My New Running Thing This Week:

Brooke has been picking blackberries and strawberries like a champ lately.  One for the bowl, twelve for her tummy.  

These two are inseparable.  


Really, there is no better way to start your morning than breakfast at Denny’s with your mom and two oldest brothers.  Actually, there are a lot of better places to eat breakfast but it did hit the spot and having breakfast made for you > pouring your own bowl of cereal.  

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Later on we had ice cream and my computer ate my picture.  We all chose brownies a la mode for our ice cream flavor and I am officially my brothers favorite sibling now that I took them to try that kind of ice cream. 

Welcome to my week of running whatever I want, whenever I want and as far as I want to go:)  Just running just to run.  I ran 8 miles Monday morning (7:45 pace) and the saddest thing happened. My hair tie BROKE.  I had to run with my hair down for a few miles and it was not fun.  

Tuesday’s run was done at 5 in the afternoon.  During the heat.   Luckily I had a few new neon hair bands to get me through and ensure that I would be prepared if mine broke (I didn’t bring all of them.  Just 5).   4 miles @ a 7:07 pace.  

You want to know about the weirdest thing about this week’s running?  I am running musicless.  It may be my new thing for a little while (okay, probably not very long) but it has been really working for me.  

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It has actually been 21 months since the last time I ate at Olive Garden (I really did do the math on this one because I knew it had been a while since I had been there).  We went seconds after my run so I stuck with the salad, multiple breadsticks and

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the minestrone soup.  The perfect combination of foods.  

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You better have a great Wednesday.


How often do you run without music?

Olive Garden:  what do you order there?

I feel like we haven’t talked for a while so fill  me in on your running… your food… your life! Details please.

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I know its good to run without music so you’re not relying on it to get you through, but essentially i do just that- i rely on music to get me through. i cant run without it! and ahh that breaking of the hair band made me cringe- i’ve carried 2 hair bands on my wrists for the past like, i dunno 10 years, because i always need a back up :)


HAHAHA I will follow your example and always have two hair ties with me at all times!


I never run with music! I like to just think on my runs. Life updates… Today is my sisters and my nieces birthday so we are celebrating tonight! And tomorrow Noah and I are driving to Austin to meet up with a friend for a zoo trip! We can’t wait! Missed you yesterday!


I only run with music when I’m on the treadmill. I wish I ran with music on the roads sometimes but it makes me nervous bit being able to hear what’s going on around me. I had a great 8 mile run on Monday then skipped yesterday. I’ll be running after work today to make up for it!


I like to trail run with out tunes! And olive garden I get the exact same thing! That salad is heavenlyyyy.


Oh man, I’m impressed you were able to run in the heat. I think that’s the toughest thing about Summer.
And I actually workout musicless, so it makes me happy when I see people come over to my side of things ;)
For some reason, I just prefer not listening to music when I workout.
And Brooke and her cousin are just too cute.


I love olive garden’s minestrone soup!! I get it every time – you just can’t beat endless soup, salad, and breadsticks! I typically run with music because a lot of my miles are early in the morning on the treadmill and I need something to help get me through! I occasionally will run a shorter easy run without music just to let myself think and take in the scenery a bit more. I should try this more often!


I found a new cooking website that has awesome italian recipes that are great for the night before races or a long run:


I run music-less about once a week to prep for races that don’t allow headphones (they make me sad). I enjoy running without tunes, but love the pick me up you get when a great song comes on!

No Olive Garden in the UK, but I did eat Mexican in London on Saturday. I had spicy chicken tacos. Mmmmmm

We just bought our first house! And moved in last week. And we’re painting all our walls. :)

Have a good day! Ellie


I found an awesome new blog with italian recipes that would be great for the night before races/long runs/workouts, ect:


I run with music about 85% of the time but sometimes I just like to zone out in my thoughts, usually when I’m doing a easy run. Ahhh my husband and I love love Olive Garden. We usually order a few appetizers (bruschetta, scampi, artichoke dip and then loads of endless salad and bread sticks. We feel kinda cheap but it’s fun to have all the variety…. I’m craving it now:)

Your running week sounds nice. Off for my 15km run with my son in the Bob.


My husband and I run without music together once a week. We run races without music too (but only when we’re together). He actually likes running without music, and he’s getting me to try it! I’ve only done it while alone a few times- sometimes my headphones annoy me, and sometimes I feel like I need to clear my head and music will just clog it up again.

Olive Garden: I eat my body weight in salad and breadsticks there. I usually order a random entrée but am too full to actually eat it by the time it arrives. Oops.

I had to take the past 5 days off because my piriformis was tight (and stretching wasn’t working) and it was putting a lot of pressure on my sciatic nerve- aka lots of pain in the hip and butt, even while sitting, walking or climbing stairs. No fun.. But after 5 days of just yoga and pilates (and stretching it out with a foam roller), I’m going to try the elliptical this afternoon! If that goes well, I’m going to gradually start increasing mileage again! :) Hopefully I can run 3 miles outside on Saturday without pain. (Sad to think I had the most perfect 10 mile run 2 weeks ago and I have to start back at 3 again…)


I had sciatic nerve pain for a while. Did lots of research, tried all kinds of things. I tried this using tennis ball to massage hamstring last night for about half hour. It really helped. I think my problem is that my hamstring is too tight. Just want to share with you in case it can help you too.


Brooke’s approach to picking berries sounds just just like my approach to baking/cooking… One for the bowl, 5 for my belly :D

When it comes to working out with music, I’d have to say I’m about 50/50. There are times I need the extra oomph of a good song, but there are times (especially when I’m outdoors in some place nice) that I just like to think and listen to the ambiance.


I always run without music. In fact, I’ve never run with music. I cannot imagine running through the woods and mountains with something other than the sounds of my feet, my heart, my breath, and of course the wonderful Earth and water sounds and creatures.

I almost always order angel hair pasta w/marinara sauce when we go to the Olive Garden. Sometimes I’ll order pizza, but nothing compares to the Pie Pizzeria pizza.

Oh, and I’ve been designing outdoor playrooms for our future home. Yes, a mere 16 days til we move! I love Utah, but I will be sooo happy to be up in the PNW in 18 days!


I actually never run with music! I used to always, but one day I just didn’t and I absolutely love running music-less now. I think without it, my mind stays calmer and my endurance is better. I ran my first half without any music and LOVED it!


I used to run with music but my iPod is dead forever so I can’t anymore. I just went to Olive Garden for the first time for years on Saturday! Eggplant parmesan all the way. And chicken gnocchi soup. My belly almost exploded.


Long runs usually done with music, in fact I make a playlist for them Friday nights. Other runs music less.
Getting my hair cut and colored today.


I actually hate running with music. I always have. It makes the time go by so much slower for me for some reason! I’d rather just take in the scenes around me, no watch and no music. I like the sound of this running week for you! Those are my favorite kinds :)


I seriously don’t understand people that run with their hair down on purpose. It is terrible! I would be so upset if my elastic broke mid-run.

I can’t remember the last time I went to olive garden, but I probably got the soup, salad, and breadsticks, too.

I almost always run without music, but I listen to podcasts instead to keep me entertained. Then it’s almost like I’m running with someone.


First of all, you’re “you better have a great Wednesday” really put a smile on my face! I am trying to get back into majorly motivating myself to run after a big race last week, but I feel like I’m failing. I was running at least five days a week and up to half marathon distance, but in the past ten days I’ve only run twice – 2 miles and 3 miles…UGH! I don’t know why I am so unmotivated following a race – I feel like it should be the other way around.
I used to be obsessed with running with music, but I did my first marathon at a race that didn’t allow music a few years ago and it was actually really nice. So now I go back and forth with listening when I need the extra pep in my step :)
Hooray for running however long, however fast, and whenever you want this week! I think its so important to run sometimes…just for the fun of it!

Thanks for the post Janae! Hopefully reading about your run from yesterday will motivate me for my own today and pull me out of my motivational funk.


I am the same way after a race! Last time it took me sooo long to get back into it that I lost so much of my fitness it was so hard to start again! I would love to hear people’s thoughts on getting back into running after a big race!


I run without music 1-2 times a week, usually when I am running with other people or at the gym watching a movie in the cardio room (so I think that is kind of cheating?). Sometimes I really like zoning out and focusing on my breath/steps but usually I like Beyonce distracting me from my panting and sweaty eyeballs.


I run without music. I haven’t run with music in over a year and I’ve never actually raced with music. It’s a combination of just hating having to deal with headphones, and a safety thing. I feel compelled to pay attention to what’s going on around me and I can’t do that with headphones, especially if I’m crossing streets.

I can’t go through my day without something holding my hair back so it’s basically impossible for me to run with it down.


Olive Garden’s breadsticks are the best ever!


endless soup and salad is amazing. considering the salad is 90% cheese and croutons, you can’t really go wrong!! have a happy week of running.


We took our girls blueberry picking & more ended up in their llies vs. the bucket, for sure! I rarely run with music, mostly so I can be more aware of my surroundings, especially on the trails. Love Olive Garden salad & breadsticks! Headed out for tempo run right now!


I always run with music on the treadmill. If I run on roads, I run with it in just one ear with the lowest possible volume. No music or headphones when I run trails. Have to be more alert for bikes and other people approaching. And animals!

Your lunch is my go-to meal there. Don’t think I have had anything else there in years.

My life is great because I am running again! Been a few weeks since my doctor said my broken ankle is healed and to give it a go. Hope to be able to run a 5K next month and then a 10K!! Shopping races now.


Usually I run with music because I like singing while running but yesteday I decided to run without any running ‘equipment’… no GPS, no stopwatch, no music… I didn’t want to know how long am I running nor how fast am I running. Actually it turned out to be one of the fastest runs this season… Suddenly, when I was just in the middle of the forest (it was about 8km…so it would be more or less 5 miles from my home) a rainstorm came and in 5 minutes I was soaking wet… Instead of listening to the music I was listening to thunders, running as fast as I could not to be crushed by a tree.

But I must admit that I had a great fun! I felt like a child runing through mud and puddles shouting- I’m singing in the rain… :)


I almost always run without music unless it’s a long run. I miss Olive Garden!


I rarely run with music. I used to all the time, but I stopped when I started running with other people more often. Now even when I run alone, I don’t take’s just become habit. I like it better most days.


I’ve actually stopped running with music for the most part. Some runs I will listen to music for the first two miles just so I get into a groove and then I’ll turn it off. My dad though, refuses to run at all for 10 seconds without music or a podcast
gotta love olive garden’s salad!


Glad you are back! Was wondering where you disappeared to yesterday:)


I actually say a lady running the other day with her hair down. I had no idea how or why she was doing it. Maybe her hair tie broke too? I always wear 3 on my wrist because I get nervous one might break. I’ve got issues! Have a great Wednesday!!


I used to never run without music and now I have not run with music in over a year.
I probably have not eaten at Olive Garden in over 5 years, so I cannot remember!
Running is going great, the belly for me is getting heavy at 6.5 months pregnant but I still manage to run a couple times a week :)


I never run without music. I just can’t do it. Your running playlist saved my running life. I was bored with what I had, and had googled and googled running playlists and found nothing I liked. Enter HRG 65 minute running playlist. I’m starting to add songs from your most current spin playlist each week, because I’m slow and ran out of music on my 5 mile run last week…

Olive Garden: soup salad and breadsticks, but its been forever since we’ve been. It’s subpar italian if you ask me- brio is what we go for.

Running- Monday was the 6 mile run on my half marathon training. 76 degrees in the middle of the day in ohio, it was great- hubby took the kids to play at the park while I ran at the bike trail. And today I ran a sub30 3 miles, don’t laugh- I’m slow and I was proud (first 5k was on July 4th, my time was 33:27 and THAT was fastest ever for me).


I run with podcasts actually. Lately I like to hear someone talking versus music playing.
I love the Olive Garden! The minestrone soup is great. I also like the stuffed chicken marsala and the angel hair…I can’t remember the real name for it. Their soup and breadsticks are the best!
Update: Oh you know. Still live at the parents while I find an apartment. It’s been harder than I thought it would be. I love my new job so far though! Overall, life is pretty good. Miss you yesterday but I’m glad you took a day off. :)


Yay! Glad you’re back. I have to be honest, I was wondering what happened to you yesterday since your blogging is pretty darn consistent most of the time. ;)

I run musicless about half the time – just depends how I’m feeling!

Love Olive Garden! Sometimes I’ll just get the soup, salad, & breadsticks, or I really like their Chicken Alfredo Pizza – SO good!


Welcome back! I was just thinking about you this morning and hoping you were doing something fun yesterday!

I used to run without music and listen to podcasts and I kind of liked it. I hardly ever run in silence though!


Love the OG!


Hi there! I’ve been reading your blog every day for months but first time commenting. I’ve been lucky to find an amazing free fitness group in Boston where we run and do all other types of cross training together so I rarely workout alone anymore. If I’m running my own I always bring music but that’s really one day a week. I just started training for the Marine Corps Marathon so there’s a lot more runs in my future and I totally get wanting to unplug and focus on the run every now and then. Have a great day!


Hey Jana! Thanks so much for commenting! FREE FITNESS GROUP…that sounds perfect. I am jealous:) You will rock the Marine Corps Marathon!


I run with and without music, depends where I’m going, how far I’m going & what mood I’m in! If I’m feeling that I can’t be bothered, I need some music to keep me going. I do get a little worried about not being able to hear what’s going on though as I run on farm tracks sometimes & occasionally a car will come past :S


When I first started running I was still 58 pounds overweight and I was embarrassed by the sound of my own breathing while I ran so I needed music so i didnt get distracted by it and stop running. That was a long sentence. Now I’m only like 3 pounds overweight, in WAY better cardiovascular shape, and just enjoy listening to music for its own sake. From time to time I will go without though, as sometimes listening to my breathing helps me focus now. :)


I have a question for you Kelly, does being 55lbs lighter help you to run faster? It might be quite difficult to know because I guess your speed increases in general (I know mine has over the last 10 months) I’ve lost 2 stone (28lbs) so far but would like to lose about another 1 – 1 1/2 (14-21lbs) which I’m hoping will help contribute to me being able to run faster? What do you & anyone else think? I didn’t start running till I lost the weight. Tia :) x


I have lost around 50ish pounds over the course of the past year and a half and it mostly had to do with changing jobs (no more stress- is is amazing what stress does to your body)! I have been a runner for a long time though and I absolutely notice a difference in my speed! My average speed is about 2-3 minutes faster than it used to be. I am also running a lot more than I used to (new job = working less hours = more time for running!) so that might have something to do with the improvement in speed. I think the weight is a big factor though!

The other great thing I have noticed is I am not getting injured as much. With an extra 50 lbs I had lots of hip issues and a bad case of plantar fasciitis, all of which are gone now!


I used to depend on my music to run, but then a girl I knew from college was hit by a car and killed while running and it scared so badly that I decided then and there I would not run with music anymore. Even if you turn it down, it’s still dangerous if you’re around cars. I quickly began to love running without music, so now even if I’m on the trails or somewhere without cars, I prefer to run without it. I do, however, use music in races to pump me up!


I never run with music! Headphones drive me crazy when I run. They never want to stay in my ears. Plus I quite like the quiet.


My ipod died this past saturday morning before my long run(10 miles) and I thought I was going to die with no music PLUS by myself. But, it was one of the BEST runs I’ve had. I saw plenty of bunnies, dogs, cats starring me down, and a few cars driving by and few people. It felt like I was free. I wanted to just run and run and run but didn’t want to add to much because of me recently coming back from my 5 month stress fracture. Shew. :)


I’m all about the mushroom ravioli at Olive Garden… YUMMINESS!!! (I sub for the red sauce though)


I run with music most of the time but I also love going without it. During my marathon training and marathon I ran without it a lot. Sometimes having music blasting in my ears along with the stimulation of a race is just too much! It can be so relaxing to just listen to breathing and nature. But on the treadmill…I ALWAYS have music.

I’m feeling GREAT about running lately!! Just signed up for a bunch of races this fall, and I have been running in the early mornings this summer which is SO unlike me. I used to say I’d rather not run than run in the morning. Now I feel the opposite. Although I do like running at 7 or 8 pm when it’s cool and the sun is going down, but that rarely ever happens…life gets in the way! Happy HUMP DAY!


I’m pretty sure if my hair tie broke mid-run and I didn’t have a back up, I’d turn around and walk home. I never understand how people run with their hair down and I have mine pulled up on to my head with several bobby pins and a Sweaty Band.

I run music-less when running super early or in the evening and when it’s super hot/humid- I can have a hard time breathing in the humidity and hearing the rhythm of my breath helps.


I used to be so dependent on music, and then one day I woke up and decided that I didn’t want to run with music that day…and I’ve never run with music since. I think running without music allows me to be so much more in touch with my body, and it makes me a lot more aware of my surroundings, too–which unfortunately is a necessity. Even on the treadmill, though, I don’t listen to music–I don’t really know why, but I like it much better. :)


I hate running with my hair down! I see people racing with it down and just don’t get it. Brooke has the right idea when it comes to picking berries — that’s my strategy too! :)


I typically run my races without music. I Brit with me, but wait until I really need to dig deep for motivation. Yesterday, I ran thee miles and went for a 22 mile bike ride. I’m tired today, but I hope to do some speed work. Have a great day!

PS – I love those neon hair tis! Where did you buy them?


At a random CVS!! Go get them! That is awesome that you race without music, I may have to try that out someday. You will rock your speed work!


I actually just started to bring extra hair ties for my runs with fear of breaking one. I’m training for my first marathon, so I feel like every long run I’m learning more key tips as I go. Like my Shot Blocks fell out of my pocket twice…. huge bummer on a long run… so I had to buy shorts with a zipped pocket…the little things I never thought about:)


I never run with music. I find it allows me to tune into my body more if I run without it


If i don’t have music, running isn’t happening! Just can’t do it at all.


Every run is without music lol my ear piercing allows the ear buds to nor fit correctly in my ear.
Love Olive GArden!!! Went there last Saturday for my bf’s dad’s birthday. I always get their Caesar Salad, just can’t get enough. I do love their Garden Salad, but only because they put the peppers in them, although I do wish they would put more in them ;).
My running is actually decreasing, unfortunately I’m finding out that after my injury, my body just isn’t able to do the mileage it use to. All is good though, I can still run :)


One of my favorites at Olive Garden is the cheese ravioli!


I run without music about 50% of the time…but with an extra hair tie or two 100% of the time! I am paranoid about my hair tie breaking.


I always run without music unless I’m running on the treadmill. I’ve gotten used to doing my tempo runs on the treadmill. I’ve gotten somewhat obsessed with increasing the speed.

I’ve been to Olive Garden less than 5 times in my life. Not much I know but I know this, their breadsticks are SO good.

My running has been going well – a good pace for me – running with effort but still able to carry on a conversation – is finally getting to be around 7:56. I’ve worked really really hard this summer to get to where I am. Now I just need to work on being able to keep that up for 26.2 for the Chicago Marathon! My last half (2 weeks ago) I averaged 7:55.

I think I’m good?!!

PS: I might have some super fantastic news to share in a few days – I’ve been dying to share it over the past few weeks. Here’s a hint: it involves an office and health insurance. I can’t officially share it yet though.


Is there anything better than Olive Garden salad?? It is awesome and I have it every time I go. Lots of times it is just the salad and breadsticks…it is just that good. I can’t order anything else there cause I crave that anytime I think of OG….and now I need to go my self….thanks!


I have enough randomness in this noggin to not need music. I haven’t ran with music since I turned it off during my first half marathon. Before that I felt like I always needed it.

p.s. I have NO idea when I ate at Olive Garden last. I’m not big on Italian foods… let’s bring up sushi and Mexican food varieties and I can chat for days.


I run without music when I run with friends, especially on short runs. I totally rely on music or tv for treadmill runs though, don’t think I could do it without!


How often do you run without music?- Not often but I am on a technology embargo for restarting training- no garmin, no music! So yesterdays run was music- less :)

Olive Garden: what do you order there?- We don’t get this in the UK sadly :(

Im just back from hiking in Switzerland (recap on the blog!) and back in training :) x


Those hair ties are awesome! I ran the Wharf to Wharf race this past Sunday and it was CRAZY awesome. 15,000 runners from Santa Cruz wharf to Capitola wharf and a super gorgeous (and hilly) run. We refueled after with some amazing burgers and fries from Burger and of course Marianne’s ice cream! I am thinking about signing up for the RocknRoll Half!


It’s really hard for me to run without music if I’m by myself. If I’m running with someone, which doesn’t happen very often, I won’t listen but it’s hard!


I only run without music when it’s raining out because I don’t want to ruin my iPod.

Is it weird to say I missed you? I know we’ve never met in real life, but not seeing a new blog post from you yesterday made me miss you. I guess that means I like your blog a lot. :)

And I think that ratio of berries in the tummy and in the bowl is just right. It’s hard to resist eating strawberries/raspberries/blueberries when you’re picking them!


I’ve started running with podcasts for my long runs – try ‘Marathon Talk’, I really like it. And my parents arrive from the UK next Friday :)


I do love running without music but if I make it to a really tough hill or if I am running a long time, I regret my decision of not having music because all I hear is myself cursing lol.

My favorite thing to order at Olive Garden is salad and breadsticks and their Calamari appetizer. The peppercorn dipping sauce is SO GOOD.


I loveeeee soup, salad and bread sticks!


I love OG’s unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks. I get the minestrone everytime (and get about 8 salad refills). I could drink their salad dressing with a straw.


oh my gosh, i almost had the same catastrophe when i was running! my hair tie broke too! luckily i had an extra on my wrist but it wasnt the same rubber kind that really works on keeping my heavy hair UP. still, i can’t imagine having to run with my hair down, good you stocked up on those things!


I have not been running with music since I started training for my first half marathon a few weeks ago….except for once, and it was the WORST run. So, for now, I will be going music-less as well!

fyi i haven’t been to Olive Garden in ages, but just seeing those breadsticks made my mouth water!

Happy Hump Day!


Running without music is like driving without music….can’t do it!

Olive Garden…I’ve only been there once…and all I got was coffee!! Not a pasta fan!


When I used to play indoor soccer this one team we played a couple times had a girl with really long hair who wore it down! I just cannot understand wanting to have your sweaty hair all over your neck and getting in your face. I am not a huge OG fan but my family is obsessed, I really like their chicken gnocchi soup. I would probably like it more there if they offered the unlimited soup, salad, breadsticks meal for dinner not just lunch!


I always run without music. Once I got used to it I actually preferred it. I feel like running with music distracts me now and I can focus on my form and how I feel so much easier than I could with music.

I always keep an extra hair tie tied around the strap of my garmin (it helps that I lost the little loopy band that you tuck the strap into) just in case I lose a hair tie or it breaks. It’s saved me quite a few times.

When we went to Disneyland last summer we ate every meal at the Denny’s across the street (Hey, we’re cheap, but we still took the kids to disneyland!) and it is now hands down my favorite restaurant! It’s not the grease pit it used to be and kids often eat free so we are on board. Luckily they like sandwich shops almost as much, and those I adore.


I have a hair tie on my wrist at all times. My friends think it’s funny since the only time I wear my hair up is when I am running, but they don’t think it’s so funny when they need a hair tie and I’m the only one with one :)

I rarely listen to music while running anymore, the cord on my headphones drive me bonkers!


I never run with music!

I need a headband and an elastic to run, I would walk home if one broke lol.


I kind of never run without music but I also kind of always run without music. I usually run to a podcast or audiobook. So, it’s not music but it is something to listen to. Does that count? Do I sound crazy? Ok.

I usually get exactly what you got at Olive Garden! You know, it’s been almost 2 years since I’ve been. Now I just need to think of some sneaky way to get my boyfriend to take me…. Hmmmm….

Yesterday I set a PDR of 4.5 miles! A few months ago I couldn’t even run 1 mile. Yesterday I ran 4.5 straight! Today I am scheduled to run 3 miles, but I am sore from yesterday and it’s a bit rainy. I also have a yoga class tonight. So, we’ll see how that shakes out.
This is my last week of 8K training! I think I am going to hop into a 10K or Half training plan as soon as I get back from vacation.


I haaate when my hair tie breaks during a run! Worst. Thing. Ever. It happened to me a while ago, and I ended up just tying it in a bow around my hair. haha I felt pretty fancy and also ingenious with that one ;)



I hate when my hairtie breaks. Especially when it’s my favorite hair tie! (Please tell me that you have a favorite too or I’ll feel weird)


The pasta e fagioli (I had to google how to spell that) soup and salad is my favorite. Along with some alfredo dipping sauce for the bread sticks.

No runnig, but I can start driving next week!! I feel like a teenager getting my permit! Ha ha.


Ughhh I cannot even think about the whole hairtie fiasco too long without cringing. That is the WORST.


I run about every other time without music. And I never take my iPod when running with others.
Cannot tell you the last time I ate at Olive Garden but breadsticks and salad is my choice.
Dreary day here in MI……but I did get my 7 mile tempo in and hit my goal pace for the middle 5.


Olive Garden’s Minestrone soup and salad IS the best. I haven’t eaten there for like a year – I’m missing it!


At Olive Garden – I love their soup, salad and breadstick combo!


Would you believe I’ve only been to the Olive Garden once?

I used to do most of my long runs on trails. No music on trails for me…I like to take in the sounds.


Brooke and Curly are so cute together!

I ran with music for the first time during my first marathon in June. It totally changed the game for me and now I look forward to the runs that I can use my iPod (most runs are in my neighborhood and I need to stay aware of traffic and any bad guys). I use it all the time now when I am on closed trails and it really helps to make me go faster and to forget the fatigue.


I’ve recently started running without music – not on long runs but on shorter runs I like listening to my breathing pattern that I am trying – In,2,3 out,2 (It works!)
I’m just wondering, why don’t you do WIAW?


Where have ya been, girl?! Missed your posts these past days!


always no music outside – but I play music in my head when I need a boost

Olive Garden – almost exactly what you did, sometimes I’ll get the fried eggplant

life? discovered two new habits really killing my joy this week, think I’ve got them fixed but that hurts too. Of course, I’ve been resting since the weekend long run (26 miles!) so I’m getting little mental


There are times when I feel I “just need to run” that I will go without music. Otherwise, I love having music to keep me going. Plus, I love singing along during runs and races! I really don’t care if people hear me when I’m in the zone! Just started a new blog, check it out my first post!


I have run a couple times lately sans music, but not by choice (I’m a bit forgetful…and when I want to run I want to run, so music or not I go). What makes it worse, each time I’ve forgotten have been for runs on the treadmill. Talk about torture…

I’ve actually been relying too much on the treadmill for my runs lately. I’ve been wanting to work on speed, and it’s just mindless on the treadmill, but I really WANT to get outdoors. I just don’t know if I’d be able to do speedwork outside. I do all my long runs out doors, but am struggling with my weekday runs. Help! haha


Mmmm! Fresh berries! My kids would do the same…in fact, they wouldn’t even make it to the bowl!
School starts in a week and a half so I am trying to savor every last second. My son will be starting Kindergarten and he will be coming to school with me. He is super excited! So, even though I’ve always done back to school shopping for my classroom, this is my first time to actually take a supply list and shop as a mom. And, yes, there is a LOT of stuff on there! But, I’m sure he’ll use it all!
This is week 1 of my training for the Indianapolis half marathon I’m running on October 19th. I’m following a different plan this time…more speed work, tempo runs, some hill intervals, etc. The plans I have followed in the past have just been straight up mileage, so we’ll see how this goes! It will definitely be a good challenge! :)


I’m on vacation and I am having my “run whenever I want for however long I want” kind of week too :) It’s nice to not have specific mileage or workouts to hit. :)


It sounds like Brooke and I pick berries the same way!

My friend and I were just talking on Saturday about how we really should bring an extra pony tail holder with us in case ours broke! I can’t imagine running with my hair down… so hot!


In my prep for H2C I’ve been running more without music just so I’ll get used to not being able to use headphones. I actually like it sometimes-especially when I’m doing trail runs!

You have been such an inspiration to me-thank you! I’ve gone from a 10 min/mile time back in February down to a 7:35-8 min/mile. I’d love to get down to a 7 min pace but feel like that’s probably a ways out. Do you feel like having a coach really has helped you? I want to get better and faster but am not sure how much I can rely on my own knowledge vs getting some feedback from somebody to make sure I’m doing it right. THANKS again for such a great blog! :)


I always ran with music and then one time my ipod died and I had to run 8 miles back without it.. It was actually really peaceful and every now and then I’ll try running music-less again but I will say sometimes a really upbeat, fun, and fast song really gets me motivated to push harder, run faster, and gives me a kick in the butt to keep going when I’m starting to fade!

Olive Garden. Breadsticks. Salad. And they have this chocolate cake thing that is delicious for dessert. As far as I’m concerned those are the three main reasons to be at Olive Garden.

I ran yesterday and it was fabulous! First running week back after my first major injury. All of these running endorphins are making me ridiculously happy all of the time, I’m just glad to be running again, even if its just a little bit! Injuries are the worst!



I’ve recently become a fan of your blog. Keep up the great writing/work/running!

I just started a blog about my running yesterday: I think it will be great to start getting stuff off my chest about all the stuff us runner gals go through!

Here are the answers to your questions:

How often do you run without music? I actually just started doing it every now and then. I had tried before but couldn’t deal with the sound of my own breathing. I’ve also run without my Garmin a few times. Not sure how I feel about that though! LOL!

Olive Garden: what do you order there? I haven’t been there in years. I live in a vacation town so there are tons of places to eat around where I live.

I feel like we haven’t talked for a while so fill me in on your running… your food… your life! Details please. LOL! We’ve never “talked” but my blog pretty much says it all if you don’t mind visiting it. :) My one complaint lately though has been this PMS’ing garbage has been making me super tired this week and I haven’t wanted to do anything. I’ve been running but it’s been a big challenge. I’m training for my 2nd half marathon in Sept so I can’t really slack.

Like I said, keep up the awesome blog!



i looove olive garden bread :P


All I ever get from the OG is the minestrone soup, salad, and breadsticks. Although, I feel like they never replenish them enough for my eating, which may be a good thing so I don’t swell like a sodium balloon…


I run with one earbud on low so I can talk to my husband as we run together but can still get my mileage updates from the map my run app. If I am getting tired towards the end of a run and need the beat of the music to push me to finish, I will jack it up a bit. We always run in parks where there is no worry of cars. In my marathon, I brought my iPod but only used it for the second half when my energy started to dwindle and I needed a pick me up. It was a great strategy. The zupa Toscana soup is a must with the salad and breadsticks when I go. Aawww man…now I am hungry for that. Glad you are back. I look forward to your daily updates and get my daily HRG fix. Happy Wednesday from Michigan!


I have never been to Olive Garden


I hate working out/teaching fitness with my hair down too-it MUST be up!

That ice cream sounds amaze!


I have enjoyed running without music, though I don’t do it often.

I love Olive Garden’ s soup, salad and breadsticks deal with the minestrone.

I just started running for the first time since a surgery I had. It’s been really hard adjusting, but I’m so happy to be running again! Finally up to 5. Hopefully I’ll be able to do 15 miles again in no time


I ran without music today too and was surprised to find that I was just fine! I think I’ll try it again tomorrow :)


What a great day! I was considering running without music the other day, but then I feel like I’d be way less motivated to go far haha.


I only run without music. I like to just think and observe on my runs. Plus, I’m just not a big music person. Weird, I know.


It’s a must for me to run with music. My brain runs off in a million directions anyway, and the music keeps it somewhat focused. I took a week off last week to help stage crew a play that my kiddos were in this past weekend. Lots of 8+ hours standing on my feet, running up and down stairs and moving big sets around. Plus being able to watch my kids in “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” from a great vantage point. Very hectic week because I also had to be MOM; which means helping them with stage make-up, hair, getting into their costumes, making sure they get on stage to get their microphones, AND all of the usual mom stuff at home. The production closed on Sunday night and today was the first day that I felt super tired. It was a non-exercise day for me today. Tomorrow, it’s back to the run.


I can’t remember the last time I was at an Olive Garden, but hell if I don’t want a breadstick RIGHT NOW.


I’ve had to run music less since I accidentally washed my iPod nano in my pocket (whoops!) back in October. I really the it sometimes :(


You know I haven’t really tried running musicless yet. I always think that I NEED music when I run but I doubt that is the case. I will give it a try and see how I like it. Who knows, maybe I am a better runner when I am concentrated on my running and breathing rather than singing my tunes :)


Love this post. I a now craving Olive Garden salad and breadsticks! As for music, I choose to go without it most of the time, but when it’s really hot or humid, I crank it up to help keep my mind on the rhythm and off of the dank and miserable weather. Summer in Las Vegas during monsoon season really bites. ;)


We HAVEN’T talked in awhile! I missed reading your blog these last few days!!!!

I don’t run with music at all anymore. I used to all the time, or listen to audio books on my long runs, but I stopped bringing my ipod when I started trail running. Now I appreciate the peace and quiet even more than I used to enjoy the music.


For some reason I never run with music when I run outside. I tend to try to enjoy nature, think too much, talk to a partner, or really just stay silent. Running is usually my quiet me time, so I have to embrace it! Broken hair ties stink! I always keep a few extras on my wrist JUST in case! You never know!


I run without music before sunrise/after sunset. More of a safety thing, so I am more aware of my surroundings.
At the OG I order gnocchi soup and salad. Sometimes I will get calamari or another app to supplement :)


I’ve actually been running mostly without music lately. Obviously, when I’m running with a buddy (which is most of the time) I run sans ear buds. Usually the only time these days that I *do* run with music is events.

And since that’s only every couple of months or so, I never get tired of my music — so my playlist is kind of stuck in this little ipod time capsule.

Running tip: I wear two elastics in my hair just in case one breaks.


There is no reason to get anything other than endless soup and salad from Olive Garden! That is my heaven. Also, love the fun elastic colors. The brighter the better — then they don’t get lost! (Unless my cat steals them…)


I run without music since I normally run with a group. For really long training runs and races I wear one ear bud. I need something to keep me going if no one is talking!


I LOVE the OG!!!!!!!
(That is what everyone in my family calls it! We are always like “let’s go to the OG! haha!)
And we are actually going there on Sunday for my sissy’s birthday!!!

I think I should totally have a “running week” where I run when I want to and run what I want! Super fun!!!!

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