The most important running lesson you will ever learn from me:

The most important thing you will ever learn from me:

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Do not, I mean DO NOT, go running in Arizona during the ‘summer months’ when the sun is already up unless it is an easy slow run and you have a gallon of water with you.

It was 85 degrees for my run so just hitting 8 miles felt like a huge accomplishment.

20 minutes warm-up (7:45 pace)

8 x 1 minute fast (6:20 pace) followed by 1 minute recovery (8 minute pace)

20 minutes cool-down (8:10 pace)

My clothes were actually drenched.

I think this is the longest I have ever gone without some sort of running injury. Stretch and do abs. I promise it is so worth the time.

Brooke seriously loves little kids. This morning when Brooke woke up the kiddos rushed in there to start singing her a good morning song. She could watch them all day long.

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The best way to cool off after an incredibly hot run is clearly the pool.

PS my sister-in-law is due in less than a month…maybe I should just extend my tickets until the baby comes.

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Can we just talk a minute about Brooke’s little topknot bun for a second?

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The last important matter to discuss with you are two things that I just found this last weekend.

These will be the things that I buy every time I go to the grocery store and swedish fish have been bumped off of the list as far as running fuel goes and they will be replaced with these:


The best type of dry shampoo I have ever tried:

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If you use dry shampoo: What brand do you use? How often?

Is it starting to cool off yet where you live or is it still pretty hot?

Any Arizonians reading? What part?

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Oh my goodness, Brooke’s topknot it too much! I can hardly handle the cute factor :)


I made this mistake recently (in baltimore) and I regretted it immediately. I decided it was a good idea to go running in the 90+ heat and humidity at 1 in the afternoon. Never again. I WISH it would cool off soon! I’m ready to go to sleep at night when it’s no longer 80 degrees in my bedroom. Brooke’s bun is the cutest. My mom always had the worst haircuts for me. I’m pretty sure I looked like a boy…


It’s been hot and humid here (western NY) but Mother Nature seems to realize that school starts tomorrow so the temps are going down this week- thank goodness! Glad you’re having fun and I love B’s little bun!


I use Klorane dry shampoo which is the best! I’m in Australia so not sure if you can get it in the US.
The weather is just starting to warm up here for Spring! I love it!


I’m from Arizona! My hometown is Tucson and running there during the summer is difficult. Luckily, there are a lot of well-lit parks so I can run at night when it cools off.


Brooke is becoming such a little girl! No more baby there! My dry shampoo comes in a white bottle, but I can’t remember the name. It’s just ok, so I may have to try the CVS brand! It is still SO hot in Texas…I am ready for cooler weather!


Phoenix!! It’s mandatory to have a water belt that contains FROZEN water. haha During my marathon training I ran before the sun came up and jumped in our pool after each run. Hats will save your life. oh, and that candy will melt as soon as you leave the house. It’s smart to run by the road just in case you have a heat stroke :) WHICH is important to know that if your heart rate jumps and you can feel it in your ears, STOP and pour water ON your head and neck. Seeing stars and darkness is a bid indicator too. hahah I probably sound overly cautious, but it happens. Twice to me, thinking I could “handle it.” AZ heat should be taken seriously :) Enjoy AZ.


you ROCK for running in Phoenix!!!!


:D you do what you gotta do for the love of the run!


Another Phoenician runner here! I actually just started running in February, so am enjoying the pleasures of summer in a whole new way this year. I definitely do the frozen water bottles; I also like to tie a damp bandana filled with ice around my neck. I route my long runs past a Circle K so I can add more ice as needed.

I can’t wait for the monsoon to be over. This humidity is killing me–I was much happier back in June, even on days when it was up to 119°. (It was obviously a lot cooler at 5 am!)


I love her top knot!!

I can only imagine how hot your sis-in-law must feel alllll the time….dang! I am hot here in UT with this belly!


I love the top knot! I swear her hair is thicker than mine! I say you should extend your tickets!


I’m making up my long run from this weekend today, because it was SO hot when I went outside (in Chandler, AZ).
My neighbors know me so well though, when they are watering their yards they will spray me as a run by. It’s great! :)
I absolutely LOVE Brooke’s hair!! Adorable!

P.S. Are you doing any blog meet ups while you’re here?!


I still haven’t tried dry shampoo. Maybe I need to give in…


I love Suave dry shampoo! Super cheap and AMAZING. Brooke’s little topknot is the cutest!! It’s been really nice and sunny lately, and then boom, today it’s randomly raining and there were thunderstorms earlier? wtf. I’m confused. I want my California summer back!!



Am in AZ right now too! and made mistake of running in a diff part of town at 10am sans water. Made it 7 miles. Got lost. Laid lifelessly under a tree. Peter had to come pick me up. Will I ever learn? another dramatic AZ run in the books. Yeah…Set that alarm for 5am :)


Oh my. Brooke’s little hair bun, out of this world cute!

Thankfully it’s starting to feel like Fall around here and the temps are nice and crisp. Just the way I like it:)


Today we took my 2 year olds and nieces to the berry farm you recommended! It was so fun and we got a whole load of berries! Thank you for the idea!!


That makes me so happy!


Must try that dry shampoo now and yes we can talk about Brooke’s little bun! I’ll start – Oh Em Gee, cutest thing I’ve seen all…year!


I’ve only used Tresemme dry shampoo, but I’ll try the CVS version next time since you vouched for it! It’s supposed to cool down this week in Pittsburgh. My 4 mile today was tough in the heat…I don’t know if I could have done much more.

Brooke’s top knot is so cute! Also – I am very jealous of your pool time :)


I visited my brother in Arizona during july once. I will never make that mistake again. Lol. Now I visit oct-april and it is still hot sometimes, but it is bearable. So much props to you for being there and running at the same time. And a great run at that.

I use suave dry shampoo, but now I really want to try that brand. Why are there no cvs’s around here?! Guess I will be stocking up when I go there in November.

Brooke’s top knot is sooo cute. She must be friends with Megolina;)


I wish it was cooling off! I read the temps on like Saturday and it was all upper 60s low 70s for this week. I looked today and it’s all in the 80s. Seriously?! I was ready for fall! Guess summer is still making its rounds. I use Suave dry shampoo and love it! I will have to try CVS next time I am out!! I think you should just stay there until the baby comes :) or, make an extended ticket for after and just arrive a few days before and stay on ;) sounds great to me! I love how many kids are Brooke’s age in your family! She is really lucky!


I don’t use dry shampoo coz it feels like it’s not realy cleaning my hair. I’m a little OC like that. LOL! :)
I can’t wait to run in cooler weather!!!


Gilbert, az reader. That top knot is killer. Props to you for running outside, it’s all I can do to get into my car and grocery shop during the day!!


Arizona native – i live in gilbert! That top knot is killer. Props to you for running outside, it’s all I can do to get into my car and grocery shop during the day!!


I live in Gilbert too! Represent!


Can you girls do froyo on Thursday night?!?


oh darn!!! I’m so sad. I’m out of town until september 23 for work. Next time you’re in town, I’d love to treat you and the Brookers to fro yo. Or Frost! Have you had Frost yet??!!!


Sounds like a plan!! No I haven’t been there!


I’m in Scottsdale till Saturday for a conference! We should totally take over a froyo place!


Come on Thursday night at 7:30 to kiwi loco in chandler pretty please!!!!


Hurray! I’m in! :)


Oh good!


I have never tried dry shampoo…I usually will once or twice a week just shower (don’t worry) and not wash my hair…I just throw it in a hat or something (these are days I usually don’t have too much going on).
That is an awesome workout!!!! Did it about kill you or did you feel strong. 8 x 1 mile is no laughing matter and at 6:20 is not even a smiling matter!!!! And in heat! Nice job girl!!!
Totally right about stretching and stuff! My knee started bothering me just a bit the other day so I have been stretching and doing strength moves a ton! Nothing like an injury scare to get your butt in gear :)!


Seriously dying right now. I just moved to AZ two months ago from Salt Lake and have been saying to my husband how bad I just want to recognize someone while I am out and about. What are the odds that the first person I recognize are Janae and her family at Walmart! Let me just say you and Brooke are even more adorable in person than you are in pictures, if that is possible. That made my day!!!


You seriously should have said hi!!!!!!!!! That is too funny! We should get froyo or something!


I was afraid I would embarrass myself and in turn embarrass my family :) Froyo would be awesome!


HAHAHA! You are hilarious!! Could you come to froyo on Thursday night at 7:30 at the Kiwi Loco in Chandler?


I love dry shampoo when I straighten my curly hair. It’s the only way to get multiple days out of a straightening and it’s not worth the time if I don’t go for days and days. My favorite dry shampoo so far is Tigi Rockaholic Dirty Secret.

You would absolutely hate running here (south of Tampa/gulf coast florida). The lowest the temp gets in the middle of the night is 79 and often the dew point and humidity are high to go with it. Even if you run in the morning you are going to come out of it completely soaking wet. I’d like to tell you that you get used to it…but you don’t. You just learn to accept it as miserable and get on with it.


I’m in Australia, so it’s just starting to heat up (quickly!!!). It’s taking some getting used to from going from running during the day to getting up early or going after work. So. Much. Sweat!


I admire you for running in this heat! We moved to Scottsdale from Chicago in December so we are still getting used to the hot weather.

Are you planning a blogger/reader meet up while you’re here?


Yes we should do one for sure!!!


I live in Phoenix as well, and would love to do a meet up! It’s funny you mentioned how hot it was, because I was just thinking the other day about how it’s getting cooler in the mornings so I can start running outside again! Funny how different the perspective is! I’m visiting NY this weekend and am worried about running in humidity!


We have had a delightfully fall like day today. It has been the perfect day in my mind. Fall is hands down my favorite season so it made me really happy. It also helped that today is a holiday and therefore a lazy day in our home. We will get back into the 80’s this week but it looks like we are making the downward trend with our temps. I can’t believe I am so happy about it.


I love the Tresemme dry shampoo, works great!

Well, I am in AZ so I know how you feel about running in the summer months, which really are late April to late September, if not longer. That is why I joined a gym:)

I’m in Phoenix! If you want a fun place to take Brooke, go to the Phoenix Zoo and have her play in the splash pad. She would love it!


I’ve never tried dry shampoo, but I should! I only wash my hair once a week now. I know, it sounds gross, but I found that very gradually washing it less and less actually made it less oily. And I have super curly hair that is easy to style and make it look nice even when it’s not freshly washed.


Arizona! Woohoo! I live in Mesa and while I love it, the summers bring out the worst in me! It’s hilarious because without fail, when November rolls around, everyone starts acting kind again, ha! Less road rage, more smiles from strangers, it’s pretty hilarious. I stick to the gym in the summer, or my basement.


I’m in ohio. We have had a weird summer. Not hot. On many of my morning runs it was in the 50s. So I’m not good at this hot weather running stuff- even in the 80s! The last week or so tho it has been hot, mid to high 90s, only down to high 70s at night/mornings and 100% humidity. Gag.

I don’t use dry shampoo. I was my hair every other to every 3rd day. Whether I’ve run or not. When I quit working a few years ago I trained my hair to only need washed every other day at the most. I had been washing every day.


I am so so happy to see that you’ve been spending your time in such fun ways! A girl’s weekend is a MUST. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to go to Vegas with my besty sometime soon.
I’m sorry that you and Brookers had a little meltdown on the plane ride, but you’re completely right in saying it’s human and a natural part of the grieving process. You are already doing so much better than most people who would face a similar situation by not shutting yourself in a room and sleeping all day. And hey, if you need to do that somedays there’s no shame in that either.
I don’t use dry shampoo because I wash my hair in the shower every morning. Otherwise, I feel kinda gross. Speaking of dry shampoo though, I’ve subscribed to Birchbox for over a year and have gotten four different dry shampoo samples, so I like to think in the event of a zombie apocalypse I will have decent hair. If you haven’t heard of these beauty subscriptions before, I recommend it. Some months aren’t great, but you’ll eventually get new stuff that you can try and fall in love with. Me, on the other hand, I’m a bit of a hoarder with this stuff and keep most of my samples unused in a box in the closet. I have this weird fascination that my life is going to start soon (this adult life that I like to think will be fab) and I will be in need of all these little samples at once. It doesn’t make sense, I know.
I hope you continue to travel and spend time with your loved ones. I’m sending you strength from here in Ohio. Keep smiling, you’re beautiful!


I’m drenched just walking fast on my treadmill in the air conditioning so I cannot imagine how soaked I would be if I ran in the Arizona sun. Oy vey!


I use treseme or plain ol’ baby powder. It is still reallyyyy hot here so I am VERY ready for Fall temps.


Grad student in Tucson here. I bike to school before 6:30 every single day until October 31st! That’s when Arizona decides it’s okay to cool down a little. You wouldn’t believe how busy the roads are with foot/bike traffic between 4-6am, though. Everyone wants to get some movement in before it’s disgusting out.


I am not a candy person–it makes me thirsty–but I can tear up some York pieces.

I can’t allow them in my house.

I turn into a slobbering puddle of York fiend. I make Amanda Bines look responsible.


I am so thankful for dry shampoo! I wash my hair every 4 days or so, and I use the brand “Not Your Mother’s” which is better than a $30 bottle I used to use when I worked for a hair company. It’s a tall white can with green writing and I’ve seen it at Walmart and CVS. I have really greasy roots but dry middle to ends, so I have to use the dry shampoo after I dry my roots even when I wash it.

NYC’s humidity is still here and I’m ready for it to GO!


I’ve tried a ton of different dry shampoos too. My favorite is the L’Oreal one, I think. It actually works and smells soooo good. I’ll have to try out the one you have, though!! PS the Tre Semme one is terrrrrible — steer clear! Sincerely, a girl who too dislikes showering lol.


Brooke’s top knot is beyond cute! My 16 m/o is super jealous of those long locks, although she’s starting to rock a lovely mullet!


I’m from Gilbert! you are crazy for going running when the sun is up! Even when the sun isn’t up yet it is still crazy hot! Sometimes I wonder how I ever survived there….Thank goodness for pools and AZ!


Pretty sure that Brooke can pull off a topknot much, much better than I can…that’s so cute!


When I stared running about 12 years ago, I did the majority of my training runs in the afternoon heat. I don’t know how because it would kill me now. I’ve been reading some of your posts when you were injured because I sprained my ankle last week so I’m off running for a bit and really jealous of your daily recaps! :(


Tucson!! It’s so funny that you wrote this today. As I was leaving the gym maybe an hour ago, I was just thinking I myself I could never be an outdoor runner here in the summer. It’s dreadful!


It’s very hot still in Baltimore!


I would love to find a dry shampoo that works, but haven’t yet! Maybe I’ll have to try this one! Brooke is THE CUTEST! And of course you should stay until the baby comes…!! ;)


Yikes you’re a tough girl doing that run! Good advice :)


I use Blow dry shampoo. I love it and use it at least 3-4x week!


Um… Super pumped the Almond joys pieces and dry shampoo made the blog. They are kind of life changing necessities.


The other day I couldn’t finish my run because it was so hot! I’m a wimp for hot weather. Oh my goodness Brooke is too cute!!!


I use the Dove Dry Shampoo and I really like it! It’s starting to feel a little like fall here in WI, but I saw next weekend the heat is going to be back. I can’t wait to run in cooler weather!!!


I haven’t been lucky enough to find a dry shampoo for curly hair that you don’t have to comb or brush through!


Good ole NC is pretty toasty (and incredibly humid) right now too. I swear you sweat just walking to your car in the driveway. Brooke is precious, I wish I could pull of that cute top knot!


I made your S’more cookies tonight. They were fabulous, as expected, after seeing your pictures and reviews about them! Hope all is going well and you are finding peace in your family and friends company!


Dry shampoo has saved me from washing my hair on days I’m being lazy, which is pretty much I’ve only used Suave Dry Shampoo, basically because it’s the cheapest, but I’m definitely going to have to try the CVS brand! Dry shampoo is also awesome for those days you’re too lazy to wash after a long run :)


I still consider myself an Arizonian! Someday we hope to be back… We miss our family! Love Brooke’s little top knot!!!


Yup Arizona heat sucks the fun out of running!! I have to take my runs to the treadmill during these dreadful months. I am literally counting down the days until my first run outside again. It will be an anazing thing :-) I’m a wimp and can’t run in anything over 70 haha! Im a native to az and you would think I’d f e used to the heat….I’m in Gilbert AZ :-)


I just moved to AZ in June, right when they had there major heat wave of 120 weather. It was very intense. I am currently in Tempe. I love it here though, Since I am originally from Texas the heat is not too bad. I start most of my runs at 5:30am. sometimes earlier. Then during the day I like to shop around all the fancy malls!!! And if you do any meet ups while you are here, that would be awesome!!!


Hi! Where in AZ are you? I lived in SE AZ (near Nogales) for 10 years and that’s actually where I started running (at 13 yrs old)! It is such a dry heat that I was never too sweaty and always looked forward to the summer monsoons. Man, I miss it! My family moved to deep south TX (the armpit of TX) when I was 16 and I couldn’t believe the humidity and how much I sweat! Flash forward over a decade and I’ve never experienced a dry heat as great as AZ. The worst was running in Singapore–I literally squeezed the sweat out of my hair and it was pulling down my shorts as I ran. Anyway, enjoy that beautiful state!!


I really like Tresseme’s dry shampoo. I actually use a little every time I straighten my hair… My hair looks greasy if there is any conditioner/product near my roots so I will use that to combat it! As far as heat goes, today was one of the hottest/most humid we’ve had in south FL in a while… UGH! I cannot wait to run outside, but it’s not looking like that will happen anytime soon :/


Love dry shampoo—I usually buy whatever is the cheapest :)
It was 70 here today, but the humidity was awful-STILL


I’m in Gilbert! I trained for my first marathon (NWM) here last summer and did the majority of my long runs on the treadmill because of the dreaded heat. I’m 8 months pregnant right now so I haven’t been doing a whole lot of anything outside.


CVS brand?! OOOH. I like Blow dry shampoo, but it’s definitely more expensive than CVS.


I have used Tres Emme (sp?) before, and it was okay, but I love the Dove dry shampoo much more. We don’t have CVS in Canada, so I’ll have to pick some up to try next time I’m in the States.


I’m in Az. on the west side in Surprise. I did a 27 mile bike ride today with a friend at 9:30. Started out with one water bottle frozen solid and it was warm water less than halfway into our ride. I have a 5 mile run at 5:15 tomorrow morning and my water is 2/3 rd full in the freezer now. It will be melted 3 miles in. It’s still better than the treadmill though. I can’t wait for winter!

Love Brooke’s topknot! She is too cute!


Oh my goodness, do you use and like dry shampoo? It seems like it would be a runner girl’s dream come true! I have to try it!


I find it my personal mission to try every single type of dry shampoo ever made. My fav is a mix of Pssst, Bastiste brunette, and blow dry shampoo powder. I like to mix them up based on the degree of dirtiness and what I need my hair to do for the day.

Think of my bathroom as a dry shampoo testing site.


That top bun is flippin’ adorable!

That heat sounds horrific! Here in the lovely north west we think we are hot at anything over 78 degrees.

Looks like you’re having lots of fun with family!


I have mad respect for anyone who runs in HOT weather! My mom lives in Prescott, Arizona so I have “tried” running there while visiting, but the heat & the elevation make me feel like I have never run before! I used to use dry shampoo in high school… maybe I should try it again. LOVE your pictures of Brooke as always.


I did a post about dry shampoo here:
I can’t do spray stuff because the aerosol makes my hair tangle and get staticy.

On the beautiful Central Coast of California, it has been SO HUMID this week! So uncharacteristic of here. Santa Barbara felt like Houston, TX today. Yuck!


Gilbert, Arizona! I just started running about six months ago and have been diligent about getting my runs in on the treadmill. I’ve stuck with it though, but I’ll be happy when the heat breaks. Probably by the end of the month.

Your little Brooke is such a peanut :)) Your pictures of her make smile.


I love the Tresemme dry shampoo, but I’ll have to try out this brand. I love dry shampoo!!

I live in Phoenix and it’s so hard to train here in the summer. If I’m not up before the sun then I have to run on the treadmill. So ready for it to cool off here!! :0)


Um is it weird that I’m jealous of Brooke’s hair relatively often? Haha. It just looks so cute and perfect all the time!

We thought it was cooling off here and then had a hot weekend! It never gets that hot here so I’m hoping the sunshine stays as long as possible!


I use Batiste dry shampoo, about once every 2 weeks. I don’t use the one with brown-hair colouring in it anymore because if you sweat AT ALL it runs off your hair and down your face.

Where I live in Ireland it’s never truly too hot or too cold to run..maybe too rainy.. but sometimes in winter any ice/slippy leaves make me nervous so then it’s treadmill time :)

Brooke’s hair is amazing and she is only 1!


Love the topknot!!!


How does Brooke get to have better hair than me?! no fair :) It is still HOT here, I am actually looking forward to snow… Call me crazy!


I’m in Texas and I totally feel you on the running before the sun is up! It got up to 105 this weekend!


My run this weekend was so hot. 17 miles in over 90 degree weather! I love baby top knots!


It’s cool here, but SOOOO humid. It’s almost unbearable to run outside. I would kill for a pool lately.


I live in Gilbert and I wake up between 4:30-5:30 to get my runs in. It is miserable to run once the sun comes up! I always see people running on my way home from work at 5:30, aka the hottest time of the day, and I have no idea why someone would do that to themselves.


Hmm, I’m not a huge dry shampoo person, but I have really thick hair. I had an epic fail of a run on Sunday before church. Running in 82 degree weather with high humidity sucks. That’s all.


Must try this dry shampoo!

Brooke’s bun is the cutest!


Can someone clue me in on how to use dry shampoo? Each time I try, I’m left with a nasty mess on my head. My hair gets all knotted and I cannot run my fingers through it or anything…

I regularly run in 85+ temps during the summer (maryland). It’s not ideal, but the only time I can squeeze in a run is 4:30/5 before I get my kids from daycare.


That little bun is too stinkin cute!!! I’ve been curious about those york candy pieces. I loooove peppermint patties but i’m afraid if those were in the house there would be no hope for any self control…


Running in the heat is the worst. I live in Dallas, TX and this is my first summer here and I feel like it’s never going to get cool! This high this weekend was 105! And even if you wake up super early, it’s still 82 degrees outside. Needless to say, I do one or two long runs a week (about 10 miles) and my minutes are at about 9:00, which is slower than my usual “non-Dallas” pace. I just keep on hoping it gets cooler!

Happy Running!


I haven’t bought any in awhile ‘cuz it’s spendy, but the Bumble & Bumble dry shampoo is my favorite because it comes in blonde, brunette, and redhead. I have dark auburn hair, and no matter how well I try to brush it through, most dry shampoos leave a powdery gray-ish residue, but the B&B matches. (It can stain your scalp though, if you don’t apply it carefully.)

I live in southeastern Washington state, and our climate is actually pretty similar to Arizona from what I hear, so it’s still in the 90s here during the day and will probably stay that way for the next few weeks.


I used sauve dry shampoo because its cheap but I will be trying this!


Oh my gosh Zach is OBSESSED with those York bites. . . they are pretty delicious though. Like minty M & M’s!


Haha I love Brooke’s topknot!

I’ve tried a few kinds but I like the Oscar Blandi one the best!


East side of Phoenix. On vacation!! Missing my babies though. :(


I have read your blog forever and never commented before. I so enjoy following your running/mommying life :)
I live in Gilbert, AZ, and I could have sworn I saw you at a stoplight the other day waiting for a light to change on your run!! I didn’t know you were in AZ, and it may not have been you, but what a coincidence!


I actually really love the Suave dry shampoo, which is good because it’s cheap! I use it about every other day. I shower every day, but sometimes I just rinse out my hair and put the dry shampoo in while I’m blow drying.


I just got back from phoenix on sunday night (there over the weekend for my brother’s sealing in mesa). wish I could’ve met you! and major props for running in that heat-walking in it was enough for me! ;)


I tried dry shampoo once, but didn’t really like it. It made my hair feel worse than it already did. Is there a secret to using dry shampoo?


I am so dirty with my hair that I really only “wash it” maybe twice a week and every day use dry shampoo. It gives volume, takes the grease out, and saves me time. I use Tigi Rockaholic Dirty Secret Dry Shampoo.


Suave dry shampoo (it’s cheap & smells good), but I’m curious now about this CVS brand. Still pretty hot here. I’m in Tuscon and silly me is training for St. George in this crazy heat (and with the desert critters)!


I attempted to hike camelback mountain on Sunday afternoon around 1pm. Yeah.. That was an epic failure. Welcome back to Arizona! I’m in Phoenix, nearish la grande orange so if you’re planning a meet up with anyone let me know!!


Hey!!! Yes!! Can you meet up on Thursday at 7:30 at kiwi loco in chandler?!?


That should work! I will most likely be coming from the gym, but I figure of all people this group wouldn’t mind :)


Ahhhhh yes! Please come!


dry shampoo is THE BEST hair product! I buy tresemme. it’s cheap and works great, but I might have to try the cvs one now…

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