to try one of those cars out so bad now ha, and all the food that you ate looked amazing!


I have my motorcycle license. Let’s do this!


Sooooooooo fun! One of my best vacations was a “staycation” with some exchange-ish type kids from Quebec. We did so many awesome touristy things around SF. We didn’t do that though (too many kids, not enough adults) — but now I neeeeed to do it!


looks like lots of fun! glad you got to enjoy your weekend!


I was in San Francisco this weekend too! First time ever and I loved it. I also went to La Taqueria:) great city!


You inspire me to handle the challenges with grace. Keep moving forward, it choked me up a little.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday too!


Love this! For some reason I thought Dean Karnazes said that quote … my brain today! ;)


Love the vid!! I seriously watched it like 10 times because it made me smile! You just have the most contagious laugh…love!!!


I would be terrified a real car would crash into me! It looks like a lot of fun though. and now I really want tacos, so thanks for that :)


This food looks uhhhh-mazing, you are gorg, and i’m so glad you got to play for a while!! I hope you didn’t see those one girls…you know who. I’d be too jealous.


PS. yolo


Totally creeptastic since I don’t know you in real life but it’s great to see you laugh and smile like that! I hope every day you find a reason to be that happy!

On another note, have you ever tried pure barre? I’ve taken five classes now and I think it’s pretty great (coming from a serious non-runner/no-cardio enthusiast)


Cracking up at the “YOLO”. Looks like such a fun time.


I pinky promise that I ready your blog daily.. but I was commenting bc I no longer can view SR’s blog.. so odd.. is it my computer or did she ditch the bloggy blog? I can’t believe that she would.. but is it even possible for it to exist and my computer not be able to view it.. #blogstalkerproblems #shweird #yesIknow #thesedontreallywork #canthelp #myself


Nope. She ditched. End of the year. End of SR.


Miss Janae, My mom’s family is from SF and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to SF and I’ve never done THAT. I just got back from there…now I want to do it. What a screamin’ good time. Though I may do it without the screamin’. ;) I don’t know…depends on my mood I guess. Thanks for sharing.


I just moved to the Napa area recently, and will DEFINITELY be making a trip down to SF to do this soon. :)


Those cars are awesome! We were going to do a tour like that when we were in Lisbon but of course since it was Monday they were closed!


awesome hearing you so HAPPY! wahoo =] and great mlk quote; thanks for sharing. xx


looks like an amazing time, I think you need one of those for sure!


Well now this just makes my want to go to San Fran even bigger!! And those tacos… omg yum!! I love the video. You guys are so much fun!


You guys look like you’re having the time of your lives!


What a fun day! You always have the BEST looking food! Now I want Mexican food…..and it’s not even 8 AM.


I want to go back to SF so bad now!


By the way, my name is spelled wrong in that last comment. Who spells their name wrong?


We are going to San Fran this summer. We are totally doing this!!!! :)


Ive visited SF 4 times and never knew that these existed!! Now Im so sad!


I used to live in San Francisco and always love reading people’s blogs about visits they make to this great city. Looks like you ad a great time!!


I’ve been to the city more times than I can count, and I have NEVER seen those cars before! How do I miss them???? They look SO fun! I’m glad you had an amazing time in California, even though it was probably hard. Your positive outlook on life never ceases to amaze me.


I have been a long time reader but don’t often comment. You can tell how happy and truly in-the-moment you are in these pictures. Good for you for enjoying yourself and making the most out of a hard time in your life! You deserve it!


I loved the video! It made me smile so much!! I am so glad you had such a great time!!

All of the food and dessert looked amazing!!


Looks like you ladies had such a blast! Good for you :) Love it!


THAT looks like the best little way to travel ever!!!!

& the best banana split EVER!!!


sounds like you had the best day ever! so happy for you :)

mmm love tacos!


This looks like SO much fun!


I just looked into this & now I canNOT stop thinking about it! I must go to San Fran PLUS all your food pictures make me drool… Your blog is the best food map for anyone traveling. Thanks! Hope you are enjoying your sunday!


Mmm! Tacos! Those look soo good!

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