Yesterday I did an easy 5 miles at the track with my dad, errands with my mom, lunch at home and then COSTCO with my sis and her kiddos.  Costco officially had the best sample I have ever had there…it wasn’t the cookies, popsicles and fruit that they had on sample that was my favorite…it was the DIAPERS!! I ended up walking out with 12 free diapers (each pack had three and they have one to the four of us) and lots of wipes for free.  It is sad how happy that made me.

The other thing that made me happy was buying our last can of formula for Brooke.  She will switch on over to cow’s milk soon and we now have enough formula to get us to that.  Money in the bank.  (yep, still in my workout clothes because we were going to a splash pad right after)

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My sister wanted to take us all to the coolest park ever.  The playground is shaded, huge and there is also a splash pad.

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These two look so much alike.  It is amazing how much my nieces baby pictures look just like Brooke.  It makes me very happy. 

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Brooke was very cautious about the water shooting out of the ground but after a while she was all over the place.

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On Tuesday I promised the kids I would take them for snow cones this week and they did not forget about that promise.  I was a really nice aunt by making them stare into the sun for the picture.   The negative part about the situation was that there were bees everywhere.  I don’t do bees.  I have never been stung by one before and so I am worried I will have some crazy allergic reaction to them if I do.  

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I got here Monday night and I waited until Friday to go to Cafe Rio?  Something must be wrong.  

I had my true love, the pork salad.  They gave Brooke a free quesadilla and then a few minutes later brought out a cup of strawberries for her dessert.  They really love her there.

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And for dessert I broke into my dad’s popsicle stash.  These are the best popsicles you will ever have.  They are from Costco and the strawberry is the best flavor. 

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TWELVE miles this morning.  Long runs will always make me a little nervous for some reason but then once I am doing them I remember that they are my favorite.  


Ever been stung by a bee?!

What did you have for dessert last night?

What is your weekend run?  Anyone have a race?

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I was once stung in the mouth by a bee. You see, there was one in my soda can and yup.. didn’t know & boy did it hurt like a mother! Ha Ha.


I was stung by a bee for the first time last summer while on a bike ride. I just kinda rode into the bee.


That’s funny. I was stung the first time while running. I ran right thru a swarm of bees!


Sigh, I hunted for those popcicles at our COSTCO with no luck! I had a big glass of icy chocolate milk for dessert.

I got stung by a wasp once playing at our neighbours, but no bees yet!

10 miiles today, the arch in my foot is sore so might be shorter than that…


Oh also, can’t wait for the end of formula in 4 months!!


I am allergic to bees, which I found out while running 10 years ago. Since then I have been stung SIX times! Only one other time while running though. I have to carry my epi pen when I run. Looks like Utah has been treating you well this week :) Have a great run, girl.


Bees are bad but wasps and yellow jackets are the WORST! Last summer I was stung on my foot at my family’s lake house and it swelled up like a balloon. Pretty lame. Good luck on your run!


I have been stung by a bee a few times. I have a slight allergy that gets worse every time. My dad has an epi pen for bee stings and I’m afraid that’s where I’m headed. Needless to say I don’t do bees either.


I have to go run 14 miles in like 30 minutes, a little nervous as the longest I have ever run in my life is 13.1. Thankfully it’s a super cool morning.


We’re living in Guam right now where they have Boonie Bees aka devil bees. They are actually a type of wasp, are super aggressive, are aggravated by body heat (hello endless summers here),can sting repeatedly, and usually attack as a group! Not to mention the reaction which typically lasts one week. Jealous of your running, my hip flexor is continually giving me fits lately. Enjoy your family time!


I had never been stunk by anything until last week when my husband decided to attack a wasps’nest with newspaper to “kill them”. Yes, that’s my husband. He somehow let 7 very angry wasps inside when he came running back in and one stung me on the butt, through my jean shorts. My life…

I had the best grilled cheese sandwich and tots lat night for dinner. Sometimes I consider unhealthy food to be my dessert. I don’t always need the sweet stuff :)

My weekend run was going to be 7 miles with my husband, but my IT band started acting up on Wednesday. And then I decided to run 8 miles on Thirsday anyway… Because I’m really smart. Or stubborn. Anyway, it hurt a lot all day Froday, so husband is imposing a mandatory weekend off from running :(


I’ve also never been stung and I’m terrified I’ll have some crazy reaction.

Dessert last night was one of those mug cakes you mix and microwave for 60 seconds. I’m obsessed- so good!!

I’m working on recovering from a weird foot injury, so today I did 3 easy and tomorrow I’m taking a spin class.


Brooke is so adorable!! I love those water fountains that shoot the water of out the ground – kids always have so much fun in them!! I ran 5 miles total this morning before I have to go to work. I did 10 x 200’s and then ran a cool down plus some extra. Tomorrow I have a 13 miler planned!


I mowed over a nest that was underground once (who knew?!) and they attacked me. it hurt like crazy. I didn’t have dessert last night, but I’m splurging this morning at our country market with a slice of breakfast pizza which has a fried egg on it- delish! Nice freebies you got at Costco!


I’ve been stung by a bee once and it stung for just a couple of minutes. It wasn’t too bad. I’m about to go run 6 miles and then do an hour of BodyPump. Good luck on your 12!


I was stung by a wasp when I was a kiddo…3 times on my chin. Still run and scream like a scaredy cat every time I think I see one. I’m sure everyone around me thinks it’s cute, yeah?

80 minute run this morning – I’m going for time length on my long runs versus miles this training session…it’s been odd getting used to .xx miles NOT ending in 0, but I’ve enjoyed the method so far. Anyone else ever done long runs determined by time versus miles specifically?


Those popsicles do look so good! I would have definitely gone for the coconut.

Last night I had a coconut Chobani flip for dessert — those things are seriously delicious!
I get nervous for long runs too but I think it’s more nervous excitement. 16 miles (hopefully) this morning if my knee cooperates!


I have been stung once while I was at work and we were at recess. I think the kids got a kick out of their teacher having to go to the nurse! It was on my finger knuckle and it swelled so I couldn’t bend my finger for a couple of days. Crazy stuff!


I was at costco this week and a man was handing out samples of oreos! I thought it was strange, most of us know what they taste like. I took one anyway though lol. I can’t believe you’ve never been stung! I’ve been stung by probably 8 bees in my life, the worst being when a yellow jacket flew down my dress when I was playing tennis and I ended up getting stung 5 times.


I had a mother daughter date with my two year old last night. We ate a whole container of Birthday cake ice cream. Best date I’ve ever been on for sure.


5 mile race this morning, I’ve never run a 5 miler so I’m not too sure what to expect and I really don’t have a game plan for pace.

Never been stung by a bee and I have the same fear – what if I am deathly allergic?

Mini cheesecakes for dessert last night from the farmers market. Sooooo worth it.


Have a great run!!!! :)


I’ve been stung by bees way too often…fortunately, I don’t seem to be allergic to them! The last time was a little over a year ago, so I’m considering myself on a roll ;-)


Never been stung by a bee either, so I’m kind of scared of them too.

I had an M&M cookie ice cream sandwich for dessert. Best ice cream sandwich ever. I’ve never had Its its (that’s what they’re called, right?) but I challenge you to an ice cream sandwich duel because I think you’d love these too.


Ever been stung by a bee?! Yes! I have been stung several times. Each time my reaction is a worse than the last time. Think it may be because my dad is highly allergic?

What did you have for dessert last night? Dipped ice cream cone from McDonald’s. Yum! Yum!


Oh my gosh those popsicles look SO good! I had a chocolate covered banana with peanuts for dessert last night at an ice cream shop – it was my first one ever and it won’t be my last! I think I could have eaten 7 more!


I was stung when I was seven – was riding a bike and, unbeknownst to me, there was a bee behind my knee. Talk about painful!


I’ve never been stung. But I’ve never thought of the allergic reaction, I’m just scared it will hurt a lot! haha

Can we count the Junior Mints I ate during the movie?

I have a 17 mile long run today. I’m so scared. Definitely putting it off…but I do need to get out there really soon.


I’ve been stung by a bee countless times. Mostly when I was a kid. But twice as an adult. Once I was working and it crawled up my pants and stung me on the thigh. Then recently one was clinging to my shoelace and since I didn’t know it was there I reached down and brushed against it and it stung me in my pinky finger. It hurt soooo badly!

Has anyone else asked this yet?: Your hair is different in the last couple of posts! What happened to your bangs? I miss them. (not that you look any less gorgeous without them, I just miss what I’m used to)


Good luck on your 12 miler! Free diapers would have made me excited too!

What didn’t I have for dessert last night… It was Joe’s birthday so at the restaurant we had a chocolate cake and a cheesecake, then once we got home we had cookie dough cupcakes!


I hate bees! Ive been stung once or twice before but if one comes around I’m like a little 4 year old lol… I run away…
12 miles?! That’s great!! :-) so is the free diapers!!
I’m still not running due to my knee :-( but I’ve started walking… its just not the same.. I miss running :-(


Yesss I just had my longest post-injury run of 12 miles this morning too!

Cheers to recovery!


No more formula = instant raise! Just wait until you potty train Brooke, and then you’ll be rolling in the dough! We never had to buy formula, but it was still nice when we didn’t have to buy any more pump supplies or freezer bags. Then again, organic whole milk costs a small fortune, so I’m not sure we saved much! But when we got rid of diapers, it was AWESOME!


I’ve been stung three times and they’ve all been indoors. Once in the hall at school, once in my car, and once in my house. I don’t do bees either but it seems that I’m safe outside :)


Oh wow, how have you never been stung by a bee??? I’ve been stung too many times to count, it’s horrible!


I have been stung 3 times lol and one of those times I was trying to save the bee from the pool, learned my lesson there.
I actually didn’t have dessert last night, but I wish I had those popsicles! They look super good, and I love the flavors.
11 Miler for me today!!!! So psyched :D


When I was younger, like 5, I turned over a toy in our playhouse, and somehow bees had gotten in and made a hive and they flew out and stung me. After I survived being stung by a bunch of bees at one, I know longer had any fear of bee stings.
Last night I ate some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, and because I was kind of sad I heated up some coconut oil and milk chocolate chips for some magic shell.. It was so good.


I’ve only been stung by a bee once when little. Dessert last night was an Oreo Blizzard. It was awesome. Although you seriously have me wanting a snow cone now. This morning’s run was 15 miles. I had to get up ridiculously early to get it done before my kid’s sport activities for the day. Looking forward to a nap this afternoon! Have a great weekend!


I think I stepped on a bee once when I was 5 or so, no allergic reaction :)

No dessert last night, although I did watch my family eat VooDoo doughnuts. I’m just really not a doughnut person. I would much prefer one of those amazing looking popsicles!

Long run planned for tomorrow. We are traveling so I will have to look up trails near where we will be.


Wharf to Wharf this Sunday in Santa Cruz-and then in the car to Newport Beach for a 1 week vacation! I’m kind of cheating on my long run trading the 14 mile for a 10K-I know I could run the course back to the car and hike up the miles but I really want to get to vacation. I think that’s okay!


Never stung by a bee! Like you, I’m terrified to ever get stung bc I don’t know if I’m allergic! Those popsicles look so good, I want em now! :P


In sad news I think I hurt my IT band…:( in good news, I’m going to follow your example and take time off and then come back smarter about my training, you are rocking these workouts an times!!


I’ve got 12-14 miles on the plan for today – I’m going to go explore some new trails!

I’ve only been stung once, it was horrible.


I have been stung by a bee and I am allergic!!! My whole arm swelled when I was younger! My dessert last night was watermelon sorbet with chocolate chips! So good! I hate everything with a fake banana flavor, but I love banana popsicles because (for the most part) they have a real banana flavor!


I remember being done with formula, wow, instant raise!! Now he will turn 18 on Tuesday. How did that happen?? Dessert was an empanada from Taco Bell on the way home from a baseball tournament. Very unsatisfying. Going to make key lime tartlets today. Need a real dessert.


I have a 10 mile set out tomorrow, but a rest day today. Yesterday I did 7 miles but broken into two runs.

Last night I was at a goodbye party for my cousin who is moving to Australia, so we had 3 different kinds of cake: cheesecake, tuxedo truffle (my favourite!), and ice cream cake. Yum!

I’ve been stung by wasps twice; not a fun experience. I try to keep my phobia under wraps, but I’m definitely not the nice teacher who “sets the bees free” if they come into my classroom. Nope. I have too many memories of what we used to call killer bees at summer camp. They were black and red, and I have a vivid memory of being chased by some into my cabin, one landing on the window, it stinging the glass repeatedly, and the venom just dripping down! Eek!


*I get stuck by bees all the time! I have the rule that I won’t bother them even if they land on me, but they’re always flying over me and stinging me despite me ignoring them. They’re punks. The worst was when I was out on a 100 mile bike ride several years ago. I had two fly down my jersey and sting me. It’s amazing I didn’t wreck, but I was pulling off my clothes in the middle of the bike trail. *Dessert last night was smores ice cream sandwiches. Oh so good! *Today’s run was an 19 miler at the crack of dawn. I ran for two hours (About 15.5 miles) and then 5×3 minute hill repeats. Ouch! I’m so over this humidity!

Have an awesome 12 miler! =)


Just finished my 12 mile run and it is crazy hot and humid here in Utah!! Refueling with oatmeal and relaxing the rest of the day, hope your run is awesome!!


THE cutest kids! So funny that they gave diaper samples to each of the kids haha!
I love long runs the best tooo! Until the first hour is over I’m always weary and then I get really into it :)
I was never stung by a bee until I was 17 maybe? And I was by myself and super paranoid that my throat was closing up and I was allergic.. it wasn’t.. I’m not..

Ginger snap coookiess
20 miles woohooo


Why does Costco come up with the best creations ever (but Trader Joe’s is quickly catching up to them!!)?!?!? I WISH I had a Costco close to me. Closest one is 35 mins away, which suuuuucks!!


I feel the same about long runs! I get nervous the night before. I had triple chocolate ice cream and rocky road ice cream with chocolate topping. I had two bowls as I am sick and figure the more ice cream the better right?


I’ve never been stung by a bee…I’m so paranoid about that tho. I’m allergic to mosquito bites, and I swell up pretty bad when I get bit!


I’m totally that person who always gets stung by bees…it ends with me running around flailing my limbs screaming bloody murder. Not a pretty sight. I’ve even stepped on a huge bumblebee (the ones my mom always told me didn’t sting) and that baby stung me on the bottom of my foot. It was hanging from my foot even. Memories….


LOVE those splash pads!! We have one in the downtown area of my college town and it is so fun to watch the kiddos :)


What a day! Free diapers, snow-cones, Cafe Rio reunions! Sounds like it was a good one.

The picture of Brooke sitting at the splash pad is SO precious. Love her little legs!


I got stung by a bee when I stepped on one while outside playing barefoot in Switzerland at my grandma’s house. Major ouch!

Cafe RIOOOOOOO!!!! Ahhhhh so good.


I do not do bees, either. I’ve gotten stung a few times and it’s no fun :( Not as bad as wasps, though. I got stung 3 times in a row by a wasp a few summers ago and now I’m petrified of them, too. Those popsicles look so good! I think we will have to make a trip to Costco soon!!



I have a completely irrational fear of bees. I’ve even been stung before and it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was in my mind.

Diaper samples at Costco? That would be amazing. Luckily I’m out of the diaper stage, but that would have been amazing.


This post made me really hungry. Snowcones and popsicles. I really need to come live with you.


how fun!


Last year a bee somehow flew into the arm hole of my running tank and stung me right in the ribs. I must have looked like a crazy lady running down the street with my shirt pulled up over my head, flailing all around trying to get the bee out!

My run today was 14.5…I was sick with a stomach bug earlier in the week so I wasn’t sure how it would go, but I actually felt great. Long runs are my favorite, too! BTW, I tried the new salted caramel GU flavor today and it made me ridiculously happy at mile 8. 

No dessert last night but tonight we are taking the kids out for dinner with a frozen yogurt stop afterwards. Life couldn’t get any better!


6 miles this morning! It has been years since I’ve
run six miles, so I’m feeling pretty good :)

I don’t know that I’ve been stung by a bee, though
I’ve been told I put a dead one at the pool in my
mouth as a toddler. Oops. I have been stung by a wasp,
however, a long time ago as I shucked corn on the deck (funny
what we remember). Not fun and I had a (tiny) scar on my finger
for a long time afterwards. Meanies :(

Last night I had 4 (?!) mini York Peppermint Patties
for dessert. We buy the box of them at Costco and
keep them in the fridge…cool, minty, chocolatey goodness is totally irresistible.


I can’t stand bees! I’ve been stung quite a few times and always blow up like a balloon!

Dessert last night was the usual greek yogurt with chocolate and berries :)


Dessert last night was more of my triple peanut butter crunch straight out of the half gallon container. Thank goodness my hubby totally despises PB!
I had 14 miler this morning and thank goodness I had a running buddy or I would have quit! Just one of those days when every.single.mile.took.forever!!!
I’ve been stung quit a few times and I’m alive so I must not be allergic to bees! Happy Saturday!


I’ve been stung by a beer and it’s no fun!

Last night I didn’t have dessert but pizza and beer on the floor. I was helping my running soul mate pack up as she moved to Minnesota today! :(

My long run today is 16 miles. Notice the ‘is’. I still have to do it. Luckily it’s cool weather in Chicago today!


Hmmmm… I didn’t have a dessert last night, BUT I had a swirl frozen yogurt at Costco at lunch time! :-)

I ran ten miles with my Cruiser friends this morning, and it was fun as always!


I have been stung once and had a mild allergic reaction so I am terrified to get stung again. I am really a big wimp when it comes to bees.

I unfortunately didn’t have dessert last night. It was very sad!

I ran for the first time in 3 weeks. After my shin/calf injury and the Half I did I really needed time for my legs to heal. I went on what seemed like the hardest 2 miles I’ve ever done. I am in the mountains on vacation and thought it would be a good idea to rund around where we are staying. Only either up hill or down hill and no in between. Some of the hills were brutal and I more or less hiked them than ran them. Either way I felt good and my leg wasn’t sore afterwards. Going to try again tomorrow for a easier one down off the mountain.


I did not race this weekend but I did crew for the Burning River 100! It was so great! It was my first time crewing and I absolutely loved it.


I got stung by a bee the first time 3 years ago. I was teaching color guard at band camp and got stung between my fingers :( no fun!
The Fresh Market near me had some AWESOME fuji apples and that was my dessert last night! It was delicious!
I have a 5 mile run scheduled for tomorrow! My longest one in years! I finally feel strong enough to conquer it :)


There’s nothing cuter than kids splashing around in water!!!!
We had our first Team Orphans 5K in Michigan today and raised over $9,000 to help kids get adopted!! SO excited! So I didn’t get in my normal run ,but I ran the cross country course checking signs and spray painting lines. Does that count?


Didn’t have dessert last night :-/ But tonight is Moose Tracks ice cream! I didn’t have a long run this weekend. Just a nice 3 miler :)


Did the Warrior Dash today and loved it. The obstacles were so much fun!
Love the picture of your niece at the park, so cute!!

The Popsicles look amazing! Bee’s terrify me as well. :/


Last year I was stung by a bee while at work (an indoor mall)! It hurt like crazy, but I’m not allergic.

I have a race tomorrow! The color run! Unfortunately, I’m still sick. So, I might be walking it. :(


I love that splash pad! My in-laws live in that area and we always like to visit that park/splash pad. Today I ran 4 miles for the first time and yes I have been stung by a bee before and it is NOT fun! :)

Oh and I’m sad I missed the Costco diaper freebie….any free diapers are always welcomed in our house! :)


I know exactly what you mean about the bee thing. I haven’t been stung by one since I was really little, so I’m paranoid I’ll get stung and have a crazy allergic reaction. Eeee


No race but I ran 18km yesterday… I think that’s probably around 11 miles?? Brownie for dessert last night at a friend’s… YUM!


I had 8 miles yesterday morning and it made me nervous, and I slept horribly. I will look for those popsicles


Those popsicles are something I have never seen and look yummy! I have the same feeling of bees, never been stung either.


I get nervous for my long runs, too! But once I get in the groove, I love it!


Aw what a fun day! My nephew loves those splash pads too, he can’t stop laughing when he’s at one haha.

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