My SIL heads back home today.  Boo.  Not okay.  Why can’t my entire family just buy a cul-de-sac somewhere and build houses on it so that we can all live next door to each other? 

We got in some quality time with her before she left.

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I keep saying that ‘THIS stage is my favorite and that Brooke can’t possibly get any cooler’ but then she does.  

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Dinner was a combination of shrimp burritos and a shrimp fajitas.  Rice, shrimp, green pepper, onions and tomatoes.  

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After Brookers went down I went to my friend’s work party.  

They have one of these on each floor of their office.  Free.  I would move my desk so that it was directly in front of the machine so that I wouldn’t even have to stand up to refill my diet coke.  I have a problem.

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And massage chairs?  I wouldn’t get a thing done.  

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I found out last night that I am still really good at playing Mancala.  I won 100% of the games that I played.

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How could a person just choose one?  You physically can’t.  So I didn’t.  

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A few hours later and my poor Brooker woke up sick.  It is breaking my heart.  We cuddled for a while until she fell back asleep.  Cross your fingers that she wakes up feeling better this morning. 

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No workout this morning…  Maybe later during a nap if she is feeling better but cuddling her if she wakes up early is much more important.


Last time you canceled a run?  What was your reason?

What is one of the biggest perks of your job?  

Last time you were sick?  What did you have?  

What’s for breakfast this morning?

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Feel better soon, Brooke!


When I worked on the college campus last year they had massage chairs and it was fabulous. I took my lunch break there nearly everyday. I honestly think it helped me recover quicker.

I canceled a few runs last week when I was sick. I probably could have run through it but it wasn’t worth it to me and I recovered much quicker.

When I went to the coke factory in Atlanta I drank like 10 cups of those mixed beverages. They are seriously awesome.


Biggest perk of my job… I am a teacher at a year round school so I don’t get a full summer off [which I prefer not to] but instead I get a few breaks throughout the year that are 2-3 weeks long. I mention this because today is day 1 of one of those breaks and I’m currently watching Ellen and snuggling with my new puppy instead of running at 5 a.m. and rushing to work. I’ll be running later before bodypump!

Have a great day snuggling :D


I loved year round school when my kids had it. It didn’t last long. The other parents voted it out. It interfered with their vacation plans to travel to the Bahamas. I never had that problem… ;)


Oh wow… that is too bad. I personally think it is beneficial for the students and the teachers.


Cori, I agree. The kids retain so much more information, when they are home for too long they just get bored and sedentary, I missed it quickly.


I cancelled a week of runs because I felt awful a few months ago. I’ve been sick on and off pretty much my entire pregnancy.

The biggest perk of my job is getting to work from home. It’s glorious. I don’t know what I’ll do if I have to change jobs ever.

I had a bowl of cereal and a fruit and yogurt smoothie for breakfast.


I hope Brooke feels better soon!!


Aw poor Brooke! Feel better!! I was sick in December with the flu, I spent several days in bed and felt crappy for at least 10 days even once I was moving again. No fun at all.

Biggest perk of being a PhD student is being home all day! I do all my research and writing at home so I can make my schedule however I need to be and can move runs around, take the dogs out when the weather is the nicest, etc :)


I hope Brook will get better. And yes she gets cooler and cooler because she has the best cheeks ever!


That would be crazy to have a coke machine at work, and for free!! I feel like I would develop a serious addiction.
Best perk of my job- yoga class at noon!
Hope brook feels better today.


Poor Brooke! Hope she gets to feeling better.

I don’t work, but at my husband’s office they have two giant pantries full of snacks, candy and drinks. It’s basically the candy aisle from costco. I’m jealous, but he seems indifferent!


Oh no! Poor Brooke! :( Hopefully she feel better soon.

Last time I cancelled a run it was for work which is a TERRIBLE reason to have to cancel. Boo!


The biggest perks of my job are family, freedom, and flexibility. I love working from home and that my hub does, too.

We work beautifully together and have the gift of raising our daughter with both of us home.

That means we take frequent trips to the beach, learn in the greenhouse, snuggle with video and book time, and make excellent meals.

It’s all possible because we have faith and are willing to make it work. Writer marries teacher-writer resulting in unique and beautiful stories and adventures aka life.


I’m super jealous of the free coke machines but it’s probably be dangerous because I’d drink 10 diet cokes a day!


This morning (like every morning this winter) I had oatmeal for breakfast. It’s just so easy and warm :) hope Brooke is feeling better!!


Free fountain dt.coke….I would seriously die and go to heaven….I NEED to get a job where your friend works


I feel the same way about my daughter every month I say wow this is the best time but it keeps getting better. Yay for awesome babies.
I’m a lawyer so the best perk is…um…yea…it’s that exciting I can’t decide ;)

I love breakfast. Best meal of the day! Homemade almond butter is my vice. Besides that. Today I had a egg and cheese burrito :)


The biggest perk of my job is free dental samples i.e toothpaste, floss and brushes:)
Umm, all those desserts…. I wouldn’t have been able to choose either!
Last time I was sick was the day AFTER Christmas! It was a really violent!
Feel better, little Brooke! xo


Egg white omelette, turkey, and fresh pineapple for breakfast! Perks of working at Starbucks? FREE COFFEE ;)


I get to bring my puppy into work when I want :) love that. OR work from home. We get catered lunch at least twice a week. Also I get a lot of fist bumps…we are just cool like that.

Breakfast this morning is muesli, almond milk, scoop and almond butter and blueberries


We just had the flu invade our home…not fun. Lots of cancelled runs.
Breakfast this morning was cookies and coffee…don’t judge…
Wishing Brooke a speedy recovery!


Poor baby! Hope she gets better super quick. Sending healthy vibes your way.
I canceled my run last Friday so that I could make a really yummy dinner for my mom when she got home from work (prime rib!). Plus I felt really wiped out from traveling- so it all worked out in the end.
Last time I was really sick was a couple of years ago- my husband was away on business, I got the flu and my basement flooded- I remember being feverish and trying to work the sump pump but it felt way to heavy and things kept falling. Finally a friend came over and sorted things out. It was tough!


I was sick all weekend with a. Head cold/ sinus infection ugh! Feel better brooker!


I hope she’s feeling better this morning! Poor baby!

We only have those drink machines at firehouse subs and I agree they are awesome! I haven’t seen mancala in years… Good for you for not just choosing one :-)


I used to love Mancala! I hate board games but always loved that one…I hope Brooke feels better soon.


I work in travel/tourism so I get great travel perks!

I hope Brooke feels better soon! I have a bit of a cold right now, its not fun and certainly makes running more difficult with my runny nose…sorry, probably TMI…


Oh dear, I hope Brooke is feeling better right away. I am just sure your heart was hurting for her.

The biggest perk of my job is seeing my husband happy. Hee hee I am a homemaker and while I know I cant “make” a person happy being the best homemaker I can does have an effect upon our home and this does effect my husband:)

Breakfast this morning was sausage and egg sandwich with a great cup of coffee.

Hope you have a good day.


Sad!! I hope Brooke feels better really soon! I haven’t been stay-in-bed sick for a really long time. (knock on wood)
Oatmeal is on the menu today!! Or maybe a breakfast burrito. Hmm…


I say the SAME thing about Hunter… “Oh this is definitely my favorite stage.” And then a month later, I say the same thing. Being a mom is the best. :)

Poor Brookers! I hope she feels better ASAP. I’m sure all of the cuddling will definitely help, so cuddle away.

Breakfast this morning was a piece of wheat toast topped with peanut butter, banana slices, a sprinkle of brown sugar, & chia seeds. Oh, and COFFEE! Duh.


Poor Brooke, hope she feels better fast. We have had a rough time with being sick this winter. Ahhh, all three of my kids get sick on a revolving schedule so I feel like I’m always taking care of someone. We just got over the flu and then the awful stomach bug. It’s really hard to explain to a two year old to throw up in a bucket! I didn’t have to cancel too many runs just move them around and run on the treadmill during nap times when they all were sick. Extra snuggles always speeds up recovery…


Just want you to know how great of a mom you are!


I hope Brooke is feeling better today!! Last time I cancelled a run was because I was sick. And last time I was sick was last August, it lasted a month. And I had a high fever about once a week, I just couldn’t shake that thing! Banana covered in almond butter honey mixture, and almonds on the side (I really like almonds haha).


Aww, hope brooke feels better soon! Also, seeing that mancala board brought back AWESOME memories- what a great game that was! I think my parents still have it somewhere in their house… gotta check that out next time I’m home!


Without a doubt, the biggest job perk I have are the summers off. Sometimes it’s the only thing that helps me stick with it!


Sick kids are the saddest thing ever! I hope she feels better this morning!

The last time I cancelled a run was today! I was supposed to do a run at lunch but now I have too many meetings and too much work to do. I hate when that happens – but I guess when you have a holiday followed by a snow day you get a bit behind on work!

Flexible work schedule is the biggest perk at my job. They are super flexible with hours and working from home and it makes it SO much easier to be a working mom. I commute over an hour each way to work and so two days a week I can work from home and that is glorious. Also, they have no problem if my son is sick and I need to use a sick day or if he has a doctor’s appointment I can just make up the hours later so I don’t have to use a sick day. The pay isn’t great because it’s a non-profit but it is a great place to work as a mom. I’ve also taken my son on every work trip so far – which is awesome.


I was sick over the weekend with a stomach bug. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad, and I recovered quickly!
Breakfast was a blueberry smoothie made with kefir, oats, almonds, chia seeds and frozen blueberries.


Brooke’s lips = amazing!
Um, I decided not to get up yesterday and to sleep in my nice cozy bed with the hubs.
The biggest perk of my job is summers off :)
Last time I was sick was a sinus infection, no fun. I only ended up taking one day off of working out though.
Breakfast is oatmeal with banana and blueberries


I hope she is feeling better today!!!
I would go crazy with Powerade Zero if they had those machines at my work!
Biggest perk of my job would be I get a 50% discount on all shoes and apparel. I work at a running store so I’m always spending money….
Breakfast was an egg sandwich (GF english muffin with laughing cow cheese), an orange and an apple.


Cuddling always wins out over running, and I’m saying this as someone who typically just cuddles with my warm fleece blanket and tv remote.


You are such an amazing mom and you show it in so many ways. Brookers is one lucky little lady;)


Awww poor Brooke! I hope she’s feeling better this morning! Last time I was sick I had what I think was the flu (high fever and general feeling of awfulness) last Christmas. I had to put off flying home because of it!


Feel better Brooke! I haven’t cancelled runs since last summer when I had the flu!

Poor BROOKE!!! Feel better soon!

Best perk of my job is all weekends/vacations/summers off…it makes it so much easier for LIFE PLANNING! :)


Oh no! Feel better soon, Brooke! :)
Also, those pop machines are the COOLEST. It blew my mind the first time I saw them in Taco Time!


Feel better Brooke!! It is so sad for a mom to see her little one sick :(


OH my goodness–one of those magical machines on every floor?! I think I wouldn’t have been able to give up my DC addiction. I’m so close to caving and having some again.

Hope Brooke is feeling better this morning. Hugs!


I hope Brooke feels better soon. My girls both woke up with runny noses and my oldest son has had a fever the past two days- I’m hoping to not pass it around the entire family. I am addicted to cinnamon roll quest bars for breakfast. With 4 kids, there is not time for much else for myself in the mornings! This is extremely random, but every time I hear the song “Ridin Solo” by Jason DeRulo, I think of you. Hopefully soon you will totally be rocking this song:)


Haha I love you in the massage chair with the diet coke. What a perfect day! I hope Brooke feels better!


Skipped my workout this morning


Shoot I had a whole lot more written and it didn’t post it haha! Bullet points: try the peach coke, it will change your life, and skipping my workout his morning ended up being pretty stellar.


Grain cereal for breakfast. Since I have my own practice, I can take off whenever I want which is nice on a beautiful day to go run or have an afternoon margarita.


I hope she feels better soon, poor little.


Feel better Brooke!!

Best perk of my job is free personal training sessions! Holler!

Enjoy your day cuddling with your little one :)


i LOVE mancala….. what a great and simple game! Hope Brooke feels better poor thing!


Awww I hope Brooke feels better soon :( Her little face is so sad. I can’t imagine having that drink machine for free – there would be NO way to break my diet soda addiction then!


Feel better soon Brooke! Annabelle has been sick for the past week and it SO SAD to see them upset. I hope Brooker woke up feeling better this morning.

Biggest job perk: lots of Federal holidays ;)


The biggest perk with my job is the flexibility. I get to set my own schedule with the exception of a couple short evening shifts a month. I can also do some work from home. This means I can be home to get my Girlie off the school bus without going to work before dawn :-)
Oh- not one of the questions but I’m with you on the whole “this is my favorite stage” thing. Every stage and year has gotten better. Right now 7 is my favorite age. Something tells me that’ll change with her next birthday!


I hope Brooke feels better!
A perk of my job is getting to work from home when the schools have snow days….which recently has been very frequently!


Hope Brookers is feeling better already. Snuggling is the best medicine. I cancelled my long run last week and my speed work this monday because my calf was bothering me.

I stay at home so the biggest perk of my job is that I never miss any milestones my daughter happens to cross. I don’t have to come home from work and hear how she did something for the first time and I missed it like I did when my son was little. It’s a sacrifice to not have my 55K salary but it something we were willing to live without in order to have this opportunity.

Last time I was sick I had a respiratory infection, not fun!!!
This morning I made fried tomatoes with egg scramble.


Awww, I hope Brooke feels better soon!
Does being hungover count as being ‘sick’? In that case, for me it was New Years Day ;-)


How do your friends have such cool places to work?! This one, the other one where yall go …I’m pretty sure there are not jobs like that in Texas! haha


Biggest perk of my job… hmm.. recently my boss gave us all a $200 budget to go buy whatever kind of office chair that we liked best. I sat in every single one the store offered and finally found the perfect one at the very end!

Hope that Brooke is feeling better this morning and that you two have a great day :)


I say that every new season with the Dude is my favourite…parenting does keep getting better!! Really hope Brooke is better today

I’M the one sick here! Not sick exactly but I completely lost my voice in 10 minutes!! I sound like Barry White today!!


I hope Brooke feels better soon!

I love that you are taking advantage of the office amenities in one photo haha!


Oooooo that Coke machine would get me in trouble…Mello Yello all day every day! Love that stuff even though it is horrible for your health.

I was sick for over two weeks around the holidays. It was horrible, and I’m scared I’m going to get it again because now everybody at work is passing it around! Oops. I hope Brooke is feeling better this morning!

I don’t get any work perks. Lame, right?!


I would die to have that coke machine in my office. That is like half the reason I love firehouse subs bc they have that machine! I got sick on xmas with an awful cold that lasted ten days. No fun! Oatmeal for bfast and I am alreadysnacking on an Apple.


Poor Brookers. Nothing is worse than your kids being sick. I always feel so helpless…..and tired ;) I canceled my run yesterday. When will this morning sickness and tiredness end? Actually I just got a call from the dr and my thyroid is off…again…2nd time already this pregnancy. So I am hoping the dosage change helps my energy levels some. But I WILL get my run on today.

Are those treats from The Chocolate? It looks like they are. And if they, indeed, are, then I hope you DIDN’T choose just one. But at least one of each!

Breakfast was oatmeal with strawberries, blueberries and coconut. Mmmmmm.

I had the flu 3 weeks ago. I don’t recommend getting the flu during your first trimester.

Side note: My friend built her house in a brand new neighborhood and has, since then, convinced 3 of our other really good friends to build their houses next to hers. And they live in a cul-de-sac. So ya. We call their neighborhood ‘the compound’ and tease them that they are all sister wives.


Eggs for breakfast.

Sorry Brooke is sick. Snuggling kids is the best reason to cancel a run.

I think i might have to make fajitas tonight. That looked delicious.


I hope she feels better soon! I hate when our little ones are sick and they can’t really tell us what’s wrong. :-(

My job right now is SAHM, so I guess my biggest perk is that I get to be home!

Last time I was sick was between thanksgiving and Xmas….has this awful cough that kept me up half the night.

Omg I love when we go out somewhere and they have those soda machines! I feel like I have to try at least 3-4 different varieties! On top of diet coke I like the different light lemonades (raspberry, strawberry, cherry) yum!


I canceled runs on Sunday and Monday because I was pretty sick. I’m glad to take days off to recover. It was just a quick cold, but I’m sure I would have made it much worse by running in the cold!

I hope Brooke feels better soon! I’m sure the snuggles will help. :)

I would only drink Diet Coke if there was a free fountain so close! Thank goodness my job doesn’t offer that!


I hope Brookers feels better soon…she probably needs some extra Elmo snuggle time…that always worked for my son.
I had to cancel a run a couple of weeks ago because I needed to get some work done. And speaking of work the biggest perk of my job is that I work from home (in my pajamas mostly, ha!).
I got sick the day after Christmas and it was horrible.
My breakfast is always either bagels and biscoff or, like this morning, star wars ship pancakes, (I had a tie fighter, it was delish).


awww poor brooke! i’ll cross my fingers that she’s feeling better today :)

i had a hard boiled egg and a bowl of blueberry oatmeal for breakfast this morning. i’m a nanny, so my biggest perk is getting to play with kids and go to the park a couple times a week. :)


That office is so awesome!!! Every ER should definitely have that.

I hope Brooke is feeling better!


I would DIE if I had one of those soda machines in my office. Seriously. Caffeine overload ;) I hope Brooke gets better quickly!!!


Those shrimp fajitas look amazing! At my old job, we worked SO much and there was a Starbucks across the street (well, there’s a Starbucks across every street in Chicago) and we basically drank Starbucks for free because the “higher-ups” had a card.


That’s awesome that they have that soda machine on each floor. I love that thing! I love that it has club soda and ginger ale. You can never find that in a soda machine!


My babies are 5 and 6 and every age has been my favorite, too. They just keep getting cooler.


Unfortunately most of the time my runs are at night after taking care of my daughters, husband and a full days work. I usually don’t cancel because I am tired since I learned a long time ago that I may be tired but once I pick up my feet the tiredness goes away. The last time I postponed a run was because I was going away for an overnight with my husband for his birthday. I didn’t run the day we traveled but the next day I was able to run on the beach which I never get to do. So it was worth the wait!


Poor Brooke, feel better soon! I had plain cheerios and a banana for breakfast this morning. And chai tea and water. Sometimes the simplest ones are the best!


Now I have a major craving for shrimp fajitas!!!

I hope Brooke feels better soon!!


Yumm those fajitas look so good! Hope Brooke feels better this morning!


:'( I hope brookers is feeling better!!


Hope Brooke is feeling better this morning!

I’ve canceled 2 runs this week – my body is banged up from falling on Tuesday morning’s run. I’m hoping to run tomorrow. My muscles will be well rested.

I got sick last September – right after I had my flu shot! Flu-like symptoms and laryngitis that lasted for a week.

Banana, toast, and coffee for breakfast today.


Take really good care of that sweet girl of yours! Too precious. Last time I cancelled a run was due to snow (earlier this month). I always feel like if something gets cancelled then maybe it wasn’t meant to happen (makes me feel less grumpy about changing my plans….which I am not very good at). Perks of my job = flex hours and working remotely (or going in…I have an office there, too!). I got a terrible sinus infection in 2012 just weeks before a big vacation. Thank goodness for strong antibiotics. Hope Brooke feels better soon. Hugs!


Oh no, poor Brooke, I hope she feels better ASAP, that is truly the worst!
MANCALA is the best game in the history if the world! It is insane the number of hours of my life I have spent playing that game!


Biggest perk of my job would be being around fitness all day long. I am a personal trainer/fitness coordinator at a fitness center. It makes it easy to schedule in workouts before/after work. Some days I do the average “moan and groan” about going to work and then I think “Wait! I have my dream job!”


First things first I hope Brooke is feeling better ASAP! And you are a fantastic mom. Second thing; that office is amazing! I am incredibly jealous. Especially of that coke machine. I have a diet coke problem as well and would be situated as close as possible t that thing.


I hope Brooke feels better quickly! Poor baby!

I have my own personal training business so my biggest perk is that I have a gym in my basement! I just added a spin bike and I love it!


Full of salient points. Don’t stop beenivilg or writing!


I hope Brooke feels better soon! You’re such a good, mama!

1. Last time I cancelled a run was because I win on vacation in Las Vegas! I regret that I didn’t get that training run in because it wouldb’ve been cool to run the strip, but my suitecase had no room left for gear! :)

2. I also get FREE fountain Diet Coke at work all day! One. Happy. Gal.

3. Last time I was sick I had an infection on my toe leftover from a marathon callus/blister thing.

4. Breakfast was an egg white scramble with spinach, mushrooms, turkey bacon and salsa. Plus, an Ambrosia apple with cinnamon!

What did you have for breakfast?


Poor Brooke! Sending her healthy vibes :)

That seems like an awesome place to work — I’m so jealous of your friend’s cool office!


Oh no! Feel better Brooke! I actually woke up with the most sore throat I ever remember having two night ago. I’m fine now but I was scared that it was gonna be bad! Breakfast this morning was overnight oats in a pb jar. I was eating them in the library and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy!


I’ve canceled 2 out of 4 of my runs so far this week. I am currently sick with bronchitis…so I can’t really run because I stop being able to breathe after 30 minutes. I had pumpkin walnut bread and a side of blackberries for breakfast while I worked on a tutu for a pirate costume. The usual..


Biggest perk of my job is probably the flexibility. Since my mom is also one of my bosses anytime one of the kiddos is sick it’s absolutely no problem to stay home or leave early to go and pick them up.

Hope Brookers feels better soon. My 3yo hasn’t been feeling so hot lately either.


I cancelled a run a few weeks ago because I was really really sick! I’m usually one to run through when I’m sick so I’m glad that I’m learning to listen to my body and take the time off that I need! My body recovered so much quicker than it would have it I tried to go out for a run that day!


The last time I canceled a run was earlier this week because I was sick with a cold and fever :/ One of the biggest perks of my job is the fact that I can work from home! Love it! For breakfast I had cereal, boring, but it filled me up :)


hmmmm. Last time I cancelled a run was this morning because of a sick kid. That’s not what I would’ve wanted to have in common. :( Hope Brooke is feeling better very soon.

Knock on wood, but I haven’t been sick in a very long time. Really hoping I don’t catch my daughter’s illness (fever, headache, tummy) as I’m running a marathon in less than two weeks.

I used to work for an ad agency where we got all the free stuff from our clients. We had vodka, wine, tea, soda, candy, cookies, and…prunes. Another agency I worked at had a huge popcorn maker, juke box, pool table, ping pong, and pinball machines. Plus beer and sodas.

Looking back on it, I’m surprised we didn’t all weigh about 200lbs.


Those coke machines!
Raspberry vanilla diet coke. End of story.


Well the biggest perk is that I work for an endurance sports company that has invented the worlds first wearable and non-invasive lactate threshold device. So I get to run and ride all the time FOR WORK! We are all active so we usually train together.

Breakfast was whole wheat peanut butter crackers sadly to say.

Lots of people in Houston going to be cancelling runs tomorrow with the snow/sleet/freezing rain that is coming our way


Oh jeez. I have cancelled a few races because I was sick. I wish I never had to do that, let alone cancelling runs. :/


Oh my goodness-I would love that machine too. A diet coke is pretty tasty once in a awhile ;)

poor Brooke–hope she is feeling better!!


Healthy wishes to Brooke!

I have a huge breakfast – green smoothie with chia seeds, 1/2 banana, 2 dates, parsley, carrots, protein powder. Quinoa flakes with Freedom Foods Tropicos on top. Half a tofu omelet.

Biggest perk of my job is it allows me to purchase nice things :)


Last time I cancelled a run was just before Christmas as I’d injured my chest during cross-fit and I could barely breath :( I guess that kind of counts for the last time I was ill… but not self-inflicted (i.e. injury) I honestly can’t remember.

The biggest perk of my job is free running shoes! I got a free pair of Brooks Adrenaline’s last week and I’m in love!!!


OH my lord that is the saddest face ever! Sending Brooke lots of healthy vibes!


I just saw these and thought of you.


8 miles at 8:43 is “easy running”? lol… I hope one day I feel the same way J!


hhaahha i always think that, too!!!


I hope little Miss Brooke feels better today. It is zero fun when your kiddo is sick. I cancelled my workout for today because my 3 year old woke me up at 2:30 with a fever and stuffed up. No preschool (or dentist appt) for her.
I was sick a few weeks ago, just a cold…nothing too bad.
I stay at home with my kids. I love being available to my kids at all times. I love being able to take care of my kids.
Breakfast was an oatmeal muffin, yummy and healthy. I make and freeze 2 dozen and then pull out a muffin and heat it up in the morning. Nothing like a hot breakfast in the winter, and it is pretty healthy (no oil or sugar, it uses unsweetened applesauce and banana).


I hope she doesn’t have a tummy bug :( Feel better Brooke!


Oh boo, feel better Brooke :)

That machine would be the death of me if it was at work. free. Yep.

Those desserts look a-mazing :D


Well, I work at a hospital and when a coworker their stapled hand this morning they had a short walk to the ER. Does that classify as a work perk. :)


My work perk getting to work with all the sweet kids I take care of :)


Omg, a FREE Coke Freestyle machine?!


oh my work has no perks like that, but there is a starbucks in the building, so I call that a win


biggest perk is TRAVEL!!! which brings me to my current breakfast in korea: green-tea latte! omg they are incredible. sweet and delicious :]

i have been battling a really sexy cough that makes me sound like i’m hacking up a lung at random times throughout the day. me-owww.

have a great day! heal fast, brookie :]

ps– uhhhh yes, ryan reynolds. omg… lucky blake lively!


…just wait until she turns 3. that’s either the best or worst year of your life. ;)


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