If I am grumpy this week it is because…

Brookers just left and will be gone until next Sunday.  I have never gone this long without her and the fact she will be in a different state as me (never happened before)… I can’t even think about it.  (PS once again, I am happy that she has a relationship with her dad because that is what is best for her but I am being selfish here for a minute okay:).  

I am going to miss her like crazy. 

IMG 6015

BUT to help me with my identity crisis I will:  Read books.  Go to every movie that is playing in the theaters.  Get my hair done (I borderline want to do something extremely drastic).  Eat out a lot.  Sleep in.  Maybe I’ll run my first 100 mile week.  I’ll probably write 8 blog posts a day (yes, you will get sick of me).  And I should just give my mom my debit card now to avoid any shopping binges.  

I’ll do my best to be resilient.   I can do hard things right? 

Tell me something funny/happy/awesome/good news… anything (I always read every single comment I ever get)!  

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Good news! Sharsti and I live so close to you! Let’s do dinner sometime this week! :) You’ve got this! xoxoxo


I finally wrote about my anxiety for the first time on my blog! and of course, about how running is the best cure :) big step for me!



Its the sucky stuff that makes us stronger. You are strong and you will survive.

Enjoy the me time you deserve it!

I’m going out to lunch tomorrow with a friend I haven’t seen in forever so yay!


I have a hard time believing you’ll be grumpy for long; you’re perpetually positive :) Much love to ya and here’s hoping the week flies by in the blink of an eye!


Thinking of you this week! Surround yourself with family and friends, stay busy, and get lots and lots of endorphins. That darling little one of yours will be back before you know it. I also find that freshly baked cookies help in situations like these. If we lived closer id bring you some! :-) I’ve had the flu all week and I’m finally feeling better- I swear a week goes by pretty darn fast… Spend next Saturday getting everything ready for Brooke’s return and really it’s just 6 sleeps to go!


That picture is so sweet <3 Ummm something happy? I'm pregnant, and my baby has been kicking like CRAZY lately!! :) It makes me extremely happy every single time. Can't get enough!

p.s. you CAN do hard things. You are so so strong <3 Hugs!!!



You CAN do hard things, and just think of the sweet reunion you and Brooke will have!

Here is something exciting/terrifying/awesome: I have committed to my first ever marathon, Rock n Roll San Diego!! I’m scared to death and so excited I can’t sleep all at once!

Happy new year!


You’ll be alright! Maybe just binge a little and go buy a season of New Girl. It’s hilarious!


:( but just think….. when she gets back, you’ll be SO rested, rejuvenated, and ready to (again) be the best Mom you can be. I’ll be thinking of you and looking forward to the extra blog posts!!


If I’m ever having a hard time I listen to this short you tube clip and it really really helps!

Advice from Elder Bushe.


You are the best. Seriously. Thank you so much!


2 things..I’m jealous of your eyelashes. Do you still do extensions? Also do you know release date for brooks pure clothing line? I’ve been stalking website since I saw on your post weeks back.


I will email them for the date and YES they are extensions. I am addicted.


We need to have a Utah County fro yo meet up!!!
Brooke’s face is so darling in that picture.


name the day and I will be there!


I totally second this idea! I just moved back from California and would love to meet you guys! I would also love to continue to feed my froyo addiction, so this idea is just good on every level.


Love you, strong girl. You can do this. Just keep busy, and the week will fly by.


will be thinking of you this week!!!!! (PS shopping binges just need to happen sometimes…:)). Hmmmm, something awesome? I sandwiched a spin class into my run this AM (ran, spin class, ran more) because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do and it was such an awesome way to start the day. xoxo


I have all of this week off too! Dreading it. I’m available for lifting, cafe rio and yogurt land days, although I prefer the latter two.


Been there too girlie!! My good news: I got to Skype with Kelsey in Ireland!!! It was good to see her sweet face and talk to her. She was so funny and seems really happy. I took a pict of her on Skype and put it on her blog if you want to check it out. Stay strong! You CAN do hard things. You rock!!


I just cut my hair from below the shoulders to a short crop (slightly longer than a pixie). I highly recommend it. It is easy to just push it back with a headband to run and it only takes ten minutes to go from wet to 100% dry and styled. Try it!!!!!!!


Aww :( Sorry you have to be without her :( But at least you can find some things to enjoy by yourself.


You are so incredibly strong!! You can do it…Just think how amazing it will be the moment you get to see again! & since you will be sleeping in..Sleep for me since my little guy doesn’t like to sleep these days haha & I’m zombie mom!!


Oh man… I’M going to have Brooke withdrawls!! Just focus on the happy things and remember we’re all here for you :) <3


I sat down next to an elderly lady on the DC metro today and she ended up telling me all about her grandchildren, road trips she and her husband took when they were younger, etc. It was so nice to make a friend on the metro, which is often pretty cold :)

I vote pixie cut too! I cut all my hair off a few years ago, and even though I decided I look better with long hair, short hair was so liberating and easy to style!


Should I fly out and we spend the rest of my Christmas vacation together?

I say play with your schedule each day to dial in the perfect routine for when she is gone. That way when the time comes again you’ll know just what you will do in her absence.

Love ya girl.



Love you!


I’m going to top 1200 miles for the year! I am going to run 5 Monday morning before my New Years trip to North Carolina, which will put me at 1202 for 2013!




Good news, Janae! There are so many people out here in the blogosphere who absolutely love you and you’re blog, and can’t wait to read each and every blog post! (me included!) You go, girl! You can do this!


Thank you so much Kayli… You are the BEST!


Aww, it’ll fly by before you know it! I love that picture of the two of you.

How about watching this adorable attempt at beat boxing? http://www.buzzfeed.com/erinchack/watch-this-one-year-old-beatbox-with-her-uncle


Thinking of you! Keep busy and think of how good it will be to see her again. I recommend plenty of chocolate and jammie days in front of the tv to help you! ;-) Something good/scary/exciting that has happened to me today is that I have arranged to go for coffee with a guy I have been talking too. Hopefully it goes well! :-)


My son first went out of state at age 3 for 11 days. It was traumatizing. But you will get through it, just like I did. And you will learn to appreciate the time with your daughter all the more. Hang in there. A


You will do just fine, even better…you’re strong, you’ve got your support network, and this will give you the chance to be alone, have time to yourself. You might find out that you like it a bit, and you can rest easy while having your alone time because you know that Brooke will be just fine…I can only assume that her father will take the utmost care of her and relish his time with her, so she will be a happy and safe child. You’re doing the right thing, and it will benefit all involved in the long run. You are a fantastic mother!

Go crazy on the hair if you want! It’s a great way to try something different, and if you don’t like it, it’s not permanent and it will give you an excuse to buy a cute hat. :)


Here’s something totally unrelated for you to think about…I got a food processor for Christmas and need some recipes to use it with! I’ve always ignored recipes that required one in the past, so now I’m scrambling. Any ideas??

I love your blog Janae. Happy New Year and cheers to a wonderful 2014 for you and Brooke!


One whole week! That sucks. But you are right, it’s the best thing for Brooke. You can just take your bad mood out on us, we’ll take it :) Give your debit card to your mom. I just got back from a bad mood binge shopping trip. I’m afraid to look in my bags though I did score some new Saucony shoes and SEVERAL things from the Under Armour store (outlet mall AND on sale). This will make you laugh I live in Cincinnati and one of my friends as talked several of us into doing a road trip to Punxsutawney, PA on groundhog day to ‘watch the groundhog do his thing’ I guess?? I’m not sure. I haven’t done a road trip like this (drive all night to get there then turn right around and drive back) since I was in college. I will need lots of diet coke!


Cute baby bulldog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej6A7euo2K8
I highly recommend watching cute puppy videos as a distraction. the week will be over before you know it :)


OK..I have been sitting here about 5 minutes trying to think of something funny or awesome to tell you to make you smile….and dang I haven’t come up with any thing??!!

So, instead I will just tell you we have 17 days until DISNEY!!!!! I guess that works for AWESOME!! ;-)


Hugs Janae, Troy just left Thursday and won’t be back until Sunday as well. Hang in there Hun! Love ya!! xoxo


My 3rd nephew was born yesterday morning and he’s totally adorable!

Also, I photographed a wedding yesterday and it was the first time I wasn’t there when my baby woke up in the morning (she’s 15 months). It was really difficult, so good luck with this week! Just find loooots of distractions! :)


Oh and I would hate for you to cut your beautiful hair, but no matter what you do with it it will still be beautiful.


I am always so amazed and inspired by your strength!
Make this and take it to every movie you go see this week!


You should check out “bleeding out” by imagine dragons, I know you love the band and it’s a good running song!!! Very catchy. Also, “something I need” by one republic:)

Hugs to you


You are such an inspiration and stronger than you may think. I wish I lived near you because I would love to meet up for a movie. Not a run, unless you want someone chasing you while huffing and puffing! :)


OHHH….been there. Its so hard, nothing is harder in the world, really, but its ok to be selfish. My daughter is 11, and I still struggle with being away from her. And she is in a different state also….its very tough, just hold on to the fact that she is loved and happy and being spoiled rotten and yes, she needs her dad also.

And after all that happy crap, go feel sorry for yourself because you are entitled to.

Good news….my IT band isn’t nearly as angry and I had anticipated it would be today after my run…..I went to the movies yesterday, and I don’t know about you, but I am over the abrupt ending to the second in movie in a trilogy….Catching Fire and The Hobbit…..I haven’t been to the movies in 5 years, and finally make it twice in a month….and have less then wonderful endings to both movies…..uhhhh.

Always remember….you are her constant….always.


You are amazing! My parents are going through a difficult but necessary divorce and things have been tough for me. Reading the positivity on your blog makes me realize i can get through this too. Praying for you, keep it up! You are tougher than this.


I am truly so sorry Ellen. I’ll be praying for you and your family!


thinking of you, Janae! Just walked in the door from a run (and immediately sat down to read your blog, yes even before stretching. whoops) and wanted to let ya know i kept repeating to myself “i can do hard things” while going up every hill! You have inspired so many people…Brooke is one VERY lucky little girl to have you.


Sending positive vibes! Stay busy!!!!


Good luck! You can do it!!! Something happy: I’m finally back up to 6 miles after a metatarsal injury!!!


You can do this! And just think of all the stories she’ll want to tell you as soon as she gets back, you two will be cuddled up for hours while she gets all those out!

I haven’t been to a movie in ages but try binge-watching a tv show you’d never try if you weren’t going crazy! You could easily get through a couple seasons in a week so pick something very un-Janae and watch it before/after your visits with friends to kill the downtime :)


Hi Janae,
You will get through this week. :) your strength (and speed) motivates me every day! I really enjoy reading your blog every morning over breakfast. Sending some love from Nova Scotia Canada :)


Janae, you will get through this! It won’t be long when suddenly you’ll be looking back on this time as a distant memory.

I currently have my family (parents and brother with his wife and two kids) staying with my husband and I. We rarely see each other cuz we live in different countries so it is wonderful to be together. It’s so worth it to keep relationships alive and make an effort to spend time together. Brooke will be so grateful when she’s older that she got to spend this previous time with her daddy!

Lots of love and happy thoughts xx


Try a bosu ball workout while she’s worth dad. It’s fun and I’ve been hooked on them these days.


We can do hard things! You got this girl! I wish I had happier news to share but I too am still struggling with a break up. Found out I got lied to and an ex girlfriend was involved and there’s a picture–ouch!

I love to read too–I read, The Storyteller, you might really like it.

Something sort of awesome: One of my girlfriends came over (she knew I was a wreck) and got me the cutest tank top that says, “Keep Calm and Run On.” I think you need that–it’s from Target.


I just want to give you a big hug and some ice cream right now.


Thank you! I need both of those things ASAP…


Just for the record, I think you are one heck of a mother and brooke is lucky to have you! Sending you lots of hugs and love


You can do hard things! You’re a runner! Also your eyelashes look fabulous in that photo.


You’ve got the idea! Keep busy and do things for yourself that you normally wouldn’t do. Take a long bath. Paint you nails AND toe nails. You get the idea. The best thing about today was I went on a run/walk with my best friend who recently had a baby. I’m on winter break and love the combo of running at different times and getting back into pjs. Hang in there. You do hard things like a champ!


Even during hard times you’re still positive…I love that about you! Youcan do this!!
I have a sweet newborn that I’m snuggling as I write! It doesn’t get much better!


My good-news-minute: we decided to move back to California next year. Northern California will be new to me, but I can drive to SLC to see my sister whenever I want so I’m thrilled! Pa has been way too far from my family.
Love you lots. Just think how much easier I can stalk you from now on:)


So let’s see… that’s seven days so let me give you seven days worth of thing to do:
Day 1: get your hair did
Day 2: get a pedicure [runners feet are ugly]
Day 3: go through your stuff and sort through what you should keep and what you should donate
Day 4: go to the movies
Day 5: do a blogger meet up in north carolina, I mean utah [sorry, I was being selfish]
Day 6: volunteer
Day 7: pick up brooke and eat chocolate chip pancakes :)

You got this…… just keep running and writing.


I apparently cannot spell or type on my phone. Blame the iPhone.


Thinking about you Janae! xox

GOOD NEWS: 1. My brand new treadmill arrives tomorrow and 2. I’m signing up for my 5th half-marathon! YAY


:-(. You can do hard things! We are here to distract you this week…come visit!

Annabelle learned how to high five and she got her first tooth this week. :-)

I just did a workout from the insanity DVDs and I am going to reward my self with pizza and chocolate. :-)


Sending positive vibes and virtual hugs your way. <3 You're a strong chick and I know you will get through it just fine. Focus on yourself this week and do something nice for yourself! You most certainly deserve it. :)


Definitely write 8 posts a day. I need something to read at work when I’m bored! Reading is also a great way to spend time. I know you saw the book thief… I just started reading it yesterday and hope to finish it soon and see the movie this week!

I did my own version of purging ex- related paraphernalia yesterday. I recently found out some stuff about my ex that led me to truly want to completely destroy every physical memory left so I sat and fed eight years of cards and pictures through the shredder! Now if only I could shred the part of my brain that reminds me that he exists, I would be great :)

Something happy to tell you… I want to tell you how happy I am with my life! For the first time at 24 I’m single and I love getting to know myself every day. To revel in the solitude. After graduating grad school I got a job at a childrens hospital which was a dream come true and I’m still thankful for it every day! I truly believe my life is only going to continue to get better. One thing I like to think about is although I thought I loved my ex, the man I’m meant to be with forever is out there still and that’s when I’ll find out what true love and happiness is! Wow I’m really going off the deep end here haha!

You are so beautiful and your life is only going to get better :)
Love the eye lashes. Retail therapy is always okay. I’m a huge j crew fan too so if our tastes are further similar you might want to check out the loft which has 50 percent off right now!

Relax this week. Get to know yourself a little better. Maybe exercise some independence and do the things you love alone. Froyo will taste just as good and a movie will be just as funny :)


I’m sorry you will be without your sweet little girl for a week, but you definitely have your readers to help you through. You are so strong and so wonderful…you’ll get through this week with no problem.

I’ve had the flu/recovering from the flu for over a week now and am going stir crazy! I haven’t been able to work out in over a week but the good news for you is that you don’t have the flu, so enjoy your runs and work outs. I will live vicariously through you.


You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!! The week will go quickly and you’ll have her back before ya know it. One good thing about today was that I gave blood. My crossfit box held a blood drive and my husband, mom and sister all joined me.


I was in Sports Authority a few weeks ago and a sales person asked me and my fiance:

“are you looking for something pacific” in which Cameron replied “no, we’re just ‘rousing.”

it made us laugh :)


I am a long time reader and haven’t posted until now. Your blog definitely got me through a tough time this fall when I ended up with a slipped disc from poor posture being a grad student a week before the marathon I was aiming to go 3:20-3:15. I was in the best shape of my life and had just run a solid 1:27 half marathon. I was told I could try to run but the sciatic pain was awful so I didn’t put myself through it. I was crushed. Also, my running was helping keep me same during my mom’s battle with cancer. The next week she passed away. I ended up really not taking care of myself. I ran less and ate more. You know what happens there.

However, I rebounded today and ran the Jacksonville Bank marathon in FL while visiting my grandparents. It was a sweltering 73 degrees and it poured off and on. Terrible weather for this Pennsylvannian who has lately been running in 19 degrees and snow. The happy ending to this story is that I ran 3h 31m and 40s; a BQ and a PR of a minute and a half!!


Also, it turns out it was an age group win!!


Great job!!!


I’m sorry you have to go through this. Treat yourself well, REALLY well, this week, and it’ll be over before you know it.


I can’t wait to see what you do with your hair! Enjoy your time with friends and family, and all the movies you get to see! It will be over before you know it. Do you have plans for New Year’s Eve?


ooooh Im thinking of cutting my hair, if you do it I will too :) You are such a good mama and baby girl will be back in a flash!


Hey, I never usually comment on the blogs that I read so lucky you!

Your post really hit a nerve as I have a lovely little boy who is also away with his dad until Saturday, it’s difficult because logically you understand that they need that relationship with the father but you miss them so much your heart aches.

I always remind myself about when he comes back and the HUGE smiles and cuddles that he gives me. Melts my heart.

We both find ourselves in difficult situations that can only make us stronger and better mums.

Much love your way (eat loads of chocolate and watch bad telly xx).


Janae, I have only recently discovered your blog but I look forward to each post you write. Even your “downer” posts have a positive spin on them and you look so genuinely happy in every picture you post! And as an only daughter of a single mom,I can attest that all of the following will be true :)


Chin up buttercup, bc this Texas girl thinks you’re a rock star!


Hey Janae! I just got back from a trip to Philly. Saw lots of Brooks running gear in REI and the running store there (Philadephia Runner). Made me think of you! I wanted to buy it all! I love reading your blog, so blog away this week! :)


You CAN do this!! I think you should add a massage and facial to your to list! Can’t hurt, and maybe you should buy yourself just 1 something pretty :) or buy something fun for you and The Brookers to do the minute she gets back! Whatever it takes! We are here for you!!


Aww so sorry you have to be apart for so long! I selfishly hope you write 8 posts a day because they’re always super entertaining :)


Ok, I am going to have Brooke withdrawals too. I love how you have so much grace and class through everything. We are here for you always.


Pamper yourself this week. Do things that you love and make you happy and think of how you can tell Brooke about your adventures when she gets home. You are strong and you can do this!

A good thing in my life is that for the second year in a row, I will run over 2000 miles! My body is not happy with me, but my mind and soul are!


Janae — you are much stronger than you think. You have so many friends and family around you (as well as us out here in the blogosphere:) so spend time with them and keep yourself busy. She will be back before you know it. And keep blogging – we all want to know how you are doing!


I will look forward to reading your 8 posts a day! Your blog is the best! She will be back before you know it and even though it will be tough it seems like you are always surrounded by amazing family and friends! Try to enjoy sleeping in a little and running more than usual. You can do this!!:)


These are so sweet! I love the one about the little boy’s arcade : )



2 good news shares–1) my Dad got to come home from the hospital and only has one more surgery to go before he is one the mend! 2) My kiddo only has 12 more days and he gets the cast on his leg/hip off! So excited for him to walk again. We are giving him a superhero party to celebrate.

P.S. When I am having a hard week, one of my favorite things to do (other than run and clean/organize) is to buy a new nail color and paint my nails a crazy color (fingers and toes!)


what is your eyelash secret?? genetics???


Fakeness;) I should do a post about getting extensions!


I would pay for that tutorial!!! Yours always look so good! HELP US!!!!


Please tell us your secret?!?


You’ll be so excited to see her in one short week! Keep yourself busy with lots of runs, ice cream, and pampering yourself! And 8 blogs a day sound like a fantastic idea :)

In case you need a “it could always be worse” situation….it was -50 below with the windchill last night here in ND….no running outside for this girl!


Ah just think what a wonderful SMILE you’ll get upon reuniting! I’m sure it doesn’t help but this hard stuff only makes us stronger, right?! I was going to recommend you to read from this column http://www.runnersworld.com/mile-markers-kristin-armstrong but something makes me think you already do. Hang in there :)


Oh I’m so sorry! That must be so hard but just keep yourself busy and remember that your reunion will be soon enough and very sweet! You’re a good mom and keeping your daughter as your number one priority. I have a VERY sick and cranky 16 month old if you’re interested ;-)


You seriously seem like the best mother ever! I know this will be tough but it’ll just make you that much happier when you get to see her again


Your eyelashes lashes look GORGEOUS in that picture! I’ll be praying for you this week! My hear hurts imagining you going through that. Look up the video “Ew with Jimmy Falon and Channing Tatum” on YouTube. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You said it yourself, you are doing this for Brookers. Not saying that it will eventually get easier but I promise that you will eventually know how to deal with the distance better.

And I’m just being a little selfish myself here thinking of all the days that we’ll go without a picture of Brook. This is hard for as too you know. Lol


Hang in there! Focus on some “me” time and enjoy doing some of the things you don’t have time for when you are focusing 100% on Brooke. You’ve got this!


Oh Janae, I know this is going to probably be one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) times of your life. I am here for you- AND you know, a WEEK in Florida may just be the trick to cheering up! You always have a place to stay, AND it’s in the 80’s all week, YES, we will be in the POOL in DECEMBER & JANUARY :D So come visit me & G! We love ya!


Baby #2 is officially scheduled to come on Tuesday. I am so nervous and excited. I feel like I don’t remember anything and am starting from scratch all over again. And I did great on the GRE! Good luck with out Brooke. I spent 2 weeks with out Rock when he was just a year old doing my exams in Mississippi… It was a wretched experience and such a great feeling to come home.


I love the idea of a drastic hair change! You’ll feel like a new woman! What style are you thinking?


I think a pedicure is a great idea- also maybe some new running gear?? That always cheers me up and you always “need it”.

Good news: The Bachelor comes back next week and me and the girls have a weekly night we get together, have food, and watch it!


Listen to this song over and over again. It is so true and so cathartic. I’ve cried my eyes out to this in many situations–when my parents got divorced, when my first boyfriend was an awful person, etc, and it has always made me feel so much better.


Life aint always beautiful
Sometimes it’s just plain hard
Life can knock you down, it can break your heart

Life aint always beautiful
You think you’re on your way
And it’s just a dead end road at the end of the day

But the struggles make you stronger
And the changes make you wise
And happiness has its own way of takin it’s sweet time


Blog blog blog…you will connect with all of us!


Also: a random thing that hopefully makes you smile. Tonight I cut onions with sunglasses on to avoid crying. I usually wear contacts and that usually, somehow, protects me from the dreaded onion cry, but today I was wearing my glasses and it was awful. So I put on sunglasses to have better surface area coverage (I think?). The result was…less crying, but still crying, me not having glasses/contacts on so squinting with a large knife in my hand, and the kitchen being a lot darker than it should have been.


You’re exactly right. Your contacts seal your eyes :)


My cutie 5 year old made his first basket in a game yesterday. His face was priceless.


You can do AMAZING things, Janae. Look at everything you’ve been through and overcome to this point — don’t ever sell yourself short :) Sending you tonnes of love <3


I’ve been meaning to clean out my purse since the last time you posted what was in yours. I finally did it today:-) I even posted pictures, including the giant pile of trash (receipts, gum wrappers etc) that was in there!


The Book Thief was SO good! So was Saving Mr. Banks and Catching Fire, but I think you may have seen those already? Saving Mr. Banks and The Book Thief have their sad moments but the sad moments make the good ones even sweeter. (I cried a bit.) The book for The Book Thief and Mockingjay are really good as well if you haven’t read those already. Good luck, you got this!


Something happy for me is this past Friday, I got to run for the first time in months after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was perfect and gave me hope that I can run again and get back to my old self.


I am sorry you have to go this week without your little girl. I know from reading your blog how much you adore her. I hope you manage to have a FABULOUS week anyway. If it were possible, I’d go running with you and tell you funny stories the whole way. But instead I shall tell you a funny story in this comment. It is about my dad- since Brooke is with her dad this week. :) My dad took this past Christmas as an opportunity to do magic tricks for me, my bother, and our spouses. (We’re all 28-31 years old, but he had fun treating us like his “kids”, cause hey, we are his kids!) He did tricks from our childhood and new ones he learned. They weren’t anything “special” but he just had fun whenever there was a lull in the convo or activities to whip out a new trick. Well his bday is in a few weeks and us “kids” decided we are going to put on a magic show for him for his present- just whatever funny tricks we can find on youtube! And then of course we will let him show us more of his tricks. :) When you are sad this week and missing Brooke, remember how lucky she will be to have have wonderful memories of a childhood with her father. (I know you know that already.) And hey, it’s okay to complain and be grumpy! Just make sure you have some fun too!! :) Hang in there girl.


Sending positive thoughts your way – You can do hard things, Janae!
Surrounding yourself with friends and family will help to pass the time.
Enjoy some “me” time while Brooke is away and maybe plan an extra special day/activity for when she returns! :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


Goodness I hope you blog 8 times a day! Yours is my absolute favorite. I get so excited to see it at the top of my Bloglovin’ page!

Just think about how incredible that adorable little smiley face is going to be when you see her again. And how much fun you’ll have snuggling her! I think you deserve to go on some shopping binges during this tough week! So, if my permission means anything then you should totally go for it :)

I know you’re a TV series girl already, but if you need a new show to get addicted to (cuz I always need one) try Brothers and Sisters :) I just finished watching it on Netflix (for the 3rd time since it first came out) and I cried while running (on a treadmill-probably part of the reason I was crying) because I finished the series. Netflix has all 5 seasons so that could take up a lotttt of time for ya ;-)

Hang in there!


You can do it! You are super strong. My parents divorced when I was 3 years old and I never really had a relationship w/ my dad (saw him 1-2x a yr), so I really do think it’s great that she is seeing him and having a relationship even though it’s hard on mama. Hang in there!! Also, how do you get your eyelashes so gorgeous!!!?? Love them! What mascara do you use? :)


You can do hard things! Your blog along with a few other runner’s blogs I read motivate me when I am too lazy to work out. This was my first 5 workout week in a long time, so thanks for the motivation!

P.S. It’s okay to have selfish thoughts sometimes.


You’ve got this; and just think how happy Brooke will be to see you in a week! She will make your heart melt! Also, when she grows up she will appreciate the sacrifices you made to help her have a relationship with her dad.


I just want to hug you, I know how hard it is…it’s amazing how strong we can be, especially when it’s for the sake of our children. We can do hard things :)


Girlfriend, call/text me…seriously! Let’s go out and get fro-yo or a Dirty Diet Coke or anything that your little heart desires. Hugs!


Can we please?!?


I have a funny Primary story! I teach the 4 year olds in Primary and our lesson one Sunday was about how God created animals and how we can take care of them by loving them, feeding them, taking them for walks, etc. So at the end we were reviewing and my co-teacher (she was teaching that Sunday) asked “what do we do with animals?”  One of our little girls raised her hand and said, “we collect them in zoos!” I busted up! Kids are so cute. 

Good luck this week! You’re surrounded by people that love you and will support you. Let them help you. :)


Good news for me is finally after a couple of years living with my boyfriend I finally got my own dressers (not plastic ones) and we got a new bed. Feels like a new place and more like ours not just moving into his place.

You can make it through the week! Run and keep busy with your family and friends! You will be together again!


You are so sweet and tough! I know this week will be hard, but you’ve been so amazingly strong that I think you can take this step, too. I recommend taking on a big project this week: like painting a picture that will take several days, sewing a dress (or pants – harder, ha!), cramming for and taking an online test, refinishing furniture, finding a volunteer opportunity and participating, etc. Get your mind busy with a lot of work!
Let’s see – do I have a funny story for you? Well, I can steal one from my friend! She just moved and is trying to furnish her house, and was looking for a bedroom set. She posted a picture on Facebook of a dresser for sale. It was titled, “Chester Draws”!


Don’t hide your credit card too far because there are lots of post Xmas sale shopping to be done. Make a list of the things that you want to do for YOU. Spend a little time by yourself and continue to enjoy your family and friends!


Arts and crafts! I’m turning into a little Martha Stewart (weirdly enough- I’ve never been like this before!) and actually making a ton of things I’ve pinned on Pinterest. It’s actually a fun challenge! :) I know you’ll get through this week!


Hmmm something funny… I was at a party last night and lost my phone, but I knew WHERE I lost it but it was too dark to find it and too loud to hear the ring. So I went back today to retrieve it and was on my hands and knees rummaging through a big pile of leaves and dirt for about 10 minutes until I found it :) I fail at phones.

You’ll do great this week!! Stay busy like you have been and it’ll be Sunday in no time!


You CAN do hard things, and even tho it’s not what you ever planned , both you & Ms Brooke will become even better people from the experience ( which, you already know). So that said, it’s okay to be grumpy from these circumstances. God works in such mysterious ways. Sending you love, and comfort – and wishes for lots of family & friends for support – in the upcoming week. Run, Janae, run!


I cant imagine how hard this will be, but it’s great that you know it’s good for her and can admit that. Some people in your situation would handle it much differently. That just says a lot about who you are as a person, and how strong you are–Brooke is lucky to have a mom like that.

Hmm…what can I tell you… I’m doing a polar bear plunge on New years day! Nothing like a giant lake to be your ice bath!


One day at a time! Be selfish, have a pity party, then get moving!! You can do this! Brookers does need her daddy. You know how much you love yours. Be strong and eat fro yo early and often.


I think your plan to stay busy is great. It will seem like forever at first, but before you know it your little one will be back in your arms!


you will be able to get through this week, janae! you are SO strong! i know you’re going to miss brooke like crazy (i’m even going to miss seeing her cute face on the blog!), but she’ll be back before you know it… just run lots of miles and eat TONS of froyo to distract yourself ;) xo


I wish we could go to lunch this week but my husband leaves soon so we have a crazy week. I still would love to get together while I’m here though (I leave a little after him). I hope the week goes fast for you! I would have a hard time with that too. You can totally be self fish :).


You can do this! You can do hard things – I know it!

100 mile week that is AWESOME! I have learned my body really isn’t made for that but I wish it was! Enjoy and I hope you have an awesome week :) Think of how amazing it will be when you are reunited!


It’s not fair, and I’m sorry this all happened to you. I’ll hug my littles a little harder this week.


Do you ever make New Years Resolutions? That’s something you could do to pass the time. Think up some resolutions for the new year! :)


Janae, you are amazing and beautiful and STRONG. This week will fly by!
I have to work most of the week (except for Wednesday), and I’ll be spending my free time trying to get my house in order after Christmas!


Yes, you can do hard things! You should cut your hair and do Locks for Love. I did that about 3 months ago (byebye 9 inches of hair) and that will 100% put you in a good mood. :-) Can’t wait to read all of your posts this week!


I’m calling you and we are doing lunch!!


Something exciting that happened for me was that I made my running goal for the year – to run 2,013+ miles! As of today I’m at 2,027! YAY! I went and saw The Hobbit and Anchorman 2 last night with friends. I haven’t done a back to back movie in a while but we all stayed awake so it was a total success. Good luck this week!


I for one look forward to your insane amount of posts this week – they make sitting at work SOOOO much better haha. You will do great this week, you have such a great support system :)) I will be praying for you to get through it.

I signed up for my first 25k race so that’s my happy thing! Training is going so-so, running in snow is not as easy as pavement but it will get better I’m sure.

Have a great week & stay strong!!!! Lots of love <3


Yay you for supporting Brooke’s relationship with her dad! Don’t forget to remind yourself that you’re a great mom, whenever you need the reminder this week.


It will be a crazy week for you but you totally got this!

I’m starting marathon training this week for the KY Derby Marathon that’s in April. A little nervous since my last marathon attempt was a DNF. You should come out and run the marathon too. You can visit your brother and me. Just a thought…

Hugs and positive thoughts this week for you.


You should take Bikram yoga. It will warm you up from the bitter cold outside – and it will honestly take your mind off of things for at least 90 minutes. Maybe it’s the heat and humidity, but there’s something about bikram that helps me be “one” with myself and not think of anything else going on outside the studio. It’s a different challenge than running, and I think it complements running well. The first class will suck – but it’s addicting :)

You should try to do mini vacations while Brooke is with Billy. Maybe come out east to visit all your favorite bloggers! We can definitely keep your mind off of things. And if you’re in the Philly area, I will drive up from virginia so I can treat you with cupcakes from my college roommates store–she did win cupcake wars so they are pretty darn good :)


Stay strong and positive as you always are, we’re all rooting for you!!


You’ll make it through! You have an awesome support group behind you so lean on them to push you forward to your reunion with Brookers! So frustrating that the right things to do can also be the hardest.


I think I am going to go on my own to Europe this summer. I don’t have a husband or boyfriend or even a BFF that can go… but I am sick of waiting. I am going on my own. Teaching high school is exhausting–so at least I can get my mind planning for summer.

Maybe you can plan a summer trip or spring-break trip to get your mind set on ‘planning’ something joyful.


I’ve never commented before, but I’ve been reading for years and I just wanted to chime in and share something happy to help you get through your tough week. I’m at my parents house sitting by the still-lit Christmas tree, eating sugar cookies and snuggling with their puppy. It’s pretty awesome, and I recommend trying any variation over the next week. Hugs!


You can do this girl! It will make you a stronger woman and you have an amazing family to stand behind you not to mention all your readers including myself! Praying that your week goes by super fast!


So I have kind of a funny story.
I recently went to the DC/Northern Virginia area for the first time to visit my best friend. We were in the car heading from the Amtrak station to her apartment and all of the sudden I spotted my first ever Cafe Rio. I literally screamed at the top of my lungs, “OH MY GOSH, that is Hungry Runner Girl’s place!” Once her and her husband stopped looking at me like I was a weirdo, I told them the story and we stopped there to eat. You were so right, the pork salad is amazing! Now I am sort of mad at you for introducing me to the deliciousness since I am back in Indiana and there isn’t a Cafe Rio within like 2000 miles :)


I wish I wish I lived in Utah. If did, I would give you seven REALLY TIGHT hugs, and take you out for Seven runs, one each day. (Also-only one REALLY TIGHT hug a day too)
You got this. It ain’t easy, for sure. But you have all of your amazing followers… your friends who will bring you to seven movies, seven (Hundred?!) dirTy diet cokes, and seven movies. Just keep yourself busy. That is the key.

I also secretly hope you hit that 100 mile running week…it would be pretty amazing to read about!

We are all here for you…if you want to write TEN posts a day, I will happily read them ALL.

Big, fat, REALLY TIGHT HUGS!!!!! Xoxo!!


I’m running the Boston Marathon as a member of the Dana Farber Marathon team, which involved fundraising of $4,000. With the help of some amazing friends, yesterday I met that goal. Now I can just worry about training.


I would not complain if u posted 8 times a day.

You can do this Janae. Just think, your reunion with Ms.Brooke will be so amazing!


That is tough but you deserve some time to yourself. I am always sad when my son goes to his dads but it’s so nice to have time to myself. Enjoy it and before you know it your baby will be back in your arms!


Hi. I am an avid reader for a long time. Friends with Rachelle, I’m a long time runner, and I live in Utah Just wanted to tell you to keep busy and moving forward. I know you will miss your little girl. But keep busy and positive. I am a big believer in mindset. Just make up your mind that you will be positive and keep busy and things will go so much better. I know it.

I love to read all of your ramblings. I think we all do! Why is it that Women love this stuff? idk, but I know we all do! Keep pumping out your posts because they are fun to read and they keep others motivated. Hope you realize your influence for good. :)


Ugh so sorry janae:( I’m here to help distract you this week! We should go do our nails or something fun:)


Hang in there! We are here to support you! :)


Alright I just had the best sandwich and I am going to tell you a out it because eating it WILL brighten your day. It’s called a Monte Cristo and it is basically French toast for the bread, piled with turkey and ham and drenched in a layer of gooey Swiss. The combinations of sweet and savory plus the textures of the crispy toast with the meat and cheese make for perfection. Highly recommended!

If it makes you feel any better, I have been stuck in bed the past week due to some flu or bronchitis, and I have barely had the energy to shower. Imagine not being able to run for 8 days! That is where I am at. Really hoping my throat gives me some reprieve so that I can actually sleep tonight, and also hoping to be able to get up and MOVE in a day or two. So get out there and cover some miles for me!


I have a 2 1/2 old that needs potty training…I could send her your way for the week. That would keep you busy and distracted! All that reading, movie, running time. Try and enjoy it!


You can do hard things!! A hair change is always fun!! Good luck with that. It will look great no matter what you do to it :)


I hope 8 posts come our way:)

I’ve been having an itch to do something drastic and different with my hair too. This winter blah-ness is leaving my mane really life-less. Is ombre hair acceptable in the winter? You’d look really great with caramel-y honey ombre and angles I think :)
The best way to avoid feeling sad is to take time for yourself and reflect deeply, therefore I think reading is a fabulous idea. Self-improvment, life advice books got my through a heavy break-up once and I’ve felt new and improved since reading it. “Paramahansa Yogananda”- check ‘er out Janae:)


You have such a strong support system around you, you will be fine :)
Tomorrow I’m using all my birthday coupons places have sent me. I’m getting a free donut, pretzel, lunch, ice cream, and noodle bowl. A few of them are BOGO, but since I have my daughter with me it’ll work out just fine.
I’m also picking up my race packet for my run on New Year’s day. I’m having a little anxiety because it’s the first race I have ran by myself.


Do something different with your hair!! Time for a change! And it’s not permanent – just sounds like it’s time for a new you!

Also – maybe for these 7 days – you should do something different every day – distraction is key!


You can absolutely do hard things! I am sending you positive vibes all week. I’m assuming she will be in the same state as me, so I can keep an eye out. ;-) Your plans sound amazing!


I can not imagine what you are going through. I really can’t. I’m sure you will get through each day and come out stronger for it, but I hope you will take really good care of yourself in the meantime. I don’t know if there is anything you can do to make weeks like this easier on yourself, I think you might just have to survive it. Distraction is your friend in the meantime.

I told my husband this morning that I think for me, 2013 was the year of things that had to happen but weren’t necessarily fun or happy. What you are going through is much, much harder, but hopefully 2014 will bring us both happier and easier times.

Also, if you do 8 posts a day, I will happily read them all.


I read your blog more than any other because you are quick, honest an positive! You rock an awesome pace, you have an awesome network and you are an awesome mama! How’s that for awesome?
But seriously, I went through an almost divorce the summer of 2012, we called it off before it was final –> total miracle of God. I am in awe of your spirit. I went down a dark road fast. Our Pastor said today, you wake up and look in the mirror and that is your biggest obstacle of the day. I would say by all of the love and support you get on here, you should feel pretty good! <3
Good news, training for my first marathon in February. (Cowtown Ft Worth, Texas) I am crazy excited and terrified. I spend too many hours a day reading how to not screw it up!

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