10 Sacrifices that Runners Make

Brooke will only eat her food with a fork.  Even if it is just toast.  She puts the food on her fork, takes it off with her other hand and then puts the food in her mouth. 

We are both on a kick of having almond butter every morning of our lives.  

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I refuse to ever change being an indecisive person…  I can never make the life-altering decision between an egg/laughing cow sandwich and an almond butter and jelly sandwich.  

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1st running shoes activity:  5:30 a.m. run with friends (7 miles easy…they threw in 2 marathon pace miles but I didn’t fall into peer pressure by doing the fast miles with them ((okay, they didn’t pressure me but I really wanted to do the fast ones with them)) because I did speed yesterday and I will be doing speed tomorrow).  

If I did hashtags I would do something with a hashtag and telling you to keep the easy days easy.

2nd running shoes activity: 5 mile walk around town with the sister while we talked about the deep things in life.

Yes, that is a diet coke in the cup holder.  It was needed.   

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Brooke will only ride in the stroller now when she is napping so once she woke up she showed off her walking skills.  

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As I was painting my toes this morning (if I am sitting down Brooke has decided that she has to be sitting on my lap) I was thinking about some of the sacrifices that runners make. 

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Some of the sacrifices that runners make:

1.  Your feet.  Only 6% of runners have cute feet.  

2.  Your hard earned money.  Shoes, race bibs, shorts, winter gear, treadmills, shoes, compression socks, foam rollers, shoes, sports bras, tanks, gamins, iPods, running friends (maybe just my friends charge me to run with them).

3.  Having a chafe-free body.  We won’t go into details on this one.

4.  Your bed.  Leaving my king size bed and 4 blankets each morning is quite the sacrifice if I do say so myself.

5.  Friday (or Saturday) nights.  That long run or race cannot be done on just a few hours of sleep.

6.  Feeling in our fingers each run during the winter months.

7.  Wearing a swimsuit without 400 tan lines created by your summer running wardrobe. 

8.  To have to eat GU….  that is a sacrifice I am not willing to make.  

9.  Your thoughts.  You have to admit, running takes up a lot of our brain power and thoughts. 

10.  Our sanity when we get injured from running.  I wouldn’t wish a running injury on anyone. Ever.  

Somehow all of the sacrifices are sooooooooo worth it.  I would never have it any other way.  


What are some of the sacrifices you make to be a runner?

Almond butter or peanut butter?  You can only choose one.  

What kind of bread/brand of bread do you buy?

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I sacrifice Friday AND Saturday. Friday because I was to sleeeep so I go to bed early and sleep FOREVER and Saturday because Sunday is my long run day (let’s not mention how long it’s been since I made a Sunday church service because of my running schedule – whoops!).

I….don’t mind Gu. My 2 favourite gels are Vega and Cliff. Cliff has an awesome coffee one and an awesome PB one. I use them at the hard miles for motivation.

As much as I love almond butter, I’m going PB. And not the healthy natural stuff, either. I’m talking ghetto PB all the way.

I always buy whole grain-type bread – never white!


I think I am off store bought bread and stick to homemade as much as possible. I have given up cute feet. I still paint my toenails regularly but that doesn’t hide the ugly. Oh well, I still wear flip flops as much as possible. If you don’t like my feet don’t look! I am also not willing to make the sacrifice of eating a gel. I have never tried it and don’t plan on it anytime soon.


Team peanut butter for life, no contest. Preferably smooth and salted.


Awe, that’s so sweet she only eats with a fork. Haha, too cute.
I always do that when I eat toast if I’m feeling indecisive, I just can’t choose.
Almond butter for me! I love that stuff.


I sacrifice going out to lunch with coworkers…but I would much rather spend lunch time outside with my running buddies. Don’t worry, I eat lunch at my desk when I get back :-).

That’s a tough call, but if I can only have one, it has to be peanut butter.


Peanut butter- no doubt. They didn’t make an entire song called Almond Butter Jelly Time.


Sacrifices….sleep and study time! Grad school doesn’t do itself!

Neither- nut allergy, so I go for the SunButter (and on a tangent, Somersault snacks…mmm)


Those Somersault snacks are amazing!!!! And addicting! I’m embarrassed at the short amount if time I went through a huge bag from Costco.


They come in bulk? Oh, this is dangerous information. I bought the only little package of six at target…they’re all gone now…


I have only been able to find the giant bag at Costco once in the last few months but trust me I’ve looked and looked for it again! I did see bags at Super Target but haven’t seen the snack size bags yet. Have you tried the salsa flavor? It’s great too! My son(Peanut Allergy) loves the cocoa. I wish I could find some of their other flavors in stores and not just online. YUM!!!


My target had one box on the shelf of the snack-sized cinnamon ones, and it’s the only place I’ve seen them. It’s really really hard to find grab-and-go protein snacks for peanut/treenut/soy allergies!


I sacrifice my feet. My feet are covered in blisters and calluses. I also have a weird tan lines from running. I have a line on my thighs where my shorts sit. I have two tan lines on my feet, one from my flip flops, and another from my running shoes and socks.
My bank account suffers. Races are so expensive, but so are the cute clothes and shoes.


I love the list!!! :)
#10!!! OMG! I’m dealing with a pain in the IT band right now, and they said to rest, no running for 2 weeks. Say wha?! I can’t do that?! Here I am ignoring the orders and ran 3 miles this morning. :)


Ja, I’ve been there too! My piece of advice: foam roll, foam roll, foam roll and do some strengthening exercises and you’ll be fine!


i agree. my IT bands act the fool on long runs and I bow down to the foam roller as the only thing that makes me feel right [that and yoga]. Foam roll like it’s your duty.


I sacrafice my lungs. I am an asthmatic, and you would think that with as much medicine as I take to keep it under control, running would open up my lungs more (which it does to an extent)… but my chest still gets tight/ achy. I don’t overdo it, and if I ever get uncomfortable I know when to take a break, so that’s what’s important! My boyfriend sacrafices his sense of smell, because I come home and lay in my stink for hours before deciding to shower & he doesn’t say a word about it! :)

I buy Sara Lee Honey Wheat bread, I love it! What kind do you use though, it looks good?! And I’m a PB fan, I like the Smart Balance brand.. chunky, always chunky!


Right now I’m taking the hit of using all my “hard earned money”. Since I’m living on savings for the next 3-4 months, I’m pretty sure that 95% of that goes towards running.

Anyways and my feet win for the most uncute feet ever but I will admit races were perfect for me to get out of going to college parties and stay in on Friday/Saturday night with no judgement. ;)

I saw a meme about diet coke and need to send it to you when I find it again. I’m actually drinking a lot right now myself (that and diet dr. pepper).


Brooke’s hair in that first picture kills me. So cute. I love baby bed head.

And I hate my feet….so much. Running makes them worse. Oh well. #can’thaveeverything

hugs from Michigan


Been nursing a groin/pelvic injury and missed my first race of the season…had to walk it while rest of my running group ran…. Came up with this awesome quote while I was walking this 5k that my group wanted to put on shirt for me: “An injured runner is a bitter walker”. I usually write my time and all that on my bib and finisher medal, instead I wrote my quote!!! Tomorrow is Dr’s appt., hopefully I will be cleared to run, fingers crossed!!


Love the quote…. So true!!
Have a quick recovery.


Thank you both! Yes, I was biting my tongue as I was walking that 5k!!!!


Your quote made me laugh…probably because it’s so true!
Fingers crossed for you.


I wish I would have seen this quote last week.

In the last 4 years of running I said I’d run a half while pregnant. But it definitely made me a bitter walker/jogger to keep my heart rate as low as I was ‘suppose to’. But I’m still glad I met my goal! :)


Ahahahahaha Brooke’s hair in the first picture!!! You need to frame that.


I have just discovered Publix Whole Wheat Mountain Bread and don’t think I’ll ever eat any other type of bread again. It is HEAVEN in bread form!


OMG I love Gu – chocolate and peanut butter. I bribe myself with it while running. It’s part of my long runs I look forward to!


Chocolate Gu tastes like delicious fudgy frosting! I can’t do the fruity ones though, they make me gag.


I take 2 PB GUs and 1 chocolate GU on my 20 mile runs. I look forward to them. DELISH!!


Brooke’s hair in that first pic!!!! I love it! I choose almond butter. For sacrifices … cute tan lines (I always have shorts + socks + sports bra tans), and the ability to ever travel anywhere without scoping out if the place has some great running trails (or at least a treadmill!).


I definitely sacrifice my feet/toes for running.. I’m pretty happy about winter so that no one has to look at my toes at the state they are in. I used to have cute feet. When I did gymnastics my hands were a mess. And a chafe free body.. miss that. I have scars. Yes, scars. In places I’d rather not.

Peanut butter. Honey roast. From Harmons. When I was studying for the bar I ate a container about every 2 days. It was worth ti.

I buy different bread all the time. But my favs are Prairie Grain and Harmons brand white bread. Delicious and like $2.

I love Brooke’s bun. We have the same hairstyle when I am too lazy to dry my hair or wash it (Re: this makes up most of the days in my life).



I usually sacrifice Saturday or Sunday morning TV with my husband to do my long run. He gets caught up with all the good shows on DVR and I get running time. Worth it, but still…

Almond butter! Preferably the maple or honey almond butter by Justin’s Nut Butters. Oh my gosh. Unreal.

Pepperidge Farm 15-Grain bread or homemade for me! I still can’t believe how easy and how yummy homemade bread is. It’s one of my favorite fall and winter baking projects.


Just a note on GU–it’s nasty-tasting and bad for you, but there are healthy, tasty alternatives. I use Hammer Nutrition and love all of their products. Sorry if that sounds like a commercial, but I try to spread the word whenever I can cause I know lots of runners have issues with the more popular gels.


Hammer products user for life!! Love their stuff. And the people who work there are pretty cool.


That pic of Brooke’s crazy hair is AWESOME! She is so adorable. My 17 m/o has crazy hair envy and wishes she had Brooke’s do!

Love your list of sacrifices runners make. I was nodding my head to every one. My feet are a wreck, and I think I’ve permanently damaged the feeling in my fingers.

What about boobs? IBTC for life (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)! Running and big boobs don’t mix, and I’m 100% ok with it!! Sacrifices, amirite?


Haha I was going to say expensive sports bras to contain my “ladies” and keep me from giving myself black eyes!


I’m dying over Brooke’s bun!


Oh my gosh, Brooke’s bed-head in that first photo — too cute!

And I’m totally with you on giving up your bed — dragging myself out of our king size bed, awesome sheets, and super comfy pillows when it’s still dark out is a challenge!


ok—so I might be one of the 6 % of runners who don’t have not cute feet. I know why tho!!

I have a twin sister—who gets SOOOO many blisters from running! I don’t get any because she gets mine too! I swear..no blisters from running ever.

Also, I tendonitis in my feet instead! I guess the running gods decided that what enough and spared me everything else. :/


LOVE this list!! I can relate to every single one! The injury one for sure, I had a minor hip injury that required a few weeks off, and I went NUTS. I like Gu though, I get excited for long runs so I can have one :) Espresso Love is the only one I like though.
I live under a rock and have never had almond butter… I love peanut butter and could easily sit with a spoon and eat an entire economy sized jar by itself.. at once.. :)


LOVE Brooke’s morning hair – too cute!


I love this list! Yep we sure do make sacrifices but they are so worth it:)


Definitely the toenails…my pedi lady always laughs at me because mine are all beat up…and I always wear dark polish on my toes even in the summer months.

Also Friday nights I’m super lame with the early Sat 5 am wake up call to do my long runs…it’s so worth it though because I do my runs with my running group so that’s more like a social hour/fun time getting the miles in.


That picture of Brooke with her morning hair and toast is priceless! She’s such a cutie!


I sacrifice having a sugar addiction.
Only when i am running, is one bowl of cereal never enough, do I find myself in the ice cream container before bed (or at 2am), or am I carrying around candy in my purse for you know those emergency moments (which happen daily).

None of that happens for me when I am not running harder, longer miles. In a weird way, it is one of my favorite things about running, dessert is d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s!


Haha! True that on the money… SO freaking expensive, I can’t stand it! My mom and I were discussing buying a treadmill v buying a gym membership once I’m married and no longer getting funds from her. MAN it’s crazy how much being healthy costs!


That is clearly the best possible way to do toast. And I’m all about the peanut butter, although the Justin’s flavoured almond butters makes that decision more difficult.


Peanut butter for sure and I LOVE Brownberry Dutch Country whole wheat bread. I have at least 2 slices with pb on it every day (okay 99% of the days).
These are great!!!!


Peanut Butter. Obsessed. I have 23 jars in my pantry. Not afraid to admit it lol… I am slowly starting to get the numb fingers each morning – it only gets worse from here!


Omg Brooke is so cute with her eating rituals, what a doll!!

I hear ya on the sacrificing our feet, mine are so thrashed but I just stopped caring anymore, lol.

I have sacrificed almost all alcohol, not that I was a big drinker before, but now especially if I have a long run or race coming up, no wine, no way.

PB all the way for me, I love all things peanut butter.

The bread I buy is this kind from costco, it’s some kind of 21 grain, it’s so good with lots of seeds. I love it.


I always miss the best garage sales on Saturday mornings. Sounds silly but I love a good garage sale except I haven’t been to one since like 1995 so maybe I really don’t. Do they still have garage sales?

I’m going with Peanut Butter, the hard stuff, Jif! And always on Trader Joe’s whole wheat fiber bread. YUM.

Brooke is so adorable. Are those hello kitty pajamas? They are so cute.


My sanity is in deep trouble – bilateral patellofemoral pain :(


I have to go with Peanut Butter…..just have never gotten into the Almond Butter kick.

I always sacrifice my Friday nights and a lot of late night bad food (which is probably a good thing!).


Ooh this is a great post. My feet are horrific, and I find myself in bed before 10 on friday nights. No underage drinking and excessive partying for me! :)

What are some of the sacrifices you make to be a runner? Saturdays are cross country meet days, so basically 1/2 of my weekend! Crazy, right?

Almond butter or peanut butter? You can only choose one. Peanut butter. Though I haven’t really given almond butter a real chance.

What kind of bread/brand of bread do you buy? I use this flat out bread, my mom makes a homemade whole wheat one, and when we do buy bread, we get 100% whole wheat nature’s own!




I can’t remember the last time I looked down and stared happily at my feet. I would choose roasted peanut butter! Definitely roasted with extra roasted on the side.


What are some of the sacrifices you make to be a runner? Parties

Almond butter or peanut butter? You can only choose one. Peanut

What kind of bread/brand of bread do you buy? I’ve got the best recipe ;-)


My biggest sacrifice right now is sleep. I get up early before I have to get the kids up and run and shower.

But I’m about to make a big $$ sacrifice for some winter gear. I current have 1 long sleeved shirt and 1 jacket. I want a coat and gloves and a few more shirts.

I’ve never tried almond butter, so peanut butter for me.

I buy Arnold white italian. It’s all my husband will eat. Every once and awhile I buy a loaf of whole wheat for myself. But I usually eat a wrap on a whole wheat tortilla for lunch.


Ah #10…my family can attest to that one. And our poor friends who hear us talk about running all the time…I also sacrifice a “normal” schedule as I’m always getting up early to run, but I must say I do believe it is the most gorgeous time of day :)

Also, I am loving Brooke’s hair in the first picture…too cute!


That picture of Brooke eating breakfast <3 <3 <3


Brooke’s bedhead is so cute!

My biggest running sacrifices are (1) getting out of bed on weekend mornings to do a long run in the summer before it gets hot, and (2) chafing – I had the worst underboob chafing a couple weeks ago!


i agree with the financial sacrifice of being a runner! i ran 3 half marathons last year, which was definitely a VERY expensive sacrifice, but so worth it ;)

TJ’s almond butter! i really like ezekiel sprouted bread and tortillas. i buy them at TJ’s, as well, and they’re the best (in my opinion).


Sunflower butter!!! #BREAKINGTHERULES


Brooke’s bed head is the cutest!!!!

I’ve been eating the cocoa + coconut barney butter lately. so delicious!


Peanut butter! I sacrifice all of those things except the GU. It’s gross. The tans lines one made me laugh. Soo true!!

I love Brooke’s morning hair. Hilarious!


Yes feet and savings r a big one for me. If I was rich I’d find a race to run in every weekend. I hate having to pick and choose lol.
I also sacrifice my nights of watching tv on the couch to get my workout in after the kids go to sleep. Not that that’s a bad thing haha ;)
I will be watching the biggest loser though :)


Brooke gets cuter every day!


Recently went to Iceland, and had to run before the sun came out. Had a big red indent on my forehead for several hours due to the head lamp I had to wear. It looked like I ran into something hard, or got in a fight of some sort.

Oh gosh…PB or almond butter….I will have to say PB, but it is SO close.

Dave’s Bread is great. All varieties!


Man, Brooke is giving you major side-eye in that third picture.


Peanut butter. I don’t know what the big deal is with almond butter. Sorry to be sacriligious.


Hello! I am not sure how I found your blog but I am glad I did! I am newbie runner and I find your posts inspiring and true. I am currently training for my 3rd half marathon this year, too scared to sing up for a full. Waking up early is the worst for me but I need to get my run in before my my kids wake up and I head to work. You should check out http://www.fellowflowers.com. It is a great community of women who run. They also have a facebook page. Good Luck with your running!


Nice feet is a definite sacrifice, but one I don’t mind making. I show my ugly black toenails off with pride!
I’m so happy Brooke is so loving and cuddly and that your family is so supportive. It must help a lot!
About the GU- I usually don’t like it…until I tried the mint chocolate. I didn’t believe people and then finally gave in. It seriously tastes like melted mint chocolate!


Abby, freeze the mint chocolate GU and it tastes like a frozen Thin Mint. Put it on a brownie or over ice cream or fro yo. Amazing!


I’m drooling just thinking about those options! Thank you for the suggestions, Wendy!!


I think I’m giving up on painting my toenails :( It keeps coming off!

I’ll say pb only because I’m too cheap to buy almond butter. Did you know that they make peanut butter Gu? It’s actually pretty darn good.

I only buy whole wheat bread.


ahhhhhh that first photo of brooke!!!!!! i DIE. too cute with the curls!!!!!

sunflower-seed butter or bust, baby. tj’s of course (so smooth and deeeeelicious).

i buy locally made bread (whoa, did my nose just go higher in the air?!?!)



Good post.

Almond butter, hands down. You should try in with red pears! Oh my goodness. New favorite snack. :-)

Agreed on the sacrifices. Mostly my budget and my social life take the hit. But, like you, I wouldn’t trade any of it!

Don’t really have a brand of bread but I prefer the hearty whole grain breads.

Enjoy the blog!


Haha the cute feet sacrifice made me laugh!! And Brooke’s bun is so cute!! We love Dave’s Killer bread- it’s amazing. Annnnnd peanut butter. All natural. Mmmm.



I disagree with #8. In fact, eating GU got me through a 36 hour labor with our daughter. My OB approved it in advance and with no food in my system I was a cranky woman. In fact, my sweet hub went to The Bike Shoppe and picked up more GU for me.

Also, if you freeze mint chocolate GU and put it over vanilla ice cream or yogurt- you get an amazing dessert! Mmmmmm!!


Peanut butter, all the way!

Preferably on homemade bread. We think a lot of the bread out here (in Asia) is a little weird, so I give our breadmaker a good workout every week. Waking up to the smell of fresh bread? One of the best things ever!

[Sacrifice: Forcing yourself out the door to run BEFORE consuming the entire loaf of bread.]


I LOVE the first pic of Brooke…A flippin dorable!!!!

Hugs and prayers from Indiana!


Numbers 4 and 7, yes.

I always get my runs in before the sun comes up. Some days it is very hard to convince myself to get out of bed.

And number 7, I ran inside all spring, wasted months of beautiful weather, to avoid having multiple weird tan lines for my wedding. Strapless dress problems.


Brooke’s hair. I can’t!


I get up at 3-3:30 to get in my longer morning runs because I have to be to work by 6:30. Definitely peanut butter! Bread? Franz Old Fashioned Buttermilk bread (when the budget allows). There’s nothing better than a PB&J on fresh buttermilk bread with a glass of milk.


I think I give up on certain activities that may not help with running (or may injure me). As much as I’d like to weight lift and get hella buff, I’m thinking it might make me heavier… which doesn’t help me run fast. It might be negligible, but I don’t do super heavy weight sessions when I’m training for a race. Or do heavy leg days because I end up being sore for like 4 days, hehehe.


Almond butter! So delish I eat it right off the spoon.

White mountain bread from Publix! I could probably eat a whole loaf. Right meow.

Brooke’s bed head. Dig it.


It’s hard to say if I sacrifice anything for running. Sure, there are things that are difficult, but everything I do that is hard is paid back ten fold so it’s hard to say that it’s a sacrifice when I’m getting so much!


That is some SERIOUS bed head on Brooke. She wins.


I was just thinking today “man I need a pedicure” then I was like “oh my gosh no! My calluses! I need those!”. Basically beat up feet just mean you earned some natural foot protection.

Almond butter all the way. Ezekiel bread all the way.


Almond butter FTW.

ps. ditto Leigh & Verlin’s comments. :)


Trying not to do wheat these days so I do either almond or peanut butter with carrots or apple slices. I still keep trying to make my toes presentable but the polish rubs off with the miles…not sure why. My toes have lots of room. Brooke’s bed head is so sweet! Thanks for the smiles.


Almond butter! It MUST have salt though. I understand some people need to cut back on salt and I may be one of them but any time I buy unsalted nut butters I just end up putting sea salt on them… sorry I am not sorry.

Also I think that picture of Brooke may be the best one yet.


I def prefer peanut butter to almond butter. Peanut butter & co to be exact! ITS THE BEST! Sacrifice I make? I pass on delicious foods that don’t sit well on long runs, go to bed at 9p on Fridays, and am always poor. All happily for running :)


I miss her wild hair-so adorable. And that is hilarious the way she forks her food only to take it off with her hand-lol!!
I think the biggest sacrifice to me is time, but your list was dead on too. I love almond butter. I buy Nature’s Own Whole Grain bread when I eat bread.


What are some of the sacrifices you make to be a runner?
~washing my hair 5x a week
~washing multiple loads of really stinky laundry a week
~waking up at weird times to run with friends in different life stages
~packing a towel in my car for post running drives home

Almond butter or peanut butter? You can only choose one.
Cashew butter

What kind of bread/brand of bread do you buy?
I grind my own wheat and make my own bread


I think for me it’s definite the money thing. And the sleep thing and most certainly the injured thing. I think I literally went through depression when I had my hip injury. Oh this is such a hard question. I’m kind’ve leaning toward the almond butter right now but that could change because I go in kicks. As for the bread, usually it’s natures own whole wheat but homemade honey buttermilk wheat bread is to die for!!! And I’m currently training for a half. ( longest run yet 7 miles). Haven’t started the whole long run fuel so I’m definitely open for suggestions. I’ve never tried the Gu but I think that they are going to offer it at my race so I should prolly try it out soon. Do most people bring their on race fuel or just use what’s offered, I wonder? Im relatively new to long distance running. :)


That is just about the cutest picture of Brooke ever. Her hair is killing me!


-Definitely an almond butter girl. That biz is so good with honey on toast!

-Addendum: I work in a bakery, so I am spoiled. I have access to all of the best bread. I love 100% whole wheat, but it can be a little cakey, so I get down with baguettes mostly. We also do an oatmeal cinnamon raisin loaf on saturdays, and the bakers make the leftovers into these little bite size rolls that I could eat a thousand of. They are perfect little energy snack boosts…

-Which leads me to GU. No. No. No. No. Food should not be the consistency of mucus. Woof.

-I definitely have monster feet, but I can live with them much easier than I can live with chafing. I get the worst spots right under my ta-tas, and there isn’t an ointment in the world that seems to take care of them! It’s the worst getting into the shower after a long run when the water hits the broken skin and stings like bananasauce!

What crazies we runners are to put up with this nonsense!


Giving up Fridays and Saturday nights is definitely a tough one…I’m that girl in bed by 9pm on a Saturday so she can be up at the crack of dawn.

Also, I gave up wearing heels to work – they make my calves and feet hurt too much and I try to baby them as much as I can. Anything to be a little easier on my body!


You should frame that picture of Brooke (and the other 10,000 that I have said are adorable) and look at it when you have a bad day :-) Thanks for mentioning #10….. I am struggling with an injury. Thursday will be THREE weeks without running (or moving much at all) and my marathon is in 19 days… HUGE BUMMER, massive amounts of anxiety, and a few tears! Thanks for giving me something awesome to read each day :-)


almond butter! and Arnold’s multi grain or whole wheat are mu favorites right now, mostly because they’re big slices!


That pic of Brooker at the beginning… So cute. The manfriend said she looks like she just woke up after a hard night of partying. ;)

Peanut butter, although I eat almond quite a bit too. My fav bread is this local cinnamon walnut raisin. But for sandwiches we get Orowheat nine grain (doesn’t have hfcs).


love. i would also add… the time (& laundry soap) we use on doing the laundry for all those sweaty running clothes… especially in the winter when one run often equals an entire load of laundry! I really dislike laundry. but, i really love running.

and also, along those lines… we sacrifice room in our suitcase… i swear I have to be such an efficient packer (which i really dislike) so that i can fit all my running clothes in my suitcase too.


OH MY GOSH! that is the most adorable picture of Brookers yet!! She just keeps getting cuter!!
PB or AB — I can only choose one??!?! I can’t!! Don’t make me!! :)


I am not one of the 6% who has cute feet. My running feet have: blisters, callouses, black toenails, missing toe nails, desinigrating toe nails, eczema, warts. . . . it is pretty sad. Good thing it is too cold to wear open-toed shoes anymore.


This is a GREAT list! :) It wasn’t what I expected, but it was hilarious.


ps, can we just be best friends already?


Hi Janae,

I am from Holland and I recently startend to follow your blog. You have a great blog and a very cute daughter.



Another reader from Europe! Hi from Austria!

I totally agree with the entire list.
My “sacrifice” in addition to all the above:
I’m considered to be real “crazy”, who else is running for three hours in heavy rain or in steaming heat , at 5 o clock in the morning, during vacation, on Christmas day and so on. With ugly feet, sweaty running clothes, terrible hair and all kinds of thoughts, yes.
If you are a “crazy” runner, too, you know what I mean.

PB and any kind of bread: white, whole wheat, home made or bought in the bakery.
Brooke is so cute!


Hey Marit hi! I just checked your blog but I can’t understand a thing… :(
Do you have any translator installed?
It would be a great idea so you can have more readers ;)


Hi Sil,

I don’t have a translator installed. Does anybody have tips to install a translator on my blog?


You need to add a gadget (Layout-Gadget-translator)


The first picture of Brooke is adorable! I am definitely a PB gal! I usually buy fresh bread from Whole Foods or multi-grain from Arnold. Whatever it is it must be whole wheat/grain and not white.
My toes are definitely a scarafice that I make…note to self: do not look at feet during marathon training. In general I think you “sacrafice” your body…right now my back is achy and shoulders are tight from a long run on Sunday. There are days when I feel strong and others when I feel achy and weak. Totally worth it to cross that finish line!

Karen @karenlovestorun


I’ve never had almond butter. But, ever since I discovered my white chocolate peanut butter I haven’t ventured out to try anything new! I seriously eat that stuff every day….so good!


Sweet baby Brooke, LOVE her! She’s just so precious….and I LOVE that she eats with a fork. Gabriella still doesn’t really ‘get’ feeding herself with a fork or spoon.
#7 ALL THE WAY. This summer when I went to the pool, my tan line was ridiculous. I just had to laugh at myself. Sports bra tan line and one from my tank top…and then a tan line on my legs from my shorts. I looked like quite a specimen. Haha!
I’m not a fan of Gu either, but I do love Honey Stingers and Jelly beans :)


Brooke’s bed head is absolutely adorable!

I love, love, love almond butter. Preferably Barney Butter–crunchy. But we do have a peanut allergy in our house so I haven’t had PB in years. Gotta keep the little guy safe.

I am not a huge bread lover but homemade is by far the best.

Biggest running sacrifice—-sleeping in!


nodding my head at every one of those. you should see my feet, ack!

i mix pb and almond butter together. I really can’t decide so i just pick both! and eggs on toast for the other.


I love this! I know all about the tan lines! My daughter won’t sit in the stroller anymore either unless she has my phone watching Netflix.. Something to think about trying!
I wish I had some friends around town to run with but the group only runs together on Saturdays.


OMG Brooke’s morning hair is insanely cute.

The chafe free body is definitely something I miss from my non-running days. It’s always funny when doctors are like “what is that? a scar?” Nope, just chafing, don’t worry about it.


I totally agree with you on the gels…my sister gave me a vanilla one and I still haven’t eaten it. The sports jelly beans are so much better :)

And do I have to choose between almond and peanut butter?! I guess if I could only eat one for the rest of my life it would be peanut butter…although I’m slowly becoming a fan of almond butter!

#10 is so true…I’ve had a pinched nerve in my foot for the past 8 months so I’ve been stuck biking but slowly getting back into running (yay!)


What’s a laughing cow? I like sunflower seed butter! I know that wasn’t an option, but it’s really good! I like almond butter over peanut butter.


Hi Janae and all the happy runners!! I’m from Argentina -south america, just in case you didm’t know- and even though I’ve been reading your blog for a while, this is one of my fist comments here -and not the last for sure!
I enjoyed a lot this post!
I like my feet but…I keep my toenails painted most of the time.
I totally agree with Nicole: tons of stinky clothing in the laundry!!
I also sacrifice some time with my three kids, when they’re at home on school break and I keep my training going.
Love PB (never tried the other one…)
And I can’t believe you all hate GU! I love the lemon sublime!
Whole wheat bread, but white with crusts cut-off on race days.
Have a great day!!!


I love Brooke’s bedhead in the first picture. It cracked me up. I love laughing cow with avocado on an English muffin. I would pick English muffin over bread any day of the week.


I agree with you on number 8. GU’s are gross and I just can’t do it. I took your advice from a post awhile back (where you were at that woman’s run/conference) and the nutrional guy speaking said peanut M&Ms are the best running fuel. Well I’ve been going with peanut butter M&Ms… peanuts are hard to chew while running… and I have felt amazing on my long runs!!! I’ll eat 8-10 of them every 5 miles and it is delicious and works like a charm!!


True story on the sacrifices!


That has to be the cutest picture of Brooke ever!!

I sacrifice time with the hubby…I really wish I could convince him to run with me!! Maybe if I got a double stroller and pushed him in it with our daughter……

I love, love all breads made at the local BreadSmith, otherwise it’s multi-grain bread, and I’m a PB girl, mostly because I really don’t know where I’d find almond butter here. We do Nutella as a treat!


Look at that adorable bed head!! I was just saying yesterday that between backpacking and running, my feet look awful! You are so right about that one. P.s. I am definitely team peanut butter!


I totally agree with every single thing you said except for GU..I don’t mind it! ;) But yes, runners do sacrifice a lot…in fact I was looking at my poor feet last night and thinking ew, but that’s ok, it’s totally worth it :)!


Brooke’s hair!! I have a boy and a have had to have several cuts because the hubby says so but that’s a lot of hair!

I have disgusting toes, well just one in particular, I got a blood bruise under one, my kiddo stepped on it like, hmm, 5 times and broke the nail bed and so it’s just disgusting. I haven’t had it looked at as I assume there isn’t much to do until it grows out.


Brooke’s bedhead… Oh. My. Goodness. how cute!

I thought I would love almond butter, and was surprised that I didn’t. I do love peanut butter, though!.


Creamy or chunky natural peanut butter. Our grocery store has a grinder so you can buy fresh ground…soooo good.

No bread…GF….blah.

http://expertbrand.com- where I get all my running gear!


Loved this!!! Plus Brooke is too cool for school :)


Those sacrifices are all SO TRUE. Gah, love it.


Hmmm I’d pick almond butter! and I buy Udi’s Whole Grain GF bread, it’s the closest to wheat bread I’ve found and I love it!


I am exactly the same way! My favorite breakfast for the past month or so is two pieces of wheat toast, one with grape jelly, hot sauce and a runny egg, the other with almond butter and orange marmalade. YUMMY!


I love Brooke’s hoodie, too cute!


Love this! All so very true…I can relate to all of them as I’m marathon training for NYC. Currently, one of my toenails is very tender and getting dark..noooooo. At least it’s not flip flop weather anymore I suppose!


I think I have a new favorite Brooke picture. Oh my gosh her hair. And that look on her face. How do you get ANYTHING done?


I love this post! Friday nights I am zonkekd out early and down for the count because ofm y saturday morning cleaning binge/long run. Yowza!

Also…Feet are a HUGE sacrifice. I have had more than my fair share of lost toenails, blisters, chaffed heels. OW!!!!


Definitely a sacrifice is a chafe-free body….I haven’t been mark-free in EONS! ….and getting a pedicure by a professional is a treat, but a waste of money. I won’t have cute feet until I can’t run/workout anymore.

Peanut butter – CrrrrrrUNCHY!

Orowheat 12-grain bread is DELISH! Just don’t ask me to name all 12 grains! ;)


That’s a great list! I don’t even need a second option – always peanut butter. I tried almond butter once and didn’t like it as much as I thought I would (because I do like almonds). Maybe I didn’t try the right kind, but I haven’t tried another one since.


We only have almond butter in our house because one of our girl’s has a peanut allergy. Much to her brother’s total disgust since it means he can’t eat peanut butter cups ever. Unless she’s at camp.


Loved this post! Have you ever tried egg/jelly?? Yummy!! Your daughter is gorgeous! The only bread I buy (except Subway) is Bountiful Baskets 9 grain whole wheat organic bread. It’s the BOMB!! They also have a english muffin type bread (60 calories BTW) that is amazing for breakfast! I’ve never thought of sacrifices I make for running? Running has played such a huge part of who I am I feel that any consequences because of it (time, sleep, toenails…) are what define me! I do struggle with runners guilt (hashtag mom, wife, employee, maid, cook, cosmetologist, balancing act…)!!!


I am in the midst of a nasty IT Band injury 2 weeks out from the Chicago Marathon. To say I am mentally drained is an understatement. I’ve tried rehab, I’ve tried rest but nothing seems to be working. Throw in weird tan lines and nasty feet and we are really making this running think look sexy.

ps I agree that no day is complete without homemade almond butter.

Love keeping up with your blog!


Hi Sarah,
Have you tried deep tissue massage? 15 years ago I had the worst IT band pain and limped around for 2 months. I tried ultra sound, electric stimulation, everything! One day I went to a running store to buy new shoes and spoke with the owner as I was checking out. He wrote down the name of a massage therapist. My IT band pain was in the knee but this woman put her thumbs all along the IT band from the knee to my hip and broke out all the adhesions. It hurt so badly! But she said that there were a bunch of fibers that had kind of fused together. I didn’t try to run the next day but the day after that I ran and felt fine. I’m a big believer in massage – not for luxury but for injury prevention/cure. Sorry to write so long a message but it’s sad to hear you are in pain! Hope you can find help.


Thanks Amanda. I am lucky as my boyfriend is an athletic trainer for a pro team. As a result, I’ve thrown just about everything from massage therapy to stim and graston. As a last ditch effort I’m trying a steroid. Let me be an example that you can’t discount the power of strength training! Lesson learned for next time :)


Wow – you are lucky to have an athletic trainer as a boyfriend. Does he have any friends? :)
Good luck with healing!


If I had a king sized bed, I would never leave it


I’m with Brooke on eating ALL food with a fork/utensil! If I’m having chips, I’ll put them in a cup and eat them with a fork. Brooke and I are NOT strange :)


Peanut Butter. Hands down.

Brook’s bed head is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.


I totally agree with all of your sacrifices. I give up going out on Fridays or Saturdays a lot when I’m training because I have a long run in the morning. Getting out of bed is THE HARDEST I’m so glad you put that one in there. I’m going to have to share this post on my weekend reading :)

Almond butter. Homemade.

I buy Ezekiel bread. I love that it’s ancient grains and packed with protein. A loaf lasts me 2-3 months, though.


What is that long sleeved “Happy” shirt you are wearing? It looks cute!


I totally hear you about not being in those GU things, since I can’t really stand the thought of them. So I figured something else out and…Ok, this may sound a little crazy! But those “Baby brekkies” from Ella’s Kitchen (the squeezy baby food) is really similar to GU in carbs and in calories, but they are totally organic and actually not that bad.

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