It finally arrived and how to get out of a running rut.

Brooke’s bday present finally arrived.  I ordered it online but they were sold out for a while so we had to wait (on pins and needles) for a whole week after Brooke’s birthday to finally get it.  I sure hope Brooke forgives me for this one.  (PS it rained off and on all day yesterday so cross your fingers that it doesn’t rain today because it is Brooke’s bday party ((outdoors)).
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Climbing and slides are two of Brooke’s favorite things so I think she will get some good use out of it.

In the morning I went on an easy run with Rachelle.  If you are in a rut with running and not enjoying it as much as you used to… find a running partner because running with people makes the miles go by really fast.  The run was over too quickly.  

I would like to introduce you to the best bbq chicken pizza you will ever see.  This made for a delicious lunch.

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Brooke’s legs must be pure muscle because she goes from the squatting position to standing (without her hands or any help) over and over and over again and she makes it look so easy.  I tried it and failed.

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For dinner I had steak and potatoes with my parents at home but steak never photographs very pretty so I skipped the picture.  My parents eat dinner at 5 pm and my body has now adjusted to this schedule so when my friends wanted to meet for sno cones at 6 I had already eaten dinner and was more than ready for dessert.

We walked across the street and ate at the BYU track.

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Please tell me it stresses you out a little bit too when you have to choose between so many good flavors.  

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Coconut ice cream on the bottom with pina colada and tiger’s blood flavoring and topped with some sweet and condensed milk.  A winning combination, maybe I should start topping all of my food with sweet and condensed milk.

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My long run today is 13 miles and then it is time for Brooke’s birthday party.  Hope your Saturday is amazing!

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Topping everything with sweetened condensed milk!?! I say HECK yes! :) That ice concoction looks so delicious.


Have a fun party!!! Make sure to photograph her stuffing her face with cake!:)


I hope your run goes great and you have a great time for Brooke’s party!


First 10 mile run since my last half-marathon in May – 7 weeks away from my next one and feeling pretty confident I’ll break the 2 hour mark this time!

Hope you and Brooke have a fantastic afternoon! :)


Have fun at Brooke’s birthday party today!! I get stressed out when there are too many topping options at a restaurant. Even when you get the choice of what goes on your burger I freeze up for a second. Wierd.


I hope Brooke’s party is perfect!! Have fun on that 13 mile run. This week is my first week of marathon training and I have 9 miles tomorrow…. wish me luck! ;)


Have a great time with Brooke at her party! I just celebrated my daughter’s second.


My parents used to have sweetened condensed milk as an ice cream topper at parties when I was little and I would secretly take a HUGE spoonful of it when no one was looking and eat it straight up…and repeat. It truly is the best.

I hope baby Brookers has the best birthday party ever! Give her a big hug for me.


I don’t care for sno cones, but I have never had one with sweetened condensed milk. That could be a game changer!

I hope the weather cooperates for your party. First birthday parties are so fun!


I ran with a partner during my last group run and it helped tremendously! The miles just flew by, which was great on a 10 mile run.


I hope Brooke has a great party! I used to love my climbing/slide thing and I’m sure she will too :) Enjoy your long run! I miss running that far, but I’m coming back from an injury so I am slowly building back up. 5 miles is long for me these days!


Happy birthday party day Brooke!!! If squats were only as easy as Brooke makes them look! Haha!


Snoballs, as they’re called here, are often topped with sweetened condensed milk in New Orleans. But I can’t eat them…they kill my blood sugar. I feel like I’m in a sugar coma if I eat one!


I wish we had a snow cone place like that around here! Enjoy your long run and I hope Brooke has an AMAZING birthday party! I know she will :-)


I hope Brooke has an amazing party today–cannot wait to hear all about it! That little girl is so blessed to be so loved!


I can’t wait to see pictures from Brooke’s birthday party!!! I hope your 13 miles goes well. Those snow cones are insane! I have never heard of ice cream at the bottom of a snow cone!
By the way….dinner at 5 is early, I would have to get used to that too….we are totally like 7 people especially in the summer.


Oooohh so excited to see/hear all about Brooke’s party!!!! Fingers and toes crossed that the weather co-operates for you


Oh man I need a Utah snow cone. On the East coat they’re icy hard things with only a few choices for flavoring! That looks amazing!


I love stuffed snow cones! Have fun at Brooke’s party! I’m sure it’ll be a blast :)


Hope the party goes wonderful! My mom also eats at 5… Although I prefer 6 more. HOW did you decide on a flavor?! I would’ve had a major panic attack lol


Wishing you great weather and a great party! I love that you can go out for sno cones, we need that here in NY – all we have is yogurt on every corner with the occasional Ralph’s Ices every few blocks – and yes, I totally stress out when having to pick flavors and toppings and all that good stuff!


Why are there so many sno cone stands in Utah County? It’s ridiculous! To be bombarded with so many flavors at every corner? It’s no wonder Utah has the highest rate of prescription drug use– it’s to treat the panic attacks from too many choices.


Happy birthday Brooke! Congrats mama! Take lots of pictures.


That snow cone sounds so good! Coconut makes everything better! I hope it doesn’t rain and Brooke’s birthday party goes great!


dinner at 5? wow, i’ve adjusted to our very southern europe hour of dinner… between 8-10! Love sno cones too, have a great time at the party!


I hope Brooke has the best birthday party ever!!!!


I have been wanting to try that snow cone place!! There is one not too far from me & your pic convinced me this needs to happen soon!

Good luck on your run this morning. See you in a little bit! I am praying the weather cooperates.

Also, can we talk about how ridiculously gorgeous you are??? Seriously.


Have a great party! My mom is getting our boy the same bday gift next month. I can’t wait. I LOVE tigers blood. I can’t never find it here in SoCal only back home in St. Louis.


I hope it doesn’t rain! Crossing my fingers and have fun on your 13 miler :)


I’m crossing my fingers that the rain holds off! Have so much fun celebrating Brooke today!


Your dad really needs to paten that toy! Million dollar idea!


Brooke’ll love her gift!! Yeah those long list of flavors always stress me out, I cahnge my mind a million times, and even once I pick a flavor, I always wish I had picked a different one hahaha. Enjoy your run and Brooke’s birthday party :)


Happy Party Day! I’m sure it will be an awesome time! Can’t wait to see pictures. Good luck on your run!


The effortless squatting is so impressive. I remember watching that in awe. Hope the skies clear for the party!


I NEED that ice cream. Oh my.


Sending you good weather vibes — enjoy the party!


Hope Brooke has an awesome birthday party!!!!

Wow, your long run is my goal in a few months:) Headed out today, to do my ‘long run’ which is only 4 miles, but you have to start somewhere right???!!!


i hope brooke loves her first birthday party! i’ll cross my fingers that the weather is perfect this afternoon :)


I love the little playsets for kids! What a great first birthday present! Crossing my fingers for good weather and great run for you! Have a great time at Brooke’s BDAY party!!!


I’m jealous! My long time running buddy and I are not able to train together right now and I so miss having a running buddy! I need to find a new one!

Climbing cubes are always beloved by kids! She’ll adore it! Have a fun birthday party!!


Happy party day for little Brooke! Hope she has an amazing day.

Hope the run went well!


Ran 7.33 with my hubby today! It makes me so happy to have a companion that NOW enjoys running just as much as I do. :) Have an amazing party for Brooke! Remember to not stress and to have fun and take lots of pics to remember the day! :)


Have tons of fun! I’m hydrating and chilling today because tomorrow is my second half marathon! Can’t wait! yay yay yay!


We have that same slide and love it! That sno-cone cup is too cute!


Thinking of you today- I know the party will be perfect. Can’t wait to see pictures!


Sno Cone made with ice cream??? Have a great party!


Awww YAY! I bet little Brooke will have the best birthday party ever! So fun! I’m sure she’ll LOVE that slide.

Those sno-cones are SOOO good!


Happy birthday party day to Brooke! I’m sure she’s going to love her slide!

That pizza looks pretty amazing!


Can’t wait to hear about Brooke’s party!!!


Omg!!! I need one of those snow cones!!

I’m running 16 tomorrow, I wish I had a running buddy for that! :(


I love Brooke’s face when she stands up from the squatting position.


Happy Birhtday Party Day Brooke!
Also: she is growing far too quick. That little girl is getting so big!


Looks like a great day ahead of you :)
I love the camo shirt btw! Mind if I ask where it’s from??


Thanks! It’s from J Crew!


Aww man, now I want a snow cone!! Hope Brooke’s bday party is amazing :) Have fun!


That sno-cone sounds amazing!!! Your jeans are super cute, what brand are they? I’ve been trying to find some new ones and it’s such a pain :)


Thank you! They are j crew… I am obsessed with that store ha!


I think Brooke is looking more and more like you all the time! And like the above commenter, I like your jeans :)


Thank you so much!


I hope Brooke’s bday party is spectacular! I hope you share tons of pics with us! :) BTW, you’re looking awesome, chica :) Hope you rocked the 13 miles!


Yum!! You can’t go wrong with a sno cone :)


Woah! That is no ordinary sno cone!! Sno cones have really come a long way since the last time I had one!

Hope the birthday party is fantastic and the rain stays far away!!


I wish I could squat like
Brooke !!


Can’t wait to read all about little Brooke’s party-just saw some pics on Instagram and everything looks pretty Amazing!


I hope you guys have a wonderful bday. I’m sure it will be special! BTW… where did you get that nifty toy from? It was probably made because it is too cool and perfect for a little one. I showed my husband and hopefully we can come up with something fun


My dad made it! It was so easy!


hope you had a fun day celebrating brooke!! :)

and those snow cones look amazing.. never would have thought condensed milk would be a good topping!


Happy Birthday Brooke!!!!!
Snow cones look great! I never would have thought of condensed milk either…
: )
Have a 13 mile run tomorrow at the end of a half ironman. Hope to have some nice runners to chat with to make the miles go by….


Hope your run went well!
I ran 11 miles today! So glad it is over with but my legs can feel it :)


Oh that sno cone looks so good! It’s 11:30 pm and I want one right.this.second. Hope the bday party was great and you had a good long run today!!


I freakin’ LOVE Hawaiian style shaved ice. The hard, crunchy kinds aren’t even close to being as good!


I hope there will be more pictures than the ones from Instagram of the party! I can’t wait to see how much Brooke loves her present.


Wow that sno cone looks amazing!! It looks like Utah has the best food. Seriously!


Haha, I feel the same way when I have to choose froyo toppings!

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