I promise, this is not an exaggeration and finding a running coach.

She carried this bag around all day.  I may have started the addiction to wonderful workout clothing just a little too young with her.  

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I promise the next statement is not an exaggeration:

Brooke sleeping on me is my favorite feeling in the world.  She used to do this daily but now that she is so mature and wants to be exploring the world at all times she never sleeps in my arms anymore.  It was the best 29 minutes of my October (and September and August).

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Brooke and I took my niece and sister on a date to our favorite spot… the Cafe Rio.

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After lunch I had a brilliant idea:  buy a good book and let Brooke play with the trains in the bookstore while I read for as long as she wanted to play with the trains.  It worked out very well for both of us.

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Dinner was a steak salad with the parents.  If you can’t tell I was really craving salads yesterday.  

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Candice had a birthday last week and what better way to celebrate one’s birth than with a large cookie topped with ice cream.   

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A question that I get a lot is….. How did you find your running coach?

My coach and his wife live in Florida and they are the nicest (except for when I am slowing down during a track workout) people.   I knew my coach’s wife (through emailing back and forth) and when I posted on my blog that I was in search for a coach she emailed me and told me that her husband was a coach.  We set up a phone call and I got a good feel for his personality (important that you find someone where your personalities match up), background, training, certifications, history and goals for me and it seemed like a great fit.  Just like that, I had a coach.  PS he is booked with athletes and isn’t taking on any more currently so that is why I haven’t given out his information.  

I lucked out and didn’t have to go searching for a coach SOOOOO I was hoping that any of you that have a coach or know great ways to find a running coach could help out in the comments and tell us how you found your running coach.  

Why I love having a running coach:

1.  He has taught me the importance of stretching, core work and easy days…. aka how to prevent running injuries (I think this is the longest amount of time that I have gone without an injury in a long time).  In the beginning he scheduled it out for me every day but now it is just habit and I do it on my own every day (okay, almost every day).

2.  Having an outsider (who knows what they are doing) perspective helps so much.  He helps me to think long term as far as my running goals go which prevents me from doing silly things (i.e. how I used to race as much as possible and take little/no time to recover after races and hard workouts).   

3.  Having a coach is great motivation…. knowing I have to report back to him via Training Peaks how the workout went always pushes me to finish strong.  He helps me see my running potential which helps me to hit paces that I didn’t think I could hit.    

4.  I don’t have to think.  I don’t have to come up with workouts, paces, times etc.  It is all there for me every morning in my email inbox and he knows what it takes to get the goals that I have set for myself.   I just have to do the running part which I like.  He helps me with my pre-race plan and gives me great advice on nutrition (see above pizookie;), pacing and my mental game.


Who has a birthday coming up?  When?

What are you reading right now?

Without exaggerations… what is one of your favorite things in the world?

Favorite salad dressing?

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My bday is exactly one month from today :-) Noah’s is the 18th of nov though so we are planning his party now. And my favorite dressing is blue cheese. Hands down. I could drink that stuff.


I just finished Doctor Zhivago and boy, am I glad it’s finished. I’m sure I’m just vile and low-class, but I just didn’t find it to be a great read. There are so many would-be poignant moments in the plot that are glossed over or breezed by! I know this could partly be thanks to poor translation, but it was tiresome. Off to the library now – hopefully I’ll select something I enjoy more!


It’s a simple thing but one of my favorite things is going on a walk, preferable by some body of water. There is something so refreshing to me about water and fresh air. Walking is a cure all for me.


One of my favorite things in the world is when my dog (I’m a dog mama, not yet a real mama) falls asleep on my chest. It is so sweet and innocent!


Finding a coach that fits with your personality and goals is the most important part. It’s part of why I switched from swimming to running a few years ago. Now I will be training on my own but I want to run coach free for awhile and see where I go with it. I do think the training you have done with your coach is awesome though and you’ve seen huge improvements lately which shows that he is a good match for you!


Oooh what book did you buy? I’m always looking for suggestions :)

Brooke us just the cutest little girl ever — especially when she’s sleeping on you! Too cute!


I’m not feeling well today, but I need a pizookie once I feel better.

I’m with you, when AB sleeps on me, I’m in heaven. :-).

I love the running coach idea and I look forward to reading what everyone says about it!


Since I don’t have any babies or pets, I’m going to say that breakfast is one of my favourite things in the world. Buuuuut that might just be because I’m currently eating it and it feels so good because I woke up starving. Either way, breakfast is delicious.

And I -kind of- have a birthday coming up. Mine’s in January, so about 2 months away.


I just finished the third book in the Divergent series. It was great, but now I’m waiting for my husband to finish the fifth Game of Thrones book so I can read that.

I think my favorite thing ever is probably hanging out with my dog…namely cuddling with her.


I just had my birthday September 16th so I have a whole year to wait!

I’m not reading anything in particular right now I have a stack of books to start on though. Probably after the holidays.

Without exaggeration two of my favorite thingx in the world are sleeping and smuggling with my kids. They are both getting older, is 3.5 & 2 old – it seems so to me, and don’t want to sit still got a second. So when Connor asks me to smuggle him during his nap and become I happily oblige. Gracen had started crawling back in my lap again and smuggling. It melts my heart and they won’t do this one day so I’ll do it as much as they want right now.

Favorite salad dressing is the Full Circle brand organic Tuscsn Italian. It is so good. I put it in salads and sandwiches.

I’m currently looking for a coach do I’m excited to hear what people say. I found a guy that is about an hour from me who coaches two super fast bloggers I follow so I’ll let you know how that pans out. I’m far from fast but want to work on my speed in the new year!


The only time I ever had a running coach was during my cross country and track days. Since then I have run on my own, doing what I thought best….butttt since signing up for the Shamrock Marathon next March, I decided to contact my old coach who gladly has devised a training plan for me! It has been more than I have ever expected and I am so glad that I have taken all the guess work out of what I’m doing on a particular day! It’s awesome!


I can’t wait to see what people say about finding a coach because i am LOOKING FOR ONE!! I want to be faster and having a coach would help me do that! I am jsut worried about how expensive it will be!!

I haven’t read a book since school (i teach) started back up. but i have a whole stack piled up ready to go. I would love to get my hand on the newest Dan Brown Book. The last book i read was Khaled Hosseini’s new book, which was amazing.


Could Brooke be any cuter? I don’t think so. You two are the most beautiful mother/daughter duo ever!


Such a nice picture of you and Brooke :) I am reading Minister Without Portfolio right now… wouldn’t recommend it at all though unfortunately.


I’m reading Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult–it’s good! I’m going through a lot of books right now cause I broke my arm last week and can’t do much. :/


In my opinion, word of mouth is the best way to find a good coach for any discipline. I like to hear about the successes their athletes have because that speaks volumes to me.


One of my favorite things is when a look says it all. Whether with a spouse, friend, co-worker…..etc. that moment of eye contact that just says I got you, I love you, be strong, etc.


I never thought about how motivating it would be to have a coach because you’re having to report back from your runs. Um, maybe I should get a coach and I wouldn’t skip so many of my runs!

Currently, I’m reading lots of study books. I’m going back to school at the ripe age of 32 to switch careers and become a Speech Language Pathologist! So, I’m taking classes and studying for the GRE to get into grad school.

Without exaggeration, one of my favorite things is getting mail from friends and/or family. Its so exciting to go to the mailbox and find something FUN instead of a bill or anything boring.

My favorite salad dressing is Annie’s Naturals ‘Goddess’ dressing. It. is. amazingly delicious!


Congrats on going back! I will be 31 in December and am doing the same thing.


I just finished the last book in the Divergent trilogy– Allegiant. I was looking forward to it coming out for so long that I’m totally at a loss for what to read next!


Was it any good? I’m dying to read it but I’m pretty sure my best friend has already bought me it for Christmas so I’ll to wait! :-( If you like that kind of book you might like either ACID by Emma Pass or a bit more fantasy, Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. Both awesome books!


It was, although I’m not sure I loved it as much as the first two books. And the ending was crazy! Thanks for the tips on the other books though– I’ll check them out!


That’s the book I want to start reading! I finished the first two this summer and loved them. I’m worried the third won’t live up to my expectations (since I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever) so I haven’t picked it up yet – you may have just inspired me to do so though!


Ugghhhh. The first two were SO good. And the third…… well, I was depressed last night after finishing it. Partly because it was the end of the series, and partly because it just didn’t live up to the first two, IMO.


The only running coach(es) I ever had was when I was in high school, and it’s one of the things I miss most about running for a team (besides the built-in network of best friends, of course). Now, I look to my friends and acquaintances (the faster, smarter ones) as pseudo “coaches” and I take their advice on how they train. Most of them are just naturally gifted, but some people will give me tips on how to work hard and train smart. For people who can’t find a coach, joining a local running club is a great idea – the people who work in running stores are often well-informed about how to structure workouts, and the people that you run with can be experienced and very friendly. Plus it’s great to have that accountability from someone who expects you to be at the track the next morning.

Not to compare Brooke to a puppy, but one of my favorite things in the world was when my boyfriend’s golden retriever puppy (up until about 2 months old) would wake up from his naps. He cute, squishy little face and his eyes that hardly opened and his tiny teeth and sweet little yawns. Precious. It was the only time we could hold him without squirming or nipping. I miss that. So I’m glad you’re taking advantage of all of Brooke’s naps on you – that must be the best!


I’m glad you shared this – as I rock my babies to sleep in the wee hours of the night, I will keep in mind that this doesn’t last forever!!! :*(


The only things I am reading are articles and books for grad school :-( Kind of boring :-( Does reading blogs count?

I am not a big salad person – I eat them, but not my fave. I do like casear salads though (however you spell it)

My birthday is in January – YAY!


Its 830 am and for whatever reason all I want is that steak salad you put together. YUM!
Just finished Divergent (good!) and now about to start The Night Circus. I love reading and Barnes and Noble. I could spend hours there. Nerd status.
Love that pic of you and Brooke asleep. I look forward to having kids one day and experiencing little moments like that!
Enjoy your hump day! =)


Just have to say The Night Circus is one of my all time favourites! Took a bit to get into as it’s so unusual but it all comes together beautifully! Such a magical book I’m almost jealous you’re starting it for the first time! :-)


My birthday is December 16, so still a little ways out. Brooke is so sweet! I miss when my little guy would sleep on me! Now my favorite things are hugs and kisses from him- he really gives the best hugs. I am currently reading catching yore from the Hunger Games series..well re-reading I guess. My favorite salad dressing is raspberry vinaigrette!


My birthday is a week from Thursday and then I’m running my first half marathon a week from Saturday! I’m so scared and doubting I can finish (I’ve been training since July!) and I don’t know whether to wear tights or shorts so wish me luck please!!!! :)


Happy birthday and have a great race!


I’m reading an intense action book called FOREIGN INFLUENCES right now-it’s pretty good. All the CIA and government sort of stuff though.

One of my favorite things right now… and always will be is my morning (and I suppose all-day) coffee!!

I am so glad you have Brooke to keep you happy and grounded. Still praying for you every day!


It seems @Ellie and I have a lot in common! My birthday is this Saturday and I run my very first half marathon a week from Sunday.

Babies sleeping on you IS the best feeling in the world. My boys are 3 and 5 (soon to be 6) now. They rarely sleep on me. But when they do? My soul is complete.

I know your baby seems so big now but she still has some baby in her :)


Well then, same to you then :) Happy birthday and good luck!


My 27th birthday is TODAY! And I plan on taking some me time after work to go on a nice long run :)


Happy happy happy birthday Betsy! I hope you have the best day ever! Enjoy your run:)


Right now I am reading Born to Run and The Runner’s Body (do you see a trend?) I am working on both of them depending on what kind of mood I am in determines which one I will read.

My favorite thing in the world is hanging out with my husband. Stress free. We’ve been under so much stress lately I’m not sure if that has happened in a long time. Oh yeah, and a good long run (that wont’ be happening anytime soon though)


No birthdays coming up over here, but we celebrated my roommate’s this past weekend. My favorite salad dressing is ceasar. I love that stuff!


That picture of you and Brooke is just straight adorable!!! My birthday just past! Best feeling ever is whenever my cat decides to cuddle with me, either on me or next to me :) Love Caesar Salad dressing with all my heart <3


Children sleeping has to be the most adorable thing ever~!


Once upon a time it was ranch dressing, but then I went to chop’t one day and they had a bacon dressing and well, my life was permanently changed. Caesar is good too but it ain’t no bacon.


Point #4: I don’t have to think is my absolute favorite reason for having a coach. I love that someone else just tells me what to do when it comes to running. I love running and getting out there isn’t a problem, but it’s nice to have someone else say when to do a long run, mid-length run, short run, etc. so I don’t do too much (or too little I guess).

I thought it was pretty hard finding a good running coach. There aren’t very many female coaches when you search online, and then I also wanted to find one that lived near me and had the right qualifications. My ultimate goal is to run a 50-mile race and I wanted a coach that had personal experience with that. Many coaches I found had awesome experience with 5Ks, halfs and full marathons but not much or any experience beyond the marathon.

I think the best way to find a good coach is to ask for recommendations from friends and running bloggers you trust.

Also if you need to, search the RRCA database and look through a bunch of coach’s websites and see if any of them fit your needs and then get in touch to see if you’re a personality fit!


Hands down getting a coach was the best thing I’ve done for my running. The thing I like most is the “not having to think about it” because I really have no idea what paces I should be running on what days for what workouts. I used to just run everything fast. I’m also hitting paces I never ever thought I could run and just ran a 10km PR which took of 2.5 minutes off my former time in just seven weeks of work with my coach. If you’re thinking about coaching, stop! Go get a coach now!

Baby sleeping in arms = bliss! I still co-sleep with my son (9 months) because “we” can’t seem to kick the habit.

I put balsamic vinegar on my salads. I’m crazy about the taste of vinegar.



I would love to have a coach, and have wondered if it would help. I kind of work out my own training, but it would help so much to know I’m working as hard and as smart as possible.

I literally last night finished Born to Run, and really enjoyed it. Next up for me is The Testament of Mary by Colm Toibin. It sounds pretty intense.


This blog popped up right away on my friend’s feed – probably because of the coaching piece! I am so glad you found the right coach – it is always a little tricky and since I coach full time I am always trying to figure out what draws athletes to some coaches and then other coaches – personality, experience, responsiveness, etc. AND I love having a coach myself – takes all the “thinking” out of it for me! GOOD LUCK!


I love your little girls bun. I want one so bad but its just not our time yet. I love the Kelly family cuddle. Yes, me and my dog lie on heads on my husbands chest and talk. Maybe its weird but our dog, is basically our little boy and he acts it. I love the love!


I totally know the feeling of your little one falling asleep in your arms! Especially as they get bigger, older, and more squirmy! The moments are much fewer and further between, so it makes those snuggles all the more sweet. :)

My favorite salad dressing changes by the day, but French dressing (or Catalina? you know…that red stuff) is always one of my faves.


My birthday is on 12/13 and it’s on a Friday this year ;)
I’m reading the Light Between Oceans by Stedman and I’m listening to a Karen Kingsbury book.
My two favorite things in the whole world: coffee and a good book (simultaneously so they count as one) and smelling my kids. So weird, I know. It worked better when they were babies but I still love it.
My favorite salad dressing right now is Bolthouse Farms Honey Mustard. It has a greek yogurt base and a little bite to it. Yum.


Right now I’m reading My Life in France by Julia Child after a friend recommended it to me and it’s really good. Julia really was fearless and lived life to the full. The food descriptions always make me sooo hungry though! :-) I constantly have a pile of books waiting to be read and my local bookshop is my all time favourite happy place! Throw in a cupcake and a latte in the bookshop cafe and I’m in heaven! :-)


I’ve always been a huge ranch person, but I have recently fell in love with poppyseed dressing.

I’m currently re-reading the Hunger Games before the 2nd movie comes out this Thanksgiving!


Favorite thing in the world is snuggling with my 3 month old. Which is probably why he is struggling to nap in his crib!


Your running coach sounds awesome!


I just took a long road trip, so I’ve been listening to the second Hunger Games book. I wasn’t crazy about the first movie, but iTunes was selling this book for $5.95 so I bought it. It’s actually been really entertaining!

Hmm favorite thing in the world? The feeling you get when driving home from work on a Friday afternoon when you know you have something great to look forward to (even if it’s just getting in your pajamas and having a pizza night inside).


When I was training for my first marathon I found a coach through a networking group I belonged to. If you’re in the New England area, Duncan Warden of Tri-Fyt is a knowledgeable and extremely talented athlete. I may sign up with him again for my next half and/or full.

My favorite thing in the world is laughing until I’m crying. It is by far the best feeling in the world and will get me out of any funk.

Favorite salad dressing is Ken’s Northern Italian with basil and Romano.


My birthday is today! Love your blog. So inspiring.


I decided this summer to finally get a running coach. I had a coach all through HS and college. I didn’t start to peak until my junior/senior year of college. I then just took what I knew from my coaches and made my own plans. Well, I was constantly injured. Almost four years ago, I got a really bad injury and I was out about seven months. I eased my way back into the sport and became more mindful of my rest and recovery days. At the beginning of 2013 I ran my 4th half in a time I never thought I’d see and my 5k times started dropping but then they stayed around the same (19:30s). I run with a group and one of the woman’s husband coaches a lot of the runners and coaches one of the top XC teams in NJ. I have now been using him since the beginning of August. My 5k times have come down to 19:09 and my workouts and runs are stronger than ever. Here’s the website incase you’d like to take a look: http://www.runnershighnj.com/runners-high-coaching-services/


My birthday is Today! I´m getting off work in a half an hour, then I´m going for a nice run and after that it´s Cake Time! (my husband made me a frozen cheese cake, and he never bakes!)
My favourite dressing would have to be ceasar dressing or French dressing.


Sleeping babies are the best! One of my favorite things in the world is to hold a new baby. Especially if it is one of my nieces or nephews! I can’t get enough of my now 7-week old niece!


I am actually not reading anything right now! I cant believe it – first time i havent been reading something all year!
And my fav salad dressings are lighter ones, usually an Italian (not creamy ones though, ew), or balsamic or other vinaigrette type!


My favorite thing is when I ask my toddler for a kiss and he smiles and gives me a big, wet open mouth kiss and then a hug, it melts my heart and makes me so incredibly happy to be able to call him mine.


I think that is my favorite pic of you two! So sweet! I loved my daughter sleeping in my arms too. You just can’t describe that feeling:) Mine just turned 11, (I’m a young 32;) but she still has moments of falling asleep on the couch with her head on my lap.

My favorite salad dressing is Honey Mustard, but salsa is a close second!


Ohhhh, don’t you know just love a snuggle & sleeping baby on your chest?! Best.Feeling.Ever. My little one (18 months) rarely does this anymore either, so I savor every second I can steal when she does. So sweet!


I don’t have a running coach, but I am running my first marathon in less than two weeks. I have been running for about 20 years and have only done trail races and tough mudders. I’m pretty excited. My favorite dressing is sesame ginger. Today is actually my birthday.


Ahhh, my baby is now 15 but when he was Brooke’s age, I would put him to bed then about an hour later, when he was sleeping, I would pick him up so he’d be sleeping in my arms for some snuggle time:)


I 100% agree that it is one of the best feelings in the world to have your child sleep on you. Luke wanted to snuggle before bed last night, which is unusual for him now that he is 18 months, so I just snuggled him for as long as he let me and it was wonderful.


I just can’t get over how cute Brooke is!! I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and it’s really inspired me in so many ways.

Just got the card of a coach from my local running store..I think I will look into this more now that I’m learning (slowly) that having a coach makes a big difference in pushing yourself a little harder each time. Just started back into running (took a few years off) and loving every minute of it. Somehow training for a trail 18K in the local mountains has turned into attempting to race half marathons.

Read a book lately called “Lean In” – and yes it’s a lot on career, but it taught me a lot of deeper lessons on how to not sit back in life and to have the courage that we can make a difference. Totally applies to sports and running hills – literally!

Oh, and olive oil on everything!


My birthday is in over a month…. December 15! My sister’s is in a week though on Nov 6th!


favorite thing in the world (not kidding) – being able to sit on the floor in the morning with my coffee and not rush out the door to work/errands/real life. I LOVE that quiet moment in the morning – just me and my coffee waking up on the floor.

My birthday is Dec. 8th – little bit off still but I’ve already started to drop hints to my family about present ideas


I wish we had Cafe Rio in TX, your salads look delish! I cannot get over Brooke’s little bun head. SO cute!


These tips are super helpful! Im in the works of deciding if I want one or not, so thanks for the helpful hints!

I am reading all of James Patterson’s books. They are all murder mystery and SO good! I can’t put them down!!


My sister is an awesome running coach in Utah and her husband does some personal training. She used to run track and cross country at BYU and knows what she’s doing. Fastandfittraining.WordPress.com.

She also has a 4 month old girl who might be just as cute as Brooke and my absolute favorite is also when she sleeps on me!


YES!!! Your child sleeping on you is THE best feeling in the world and it gets rarer and rarer! When it happens now (my boy is nearly 4) my heart bursts and I don’t move for hours!! When he was a baby, I was so concerned about teaching him to sleep independently and now I wish I’d just sat there and held him!!!!

I’m currently reading ‘How to be a woman’ by Caitlin Moran. It is a little rude but VERY funny and whilst I don’t agree with her on everything, she makes some great, thought-provoking points!!!


Right now I’m I the middle of Life ofPi and The Green Mile. Variety is the spice of life!

I’m with you on my “babies” sleeping on me. I love it more than just about anything. Also watching my younger two kids run. It looks so easy and they are so joyful.

I prefer no dressing most of the time. Nowadays I’m limited mostly to vinaigrette and the like. So many food-intolerances :(


Brooke is so dang cute! We need to get our kids together asap! Missing you!

I have this bad habit of starting a book then starting another while I’m still reading the other then starting another.. so currently I am reading Born to Run (again) the glass castle, Wild and burn the fat feed the muscle. No wonder it takes me months to finish one…

I would love a running coach but super cheap right now. Ha!


I just got Boardwalk Empire from the library. I want to watch the show, but I really wanted to read the book first (it’s actually what I have my degree in, lit/film)

One of my favorite things ever now is when my little man (3 months old) smiles at me right when he wakes up. It makes me cry and makes my whole day all at once!!

And Brooke is so freakin’ cute!!! Love the top knot/bun!


Sleepy children are the best–either rocking them to sleep, while they are sleeping, or when they just wake up. I LOVE cuddling with my girls when they first wake up in the morning–it’s just the best.

I don’t have a running coach, so I can’t weigh in on that, but I’m loving all the comments!

I am currently reading Sycamore Row by John Grisham and I love it! But then again, I usually love all books by him!


We are also big fans of the Barnes and Noble play area! Make sure you sign Brooke up for their Kids Club – you get discounts and a free treat on her birthday.

Currently waiting for the last book in the Divergent series to come in the mail. Tomorrow!

Definitely considering getting a running coach once my hamstring heals in a couple months. Obviously my best-laid plans are only good for getting myself injured. :(


My birthday is TODAY!


One of my favorite feelings is snuggling on the couch at the end of the day with dessert and my fiancé. I look forward to it all day :) favorite salad dressing us currently poppyseed. I can’t get enough! And my birthday is the 12th and I’m already dreaming about what I want to eat.


What book did you buy? I am reading “MaddAddam” which is the third book in the trilogy by Margaret Atwood. Running, books and coffee make me tick!


P.S. Brooke is way too cute!


Hey I am so excited I found your wegbape, I really found you by error, while I was searching on Askjeeve for something else, Anyhow I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a marvelous post and a all round thrilling blog (I also love the theme/design), I done28099t have time to go through it all at the moment but I have bookmarked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the awesome work.


The picture of you and Brooke melts my heart. Yesterday Rory had a temp and he slept on my shoulder for several hours. I didn’t care that I didn’t eat breakfast and that my left hand was going numb! I just soaked it up! Have a great day!! xo :)


It’s almost my birthday! November 7th 2013. I wil be 23:D


I used to love taking my son to the bookstore to play with the trains! We still love going to the bookstore actually. I also used to take him to the weekly story times. I loved when he would nap on me – it would force me to relax rather than run around trying to do something while he slept.


My favorite salad dressing (for right now) is Kraft Zesty Lime Vinaigrette. Makes my mouth water. No joke!


One of my favorite things in the world are My pup, Jameson.
Favorite salad dressing is GOOD blue cheese dressing with lots of chunks of bleu cheese


One of my favorite things is the world is cuddling with my husband and our dogs while we watch TV! Last night we fit all four of us on our itty bitty couch was so warm and cozy! I just love it!


I’m super excited about my next birthday ~ I’m turning 50! When my parents turned 50 I thought they were ancient, but it feels like a great age. It’s not until April, but I sound like a 9 year old constantly telling people “I’ll be 50 on my next birthday!” :)

One of my favorite things in the world is watching the rain fall!


My son has a birthday coming up!! He is turning 3 on Halloween. Every Halloween I’m reminded how he likes to be “in charge.” He was due November 10, and EVERYONE knew I did NOT want a pumpkin baby, but sure enough…. that’s when he came. haha.

My favorite thing in the world, besides ice cream, is hearing my son tell me he loves me randomly. He always says it after I do, but I love when he randomly runs up to me and says “I love you mommy!” it melts my heart.


My birthday is on Tuesday- I’m planning in running then having breakfast with friends- then eating cake throughout the day!


My birthday is in the dead of winter (January) but I always wished I had a fall birthday! One of my absolute favorite things is baking with my mom and when other people play with my hair. One of the BEST things ever.


Okay! Brooke has got to be the most adorable little girl EVER! And that pic of you and her…frame it immediately! :)

I just celebrated my 31st birthday on Monday. A salted caramel cupcake was involved. Yum.

Favorite feeling in the world is when my dog is always happy to see us. They love so unconditionally…it’s just too adorable. I also can only pray my future daughter is as precious as Brooke! I am due in Feb! I cannot wait!

Favorite salad dressing is creamy ranch, Italian, or ceaser, and lighter ones would be balsamic or light Italian.


My husband is an amazing running/triathlon coach if anyone is looking!!


My birthday is in the summer!


LONG time reader of your blog (which I love!), but this is my first comment. I just had to chime in on the topic of a running coach. I found my coach last year because she happenend to work at the same company as me (she has since quit the corporate world and is a professional runner for Brooks), and I cannot say enough good things about her and how having a coach has improved my running. She currently is looking for a few more athletes to take on to coach, and I thought I would reach out here to anyone that might be interrested. Her website is http://www.nicholerunning.blogspot.com. If you think any readers would be interested feel free to pass it along – shes a great friend of mine and an awesome coach! Keep up your great work lady, you’re an inspiration :)


My birthday is next Saturday, the 9th. Last year I ran the Vegas Ragnar for my birthday, this year I am going to sleep in ;)

What are you reading right now – Elizabeth Smart’s new book, My Story. So sad, hopeful and powerful at the same time.

Without exaggerations… what is one of your favorite things in the world? I have to agree that holding a sleeping baby/toddler is at the top of the list.

Favorite salad dressing? Boring old Ranch.


First thing I did to try and find a coach was email you and ask for your coach’s contact info :) Then I posted on FB and a lot of people responded with their recommendations. Ultimately, I reached out to a local runner who has run the Olympic Trials and is all around pretty amazing, after I saw on her website that she offers coaching services. It hasn’t even been two weeks yet, but I am feeling optimistic, especially since just the types of workouts I am doing are so different from what I am accustomed too. Fingers crossed!


My birthday is today, actually. :) I need to find myself one of the pizookies!


Thank you! These are all great reasons for getting one!


My absolute favorite dressing is that TJ’s Peanut dressing. One of the oh-so-many things I miss about Trader’s. COME ON DENVER! Get your act together and finish that store!


yes! one of my favorite things in the world is when my son falls asleep in my arms. i know i need to get him used to sleeping on his own but it’s so wonderful to snuggle a sleeping baby :)


My birthday is in 13 days!! Nov 12! That may be why Fall is my favorite time of year (with Winter at a close second).


Right now my favourite salad dresses is Thousand Island light mixed with Taco Sauce…soooo delish


Recently when I’m feeding Addie her last bottle of the day, she gets really sleepy and when I go to put her on my shoulder to let her burp, she curls up and falls asleep. It is the most precious thing ever!!! :)


Hi :D I have Bday on December 16th so coming soon ;D can’t wait! I am planning to go to Lanzarote, Canary Islands :D I wanna celebrate in style as this is my 30th Bday this year ;D yeeeahhyy !


Janae I have a question about safety when you run. I’m always hesitant to run in certain areas by myself (I watch too much Law & Order SVU) and am wondering if you carry anything with you when you run for safety. Between people and dogs (had a boxer and pit bull run at me this summer) I’m looking for something I can carry to easily defend myself.

Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!


I am currently reading Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand- fabulous read and the movie is coming out next year sometime. My favorite salad dressings are: Brianna’s poppy seed dressing and Nordstrom’s Black Cherry Balsamic Vinaigrette!


My birthday is not until May, but it is my son’s 4th birthday today!!! Best day ever!!! A while ago my son laid on my lap and fell asleep, and I stayed on the couch all night because I didn’t want to move him — it had been seriously years since he had done that!

Oh man I am such a book junkie right now — but I am kind of embarrassing and read a lot of Y.A. novels (then I don’t have to worry about the swears as much, or my mother being ashamed of me…) I can’t wait for my copy of Allegiant to come in the mail today (the Divergent series — so good!!!)


Most favorite thing ever is being snuggled up on the couch reading running blogs. Favorite salad dressing is bleu cheese.


Pizookies are probably my favorite thing in the whole world!


Awww, Brooke is adorable sleeping in your arms! My birthday is on November 14th, and I love birthdays.

Sadly I’m reading “How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies.” My dad died last week….

Without exaggeration, one of my favorite things in the world is hanging out at home with my hubby and two young adult sons!


My birthday isn’t until January.

I am reading this and loving every page:

Before that I read this and it was pretty awesome as well:

Are you on goodreads? You should sign up if you aren’t. It’s fun, you get to see what everyone else is reading etc.

One of my favorite things in the whole world is reading actually. Proud to be a book nerd.

My second favorite salad dressing oddly enough is the one you used on your salad here! The spicy peanut one from TJs ohhhh yeahhhh.

My very first all time favorite is this one:

SO delicious and only four ingredients. I always have this on hand at home and at work. I have used olive oil in place of grapeseed oil a bunch of times. I have also added chia seeds to thicken it up a little sometimes. This dressing is addicting. I even use it as a marinade for salmon and chicken.


I am currently reading our most recent book club pick: orange is the new black. So far, so good! Favorite salad dressing is Boathouse Ranch – it is seriously the bomb dot com!


I just had my birthday on Sunday- so I’ve got a while to wait.
Not reading anything right now…but I should be.

Favorite thing in the world? Hanging out with my hubby and dog, preferably outside.

*http://expertbrand.com- For an amazing selection of Women’s Performance apparel!


I’d love to have a coach, but it’s not in the budget at the moment!

My birthday is in about a month and a half. It was always bad timing when I was a kid (December 13) because it was less than 2 weeks before Christmas and 2 weeks after my brother’s birthday. So, I usually had to share birthday parties with him and got joint bday/xmas gifts too. LOL

Right now I’m reading blogs. Favorite thing in the world is a stuffed Tiger my wife gave me before we were together. It never leaves our bed (unless it’s being washed). It fits perfectly under my neck when I’m watching TV and is a good prop. And fave dressing is honey mustard!


Favorite salad dressing?: Thousand Island. I know its bad for me.

How do you find having a coach who doesn’t live where you do? I cant imagine it- I need my coach there taking times and yelling in sessions. Our coach is a team coach and it took me a long time to realize that hes looking out for us all, not being mean (hes an older, typical British man and I needed to realize when he said ‘You should be coming to these more often’ he wasn’t being horrible, he was trying to make us get better!)/


My Brooke has a birthday coming up on Nov 11!

For the past two months I have been reading a ton about homeschooling (just started homeschooling Brooke).

I am not ashamed to say that one of my favorite things is sleep….lol.

I never thought about my fave salad dressing….probably plain ole oil and vinegar.


One of my favorite things is walking on the piers in Seattle, bundled up with a warm beverage, and watching our dog chase seagulls!

I stopped using salad dressing about 5 years ago after deciding that I’d rather eat my calories in something delicious, like a brownie. Whether those calories equal out has yet to be decided :)

I saw this on pinterest today, and I thought you might enjoy it:

Pinterest Sale: 25% off any order at jcrew.com through today (8/30) with code SECRET


My birthday is in 21 days. I’ll be turning 40. Beside it being weird to say, ain’t no big thing.

Favorite thing right now…iced lattes and turkey sandwiches made by other people. I could completely make my own on both, but I swear they taste better when made by others.


My Girlie is a big independent 7 year old and my favorite thing is those occasions when she still wants to snuggle with me. So I totally get treasuring those moments of having your girl sleep on you.
I don’t have A favorite salad dressing but that TJ’s Thai Peanut is definitely on the short list.


I found my coach through a local running club. He’s great and perfect for me. Finding the right coach is so important, and just like you don’t have to be fit to use a personal trainer you don’t have to be fast to use a coach!

My birthday is not until April, which is sad because I can think of so many presents to get myself!


my birthday JUST passed….it was 10/25 and i turned the big 4-0!!!

My favorite thing is when my dog rests his chin on my lap whether it be the car, couch, bed, anywhere.

favorite dressing is the dressing they use on the greek salad at Panera bread!


I turn 31 in a couple weeks.

I’m currently reading the last book of a trilogy by Philippa Gregory.


I would love to have a running coach but its just not in the budget right now. My birthday just passed a few weeks ago. I’m reading Runners World’s “The Runner’s Body” right now. Favorite dressing is balsamic vinaigrette.


I have been working with my running coach for 2+ years now.
This second year has been particularly benefitial. I am not a young
runner…I am 46 and had been pretty set in my ways. This year has
been rough…it started off my Dad passing away from cancer in Feb.
That moment hit me hard and made me realize that I really need to
take care of myself and do everything I can to stay healthy and fit.
So, with that being said, I put my all into what my coach tells me to
do and live in the moment of each workout. I am headed into my second
marathon this coming Saturday and I am so much more ready for it than
my first that was nearly a year ago. I am so excited to get out there this
weekend and run!!! This one’s for my Dad, who I know is watching out for
me each and every minute. :)


Does your coach do on-line coaching? Does he have a website? (sorry if you mentioned it above… I didn’t read all the comments!!)


That is such a sweet photo of Brooke sleeping in your arms :) I can only imagine!!



Her little boots <3


I think one of my favorite things is traveling and exploring new faces and eating delicious food. Which is why my second favorite thing has to be running!


Having a running coach is amazing! I highly recommend it.

Adam isn’t serious about much, but he takes running very seriously. (Even though he will make running poop jokes VERY often.) He’s awesome, knows his stuff, and is affordable IMO.



I found my coach online. He has a blog predawn runner. That is also the name of his book. My goal is to run well injury free. My first race with him as coach he gave the mile by mile plan he did all the homework of the course. I coach our high school girls cross country team and he makes my workout around that. It’s great I dint have to figure it all out. The biggest thing he has taught me is to slow down and the Myrtl routine.


Those pictures of Brooke are so cute! And that steak salad looks unreal. My favorite thing ever is getting into my bed with clean sheets after I have had a hot bath. I am blissed out!


Literally the best thing ever for me is running after being out for 8 months. Happened the other day and I almost cried tears of joy. I missed that feeling a whole lot when I was injured.
Oh and your daughter is adorable. That is all :)


My birthday is on Friday yaaaayyyyy. Beach weekend :)

I’m in the middle of reading Helter Skelter, which doesn’t help me sleep at night, and I just inked up Curtis Sittenfeld’s newest one, “Sisterland”. If you haven’t read her book “American Wife”, you should. It’s great.

And I wish I could have a running coach! Not enough money, though :( the free Smart Coach through Runners world will have to do!


I read Helter Skelter during my college days…so creepy!


Also, I’m genuinely curious- how much do running coaches cost? Obviously not Alberto Salazar, but the kind that email you individualized plans and that you can ask questions to?


I am currently reading Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles by Margaret George. I love historical fiction and it paints a good picture of what life “might” have been like back then.

My favorite salad dressing is either flaxseed oil or olive oil, keep it simple


balsamic vinegar is my prime salad topping!


My birthday is coming up! November 9th! I too am looking for a good book to read and have gotten several ideas from others’ comments! My favorite thing right now is running! I’ve taken it easy this season and eased into my training (unlike last year) so I’ve been feeling amazing in my runs! I would love to find a coach in AZ to help me get better and stronger though!


Im currently reading your blog archive and loving it.

I love the feeling of my babies sleeping on me too. Thats a sweet picture of you and Brooke.


I just started “What I talk about when I talk about running”. I love it so far, but I’m only a chapter in. Though having said that, it’s always a good sign to love a book so early in :)


11/30 is my birthday and I’m celebrating by running
the Space Coast Half Marathon on 12/1
Currently reading a cute knitting pattern (head warmer for running)
I love my family more than anything even Annie’s Green Goddess dressing ;)


My birthday is in 19 days…no plans yet!

I’m always reading multiple books but lately I’ve been trying to finish The Shining. That was the book club choice for October, in honor of Halloween of course.

Favorite thing to do (when I get the chance) is sleep in.

Ahh I love ranch dressing. Not that healthy but so delicious.


I did an online search for running coaches a few years ago and ended up signing up for the Run Smart Program. It’s a bit pricey, but so worth it if you want to improve. The coaches really know what they’re talking about. My current coach use to coach at the college level, but is now home with a couple kids. We talk once a week on the phone. I’ve PR’d at every type of race since signing up with Run Smart (include my recent sub-3 marathon time, which was a 10-minute PR!).
Worth looking into:


I still haven’t been to the Cafe Rio that opened by my work- I have to go ASAP!


I’m new to discovering your blog but I love it.

I’m reading Ramachandran’s Phantoms of the Mind right now. It’s a good pop sci book on neuroscience. Very interesting read though and you definitely don’t need a science degree to understand it.

As for my favorite dressing, I love Marzetti’s Simply Dressed Caesar. As the name implies, they are made simply without preservatives, trans fat, HFCS, MSG, or artificial flavors.

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