Brooke at 14.5 Months.

Somehow this little girl just gets cooler and more amazing every day.

It has been a while since I did an update on HRG Baby so here are a few of Brooke’s latest and greatest things at 14.5 months old.  

1.  Let’s start out with her sleeping schedule.  I don’t know how this happened but it did.  She sleeps from 8 pm to 8 am.  She has turned into a champion sleeper and takes one nap during the day from about 1-3.  It is amazing and it is hard for me to imagine what those newborn days were like when sleeping longer than 3 hours at a time just didn’t happen.  I like this stage:)

2.  Brooke is the biggest animal lover you will ever meet.  If a dog comes within 10 feet of her you would think that she had just won the lottery because she is so excited.  This makes me really happy because I think people that love animals are the best kind of people.

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3.  She loves holding my hand, whether we are just sitting around the house or going for a walk she will grab my hand… this is definitely one of my favorites.

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4.  If you have a child around Brooke’s age please go to Costco and get them one of these little airplanes.  She spent a good 45 minutes yesterday playing with all of the buttons, lights and turning the propeller on.  It is so fun to see her get excited about toys now.

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5.  She loves boy bands.  We found this out last night during half-time at the basketball game.  She was really getting into their singing and sweet dance moves.  

6.  My favorite conversation that occurs between us a few times each day:

Me:  ‘Ruff Ruff’

Brooke: ‘Doggy’ and then she laughs for about 10 seconds because when she simply just thinks about a dog she is giddy.  

7.   Favorite foods:  banana and chocolate chip pancakes (our Sunday morning tradition), peas, broccoli, blueberry muffins, tortilla chips, black beans and quesadillas.  

She still doesn’t really like ice cream though.  It hurts my heart a little.  

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8.  She thinks she is absolutely hilarious when she pushes her beanie babies down the slide.  

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9.  She is very social and already loves hanging out with friends all of the time.  I wonder where she gets that from?

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10.  I have never seen a kid share like Brooke does (she definitely did not get that from me).  Anytime she is eating anything or playing with something cool she always tries to give it to the person next to her.  I have had to turn taking a drink from her bottle down at least 100 times because she always offers me some but it’s the thought that counts right:)

Moms reading:  How old are your kids now?  What are some of their latest and greatest things?!?!

Brooke is starting to get to the age that I think she will like some of the learning apps that are out there for phones/ipads…. any good recommendations!?!?!  I have no idea what ones are the best!

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Max will be 2 in December!

He loves animals too! He has two cats at daycare and he loves them to pieces. He enjoys playing trucks/cars and helping clean up – he actually grabs a broom or cloth if he has made a mess. He also loves minions!


Sweet Brooke! Thanks for the update!


Animal people are definitely the best kind of people :)

What a cutie pie Brooke is!


Aww she’s so sweet, love her! I dance like that to boy band music too, haha


She is too cute. I remember that age, it was the best… My son is 10 now which I don’t even understand. Went so fast. Enjoy every second it really does fly by.


She is super cute!!!

That’s all I have to add, haha.


Awww Brooke is so cute!!! (Secret: I think my 6mo old daughter Ashlyn kind of looks like Brooke, which is awesome because Brooke is so adorable…and it makes me excited for when I can put a little bun in Ashlyn’s hair!) Right now Ashlyn’s biggest accomplishment is that she got her first tooth today!!!
Do they have a StarFall app? I’m not sure, but my nephews and niece LOVE to play StarFall on the computer!!! It’s educational and fun (shapes, colors, all the way up to multiplication!)


Aw what an adorable little girl! Such a sweetheart- and she’s blessed to have a mom like you! :)


She is such a sweet little one. . . my gosh.


Oh, Brookers! You are just too dang cute. Get her any app by Duck Duck Moose and she will love it. The best ones are Itsy Bitsy Spider, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Trucks and Wheels on the Bus.

Gina is 2.5 now. This last week when I call her name she now responds, “WhhaaaaatT?” It’s hilarious!

Hope you’re well, cute mama!


Brooke sounds like the sweetest little girl ever!
My twins are just over 2 years old. Lately my boy said to his sister “I just love you!”
Then the next day my girl said to her brother “you are so cute!”
It makes all the super hard parts of having twins so worth it. They melt your heart. Kids are the best!


At that age my youngest loved sound touch, elmo calls, daniel tiger, fisher price sound and shapes, and elmo potty ( and she was potty training, I lucked out with two early potty trainers- at 17 months and 18 months, initiated by them and they basically did it themselves!)

My youngest will turn 3 soon and she is getting into a lot of pretend play with her sister, she has had that for awhile but now it is more advanced and very, very cute. She also is interested in coloring and cutting. She does things at a slower pace then her sister did and I am 100% okay with that as she is our last. She also loves being outdoors, rain or shine ( and we do plain in the rain on occasion).


Oops, forgot to comment that the top are apps- the sound touch, etc- for the iPad!


I can’t even handle how adorable she is! Seems like such a happy kid!


Endless alphabet is a great app for kids. My daughter loves it. There is also an animal sound one she likes, but I’m not sure the name.


I hope she continues to be a hand-holder with you! My 12.5 year old daughter still holds my hand when we want or whenever we are sitting next to each other, like at church.
She was a huge dog lover then, too. She would run up to and want to hug every animal she saw. Still does.
And the best part? She is now one of my favorite running partners. She discovered cross country this year and loves it!

My almost 16 year old daughter’s latest/greatest thing is having a boyfriend and wanting to learn to drive. I’m not really that happy about either of them. ;-)


Endless Alphabet is incredible… highly recommended!

We also have one called animal touch & hear. Paid a few $$ for extra animals and our daughter really likes it.


Brooke is the BEST. Wow. Awww <3


My daughter is 11 and she’ll still hold my hand at times. I cherish those moments. They never get old :)


So sweet! I always loving hearing about that little cutie of yours! Have naps always been good for Brooke? Hunter sleeps amazing at night (most of the time), but we really struggle with naps! Did it get better as she got older or has she always been a good napper? Did you do anything in particular to help her naps? (If you don’t want to answer this in the comments, I totally get it. You could email me. Or we could always get fro yo. ;)) Love you both!


Let’s get froyo and talk all about it:) she has always been good and naps but the night time thing wasn’t so great for a while! I need to see hunter ASAP!


You tell me the time and place, and we’ll be there! xo


Ahhh that video!!! Girl can dance! ;) She is such a sweet little girl! I love readiner your updates of her- it gets me excited for my little pumpkin that’s currently cooking in my belly ;)



Brooke must have a pretty good mom to be such a great little lady :-). Annabelle will be one in January and she is moving around like a champ.


Her taste buds will definitely mature. She WILL like ice cream!! Brooke honestly seems like the happiest child ever. She has such a good heart! I’m sure she gets everything from her amazing mama:) And sharing! I hate sharing lol.


Love the statement about animals–I totally agree! Animal lovers = the BEST people! Jada is about 1.5 weeks from 5 months! Cannot believe it! And, I can’t wait for that sleeping schedule! Now, she is “learning” to get back to sleep when she wakes up at night—umm, not fun when it take 2 hours! :P


I was scrolling down to leave my comment when I noticed yours. Excellent name choice for your daughter! ;)


Aww Brooke is growing up so beautifully! My twin boys are 3 months old. We are very well in that newborn stage. They can sleep for up to 4 hrs now, but since they’re not in the same schedule, it feels like I can only sleep for 1.5-2 hrs at a time. Their latest milestone is smiling & cooing! I love hearing them “talk!”


How are they already three months old?!? Please say that I get to meet them someday?!?


Yes! We will make sure you meet them and I meet Brooker some day! I just read that you’re not doing CIM! :( So sad bc it takes place literally in the city next to me! We’ll have to find another time to meet…


My unpopular opinion…keep her off electronics as long as possible. My kids are teenagers, so we didn’t have iPhones and iPads when they were little. However, we have constants family discussion about screen time. As the internet and electronic became more and more popular it was easy to get sucked into all the neat, new stuff. I wish I had been more strict. They spend a lot of time online for school etc, but I really wish it wasn’t their go-to thing.
Good luck, I’m sure whatever you decide will be the right thing for Brooke :)


Thanks Becci! That is great advice!


I agree with Becci! I taught my little one the old fashioned way..we did a lot of coloring and would talk about the colors, we counted things that we put in jars, used puzzles and magnets for the abcs. It was something we could do together and I wanted to teach her…not let a program teach her.
Ironic thing: I am actually a technology teacher at an elem school so I am all for technology…just not for the real little ones. :)


I agree with the girls above. My son is 20 months now and has never watched tv and he doesn’t touch the ipad. I’m not saying he will never use this technologies, just not right now. I think its more important to have interactive play at this age, he will have his whole life to watch tv and play on the internet. Just my $0.02!


I agree. The American Association of Pediatrics recommends holding off on ALL screen time before age 2, and even then limiting it to something like 1/2 hour day (may be one hour, can’t remember). Recent studies show the screens actually interfere with brain development. Brooke learns tons just from observing and interacting with all the wonderful people in her life. The other essential thing for brain development is sleep, so I’m glad to hear your little angel is getting some z’s!
I have found your blog very motivating–thank you for doing it!


aawwww! brooke is the cutest! i’m so jealous of her sleep schedule! 8p-8a sounds AMAZING! our little declan is now 5 months and is super grabby for anything within reach, can sit on his own, and laughs hysterically when i say, “mama” to him. he also is hardly sleeping and is up every 2 hours. gahhhh!


I love her. She is the most adorable little girl with so much personality. You need to do these posts weekly. Or I need to start start babysitting her to get my dose of Brooke. Just sayin ;)


There are some great Sesame Street and Veggie Tales apps! :) My mom is really in to that stuff, so she’s already looked for some for Addie.

Addie is 6 1/2 months. And she is currently army crawling, which is crazy to me! Time goes too quickly!


Brooke is precious!!


My daughter will be 14 months tomorrow! It’s going by way too fast! Her latest thing is to say “up! up!” whenever she wants to be picked up. We thought it was a cute thing to teach her, but now all she wants is to be “up! up!” haha.

I have to ask…where did you get Brooke’s boots?! I need to get my daughter a pair of those– beyond adorable!


Precious! Thanks for sharing! I think you should keep her off electronics as long as possible. Let her learn/play with tangible items. While I unfortunately don’t have kids, all of my friends do and they all wish they hadn’t let their babies get hooked on their phones, etc quite so early.


My kids are 4 and 3, and they love the “Endless ABC” app on the iPad. It’s very educational.

Love seeing the cute photos and videos of Brooke. She is getting so big!


Oh I just think she is the most adorable girl! I love that she loves to share; not many kids do! And that she is so gentle and loving with animals. So cute!!


Fun reading about what Brooke is up to!! My boys are 14 (15 a week from today) and 12.5 so it’s been awhile since I had a little one! I love that she holds your hand a lot – my youngest used to do the same thing – now they are both bigger than me.


Oh my goodness, how time flies! I still remember you announcing your pregnancy like it was yesterday! Brooke is so darn cute! She reminds me so much of you and her cousin Curly!


Such a little cutie!


My boy is just over 8 months – I love this age, it is so much fun. He thinks sneezes are hilarious, even his own. This is the best. And he loves music and gets a little dance on too, super cute :) He also loves dogs, I hope he stays like that, just like Brooke. She is just too sweet how she holds your hand, so special


brooke is the sweetest, happiest little girl! i wish i lived in utah so that i could babysit her! :)


<3 her


Noah hates ice cream too! We think it’s because it’s so cold? If Brooke could teach him how to share that would be awesome!!! He’s in the “mine” stage!


I can’t believe how big she has gotten! She is so precious! Love that her personality is coming out so much! Sharing is a great trait to have :)


She is just too cute! My twin girls, Lexi and Lyla will be 5 on December 3rd! I don’t know how this is happening. I have good news for you about the ice cream. My girls HATED ice cream when the were Brooke’s age. It seriously broke my heart. But now, they are my frozen yogurt dates. We’ve even had frozen yogurt twice in one day.


You NEED Endless Alphabet. It’s free and its amazing. I got it right before my daughter turned two, and by the time she was two, she knew her whole alphabet. Not just the names of the letters, but what they look like and the sounds they make! Plus it has cute little monsters.


She’s as cute as always! Love that she’s a champion sleeper! Peek-a-boo barn was my daughter’s first app. B would love it because it is very simple–just a barn, and when they touch the door, and animal comes out and makes animal noises. At our house electronics are a special treat reserved for situations when they have to be quiet and in one place. For my daughter, this is at her brother’s swim meets or at my husband’s races, long car rides, etc. This way their exposure is limited AND it’s a very special treat so it keeps them REALLY quiet! :) I have become more lax with my son (he’s 9) but he isn’t horrible and he still likes doing other things more than being on the computer/tablet.


I love how you let Brooke be Brooke. Isn’t that all that any mom can do? You are doing a great job. BTW, I was you for Halloween. I lack your cuteness or speediness, but I wore my best runner clothes (to secretly be comfy!) with a “Feed Me” sign around my neck. When people asked me who I was, I simply said, “Hungry Runner Girl!” Love your blog and everything you do…Keep it up! :)


Brooke looks so happy. You are a wonderful mom.


E will be 4 months on the 9th! I am just loving his smiles and his “talking” He really makes everyday so much better :)


What a cutie!!! :)


Brooke is so precious!


She is such a cutie!


I have an app on my phone called Tozzle Lite…it’s for toddlers and it’s a puzzle type thing. My son loves it and it has saved me in long lines and waiting rooms over and over again!


i liked them on FB!


i followed them on twitter too!


My daughter is 7 and I like that we can hang out like buddies and have conversations. the things she comes up with crack me up all the time.


I don’t have a kid of my own, but I am a proud aunty to twins and surrogate aunty to my friends kids. I agree with the stay away from electronics as long as possible. I have watched kids morph into addicts in a very short period of time! I highly recommend Kiwi Crates – awesome activity sets to do with kids, and it really stimulates their creativity!!
Brooke is so adorable! Thanks for letting us share in her growth with you!


Brooke is so adorable! My little guy is 2, and on a similar sleep schedule but more 7 pm – 6:30 AM, with one nap 12-3 or 1-3 PM (he sleeps 2 hours at day care and usually 3 hours on the weekend at home). Good sleepers sure make life easier! :) He started talking around 2, and I LOVE this age! Their little voices are the best! Like other commenters mentioned, I do try to limit smartphone/kindle/tv time but sometimes it is just necessary, particularly when we go out to dinner :) I don’t mind if he has a little screen time. He likes the Baby Signs app on the iphone (that has been a favorite for a long time), pbs kids app, netflix if the place has wifi, and peekzoo train.


she is so adorable!


Your updates take me back to what seems like so long ago! My son is 24 years old now. Still my whole world, but it’s so different from getting to hang out every day and be so close. Enjoy every minute :)


Brooke is so cute! And I wish my son slept like that – he still wakes up all the time during the night to eat and he’s almost 14 months. How did you get her to stop waking up?

I recently downloaded Monkey Lunchbox as an app. It’s too old for him right now but it’s really cute and will be great when he’s a little older. He does point and touch some of the things but he can’t figure out shapes and sizes yet. It’s the only one I have.


She’s absolutely adorable! It really does brighten my day to see you two together!


I highly recommend Peek a Boo Barn for any animal lover!


What a little sweetheart Brooke is!


Brooke just melts my heart. That girl is adorable!!

My daughter is 7 months old, and is hilarious. She’s started rolling all over the place in the last week or so, which is so fun. I really need to start baby proofing things though!!


My little turtle monkey will be 4 months old Nov. 20th. He’s way more giggly now and smiles all the time. He’s rolled over once too. He makes all sorts of noises and has been practicing his raspberries, spit included.


I love reading about your baby girl- she is just the best! I am also very proud of you for being such a wonderful mama to her. You are doing a great job.


She looks so sweet.
My daughter is 2 and 2 months old. she like the apps ABC Mouse, Agnitus, and Elmo ABC.
She also loves animals. My dog bit my daughter on her face on Saturday and she had to get a stitch. He is her BFF, but she came up behind him and scared him. We are trying to figure out what to do. He is wearing a muzzle now. :( just a warning.


She is the sweetest baby EVER. I want to squeeze her little face!!


Thanks for the airplane idea! I’m going to Costco on Friday and that would make an amazing Christmas present for my 13 month old!


Oh that video of Brooke is just adorable! Dancing babies are the cutest!


Elizabeth is 11 months…she has started giving kisses and it is just the BEST! She is also starting to do the tripod stance, so standing on her own and walking aren’t too far away!


Oooh how cute is Brooke! I love looking at pictures of her because it reminds me of when my daughter was that age. She’s now 29 months. Seems like yesterday! (I also have a son who is 10 months, so I also get to look forward to this fun age again!)

Apps that my daughter loves:
-KidGlyphs -teaches words through clicking on the pictures
-Memory Match -has a few different games
-Phone4Kids -another one that has a few games

Apps that BOTH my kids love:
-Fisher Price apps -there’s a counting one, an alphabet one, and the Giggle Gang

These are all free! I definitely recommend checking them out!


Also, one of my daughter’s FAVORITE things to do on my phone is scrolling through my pictures…probably because she knows they all used to be of her. Now they’re all her and her brother.

Tip before you let Brooke use your iPhone: turn off the ability to delete apps. (I learned this the hard way). Go to Settings > General > Restrictions > Type in passcode > Turn OFF Deleting Apps.


Freeze frame the video at :14, omgosh how sweet is she?! :)


oh my gosh, she is seriously so adorable and how did she get so big so fast?! Our little Addison is 6.5 months and on 11/12/13 sprouted her first tooth and can sit independently now!! Thankfully our lady is a great sleeper but I can’t wait for the days when she can communicate a bit more. For now, I’m trying to live in the moment. It’s weird to think she’ll be where Brooke is next summer. It’s going to be so much fun!!


First time commenter. My baby is 14.5 and Brooke is so adorable. I feel so lucky to have her in my life and have her to lisghten my life everyday!
My baby teases me, she’d pretend to share with me her food but then take it away. So naughty! :)

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