How did I used to do that? And Amenorrhea.

I had some things this morning starting at 6 a.m. that went for a few hours so my run was put off until later in the morning so that meant I got to take the Brooker with me.  I loved having her with me but man….how did I run with the stroller all of the time a few months ago?  That is hard work.  

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We did 5 miles with an average pace of 8:17 with about 10 stops to pick up toys/things/everything that Brooke could throw out of the stroller.  

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Those purple PureFlow 2s are ready for retirement.  As soon as I start feeling a little achy in my knees and calves I know it is time for a new pair of shoes.  

I think I put on about 400 miles on this pair (I also wore them for my PR half-marathon) and I will retire them as my ‘shoes that helped me get through my divorce’….I am pretty sure the next 20 pairs of running shoes will be given that same title.  Running means even more to me now than it did in the past.   Those running endorphins are actually required these days for me:)

Celery with laughing cow cheese, you should try it.  Rotisserie chicken and cereal for lunch.  The real brand of FMW is so much better than the off-brand.   

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Maggie hasn’t said hello for at least a week.   Anytime Brooke is within 30 feet of Maggie her little legs kick and she squeals uncontrollably.  

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I have written a lot about Amenorrhea in the past…like HERE, HERE and HERE…because I think it is extremely important for female runners to be educated on this topic.  I struggled with it for a few years because I didn’t think it was a huge problem at the time and it resulted in femoral stress fractures.  There is a lot of information out there on the topic but THIS ARTICLE is by far the best one I have seen out there.  It isn’t normal for us to miss our periods due to low body weight and our exercise habits (not fueling them properly) so take care of the issue now and take a look at this article! 

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Who has ran with a jogging stroller?  Who currently runs with one?  Any double or triple stroller runners?

How do you know it is time for a new pair of running shoes?  Do you track your shoe mileage or just go off of feel?

What shoes are you wearing for your runs lately?

Favorite source of protein lately?

-Rotisserie chicken.  I love it.  

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I used to run with a jogging stroller when my kids were younger :). Not all the time, just when I needed to. I have actually had 2 kids (they were like 1 and 3) in a single jogging stroller before :)…it was quite the running adventure!
I always intend to track my miles on shoes but never do!!! I go by about how many miles I think are on them (knowing I do 45-55 miles a week) and by how they feel.
I am using Mizuno wave Riders for most runs and the elixers for some tempo and fast long runs. I am pretty sure the Elixers will be my marathon shoe in 5 weeks!!!
Protein=greek yogurt!!!!!


I am currently on a running hiatus for that very reason! I agree SO many people struggle with it and doctors aren’t that educated on it I don’t think. Thanks for spreading the awareness! I think the most important thing is to know you aren’t alone and be able to get support!


girl – we should talk about this if we have a chance to this weekend!


I’d love to!


I’m a physician and have had amenorrhea myself. You are right, most doctors do not understand it (and in all fairness, there really is still a lot about it that is not understood). I can tell you, though, that putting on 8-10 made all the difference for me. I actually work out more now than I did when I was amenorrheic, but simply take in more calories now. It’s a balance thing. Your body shuts down reproduction if all of it’s energy is being expended on exercise. I’ve written about it here (my experience and some of the physiology behind it):


Also, a huge misconception amongst many doctors is that if they throw you on the pill to stimulate a period and give your body estrogen, than your bones will be ok. Evidence has suggested that putting one on birth control does not affect the bone loss associated exercise/diet induced amenorrhea.


I don’t think this is true – if you go to a GYN they see the female athlete triad all the time, and have no problem telling you to gain weight, decrease workouts, and increase food intake. I speak from experience


I don’t do it regularly but I do run with a jogging stroller on occasion. That is serious business. The flat and downhill portions are manageable but I feel like I am flailing like a lunatic when I go up any sort of incline. I just got my newest pair of Brooks Ghosts in the mail yesterday. They are my favorite shoe to run in.


I can’t imagine pushing TRIPLE jogging stroller…I feel like my arms would fall off. And then I’d get rock-hard abs. ;) I’m a little number-obsessive in the sense that I have a little sticky on my laptop and track the exact number of miles I have on each pair…


I just had some Laughing Cow Cheese with cucumber slices yesterday – my new favorite way to eat vegetables! :)

And YES! Thank you for addressing the amenorrhea thing. I’ve been there too, and I think educating others is SO important!


I lost my period to…for about 3 years. I also thought it was great until I really realized what it meant! I think coaches need to be diligent about making sure girls know about amenorrhea is!


I heart my brooks adrenaline and running has helped me cope with so much. I am so thankful its something I adopted a year ago…


Yummmm FMW are the bestttt! And yay for endorphins! They really do help as the best therapy there is! I love the picture of Brooke smiling at you. So sweet.



thanks for the heads up with the amenorrhea. i will have to ask that when I go see my obgyn. something’s not right.

those purple shoes rock. i really should be more aware of my shoe mileage, though I switch back and forth between two pairs. do you wear one pair at a time or switch around too?


Thanks for posting about amenorrhea, I wish I had know about it, but I was on birth control so I never knew I wasn’t actually getting a real period until I tried to get pregnant. I ended up with a complete pelvic fracture this year and I’m still dealing with no period and infertility, I’m just praying it comes back eventually. Reading stories like yours give me a little more hope!


I need new shoes and don’t know what to get!!! Help me?! I’m currently in aasics that have a little bit too much structure


I just go off of feel. Usually if I start to get shin splints and it’s been a few months since I’ve been running on those shoes, I know it’s time for new shoes.
I love how much Brooke adores you. You’re a great mommy.


It’s so great that you’re bringing awareness to something a lot of females are affected by. I feel like a lot of women think “oh, it’s no big deal because I’m not trying to get pregnant right now so I’ll just deal with it once I am”. But what they don’t realize is that our bodies are meant to have a regular cycle and our hormones are supposed to fluctuate in a way that makes us ovulate once a month. And when we don’t it’s our bodies way of saying “hey, something’s wrong!”. So, thanks. :)


First of all, I love the way that Brooke is looking at you in that picture. She truly does look up to her mommy:) Thank you for posting about Amenorrhea. Ever since I started marathon training my period has gone away. It’s been ummm 9 months and I’ve noticed that I’ve been losing a lot of hair lately too. I made an appointment with my doctor, but I admit I let it go too long just hoping it’d come back.


I’m all about seafood for protein during the summer!


Running is also getting me through my divorce. It is my anti-deppressant, my self-esteem boost and my sanity. Your blog has also helped tremendously. Thank you.


I usually put off getting new shoes, so by the time I finally get them the new ones feel so good! I like my Suacony’s.


Thanks for the reminder on amenorrhea. I’m training for my first marathon, and I just hope my period doesn’t come on race day!


I have a BOB and I use it for easy run days. My daughter loves it and falls asleep instantly.

Pure Flow 2’s! I think I need a new pair though.

Since we are talking cycles…does anybody have insight/advice/experience with how long it takes for our cycles to return after having a baby?


I think it took me a couple months after I stopped breastfeeding. I think it’s probably a little different for everyone, but if you don’t get yours back after 2 or 3 months I might check with your OB/GYN.


Thanks Sara!


It took me 6-ish weeks after i stopped breastfeeding. I’m sure everyone varies to some degree on this.


Thanks Laura!


Thanks ladies!


I actually got mine back while still breast feeding. I breasted for a full year, but with each child, my period came back when they were about 10 months old.


Thanks Megan!


My cycle didn’t come back until I went down to breastfeeding once a day, so it was about a year. It wasn’t regular until I stopped breastfeeding completely at 14 months post pardum. Everyone is different!


Us too on the chicken!!!!! We love it lately– including the dog! We love you to J. Can’t wait to meet you—and Brook to meet my Brooks!! E


I was anorexic a year ago, and I didn’t have my period for 10 months. At the time, I enjoyed it. But I was also in an eating disorder fog and thought I was fat, so there’s that. I have it back now and honestly after going without it, it’s such a relief to know my body is HEALTHY and HAPPY again <3


Struggled with amenorrhea for years and had many stress fractures as a result. Thanks for the needed reminder on this very serious condition – it can have long-lasting consequences!


Definitely going to check out that article. For sure love how random that lunch is! I agree. Real brands are so much better than off brands!


i’m so glad that running is working as a form of therapy for you. :) hang in there, you’re a rockstar! <3

and thank you so much for addressing amenorrhea! i'm currently taking a break from running/other forms of strenuous exercise and praying that my period will come back soon. it's been draining physically and emotionally, but i know the rest (and extra calories) is what my body needs right now in order to repair itself. :)


I trained for my first half marathon while pushing my Phil & Ted double stroller all over Santa Cruz! Crazy how light you feel when you run without it :)

I ran a 5K miserably, my calves killed the whole time, then I realized my shoes were done. Got a new pair of Nike frees and it was all better! So I guess I go by feel.

I just got a new pair of Asics Gel Nimbus 15s and love them!

That pic of Brooke looking up at you is so cute :)


Agree on the FMW — the originals are the best, hands down.

Also, rotisserie chicken? Yum. :)


What’s that on top of the FMW?


Raisin bran:)


I knew I spotted bran flakes! I love a good cereal casserole :)


I’m in need of new shoes too. I’m pretty sure mine broke on the inside since they squeak every time I take a step. I went through amenorrhea a couple gets ago and it took almost 3 years to get it back. At the time I felt like it wasn’t a big deal but there’s so much more to it than just not having that annoying friend once a month.


I just bought my first pair of Brooks a couple weeks ago and I’m getting used to them still. I love buying new shoes. Usually when my IT band starts yapping at me is when it’s time for a new pair.

I was actually going to e-mail you this week if my period didn’t return…sorry if that’s weird. I knew you had experience with it and I was early/very light two months ago and missed it last month (I think it was due to stress) but I work out for 3 hours a day on Mondays and 2 hours a day on Wednesdays along with 30 minutes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I haven’t lost a lot of weight so I wasn’t sure if it was due to exercise habits/ not eating enough. But, everything is okay this month..or so it seems. Thanks so much for being open and honest with us!


I love how Brooke is looking at you in that picture! That’s a girl that loves her mama.
You exude strength and positivity even in the midst of a trial. I look up to you more than you’ll ever know.
I run with my twins in a jogging stroller every day except for Saturdays and I feel like I’m flying when I don’t have it! I’m 6 months pregnant with #3, and wondering what on earth I’m going to do next spring….is there such thing as a triple jogging stroller???


Wow this was seriously so educational. I had no idea. Thanks :)


Every few weeks I never failed to call my mom complaining about knee pain. “When was the last time you bought new shoes?” Is always her question.

You think by now I would have learned to replace my shoes sooner!


I just read that article and it is really well written. Amenorrhea is such a bigger deal than I think most people see it as. I honestly didn’t know how awful is was for my body, until I was diagnosed with osteopenia. Then I eventually got my act together and really worked on recovering from that. It was hard work, but so worth it now!
I feel healthier than ever.


OMGoodness running w/a little in a stroller counts DOUBLE in my book… I run with my 10-yr-old 82 lb miracle boy in a biiiiig stroller made for older handicapped kids… It’s tough, but he loves it… He even uses his “more” clap-sign when I’m going to slowly for his liking… Thanks buddy…really… (:




In my experience it was more about the food then the running. I actually got my period back while becoming a faster and longer runner. It just took adequate fat and calories in the diet to do it.
Also, I do not like to eat breakfast before I run, but while trying to get my period back I always did so that my body never thought it was doing strenuous work in a fasted state. Maybe just coincidence but it helped me.


I just started running with the Bob again after taking the summer off from it. It was hard again!! I definitely think it makes me a stronger runner so now I want to use it again at least twice a week.

Right now I’m alternating between mizuno wave 16’s and brooks ghost. I really should start tracking how much mileage I put on my shoes, I’m sure I’m putting way too many miles on them. I wish my runkeeper app would track that along with mileage….select which shoe I’m wearing. Are there any apps that do that? Instead I’m going by feel for now.


The Nike Plus App on your phone can tag your shoe


I’ve been wearing the Brooks Ghost 6’s and Brooks Glycerin 11’s for training runs (usually the ghost for tempo and the glycerin for long runs) and the purecadence2 for speed. I really like Brooks.

I have an IUD so I don’t have a period ever, but I have been so low on iron lately that it almost makes me wish I had one because I’m sure that warning sign would have appeared far sooner than I noticed it otherwise. That is about the only reason I wish I still had one, other then that I adore not having any.


Triple jogger here! It’s definitely a good workout. But my favorite part is the looks I get from people when they see me go by … Priceless :) When I run with the double stroller, I feel so much faster. And when I am stroller-free, I feel like I am flying.


Thank you for this post. As someone who has never lost their period but worked with many female athletes that have it’s so important to keep the education (especially in the running community) going.


I ran with a jogging stroller with Anna. But I am not awesome enough to push two kids. I don’t keep track of miles on my shoes (don’t know why) I just go by feel. When I start to feel achy, I get new shoes. (not) so fun fact: I bought new running shows right before I got injured and stopped running. They taunt me now. Run with Megan! You know you want to! I have memories in each pair of running shoes I have owned. What races they got me through, etc. But I think your purple shoes mean more than any race ;)

I haven’t had a problem with amenorrhea since I started eating enough. I always thought I was cause I was eating so often, but it definitely wasn’t enough calories. I am glad I figured that out so I could have my kids. I can’t even imagine my life without them.

I have had Costco rotisserie chicken for lunch the last 4 days. (with sweet potatoes and broccoli) Holla! Also, Brooke looks like a toddler in the stroller. Not a baby. I don’t like that. She can’t grow up. And that RM from last night looks like the one right by house…and you didn’t invite me!! How rude! ;)


I can’t wait to start running with a stroller once my little bean gets here! Well and when she’s old enough of course. :)
I can feel it in my ankles when it’s time for new shoes….although my feet have now stretched a little so I might need new ones anyway. Boo.
And I wear Asics Gel-Nimbus!!


I have been wearing Mizuno Sayonara lately. I have a manual workout log where I keep track of the mileage on different shoes. It kind of takes some extra time, but I think it’s worth it.
Hehehe, love the picture of smiley Brooke in her stroller!


I run with my 4 year old in a jogging stroller. I love getting to spend the time with my son, and getting those morning running endorphins at the same time. I am currently running in altra zero drop shoes. But am looking into getting a pair of pure flows also so that I can rotate.


I didn’t really run like I do now back when I had my son in the stroller but I did go walking and pushing him up and down crazy hills in my neighborhood….thanks for posting about amemmorrhea – I battled it in my 20’s and again earlier this year for a few months…I knew this time it wasn’t OK to not be getting my period but at the same time, when you feel fine and are happy to be cramp and symptom free, you tend to put it in the back of your mind which is not ok! I thankfully got mine back and didn’t even reduce the running which is great. I swear it is all about eating enough for what we burn. I do need more protein though. As a vegetarian, it can be tough sometimes.


Total spelling error – oops lol. Amenorrhea


I actually wonder if the number of women with amenorrhea is higher than what experts think because birth control can mask it. I actually had it, but didn’t discover I did until I went off birth control to try and get pregnant. Thankfully I was able to correct it by just increasing my fat intake and now I’m due in November! It is great you are helping to raise awareness because I bet there are a lot of women on birth control that don’t realize they have it.


I run with the double bob ironman about five days a week for 7.5 miles with my two year old and seven month old. The double is so much harder than the single was! The single I used to run so fast and far and also missed my period, I think the difficulty of the double makes me keep my running in check. 35 miles a week at like a 9 minute mile pace. I feel like a gazelle on the rare occasion I get to run on my own! Haha thanks for being my running inspiration and – divorce sucks but time will heal all wounds!


I do need a new pair of shoes. Ouch! My knees are both breaking down (patellofemoral pain) and my Lunarglides stopped having cushioning at around mile 60 – 100+ miles later I am still using them


You are such an inspiration! Your incredible outlook on life is something I have been trying in my own life this week to make some tough trials a bit brighter. Thank you for sharing yourself.


Thank you for linking to our article on Amenorrhea, Janae. I am glad you found it so helpful and I appreciate you sharing. I think it’s so important to educate female runners on this topic so they can make safe and healthy decisions. Hopefully, this can raise the awareness even further. Best!


Thank you for the awesome article!!! So cool that you commented:)


Hey Janae! I was just curious if you consume coffee or caffeine? and if so what were withdrawals like and do you feel energized all throughout the day? Cuz I eep trying to quit coffee and i feel sooooo depressed. Granted I cant get passed day two but I am really scared of losing my bubbly personality and also i am a college student and i want to still have fun. there is no way i can get more than 7 hours of sleep most nights if not like 6 ish usually.


Who has ran with a jogging stroller? Who currently runs with one? Any double or triple stroller runners?

-Nope not yet;)

How do you know it is time for a new pair of running shoes? Do you track your shoe mileage or just go off of feel?

-Achy feet/knees

What shoes are you wearing for your runs lately?

BROOKS ghost riders, mizuno wave

Favorite source of protein lately?

Umm does milk from chocolate count? Ya I have been quite unhealthy this week;)


No jogger for me, but I’d love a BOB so I didn’t have to get up at the butt crack every morning.

I’m wearing nike flex experience right now, because they were cheap and when I started in April I wasn’t sure I’d stick with it. I’m looking at Mizuno waveriders for Christmas from my inlaws. I’ll need new before then, but I’ll probably go cheap again to get me over the hump. After my half marathon next month, I plan to stop training and run to focus on getting to know my body and work on sticking with pace, so my runs will be shorter. And then I’ll begin training for another half marathon to run in April.

Is hummus protein? It’s my favorite :)


I go off of feel of the shoes…though I probably should track the mileage because I have no idea. I love my Mizuno Wave Elixir 8s right now, so pretty!

I’m a big hard boiled egg fan, make them all the time. I also love chicken in almost any form.


Thanks for posting about this issue! As a gymnast this was almost considered preferable… in hind sight I can’t believe my coaches let this happen! They treated it like it was no big deal, and at the time I was too young to understand the implications of not getting a period. Eventually I realized that it was better for me to eat more, since more food –> more energy –> better running. I’m glad you’re brave enough to talk about your experience!

Running is definitely a form of therapy for me too, and I hope you continue to find strength during this difficult time. You WILL get through it!! XOXO


I have a single running stroller and rarely run with it. I shop a lot with it though! I’m fairly new to running & have a hard enough time completing my runs solo, much less pushing my two year old daughter. We love the stroller though! I semi-track my miles on my shoes and also go by feel. My feet & knees hurt when my shoes are wearing in. I’m currently running in my second pair of Pure Flows and started training in my first pair of Newton’s (gravity). I’m not a big meat eater — pregnancy hormones with my daughter ruined me of most meats. I love cheese and nuts though, so most of my protein intake is from that or chicken breasts (boneless & skinless!)


Favorite protein— CHICKPEAS!!!


Favorite protein – salmon! Such a treat :)

Also, thanks for posting about amenorrhea – just wanted to share that there are several factors that could contribute to it. I completely agree that mal-/under-nutrition for your activity level is a risk factor, but amenorrhea could be a symptom of other medical conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I’d say that it’s so important for someone to go see a MD if she’s missed her period for more than three months for sure. Just a tip shared to me by my gynae :)


Thank you so much for talking about this issue. I actually discovered your blog a few months ago when I was searching for info on this problem. I’ve been suffering from amenorrhea for about 10 months now and am trying hard to gain back my period while not giving up my daily runs – not an easy task! Thanks for reminding me I’m not alone.

I’m currently running in the Saucony Ride 6’s – my first non-Brooks shoe in 2 years!


Slightly off topic, but do you know much about the importance of multivitamins/supplements for runners? I was just thinking about this today because I’ve been noticing lately (since I’ve been doing a lot of cross-training and weights) that when something makes me sore, it takes me like a week to recover from it. I know I’m getting older (almost 30), but this does not seem right to me, and I’m wondering if maybe there’s something that my body needs more of. Any insights, anyone?


I am an ASICS girl but they have just stopped making the type I am currently wearing so need to find a good replacement. I sometimes run with a single buggy and it is SO hard. Great training but hard! Definitely agree that running is therapy – keep it up, you are so amazingly strong! xx


Your timing is impeccable!! This is my second month of not getting my period (and I have no other reason to be missing it) and Im in the middle of training for my first marathon. At first I thought it was a nice perk/normal for the amount of exercise I’m doing, but now i see that isnt the case. thank you so much for this article!


Stroller running is no joke! You go girl! I used to push my girls in the jogger when they were younger. Now none of us have the patience for it!


Thank you for posting about amenorrhea. I am currently dealing with my first stress fracture and I want to research how to heal it and if I need more calcium. I have always had irregular periods and even when I am on the pill it only lasts 2 days max and is very light. (tmi, sorry) so this may need to be something I look into more.

I am glad to hear that running is helping you with your divorce. I know it is a constant blessing to be able to feel those endorphin’s running through out veins!


I used to run with a double jogger; I was definitely not doing 8 min miles with that thing!
I’m wearing Mizunos for my long runs and Adidas for my shorter ones. I track my mileage.
Protein = wasabi edamame.


The worst part of the jogging stroller was stopping to pick up all the stuff they would throw out!
Protein = eggs


I run with the jogging stroller all the time! I actually ran without my baby yesterday and it felt so weird. I forgot how to run normally without one arm out!


I use a multi-kid shopping cart. There’s not a stroller big enough for my crew ;-)

Chicken’s been my go-to protein lately.

Thank you for sharing about amenorrhea. Losing your period for an athletic or aesthetic ideal is courting disaster. Being healthy needs to be more highly valued than being skinny or ripped.


I also want to thank you for posting about amenorrhea. I struggled with this on and off for ten years due to my running/exercise/eating habits, and it is true that many doctors are not very educated on the matter. I am in my early thirties, and although I am not planning on having children, I am very afraid that I will be unable if I change my mind. It is so great that you are honest and not afraid to talk about it.
I am also amazed by your grace and strength at this difficult time in your life. You are an inspiration and I look forward to reading each one of your posts!


I love the way Brooke is smiling at you in the first picture!
I am running in Brooks Pure Flow right now for my long runs. My protein of choice is my ISA Protein Drink after my runs, but usually later in the day I go with hard boiled eggs.


honestly? i’m struggling with this right now…trying to figure out WHY there’s an absence of a period because I know it’s a major (and important) sign of female health…thanks so much for highlighting that article.


I used to nanny for a family who had twins so I ran with a double stroller before and it wasn’t too bad…definitely way easier to run with nothing though! It was funny though, because the mom of the family I nannied for told me how moms try to “pick up” other mom friends, especially with multiples and one day when I was out with the girls a woman with triplets approached me haha. Right now I’m running in Brooks Ravenna 4s and love them- they’re my first pair of Brooks and now I’m a convert :)


I used to log my miles on my shoes, but these days I go by my knees. As soon as I feel a little twinge in my knee, I pull out a new pair of Asics.

I’ve only run with a jog stroller once when I was running with a friend and pushed her little girl part of the way. There’s definitely an art to it!


Delurking to say that my doctors kept brushing me off when my period stopped for a full year and said that my body would get used to the lower weight and increased exercise. I never realized how dangerous it was. When a chiropractor told me to gain 10 pounds, I almost freaked out. Now, 20 pounds later, I’m so much more healthy.


The weight of my double jogger plus 3 year old and 1 year old is about 75 pounds. I hated it at first, but I swear it’s made me faster because without I feel so stinkin light and fast. I just had a 10k pr last weekend and I’m crediting running with the double 3 days a week. I did a 9 miler with it once (husband out of town and HAD to stick to my training schedule) and basically felt like superwoman after. :)


You’re amazing!!
I’m back to running in sauces- this time gt 2000. I tried the Nike frees, big for long distance found they didn’t give me enough distance .

By the way- after your ‘ early morning’ post the other day, today I got up the earlier ever for s resuming run- 4.20, out the door by 4.30, to run 15km before it got too got! Desert life!!


I’ve only had my running shoes for 6 months with an average of 10miles a week so I’m going by the ‘new pair every year’ advice I was given. I would love another pair but I can’t justify spending that much in them at the moment. I was running in a pair of Nike trainers before & when I put my Saucony ‘whatever they are’ on, I was amazed at how light they are!!

I don’t think I run enough to worry about my period stopping… Yet. I’m training for my first half marathon in 4 weeks & 2 days so every week’s mileage is more than the week before. 10 miles this weekend!! Going to practice fueling on the run :)


I run with a 3 almost 4 year old and a 16 month old in my double bob. It is hard work! Even on the days I just have my single… Pushing a jogger is tough. Way to go! Brooke is a doll. You are so strong and amazing! Keep it up.


I thought you might like this review of those S’mores Candy Corns!!!

….. I might have to try them too! Since he said they are good.


I’m running in Saucony Ride 6’s and I love them! I don’t keep track of my mileage (I know I should). I just mark on my calendar when I bought them and look back at my mileage. I’m going through shoes more quickly than I have in the past.
My favorite type of protien lately is turkey breast. I love putting it on a piece of seeded sourdough bread from Whole Foods w a bit of dijon mustard, provolone cheese and top it off w avocado…yum!
No kiddos for me (yet) so I haven’t jogged with a baby stroller but I don’t know how you do it! :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


I usually write down how many miles are on my shoes and then switch them out at 450 or 500 miles, depending on how my knees and hips feel when I’m running.

Right now, I’m wearing Brooks Adrenalines. They’re pretty much the only shoes I run in.

Favorite protein: eggs.

I gotta say, you come up with some very interesting lunch combinations.


First off, I am terrible with tracking mileage on my shoes. Secondly, thank you so much for posting about this. I have been struggling with amenorrhea for the last two years and I have recently began to take the issue seriously and take action with my doctors in terms of a plan. I tried to deal with the issue with supplements and nutrition in Feb, acupuncture in June, and now I am working with two doctors that are fantastic. I don’t have low body weight and think I eat pretty healthy 80% of the time, so I am very frustrated with my body for not “doing its thing”. The positive part of this is that we are all possible of change and bodies are pretty amazing, so I’m confident that all will work out. This is super personal and not everyone has the confidence to share it, so I appreciate your honesty. P.S Brooke wins cutest baby of the year award.


I was definitely laughing with you at the beginning of this post because I recently did the same thing! I always run during my lunch hour (aka no toddler). Over labor day weekend, we were on vacation in the forest with my family, and my 2 year old wakes up much earlier than everyone else, so I brought the jogging stroller to try to let everyone else sleep while we ran. Oh my gosh, I used it when he was a baby, but it was so much harder this time! I think I forgot how hard it is. I was cracking up at Brooke throwing out her toys and picturing you trying to pick them up. I gave my boy a tupperware of dry cereal since it was so early and brought milk. I was trying to give him his cup of milk on and off while running at the same time, and we were both cracking up :)

As far as new running shoes, I also go by feel. As soon as my calves and feet start to hurt while I am running, I know it is time. It usually works out to about 8-ish months of running, not sure if that is appropriate or not? Averaging 15 miles a week? Oh, and I have been wearing the latest version of Asics Gel Nimbus for years! I am on the 14’s now. I love this latest trend of super bright colors for running shoes, I have these:

Have a great weekend!


I know it’s time for new shoes when I get IT band pain when I run. Or when I see a pretty pair I just really want haha.

I am really into the Squirrelly bread lately. It’s got more protein then regular bread.

I discovered my love of running at the end of my marriage and it totally got me through my divorce. it really is the best therapy. well that and shopping :)


OMG– look at the way brooke stares so lovingly at you. incredible!!!


Oh, your stroller run report sounds very familiar, right down to the ten stops. It is HARD WORK – I don’t run much with my guy any more (he’s almost 2) but when I do, I have the same reaction you did: how did I do this every day for over a year? Definitely makes you strong…


Oh! And I have those Oakleys too. Worth every euro.


Running with a stroller gets infinitely harder as they get older!!! They want to walk, they want a snack, they throw things, they are MUCH heavier! Good for you for you baby run this morning :)


Oh my good lord the look Brooke is giving you in that stroller. She loves her runnin’ mama!


When the holes on the sides of my shoes prompt my foot to slip and slide out of the shoe, it’s almost time. When I actually have the money and requisite coupons to buy the new shoes, it’s time.


Maybe it’s getting tougher because Brooke has gotten bigger? I can’t imagine being able to run with a stroller even with no one in it, haha!


I think my PureFlow 2s are ready to be retired as well. They carried me to a HM PR as well! …just significantly slower than yours.

And I love to run with my jogging stroller (with the baby in it. Although sometimes I’m tempted to take it without her…jk). I think running with that extra weight had a lot to do with my PR. Now I need another baby to see how fast a double jogging stroller can make me!! Kidding! (for now.)


that dog is adorable!

thanks for posting today- very informative.

* where I get all my running gear! For women of all sizes!


I really need new shoes. When my knees ache, that’s when I know it’s time!!! Congrats for you for being strong and finding a health outlet for your pain.


I need new shoes. My Mizouno Wave Riders need to be put in the retirement category. I know it’s time because I can feel my feet more during my runs.

I’m loving Costco Rotisserie Chicken and scrambled eggs for my protein sources!


Thank you SO much for this post- I have always been cyclical until I started running about 9 months ago. I asked my doctor since it has now been over 3 months since my last cycle and she shrugged it off due to exercise and weight loss. While I am not looking to have children anytime soon, I did not realize the possible repercussions of what was happening now and how it may affect me in the years to come. THANK YOU! Have a wonderful weekend!


Pushing the jogging stroller is a serious workout! I’ve done it on almost all my runs for the past 1 1/2 years since my son was born. When I don’t push it I feel so light and fast. He’s my fav runnin buddy tho


This post hits a home run for me! I did not have a period for nearly 3 years for this very reason – I was running a TON, qualified for Boston, and then got a lovely stress fracture in January that I literally found out 2 weeks ago is finally HEALED. After not running for so long, my period is back and all of my vitamins are at a healthy level. However, my bone density is not and I am now dealing with trying to restore that as much as possible (btw I am 24 years old) I am so mad at myself for not addressing this sooner. It is SO important!!


So glad you have running to turn to when you need it – and all your family and friends! My little one isn’t old enough for a jog in the stroller yet so we use it for walks for now. Can’t wait until she is though! I go by feel/look of wear on my shoes. Currently in Brooks Glycerins and I love them.


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