Yesterday: 5 miles with Josse followed by 2 on my treadmill.  It was light out when we ran.  It was quite the treat to be able to see more than 3 feet ahead of us while we were running.  

My right quad has been feeling a little iffy after I finished Ragnar last weekend so I am staying on top of it and doing whatever it takes to prevent it getting worse.  After my run I went and had a sports massage and scraping (I’ll explain more about what that is next week…  just know that it is beyond painful but super beneficial) from Josse.

Brooke was very worried about me during this process and insisted being on the table with me.

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This is Brooke trying to protect me from pain:

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We were lucky enough to get to have Curly with us for a little while = celebrate with chocolate sprinkled donuts.

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I think Brooke may be getting sick of me constantly taking her picture.

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Lunch time rolled around and Megan had coupons for us to get salads for ONE DOLLAR.  One dollar.  100 pennies for a grilled chicken/rice/cheese/pico salad.  She even paid for my salad, she takes real good care of me.

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After lunch, Brooke and I went over to Paige’s house because I hadn’t seen her in 36 hours which is just not acceptable.  It was a rainy day yesterday so she made us her famous chicken noodle soup (recipe to come soon) for dinner.  She even made the noodles from scratch.  My favorite part of the soup is that you start off the bowl with homemade mashed potatoes and then you pour the soup on top of that deliciousness.  I will never be able to eat chicken noodle soup without mashed potatoes now.  

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These two enjoyed their romantic dinner by candlelight.  

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Finished off the night with watching Modern Family at my sister’s house.   


Ever had a sports massage?

Favorite type of soup?

Weekend run or race?  Tell me about it!

Best part about your Friday night?!

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MMMM. All I see are the donuts. I swear those are my favorite desserts. Too many bloggers like froyo but donuts (especially warm) are where it’s at. Anyways-

Sorry to hear about your quad. I prefer deep tissue massages myself and they have worked wonders for some minor injuries to prevent them from becoming major. When I had my cyst last year (combined with a cortisone shot) it really broke it up so I didn’t have to get my plantar fasica cut open. My knee issue (also had a tight quad) was broken up with a deep tissue massage…anyways long story short it’s certainly an expensive I’m willing to pay.


Oh man, Brooke and her pigtails are too cute! Hope your leg feels better soon!

Happy Saturday!


I hope everything feels better soon!

I’ve had ART before and he used the scraping technique and I was so bruised! But it def helped.

I ran 11 miles yesterday and had lots of pizza and ice cream last night.

Have a great Saturday!


I’ve never had a sports massage but it sounds great!


I’ve never had a sports massage – just regular ol’ swedish massages. I had one yesterday and she worked on my shoulder which has always been problematic (apparently my spine is curved too – yay!?). Hurt so bad at one point! But today it feels really good :-)

My fave kind of soup is butternut squash!


I’ve never had a sportmassage. I’m going to try the foamroller, because my muscles feel really sore today. Mably I should try a sportmassage.


I have had a sports massage and it hurts so good.
No race this weekend but I do have a half marathon next weekend and the weekend after that and then 2 weeks after that…..see the need for sports massage, LOL


I’m a sucker for black bean or potato soup which makes me think I should make potato soup when we get back from Thanksgiving travels.

Friday night’s highlight was sleep. I’d been up since 3 am, so when the little lady crashed at 730, I was right behind her… at 8!


Yes, Graston is the only thing that made my achilles stop popping. Most painful experience of my entire life, but it worked :)
No race this weekend or the near future; but I’m running 9 today. I’m trying to get back to a consistent training schedule.


Favorite soup: split pea soup with some Tabasco sauce (I first tried it at Mimi’s Cafe when I worked there).
And I’m off to a slow, easy run with my running group!


Those little pigtails are adorable! Last night my roommate was knitting and I caught up on old episodes of The Voice while everyone else in town was at the Justin Timberlake concert. They won :)


My son is two and has started to flip out on me when I take his picture. He actually says “stop taking my picture! ” Sad day :( Now I just have to be a ninja about it.


OOH I want the recipe for the noodles!


Hope the quad is okay! I want to get a sports massage some time. I don’t know what my fav soup is… last year I had a spinach tortelinni soup and it was amazing. Although last week I had a chicken wild rice soup which was amazing too! I’m planning on doing some sort of long run today – just have to get off my butt, lol :)


I’ll say Cream of Tomatoe is my fav!!!


Sports massages have saved me so many times! My chiro is certified in Active Release Technique. I know what you mean by the “scraping”. Ugh!!! The worst was when I had plantar fasciitis. The bottom of my foot hurt so bad and then he started scraping it. It hurt like heck, but after two sessions of that and only a couple days of rest, my PF was gone. so it was totally worth it! He said it would have taken weeks to heal on it’s own if he hadn’t helped it along. Can’t wait to hear what you get done!


What is scraping exactly? It sounds horrible.


Well for me it’s scraping/flattening out scar tissue. I have it done on my left knee a lot. He uses like some sort of plastic device and just like presses really hard and scrapes. It does hurt, there’s no doubt about it! But oddly no bruising and it doesn’t hurt afterwards… just during.


Brooke just keeps getting cuter! Love her friendship with Curly!
Why have I never thought to put mashed potatoes in my soup bowl before? New rule: mashed potatoes in everything.


Favorite part of Friday night? Modern Family definitely.


Brooke is precious.


I am not a soup person although I do sometimes feel like a bowl of a good tomato soup. The kind that tastes more like eating a bowl of sauce. I actually like Trader Joe’s Roasted Red Pepper Tomato soup. I had it the other night and wondered why I don’t eat it more often!


Chicken noodle soup on mashed potatoes?? OMG I need to try that!


I wish I could justify the cost of any pro massage for myself! I really want to get one for my fiance for Christmas because of everything he has to put up with for me. Really can stress a guy out!

Last night I had to take my son down to his dad’s, and he was nearly an hour late. Luckily, our meeting place makes the most amazing salads so we were able to feast while waiting. They were amazing! (but not $1 amazing. that’s just crazy cheap!)


We did scraping in college and it’s awful!!! But so worth it! I wish I had some donuts now… Favorite type of soup is split pea! It’s super creamy. and Friday night was awesome because we went to Vic and Anthony’s for dinner. So good!


Love Brooke’s expression in that picture where she looks like she is reaching for the camera :)


I am slightly embarrassed to admit this but the best part of my Friday Night was finding a website to watch S’x and the City online! It is still SOOOO good. Watched the episode when Carrie finds out that Big is engaged…it was brilliant!

About to head out for a trail run with two friends….it’s their first trail run. I LOVE watching people fall in love with the trails, so I’m excited. Happy weekend, Janae.


I’m running the Mustache Dash this morning. It is a 5k and I haven’t ran one since 1/12.


I have a love/hate relationship with sports massages. Such a necessary evil!
Today I woke up and my stomach is all bijangly(my own made up word for when I have “issues”yes, you can all use it), hate when that happens! So long run rescheduled until tomorrow!
I’m going to make chicken soup for dinner. You have just made me hungry for it and it’s 11am here!


When I run in the dark I feel like I am flying, but I’m not going fast at all. I’d say I go 30 sec/mile slower than average easy pace and feel like I’m going very fast. Because of that I do not like running in the dark. Do you think that it affects your training or maybe you’re used to it and don’t have this problem?


favorite soup….chicken noodle too! super cute picture of the 2 of them eating by candle light!

favorite thing about last night was that since my husband is the keynote speaker at a conference this weekend…they surprised us with a basket full of delicious SNACKS! i’ve already eaten almost a whole bag of chips and chocolate. YUM.


I’ve done a sports massage and had the scrapping done. It hurts so badly but it does help


I love sports massages because even if it hurts a little bit… It’s so, so worth it. Especially Graston and ART. Those hurt SO bad, but the end result is amazing.

My favorite soup is definitely some kind of seafood bisque or chunky tomato paired with grilled cheese! And my favorite night consisted of cookies and Shark Tank. Always a win!


The best part of my Friday night was watching Gilmore Girls and being in bed by eleven. I’m such a rebel.


I’ve never had a sports massage, but I would love to try one! I’m running the Philadelphia Marathon tomorrow so maybe after that will be a good time to try one haha.

The most exciting part of my friday night was picking up my race packet and watching Parenthood. That show gets me every time!


Ahh..the graston tool! That is one of the few things that have helped my hamstrings and the constant pain in my back. I’ve had it done twice and I am going back on Monday. So beneficial, but it’s not permanent, at least not in my experience. That may possibly be more my fault though.


I have had a sports massage and it hurt in such a good way. Also ART and graston, painful but worth it.


This past week I made a beef and barley with mushroom soup. I was amazing, I think the recipe came from but not positive about that. Today’s run is 8 miles, I am not looking forward to it. It’s yucky out and the hills are ridiculous. Enough of my rant, have a great weekend!!!


I always love the times we get to chat :)

Josse does such a good job. I have been to others before her, she is much more…ummm.. aggressive, but it is worth it. Each week I wonder why I go back when I am on that table and whimpering, but every time I run, I am so thankful :)

I am not sure about that mashed potatoes in soup business. It sounds like it has potential, but it could also be terrible. lol. I have texture issues though. My favorite soup used to be chicken and wild rice. But I found this yummy recipe for chipotle chicken with rice soup and oh my goodness it is so yummy. I ate some just last night :)

4 mile run today. Yay! :) Now to try and make myself do a yoga dvd. Why is so much harder to make myself do that? I need to find a good yoga class, it’s so much easier to go when there are other people there! Hope you have a great weekend girl!


I’ve never had a sports massage, sounds painful though, especially the scraping!!! No race this weekend. :( I was planning to do a 50K, but since I broke my arm 3 weeks ago, I decided that was not the smartest idea. I ran 10 miles instead, and I don’t think I could have gone any further if my life depended on it! So I’m glad I stayed home and took it “easy”. :)


white chicken chilli


I want/NEED one of those donuts right now!
I have had that scrapping done by a PT when I injured by IT band. Yowza-hurts like heck, but worth it in the end.
My favorite soup is a veggie minestrone soup I make, but homemade chicken noodle is a close second. I’ve never had it with mashed potatoes, but I had a friend once make chicken and dumplings and she served them over mashed potatoes-I was skeptical but now when I eat chicken and dumplings it hurts my heart if they aren’t over them.
I did a 4 mile hilly trail run this morning-so much fun and so challenging!


Sports massages are so great! The pain during the massage is so worth the relief afterwards! Whenever I go home I try to convince my mom to treat me to one since they are so expensive I rarely go myself! haha


Look at Brooke in her booster seat! I can’t believe how big she is getting.
Sunday I am running a 5k for Special Olympics by my agency’s FOP. Hopefully the weather will be great. Running in the cold weather has really made my sinuses act up. After running I spend the rest of the night blowing my nose, and sneezing.


I have a hard time picking a favorite soup. I love creamy tomato, potato, chicken noodle…

I spent some painful time on the foam roller last night, but I can tell it was worth it this morning. I’m much less sore than I would have been if I hadn’t rolled. I just love that darn thing.


I want to hear more about this massage and scape!


I’m a huge fan of deep tissue massages and Active Release Technique/therapy… but the whole scraping process is the ultimate torture for an athlete. Ouch!

Have a great weekend!


I just got my first ever massage after my first ever half marathon last weekend. Ouch.

I felt great the next day though so I guess the massage did what it was supposed to! :)


best part of friday night was hanging with the girls and eating chocolate covered almonds!


Was the scraping Graston Technique? I hurt my ribs/intercoastal muscle and I’ve heard it can help so I’m intrigued!


Oh I hope your leg feels better soon!


Favorite soup = My Gram’s chicken soup. My mom makes it now, and it always brings back such special memories of my grandmom.

Brooke’s hair is adorable in those two little buns!


I want a donut. My favourite soup is Tom Kha Gai, it’s a Thai soup and it is THE BEST. As is Brooke’s selfie face :)



When I was having major itb issues I got a number of sports massages – so painful! But frequently he’d follow with electronic stim, which was amazing. I kind of want to go back just for that.

My favorite soup right now is Zuppa Tuscana (a homemade version of the one from
Olive Garden). I could eat it at least twice a week without getting tired of it!


I have never had a sports massage because my husband has had several. He always came home in more pain than before the massage and the guy even used his feet!! I prefer the relaxing type of massages. Easy 6 miles on the schedule tomorrow to wrap up ‘recovery week’ then it’s full on training again!!


Please tell me scraping = graston?? It hurts SO good! I’ve been doing it to get my IT band back in running shape. It works like a charm, but man does it hurt!


I’ve never had a sports massage, they sound more painful than a nice relaxing massage. I like those :)

The highlight of my Friday night was watching Juno with my dog curled up next to me on the couch. He’s a big dog and seriously thinks he’s a little lap dog!


I’ve never had a sports massage. The only massage I’ve ever gotten is from my fiance… I would love to get one for Christmas ;) I ran a 5k interval run yesterday and 5 miles today. Yay running!!


Never had a sports massage, but it’s on my bucket list! Brooke comforting you is SO. CUTE. I know you have so much fun with her and she’s a blessing to you.
Favorite soup…minestrone!!! I went to TJ’s yesterday and looked for the minestrone ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! :)
Short weekend run as I am getting over a sinus infection!

Also…here is a super cute video featuring one of your favorite songs!


Fav part of my entire weekend….I am “at home”!!!! <3 I haven't been to visit my parents or sister since APRIL! I finally subbed out all my gym classes and left the state for along weekend. Sports massages are painful!!!


I am so jealous of that donut display. I don’t think we have anything like that in Nova Scotia.!

If you run before dark….do you wear a head lamp?


Sports massages are awesomely painful. The awesome is purely for the fact that they work and do the job. No pain, no gain! I did a short 6 mile run today and then tomorrow will be my rest day. Oh and my favorite soup is Chicken Tortilla Soup.


I’ve always wondered about sports massages, but never been adventurous enough to try one… I ran 10 miles and it was amazing! I don’t have a race until January though…

Brooke is the cutest and y’all make me so happy!


My favourite soup is my Dad’s beef and vegetable soup, cooked in the pressure cooker. He spends hours chopping vegetables for it. I tried to make it myself once but it tasted totally different. Plus I’m kind of scared of pressure cookers…they might blow :-)

I like the look of those foam rollers you have. I’ll have to try them one day.


I’ve had Josse work on me a few times and I always come away bruised. BEYOND bruised! But it has ALWAYS worked and my issues go away. Hurts-so-good! Hooray for Josse! Hope you feel better soon.


I love Megan too! She is so good at taking care of her friends. Just so you know I introduced her to your blog. I should get something for that right?? ;-)


You totally should:) come hang out with us!!


I’m going to one day. I want to be apart of what I call the elite runners club of Utah county. Only problem is that I’m slow and live in CO. Your so lucky to have all those speedy women to run with. I can’t get anybody to run with me. If you ever need a place to crash out in co I’ve got your back. I’m not even close to as awesome as Megan in the take care department but I’ve got four kids that will entertain Brooke. I’m starting to formulate a wild idea that you really should come out stay with a complete stranger and see CO. Fun get-away time and I’m a blast. Megan mainly likes because she can fart in front of me.


Oh, that soup looks delicious! My favorite soup is potato soup. I make it in the crockpot and it’s so good!

What style Lulu top is the pink/gray one you have on in that pic of your sports massage? I love that color and am trying to decide what to get that would be good for running.


I find out the gender of my baby in 2 weeks and can I just say all these cute pics of Brooke everyday make me want a girl? :) :)


Scraping is SO painful, but it really does help. I usually want to cry when it’s happening, though.


I don’t think I even want to know what scraping is. But how adorable is it that Brooke was worried about you!

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Mmm, mashed potatoes and soup sounds DELICIOUS!


I don’t think I’ve heard of scraping but darn glad that you had your little lady to take such good care of you, haha. She protects Mama!

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