Workouts for the week and some random pictures.

Have I mentioned to you how much I love using my spin bike while my sister is next to me on my treadmill?  Talk about quality time together.  

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Workouts from 11/11-11/16  aka the week I spent trying to recover from running Ragnar.

Monday:  Pump class.  

Tuesday:  7 slow miles with Rachelle in the morning and a Zumba class at night!

Wednesday:  Spin class in the morning (so good to be back to spinning.  If you haven’t tried a spin class yet, you should) and a yoga class in the afternoon.

Thursday:  Pump class.

Friday:  7 miles at an average pace of 8:15

Saturday:  10 miles outside.  No clue on how long it took us.


Brooke had braided pigtails yesterday and it was adorable.  If you are wondering how I do her hair… She just sits in the sink and talks to herself in the mirror as I attempt to do her hair in less than 30 seconds (the length of time she is happy to just sit there).

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Too cool for school.

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Brooke is sure liking the snow.

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I drive by this flag after my morning runs and it always makes me happy.

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I like:

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And the winner of the UTAH RUN GIVEAWAY:

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What was your favorite workout from last week?  Least favorite?  What workout are you looking forward to for this week?

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did a great spin workout this morning – by far my favorite! it’s always good to mix things up!


My favorite workout from the week was today’s 10 miler! Most I’ve done thus far holler. And I miss spin so bad!I have no gym membership, however I DO have my own bike. But it’s just not the same as being in a very small room with other sweaty peeople being yelled at by an instructor. Seriously I loved that. Hope you have a great week HRG!


Hi Janae! I just commented on your last post but maybe you have moved on to reading these comments :) Anyway, have you read the article from the WSJ about runners? Would love to hear what you think! I linked to that one and also some hilarious counterarguments from and Runner’s World.

Happy Sunday!


I am looking forward to switching it up and hitting up the indoor pool for some laps!


What are good pool work outs for runners who haven’t swimmer much?


My favorite workout was yesterday! I only had 20 minutes, so I did a very quick & very sweaty cardio/strength circuit workout — nothing like a butt kicking workout in only 20 minutes! :)

Have a great night!


I am totally taking all my runs really easy after my marathons :). We got to go on a hike yesterday in some mountains in Maryland….it was awesome!!!


I have been LOVING my spin bike lately, too!!! I can ride while watching my shows :) Win-win.



How do you keep Brooke from turning the water on???

I had a favorite run last week – 5am in the dark and cold…I felt pretty hard core. I like running before most of the world is awake.


Where is your awesome headband from?!


Hey! It is from lulu!


Brooke is so darn cute! And baby braids are just the icing on top. I’m pretty sure her hair is longer than my 2 yr olds hair!


Brooke’s braids are too cute!


I am loving my Centergy classes which are a combination of yoga and pilates. It feels so wonderful! I don’t have a least favorite. I only do workouts that I truly enjoy!


My favorite workout is my only workout right now as I let some inflammation heal up before a turkey trot: upper body and core. I figure I’ll take the next week and some odd days to do that and let my leg get ready to grind out the turkey trot (I have my first ever seeded bib, amazing!!).

I am trying out TRX this week, hope it’s fun! Going with a friend so it should automatically be fun, right?

Love the picture of you and Brooke in the snow! What a lucky girl to have snow at the holidays!


My favorite workout this week was a 3.5 mile run around DC on Wednesday. It wasn’t the fastest or longest run but I felt amazing!

This week I am looking forward to getting back into some weights w/balance and stabilization.


I ran my first half yesterday! Thunder Road in Charlotte NC. Looking forward to taking a few rest days, then getting back at it! I already have another on the books in a month!


I think we need a front photo of Brooke’s hair in pigtail braids!
My favourite workout from this week was definitely this morning’s cross country ski. It was only my husband and me on the trails after a big dump of snow. So peaceful!


Hi! This is unrelated to this post but wanted to tell you that I made the chicken cream cheese chili today and can’t stop thinking about how good it was! I made it for my mom and she raved about it. I saved the recipie and know it will be used again soon! Thanks for sharing!!


That makes me so happy! It is seriously the best!


I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s workout! Instead of getting up super early to strength train at the gym, I am letting my muscles recover (they need it!). Instead, I’ll sleep in just a little longer, do a short run, and then 20 min. of plyos in my front yard. I hope it’s not too cold tomorrow morning!


I’ve been doing running this week! My best workout this week was Thursday- I did 7 miles and it just felt great!! :)


Favourite workout of the last week? Hmm…I took an awesome circuit class yesterday! But on Friday I went to a step class where I only lasted ten minutes – it was really, really bad!


I’m looking forward to yoga class tomorrow night. Love! And every run that I can do is always a good run.


Favorite work out for me is running


Most certainly my long run! 8.6 miles outdoors enjoying the beautiful South Florida weather this week. Slowly getting ready for my 1/2 marathon in February.
P.s. Those pigtails are ADORABLE!!!


Hey Girl….I just had my FIRST Pilates Reformer class this morning….as much as I love my body pump classes each week I absolutely LOVED this class. (Too bad you have to pay extra for them at the Y….but, so glad I get 50% off since I am an employee!)


This is a super weird request, but next time you talk about spinning you should put a picture of it- I feel like my seat is never at the right spot.


My favorite run last week was my tempo run…I hit my paces right on target. This upcoming week I am looking forward to running a half marathon on Saturday!


Favorite workout this week is a tie between restorative yoga (yesterday) and today’s easy 8 miles (your easy pace is my fast pace lol) in the bright but cold sunshine. I definitely think I need some spin in my life. How to fit it into the schedule though…


Seeing the American flag always makes me happy too.

I used the same technique for doing my girls hair too but with one addition, I always gave them something to play with (like their toothbrush or a clip) and that kept them pretty happy. Brooke has so much hair. Its awesome :)

Favorite workout was my 8 mile run, when it was over. Least favorite was jillians hard body dvd only cuz my lower back always burns the next day and not in a good way.
Im looking forward to my next run.


I am looking forward to my barre class tomorrow. It is my last one before my series expires so I plan on really pushing and making it count :)


My trainer gave me some lifts to do for thighs and glutes. Sumo squats with a 65 lb. dumbbell. I got sore. Most of the time I try not to get sore, so it was good.


Soooo yesterday I went out for my long run (8 miles) and ended up running a half marathon. Oopsies ;) Only the third one in my life. I was kind of on a running high :) the weird part is that I wasn’t ONE BIT sore today!


favorite workout is babysitting :)!


My favorite was a run yesterday and least favorite was the elliptical I did. Just wasn’t feeling it haha Love the snow and Brooke’s pigtails :)


No fav run last week :-( it will be Tuesdays run… I’m looking forward to 50 degree weather and a long run!!!
I agree, a front pic of Brooke’s hair is needed! She’s so cute!


Even though it is going to sound like the most pitiful workout EVER this week I was able to do about 20 seconds of shuffling on a grass soccer field. I am coming back from injury so this is the very first step in a long process but I am so excited!!


Holy woman your workout week is insane. I’m insanely jealous. How do u manage to go to two classes a day? That baffles my mind :). I do not have enough babysitters to accomplish that lol.
We have so much snow here we get huge dumps every weekend it seems and the sidewalks are always brutal so my runs have suffered this past week. But I bought some warm running gear so I’m ready to hit the pavement this week.


I go when Brooke is asleep! My mom is home and I she has the monitor when I am gone! It works out great because I don’t miss out on any of Brooke’s awake time!


I love Annie’s snacks! I buy them for my son and then end up eating them.

I’m looking forward to a long run tomorrow, and perhaps a barre class. I bought a groupon for 5 barre classes, and I need to get using them.


Love the pigtails! my favorite workout was 6 miles with a friend least favorite was 8 yesterday because of the mountain I had to run up.


I tried a spin class for the first time last Monday… I was only able to run yesterday from the amount of muscle pain I had for the week after. Never again -_-


Brooke’s hair is always so adorable. I’m impressed it only takes you 30 seconds to do it!


MY favourite workout last week was Wednesday because it’s the only one I got in! I was/am sick so I haven’t been able to do much other than lay around on the couch. I have a gym bag packed for today but am not feeling too optimistic it’s going to happen for me.


My Virtual half marathon.. no race pressure and nice and easy for my long run of the week.

Looking forward to running outside again on the weekends. It goes by so much faster then running indoors at the gym.


what pants are you wearing in the picture with brooke in the snow?!


Can you link your running pants in the pic above? I LOVE them! My favorite workout from last week was a running circuit I created, it was awesome. My least favorite…well, honestly, I didn’t have a bad workout last week…which means I am sure one will come up soon :) I am looking forward to some hot yoga on Wednesday! Have a great week!


I have been doing a new (to me) workout lately. It starts with 45 minutes of spin, and finishes with 45 minutes of pilates. Kicks. My. Butt. Which is just how I like it.


I forgot how much I love spin…I used to teach but I did it for the first time in a year last week! That’s HARD! I was like, this is harder than running! :)


I was visiting a friend in Denver this weekend, so yesterday we did a trail run UP a mountain. 35 minutes of up and then 25 minutes back down the other side. I don’t get those kinds of workouts in Chicago!


My least favorite workout this week was actually not having time to get to the gym.
And next week “working out” will be moving out of our third story apt. The down the stairs will be easy…it will be coming back up for more stuff that will really work it ;)

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Brooke’s hair is always so cute!


My favorite work out was DEFINITELY my run through my old neighborhood in Chicago. Made me really miss home but with all the good memories the run FLEW by.


I would love to hear about how/when you got certified to spin! Its on my to do list for this winter. I love spin, but I dont know why I am intimidated about the playlists…I am not one to play around on the computer after a long day/week at work………


I’m looking forward to doing my first double digit run since I took some time off!! It’ll be great!

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