What I eat before I run:


This isn’t a normal thing for me but for the last nine weeks that is what I have been doing.  During Billy’s internship (only NINE work days left….I am so ready to have a husband again during the week:) I have been leaving way too early (I don’t write how early I leave for safety reasons) and it is just too early for me to stomach eating anything.  I usually eat a bigger dinner than normal and a snack right before I go to bed so when I wake up I am not hungry at all.  I also eat breakfast approximately 12 seconds after walking in the door because by the time I am done with my run I am hungry. 

When I was running a little later I would eat a piece of bread with jam or a banana and go.  Before a race I ALWAYS eat bread with jam and some gatorade.  Gatorade is like liquid candy to me so I really like that tradition.  I will keep you updated on what I do once I am running a little bit later and as my mileage increases I am sure I will have to eat something but for now this is what is working for me.  


Workout:  3 miles @ 8:00 pace, 4 miles @ 7:23 pace and 1 mile @ 6:55 pace.  It was super windy this morning and cold (people dealing with crazy heat please don’t punch your computer screen for me saying that) but overall it was a great run.  Foam rolled while watching a new episode of the Kardashians (I hate that I just admitted that to you) and 30 minutes of core work.  

Today Brooke and I used our zoo passes to go see some animals with friends.  

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 I guarantee I could put Brooke on this ride for an hour straight and she would smile the whole time.  She thinks she is too cool for school when she is driving around the little car.

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 I drove to the zoo with a friend and she had to go to Costco after and asked if I wanted to come…. is that even a question?  I got the necessities and then we ate lunch there afterwards.

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PS see that gorgeous girl on the right?  That would be my cousin (but more like a sister) and she is driving here to stay for a week!  She is about 90 minutes away…..

Wedding 6391


Brooke’s 11 Month Old Update!


What about you?  What do you eat before a morning run?  Does it depend on how far you are going or what type of workout you are doing?

Ever eaten at the Costco food court?  What do you get?

What have you done so far today?

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I normally do not eat anything before a run, especially now that I do morning runs (way too hot to run any later). I will normally eat breakfast after my run.

I have only been to Costco once and never paid attention to the food court. Maybe have to have my bf take me since he has the Costco membership!

I ran 2.5miles this morning, but then started to not feel good after. Not sure what that is all about!


I don’t always eat if its a short run but anything more than 4 miles and I need to. I broke a tooth so I had to get dental work.


This is something I struggle with which is part of the reason I don’t like working out right away in the morning. I don’t like eating much because then I feel sick, but if I don’t eat anything, then I also feel sick. Usually a banana or piece of toast does OK with me, but I still never seem to feel my best super early in the morning when I’m working out. My prime time is like mid morning (9-10 AM) so that my breakfast can settle, but I still feel like I have a whole day ahead of me.

My husband and I eat at the Costco food court almost every Sunday for lunch after church! We get our groceries at the same time since it’s less busy on Sundays. I usually get the Caesar salad or pizza!


I don’t eat anything before my weekday runs. I am up and out the door within 10 or so minutes of waking up. On Saturdays, if I’m doing a long run, I do eat a piece of peanut butter toast or a banana before heading out. I like training with little. In my head I think it helps train my body to use what it’s got for fuel.


How long do you usually foam roll for?? and how often doing the day? I can barely last 5-10 minutes at a time but I know I need to do it. My IT bands are very unhappy with me right now. . . .


Before Susanna was born, I’d eat only a few bites before a run… a few crackers, a bit of a granola bar, a few sips of juice, etc.

Since she’s been born, I need to eat more substantially before a run. PB & crackers, a power bar, a bowl of dry cereal, some fruit, etc. My body doesn’t work properly without the pre-run food which I attribute to breast feeding.

Today’s highlights were starting to get insurance straightened out with our upcoming move, discussing Heinlen novels with my hub and Dad, and watching our girl sleep on me for an extended nap!


I don’t usually eat before a run that’s 5 miles or less. I usually coffee and breakfast afterwards. Sometimes, I’ll eat a mini clif bar if it’s a longer run.


I don’t eat before runs either. I leave first thing when I wake up, and make a green smoothie for breakfast first thing after I get back from my run. If I’m running after work, I mkae sure I have a snack about an hour before work ends- it’s usually half of a Lara Bar, but sometimes a Reese’s will sneak its way in there :)

My husband and I LOVE the Costco food court! We usually get a hot dog or a slice of pizza. They have AMAZING hot dogs and pizza!

Today, I got up and ran 2 miles before work. Went to work all day, and ran 4 miles after work. 6 miles total isn’t bad for a Monday. I also finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the millionth time. I’m weird and like to re-read all my favorite books a million bajillion times.

And now it’s girls night aka- Margarita Monday :)


This is something I always end up conflicted on. I always work out first thing on an empty stomach but mostly because I just can’t workout with food in my stomach or I end up feeling so sick, but sometimes I worry I’m not fuelling properly.
Oh well, I guess you gotta do what works for you.
And I don’t think I’ve ever eaten at Costco before! Besides the samples.


I seldom eat before my runs either, especially because they’re usually so early. If I’m doing a long run (14+ miles), I usually try to get up a little bit earlier and have half a bagel with some peanut butter.

This morning I ran 5.5 recovery miles (yesterday I ran a half marathon and PR’d by 2 minutes! I still have a runner’s high!) and did some strength training. I’m working now and hope to see my baby in the next hour.

My stepson used to love the HH Zoo and that ride in particular. I love that place!


I always eat bread & jam before a run! I am glad I am not alone :) I have never eaten at Costco’s food court because I don’t have one near me. Today I woke up early, since it is ungodly hot here, to start week 3 of marathon training! Then I got lunch with a friend & hung out inside doing laundry! Hope you enjoy your time with your cousin!


I am a late-night snacker (bad habit I’m trying to kick) so I rarely wake up hungry (I don’t like this – but I guess it works out).

Usually though I run in the afternoon or evening – I just have more energy.


I don’t eat anything before my morning runs if they’re 6 miles or under – but if it’s a weekend long run, I get up earlier to eat. I just have to!!

Today, so far I’ve baked banana bread, been on a park playdate, been to Target (happy face), done an online grocery shop and wrapped my husband’s birthday presents. It’s time for a cup of tea.


I rarely eat but if I do I eat a banana bc it’s all I can handle. If I am running for a long time then ill pop some candy mid run.


I eat almost everything on the menu! Not at the same time though. Slice of pizza, polish dog, turkey sandwich (<– new favorite!), Cesar salad. Gotta get either a mocha freeze or berry freeze, too :)


It’s hard for me to eat before running, but if I do I’ll just have a grilled cheese and then eat right after running. You’re going to think I’m crazy when you read this, but – I’ve never been to Costco! We don’t have one in Louisiana so I didn’t go growing up, and I don’t know of where one is by where I live now either.


I just can’t seem to stomach food early in the morning, but I see a distinct drop in the quality of my workouts when I run in the morning with no food compared to afternoon or evening runs. Do you find it difficult to get a good workout in despite not having eating anything? Does it get easier or are some people just not morning runners?


Yay for cousins!

Brooke is adorbs on that car. haha love it!

I eat before all my workouts now–growing a baby is hard work! :)


Ah, I remember your cousin from when you guys came to NYC for the marathon! Is she still baking? If so tell her to start that blog already!


Lately I’m super obsessed with eating Zone brand chocolate chip cookie dough energy bars. They really taste like you’re eating a stick of cookie dough. Amazing.


I think the bowl of cereal before bed is the trick.
I have tried to eat something ahead of the long runs because I felt like I should, but I felt like I was forcing the issue. I ended up just telling myself to listen to my body it will tell me what it needs……..and it told me it likes to run without breakfast.


I don’t eat much before a morning run, usually something small like a fruit leather or a banana. I come home and scarf my weight in food though.

Sounds like a great run! I’d rather run in cool weather than hot!


Don’t feel bad….I watch the kardashians too. Sad but true


Thank you for making me feel less alone:)


I typically eat an AMRAP bar before a run that is over 10 miles, other than that I don’t normally bother!

So far today I went to work, took a 2 hour walk, and went to PT!


I don’t eat before I run, and I actually don’t fuel during runs either – it works for me, so I go with it!
30 minutes of core, girlfriend?! Awesome:) I usually last about 10 minutes:)


Oh the DVD is 30 minutes long but there are plenty of breaks!


@Katie. Do you not even fuel during marathons? I have not figured out my fueling yet…it is a pain!


Before a regular morning run I don’t eat anything but before my long runs I have found my winning combination: bagel, peanut butter with blueberries squished in. Plus coffee. I have to have coffee before I run.


I know this is hard to believe, but I have never been to Costco.


I have tried to eat so many different things before I workout but no matter what I end up burping it up the entire time. I never eat anything now! So far today I tanned outside with my portable pool (a hose), went to Wegmans, and hung out with Elmo. Pretty good day even though I do really want to punch the computer screen for the fact it is COLD in your area!!!


Janae you are a MIND READER!!! Somwhere between dreaming about you and Billy last night (I had way too much fun running with you in my dream) and dealing with stomach issues during runs these past few weeks, I’ve found myself thinking, “I wonder what she eats before she runs! Maybe she doesn’t eat anything at all…” so awesome timing with this post! I find eating little seems to be helping me too…


I typically eat just half of a Lara bar before I run, unless I am going on a run longer than 10 miles, then I eat the entire bar. I don’t like to feel full when I run, however, I have been told several times that eating in the morning helps get your metabolism started and working more efficiently. However, I have also heard it is good to wait at least 30 minute before eating something once you wake up. I have heard so many different ways to do things when it comes to eating before you run. I think it is more about what works for each individual person. My success has been just my simple Lara bar!


I always eat nothing too! Unless I am running over 12! Before a race I eat half a kids cliff bar and a half a banana! This morning I ran 7 and I ran 5 this afternoon. Love your blog. And Costco used to have the best fountain Diet Coke! I also love the chocolate frozen yogurt! Love your blog.


I don’t eat before runs either. I wake up early so I just try to make sure I ate enough before I went to bed to not wake up starving. Sometimes I’ll have one of those apple sauce packets they sell for children.. you just suck it out! hahah super easy, fast, digestible, fruit sugar

Costco has such good food! They have good pizza, churros, berry smoothies..


If I run early (before 7 am) then no food. Maybe a cup of coffee if I remember to set the auto start. Otherwise just a light snack about two hours before. I have never even been to a Costco but I have been really wanting to check one out. My friend just bought me a giant pack of gum there to give to my husband – so he quits asking me if I have any gum.


Your cousin is a Carey Mulligan look-alike!

And I always eat something or other before a run. There was this one time when I didn’t eat anything before I ran, and I ended up passing out on the treadmill, hitting my head on a cement wall, and giving myself a concussion — so, yeah, I sort of make it a priority now! Lately I’ve been having a bit of sweet potato with some cashew butter smeared on top. Very tasty — and good fuel!

-Emily K.


I can’t eat anything at all before a run. If I do I will feel sick and sluggish- two things I don’t want to feel. Plus, the idea of food or water sloshing around is just not appealing. I’m like you and eat big dinners (and a big dessert) and I’m good to go. If I wait until like 10 or 11 to run it’s a different story. Then I eat my usual bagel with butter. Yum.


I usually eat before my morning runs – a slice of toast with jam if its 5 miles or less, half a bagel with jam if 5+. I eat dinner pretty early, so I am always hungry right when I wake up!

Pizza at Costco (and those dipped ice cream bars) used to be my favorite thing to grab, but now I follow a vegan diet, and last time I went they didn’t have anything I could eat :(

Today was spent studying hardcore, and finishing my auditing class! Woohoo, no more school for a month.


I eat pre-run depending on what type of workout I’m doing. If I’m doing a tempo run or longer than 8 miles, I’ll make sure to put something in my stomach….usually a banana and/or cereal.

I’ve only been to Costco once – I didn’t know they had a food court.

I went to work and I just got back from a run.


If I run early in the morning, I usually just grab a granola bar on my way out the door. Right now I’m digging Nature Valley’s chewy peanut butter. It’s like a candy bar for breakfast. So jealous of that awesome zoo! Wish we had something like that close to us.

P.S. I get sucked into Keeping with the Kardashians too. I watched WAY too much when I was on maternity leave last year.


I can’t eat before I run. I think that’s pretty normal! I make up for it the rest of the day though haha :-) Have fun with your cousin!


I eat nothing before a run! If I’m running 5+ miles, I usually have a scoop of peanut butter or two before I head out. Something that fills me up and is slow to digest…that seems to help me. I eat at Sam’s Club food court occasionally. I really like their pizza! Today I’ve run, done chores, and did a strength workout that killed me and might stop me from running tomorrow. I am SORE!


I can hardly eat anything before I run…usually a hanful of raisins or grapes or 1/2 a banana.
For a marathon it is soooo hard for me to eat that early. I usually will do a piece of bread with peanut butter before a race and sometimes it is hard to finish!
So far today I have done a really good speed workkout (for me), laundry, some cleaning, grocery store and made dinner :)


I LOVE Costco’s ice cream (okay, so really whose ice cream do I not like!…hehe). It is HUGE, even I can’t finish it!


I feel like the minority but I usually always eat a bowl of oatmeal and fruit and coffee before I run in the morning – if I didn’t fuel, I would feel like crap on my runs. I feel nauseous if I don’t eat.

I have never been to Costco. I ran 6 miles today in 80 degree heat and 80% humidity – I wish it were cool here:( I also ran a ton of errands, went to lunch with my Dad and renewed my driver’s license:)


I’m with you on this one! Breakfast is so necessary to fuel & sustain my body well in the morning. Maybe im just fortunate to feel comfortable having nourished my body, first-its understandable that others might feel more unsettled. Good thIng for me since I go to bed eager for what kind of breakfast I’ll wake up to enjoy ;). No running on fumes for me!


I don’t eat before I work up – and when I have a long run/workout, it’s not uncommon for me to not eat until 11:00 or 12:00 even though I’m up by 5am. I know it’s not the best but it is what works for my body!
Have fun with your cousin!


I always fill up on Costco samples so eating an actual meal there is unnecessary ;-) I do snack before a strength workout, but if I’m just planning on doing cardio than I’m fine to do it fasted – I can’t run with a lot of food in my stomach!


I eat a banana with some nut butter. But sometimes more, sometimes nothing, sometimes iced coffee, sometimes a pizza…


Before a run, I usually eat a peanut butter mini bagel. It doesn’t work for everyone, but for some reason I have the BEST runs after this snack. It has to be one hour before. Exactly.


Costco food court. We buy hot dogs, pizza, and cut them up in pieces and have some of each in a Costco foodcourt buffet. And of course some Churros. All of this for like ten bucks.


I used to get up early and eat a bowl of oatmeal about an hour before long runs, but lately I just eat a banana, so far it’s working.


Before long runs I eat a banana with pb and before races I eat toast with pb and banana. Since I normally don’t run right when I wake up I pretty much always eat something. Cereal, toast, fruit, anything really. Eating right before a run doesn’t really bother me.


Since I run early in the mornings, I never eat before my run. I try to get a few sips of water in before I head out, but sometimes even that is too much. I am ravenous about an hour after my workout and do not deny myself Panera on a way-too-often basis ;)

I actually got to run in the cool rain. In Texas. Yes. Cool. Rain. As in, it was cool and it was raining. I’m still scratching my head on that one, too.


I don’t eat before short runs… like tomorrow’s speed workout, I won’t eat until that’s done with. But it’s at 5:45… so yeah.

If I’m doing a long run, I usually eat oatmeal probably 1.5 hours before the run, or either I eat a Clif bar.


I don’t usually eat before runs, except for my long run on Saturday because I go super early as well. When I do eat before my long run, I’ll eat a pb&j or a Larabar. I pretty much love all the food the Costco food court has to offer :) I ran six miles this morning and then sat in on a seminar about oil for 9 hours… At least they fed us!


i’ve never eaten at costco but only because there isn’t one around here to visit. i did eat at the sam’s club a couple of times. i think i only think i had ice cream there because of posts you used to write about costco’s ice cream… insane? i do think i had some pizza, though.

so far today i woke up late, went to work, watched a few episodes of roswell, and blogged. and now, i’m going to go try to catch up on sleep.


It depends for me too…if I run early I usually just head out the door and then eat after the run. If it’s later, I’d eat a piece of toast with peanut butter. Not with coffee though…I learned that lesson at my second half marathon haha.

I’m a member of Sam’s Club and not Costco…I regret it every day when I see your Costco posts :/ I had this greek yogurt spinach dip from Costco the other day, and that alone might make me switch. It was soooo good


When I run in the morning I don’t eat anything. I usually will take some kind of energy chew and water. If I run in the afternoon after work I try to space out my eating appropriately to give me enough energy for my runs.


I usually have a almond butter toast before I run. Then I have a protein shake after I run. Today I did 5 miles and then began the potty training process with our youngest Peyton. My other kids always like M&M’s or mini marshmellows after going in the potty. Instead, I have to bribe Peyton to sit on the potty just by giving her baby carrots. It worked, but I’m mentally exhausted!


I only eat something before what I consider a long run….7 miles or more – usually peanut butter toast will do…of course…coffee!


I eat bread with peanut butter. And it breaks my heart to say that there’s not a Costco within a 50 mile radius of me so I’ve never been to one. It looks like such a magical place:)


I eat nothing, I have enough GI issues without adding food


I have to eat something before I run. Usually half a granola bar or half a banana is just right. A spoonful of peanut butter if I’m feeling crazy.


Normally before a morning run I like to have a small piece of fruit or a granola bar.

There’s no costco near me! I do love Sam’s club though.

Today, I had a “hungryrunnergirl” moment.. after my run, I immediately laid on the steps in my house. The cool hardwood and the AC really cooled me off.


That makes me so so happy! Best feeling ever!


It all depends on when I”m running or how long. Goodness knows these days. Ha. Happy 11 months Brooke AND have so much fun with your cousin, oops, I mean your “sister”. :) Love ya!


I don’t normally eat before morning workouts. I just feel way too full no matter what I eat. But lately I have been wondering if eating something would allow me to go farther without crashing.

I always get too full from samples to eat at the food court!


If it’s an early morning run I don’t eat anything either. If I don’t think I’ll survive the hunger I have half a banana!

Today I went to the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon for a hike :-)


I’ve heard a lot of stuff about foam rolling, is it beneficial do you find?


I try to eat a banana before I go on a run when I don’t have time to eat breakfast then let it settle. I run better on an almost empty stomach i.e. first thing in the morning rather than later in the day. At the moment, it’s way too hot to go for a run after work (which is when I would normally go) so today I had to get up at 5am (5.22am by the time I stopped pressing snooze) to get a run in before leaving for work at 7am. I ran for 25 mins (as that’s on my plan) and averaged at 9.15 min miles which for me is pretty fast, but I’m a bit of a ‘plodder’ :) I quite like getting up early and getting it out of the way though… and I’m in a very good mood now :)


I guess I’m definitely in the minority on this one! As another posted mentioned, I feel really nauseous if I don’t eat breakfast, so I get up about an hour and half before my long runs and eat a full breakfast (big bowl of cereal, banana, milk and coffee). I also fuel about every 5 miles for anything over 10 miles….I get really sluggish legs otherwise. I’m lucky to have a cast iron stomach, I guess : )


I’m not sure I could run without eating anything! I hardly ever run in the morning, but if I do, I eat least eat an english muffin with peanut butter on it, and probably a banana, too!


So far today I’ve gone for a run :) (ok and showered and gotten dressed for work).

I don’t eat anything before my morning run; I have a
few sips of water though, and if I wake up feeling hungry
I’ll eat half a banana. Anything more than that and I
get cramps/have stomach problems. My runs are between 3 and 4 miles though;
if I were running longer I would probably eat the banana
for sure.

We love Costco!! We mainly get a hot dog, sometimes a piece of pizza. Can’t
believe the price. Costco is awesome.


I worked out a lot yesterday. I did a cross training and weights workout in the morning then my 8 mile training run in the afternoon. It’s crazy hot here in Missouri and humidity is terrible!
I always wanted to ask you… Do you think running outside is a lot more beneficial than running on a treadmill with an incline?
I have to use the treadmill a lot because I put the kids in the gym daycare. My boyfriend is TOTALLY against treadmills for his training and refuses to step on one.


I just got up an hour ago, so I haven’t done much today.

Before a longer run, I’ll eat plain oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon, and applesauce. If it’s shorter than 10 miles, though, I don’t really plan what I eat quite so much.


Hooray for cousins who are like sisters!! I also have a cousin who is like my sister and I get to see her THIS WEEKEND!!! We are having girls weekend/bachelorette for her because she’s getting married in September, so we’re having girls weekend at the beach!


If it’s a short run I won’t worry about eating. But if its over 5 miles, I force myself to get up even earlier to eat a bowl of oatmeal, a banana and coffee. I’ve tried pretty much everything at the Costco food court, I like their sausage sandwich. So far today I’ve ordered Disney jr live tickets for my daughters, drank 2 cups of coffee and been unusually lazy.


Does your coach know you’re not eating before your runs? I’m just guessing he would advise against that. Even just a granola bar while you do your warm-up drills would probably help. Krebs cycle and all that technical stuff…


It definitely depends on how far I’m going. This morning was 5 mi & it was before work so I didn’t eat anything & I was fine. I think that’s about as far as I can go without food though. For longer runs I usually eat a multi grain english muffin with peanut butter & water or poweraide. Never been to a Costco! They don’t have any near us but they are building one. YAY!


I had no idea that you could get a salad from the Costco cafeteria…who knew?!?


If my morning run is >5 miles, I usually don’t eat anything. Otherwise a piece of toast with peanut butter is usually good for me, so original I know


Oatmeal is always my go-to but I’ve become a big fan of toast, almond butter and sliced banana before runs as of late. I really enjoy your blog and am incredibly envious of your speed!


Typically before a morning race, I’ll have oatmeal and some sort of sugary thing (especially if it’s a race longer than 10K). Before I teach at the gym in the mornings, I’ll usually have a Luna Bar or something like that….

OHHHHH My GOSH! Don’t get me started on how good Costco Frozen Yogurt is…..

Today…….been trying to concentrate on work for the past 4 hours. ZzzzzZzzz….


I don’t eat before I run either…but same reason- I run early, and the thought of eating before does not sound good. I do have coffee though…only because it’s a must ;)


Haha I can’t imagine you ever turning down a Costco trip!

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