The party arrived and a 13:48 5000 meter runner!

 Well, the party officially arrived in California….MER IS HERE!!!!  She got here on Saturday and so we got to have dinner with her at my aunt’s house last night, Brooke was very pleased about it.

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We hung outside by the bbq for a while eating chips and guac.

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And then they brought in what I like to call ‘way better than any restaurant salmon I have ever had in my life’ salmon, salad, asparagus and bread.   

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The dining room was then transformed in to a ping pong table.  

See my uncle in the blue and white shirt?  He is also visiting from Southern California and he is a speed demon.  He ran track and cross country when he was in college and ran the 5000 meter in 13:48….just like 6 minutes faster than I ran my last 5k:)  

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Yes, we do celebrate someone’s birthday at every single get together we ever have as a family.  You can never celebrate enough birthdays.

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PS did you know it was National Ice Cream Day yesterday?  PLEASE tell me that you celebrated….

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Don’t think that I just celebrated once with some vanilla ice cream… there may have been some red velvet ice cream thrown in earlier on in the day while watching Friends during Brooke’s nap. 

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Don’t tell Brooke but I had to use her spoon because I forgot to start the dishwasher and all of the other ones were dirty.  


Did you celebrate National Ice Cream Day yesterday?

Does anyone in your family or extended family run?

What race are you currently training for?  Or starting to train for soon?  Or not a fan of races so just run to run?

Salmon or steak?  Or neither?

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BOTH salmon and steak! Yum! Currently (well starting in September) I’m training for the Houston Marathon. If you want to come run it with me I won’t cry…


Didn’t mean to hit submit… Where did your uncle compete in college? My husband’s pr is 14:18 and I thought that was fast! Holy moly!!!


I’m thinking about doing another full next spring. It’s been three years since my one and only full and maybe I’m ready again. Half marathons have been my sweet spot lately, especially with having a baby to chase after.


To answer one of your questions: STEAK. That isn’t even a question in my mind.
Red velvet cake is amazing and delicious all wrapped up in the red goodness. Especially the frosting globs. And totally off topic but I love the color of your shorts. It matches your ice cream just in case you spill :)


How do you have the restraint not to eat that whole tub of ice-cream??


A lot of people in my family run. My uncle and cousin from my dad’s side of the family. My dad’s a runner (he’s done 6 marathons including 2 Boston’s and a couple half-Ironmans, he’s still at it and he’s 67. No big deal.) And then a couple aunts on my mom’s side just started running (she has 10 siblings). They all did the Couch 2 5k program together and did their first 5k last month!

I’m training to qualify for Boston at this year’s Chicago Marathon in October. I just ran the Rock n’ Roll half yesterday and my time was 1:43:44 and I took it easy-medium pace just chatting the whole way! So I’m on target to BQ!


HA I always use my daughters baby spoon…makes it last longer :)


I did not celebrate national ice cream day, I guess I’ll have to make up for it next year. I have one cousin who lives out of state who also runs. I think he partially inspired me to give it a try. I’m not currently training for anything and won’t start again until my leg completely heals from my stress fracture.

I actually prefer other fish more than salmon and generally prefer to eat fish over red meat.


I watched one of those food documentaries on Netflix last night which means I’m afraid of everything in our food these days so I didn’t celebrate national ice cream day. I should get an ice cream maker then I can have some! My sister was a runner. Her life is ridiculous right now so she doesn’t have a lot of time to right now. She’s the one who got me into running.


I don’t know of anyone in my extended family that runs. My sister sometimes runs with me when she comes home, but she doesn’t do much running on her own.

I can’t believe i didn’t know it was (or celebrate) ice cream day. I’ll have to make up for it today.


My Dad is running a 14k race in Sydney in August! I’m so excited for him: he’s run before, but this is the first time since his 20s that he’s actually done any training for it :D

We celebrated National Ice Cream day with an Ice Cream weekend, thanks to Ben & Jerry’s on sale.

My next race is Total Warrior: one of those 10k muddy obstacle things. I’m excited about it, but yesterday my IT band flared up really nastily – plllleeeeaaassseee tell me you may have some last minute tips to help with this….??? Right now my foam roller and I are best of friends (even though I secretly dislike her cos of the pain she causes).


I’ve got a 5k coming up, followed by two half marathons and a 14k all before October! Also starting training soon for a 2014 marathon. Racing is just too much fun.


Steak. I don’t like fish unless it’s fried BUT I haven’t tried your family’s so I can’t judge. I’m open to trying.
I’m training for my first FULL marathon. Rock N Roll St. Louis October 27th.
I didn’t have ice cream yesterday :( but I had Gelato on Friday. It was amazing.


My sister runs too! We’re pretty much the same with our speeds. I celebrated National Ice Cream Day on Saturday, so we’re all good. I love that you used Brooke’s spoon! Have fun with Mer!!


I didn’t even realize it was national ice cream day…I may just have to celebrate it later since I didn’t get to yesterday.
None of my family members are huge runners. Most of us are spin bikers. I guess the running gene never caught on with any of us;)


I actually didn’t eat ice cream yesterday, pretty ashamed of myself for it. Might have to double up today.

My sister runs, and both of my parents JUST started jogging to help get in shape, I am trying to get them to sign up for a 5k. On my moms side of the family there are quite a few runners, my aunt & uncle, their 3 kids and their kids spouses as well. Nice to share that in common, we don’t see each other often but it makes for good running conversation when we do.

Training for Wineglass Marathon right now- I have my BQ for next year, but if I BQ there it will give me a 2015 time as well. Main goal is a new PR though (sub-3:20), going to be a good training cycle!


DC had an ice cream event – 19 vendors giving away samples of free ice cream, all in one location. It was like I had died and gone to Heaven!

I’m training for NYC. I remember how much you loved it a few years ago and am excited to get to run it.


I celebrated National Ice Cream Day with a root beer float. Or two…

Does anyone in your family or extended family run? My daughters, yes! Extended family, no. And they all think we are nuts for running. Ha!

What race are you currently training for? My ankle and I are working my way up to a 5K in a few weeks. And then a 10K (my first!) this fall!

Salmon or steak? Or neither? Neither. No meat. :-)


Did not celebrate national ice cream day! boo! I guess I will have to today :)

NO one in my family is a runner. I am the only one and they all think I’m crazy. Well I guess I do have a brother-in-law that runs, but does he count? lol He was the one to convince me to run a second marathon and that was in 2010. I want to run another but a big part of me doesn’t. For right now, I’m happy with mid-distances. I am training for a 10-miler at the end of August then a half marathon September 22. I ran my first half marathon this year on June 2.

Not a big steak eater but I LOVE salmon. YUM!


Have fun w/Mer! I bet she was so excited to see Brooke, oh and you too. how long is she staying for?
We didn’t celebrate national ice cream day–I was so upset, but my one pg aversion food that has lasted past the 1st tri is ice cream (i don’t think the baby likes me, haha)

I occassionaly run races, I mostly just love to run and don’t have one competative bone in my body. But I do have a HM planned for next month.


I absolutely celebrated! With Breyers Samoa ice cream to be exact. Best decision ever. I will always choose salmon. In fact we are having salmon for dinner tonight!


Pioneer Day race on wed in SLC! That was my very first race I did back when I was 14 and its one of my favorites. All these years later i still look forward to it every year!


Oh, and yea Mer! I have so missed her from your blog. Long live whipped cream haha!!


I did NOT know about National Ice Cream Day until it was too late, so I didn’t get to celebrate. I’m training for the Niagara Falls 10K right now, and I wish someone else in my family ran so that we could be running buddies. My mom is a speed demon fast walker though! Mer looks great! Glad she’s getting to visit!


First off :: Steak. No Ice Cream yesterday :( BUT…did have a chocolate pudding cup! So dessert was still taken care off.

My SIL just started running this year and is the only other runner in our family. We get to run together occasionally!

Training for the CRIM 8K and then a Fall Half – I think. I haven’t registered for it yet. Going to get a 7 & 8 mile training run in first.


Neither to the meat question. I’ll take grilled chicken or tuna please.
I have a confession: I did not eat ice cream of any kind yesterday. That’s right, me. It’s okay though… National Ice Cream Day is like Valentine’s Day for me- EVERYDAY is a day to celebrate the food/ones you love.;)


Hey, I did have ice cream yesterday, and thus celebrated! Sweet! I had mint chocolate chip.
Steak? Salmon? Both!!! Well, probably salmon 1st, but It’s a hard decision every time.
I’m the only one that runs! On my husband’s side, too, so they all think I’m crazy.


I did not even hear about national ice cream day until it was too late!
My husband has ran in the past but had knee issues so does not as much any more but that is all for runners in my family.
No training for me these days :)
Salmon for sure, I am not a read meat eater.


Salmon, yum!!

My sister also runs, but she’s in rehab right now for an ACL tear. She’s up to a whole mile without pain, though!

I start training this week for my first 50 Mile Ultramarathon!! I’m SOOOO nervous but super pumped to try and see what I can push myself to accomplish!


Steak and of couse I celebrated National Ice Cream day….every day is national ice cream day to me :)..hehe.
My cousin runs ultra 50 milers and he has done 1 100 mile and is planning another! I can’t even imagine!
I am training for Kansas City marathon in 13 weeks. I am going for 3:15


I have 2 aunts and a cousin who are runners. The cousin is a sophomore in college and super tall and speedy! I have decided to put my eyes on a 10k in November as my first race back after my ACL injury! I won’t be able to start running until Sept so I think that is a decent goal. Plus I was scheduled to run my first 10k 2 days after I tore my ACL so I feel like it only makes sense to do it first!

Looks like every one had a blasT!


Both of my sisters and their husbands are all long distance runners as well as my husband and I. We have so much fun doing races together as a family!


The better question is — is there anyone in my family who doesn’t run??? Not really!!! My dad is crazy good even in his fifties. He still sometimes wins local 5 & 10ks, and I definitely can’t keep up with him. I had two siblings in cross country this year. And my older brother and sister-in-law just ran the Tough Mudder. Love it!!!!!!


Our family makes salmon that is wonderful! Its maple syrup (the real stuff) and soy sauce and is the perfect marinade for wonderful salmon. I refused to order salmon at restaurants because it is never as good!


I found out in the late afternoon, and couldn’t convince my bf to go get it for me because I was tired and just wanted to lay around the house lol. Ah, I’ve been dying to play ping pong lately! Training for my first half marathon in November :). Unfortunately no one in my family really runs, my dad will here and there but not really anymore. Steak Steak Steak!!


I’ve run on and off all my life, firstly as winter training when I was a cyclist. But it was my cousin who is a NY City Fire fighter who ran the NY City marathon a few years ago who inspired me to step it up to this level to someday be lucky enough to run that race with him.

I am training for the Chicago Marathon-what’s wrong with me?

I hate fish, LOVE steak


My brother and a few of my cousins run as well as one of my uncles :) I did celebrate yesterday with some mint chocolate chip ice cream :) yum!


I just started the 12 week training for the BAA Half Mararthon. It will be my first half and I consider myself lucky to have gotten in, registration filled up in 12 minutes! My fiance and his younger sister will be running too.

We had TJ’s super premium vanilla ice cream (which I’m pretty sure is actually Ben & Jerry’s, by the way) with their Fleur de Sel caramel sauce on top last night. Yum!


I spent a lot of time on Saturday eating stuff I shouldn’t so no, I didn’t participate in National Ice Cream Day. :(

My oldest daughter is the athlete in our family, but she’s new to running just for the heck of running and racing just like I am. She’s the fastest of us by far though.

My first half is in February, but I’m not on a formal training program yet. I’ve joined a group that starts in August.

Salmon and steak both…why choose? ;)


I definitly got free ice cream at ColdStone to celebrate yesterday, and they were giving out samples while you were in line.. perfect! I got ‘founder’s favorite’ which is brownie, fudge, caramel and nuts on vanilla ice cream… amazing.


I love steak!! I’m not such a big seafood person though.
I had a mint ice cream sandwich. It was delicious!! Also I love Friends. SOoooo much!


Neither… Vegetarian here so don’t eat salmon or steak.

I’m currently training for the GoodLife Victoria half marathon. It’s on Canadian thanksgiving weekend and I love that! Big run followed by big dinner… Feels soooo good! :)


Salmon and Steak. I love both equally. Sort of training for a half in Sept, need to up my game with training if I’m going to meet my time goal though!


Is that the episode where Monica and Phoebe fight because Phoebe wants to break up with the guy and Monica wants to fire him in the same day?? I’m only minimally embarrassed that I can figure that out from just one blurry frame of the episode :) (slightly more embarrassed that I’m admitting it to you and the world)


Bahahahahhaha you are AMAZING!!!!! I am so impressed, you are right!


Yes!! My true calling in life :)


I definitely celebrated National Ice Cream Day. One of the best holidays. I’m also loving salmon on the grill. I can’t wait to get to the grocery store so I can get some salmon.


That salmon looks amazing! My husband makes this delicious garlic and maple marinade for salmon on the grill. Hmmm, I think it needs to go on our list for the week! Of course we celebrated National Ice Cream Day, but then again we celebrate almost every day! We have lots of runners and athletes in our extended family. My husband has a super speedy cousin who has raced several IMs, including Kona. My husband and I are both signed up for the Richmond Marathon in November, so we’re just getting started with our training plan.


I’d like to do a Half this fall, so I’m gearing up to train for one, but I still need to choose which one.

Salmon AND steak. Not at the same time, but I get equally as strong cravings for both!

I have a few cousins on both sides of the family who run! It is so fun to compare notes about training at family get-togethers!


Red Velvet Ice Cream/Cake will forever have my heart :D
I always say you can never celebrate too many birthdays…there is nothing wrong with celebrating someone’s life haha


Ha ha, I totally use Izzy’s spoons on purpose. It makes my yummy stuff last longer :)


Yay yay yay! Looks like fun times!!!
PS- toddler spoons are the best! :)


I didn’t celebrate :/ I didn’t know it was ice cream day :(

Me and my dad run :))

I’m training for a full!!
I’m a vegetarian so neither


Straight out of the container like a champ! Edy’s Birthday Cake Limited Edition Ice Cream for me! I don’t have any runners in my family, unfortunately! SALMON all the way! UGH, I love some grilled salmon. Especially the crispy skin after it’s been grilled. YUM


I didn’t eat ice cream yesterday but I had a delicious cupcake, does that count?

My parents also run, which is nice when we get together because it’s something we can all do


I think that I’m just going to have to celebrate national ice cream day a day late ;-)
I don’t think anyone in my family runs!
As for salmon vs. steak…it depends on my mood. I adore both though!


By the time I realized it was national ice cream day, it was too late to go out and buy some and we didn’t have all the ingredients needed to make any. I told Ross we had the stuff to make fro yo in the ice cream maker, but he would not allow it. Boo. That red velvet looks divine. I think we shall celebrate it today and I am telling myself that it still totally counts ;)

That is my all time favorite dinner. Salmon and asparagus. I am so jealous!

I LOVE that Mer is there. She is adorable. Have so much fun with your family!!


I have a cousin who is rockin’ the half marathon circuit.

I am training for my first half that is in December. I’m running the Dallas Half on December 8th, and begin my training on August 20th. I PUUUUMPED!!!


I did celebrate national ice cream day by eating triple peanut butter crunch for the 6th day in a row.
My sister also runs but she lives in KS and im in MI so that stinks….as you well know.
I’m training for a half that is mid-September. I’m working on my speed for halfs as opposed to training for a full this fall. I’m running another half in a month but using that as a test to see how this training plan is working.
Enjoy your day!


I did have ice cream yesterday and didn’t even know! So happy I didnt miss my favorite holiday :-)


I feel like a huge failure because I did not celebrate National Ice Cream Day and will have to live in regret (and make up for it) all year until 2014’s National Ice Cream Day.

I am definitely a steak person. I wish I liked fish, but I hate it so bad.


Yummm I LOVE salmon! Definitely prefer it to steak any day! Also, I didn’t celebrate national ice cream day, whoops! I’ll just have to make up for that today, yeah?



Love, love, love salmon and will pick it over steak almost always! I didn’t know that it was National Ice Cream Day yesterday. :-( I feel so left out! I did have a piece of my parents’ left-over anniversary cake, though!

My brother ran in high school and when our school closed and consolidated with another school, he still held the record in the mile!

My hubby and I are training for the Hokie Half-Marathon at our alma mater, Virginia Tech, in September! I can’t wait!!!


:( didn’t get my icecream fix yesterday…definately steak (I prefer white fish)…me and fellow cheaprunners are training for the Disney Tower of Terror 10 miler


sadly i did not celebrate national ice cream day… but since you ate ice cream twice yesterday, i’ll just say you celebrated for the both of us! :)

salmon all the way – it’s one of my absolute favorite foods ever!


I was unable to celebrate ice cream yesterday, but I am MORE than making up for it today! I might even grab some of that red velvet ice cream, as that is one of my fav cakes :) My husband and sister both run… its perfect because they are my 2 best friends! I love me some steak, but I’d hands down have to choose salmon as my numero uno. I really need to start playing ping pong!


Are you picking a winner soon for your rayban contest???


I missed National Ice Cream Day!?! I just had some mint oreo cookie ice cream to make up for it. I think my baby girl liked it too since she’s dancing around in my tummy now!
No races for me this year, but I’m tempted to try and run Boston in the spring (baby is due in November). I was supposed to run it this past spring but didn’t because of being pregnant. I’m qualified for 2014 too so I’m tempted to try to do it, but I don’t know if I’m being overly ambitious. Can I ask how soon were you able to get back to running and training after Brooke?


Mmmm salmon!

I ate ice cream yesterday for sure!!


My dad and his twin brother are runners! They used to be really good.

Definitely salmon. I only eat steak about twice a year. I can’t believe I didn’t know it was national ice cream day yesterday! Maybe I can make up for it today?


I sort of celebrated. I had Yogurtland! My brother & sis-in-law run & they’re both faster than me. I’m training for my first half.


Wow you have serious speed in the genes!!
I actually think Brooke might be supersonic when she starts running.

I’m training for my first marathon at the end of September — the Half Moon Bay International Marathon. Eek!


Me, the Mister, and Kiddo all celebrated National Ice Cream day yesterday with much gusto! Hands down best obscure national holiday EVER.
Kiddo was so stoked he sucked down his Coconut Cream Pie Shake in like 5 minutes flat.


I love salmon. I love fish. Definitely a good thing I live in Seattle! :)


Wow, I didn’t know it was National Ice Cream Day yesterday, but not to worry, I had some anyway (mint chocolate chip)! :)

I love both salmon and steak!

Next week is my official start for training for a half marathon in Indy on Oct. 19th. Looking forward to it!
That’s great you get to make an impromptu trip to see your fam! Have fun and good luck with the heat and elevation!


Unfortunately I’m the only runner in my very large extended family. They boost my running ego by being impressed by my miles though!

I’m starting half marathon training for the fall, but I still haven’t narrowed my race choices. I think I’ll make that red velvet ice cream part of my training plan though!


I totally missed the baby spoon until you mentioned it. My step dad used to work for Blue is orig from Iowa.


I celebrated by turning 30!! and a huge bowl of fro-yo :)


I don’t think anyone in my family really runs (bad knees or something, I don’t know), but my boyfriend runs and he is ridiculous. He doesn’t train or run races or anything, and then after months of not running he’ll go pound out miles of gnarly hills like it’s nothing. He grew up playing soccer at high elevation and I guess his lungs are just in it for the long haul. Lucky man.

It’s hot AND muggy here and honestly the thought of going on a run is laughable right now. I bike instead, but only because campus parking is expensive. Lazy summers…


13:48!!!! omg are you for real, that’s just amazing. Even running your pace is a dream pace for me but 13:48 for a 5k that is unreal (awesome).

My mum is a runner, so I properly take a love of running from her.

i just finished training, as my half marathon is over :( however having a recovery week or 2 and then get back into training for a 28km run, that will be happening in November.

I don’t do salmon so steak, and no don’t do icecream day.


Mmm, salmon then ice cream, two of my favorites!

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