I wasted 27 years worth of…

First thing FIRST! I am so sorry about the ad that is showing up at the bottom of the screen that doesn’t allow you to exit out of it.  I have no idea how to fix it or why it started showing up. Working on it (I need to take computer classes.  All I know how to do is type and upload pictures;)


I am mad I have wasted 27 years worth of breakfasts on stuff that isn’t nearly as amazing as what I ate this morning.  We were out of bananas for my toast/almond butter/banana bfast and all we had left were apples (and SEEDED grapes) so I sliced up the apples really thin and topped the toast with it.

So good that I had the same thing for lunch (along with some broccoli and yogurt).  I just hope that you haven’t been missing out on this your whole life like I had.

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This is the bread I have been buying lately.   I bought it in the first place because it was the cheapest but now I have fallen in love with it.

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Just an easy 5k on the schedule today and tomorrow is race day!  I am racing in the Brooks PureDrifts for the first time ever (I usually wear the PureFlows) so I am excited to see how they do.  PS I have no idea what the course is like for tomorrow so I may be surprised and forced to run up a hill for the first time since I moved away from Utah.

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From last year’s 4th of July race down in Souther California with Billy’s family.

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The UPS man came this morning with a mini fridge filled with delicious Gatorade stuff.  Who wants to come over for a Gatorade party? I am really excited to try out their new Endurance line! 

Brooke seems to think it was sent for her since it is just her size.

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We are on our way to Santa Cruz for a few days with friends.  We rented a beach house and we are all cramming in:)  I am bringing these to share with people…I will let you know exactly what I think about them when we try them out.  (PS I am bringing a normal box of Oreo’s too just in case the ice cream ones are a flop.  I am always prepared in situations like this)



Who is running a 4th of July race tomorrow?

Working people…what days do you have off?  Just Thursday or Thursday and Friday?

What shoes do you wear to race in?

Favorite gatorade flavor?  

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Favorite gatorade flavor is watermelon ice! I used to drink it after every race but I don’t even know if they make it anymore… My husband has Thursday and Friday off. Hooray!!! Have a great fourth of July Jacobs family :-)


Oreo Question — have you tried the watermelon one? If so…yay or nay?

They were on sale at Target the other day and I resisted the urge but am kind of regretting it!


I looove making sandwiches with apple slices, jelly, and a piece of cheese. Stick it in a toaster oven (or microwave) and it’s SO good.

I hope the Oreos aren’t a flop. I’ve heard good/bad things about various flavors! make sure to bring whipped cream, cherries, and chocolate syrup so you can split the Oreos apart and top them with ice cream toppings!


I love apples on my PB&J. I have to work Friday but only a half day so I am only half sad about it :) Have fun at the beach!


I loved the blue ice Gatorade when I was younger. I now try to stay away from them…they aren’t stomach friendly, that’s why I switched to Nuun. I have been training a girl for her first 5k that is tomorrow, and I’ll run it with her. I can’t wait to hear about your race!

P.s. Brooke looks so cute next to that fridge. I need one for my kids!


I love the blue gatorade- is that blue raspberry? {not that it matters what flavor, if it’s blue I’m probably game!} :)


I technically have Thursday and Friday off but since I don’t typically work Wednesday or Friday I guess I have been off since yesterday!!!

I am weird and really dislike ANY sports drink. I can force myself to drink the fruit punch kind or blue powerade if needed.


I am not running a race, and I don’t work, but I’ll run in the morning and then just chill the rest of the day. (Which is definitely different than what I normally do … *sarcasm*)
I haven’t raced yet, but I will probably where my Lunarglide 4’s from Nike
I love Fruit Punch Gatorade … I love most red things, but the strawberry is gross.


*Wear, not where. My brain ugh


I’ve had the whole week off, and it’s been AWESOME!!! I don’t drink Gatorade–too strong for me. I usually wear my Hoka’s for long races, but they gave me problems during my last race, so I might have to find something new. :/


Oh PB&A toasts are so yum! A sprinkle of brown sugar cinnamon on them is like a sprinkle of heaven- must try it!

Gatorade preference? Blue raspberry and blue glacier ice. Yes, I am a proud member of the blue tongue group :P


Oh my goodness. I need to try that! Sounds amazing… Thanks for the tip!


Good Luck in your race!!!! :)


Who is running a 4th of July race tomorrow? I wish!

Working people…what days do you have off? I am off today & tomorrow, then back to work on Friday & Saturday. I got a lot accomplished today so I can relax and enjoy tomorrow!


omg that gatorade fridge is awesome!! haha nbd, just got sent a MINI FRIDGE ;) Have fun in your race tomorrow!!



Apple and brie on toast (if you like walnuts, throw those in there too). To die for. But I LOVE apples and peanut butter. I eat that combo every day.


I can’t imagine ice cream flavored anything not tasting amazing, but you can definitely never go wrong with the classics… especially if you crumble them up and toss them into a bowl of ice cream ;)

Have you ever tried an apple/cheese/turkey sandwich? I haven’t had that combo in a little while, but it’s seriously -amazing-.


Brooke is right, that fridge is definitely the right size for her!

This might make me weird, but I don’t think I’ve ever had Gatorade.


i LOVE apples on toast!! pb/apple sandwiches are the best plus apple/hummus sandwiches! unfortunately i only have thursday off :(


I am not racing at all this weekend! My husband has a cycling race and those take up most of the day.

I just got a pair of PureConnects to race in – my first pair. I usually race in the flows like you. I’m excited to hear how yours go! Good luck!


Fruit should alayws be eaten alone, on an empty stomach otherwise it ferments, which is not good. It digests in less than an hour which makes it an easy habit to get into. that sounds like a myth and an incorrect statement to me. it takes weeks, not hours to ferment something with the correct pH which I doubt the body provides. food decomposes in the gut but that’s not the same as rotting or fermenting. it’s a natural part of the process and supposed to happen. either way, fermentation is a good thing. it’s a great natural preservative and provides good bacteria that the body needs (wild fermented veggies, soy, kraut and bevies (!!) have been around for millions of years check out S.Katz-The Art of Fermentation) look at our biological design and it proves we are omnivores. it means we are CAPABLE of eating almost anything, but it doesn’t mean we alayws should. we overeat sugar and meat (see Forks over Knives) because that is the food that has been made most easily available. FoK even compares meat consumption of various groups and does not prove there is anything inherently wrong in meat, just shows there is a problem when there is too much of it.The key is to eat a balanced, natural diet. The problem is that we have been so skewed by money, advertising, politics and misconstrued cultural ideals that we no longer do so. August 3 at 9:02 pm


I’ll have to try that breakfast! I do a whole grain Flat Out wrap with sliced apples, a little cottage cheese, a sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey. Deliciousness :-)

I’m running a midnight race tonight–10k out and back along the causeway of the beach that leads to Honeymoon Island. The whole course is lit with luminaries. How cool is that? I keep trying to take a nap and the dogs are like, oh no, it’s not time for bed ;-) Hoping to stay awake long enough to run and hit IHOP for pancakes afterwards!


Ice cream oreos- those exist?! Also, I need/want/need your brooks. Are those a new color combo because I have yet to see them in stores?
Also, don’t drink Gatorade… Powerade is where it’s at for our house.


Nabisco: they are such creative geniuses in terms of their Oreo flavors.

I have Thursday and Friday off! More time to stretch pre and post run – I have 2 hours of stretching/strength exercises a day – thank you PT/Masseuse.


Let me know how u like those pure drifts! I bought the pure connects and I’m disappointed in them. The pure flows rock though :).
Man U get me craving such bad for u food! Lol. I may splurge tonight and have icecream for dessert ;)


I cannot WAIT to hear how those Oreos taste although I really just like the plain ones best. Can’t go wrong with those. I’m all about TJs anything. They are my fave.


I like apples and almond butter better than bananas with almond butter.

I am more excited about that mini fridge than the Gatorade. You can keep it well stocked in your bedroom so if you ever get hungry in the night you don’t even have to leave the bed. Hello, awesome!

You are going to rock the race tomorrow. Good luck and I can’t wait to hear about it. I am doing a 10k. It will be for fun. I have done this one a few times before.and I want to beat my previous times, but i definitely won’t PR. This course is not meant to PR.

I like the sherbet oreos. But I also liked the watermelon ones. Apparently I have the tastes of a 6yr old. Enjoy your beach house with friends-that sounds like a blast!


I have to work tomorrow and Friday! Wahhhhhhh!


wooahh that is one fancy ups package!!
I only have off thursday (school)
I’m wearing asics now, I only have one pair of running shoes at a time, we can’t all be fancy like you ;)
I never liked gatorade


During the school year I carry around a bag of chocolate filled oreos. When I’m in meetings (which seems like all of the time) and things get tense, I whip them out and share them!


I am running in my first 15k tomorrow! I’ve got my very patriotic outfit all planned out. It’s going to be awesome.
I have just tomorrow off but my boss is letting us choose on Friday, so I’m going go come in and get some things done for next week and then leave no later than noon and go to a friend’s cabin. Should be awesome.
I like the blue Gatorade!


What is up with the crazy Oreo flavors? Madness! Good luck in your 5K tomorrow! You’ll totally ROCK it! We just got to Atlanta for a long weekend with family. Hope the rain clears up so we can play outside & at the pool! Happy Fourth of July!


I live abroad so I was like, why in the world is there a race happening on a Thursday? But right, 4th of July!

I want to know what happened with the watermelon Oreos! Did you try them? Are they real? Are they awesome and delicious like they sound?

Happy 4th! Have a great race!


I must have missed the ad controlling my computer screen. ;) Anywho-I am racing tomorrow a local 5k and never miss an opportunity to tell everyone on every social media platform I get to see my boyfriend (it’s been five months) tomorrow. Now that you think I’m a crazy girlfriend Janae, I’ll wish you a fabulous July 4th and hope that I don’t spam too many of your media platforms tomorrow…LOL.


I used to be an orange gatorade gal, but have subsequently decided that Nuun is a much better electrolyte option – because then, I can take in my sugar in some way that’s MUCH tastier than Gatorade. [Sorry, Gatorade!]


I’m running my first Independence Day race tomorrow… The Firecracker 10k!


I was going to run in the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race, but I decided the flash flood warning was probably an indicator that I should stick to a treadmill workout. Expecially since driving 30 minutes in a flood warning didn’t sound like fun.

I just have Thursday off. :( But Friday my boss will be gone, so it’s kind of the same as having both off? At least that’s what I’ll tell myself. :)

I race in the same shoes I always run in. Mizuno Wave Rider 16s. But I need to get more shoes….


I was supposed to run this too :( I just can’t talk myself into getting out in all that rain. I’m curious to see what kind of turnout they get.


My family is running in a local race tomorrow called the Firecraker 5K. Isn’t that a cool name? I’ll be running in my Asics GT-2000’s. Happy Independence Day!


Favorite “apple” sandwich – Sliced apples with turkey and apple butter on whole wheat bread. You need to try this!

And, Nike, please! That ad is so annoying. Don’t you know Janae runs in Brooks?


Seriously ha! That sandwich sounds incredible!!!!


I have a race tomorrow. Although I don’t know if I will actually be racing or running it for fun, since it will be my first outside run in Arizona. I hope I can handle the heat!


I’m a mom so I kind of have no days off. Though some might argue that I have every day off. Good luck in your race! I was racing shorter distances in Newtons and longer in Mizuno Wave Rider 15s. They are still sitting on the shelf awaiting my return to running ;)

Love apples and nut butter …and your surprise mini fridge!!!


I probably would have missed that ad if you didn’t point it out. But I’m super amused by the phrase “lady lawn.” Anyway, I like the orange Gatorade because I’m boring. I’m running a local 5k tomorrow just because it benefits the XC team where I teach. It should be interesting since the last time I did speedwork was before Boston…


Have so much fun!! I know you are excited :)
I LOVE the picture of Brooke with the Gatorade fridge- that is way too cool. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it. My favorite flavor is grape. – G2 to be exact :)


I’m running a trail run up a beautiful mountain, not an official race, but a tradition in our small town!


I want to try those Oreos! They never sell any cool flavours of Oreos in Canada! I had Monday off, since it was Canada Day!:) Enjoy your long weekend!


I’m doing the Peachtree Road Race! It will be my first time running in the rain but I’m going to do it anyway. Going to continue watch the weather to make sure it’s not too dangerous than I feel comfortable with. They will call the race if any lightning/severe weather. Should be interesting!

My favorite Gatorade flavor is Orange…I keep it simple!


No Gatorade here,just Powerade but massive quantities of blue and red!
I just have tomorrow off, work Friday and Saturday. Boo.
Race in ASIC Kayano 19’s or Brooks-Ravennas. I have worn the the Pure Cadence but they make my IT Band SCREAM!!!!


I’m running the Peachtree t (10K) tomorrow and there is a 100% chance of pouring rain. The first time it has really rained in a 44 years. But I am running it anyway! Can’t wait! :-)


Not racing tomorrow because we are making a float for our parade!!! It is really cool! We made a 9 ft paper mache tree!!!!
I race in all kinds of shoes :). I usually wear the lightest shoes that I am training in. I have never had really light, race only shoes. My last race I wore Mizuno wave riders.
Those Oreos make me nervous so I would love to know what you think! I love ice cream but I am not so sure I would mess with the traditional Oreo! :)
Have a great 4th!!!!! Your weekend sounds like a blast!


Is it sad that I’m really looking forward to the report on whether or not those Oreos are any good? I couldn’t bring myself to buy the watermelon ones, but ice cream could be good. I’m totally jealous of your awesome Gatorade fridge. I need one of those to get me through marathon training. Good luck at your 10K tomorrow! I’m sure you’ll kick some major booty. :)


Good luck on your race!
I am racing on Sunday!! I am hoping to PR!
My hubby and I found the Limited Edition Lemon Oreos. I love lemon but they were alright. Can’t wait to hear about the ice cream flavored ones!
How did you get a mini fridge of Gatorade? SWEET!!!! :)


Not running due to the whole broken elbow thing. I went to dinner at Burgers 2 Beer in Cleveland and guess what was on the menu…….? Burger on a glazed donut with bacon and cheese. I just couldn’t do it but I know you would! Perhaps a treat after your race, goodluck. Hope you have a Burgers 2 Beers near you!


I’m curious to hear how those Oreos taste! I once bought the birthday cake flavor and they were so delish that they didn’t last longer than a few days. Fine…2 days.


I ran a 4th of July 5K this past Saturday, does that count? It is in a small beach town where we always vacation 4th of July week and I have particapted many times. This year was extra special to me because my 13 yr old niece ran with it with me (and placed 2nd in her age group!) and my son (he is 7) did his first ever race at this year’s event (1 mile). Love running with my family!

Fave Gatorade flavor is lemon lime, I am old school! I think I must be in the minority, because sometimes I have trouble finding that flavor, especially te G2 version.

I always race in the same shoes I train in, which are Brooks Glycerin at the moment.

Your PB/apple/toast combo looks interesting! I always enjoy PB on apple slices, but have never tried it on toast… Now I will have to! :)


You are officially warned that those Oreos are icky!
No race planned for tomorrow, just a 5 miler around the neighborhood and a bike parade with the kids :) I’m a teacher, so I have the summer off! I’ve been racing in my Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12’s; but, I think I’m ready for something new. I think I have about 400 miles or so on them… I’m not a huge gatorade fan, but cherry works.


I’m doing the Santa Cruz Firecracker too!!!! Are you doing the 10k or 5k?? PS if you do the 10k the hill is crazy…….like mile long death march crazy


Oh I must try those Oreos! Yummy! Have a great race!


Just wanted to let you know that the ad is gone! It was super annoying, but the rest of your blog is so great, that it was a small price to pay.
Also, clearly the mini fridge is the best part of that package. Many a nights i’ve wished for a mini fridge. I guess it’s pretty good i don’t have one though…


Awesome!!! Thank you for letting me know!


I still see the ad, but if you click expand it goes to the right of the page and then you can scroll back to your page and its GONE!



I really love peanut butter and fresh fig and honey toast…yum.


I want that mini refrigerator to hide in my closet from children.

Now I know what I want for Christmas. *genius*


Um…also…I don’t see the ad??

Does it matter what browser you’re using? For the record I don’t think I want the ad ;), but I was just curious…

Chrome doesn’t always love me as much as I love Chrome so I stick to Firefox.


I love the little fridge! That is perfect for your Gatorade drinks :)

Have a great time, I can’t wait to hear how the cookies are.


Lessoned learned from my last race…I will wear my Saucony Kinvara’s or Virata’s from now on for my races


I wear mizunos to race. I really need some new ones. I’m very thankful my boyfriend is also a runner… He understands the NEED to squeeze out an extra $120 every couple of months for new shoes. The only down side is we have to double that amount for him too!


You should try cottage cheese and pear on toast, omg so good, esp with a bit of honey and cinnamon.


Only had Thursday off :( The office air wasn’t even turned on this morning. Pretty sure the maintance people were thinking no one was working today. (there are only about 30 people here in this whole building today….)

I am a Lemon-Lime Gatorade fan. Only the old school way for me. However, I tend not to drink it anymore, it’s too sugary to me now. (Loved it on a hot day when ice cold when I was younger though….so good)


So what did you think of those Oreos?? I am always a little leery of the special flavors haha – except the birthday cake ones, those were awesome haha.


I’m no real fan of peanut or almond butter but I saw this a few days ago, I just had to try it. It’s so good. =)

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