1/2 Marathon Race Recap

Thank you so much for all of your kind comments yesterday, you made my day!


First off, this course is definitely a PR course, there was uphill portions and strong head winds at points but overall it was a very easy FAST course.  Between the high elevation that I am still adjusting to and running this race on really tired legs (I did two speed workouts this past week and no taper) I am really thrilled with my time and I am excited to train extra hard for my marathon in December.

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Let’s first talk about a man that ran the race in 1:14 with CROCS.  I will not be able to understand the hows.  

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I woke up at about 4:40 and ate an ego waffle with syrup.  I got ready really quick, packed some bread with jam to eat 30 minutes before the race start and got to the race at about 5:10 to pick up my bib.  It was a super small race ($45 to register…I like that:) and the race director was hilarious and super laid back.  They bussed us to the start where we waited for about an hour.  

We started running right on time (no timing chips, the guy with the crocs was the one that just told us to go so I am basing my time off of my Garmin completely).

The course was insanely gorgeous.  We passed by this waterfall three times.  Each time it was breathtaking.  Also, the temperatures were perfect!

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I started eating swedish fish at about mile 4.  You gotta do what you gotta do.   I am all about keeping up with those glycogen levels. 

I saw Rachelle at mile 7, talked to her for a few minutes while we ran and then let her pull me through to the end with her incredibly encouraging words and she would even get my water for me.  This girl is so strong and I just love her to death.

It was a very emotional race for me.  Wanna know something crazy about this race… it was my FIRST 1/2 MARATHON EVER a few years ago… it has been going on for 21 years now!  

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Just one more with Rachelle.  I really like her.

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My cute parents brought Brooke and like usual it is the best feeling to see her little face at the finish line.  

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My sister and her kiddos also came to cheer and we all ate pancakes afterwards together.

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On the way home I made my nephew go in and get ice for me (he picked up some coloring contest papers too) for my 20 minute ice bath.  The ice bath hurt for a few seconds but then after that it felt really good on my legs.  I stretched for a while and foam rolled, I am doing whatever it takes to make sure I stay injury free because I really like racing.  Racing is what gets me up out of bed every day to train.  

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I hope you have noticed that on my blog I stick to just endorsing products that I am obsessed with and things that I use myself a lot…  I can’t even begin to tell you about how much I love the JayBird BLUEBUDS X.  

I always race with music because it pushes me to run a lot faster and I have done too many races and runs with annoying chords getting tangled and stuck in my lip gloss in the past.  Seriously, these wireless headphones make me feel like I am not even wearing headphones.  The sound is perfect and it is super easy to set up the bluetooth with your phone/ipod etc.  They are my secret weapon and I won’t ever be able to go back to normal headphones.  

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(Brooke took off the little ear pieces that hold them in your ear and they were upstairs when I took the picture and I was already to sore to go get them for the picture)

Notice my playlist name:  Running ONLY.  It is because I save the songs on this playlist just for running (and mainly just on speed days) so that they always seem kind of new and exciting to me.

Nothing like a late night Sonic run after a morning PR race with your mom.

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I have an awesome race coming up in October—>  The Runner’s World Half & Festival!  I really feel like you should come out to Pennsylvania and run it with me!  

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You can get 10% off the Half with the discount code: hungryrunnergirlRWHalf

and 10% off the Hat Trick (the 5k, 10k and half marathon) with the discount code: hungryrunnergirlRWHat

Enjoy every second of your Sunday!

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Hey there! Super super impressed with your race time…well done! Regardless of whether the course was fast or not you still smoked it! Ice-cream is the perfect treat. Enjoy the achievement! :)


It was an amazing time and you placed and everything! You are so awesome, cant believe you have a baby and are running like that!

Enjoy your Sunday!


Wait… someone ran in CROCS?!


I was thinking the same thing… how is that even possible without falling?!


I met a man during a half marathon in April, and he ran in thongs aka flip flops, no I’m not kidding you.
I also spoke to a guy from ‘the running company’ (shoe store) and he said that at one of the ironman events in the usa, they do a survey of shoes worn, and crocs makes it into the top 10. Weird but true.


I bought those jaybirds at your recommendation a few months ago. They are a bit pricey but i LOVE them. Well worth the investment! They were my treat to myself. I just dowloaded pom-pom. haha, im a fifty-something listening to the jonas bros, makes me laugh. Perfect for my running list.
The race sounds fabulous. Do you ever travel down south (fl) to race? I would be there to cheer you on. Congrats!


pom poms! that is the best song ever!!!


Congrats on an amazing race! That’s awesome. I’m jealous of the waterfalls!

I took my 1st ever ice bath yesterday (20 minutes) after my 18.2 mile long run done at 8:07 average pace!! I actually really loved the ice bath except for the first few seconds submerging myself….yikes! I am now an ice bath fan!


Congrats on your PR! That is amazing! I can’t wait to see what you do in December!

I totally signed up for the Hat Trick at the Runner’s World running fesitval! I’ll see you there!


You are so inspirational! Congratulations, super excited for you. I hope you do nothing but relax today……oh and eat lots of swedish fish/pancakes/cafe rio/red velvet cake ice cream/everything else you love:)


Janae, you are sooo inspiring! That’s go great that your family was waiting for you at the finish :) I REALLY want to run the RW half in PA, but that is the weekend I’m running my first marathon. Hopefully next year!!


This post brings back memories of being in Utah with you! Couldn’t be prouder or more happy for you! You deserve it!!!


Do Swedish Fish work as fuel? Or is that just a joke?

And if it is in PA – and between Philly and Lancaster – email me and visit with Brooke!!!!


Not a joke (for me at least). My body can’t handle all the gu/chomp stuff during long runs, but I can definitely tolerate swedish fish! I know it’s as fancy, but sugar = carbs = energy.

In fact, when I finished my first marathon I realized I had a swedish fish stuck to the bottom of my shoe…


correction: It’s NOT as fancy.

Oh and, WAY TO GO JANAE!!!!!


I use regular candy as fuel also- it definitely works just as well I think.. and a whole lot cheaper. My fave is jelly beans or starbursts.


I can’t believe someone ran in crocs!!! Wow!! I’m glad you had a friend to run with I always feel like running with friends is always more fun!! Congratulations on your time, you were flying!!


Again-congratulations speedster :) That guy is crazy running in crocs! I love Brooke’s face in that picture. Now I want pancakes AND ice cream. I don’t run with music because I HATE dealing with cords, but I’m too cheap to buy the Jaybirds, but I also have a running playlist that I ONLY listen to when running. That race in PA in the fall is going to be beautiful!


That is seriously awesome. A huge congratulations and pat on the back for you!


A man ran in crocs?! it’s a lucky thing he didn’t injure himself!

Congrats again on your fantastic time/race!! You make me so excited for my next half in 2 weeks! :)


A huge congrats on an awesome race, Janae. And I can barely even -walk- in Crocs, so I have no idea how that man ran a half in them. Mind is boggled.


That is an amazing time. Congrats! The guys in crocs SMH!


Congrats! You really impress and motivate me. Race reports always make me want to race more than I do. I’ve only placed once for an age group award. Time to get back at it!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! You’ve worked so hard and have EARNED that PR! Yayayayayya! Can’t wait to see what you’re going to accomplish in December :)


You did amazing and what a great friend you have!

The guy in crocs is crazy


Amazing job!! Congratulations on an awesome time. This makes me excited for my next half although my PR is about an hour slower than yours.

Do the Jaybirds drain your phone/ipod battery using the bluetooth? I’m so slow I worry about my ipod dying.


My phine has never died when running and i am sssllloooowwww! The jaybirds are suppose to hold n 8hr charge. I love mine. Thanks again, J, for the recommendation.


My phone has never died when running and i am sssllloooowwww! The jaybirds are suppose to hold an 8hr charge. I love mine. Thanks again, J, for the recommendation.


I definitely need to figure out how to train and not injure myself. Whatever you are doing seems to work!

I have a Pandora station that I listen to while I run, but like you I ONLY listen to it during runs. It does help to keep the music fresh, especially since it happens to be the Nelly station and plays the same 20 songs over and over again.


You are inspiring me right out the door this morning!!! That PR is so crazy!!! :) If I were you I would eat extra everything yummy this week to celebrate :) Congratulations!!!


What an awesome race!!!!
I was smiling reading this! I love when we train our bodies to the limit and then they amaze us on race day!!!
I hope you have a super easy rest day!!!


Yay way to go! So glad to see the hard work you have put in paying off. I have started doing more speed work and I am seeing a difference in my pace and my overall endurance and love it. Congrats on the PR. I want to run the hat trick so badly but I can’t this year… Maybe next year!


You are so speedy! Congratulations!!


That’s amazing! You’ve inspired me to sign up for my first post baby (born in Sept) half in December. I haven’t had the motivation to run more than 4-6 miles but now I can’t wait to get back out there. You will get that sub 3 in Dec!


Awesome job – good for you!!! I do really appreciate that you only mention products that you love and your blog isn’t an advertisement. I mean, I’d still read it for the pictures of Brooke, but I wouldn’t love it nearly as much. Thanks!


I bought the Jaybird head phones last week after you mentioned them – best thing ever! I’ll never be able to go back to cords again. I can’t wait to use them in the gym today.

Congrats on the 1/2 – you’re so speedy!


Way to go! Congrats on the PR.

A few questions: How often do you fuel with Swedish Fish during a long run and how many do you eat at a time? How do you carry your fuel during a race- in your hands, pouch, etc.?


I was coming to ask this very same question. Congrats on a great race! Would love to see a post on how you fuel, how you carry it, how often and what you drink. Training for my first marathon so I need all the help I can get!


Such a superstar! I am so excited to see where your training takes you next: a 1:2 half on tired legs is really, really impressive. You have a good coach and you’ve been training smart! I’m taking heart from your example: I had that nasty femur fracture, and your big comeback from injury is an inspiration. You are killing it!
Forget 2:59…you can do better than that…


I don’t even know where to begin with commenting Janae (without sounding like a kissass). The amount of effort and hard work you have been putting into your training only bodes that you would PR! After having your baby and finding your coach, you have already achieved so much and you are going to have a great marathon. I can’t wait to see how your marathon goes in December. (Though I wish you were doing NYC ;)).

I saw you had tweeted something about the Runners World half marathon and was wondering if you were coming out this way. Have fun with it, I’ve heard nothing but great things!


Again girl, huge congrats to you! I can’t believe how fast you are! Also, I love Brooke’s face in that picture-it seems as if she’s thinking: “yup guys, my mom PRd again!”


Congrats! I love doing small, local races and this seems like a gorgeous one.


I would love to run by a waterfall! So beautiful.
How you do you carry your ipod when you run?


You should be so proud of yourself! You have clearly been training really hard and you deserved to see the payoff!

I once saw a man run a 5k in 21 minutes wearing those slip on shower shoes. People have some weird skills.


Amazing, amazing race! Congratulations! I’m so happy to hear your coach is working out for you– I’d love to hear more about this mysterious, helpful person! ;-0 Hope you’re having a relaxing and restful Sunday!


Way to go Janae!! You are so speedy!
If you are ever looking for a blog topic I’d love to hear more about how you fuel for long runs, I’m just starting to get into longer runs (over 10k) and I’m at a bit of a loss! Thanks :)


Sounds like a great race – it must have been so special to PR where you ran your first half!


OH MY GOSH! You’re coming to PA?! I’m seriously about to make the drive JUST to come watch you race! I’ve been reading your blog forever so it’d be great to PERSONALLY support you!!! If my knee surgery recovery keeps improving maybe I could do the 5k! AHH!

Congrats on the PR! I cannot even walk around in Crocs without tripping or them sliding off of my feet, so I am amazed at this man. What a trooper!


Congratulations! You are sooooo fast:)

I start training for my first half and this week….eek!

Happy Sunday!


The crocs guy straight stresses me out. And girl, you are so insanely fast!! Congratulations!!


Your time is incredible, and the race sounds so fun! I have run three half marathons now and I am looking for a good full marathon to train for now! I always love a new challenge!


Congrats Janae!! Your hard work and smart training is clearly paying off! I swear by ice baths. I took one after every long run during my marathon training…even when it got to be a little rough during the cool fall days :) I bundled up for those. Keep it up and you’ll be rocking that marathon!!


I’ve never heard of a half that doesn’t time. That’s kind of awesome!! It looks like a beautiful race!!


Congrats on your PR that is absolutely amazing! I am now SUPER excited because I am signed up for the RW Half! I hope I see you there!!! :)


Ahhh Bridal Veil Waterfall! Beautiful! Great job on your awesome finish!


What a wonderful story. Janae I have said before how absolutely awesome I think you are but PLEASE, let’s talk about Brooke’s face in that photo! I can’t take it! She is so adorable!


Hi! I’m a long time reader (from Pakistan!!!) but barely comment.. just had to say CONGRATS!


I totally do that with my running playlists! I’m not allowed to listen to those songs on the elliptical or driving etc. The best thing is discovering a song you are just in love with and makes you feel so inspired while running, and the worst thing is when that song gets so tired that you start hitting ‘next’ when it comes on.


Congrats!! Looks like you are having a fantastic weekend!

Thanks for sharing your recommendation on those wireless headphones. I love running with music but the cords can get so annoying. I also like how you keep your running songs just for running so they seem new. Great tip. Also can’t believe the guy in the crocs! Happy Sunday :)


Aww, it must have been so nice to celebrate your PR with your family like that :D
My first half was the San Jose RNR Half, and I have been running it every year since I started running four years ago. Hope I get a PR (and I’ll probably get emotional, too).
You planning on doing the Hat Trick?


I do the same thing with my playlists! I create a new running playlist each month and I ONLY listen to those songs during my runs :)

Congrats again on such an awesome PR!


That pancake illusion pic made me laugh. For second I thought she was eating the most giant pancake ever. So excited to see you dominate the road from Folsom to Sacramento. It will be a thing of beauty and inspiration.


Crocs? For real? I can’t even walk in Crocs let alone run in them. I guess you find what works and stick with it. I wonder how he even discovered that Crocs were his running “footwear” of choice? It’s the kind of shoe you put on at 8pm to go get your cat out of the neighbors backyard (in my experience. lol). This guy is worthy of an article in Runners World based on how many questions I have about this whole scenario. Congratulations on your PR!


Holy cow, you are one speedy lady!! Congrats on your new PR – I am in awe!

I can’t even fathom how someone could run a half in Crocs, not to mention with such an amazing time. At my first half, there was a guy running in a toga and gladiator style sandals (and no, it was not a Halloween-themed event and yes, it was very cold out!) which made me feet hurt just looking at him. People do crazy things!!


Great job on the great race!!! I hope some of your speediness rubs off on me :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend with that accomplishment under your belt!


Amazing time!!! I am so happy for you. I love pancakes and that sundae looks perfect! Running in crocs is crazy and that fast is really crazy!
Congrats on an awesome race! I wish I was closer to PA!


I love reading your posts, so entertaining!



I can’t even with the crocs dude. My body hurts just thinking about it. It also seems like a major accident waiting to happen. Anyway, congratulations on the PR – seriously amazing!! I have a feeling it won’t be long before you have another, and I can’t wait to read more about your training.


That has to be encouraging :) PRs are always nice! And how fun that it was the same as your first half marathon.

Totally random, but what was the elevation change over the course? As an Indiana runner (read 100% flat) I am always curious about how downhill/uphill affects racing. Actually, if you ever need post material, it might be great to hear about uphill and downhill running strategies!!


CONGRATS!! You are amazing. I’m wondering how you even talked to rachelle running that fast? I can’t imagine even breathing at that pace. Let alone talk! But seriously. You are amazing. Anyway, also wanted to say I hope everything is going great for you! Not that I even know you or anything and dont want to be a creeper I just want to make sure everything is okay because I love you and your blog! (Again, creeper much?? Sorry!)


Congrats on the PR! That’s so exciting and I’m so happy for you! I’m already anticipating that December marathon post!!!!!! :)


Was the guy in the Crocs named Sasha? I am originally from Utah and I have run a couple of races with him. He’s very interesting and very fast!


OHMIGOODNESS you are coming to the Runner’s World half & festival??? I am doing the hat trick….I love reading your blog and I would LOVE love love to meet you!!! That would seriously make that race weekend even more amazing! :) Of course, it will only be if you wait around at the finish…cause I am certainly not speedy like you!


You set your mind to something and you do it. Your commitment is so inspirational.


HOLY SMOKES! That is one fast time and one great run. You were my inspiration on the treadmill this morning. After being up most the night with a sick kiddo, I was needing the push! Glad it was such a great day for you!


Congrats again Janae! Keep up the great work.. love the picture of your nephew getting your ice btw- you have some great helpers :)


Great job Janae!! Your hard work is definitely paying off.


Nice job!


congrats on such a speedy race!! what a great feeling that must be. i always reward myself after races with ice cream too haha those ear phones look awesome but they are pretty $$ i would be afraid to lose them but i feel like they are pretty sweet- i could see myself buying them one day.


That’s an amazing PR. Great Job!

EEEKKK! You’re coming to PA?!?!?!? That’s awesome. The Runner’s World half is 10 min from my house. I had planned on doing that one this year as my first half ever, but I found one in September that I’m doing instead (it’s on my birthday, I couldn’t resist). I might be doing the RW 10k though, so maybe I’ll see you around. :-)


I don’t think I can even sprint at your average pace! Girl you are so amazingly speedy! Congrats!


A huge congrats to you! What a phenomenal PR.

I hope you have a great Sunday!


Crocs…yuck! and socks and Crocs…..oh brother!


Hmm crocs are soft on the feet and pretty bouncy, maybe they would be ok for running!


Congrats on the great race! As for your next– Bethlehem in October will be beautiful and perfect race weather! (I’d take a cold race day over heat any day). My husband lived there for 2 semesters while in college, it’s a fun little town.


Wow!! GREAT race!!!!! You go, girl!
: )


Reading this post just has me in tears. You are so touching, and your bright light really shines through on your blog. I am just so happy for you!!

As for the Crocs… I don’t even like standing on my feet too much in them during work (Nurse) so I can’t imagine wearing them to run in. Seems like an injury waiting to happen ala face plant, but apparently you can run 1:14 halfs in them. Huh… maybe I have underestimated the ugly little shoe after all. :)


Smore candy corn. Fuel for your next half marathon?



Congrats on your race!!! Where do you keep your phone during races? I have the Bluebuds too and use an armband, but it can be annoying and chafe sometimes. Sorry if you covered this before. Thanks


Haha your swedish fish fuel.. so funny
Those pancakes look to diee


Way to rock your PR half yesterday! Running in crocks? Was that guy looking for an injury???


I will never understand how people run barefoot, in flip flops, crocs, etc! Crazy! I don’t think I’d make it a mile in those! PS You did awesome!!! Way to go!


Congrats on a great race!! Do you run with an iPod? I don’t see it in the pic? Just curious if you have a shuffle or usually wear an arm band?


I have the nano and bought a little case so it hooks on to my shorts! Ill do a post about it!


Congrats again on a fabulous race! That’s an awesome time, especially on tired legs. You are going to rock the half in PA & the full in December!

I’ve never run a race with music. Many races have rules against headphones. As a former race director I learned it’s an insurance regulation & meant to ensure safety for the runners, especially on courses that aren’t closed. I don’t run with music most of the time because I’m running on trails or country roads and want to be fully aware of my surroundings. On race day, I love to hear all of the race day sounds, especially cheering spectators!


I have a separate playlist for speed days too. I like thinking every song is fresh :) You are crazy speedy! Congrats again :)


Go Janae! You inspired to me to go for a long (for me) run today. Whenever I felt tired, I thought of how hard you work and it helped me get through it!


Do you drink at all during your races?? And do you just carry your snacks?? I’m experimenting with hydrating/fueling during long runs & I carry it all, but it’s becoming annoying. But I don’t want to wear a pack either! lol I’m only 7 hours from Bethlehem! Man I would love to come run it with you – even though you would probably be done and back home by the time I finished! haha…NICE PR!!


You are my running and training inspiration. AMAZING and sooooo fast! Congrats Janae! Love ya


Huge congratulations on your PR!

And even though I am OBSESSED with my Crocs (and yes I know they are hideous) I cannot imagine running more than to the refrigerator in them! Crazy!


CONGRATS!!! Well deserved lady – you’ve certainly put the training in. Couldn’t be happier for you! :) I have a running only playlist too for the exact same reasons – it’s necessary! I’m thisclose to registering for CIM… if I run it, you know we must get food either before or after!


COngrats on the PR!! Wahoo!


You are such a huge inspiration, in so so so many ways! Way to go Janae, you deserve this girl! I just know you are going to do awesome at your December marathon. I love reading your blog, not only because you are such a strong and amazing runner but also just a downright strong and amazing person is general. Glad you got your ice cream :) it’s a must!


Most impressive! Great job Janae! I see a sub 3 in your future!


The man who ran in crocs…no way is that even possible! I can’t imagine walking fast in crocs let alone SPRINTING in them haha.

Congrats again on the PR….unreal! You’re a running inspiration


Well done! Can’t believe that man ran in crocs >.<


Once again, awesome job! I may have to check out those headphones, thanks for the tip!


Sounds like you had a seriously awesome day. I’m thinking I should have had an ice bath after my long run this weekend. Maybe then I wouldn’t still be slightly sore today. Oh well, you live and learn.

Congratulations on your race!


Congratulations on the PR!

I was sooo going to run the RW Half! But…I will be in Italy instead… Darn. :-)


How many swedish fish do you eat? What else do you fuel with?

Congrats on your run!!


That is like 2 hours from me, ahhhhh so cool that you will be there. I don’t run/race on Sundays so I’m bummed the half marathon portion is pushed to then. It will be a GORGEOUS course which I’m sure you will LOVE!


First of all, you are awesome! I have been stuck in a rut when it comes to running ever since I had my baby 4 months ago. I run 4-5 times a week but just haven’t felt super excited about it since then, until now that is. Reading this just made me feel super excited for you and excited for the future of my running. I have a half in October, hopefully I can buckle down and get some quality training in for it. Congrats on such an awesome accomplishment!!


I would LOVE to do that race in PA, but my legs won’t be ready by then :( Maybe Boston next year!


You inspire me so much ..you rock


This is an amazing time!


Just catching up on this…6 months late. Yikes :) Congrats on a really solid race here!

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