I will never run on a summer afternoon again.

Yesterday morning I taught my spin class and then dropped my mom off at the airport.  Brooke and I were both in mourning after saying goodbye to her and so I waited to get my 5 miles in until 2 pm (Brooke’s afternoon nap).  

The large fan that I put right next to my face (probably dangerously too close) was the only thing that allowed me to actually survive the heat….and listening to ‘Hot In Here’ helped a little bit too.  Seriously, you runners that are forced to run in heat and humidity every day are my heroes, I want your autograph.   (PS if you are a newish reader my treadmill is out on our deck because we live in a tiny apartment so it doesn’t fit inside:)

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Brooke and I had been adventured out from the last few weeks so we stayed home all day, played and ate popsicles (Brooke’s are just water…they are saving her during this teething time).

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Dinner was really extra good.  Red Robin has delicious burgers and the fact that they come with bottomless fries really just makes it the perfect place to go on a Friday night.

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I had the bbq burger and the little fried onion straws on the bottom of the burger should be added to every burger/sandwich/salad and anything else I ever eat again.  

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Remember how I told you that Brooke growls?  I haven’t really caught it on video yet but at least now you can visualize her facial expression when she is growling at me:  

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I am not a very organized person.  At all.  EXCEPT with my running stuff and I get very excited to set all of my stuff out and have it all organized every night before I run so that when the alarm clock goes off I have everything ready to go. 

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Wearing my lucky speedy yellow shirt for this morning’s run.  


 What is your Saturday morning run?  Anyone racing this weekend?

Do you set out your running gear the night before you run or just get it all together in the morning?

Are you forced to run during the heat or humidity often?  How hot?

Red Robin—>  Ever been there?  What do you order there?

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You look so much like your sister in that photo from Red Robin. Even more so than usual!

Love the growl picture. Too cute.


Thanks Lauren:) have a great weekend!


I’m ALWAYS forced to run in the heat/humidity!!! That’s Texas for ya! For the most part you adapt and it’s the cold that really bothers me now. Never had red robin but it looks good! Today is 7 miles. I’m looking forward to not having to run with the stroller :-)


I don’t know how you run with a stroller. Gentry is almost a year old and i’ve managed to never do it. Impossible! have a great run!
Janae- I have that exact treadmill and the incline buttons down at the bottom stopped working. i couldn’t get it off 8 yesterday… UGH!


I started out running in Dallas, but it was late September when I did it. I always tried to run in the summer but the heat would always get to me and I’d have to shorten my runs. Good for you, for running in Houston!!


Hahaha Brooke’s growling face. I love it! Red robin has THE BEST milkshakes burgers and fries I could live there. I love running in the heat and I really don’t understand why. I like the feeling of being a sweaty mess I think… But I wouldn’t like it on the dread mill.


Their milkshakes are TO DIE FOR!!! My mouth is watering just thinking of them!


I have a 7 mile run for this afternoon. It’s a rainy day here on the east coast. It’s been SO humid here in NJ/NY the past month I thought I’d melt. Supposedly, it makes you a faster fall runner so heres to hoping because I’m going turtle speed.

I love me some red robin and bottomless steak fries!! oh and the seasoning they have there too. so good!


What brand is that super cute yellow shirt?!!! And the striped shorts? I need some new running clothes…..brand names PLEASE! Thanks for the fun/informative blog!


Hey you!!!!!! They are both lululemon! Have a great weekend!


I was going to ask the same thing! I have a number of lulumon tanks that I like a lot but I don’t find them supportive enough to run without a sports bra underneath though. Is this one actually that good? If so I will buy it immediately:)

Brooke’s growling is adorable! I can totally picture the sounds she is making:)


This one is (for me at least)! I bought it a size smaller than I normally by in their stuff because the shirt part is flowy and so that the bra is tight… Does that make sense?


Thanks! I am going to try and find it in stores!!!


Thanks for the response!


HAHA love that growling face. I used to work at a summer camp and kids would always growl at each other it was hysterical.

Running in the heat=no joke. Not a fan!


Just finish an 11 mile LSR…..well I am working on slowing down on my long runs. I usually have a my clothes and shoes piled up in my room and my gear in the kitchen the night before my long run. I get up at 5 eat a small breakfast, let it settle, and then try to be out the door just before 6. I praise those running in the afternoon or even evening. I can’t do it. It gets way to humid here for that business. Even at 6, I am sweating buckets. Love love love Red Robin…..pretty upset that there isn’t one close to us here.


your hair looks a little different here…i can’t put my finger on it but when i saw the picture I was like, “wow she looks really pretty!”


You are so sweet! My hairdresser told me to try a different part so that is what I did:)


Great pics! Virginia Beach is nothing but hot and humid in the summer…suffering through it while trying not to be too hard on myself when I struggle. This week was a recovery week, got 8 in before hitting the beach this morning. Stepping it up next week!


We are like lulu twins:) I have the top in pink and that same pattern shorts, but in speed short. Did I see you wearing that new run top with the funky band across the back in another post? I tried that on and I wanted to love it, but couldn’t get comfy!
I am stuck in hot and humid! It’s been really bad lately.
My run today was an easy 9, my long run is tomorrow. If I’m getting up early, I lay my clothes out. And, I LOVE red robin. It’s great with kids. The burgers are so good and the fries….love them:)
Hope you had a great run:)


Hey you!!! Our twinner shirts are my absolute favorite:) I really do like the weird band shirt for easy/slow runs but too bulky for speed workout etc. I just love the colors and the matching shorts. You will rock your long run tomorrow… Even though I couldn’t go for a brisk walk in the temps and humidity that you deal with!


Running Gear as pajamas means you don’t have to change. One less step in the morning.


My 2y old does the same thing!! I get “Rawr!” Haha! We’ve had a lot of humidity lately but it finally broke for a few days of relief. Last Sunday we were drenched after an 8 mile run at 7am because it was 90-100% humidity. Speaking of, if I’m running in the morning I’ll plan everything out from clothes to shoes to GU/hydration and have it all set out and ready to go. You just reminded me I have a pair of Brooks pure flows hiding in my closet!

Red robin = love. If you like fish the Atlantic cod sandwich is seriously awesome, along with the Teriyaki chicken – at least I think that’s the name? It has cheese, pineapple and teriyaki and it’s fantastic.


I can’t run in the afternoon heat either! It kills me. I’m like you, up and at em’ in the morning. It’s 70 in the mornings here which still feels a bit warm. I’m def a winter runner I’ve learned.

Hhhhmmm, Red Robin…the burgers for sure are my fav. Ever tried their ring sauce for your fries?


I’d love to get a run in tonight because my hubby was just gone for 2 nights and he got back late last night, so I need some ME time to get out and run. But because I might run tonight, I’m contemplating even washing my hair today. So, if I end up not washing it, I feel bad for the people who have to look at me today haha


I’m in Texas and it is pretty miserable from May- October!


Texans represent! Well, I’m a former Texan, but still. I know what it’s like to try and run in that heat!


I’m in Texas, so if I wait past about 7:00 it is HOT and HUMID! I usually head for an inside treadmill in the summer. Love the striped running shorts.


That’s what I always did – treadmills were my savior from the Texas heat! But I was always kind of sad to do that, since I really wanted to run outside. Ah, well!


Does your treadmill get any damage when it rains? Or do you put something over it? You’ve just opened up so many possibilities for me, haha!


Hey!!! It is a covered deck but we also put a big tarp over it when it does rain outside!


Yes running in the summer afternoons are TOUGH! Good luck on your run this morning! I am about to head out myself to get a good run in!


Brooke’s growling face is the cutest!!


I’ve had that BBQ burger before (when I was pregnant actually and having major burger cravings) and it was awesome!!


HA my daighter who is 1 growls at me too…i think its hilarious!


I am forcing myself to take a much-needed rest day today (I am TERRIBLE about taking rest days) but planning to do 6-7 tomorrow. We were just talking about Red Robin this morning since I have a free burger on my rewards card . . . the Royal Red Robin is definitely my fave. Yummmmmmm. . . .


I almost got that one! Good job on taking a rest day! Sooooo good for your body and mind:)


I’m running a night 10K tonight that starts at 11 pm, which is pretty funny since I’m usually in bed by 9ish. But it’s a flat course, which is hard to find around here so I’m looking forward to it!

Love growling Brooke!


That sounds like a blast party animal:) have fun and let me know how it goes!


OK, so this was an 8K, not a 10 and it started at 10 pm, not 11….obviously, I’m a stickler for details! :)
Anyway….it was SUPER fun! The course is lit with candles and nearly everyone from Kingsport (TN) lines the streets, cheering and holding signs. Awesome. It’s promoted as the “word’s fastest 8K” and the guy that won had a time of 22:40, which was 3 seconds off the world record. I am super slow and was wwwwaaayyy behind him, but it was a GREAT race!


My Saturday run will be afternoon since I’m working 7-3… Planning a nice cool 5 miles…
I really enjoy setting out my running gear the night before too!
I love those shorts you set out for today run… What kind are they?
I really dislike treadmill running and am convinced that is what injured my back :-( really its most likely my shoes. I might need to wear more supportive shoes vs minimalist on treadmill runs…. What do you think? Do you switch shoes for treadmill vs outdoor?
Red Robin… YUM! We love that place. I get the Banzi burger. Bottomless fries with parm garlic are yummy and the onion rings are delicious too!!


In VA, we get days where it is 80% humidity with a base temperature of 90+ degrees so running in the heat is not an option. That being said, it’s really not that bad as long as you go out early enough. I’ve made the mistake of doing some heatbox runs in the afternoon which are absolutely dreadful. The treadmill isn’t bad compared to those ha.


The humidity has been horrendous this summer in the DC area! I ran an easy six miles earlier this morning and I’m soaked! My running group is doing a 45-mile ultra tomorrow, kind of relay style; although at least one of the crazy runners is doing the whole thing!


Yesterday on the way back from Physical Therapy in Gilroy I decided to stop at the Gap outlet and discovered right near it a Lululemon outlet. Quite possibly the most dangerous find ever.


Ugh I run in the heat and humidity all the time, but I try not to run when it’s over 85 degrees. I used to LOVE Red Robin but then the one at home closed, so I haven’t been in years. I’m visiting a friend this weekend so my long Saturday run will be done tomorrow.


Brooke is too cute, love the picture of her growling :) Love your running shorts!!! My stuff is always set out for the next day. Run day for me today, hoping for a 9 miler!! I CAN NOT run later in the afternoon, heat and humidity or not. I remember when I went to Red Robin, I got the Onion Ring tower. It literally looked like that. Try it! It was good :)


Our version of heat is probably nothing compared to some of you, but it’s all relative anyways, right? We have been (if my conversion is correct) in the high 80s/90s lately. I keep trying to wake up early to run so I skip the majority of it.

This morning (it’s only 7am here) I’m going to attempt running west towards something more interesting than flat, flat, and more flat.


If I’m running in the morning I always set my stuff out the night before! The less I have to think the better :)


I try not to run in the heat (not humid here in UT :) ! But sometimes it’s unavoidable. Like probably today because I’m still in bed right now. I stayed up late. I knew I’d regret it. haha

I love Brooke’s growl face! My little sister was born 8 weeks early and was in an incubator in the NICU for a month and when she was in there she would growl at the nurses when they put their hands in to help her with things haha!! Yeah she continued to growl for…well it hasn’t really ended. 18 years later.


I always lay out my workout clothes the night before because it allows me to fall asleep easier. I find myself thinking about way too much when I don’t have things set out and ready to go! I definitely ran in the mornings around here because it gets WAYYY too humid in the afternoons. My lungs would collapse mid-run. At red robin, I would definitely go with the veggie burger with caramelized onions and blue cheese crumbles!!!


Have you ever gotten the freckled lemonade at Red Robin??! It’s amazing! Strawberry lemonade with real chunks of strawberries that get stuck in your straw and you have to suck really hard to get them up. So good and also bottomless!


Well now I just have to go back today to try that!


I like in a suburb of Phoenix so it is HOT from May until basically October. Right now the morning lows are in the mid-to-high 80s and somedays even low 90s. I usually wake up as early as possible to get my run in but even then it gets warm as soon as the sun comes out. They say it’s a dry heat, but July is monsoon season and the mornings can be pretty humid (gross).


I set out my running/workout gear every night!!!
I don’t mind the heat but the humidity kills me – it’s why I stuck to the treadmill yesterday for a 5 hour (31 mile) run.


I set my running gear out the night before too. Makes it that much more of a guarantee that I’ll actually walk out the front door at the time I need to. And if my running gear is ready to go, how can I deny it?

I will never run in mid day again, either. Living in New England provides a lovely summer humidity base of about 5 million percent…so morning running is IT.

I don’t think we have Red Robin around here?!


If I have an early morning run I always set my gear out.

I don’t know how you did a treadmill run in the heat! I can’t decide if that makes you a rockstar or insane.

I love Brooke’s growel face! She is adorable!


OMG Brooke is TOO cute!!! I love the growl :-).

I’m a new runner (just a couple of months in). I’m adding a long run for the first time today but for me that’s only 4 miles :-).

I live in Texas so many of my runs have been in the heat. I realized a couple of weeks ago that I couldn’t get out of the house before dawn to beat the heat so I joined a gym and now avoid it totally!! Looking forward to a cooler fall so I can run outside again but for now I’m just thankful I have an escape.

I’m a fan of RR endless fries. I’ve never actually gotten seconds but they will give you a basket as an app with ranch if you ask and I’ve done that many times.


I hate running in the heat! I would much rather wake up early! I ran a 10k trail race this morning which was really fun but also very challenging!


Usually I have to run in SUPER hot humidity–earlier this week I finished a particularly brutal run only to come home and read the thermometer at 88 degrees! I usually deal with heat fairly well but I was DYING at that point…

I did race this weekend (this morning actually)!! I did a 5k with my friend (it was her first one) which was a pleasant surprise race-wise after doing a couple of half-marathons. Started my day in the best way :)


I usually lay out my stuff the night before so I can make as little noise as possible when I get up. Keeps the hubby happy. :)
I ran 60 minutes this morning, and almost all of my outdoor summer runs are in the humidity since I live in NC.
Never been to Red Robin, but hear their fries are amazing!


My run today is going to be my longest ever; 6 miles! :) Which doesn’t sound long, but hey, it is for me.
Generally I get my gear out in the morning; it gives me a way to wake up. If I need motivation, I put it out (or on!) the night before
I normally run in heat/humidity because the treadmill bores me out of my freaking mind and I am awful at getting up early on Saturdays after watching Dateline on Friday Nights. ;)
Red Robin is awesome; the last time I was there was 2 years ago though :( I can’t remember what I ordered; probably grilled cheese because I was still a kid then and I have hated burgers since I was 5.


I raced this morning! So it was a cross country 5k…I was nervous because I’m not a cross country runner AT ALL. So then, it turned out the course was only 2 MILES!!!! With no warning?? I finished in 17 minutes and was like uh…where’s the rest? It was a major disappointment because it was clearly advertised as a 5k. Rude.

I run in the heat an humidity :( Lately I’ve been getting out at 6am when it’s mainly humid but not that hot. I only have time for short runs in the morning though, but it’s all I can muster this time of the summer!


Thank you for that. Hilarious!


I try to avoid working out when it’s too hot out at all costs. I’d rather be inside or go in the morning before the sun heats up.


I live in Alabama so all summer runs are in the heat and humidity. Some mornings are better than others and you have to begin by 6 in order to get some sort of relief from the sun. I lay my clothes out every night so that I don’t have to think about what I will be wearing to run at 5:30 in the morning. All I can focus on at the point is just making sure I have clothes and shoes on, LOL! I’m training for my first full marathon which will be in October so today was a 13 mile run. I can so relate to your earlier posts of over exercising though because that’s where I am. It’s all about burning over 1,000 calories a day and running a minimum of 40 miles a week. I did cut back this week though because I ended up with tendonitis. I followed my training schedule for mileage and have healed up well. Sorry for the novel.
Red Robin – red robin cheeseburger with blue cheese. Yuum!


I’m on rest day today. It’s so hard to take rest days!! How often do you take rest days? Does it drive you crazy? You’re so inspiring with your running and so fast! Love the running gear. I lay mine out in advance too.


Hey!! I take a rest day every Sunday! I love it because by then I am ready for a day of laziness!!!


I HATE RUNNING IN THE HEAT/HUMIDITY TOO!! I live in Georgia, so every summer day is atleast 60% humidity (always around 90% when I wake up around 6:15 to run before work). After work runs end up being about 90 degrees in 60% humidity. Needless to say, I’ve started cutting back on those (in frequency AND in mileage)- my last 7 mile, 90 degree, 67% humidity run was beyond torture, so I limit them to 4-5 miles now and just run twice a day- or on an indoor treadmill.

This beautiful, overcast Saturday morning was 72 degrees and 63% humidity at 8 am- a miracle by Georgia’s standards! So I went on a an enjoyable 6 mile run with my husband. I looked at pretty houses and day-dreamed about finally, eventually buying one of our very own one day! I miss running outside… I can’t wait for fall!

We love Red Robin, too! There isn’t one close to us, but there’s one not too far from our parents’ house. We go there sometimes because it’s my brother’s favorite place ever. I get the veggie burger (even though I’m not a vegetarian- it’s just THAT good!)

PS- you can almost HEAR Brooke’s growl just by looking at that face! :)


I went to Red Robin once and ordered a salad. After this post, I think I did it wrong.


Whaaaaaat you can read while you run? That’s crazy! All the bobbing up and down makes me seasick when I try to read!


I’ve only been to Red Robin once, a long time ago, and I don’t remember bottomless fries?!?! THIS in itself is a reason to go back!!! haha I set my workout clothes out the night before, too, so I just have to grab them and go! Sometimes I’ll even go a step further and sleep in them if I’m feeling extra crazy ;) It helps even more!



I definitely try to avoid afternoon runs in the summer as well – what a perfect way to torture yourself! DC is too hot in the afternoon to do it – but quite humid in the morning. No matter what – I come back looking like I went for a swim. I just finished an easy 6 miles this morning and have a 5k tomorrow.


After work one day, 90 but with humidity, weather app said feels like 95. Thought i was gonna die! Next day switched my runs to 530am. Much better! Its hot in FL!
Today, 4.85 around the ‘hood’ this morning, then a little upper body in the back yard.


Omg that picture of Brooke growling is too cute!!

I used to have my treadmill outside too, so I definitely know the feeling! I always put my clothes out too the night before if I’m running early, mainly so I don’t have to turn on lights and wake everyone up.

I used to love at red robin their salmon fish and chips, but I think they took it off the menu. :-(


I had a great 12.3 mile run this running along the Chicago Lakefront! What a wonderful way to start the day! I usually just get my running stuff ready before I run unless running a race and then I’ll lay things out the night before.

I do run in the heat a few times a week although I try not to (80 plus at dusk or right before dusk). I’ll usually just go to the gym for my tempo runs, all other runs are done outside.


Brooke & you look so much alike- very beautiful!!! & your blog gives me motivation to go to the gym this morning so thank you :)


My Saturday run had to be postponed until tomorrow. My parents came into town late last night so we were catching up until WAY late! Tomorrow’s run is a pretty easy 4 miles. I am the same way about my running gear! It’s always organized and set out for my runs! And with the Florida summer heat/humidity I need all the help I can get! Most days are close to 100% humidity! Ick!


if it’s going to be an early morning run (aka getting up before i actually wake up ;) i def. put my running stuff out…otherwise who knows how long it would take me to ’round everything up and actually get out the door as i wander around like a zombie lol. so funny that brooke growls! brighton did the exact same thing until she was around a year old…i loved it!


I have some good news for you…you can buy a big ol’ bag of fried onion straws at your favourite place, Costco!

You won’t regret it – I have added them to everything. You are welcome!

P.S. Brooke looks so much like Billy in the popsicle picture.


I love Brooke’s growl pic :)
I ran/jogged/walked 11 miles this morning. I started out with the BFF, but 5 miles in my hamstring (felt more like a bone issue) starting bothering me, so we split ways. I did force myself to finish, but at a much slower rate than her and then we met up with the fam for chocolate chip pancakes and protein shakes ;)
I actually normally wear my running clothes to bed or at least my sports bra and shorts, but I’m a super early morning runner.
I <3 Red Robin! I usually (okay, always) get their Whiskey River BBQ Wrap with bottomless fries, yum!


I have one of those lulu tops too. Absolutely love……..and love even more you have one too!!
60 mile bike ride today. Missed my run, but some QT with the MR. was fun!!

GREAT picture of you at RR, gorgeous.


I run at 5 am to try to beat the heat. I live in S Louisiana. Summers are awful. At 5 it’s 75 degrees with 95% humidity!


No run today :( I had a 5 easy planned, but after my long run yesterday I could barely walk- praying and hoping and wishing my foot just needs a few days off.

I live in Atlanta and nearly every morning it’s 100% humidity. You do acclimate to it but you never actually get use to it- it sucks.

I get up around 5:45 AM to run so I have to set out clothes the night prior, God knows what I’d walk out the door wearing if I didn’t do that.


Love the growl face! Adorable! It can get very hot & humid in TN & I felt like I was melting during all of my runs this week. My husband & I are running a 7-mile trail race on Tues nite & it’s supposed to be in 90s! Hoping for a.pop-up shower about 30 min b4 start time!


This morning I did a 5k in 90% humidity… gross! Love Red Robin!!


My baby growled at that age too….but he grew out of it a month later. I just ran in the heat. I’m sooooo much slower!


Does anyone have any advice for running in humidity? We just moved to upstate NY with a half on Sept 22 and I can barely breathe! Any advice? I would love it! Thanks!


The growly face kills me!!! And I saw you had a great run on Instagram, not that I’m stalkerish or anything ;-)


If I am running early morning and am on a schedule, I definetly lay everything out the night before. Love being able to just put it on and run out the door!

Are you forced to run during the heat or humidity often? How hot? If I can’t get an early morning run done, then I hit the gym treadmill sometime later that day. I try to avoid the heat as much as possible.

Red Robin—> Ever been there? What do you order there? Yes! I was just thinking earlier that I wanted to go there tonight. Now seeing this post pretty much seals that idea! I always get the Bleu Ribbon burger, sub Boca patty. It’s like your burger, but with bleu cheese. So good!


OMG that picture of Brooke growling.. she just gets cuter and cuter!


I’ve never been to Red Robin but I can see that is now a MUST!
I don’t have to run in heat and humidity often but I have to admit….I love running in hot weather. Strange, I know. I love the way I feel after a hot sticky workout.
Grrrrr….owl! ;) too cute!


Love the growly face! I live in Dallas and even at 5:30 am it can be low 80s. This morning it was 7 miles for the week’s long run…working towards my first full marathon. It was tough in the temp and humidity–I swear I can walk faster. Always lay out my gear so I don’t need to think because if I DO think it’s along the lines of “let’s go back to bed”–too risky!


I didn’t run this morning, because I am racing a night trail run tonight! This is the 3rd time I’ve run it and it’s a great event. It’s going to be super hot…probably in the upper 80s and it’s humid here. We live in irrigation country that makes the humidity even worse. I’m drinking lots of water and nuun and sitting in the ac until then.


Treadmill on the deck… great idea! I really want to get a treadmill someday but need to find the right space for it. It would be so nice to run on a treadmill while my little guy is napping. It’s been too hot and humid to take him in the jogger lately; yes, it even gets hot and humid by the Canadian border?!

Do you have any treadmill brand recommendations?

For my Saturday run, I ran on my husband’s military post before he had to head off to duty. I usually don’t stay on post with him, but my son and I are here for family weekend. When everyone else is in their army get-up, I stick out like a sore thumb in civilian, brightly-colored running gear :s Well… guess I won’t get hit by any cars, that’s a plus!


this is completely random, but your hair looks super cute in that picture!!


I just biked and ran in the heat today- in Michigan! I survived- ice cubes in the sports bra!! It really helps! Nothing like running in Florida a few weeks ago in the upper 90’s!!!! And I didn’t have any ice with me…….


I’m running the Davis Moo-nlight 1/2 tonight (my first night race!) it’s supposed to be 85* at the start and 75* when I finish… Eek!


Brooke growling=my new fav picture. I try to avoid the heat and humidity but living in Florida that is pretty much impossible 8 months out of the year. This morning I was volunteering at a race then did a quick speed session at the track.


Thanks for capturing an adorable growling picture. Love it! I always love a day at home doing nothing after a few days of being out/busy all day!

This morning I ran with my training group. 5.5 miles. Tomorrow I’m “racing” a 15k super duper hilly trail race. So…I’m definitely not racing…more like hoping to finish :)

I only tend to set out my clothes the night before a race. Usually I at least think about what I want to wear the night before a run….

If it’s hot/humid I will just head to my treadmill. I don’t do well with humidity!

Love Red Robin’s veggie burgers….and I like getting those fried jalapenos on it. And I also love the seasoning for those bottomless fries. nom nom nom.


How hot was it for your run? Unfortunately, here in Texas heat is a factor all summer. I just returned from an all-day baseball tournament that my sons were in, so I didn’t get to run this morning. I’m about to head out for a run now, and its 102 degrees. I know, crazy. I think I’ll only go three miles.


Love Brooker’s growling face! Priceless!!


I went to Red Robin (my first time) about a week ago. I got the same burger, it was good. The fries were so exceptional. I probably won’t go back.

Brooke is adorable!


I love the little onion straws at Red Robin’s. I always look for burgers with those when I go out. They are definitely a must have burger topping.
I love Brooke’s growling face.


Yes, I run after I get home from work, so if it’s hot and humid, I just suffer through. :/


I ran today with my BFF. She asked me to start training her for a 5K! Sweetness!!!!
I love that picture of you and Brooke! You are so pretty!! :)


We actually ate at Red Robin this week while we were in Cali visiting our friends. We ate at the one in Anaheim, since we spent a few days at Disney. We drove from Houston, and got back at 4am this morning, so today is my rest day and tomorrow I will run. Living in Houston, it’s hot and humid all the time. You have to get up really early to beat the heat, or run inside on the treadmill. I split up half and half depending on my training for the week.


Where i live the humidity generally makes it feel about 15 degrees hotter then it is. From about May to October. And it’s usually 90-100 plus…. You kind of get used to it i guess. Though when it’s cold out I’m beside myself on what to wear/how to run, so that’s the other side i suppose. Today’s run ended up being 2 miles shorter then i had wanted, but waaayyy faster then i planned/expected. It felt really good! I had to go straight to work after, and was running late, and trying to rush their, when i realized i couldn’t walk fast at all cause my legs felt like lead. Now after working all day my legs feel CRAZY sore a tired. Good thing tomorrow is a rest (and beach!) day. LOVE the growl picture!


First off, that picture of growling Brooke is so dang cute!! I don’t have to run in heat/humidity (SF is pretty much always coolish). I like to lay my running gear out the night before too. I am still on a little running break until my calf and hammy are happy again (getting very anxious to start again!!! grr).

PS- dang girlfriend, you should quit running and be a hair model with a head of hair like that!!! ;-)


Ran a 5k this morning with my sister! It was super fun, she never runs, so I was really proud of her for getting out there. :) Sometimes I set out my running gear, but mostly not. I like to decide what to wear after looking out the window. Considering I live in Alaska, I don’t often have to deal with the heat. ;) However, I am a weeny, and when it is 70+ degrees out I melt. So usually it’s just a short run at those temps, or I run early in the day. :) I am definitely all for the bacon guacamole burger at Reds!!! And garlic fries are the bomb. Just ask. ;)


Love reading your posts Janae! Always brings positivity and a smile to my day :)


i did the moonlight half marathon in davis yesterday and the temp at start was 91. It SUCKED. the worst physical performance to date :(


Brooke’s growling face is the cutest! Have been reading your blog for a bit now, love it!


What is your Saturday morning run? Anyone racing this weekend?
-14 mile trail run.

Do you set out your running gear the night before you run or just get it all together in the morning?
-Sometimes…depends on my work schedule.

Are you forced to run during the heat or humidity often? How hot?
-YES! I’m on the east coast and it’s always hot and sticky here. It’s been about 80-90 all summer with rare 70 degree days. Most days are anywhere between 70-90% humidity.

Red Robin—> Ever been there? What do you order there?
-LOVE THAT PLACE. I order something new every time. Love their burgers and freckled lemonades (I’m a freckled lady so it’s a must!)


If I want to run outside, I will definitely be in the heat and humidity here. The weather people were all giving warnings about it today, so I bet my run is going to be so much fun.

I don’t usually set out my running clothes the night before unless it’s for a race.

I ran 10 on Saturday.


Love that little growling face!


Haha the growling face is great!

The bottomless fries seems dangerous!!


The iPad + iPhone + Baby Monitor combo is quite excellent.

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