Runner’s World 1/2 Marathon Race Recap

5ks and 10ks are fun (in a painful kind of way) but my true love is the 1/2 marathon.  I think it is the perfect race for me because it takes me about 6 miles to truly feel warmed up (I am a distance girl…sprinting is not my thang… I have been saying thang a little too much lately) and the recovery time after a 1/2 marathon is way faster than the recovery from the marathon (I still love the marathon though).  

The race started right on time (8 a.m.) and it started with downhill.  This was very nice because I always feel kind of weird in the very beginning of a race so going downhill felt like a really nice way to ease myself into starting 13.1 miles.  

Once again my goal was to just run with people and get an awesome workout.  I really have a thing for running with people.  It is almost an obsession.  I was able to spend most of the race with SR and then some with Kristin!

We ran through the town for a few miles before heading into the residential area and with plenty of turns and changes in scenery I was entertained the entire course.  

Someone gave me some Twizzlers at mile 5 and they were awesome (and delicious) because I forgot to bring fuel with me.  I had gatorade at all of the aid stations.

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I loved that they had a race clock at the mile markers.  

Don’t tell my coach but I was definitely displaying some awesome chicken wing arms throughout the course.  Oops.  

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Most of the race had rolling hills.  My buns were feeling it but I am glad I finally got some hill training in.  The volunteers were really nice, the course was marked perfectly, the scenery was gorgeous and the weather was awesome.  The race was perfect… my only complaint (and it is kind of silly) was that the bag check was kind of far from the starting line and we barely made it back in time for the race to start (obviously partly our fault).  

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Official time:  1:34:24.  Average pace: 7:12.  

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The finish line was right in front of the Steel Stacks.  Something else that I loved about this race was that there was a huge (heated) building right next to the finish line and everyone was allowed inside to enjoy the warmth, buy food or use the restrooms.  This was so nice as a runner because it was cold outside (once you stopped running) and it allowed spectators a chance to go inside and warm up etc.  

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We planned to all wear blue.  Okay, we didn’t but that would have been cool. 

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Hung out with Summer Sanders again (maybe I will stop talking about her eventually).

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Random but SR was having the craziest calf cramps after the race… ever had those before?

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 I ate some snacks at the finish line and after a quick shower we (roomies and Linda) made our way to a salad bar because a big salad sounded amazing.  They even brought out huge platter plates instead of the little salad bar plates.  

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Our shuttle came to pick us up and the driver asked if we wanted to stop anywhere on the way to the airport.  Why yes.  Yes we do.

Tina, Monica, SR, Brittany.

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And a few hours later I was in the airport eating pizza and salad followed by some more snacks on the airplane.

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Pennsylvania, I will be back again next year to run the Hat Trick.  I liked you too much to not do these races again.  Turns out Runner’s World knows how to put on a good race.  

Absolute favorite race distance and why?  

Ever used candy during a race for fuel?

Favorite post race meal?

What is your goal for your next race?

I am just going to have to ask 5 questions today because I have a lot to talk to you about.  Favorite pizza toppings lately?

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Congratulations on the half marathon and an awesome race-filled weekend!!! Pizza toppings? I will say spinach, hot italian sausage, goat cheese and pine nuts. YUM


My next race is a 5k in Sunday. I’m using that as a gauge to see where I should be for training paces. I’m running a winter run series of 6 5ks over the winter months. I want to see some serious improvement by the end.


I love the half marathon too – it’s a challenge, but it doesn’t take you months to prep for either ;)

The Great North Run here in England is absolutely lined with spectators – people are clapping you on the WHOLE way round. The best part is the food: they give away oranges, popsicles, jelly babies…. I can officially report that candy makes great race fuel.

Glad you had a good weekend!


Having volunteered at ultras for so long, I’ve always thought I’d run one … but not yet. Maybe one day.

Favorite pizza topping= green peppers and onions with no cheese.


I love half-marathons! It’s long enough to be a challenge to both your mind and body but not quite as much of an investment as the marathon!

Fave fuel: honey stingers!


Sounds like a dream weekend for runners! Congrats on your hat trick!
My husband used to get bad cramps during and after races. He takes magnesium pills and it seems to help!
During an ironman, I put twizzlers and Rice Krispie treats in my bike bag. Such a nice treat!
Hope your renuion with Brooke was amazing!


I think my next race is another half but i haven’t totally decided yet. I like to run for fun and if I find a race to do, I’ll do it. Twizzlers are a WAY better run fuel than gels and bars if you ask me. I’m still in the swedish fish group ;)


My absolute favorite race distance is the marathon because I love long runs. I want to do a 50k and a 50 miler someday, maybe even a 100 miler. :)

I think I used gummy bears during my first marathon, but I can’t remember for sure. I have been using Swedish Fish during training runs this time, so I will probably use some for the marathon too.

I really don’t have a favorite post race meal because I never know exactly what I am going to want.

My husband and I are running the Istanbul marathon together next month. When we first started training our goal was to run and enjoy the experience, but training has been going really well for the both of us, so we are hoping for at least a 4:25 marathon.

My favorite pizza toppings are a little bit of cheese, green peppers, mushrooms, onions, black olives, and chicken.


I ran the 10K last year with Fitfluential. LOVED IT! Since I live outside of Philadelphia I didn’t have to travel too far to get to the race, which was awesome. I actually really enjoyed the rolling hills. I do so much better in races with rolling hills than I do when there is just a flat surface. That’s probably weird. :)

Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself in PA!


What an amazing weekend! Glad you had fun! Enjoy your time back with Brooker :) .


YaY! I’m so happy you loved my Hood! I ran the Hershey Half yesterday and I LOVED it! Wasn’t the day just perfect for racing?? I’ve never used candy as fuel but they handed out Hershey bars at mile 11ish yesterday :) right in front of the chocolate factory!

My goal for Tucson Marathon….. keeping it between me and my coach :)


I have only ever ran a 5K race. That needs to change.

My favorite pizza toppings are pear, caramelized onions & Gorgonzola cheese.


Sounds like the perfect way to end an amazing weekend! Glad you had a great time!


I love half marathons too, but my next races are 5Ks and 10Ks since I just ran a marathon and there aren’t as many half marathons to run here really. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun and your pace was really speedy! Congratulations!


I loved seeing your gorgeous face all weekend — really wish I could have stuck around for the 1/2 but it’s definitely on my calendar for next year! Miss you already.


Congrats!!! I ran the Empire State Half marathon in NY yesterday, but not nearly as quickly as you ran yours!

My favorite distance for running right now is 10k. It’s a good distance for me who was a trained sprinter for many years. But my true love it triathlon and right now my favorite distance for that is the Olympic (.93 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 10k run)


Half marathons are my favorite… 5ks and 10ks are too fast for me. I’ve only done one marathon, but I’m thinking I’m due for another next year. My next goal is to PR at Philly in November! I also had some bag check issues at RW Festival this weekend… I ended up starting the 5K 7 minutes after everyone else did by the time I got my number and dropped my bag. Good thing the course was well marked!


I love your blog! And I love running! Dumb question-how do you take care of your running clothes-laundry tips? Do you simply have to toss them after awhile due to stinkiness? :)


This weekend looked so much fun- I’m going to make it my mission to go next year! My husband and I did the Little Rock race last year to meet Bart and he was SO nice.

Glad you had a good time and are back home to snuggle with your little one- I know you missed her!


Sounds like an awesome time! I definitely want to do this next year!

Just like you the 1/2 marathon is my absolute favorite. I never ran a full yet, but I usually don’t need to take any time off after a half. I’ve never use fuel when I run (something I should probably start to do) because in college our coach wouldn’t let us; we weren’t even allowed sips of water during workouts! As always we all set goals for ourselves, work hard, and want them so badly. I am working on my PR for the half!

Good luck in your next race!


My favorite race distance is the 50K–just long enough to be really challenging and not quite long enough to start feeling like torture. :)

The best post race meal is definitely pizza! I like veggie toppings, or ham and pineapple. I’m not super picky though, I’ll eat just about ANY kind of pizza! :)


I did my first half marathon last week and have already decided they’re my favourite distance! I did it in 2 hours 20 mins BUT didn’t stop running the whole way. My goal is to get it under 2 hours next year and work on getting faster at 5K & 10K races before I run a marathon… dun dun duuuunnn. Well done on your hat trick :)


The hat trick sounds intense! I still haven’t settled on a favourite race distance. I’m comfortable with the 10k because I’ve done it the most often (x6), but I LOVED my one half marathon experience too. I’ll decide in a few years once I’ve had more experience! Pizza: peppers, mushrooms, and pepperoni. Post race meal: anything with yam fries. Next race’s goal (one month from now): to do my 10k in under an hour. The hour line has been taunting me for a year!


I think that my best distance right now is the half but I really enjoyed the marathon as well…thinking the full is my favourite as it tests the body and mind in a way the other distances don’t.

Had some leftover pulled pork in the fridge so threw it on last night’s homemade pizza…delicious.


thats a great time!! I can’t wait to see your times for next weekend when you do your half!
I have decided that the half amrathon is just so much MORE fun than the marathon. For real, it’s lots easier and is over in an hour and a half. Ain’t no thang but a chicken wing to run the half!!
I ran a full yday-and it just WASNT my day(stomach troubles!). 3:47 was my time, but i thought i was goign to b reak 3:30 so i was a bit dissapointed.
I always swedish fish. They are just SO delightful. But i used the “powerade dels” this weekend just bc they were FREE at miles 7& 15. WIN!
I hope your reunion with Brooke is 1 million times more amazing than you thought it would be!!!


Looks like a blast! Hope you had a fun weekend!


I took twizzlers too… I knew if only one other person did, it was going to be you :-).


I love the marathon distance because I feel like I can run a comfortable pace the whole time and usually only want to die at the end. Running fast is not my favorite.

The Hartford Marathon has AWESOME medals. They are definitely my favorite.

Your weekend sounds really great!


You’re looking so good Janae! I love the half marathon distance when I’m in shape. The Twizzlers sound like a great mid race fuel! ha! And Next race is Savannah Rock n’ Roll half…goal is to have fun with some 7:30 to 8:00 range (I know, big range). Happy Monday!


Favorite post race meal is definitely a blue cheese burger! And favorite pizza topping is goat cheese :-) glad you had an awesome weekend!


Ah this is too cool!!! My favorite distance is the 10K, I would say half marathon, but my body can’t handle that distance. A 10K is something I’m good at, and I honestly thoroughly enjoy being able to push myself in it. Last year when I ran it, I did it with an avg pace of 8:48, I’m hoping to get to the low 8’s possible high 7’s :). Great race btw!! I’m super jealous of your race pace and how easily it seems you keep it ;)


Absolute favorite race distance and why? The half marathon is my favorite distance too!! I did one marathon and just don’t think my body is made to run for that long ;) and 5ks are just painful! I just ran my 15th half marathon on Saturday morning and PR’d at 1:30:28 so I was pretty pumped :) Someday I will get the sub 1:30 though I probably won’t race again till spring…and while I haven’t used candy for fuel before (I still to powerbar gel bites) I did take some pumpkin spice flavored marshmallows for my race this weekend since I forgot to get the gels…they worked great!! :)

Congrats on all your races this weekend! You need to come back to PA but the western side this time! Lots of great races out this way too :)


I love stinger energy chews. I eat one every mile-they are like candy too. Yesterday at Nike Women’s Half Whole Foods gave full on chocolate at mile 10. I love chocolate but I was like-what do i do with this? Chocolate is my love but it makes me thirsty. I had to throw it out-i really thought it was strange


I like mid-distance the best, I think. I’ve yet to do a half (but I have run one independently!) but I’ve done a few six mile races and a 12k. I like running for an hour or two at a time. I’ve never done a marathon either, because I’m not sure that I can yet handle that distance mentally.

I’m not going to lie, one of the things that intimidates me about longer distance is a fueling strategy. Candy corn seems like it would be fantastic!


you are soo speedy!! I want to do this race and run all 3 sometime! love how much you got to hang out with Summer Sanders!


It sounds like you had the perfect weekend. I’m glad you got to enjoy so much running! Favorite pizza topping is pepperoni…and nothing else. I’m weird.


I think a half marathon is my favorite distance, though just like you I LOVE the marathon too!

Right now my only goal is to recover from this stupid femoral stress fracture I have – after I do that my long term goal is to run the Cleveland Marathon in May 2014 and qualify for Boston! Lofty goal but I’m ready!


sounds like such an awesome weekend! i had a pizza with butternut squash on it the other day. really good.


I ran that race yesterday too and fell in love with half marathons. Yesterday was my second one and it was certainly a redeeming race, the first one was an awfully run race in the middle of no where. Also I ran it with my dad and it was his first half marathon, so we had a blast. And I really like onion on my pizza.


Congrats on an awesome race, girl! I don’t have any under my belt yet since I’m just taking the baby steps to get back into running, but I caught myself looking up races the other day, which is something I never would have considered even a few months ago. I think I’ll start out easy and stick to a 5k though ;)


My favorite race is the 5K – I am a former sprinter, so the fast, frantic nature of the 5K suits me. I’ve dabbled in the 10K and completed one half – but 5K is my thing for sure!

I am running a halloween themed 5K next Sunday. I’ve had bad luck with my last two 5K’s (circumstances that were out of my control) – so I would really like to PB that race. Only thing – I’ll be wearing some sort of hot dog costume!


I love that your time was a 1:34, when you were just having fun and hanging with friends :) That’s so cool!
I’m really digging the 13.1. A 5 or 10K isn’t quite long enough, and I haven’t run a full quite yet (less than 2 weeks) but the training and actual run for a 13.1 is kind of perfect.
No candy during a race :(
Yesterday, I had a veggie burger and sweet potato fries after my 1/2 and it was fabulous! Oh yeah, and we had dark chocolate covered pumpkin seed bark from Costco. It was amazing.
My goal for my next race is to chill with my BFF and save my legs for the following weekend for my full :)
Favorite pizza toppings lately: sundried tomatoes and artichoke hearts


I’ve only ever run a 10k, but it felt like the perfect race for me especially as someone who doesn’t take running too seriously – not as much commitment as a half marathon, but still challenging myself distance-wise. And I think I’d much rather have candy than anything else as running fuel!


Totally with you on being a half-marathon girl — def my fave distance. I just ran my first full last weekend and it’s totally the best high of my life, but I enjoy the half distance way more. So do my IT bands. And my calves. And my sanity.


Congrats on your half my friend! Those rolling hills would kick my butt! It sure does look beautiful though.

Sounds like you had a great trip with amazing people. :) So glad you got to do this!


I would say the 10K or half marathon is my favorite distance. I take at least 3 miles to get really warmed up…….but a marathon is LONG. lol. The last 5K I did I had an average pace of 7:30, but the last 10K I did I had an average pace of 7:10. Obviously, I’m not going all out in my 5K.

I’ve never fueled with candy….but if I did it’d be jelly beans:-D

I like my pizza with TONS of veggies. Mostly peppers!


I haven’t ever used candy before.. I kinda want to try it! Y’all looked so cute and I totally thought you planned it!


That looks like so much fun!!! I have never tried candy for fuel…but I might have to! I just ran my marathan and had a pretty disappointing race and I think fuel played a part in it. My race goal is still a 3:15 marathon and I would love to try again for it soon…but I may wait until spring.


Awesome job! That race looks like FUN! I would love to do it next year!
My favorite race distance is the 14K! It is long enough to get you moving and short enough not to completely drain you!
Never used “candy” just used the gels and fruit snacks that are like candy :)
Favorite post race meal: Breakfast at North Star Cafe!
My next goal is to finish under 1:50 for 1/2! I am at 1:53 yesterday!
My favorite pizza topping.. Sausage, Bacon and pepperoni! I ate that yesterday!


I’m not sure if I’ve really raced enough races to determine a favorite distance, I’ve only done a handful of each and then a lot of 5Ks but just for fun. So far I actually think the marathon was my favorite because I was running to finish and not running super fast so I never got that “I want to die because I’m running so fast” feeling.


Holy cow YOU’RE SO FAST!! There’s no way I could do that. I thought my 2:13 half marathon time was good! I think my perfect distance is a 10k. A 5k can be a little short (sometimes. Sometimes it’s perfect ;)) and a half marathon kills me at mile 11. The 10k is perfect!


It looks like a pretty course.

Lately I’ve been enjoying plain cheese pizza.


I love the idea of twizzlers for during a race. I might have to try that! I signed up for a 5k race which is in a couple of weeks and I am looking forward to it. I like that distance because I don’t have the time or commitment right now to train, so I can do that easily with the cross training workouts I do. I am in good shape and 5km is a good distance without training. My sister and I just signed up for a relay race that is 15km each and that one I will need to do some training for.


My favorite race distance is a 10k. A 5k is too short but I like pushing myself in the 10k. I had a PR in the 10k I ran this past weekend–took 4 full minutes off my last 10 k time…super exciting! Never used candy for a race fuel but I’m starting to like the idea! For some reason I’m never hungry after a race. After my last 1/2 I ate a cinnamon roll, chocolate milk, french fries, and shredded beef. Most random combination ever and not good post-race food–I felt awful after! My next race is a 5 mile Thanksgiving day run and my goal is to get under 40 minutes. Going to train hard the next few weeks! Favorite pizza toppings? Canadian bacon and regular bacon. Can’t go wrong with bacon!


I am so happy you enjoyed your time in good ‘ole PA. I will agree, having a heated area after a race is DEFINITELY a good idea! My favorite post race meal with any kind of pizza or pasta! Pizza with blue cheese and hot sauce has been calling my name lately. SO good!

Congrats on having a great weekend and some great runs (besides the chicken wings ;))


Wow, that’s a great time for a training run! You are going to ROCK your marathon! Sounds like a fabulous weekend. So glad you had a good time and got to meet so many amazing runners. So jealous of your new BFF, Summer!


That weekend looks like so much fun!!! We ran a local 5k – I pushed the stroller and was pleased with my pace, but watching my little Dude run in the kids’ race was the best bit!

I heard about a cracking pizza topping this week…apple and pear. Going to try it on pizza night this Saturday!!!


Wow, what an amazing weekend! Congrats on three great races!

Twizzlers sound like perfect fuel to me. I got soooo sick from GU during my marathon two weeks ago that I will never even look at a packet of the stuff…I’m convinced it is pure evil. I’m thinking of trying candy corn for my next race!

And ugh to the calf cramps – they are awful! I’ve never had them until the above mentioned marathon. I think because I couldn’t eat or drink anything after mile 15 (darn GU!) I probably ended up dehydrated and around mile 20 the leg cramps started. It was awful, though I saw other runners literally screaming at the top of their lungs so I’m assuming there are varying degrees of cramping. Not an experience I want to repeat!


It looks like an amazing weekend! I haven’t completed a hat trick but this spring I completed the Frederick 5K/Half Marathon “Nut Job” challenge – a twilight 5K on Saturday and 1/2 on Sunday morning. I was coming off an injury and had barely trained but still PRed in the half! I would love to do a weekend like that again.

Last week I made pizza with fresh mozzarella, mushrooms, spinach and prosciutto. SO GOOD!


This race looks like a lot of fun! I might consider running it next year!


Your next trip to Pennsylvania should be to Pittsburgh…beautiful city, awesome marathon in the spring :)


You sure you only took it easy? Great run!

I’ve been eating paydays on my runs lately since they don’t have chocolate and won’t melt. I also like Swedish fish and gummy bears.

13.1 is my favorite because it gives me time to settle in and find a good pace.

I love pineapple and pepperoni on my pizza. BBQ pizza is amazing, too. I had some after my 30 mile bike ride this weekend. My favorite post race meal is definitely a burger and fries.

I said it before and I’ll say it again – run the runners world heartbreak hill challenge next spring in Boston. I’ll be there! :)


Sounds like am awesome weekend! Reading your recaps is making me want to do the RW challenge in Boston next spring. :)


Yay! Awesome race!

I am running a 5k in the beginning of November and my goal is to fininsh in 30 since it’s my first one since I was 17! HAHA!

Pizza: There is this perfect pizza place in Jax, Florida that has a pizza called the gourmet. It’s prosciutto and brie cheese. Trust me. So delish!


I like half marathons too. I recently ran a huge PR, and am excited to see how much faster I can go in the future! 5Ks are HARD!!


Great runs this weekend! It looks like so much fun to do the hat trick! Did you see they are bringing another version of the race to Boston? I want in!

Half marathons are definitely my favorite, although I can’t lie I do like how fast 5ks are done :) I agree its just so much easier to recover after a half than a full..says the girl who is gimping around icing after yesterdays full. :) But I got my BQ, so Boston 2015 here I come!

I think my next goal is going to be to get a half marathon PR & hopefully sub 1:35!

Favorite pizza topping lately spinach/tomato/feta cheese. YUM!


Your easy pace blows my mind :) I would like to be you for a day so I can see what running fast for fun feels like!

Favorite pizza toppings: meatball, sun dried tomatoes and caramelized onions. It’s really the BEST combination! Tastes like candy!


YOU are awesome and fast! Congratulations!


I love half marathons for the same reasons you do! You girls had such an awesome time, congrats on all of the races…favorite pizza toppings? Veggies. Tons of Veggies. Especially mushrooms. Love them on pizza.


did i miss it? what was your final time, you speed demon!?


I am a fan of the sweedish berries for my race fuel!


When I start seriously training and logging some miles again I’m trying your fueling practices-nothing better than swedish fish and/or twizzlers.

I think the 10k is my favorite. It’s been a long time since I’ve really ran consistently though so maybe this spring and next falls race schedule will change that for me :)


I love gu shot blocks! Also I hate 10k’s and 5k’s I need time to get into my grove :) I do have question though as I compile my Christmas list, is there a reason you don’t use the new forerunner 620 when you are running? Thanks for your help! Great job on your race!!


I might have to travel to PA next year. It looks like a great weekend.
My favorite distance is the Half marathon. Just enough of a challenge, but not a full marathon.
I always fuel with peanut M & M’s and gummie bears.
Favorite post race meal is a good burger.
My next race is the NYC Marathon. My goal is a PR 4:30 finish.
Favorite pizza topping onions.


That salad looks delicious!
Favorite post race meal = Beer with limes


I am impressed by the hat trick! You are hardcore!

Also, your “taking it easy” half is faster than my PR half. That makes me want to get faster really bad so I can be as awesome as you!


You are ridiculously fast! Favorite pizza lately is Maragrita. So simple but delicious. It’s usually hard for me to eat immediately after a race, so I try to drink a smoothie before eating a (hot) meal!


Congrats on the hat trick! That’s lots of fun running. I like to fuel with gummy bears. They are not supposed to spike your blood sugar like other candy. Whether that is true of not, I am not sure …they are delicious so I am going with it. Goal for Vegas Rock n roll half marathon next month is to have fun!!! Lots of fun friends running with me, vow renewal at run through bridal chapel and great people watching will make for a great time. What a fun weekend with all your blogger friends! I enjoyed the stream of updates from everyone all weekend. Welcome home.


I have 2 5ks coming up in November, maybe 3. Since I am on the midnight shift and will be working all night before the race I would love to just finish and enjoy the race. I won’t be worrying about time, I just want to go out there and love it.


Great job with the races!! My favorite distance is the 10 miler! I like that at 10 miles I’m done and don’t have to con myself into running a 5k!

Never used candy, love salads and pizza, goal for my next race is to finish with all 8:xx miles (it’s a 10k and I am 5 months post ACL surgery!).

Pizza toppings = all the meats and all the veggies not a lot of cheese!


Between all the recaps, I’m coming next year! I only live two hours away. I definitely can make it and want to do the hat trick!! I’d love to meet you in person, too. You’re awesome, keep it up girl.


I’ll keep this short but I LOVE the idea of this kind of race weekend. Let’s hope we’ll have something like that over here in the UK sometime soon. And great job on all three races!


I really want to break 1:30 in a Half Marathon. My PR is 1:33:20 so I have a long way to go! Training would help :) You’re inspiring me!


THANK YOU for running with me and pushing me way beyond what I would have done on my own, and encouraging me. you’re a good friend!


Thank you for such an inspring post! It seems like a great run.
I have only run shorter distances so far, but I am on my way towards a 10 mile race and hope to follow in the foot steps of you and so many other great runners.


Favorite race is the half for sure! Looks like you had a blast!


I have two goals for my next race: defeat the mental aspect of the run, and PR. Doesn’t really matter by how much, just PR :)


Half marathon is my favorite distance because it is long enough where I’m not in pain the whole time (cough5Kcoughcough), but short enough where I won’t be completely worn out afterwards.


Amazing time & looks like a super fun weekend! I ran my first half marathon yesterday 1 hr 4 min slower than you haha – gotta start somewhere I guess!


Those salads look epic. Want.

My absolute favorite distance is the 15k. I rant the Utica Boilermaker in upper-state New York a few years ago and it was the perfect distance and amount of hills. I can’t wait to do it again someday!

Nothing beats post-race lasagna.

Favorite pizza topping? Hmm… very tough. Probably wild mushroom and thyme pizza. Fancy, huh? :)


I’m with you on the half being the best distance for me. It takes me about 45 minutes to wake and enjoy my running! there should be 15 mile races, those would be my fave.


Way to go!! You rocked the half–even after a 5k & 10k. Impressed!

I def like the 1/2 distance the best too–it feels tough but not too crazy. And yah, the recovery isn’t as bad as the marathon.

Mmmm pizza! I love plain ole’ cheese, actually! Basil is good too!


WOW What a runny weekend! How are you legs feeling today!? I know mine would be JELLO.

Question for you: When (distance) do you find you need to start taking fuel with you for your runs? I think I will need to start taking some with my for my long runs.

Oh pizza……. yum yum


So you and SR are like my running blog BFFs and having both of you in this post is like an awesome overload! My lifelong goal is to meet you two at a race (although you will have to wait like 5 hours after you finish for me to cross the finish line).

I got CRAZY calf cramps in a half I ran last year (top of utah) I thought I was dying. My friend also thought Iwas dying. The medic rubbed icy hot and it did nothing and so I thought for sure it was it. And then I drank a 32 oz gatorade and they magically went away. I don’t know if I was dehydrated going into the race – I thought I did well to drink enough throughout — or if it was my salt that made everything go crazy, but luckily the gatorade cured it pretty much immediately!


But there are SEVEN colors in the rainbow…you owe us 2 questions!
Great job! So glad you had a FUN weekend :)
My next race goal is to enter one and then run it ;-)


That Runner’s World festival looks awesome! Might have to add it to my calendar for next year. I think my favorite race distance is the half marathon also…a solid distance race, but still a hard effort the whole time. The marathon is obviously a hard effort too, but in a different way. I feel like I have to hold back a little in the earlier miles. I just PR’d in a marathon last week, so now it’s time to bring my half marathon down considerably!


Wow! I’m LOVING the race clocks along the course. Even if they weren’t EVERY mile, a few would be awesome. That is definitely impressive.


I think my favorite distance is a half marathon too. It’s just long enough so you get into a groove but not too long, like a marathon that makes you super sore.
My next race is the New York City Marathon and my training has been horrible so my goal is to finish and run for fun! :)


Love the pic of all of you ladies and your fro-yo! :)

Favorite pizza toppings … pepperoni and banana pepper. Or I love a good BBQ chicken pizza!


I love a half-marathon…’s a good distance to run fairly fast, but not so much that you’re dead by mile 7. Requires great pacing.

I was given M&M’s during a race once. I was pulled in because it was chocolate but it was too hard to chew and run!

Favorite post-race meal: BREAKFAST!! Scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes!!

Goal for my next race (in one month) is to finish a half marathon in less than 1:50.

Favorite pizza toppings lately: I love me a good veggie pizza (with every veggie known to man on it….yes, including olives!), but my brother gave me a taste of a spicy sausage pizza he had on Saturday and it was heavenly!


Great job! :-)

I would have to say my favorite distance to just run is 6-7 miles, but for races, nothing beats the marathon for me. I have yet to run a half, so we shall see if that changes. I don’t particularly enjoy the whole sprinting 5Ks either…it hurts. In a good way, I suppose.

I used to eat lemon jolly ranchers, Swedish fish, and Gummi LifeSavers during my long runs because I couldn’t bear to eat the Gu or Stengers. It’s hard for me to force anything other than water down while running, but I had to get over that for my training.

Pizza. Favorite meal period. Cheese, and sometimes pepperoni.

I want to qualify for Boston, and break 20 minutes in the 5K .


You are so insanely fast! AWESOME job :D


My son is a power lifter and regularly gets strong cramps after workouts. He drinks Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of them. He takes two big spoonfuls in 8 oz of water mixed with honey. And usually it takes the cramps right away!


You are SPEEDY!!! I’m just so jealous of this whole weekend. I think I like the half marathon although I’ve only done 2. Post race meals for me are bananas, pb, and chocolate milk! I don’t have any race goals because my last race of the xc season was Saturday – 20:04 – 4th place! So I have no idea when my next race will be!


You simply rock the Half!
My favorite race distance for sure is the Half. I have never run a Marathon and I’m not sure if I ever will. Never used candy for fuel. My favorite post race meal just depends but usually it involves Mexican Food. My next race is this weekend and I want to PR and finish under 2:30. Favorite Pizza topping lately is mushrooms.


I think I like 5Ks the best, but I’m not sure. I used Skittles & almond Snickers (at mile 10) on my first & only half marathon! Good stuff :)


Great job on the half..I was at the 10 k…maybe I will meet you next year when I am there


The 10k is my favorite! I can run six miles a day several days a week, but yet it’s long enough that the distance feels like an accomplishment every time. My 10k pace is also my happy running pace–I don’t feel bored or like I’m going to die, it feels strong and steady. You can also run a solid race without investing tons of time in training and you don’t have to worry much about hydration, fueling, over training issues, etc. It’s a good, happy medium for me!


My favorite race distance is a 5k (that’s all I’ve done)
Haven’t used candy as fuel- but sounds good!

Favorite pizza toppings lately: pineapple, green peppers, onion and mushroom! Quality Performance wear for men and women!


Are those just Ray Bans you wore in the race or are they the Oakley glasses you blogged about awhile back? I like them!


I tried eating swedish fish during my last marathon but it was too hard for me to chew them while I was running:(


PA really is beautiful in the fall, I’m glad you enjoyed it! It’s funny that you loved PA, because I live here and am currently lusting to move to Utah :) I really, really want to do the hat trick next year. I live not too far from there! I’m running my first half this Spring (cue freakout!!) and am hoping to be in good enough shape (and to have dropped a considerable amount of weight!) by this time next year!


Congrats on a great race!!


Just stumbled across your site…very fun! I am about to run my first marathon ever this weekend, but I think my favorite distance is the half marathon, favorite post race meal is a big hamburger, and I have always been a huge fan of pineapple pizza! Keep the stories and advice coming-I love it!

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