Running when it is really hot outside and it feels like you are actually running on the sun.

Yesterday was pretty low key for us.  Just the church thing, the relax thing on the couch and the go to bed at 9 thing (oh wait, that is every night).  So instead of talking about yesterday let’s talk about running when the sun is beating down on you.  Be prepared for more words than I have ever written in my life.

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As I was thinking about how I was complaining about my Saturday morning run being too hot I had to laugh at myself.  It is summer.  Of course it is going to be hot.  It isn’t the sun’s fault, it is my fault for NOT adjusting my routine and mindset to ensure a better run (i.e. I didn’t take any water with me, I went too late in the morning, didn’t hydrate properly before I ran and in my mind I thought I should be able to run the same pace in the heat as I do when it is cooler outside).

Here are some things that we kind of really need to do if we want to have any hope at a good summer of running and training.


(A random picture from when Brooke was still in my stomach and I went running with my sister on a really hot day and my pace slowed down to a crawl but it was awesome because I was running and I was with my sissy.  Have I mentioned yet that I miss her so much it hurts?)

1.  Starting things off with some of the most important things we can do!  (click on text for link)

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Adjust slowly.  Just like you increase your weekly mileage slowly allow your body to adjust to the weather slowly.

2.  Shell out the bucks for some summer running clothes.  Or just buy one outfit and rewash it all of the time but having the right gear for running in different conditions is so important.  Think loose fitting, wicking fabric, light colored and light weight.   Awesome article HERE with tons of different recommendations for hot weather running gear.

3.  Run E.A.R.L.Y!!! Obviously it is cooler in the morning and evening so get out the door even though you would rather be laying in your comfy bed…when you get home and notice it is getting hotter you will be so glad you went when you did (although in some areas the humidity may be higher the earlier you go).  If you are training for a race that is going to be hot then maybe do a few of your runs early but also some of them when it is hot to help your body adjust.

4.  S.U.N.S.C.R.E.E.N.  Besides just protecting you from skin cancer ‘sunscreen can decrease your skin and body temperatures, so you’ll stay cooler during exercise.’ (source)

5.  Drink, drink, drink.  Hydration MUST happen all of the time, all day long…not just when you are working out.  During your workout drink water and even try pouring some of it on you!  If your workout is less than 45 minutes you should be fine with just water but anything longer than that you may want to grab a sports drink when it is really hot out to help keep your electrolyte levels up and to give some fuel to your muscles.  Awesome article about WHEN and WHAT to drink during the summer for your running!

6.  Plan your routes according to drinking fountains (or bring your own water bottle).

7.  The treadmill will be your best friend even when you don’t like her back.  Sometimes it really is too hot to safely run outside so use that treadmill. I have a post HERE with tips on how to fight boredom on the treadmill.  You may really want to try out your speed work on the treadmill when it is hot out.

8.  Try to run by water.  It is usually cooler near rivers, lakes and the ocean so try to run along those places….added bonus:  the scenery.

9.  LISTEN to your body! If you start feeling dizzy or light-headed then stop and find shade and water.  You can finish your workout another day when the conditions are safer for you!

10.  Remember.  Running is hard and running in the heat is even harder but that is what makes us runners so cool…..we are hardcore:)


Tips from YOU!!!

Hollie–  ‘For running in the summer, my primary goal is to make it through injury free.  You cannot hope to go the same pace as in the spring and fall.  I actually read somewhere that the most optimal temperatures for female distance runners is around 50-60 degrees so anything above that (combined with humidity) is going to be slower.  I think that your workouts should be based on effort and not pace.  For me, when I hold 6:30s in the cooler weather, I fully expect to hold around 7:00 in the summer and I am fine with that.  So my biggest advice is to relax and don’t worry too much about pace.  The more worry free and injury free runs you have the better.

Britt– ‘It’s just running and some days are just off.  You just get through it, move on, and learn from it just like everything else in life.  Remember that elites have off days too. That’s what keeps them, and us regular people, grounded.’

Kellye- ‘A tip for running in the heat is to run near a place with sprinklers!’

Anissa– ‘Since I just moved to Arizona 4 days ago and they are having record breaking heat, I am on the treadmill.  When I lived in Texas I would wake up super early and I would soak my top in cold water before heading out for my run.  Sounds a little excessive but I think it helped!’

Kristina– ‘My biggest tip is to just make a commitment to doing it.  Back in April when it wasn’t that bad yet I made a deal with myself that if I did all of my runs outdoors I could buy myself a new Garmin.  By doing all of my runs outdoors I got acclimated to running gin the heat/humidity and because I’ve continued doing all of my runs outdoors since then, I was able to transition into south Florida’s 90 degree/100% humidity easily.

Heather– ‘My tip for summer running is just to have fun.  It is really hard to train in the summer because of the weather, so do what you have to.  If you need to stop to walk, it won’t be the end!’

Michelle– ‘The trails are awesome to run on because there are trails with lots of shade and it feels so great!

Mark just posted about this and said ‘running is food for the soul, so you got to eat, right?

Amy– ‘Give yourself a break.  It takes your body a while to get used to the heat and even then you need more hydration and you might go slower.

Lynz- ‘I run in the evening about 7:30 when its cooler and I drink lots of water all day before and it seems to help a ton.  I make sure to drink plenty of water while running and I have been known to drop ice cubes down my back while running.

Amanda- ‘Listen to your body! Ignore the garmin.  Walk if needed.  Drink sports drinks and not just water.’

Lindsey– ‘If it’s too hot to run outside, I stick to the treadmill.  Or I will break runs up into two sessions.’

Rene- ‘I live in Texas so running in the heat from April to October is just a given.  I made the awesome mistake of starting my run at ten one day and literally lost 3 lbs of water weight doing only 8 miles.  So my keys to survival are to go early and to keep hydrated throughout the week.’

Rebecca– ‘Ice cubes in the sports bra!  They’ll last almost a mile! Works great for track workouts or mile repeats close to home with a cooler.’

Cassie-‘When I find myself dumb enough to run in the middle of the day I change my route to one that goes in a neighborhood that has huge trees.

Rebecca– ‘Bring a hydration belt, do not wear black or any stuffy clothing, have a hose at home ready so you can hose yourself off after.  Wear a hat (a sport hat-not a hat you to at the dollar store.  Sunscreen!

Natalie– ‘I’m trying to beat it by doing 3/4 of my weekly runs before 7 a.m.  I’m also chugging water all day long and if I feel too overheated after a run I grab an ice pack and put it on my forehead while doing some stretches.’


Anything to add?!?!?  What is your absolute favorite season to run in?

What was the one BEST part about your weekend?

What was the one BEST thing you ate this weekend?

Who brings water with them while they run?!?!

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Yes running in the summer SUCKS! Even at 5AM. I am going to invent a running outfit that cools your body down… or a fan you can stick to your outfit that weighs nothing and will keep you cool. Any investors???


First of all, your hair looks amazing in the first picture!! And I have that skirt from Target in the red and orange hues. I love it. I wore it a ton when I was pregnant last summer!

I read in “Run Less, Run Faster” that running in over 60 degree heat, you should be running a minute slower each mile than you usually do. So I give my self a little grace if I have some slower runs here and there during the hot and humid months.


That’s such a cute photo of you and Brooke.
Totally good tips for running outdoors in the Summer. I’m no runner – but even walking outdoors I can find pretty awful. I always try and get up extra early to walk my dog and then make sure I bring a ton of water with me.


I read in a Runners World article that it takes up to 2 weeks for your body to acclimatize to the summer heat. Obviously, that tidbit of info may be too late now but it’s something to keep in the back of your head for next summer or for the next season change.

The best part of my run was pedicures and brunch with one of my good friends after a 14-mile run!

The TWO best things I ate (I ate well this weekend): a NY strip steak for dinner on Saturday and beer brats for lunch the next day. HEAVEN! I am an absolute carnivore and I love it.

I don’t bring water when I run because I know I won’t be bringing any when I do the marathon which I’m training for. Luckily on my Saturday long runs, there are water tables at mile 3 and mile 10 so while it’s not as often as I’d like. At least I won’t die from dehydration before I finish.


I like running in all seasons as long as the humidity isn’t too bad in the summer. Hello! I’m getting ready to head out right now and the humidity is at about 500%! I take water with me on my longer runs, but usually don’t on my shorter ones. I just got a smaller water belt with just two bottles, so I might carry it with me on more of my runs since it’s lighter.


I love to hit the trails in the summer because the shade from the trees keeps things a little cooler. Plus the trails force you to slow down anyway, so you can just enjoy the run and forget about the pace. If I’m going for a long out-n-back run during hot temps, I’ll usually carry a bottle with me, drop it at a good spot, and then enjoy it on the way back.


I love the pic of Billy trying to roll…I have pets that believe that as soon as I get on the floor they need to be right by my side/in my face to help.

The pic of you and Brooke is amazing…your smiles light up the place!


i had these awesome gooey chocolate chip cookies on saturday and i’m pretty sure they made my entire weekend :)

when running in the heat I try to remind myself that it’s making myself a better runner, and that running in the fall will be a piece of cake when the temps drop!


Thanks for all the info, being a teacher running is in the summer great because I have so much more time but it is hot! I LOVE the skirt that you are wearing. Not sure if you are back to runs over 45 mins because you are so speedy but I am and need to carry water. Made that mistake yesterday! So how do you carry your water??


Spending time with people I care about was my favorite part of the weekend! I think that the best thing I ate all weekend was a Butterfinger Blizzard from DQ. These tips are great!


Oh geez… working out outside in the summer can seriously be one of the most unpleasant things ever. I try to head out really early before the sun has a chance to really heat things up, but even that isn’t always foolproof. On those days, an AC’d gym is definitely my best friend.

Best thing I did this weekend? Celebrated my parents’ 34th wedding anniversary with them :) Lots of good food, but dessert (tiramisu) was definitely my favorite.


I’m an early morning runner in the summer months. If I can’t get an early run in, my husband and I will drop off water bottles along street signs on the way to get some hydration because I HATE running with anything in my hand.

FAVORITE part of the weekend was our trip to the beach (mentioned in the blog). Love the mild summer weather and beautiful sunshine.


Great tips on running in the heat! I ran a 5M race last Saturday and it was humid and hilly. I’m not in my best shape so I knew I wasn’t go to race my best race. I asked myself the whole time–why did I ever think a summer race at 9AM would be a good idea? Anyway I finished and that’s all that really mattered!

Fall is my favorite season to run in. I love the folliage changing colors and the variety of outfits to wear.

Best part about this weekend was running and swimming!

Any tips on a good water bottle to carry on a run? Or does everyone usually drink fountains (I’m a slight germaphobe) or carry like a poland spring?


I actually love running in the heat but I never worry about pace. I just run my mileage and that’s it. I ate so many good things this weekend I couldn’t pick one, but my calzone and burger and cupcake were highlights. Family time was in abundance so I have no complaints!


Here we go from extremem freezing to ridiculous humidity! I prefer late spring when it’s warm enough to not have to layer, but not too hot yet. I haven’t run in the fall yet, but I’m expecting that will be my favourite because I can look at the colours of the leaves as I go!


Run in a different spot. Sometimes running where you always or frequently run results in a desire to compare your runs in the heat vs. not heat. (e.g. “I ran x pace here at two months ago.”)

I live with my Ultimate Direct bottles. In fact, I once had a nasty crash when running on the trails and the UD bottle took the hit when my hand/wrist hit (the rest of my body- not so much). It seems the bottle saved me from a busted or severely bruised wrist and hand.


I had awesome corn on the cob this weekend thanks to my BF!


Spring and fall are the best, but it’s a tough choice between them because they’re both such short seasons where I am in Texas! Tough call on the best part of the weekend – maybe that it all went according to plan, for once. Most importantly, I managed to leave my cousin’s house (where the night usually lasts until 1 or 2 am because we talk so much) at a reasonable hour so I could get up early on Sunday for a run to beat the heat – and I’m ever so glad I did because the morning was surprisingly gorgeous. I always bring water with me, even if it’s just a 3 miler. I’m just used to running with my water bottle in hand now.


I take a water bottle with me on all runs. I was still breastfeeding when I started to run and made sure that I always drank a ton of water (all day too like over a gallon). Now I am so used to carrying a water bottle that I feel “naked” when I don’t. So my 3 mile runs I may take a couple of sips but I still carry it. The best part of my weekend was booking our plan tickets to go to Disneyworld in October.


I invested in a treadmill just for this reason. Living in a hot climate(Texas) it can get pretty dangerous, really fast. Right now, I am running three times per week and two are on the treadmill and the other is done outdoors on the weekend when my hubby is home(which means I can get up early!!)


I love spring and fall running. But I am definitely trying that ice cube in the bra trick!


If it’s too hot and I don’t want to make it an evening run, I’ll just head over to the gym and stick to the treadmill – more pleasant that way!


Fall is my favorite by far!!! The best thing I ate this weekend were some amazing cake balls :-)


I love summer running….but I think you have to go into it with the right mindset :). First of all I complain WAY too much in winter to allow myself to complain in the summer! I hate winter running…when it is dark and cold…blah!
I have not found any way to carry a water bottle that I like so I either skip it or drop off water bottles (just the plastic ones) at a few spots I will be passing on my run before I go running. This way they will be there for me when I get there. I have also had a friend put one outside by her mailbox and she lives about 3 miles away so I stop there. I don’t like to run past my house but that is another option for sure.
I just know it is hot and I may either need to slow it down a bit or stop and walk for a short time and that is okay. I also think of how it is making me a better runner and come fall it will seem so easy (not always but I like to think it). Kinda like your title….don’t take running so seriously. I love to challenge myself, but I am not going to kill myself :).
Actually I am walking out the door to do a hard workout right now…that I would rather not do :)!
Best thing I ate this weekend was ice cream! I should say something healthier but it would be a lie :).


Fall and Spring are my very favorite times to run! I live in the Texas heat, so in the summer, it’s the treadmill for me. Great tips…I definitely think it helps to gradually work up to a faster pace when it’s so hot. Give your body time to get used to the changing temps. I bring water with me only when I’m going on longer than 7 mile runs, but I never run in extreme heat….if it’s over 80, I’m on the treadmill. ;)


The ads on this blog are officially out of control! The Nike ad on the bottom of the screen is taking up one third of the entire screen. It’s impossible to even see a full picture.


Change the things you can about running in the heat, but then let the memory of that last run go. It might mentally put you back there every time it’s hot, and there is too much happy summer running waiting for you Janae!!


I loved this whole article! I love running in the fall- cool weather and lots of racing! Best thing I are this weekend was your s’mores bars that I made for my family- they got rave reviews!


Body Glide. I quit running last summer because my thighs were just clapping with so much joy that they were beating each other up. I can’t run right now because of injury BUT body glide is a savior for long walks, long runs, rising humidity, and super hot temps. It works wonders for ANYTHING that rubs.

Best part of my weekend was hitting up my favorite running path and doing a 5 mile walk. It was the first time I have used my Garmin since injuring myself back in April. It was fantabulous.


Thank you for this post! I definitely need to up my hydration game and invest in a thin, breezy tank top. I’m just hoping that training in the heat will make me even better on race day in October!


I just did a similar post since we have been having very hot and humid temps in the mid east :).

We had a birthday party for my Dad yesterday and the best things we ate were your brother’s s’mores bars and Carvel ice cream cake!


I used to love running in the heat (craziness I know) but now I am pregnant the heat is tough on me so I prefer cooler weather for sure. But I still would say summer is my favorite season to run in, but fall is a very closer second with the pretty leaves, cooler weather and fall smell.
Saturday was the best part of my weekend, my friends had a concert and potluck supper at their lake cabin and it was so much fun and great weather!
Best thing I ate? A cookie I made yesterday am straight from the oven.
I only used to bring water for runs over 10km but now I always bring a small bottle with me.


I really love fall weather for running because it’s nice and cool. For someone who HATES the cold, running in mid-50s to low-60s is ideal for me. I run at 6 am every morning and even then I am dying. I can hit about 4 miles before I really start needing water, which is 2 miles less than what I can run in the fall without water. My pace is also a snail’s pace, which sucks, but at least I’m out there and trying.

One of my coworkers from last summer was on his way to the Keys so he stopped by my house on the way and stayed with me for a night. It was really great to be reunited with him and to introduce him to all of my friends!

Best thing I ate was this cornbread casserole that I wanted to sleep in because it was so fluffy and delicious.


I love running in the heat! I always run outside unless it is above 100*, then I take a rest day. Otherwise, I don’t mind the heat and humidity. And I usually end up going during the hottest part of the day (5pm). The first few runs in the heat give me a blinding headache (probably a combination of dehydration and sun beating on my head), but then after that I am good to go. I don’t have any special tips – I run in shirts or tank tops and shorts or a skirt and I usually have some kinds of 80s sweatband so my sweat doesn’t run into my eyeballs – but that’s about it. Oh, and I try and drink a decent amount of water, especially the day before (my brother-in-law is a football coach and he said it’s more important what you drink 8-12 hours before your exercise than what you drink leading up to the exercise). I also always run with water. The best is running in the heat/humidity all summer and then having a fall race – the race feels sooooo easy compared to all the training runs.


I love running in the early fall, or late spring. That’s when the weather is always the best to run in


Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU so much for this post. I’ve never run in heat above like, 80 degrees–but I’m going to have to come this August and September when I go back to college, and I’m SO nervous.

When I was at school, I never brought water with me on runs because there are water fountains all over the place. I really hate carrying things in my hands, so we’ll see how things go this summer while I’m home.


I live in the SF bay area as well, and even though it never gets as hot as it does in the rest of the country, this past week has gotten pretty close! I just try to get out there early and run on shaded streets. Sometimes I end up running a lot slower, but I would rather run slower than get heat exhaustion!


ice cubes in the sports bra! amazing idea.


The best part of my weekend was a marathon relay that my family put on for the 2nd year now. It’s an AWESOME idea if you have a couple family members that run, make up a marathon course in your neighborhood, and have others to follow on bike or by car! We hope to keep doing it every year. The best thing I ate was the half donut I couldn’t resist before my leg of the run…I figured I needed some sugar to get me through. Then I had another after we celebrated the finish.


I live in Georgia, so the temperature is always high 80s/low 90s and humidity around 50-80% in the summers. I love running in the mornings when I can, but if I have to run after work, I make sure I try to drink as much water as possible during the day and stick to a lower mileage. On days I want to run longer distances, I split it up half and half- 4 miles in the morning before work, 4-5 after work. Not quite the same as one long run, but you do what you have to during the week and in summer time.

What was the one BEST part about your weekend?-Sunday Cuddle Day! Husband and I always relax together and do absolutely nothing productive on Sundays- which I love because that means we start Monday off well-rested and rejuvenated!

What was the one BEST thing you ate this weekend?- Hands down, our stir-fry dinner on Friday night!

I hate carrying anything with me while I run, and I don’t think I’d like one of those belts with water bottles. I barely tolerate my arm band for my music- I hate anything unnecessary touching me while I run!


Best thing I ate was chicken parm this weekend and lots of grapes! I always bring water on my long runs – if they are going to be anywhere close to an hour or more I have my water bottle.


The best part about my weekend was family time and board games. The worst part was 108 degree weather. I really need to bring water with me on my runs, so I would love to hear any belt recommendations that people have.


Best part of my weekend- 12 mile run!
Best thing I ate- M&M ice cream

I bring water on EVERY run now. I used to never think to do that but now I can’t imagine going without it (given that it’s 1million degrees + humid)


You and Brooke look all sorts of gorgeous all ready for church. That skirt is super cute. I might just have to go to Target today. Forget that I just got a dress from Target Saturday that I ordered online ;)

Fall is my favorite running season. I love the temps, the changing colors, the crunch of the leaves under my feet…and allergy season is over! lol.

I bring water with me on anything longer than 7 miles (unless it is a race). I ran 5 hot sweaty afternoon miles last Thursday and I wish I had brought some then. I also had a realization that that was the temp of my marathon. I wanted to die after 5 miles. How did I run a marathon like that?! Definitely #3 should have applied while training! I did 97% of my runs before the sun came up so on race so I was definitely not used to the heat – no wonder I had heat exhaustion and dehydration!

These are great tips! Thanks :)


LOL, I read that wrong. The best thing I ate was homemade butterfinger pie.


In love with your skirt!!!! Favorite season to run is fall/winter and spring lol so everything but summer. Best thing I ate this weekend, was a smoothie that I made that literally taste just like a 7/11 smoothie :) Pure heaven. I don’t bring water with me when I run, I hate carrying things when running. I just make sure I really hydrate the day before, and if I really need water I’ll run back to this park that has water :)


I love running in the spring and fall. I trained for a marathon this winter and I actually kind of loved that, too. Because it was so cold, my dog could come with me for a lot of my long runs. Plus, there aren’t as many cars on the road when it snows, so I don’t fear for my life.

I have a hydration vest I carry for long runs and a tiny hand held for shorter runs or races (I can fill up at water stations).


love this list! I’m about to head out for a run right now, before it gets too hot :)


What a great post!!
I have definitely noticed that during the last week my runs seem harder and it because of the heat!!!! Hopefully the next couple of weeks my body will ease into it!
I have been getting up at 6/7am to run since it is still cool and breezy before the hot temps set it!!


I love spring to run in! Its the best season! Best part about my weekend was running my longest distance yet- 7 miles! (I’m training for a half) Best thing I ate was either my salad from Chipotle with the mountain of guacomole or the creamy chicken taquitos we made. I always bring water with me when I run and on long runs, gaterade. Janae, where did you get your long maxi skirt in the first picture??????????? I want to know! It’s so cute!!!!!!


This is awesome. Thanks! It’s definitely getting hot over here (although I’m SOOO grateful I’m not in humid Texas anymore) so I’m having to adjust things. I have to convince myself that getting up early on Saturday is worth missing the heat and taking a nap later ;)


Best part of my weekend: I ran a 5K race. It was very hot and humid, but I somehow ran a whole minute faster than my previous best 5K and actually won an age group award. Never thought I would be one of those award people!

My summer heat strategy is 5 am runs, when it works with my husband’s work schedule. Love the peace and quiet at that hour.


Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Huge congrats! Thatis seriously so awesome!


I am such a baby when it comes to running in the heat. I had a heat stroke while I was running cross country in Alabama and my heat tolerance has never been the same. I hate it. I always try to do my runs in the morning. Plus, then I don’t put it off until. These are great tips to stay cool.


Eat a popsicle about 10 min before you go for your run. I try to get those Freezies or Flavor Ice Pops. They are great, cheap, and not so fruity. It cools your body before you run by eating one of those things.

But I definitely going to try the ice in my bra.


Best part of my weekend was doing a 4 mile run and actually having negative splits! Best thing I ate this weekend was mashed potatoes with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream…surprisingly delicious!


I just got that skirt! love Target :)


Great post! The heat and humidity has been killing me – hopefully some of these ideas will help.


I usually have to run with a double jogging stroller so my rules when it’s hot are…
1. If you don’t run early, you run on a treadmill that day.
2. Water, water, water for everyone!
3. Snacks for the kids and a towel to keep the sweat from burning your eyes
4. Don’t look at the garmin and if you do… don’t get down on yourself!


I love running in the spring/fall when it is cooler. The humidity here in Chicago is brutal in the summer!

The highlight of my weekend was a PR in my 10k race! And the weekend was topped off with my favorite sushi :) nom.nom.nom…

I don’t bring water with me in the winter. Bad, I know!! But always once it is above 55.


To be honest, I have been debating on the whole running with water thing. I don’t want to carry it in my hand but I wonder what the belt thingy is like. Or if it is comfortable.
Best thing I ate this weekend was GF PIZZA!! Now that I am in a BIG city I have choices when it comes to food. It was so good.!


I live just outside of Phoenix so I have been getting up very early to get my runs in because I HATE treadmill running with a passion. So far my runs have been short but I’ll need to start bringing a water bottle with me soon.

I tried a new sushi restaurant this weekend and it was some of the best sushi I have had!


These are really good tips and pretty much cover anything I would add. Last year I never brought water with me (I didn’t know I was supposed to) and now that I’m a year older and wiser in terms of running, I can’t imagine going without. I’m going to start adding electrolyte tabs as well for longer runs.

Best thing I ate this weekend was shrimp fajitas with all the fixings, fresh guacamole and pineapple-habanero salsa – amazing!


THANK YOU for this post!!!! I’m a new runner, and have been struggling with our 100+ heat wave lately, and this post is my new bff. :)



I love to run in the winter — I live in Florida so our winters are relatively mild and perfect weather to run in!

The best part of my weekend was celebrating two kid birthdays – my cousins 1st and a friends 4th – love kid birthdays, they get SO excited!

Best thing I ate – ice cream cake with oreos – SO good.

I bring water if it’s hot out, even on short runs. It’s annoying to carry it, but I need it.


Great tips, thanks for the reminders I def needed them!!


The best part of my weekend was spending a few hours at the beach with my friends! The best thing I ate was grilled chicken with bbq sauce and avocado on ciabatta bread good lord that was delicious!

I know I should but I never bring water on a run…I just feel like it’s too much to carry! Luckily I haven’t gone more than 5 miles lately because in this heat I know not having water is so dangerous.


Absolute favorite time to run is Fall- the scenery, the crisp mornings, the shorts and tee weather or shorts and long sleeve…. just perfect. You still get warm days but not brutally hot like summer and you still get cool enough (but not blizzards) runs as well. Perfect race and training weather. Not to mention finishing a run and being able to get a Starbucks pumpkin spice Latte is perfect.

Best part of the weekend was finishing my first 61 mile bike ride in prep for my 70.3 tri in 2 weeks!


Love your skirt! In fact, I have mine on today! :-)


It hit 92 here in Seattle yesterday! So. Freaking. Hot. I was on a lake with my friends yesterday and I was sweating just sitting outside! I can’t imagine RUNNING.


I usually bring water for anything over 10km but after a super hot 8km yesterday (yes I’m Canadian and don’t know anything about miles ;) I’m going to just always bring water when it’s hot out!

Those are awesome tips! Thanks so much for this post! We have a heat wave starting here (rare because we are surrounded by ocean) so great timing for me!!


Ugh, the heat. One word that I did not see in your post – CHAFING! Wet clothes + fall marathon training long runs + humidity = unpleasant surprises when you jump in the shower! Not fun!


Aw, I made the blog! That is such a great compilation of awesome advice and I am totally going to give some of those tips a try. It makes me feel better to know that the crazy summer heat affects everybody, and I’m not just a wimp! Switching to morning runs has really helped, and on the day or days I do run in the evening I am with a group of runners, so we all try to hold each other accountable and remind each other to slow down and take it easy, that definitely helps.

The best part of my weekend was my random Saturday afternoon nap. I NEVER get to take naps anymore and oh man it was just the best feeling ever.

I was spoiled with a friend’s birthday celebration this weekend so I had an excuse to eat at my favorite mexican food place ever, Chuy’s! I could seriously drink their salsa, it is that good.

I’ve seriously gotten to the point where I have to take water with me on every single run, doesn’t matter if it’s a short run or a long run! I find myself taking sips every half mile or so, and it really helps me feel super refreshed and re-energized.


All my tips were taken … I love running in the fall! That is when gym has been for me, and so I ran my best mile times then
I got to sleep in and take a shower (I was at mountain biking camp for a week, which was fun, but the showers weren’t the best. No big there, but once I was home, the water pressure felt awesome.)
I don’t usually, but I got more sweaty on a treadmill run this morning then I ever do outside and needed water.


I’ve been trail running, so I bring water with me. Over the weekend, I woke up super early to go trail running, and got to finish a 14-mile trail run before 9 am. It was so awesome… and then I went to my super cold swimming pool and walked around in it (fake ice bath).


What a useful post! Quite relevant right now :-)

I’m going to echo your comment on “treadmill is your friend.” If you’re not feeling it in this heat, don’t skip the run, just create a killer playlist or download a good movie to your ipad and hit the treadmill. I definitely recommend the treadmill for speed workouts in the summer because sometimes pushing yourself to go fast in that heat can be dangerous.

I like running in the fall – up by me the mountains turn all leafy and beautiful during that season and the air is so crisp!

Best part of my weekend: My BF got home from China! He was gone for a week and I was sick the whole time. I needed him back :-)

Best thing I ate: Since I was sick, I ate a lot of soup and ice cream. My favorite ice cream was probably the vanilla, which I topped with equal parts of whipped cream and chocolate syrup. My sick body needed that chocolate syrup for fuel.


I had a brutal race on Saturday- 5 hot, humid miles. The race organizers were so smart that they had us starting at 9am -__- I stopped at every.single.water.station not to drink but to pour water over my head. I’m just glad I was hydrating really well the day before because, although it def wasn’t one of my best races, I was at least able to finish it ok. I still have three races this summer and I already know that this isn’t going to be fun because NYC just gets hotter and more humid in July/August. If anybody else has summer races, I strongly recommend to wear a waterproof case for your iPhone/iPod and to put your id, $$$ and so on in a Ziplock bag becuse pouring water on yourself is going to be mandatory! I literally put my head under a huge sprinkler after the race. My last suggesion would be to start hydrating really well the day BEFORE a race/long run/tough workout. Don’t wait the last minute. If you start drinking heavily just a few hrs prior to your run it’s not gonna work the same. Also, I noticed that when it’s really hot water is just not enough for me. What I usually do is putting a Nuun tablet into my water. It tastes nice, it has 360 mg Sodium / 100 mg Potassium / 25 mg Magnesium / 13 mg Calcium / 1 g carbs, no sugar and just 8 calories. Much better than Gatorade IMO (I don’t run well when drinking sugary drinks).

I love running in the fall! Central Park is just so beautiful in the fall…

Best part of my weekend: crossing that finish line! I felt like puking for 5 miles straight plus I was exhausted and I was just not feeling it (I HATE when you “don’t feel it” during a race). So yes, i couldn’t wait to be done and eat my post-race popsicle!


Thanks for including my tip! :)

I can really only speak to running near Fort Lauderdale beach, but running near the ocean hear is absolutely horrible after 9am. There is no shade along Fort Lauderdale beach and the half of my body facing the sun feels like it’s literally on fire. I much prefer to run under the trees in the park during the summer. Shade coverage = hallelujah! :)




Humidity is really draining. A lot of water is absolutely critical, as well as getting out and done with it early. I like to get out before 7am during the summer. Nice post!


This has nothing to do about the substance of your actual post (although I enjoyed it! :)) but I have to ask, where did your get your skirt? It’s adorable!


Thank you! It is from target!


Good post! The thing I try to remember when I’m running in the heat is that warm weather running actually makes us better when fall races come around and the temperature is cooler. Gotta suffer a little now to fly later on :)


I’ve been struggling with the California heat wave! Normally I’m so spoiled by being in the Bay Area that weather is one of my last concerns. I’ve really been focusing on effort instead of pace for the past few runs, and even turned one trail run into a hike because it just wasn’t going to happen any faster than a brisk walk. I don’t normally bring water with me, but I’ve been checking out hydration belts online and think I’m going to make a purchase soon.

I had lots of delicious eats this weekend, but fair food probably tops the list. Me and my friends got five plates of deliciousness (supreme Nachos, bbq, gynormous corn dogs) to share at the Alameda County Fair, so yummy!


Nothing to knew to add here but the heatwave we’re currently experiencing (28C/82F with a humidex of 36C/97F) has kept me indoors and on the treadmill with a giant fan aimed directly at me. While not as hot as some areas, I’m not a fan of the heat/sun as I’m very fair and burn easily. If it wasn’t for my balcony garden, I’d be tempted to say “Is it winter yet?”!


LOVE this list!


I don’t like to carry water — those belts are heavy, and I swear they slow me down! I try planning long routes where there are water fountains.

My favorite time of year to run is winter (I live in Tucson AZ). It’s in the 40’s in the morning, 70’s during the day. When it’s 90 degrees and my kidney’s are trying to shut down during my run — I fantasize about cold, winter runs where I’m cloaked in under-armor! ;)


What a cute picture of you and Brooke!

Thanks for all of the staying cool tips!

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