Running Summary! 9/30-10/5

Dynamic drills before every run and stretching, foam rolling and core work (except on Friday I didn’t) done after every run!

Monday: Tempo run that was more like mile repeats. 2 mile warm-up (8:09 and 8:00) and 5 miles at tempo (6:30, 6:33, 6:31, 6:27, 6:27) and cool down mile (7:59). I don’t feel like this was a true tempo run because I had to stop for a few stop lights and a drink.

Tuesday: 7 miles easy at a 8:00 pace with friends in the canyon.

Wednesday: 1.5 mile warm-up @ 8:30 pace. 6 x 800 meters (3:08, 3:09, 3:06, 3:04, 3:03, 3:02) with 400 meter jogs in between intervals. 1.5 mile cool-down @ 8:30 pace and 10 x 30 yard strides with shoes off on the grass.

Thursday: 7 miles on the treadmill at an 8:00 average pace.

Friday: 20 miles with an overall pace of 7:51 and I felt great at the end (besides my hands wanting to fall off because I was really smart and forgot my gloves). Three fastish miles thrown in throughout the run: 7:00, 6:50 and 6:30. The first 8 miles I did on the treadmill on the gym to avoid running in the dark when there was ice. Rachelle met me at the gym and we ran outside for the last 12 miles and she kept me very entertained. When we were running in the canyon it was snowing and then there was a fun little hail storm…kept things interesting.

I ate a bowl of cereal before the run (somehow that agreed with my stomach) and Shot Bloks during the run. While on the treadmill I drank almost an entire water bottle and then stopped twice for water on the outdoor miles. Aren’t you glad I just wrote a novel about one run?

Saturday: 6 miles at an 8:30 pace on the treadmill.

Total of 55.25 miles. I don’t think my weekly mileage will get much higher than this because my body loves to get injured.

Nicole sent me the 8 Stages of Marathon Running. Pretty sure that if you have done a marathon you know each of these stages a little too well.

And a picture of Brooke with her favorite stuffed animal. Seriously. I need to get this girl a dog.

IMG 2029

How do you stay hydrated during a run? Do you carry water with you? Stop at water fountains? Fuel belts? Buy water at a gas station?

What was the best run of your week?

Have you experienced the 8 stages of the marathon?

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Terrible I know…. But I’m not above sprinting through someone’s yard and drinking out of their hose. I figure, if a hot sweaty runner came into my yard and wanted some water I’d be happy to let them do the same :-)


You need to get that girl a dog and I need to get myself some of those pink footie pajamas! Fact(s).


I looked for the heart button to ‘like’ this post, but couldn’t find it. Maybe my Chrome is being wonky. Anyway I heart this post because you’re doing an awesome job in training and because I totally think you should get a dog :). happy sunday!!


I definitely stop for water fountains when I can! If I’m feeling really fancy I try to plant water bottles along parts of the course (or have someone drive out and meet me halfway through my run with a water/gatorade).


Yes get her a puppy!


I always take a bottle with Nuun during the run and then drink a full bottle of just water after the run. My best run of the week was today! It was 11 miles and although I wasn’t that fast but felt good, especially 2 days after a 12.3 mile hike practically all uphill. Is that Jingle? We have a dog that looks very similar and goes with the most precious book called Jingle All the Way!


Hahaha love that video!! Yes I have experienced everyone! I love the “I am going to die” part! :)


My best run of the week was completing 1 whole mile! I recently was cleared to start running again after a metatarsal stress fracture. So yippee for 1 miles runs!


I am so happy you are back running again!!!!! Isn’t it amazing to be out there again after an injury?


I felt like I was going so fast when I ran for the first time!! Getting injured sucked for me mentally but I now know I have to take it slow and cross train/strength train to get back to where I was, AND STAY THERE.


I usually take my handheld bottle with me, but on my long run I use the Nathan hydration belt -with doesn’t bounce at all and holds all my gels, bars, etc and keys.
One of my best runs was yesterday, 1-because my husband kept me company on his bike and 2-because I left my garmin at home!
I liked the video :) I haven’t met the wall though…yet.


Your 20 miler sounded awesome! I love running when it’s snowing the first couple times. After that it gets old and I’m ready for summer roads and temps again!
I am not good at hydrating on runs. I sometimes take one tiny flask with water. Otherwise I really suffer!
My best run was most definitely yesterday’s nine miles: early morning, crisp fall temp, and the furthest I’ve gone since my last race at the end of August!


I think every one of my runs have been great this past week, because I’m just getting into running. I challenge myself everyday though, to run a little bit farther, a little bit harder, to get up that hill. Today was the worst though because it was so hot. I was thinking about facetiming you for some motivation, but then remembered I haven’t ever talked to you and don’t know your number. :)


Ahhhh Brooke is super cute with that dog. My daughter is 11 months old and is VERY into hugging, and it melts my heart every. single. time.


great job running!

I just posted about V getting his newest PR today, 5 minutes off, and he was the first 6 yo to cross the finish line.


Oh my goodness, Brooke is seriously TOO cute with that stuffed animal! She needs a puppy :)

I have some great paths around my house, so I like to work a loop into my run so that I can leave a water bottle in my porch — that way I don’t have to carry anything around!


Man woman, you are a running machine! Inspiration to all ;) Brooke= too cute. But I say that every time :)


I carry my Calembak Magic backpack with me and it’s perfect! It also holds my phone, keys, ID and anything I’m using for fuel.

Karen @karenlovestorun


You should definitely get brooke a dog!


Glad I decided to watch that video, it had me cracking up. I’ve never run a marathon but can imagine it being like that. Thanks for sharing :)


OMG that 8 Stages video is hilarious! Too funny!

On short runs (under 5 miles) I use a handheld, on longer runs I use a fuel belt that has spots for two little water bottles. Living in south Florida where it’s always so hot and humid it’s pretty much the norm to see people running with fuel belts on during the weekend (when I assume we’re all doing our long runs :) ) Depending on the length of the run and how I’m feeling I sometimes stop at a little convenience store and buy a bottle of water to refill my little water bottles.


Best run of the week was definitely today…ran an awesome 10K!

I hydrate on longer runs by using a small 6oz fitletic water bottle attached to my SPIbelt. I hardly notice it. I refill as needed…normally its enough thought – I hate water sloshy belly.

Oh and yes, definitely get Brooke a doggie :)


I carry a hydration waist pack if it’s hot. Otherwise I just do without. I hate carrying things. Nice running week!


My coach just posted this video on our team Facebook page (called the Atlanta Women’s Marathon League). Too funny!


Absolutely love your blog, am training for my first marathon (NYC in a few weeks) and this has been a huge inspiration. I haven’t commented before but have felt compelled lots of times – especially on your injury posts (suffering one myself). At any rate, I really only commented to share with you this ridiculously smart dessert I found on BuzzFeed because it sounds right down your alley! Ice cream donut sandwich…


Thank you so much for your comment! I need that dessert right this second… Time to go get donuts! You are going to love nycm!! Let me know how it goes!


Great job! That is amazing mileage, keep up the good work!


I rarely drink water during runs… I’m bad. My best run this week was this: .25 up a hill, .25 easy, .25 FAST, .25 cooldown, repeat x4. Felt so good when I was done! That video is too funny!


I take a little handheld water bottle on any runs over three miles. I used to rarely drink anything ever unless I was doing more than 10miles, but then I would gulp liquids and my stomach would hate me. I am in awe that you drank that much on the treadmill…does that not upset your stomach/give you side stitches? I am really interested in how others are able to drink so much while running. Its one of the downfalls of my runs – trying to nail my hydration without getting side stitches. Any helpful hints out there?

My best run this week was regular Thursday run of 4.8 miles to the gym. It started downpouring and I ended up running so fast I grabbed a new 5k PR somewhere in those miles!

I have definitely gone through the 8 stages of the marathon – so funny to look back on…now :)
I am also in awe that you ran that much the day before and the day after your 20miler- IMPRESSIVE!! Thanks for the recaps. I really enjoy them!


Yes get a dog! I looove kids with their dogs!


Just saw that video on another blog. So hilarious, and, sadly, so true!!


My best run was my Friday run. I left the GPS at home and just enjoyed being out there in the gorgeous weather.


You should go to Hallmark and get the Jingle or Bell husky pups. They are an interactive story buddy. When you read the book, the dog will bark, sing, or howl! She would love it! :) :)


1) I can’t believe that you are so speedy running 20 miles!!!
2) Get a dog! I will just live vicariously through your blog and pretend that I have one too ;)


I saw that video last week and just about died laughing. It’s like they took me, made me a dude, and put it in a cartoon. So hilarious.


I don’t like wearing a belt when I run, so I either will carry a water bottle half way full and then fill it up if needed. My best run was today. A cold front was pushing through and I was able to get a good 11 miles in just in time before it began to rain. Only three more weeks until my next half marathon.


Woohoo for 11 miles!! I can’t wait to run it with you, girly!


Today’s run was the best! The weather was absolutely beautiful, temperatures were cool and it just felt good to run! I usually plan my routes along water fountains or loop around my house and leave a water bottle outside.


Hi…great job…question…do u take rest days every week


I do! Every Sunday I take a rest day!


I carry water with me and stop at water fountains.

This weekend I saw a girl with a CamelBak Dart on AND a fuel belt with double water bottles. That was one thirsty lady.


I’ve tried the fuel belt, I’m not a huge fan. I recently tried a camelbak and was impressed. I will try it again this weekend with a 20 mile run before using it on my marathon in 4 weeks.
My running week was kind of blah. My running partner is injured, so we are having to get creative.
I have yet to experience the 8 stages of the marathon, because I haven’t run a full marathon yet.


So I just have to say, reading your blog has been so inspirational to me! I wish I lived in Utah and could hit the road with you sometime….and go out for good food afterwards. :)

Anyway, I was thinking about you running RAGNAR and remembered this video clip I watched when I ran the Hood to Coast relay. It had me cracking up beforehand and dying of laughter afterwards.


I ran my 5th half yesterday and got a PR by four mins :). So I finished my racing season with a bang :).
I carry a hand held for runs over an hour and a camelbak for runs over an hour and a half. I could never get used to the waist ones.

I love that video. I seriously had that “I’m gonna die” moment during the last 3kms of my first half. It was awful.


I got this little bottle holder for the hubs cause he likes to clench his fists when he runs and it gives him a dead arm. But I use that for my long runs. But if I’m running a race I don’t take anything except shot blocks because they have water stations. :) what do you do to cross train and how do you go about starting that? I’m not very good at doing it… Like at all. And don’t know where to go to start or what to do to start. I know it will help with being a better runner and help with not getting injured too.


Oh and thank u for posting what u eat/drink on your long runs. I’m starting marathon training in the new year so I’d like all the knowledge/ideas I can get :D!!


I usually drink a ton of water the whole day before run so not too terribly thirsty on my run, I sometimes carry a water bottle though. I hate fuel belts but I might someday get a camelbak. 4.5 miles of major hillwork today. Was going to do 6 but the friends I were running with had to go in. And frankly, my legs were feeling it! The hills were crazy big. I love running in the fall!!!


Funny video. Ive never run a marathon but some days just running my 7-8 mi l es feels like this.


I just introduced myself to Nuun and it changed my life. This was Friday — yup big change in 2 days.


I always carry water unless it’s under 3-4 miles and it’s not hot. That’s how I started running and now 6 years later I’m learning to run with either a belt or a camelback. I have both but not super fond of the running belt. When I went to the Running Clinic at the UofU I found out I was swinging my water carrying hand in front of me. I think I would love the belt if it was a different kind, this one is one with a big bottle in the back. When I run in the mountains I LOVE my camelback! I have a smaller womens size that I hardly feel at all!

My best run was a 5 miler I did on Saturday in Rock Spring, WY while I was off duty. Higher elevation and a bit windy but I felt good!


This post just came right! 2o days before my marathon (number 6). The video is great, I’ve experienced all phases ( thank goodness without the runner’s trot).
I carry water and gel with me and refill the bottle at water fountains. Sometimes I hate the belt, because it wants to spin around my waist. Must have lost some weight.
Best run was the long run, ’cause I felt great during and after it.
Happy training everybody!


Awesome job this week ~ keep up the great job! I have not run a marathon (yet!) but I did love that video, funny :)


I was using a hydration back pack for long runs, but now that I know we’re not allowed to wear them for New York, I’m not sure what I’ll do. Potentially carry a handheld waterbottle, and stash my gels in pockets!


I always carry water, especially since I am nursing right now. I am the thirstiest person alive on any given day, so throw sweating profusely in there and I definitely need to drink!

Loved the video, thanks for sharing.


Awesome training this week! I had a 20 miler similar to yours (few years ago)…good job toughing it out!! I started the run at 40ish degrees/windy pouring rain and by the time I finished it was below 30, icy snow pelleting me, unbelievable wind..I was not dressed right!! I had gloves but they were soaked so it didn’t help the hand pain! I vowed that if I could survive that run I could survive the marathon :)

Sorry so long there… I never carry water, or drink it on the run, unless it’s a long run, i.e. 15+ miles. When I needed to drink for those runs I would have it near my car (if at a park) and loop by it, or at home in my mailbox if I was running near home. It was hard forcing myself to drink on the run but knew it was necessary for the marathon. Best run of week was 15k race yesterday.


I typically stop at a gas station for water on a longer run, but I’m looking to invest in a handheld water bottle. Anybody have recommendations? Also, I’m super jealous of Brooke’s footie pajamas. I love them!


Can I recommend a Vizsla if you really want to get a dog. They are truly great animals, very friendly and family oriented but also protective of their family. But they are a hunting breed and therefore they love to be active and love to run. I have two Vizslas and they are just awesome. They can suffer from separation anxiety so definitely do your research to make sure its a good fit for you, but I think a V might be a great addition to your little family.
Brooke’s footie pj’s are so cute!!!


I recommend a Golden Retriever.
Great with kids and great running buddy!


I love detailed run reports. My hubby gets one every Saturday when I get home and I am sure he is just as excited about each mile as I was and wants to hear every detail about it :)

I carry a 21-oz handheld water bottle on my long runs. I ran with it in a race for the first time a week ago, at the Ocean City half marathon in NJ and it worked out perfectly. I put Nuun in my water bottle and could still grab regular water at the stops if I wanted it. 21 oz isn’t a whole lot but it lasted me until mile 18 of my 20 miler on Sunday, so it works well enough for me.

The best run of my week was 20 miles on Sunday. I had 5 – FIVE!! girls to run with for 3.5 hours. It was awesome.


I try to take a small handheld bottle on longer runs. where I get all my performance running apparel


I love my iFitness fuel belt. I figure I am out running in the heat and humidity so I bring it with me. I got heat stroke once and it was seriously the worst feeling ever so I never want to feel like that again so I am super anal about have water and fuel with me. As a side note, I seriously cannot wait until it gets cooler here, I am slowly running out of motivation to even think about being outside.

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