You may have gone too far with this one.

Can I tell you about the best part of my day yesterday?  It was from 2:11-2:22 p.m.  

When Brooke is awake, she is moving.  She is crawling, climbing, gymnasticing, rolling… you name it, she is moving.  Yesterday after her nap I brought her in the living room and laid down with her like I always do and she usually rolls off of me asap to attack the basket of toys.  Yesterday she did not.  She just laid there and cuddled me.  It was magical.  Please cross your fingers for me that this is a new thing that she does after every nap.  

Photo 3

(She may not look very happy about it but I promise she was)

Each week Billy’s work does something really fun together (did I mention they took him to the Whole Foods salad bar yesterday for lunch?).  Last week they took a cooking class together (that is where this Chef Bill apron came from) and this week they did archery.   Bangs Friend invited me and Brooke over for dinner since Billy was going to be gone but then her husband had something come up so it was just the three of us.  

Four words for you:  Girls Night Party Central.

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We decided to go to a place that we are obsessed with but it is a place that our husbands don’t really love:  Chipotle.  Don’t even get me started on the topic of why Billy doesn’t like Chipotle.  It has caused many problems in our marriage.  

I got my usual veggie burrito bowl.  I like to get the veggie one because it comes with the two cups of guacamole.

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And then we asked for tortillas the size of Katie and they were amazing.

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Literally across the street from Chipotle is froyo.  We didn’t even have to say anything about going there.  We both just assumed we would go there after dinner.  

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I had a Golden Oreo in mine which reminded me about a picture my good friend sent to me.  


I think you may have gone too far with this one.  I won’t be able to say that for sure until I try it and odds are that I will probably end up loving it because the main ingredient is sugar but still it seems kind of weird.

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Happy Friday!!! Please tell me something random about yourself/your day/your life/your dog/your run!!!!  Also…. do you think you would like the Watermelon Oreos or not?

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Girl! My husband doesn’t like Chipotle either and I think he is just crazy!!! Him and Billy should be friends then.

Don’t you love that little snuggle after nap time? I soak it in when I can get it. It’s not too often but often enough to realize I need to savor each second. Happy Friday!


The watermelon oreo sounds really weird. I’d definitely be willing to try it, though.

Something random: Yesterday, I was running with my dog when a giant branch fell out of a tree about two inches from my face. It freaked me out.


I am so jealous. Gentry won’t cuddle EVER! Unless I give her tranquilizers ;) Watermelon oreos… no thanks. I can’t even stand watermelon half the time!
Random about my dog- he MUST also be touching someone. If you’re sitting down he must come over and sit his butt on you. Endearing, yet annoying!


Finally another soul that doesn’t like watermelon!


I’m going to ignore that you two don’t like watermelon. But only because I love you both too much.


Watermelon golden oreos. I don’t know how I feel about that one. I prefer to stick to the traditional kind. Billy’s internship seriously sounds awesome. Fancy (or whole foods) lunches, fun activities, seriously I need to find myself one of those!


watermelon oreos!? weird… doesn’t sound appealing to me. happy friday!! it’s moving day for me- moving into the great city of baltimore :) wish me luck!


You’re lucky she cuddled for a few minutes!!! I don’t think I would like watermelon Oreos. Regular is where it’s at!


Eew. Watermelon oreos sound pretty awful. Original oreos are the best. Don’t mess with the best!


The veggie burrito bowl is definitely the way to go! It’s cheaper on its own AND you get free guac…such a good deal.


Oh man, the only kind of oreos I like are the normal, or double stuffed ones. I love watermelon but watermelon oreos sound fairly terrible!!
I have never been to Chipotle, it looks great though and there is one within striking distance so I’ll have to check it out!


Yeahhhh I’m not sure about watermelon Oreos. I love watermelon and Oreos, but I think I’d prefer to keep them separate. And tell Billy it’s not fair of him not to like Chipotle when there are some of us (Canadians) who would kill to be able to eat it on a more regular basis!


That is surely and odd Oreo flavor, I tried the birthday cake one yesterday, that was prettttty delicious. The Chipotle by my apartment has a froyo next door! I think they do it on purpose…


eh I don’t think oreos should be fruity..
I’m leaving today for my race tomorrow so excited :)


I think I’ll stick with the traditional and golden Oreos, double stuffed please! Hope the cuddling continues. My 13 m/o is a major squirmer, and I love it when she wants to cuddle with me.


Oh nasty I vote NO on watermelon oreos! I love regular Oreos, and I love watermelon…but together? Pass. Random: I got an A- in archery in high school for “not trying hard enough”. I am sorry, Mr. Gym Teacher, that I had scrawny HS runner arms that could barely pull back the string. But I swear I was trying!


Not a huge fan of Oreos in general but those don’t spike my interest at all.

Something random: long before I was ever a runner (or into fitness) I was a singer – classical/musical theater & jazz.


I’m a purist. I don’t really like the funky flavored Oreos. Give me the originals and I will be happy.


Oh I absolutely love Chipotle. My new apartment has one right next door. My husband says we will eat there everyday. Watermelon Oreos sound gross but I try just about everything. So I say it I worth a shot :)


I’m pretty sure that I could probably go for the watermelon oreo….I mean it’s an oreo, so how could that be wrong? Chipotle and Froyo sounds like my kind of night!!


Have you seen the watermelon cake going around Pinterest. I saw it and thought of you!


Something random: My dog almost got us into a fight with a coyote this morning. My speech teacher in high school was born with gills. I’m serious, they were removed and she still had the scars. It was always a topic of discussion on the first day of class!

I don’t think I’d like the watermelon oreo’s just for the fact that the cookie isn’t chocolate….I don’t think I can handle it.


I don’t think I would like the Oreo’s, I’ve never been much of a fan of artificial watermelon flavor. My boyfriends doesn’t love Chipotle as much as I do, it has caused many problems in our relationship too.

Random: I’m going to a Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow. It’s a fundraiser for a local breast cancer survivor network.


Those Oreos sound really weird! That is totally precious what Brooke did! Today my husband and I are running, laying by the pool and going to work later! All together and I am pumped to hangout all day!


In my limited (ie, I have never been a mom) experience, active baby quietly cuddling usually means teething!


Oh, I loved those days when my toddler boys would snuggle with me. And then the kissing –> OMGosh, wait till she holds your face and kisses you all over. That will make your heart flutter! You are a great Mom! ;-)


I looooooove Chipotle so incredibly much and I think I’d cry my eyes out of my husband did not! It’s my favorite fast food.

Love that B.’s work has so many fun activities. I am going to talk to my boss about this. LOL


Watermelon Oreos – seeing as you love watermelon, I’m going to take a punt and say that they would be great. Me, I’m not so keen on watermelon BUT I’m willing to make an exception as I love the Golden Oreos and Oreos don’t have a bad flavour that I have tried. My favourite are the sprinkles ones (not sure if that’s what you call them in the US – I am from Aus)!


Ran on a paved trail yesterday. It as so since to not have to deal with cars and traffic lights.
I definitely don’t think I would eat the watermelon Oreo’s. I do however LOVE the peanut butter ones those…..yummy!
We are Chipotle fanatics in this house. Whenever we move to a new location, the hubs always checks to see if there will be one there.


Ok, I am a long time blog reader and I’ve never commented but WATERMELON Oreos??? I think you need to do a taste test in your watermelon outfit!


I do think we need to see that!


1. It will be a miracle if we don’t eat Chipotle at some point today after reading this. Luckily, my hubby loves it as much as I do…or at least close.

2. Baby cuddles are the best! Especially because they are so elusive once the babies are on the go.

3. We found some baby bunnies hanging out in our strawberry patch last night…my daughter is in love.

4. I am pretty skeptical about the watermelon oreos…


Billy’s internship seems fun and annoying at the same time. We do after-hour work events sometimes (not once a week, more like five times a year) that include baseball games, cookouts, hikes, etc. but it is always fun but not fun at the same time. I spend so much time at work each week and I get a bit annoyed when we have to spend evenings with work people or weekends with work people. I’d like to spend time with just my family in the few hours I have free from the office. And I like everyone I work with – we are all friendly and text message, etc. Still…I need my time away from work too.

I don’t like Chipotle either. My husband is obsessed and wants to go all the time but I just find it ok. The meat is sometimes weird and it’s pricey when you just get veggies. Gina from SkinnyTaste has recipes that taste just like Chipotle (like the cilantro-lime rice and carnitas) and I find that to be a better deal.

I do NOT think I’d like watermelon oreos. Gross. I only like the mint oreos though – and not the double stuffed ones. I just like normal stuffed mint oreos.


Kattrina: I just wanted to say I couldn’t agree more. I like most of my colleagues but I spend ALL day EVERY day with them. I really don’t need to see them after work. If it is just a happy hour and I can chat with some friends for a bit and leave, that’s one thing…but when it is a dinner where I have to be there for hours–I am not happy about that.


I am not sure I would be a fan. I like the plain old Oreos the best!
That is so cute that Brooke cuddles like that :)


OK, so those oreos look interesting. Did she just photoshop that pic? I think I may have to run out and see if I can find those and try one.
Random thought: I have a half day at work today. Yay!


When I was in yoga teacher training, I used to get annoyed with a friend who talked always about her experiences working with vets who returned and were living with TBIs. I put aside my annoyance, but I wondered about her teachings.

Then I met my future husband. He was living with a TBI and had served for 13 years in the Army. It all made sense.

What my friend shared in yoga teacher training was so beneficial.


I’m running a 10 mile race tomorrow morning! I’ve been registered for it the past 3 years and have always had to sit out due to injury…so I’m super excited!

My dog Molly goes into my daughter’s room a few times a night to check on her…it is so adorable.

Watermelon is one of those things that I really like the real thing, but I don’t like watermelon flavored things. Speaking of oreos though, the birthday cake oreos were pretty good.


Random…I ran a 5k yesterday and afterwards they were serving ice cream. I must have been delirious from the run, because I was in line for a good 5 minutes until I realized I was standing behind the servers!!! I swallowed my pride and still walked around the table to stand in the long line!


Haha! This made me laugh out loud! That is so fun that they were serving icecream, though!


Glad I gave you a laugh:)! Love the fun blog name!


watermelon oreo sounds weird. the BEST oreo is at christmas when they make the white-chocolate covered ones.


I am not a “grab the oreos” kind of girl. The only time I eat them is when they’re in my favorite frozen dessert ;) The watermelon idea freaks me out regardless though. They really shouldn’t try to ruin one of the best fruits ever.


I’d be willing to give the watermelon oreos a try! :)


Something random about the day… I will be going to SF after my trail run today and volunteering at the pacer booth (for the SFM). Then Lululemon is going to fit an outfit for us!


I think watermelon oreo’s sound really gross. I wouldn’t even want to try it. By the way I love your watermelon running outfit though! so cute!


watermelon oreo!?!? not sure how I feel about that one. And where does billy work because I want to work there! Haha.


I placed in my age division in a race for the first time EVER and my plaque came in the mail last night. It was extremely exciting!

Just say No! to watermelon oreos. Ick.


I love Chipotle. Someone on IG posted a pic of their salad the other day and I have not been able to forget about it and I doubt I will until I get some in my mouth!

That pic of your and Brooke is precious. I will hope and pray that she continues to cuddle with you. I love cuddle time :)

I honestly could not be more disappointed in myself that I did not even KNOW about these oreos and that I wasn’t the one who sent you that picture. I have failed as a person and as your friend. I will make it up to you by seeking them out and eating a whole row. I am pretty unselfish like that.


I set 4 alarms back to back this morning to make sure I would get up for my run! Is this normal?! Haha. But it worked so I guess it’s ok!


Ick – not sure the watermelon Oreo’s would be my thing! I think I’ll stick to the original or double stuffed ones!

Absolutely adorable photo of you and little Brooke! Isn’t snuggling the best?! It’s my favorite part of the day when I get to snuggle with Hunter.


you are killing me with all this mexican food talk! I think I must get Chipotle tonight! Um I love watermelon and all but watermelon oreos, sounds interesting!


*Crossing fingers* I’m not sure I would like that Oreo, but I feel like I NEED to try it lol something random….I can fit into kid size shoes :D


I bet it’s just coloring for the watermelon oreo, kind of like how during Halloween they have the orange ones. But if you need someone to try them out for you, I’ll make the sacrifice ;)
I have my 4th half tomorrow! Yee! Hoping for a PR!


Nooo! Those watermelon Oreos are a joke! Right?! I did a Google search and didn’t find anything. Seriously, now! Did she really find those or is that a joke?! ;) Cuz I’m kind of torn between ‘that’s disgusting’ to ‘hmmm…..maybe……I might wanna try that….’.


I so want to try the watermelon oreos! Those sound awesome. I love it when my little boy still wants to lay on me and cuddle and he’s almost 5! I hope she continues to do this with you :)


I feel the same way about when Luke wants to snuggle for a few minutes before or after nap time. . .he hardly ever wants to do that these days (he’s 14 months old) so I just love it when he does!! And my husband doesn’t really love Chipotle either. .. I mean, he’ll eat there because he loves me, but. . . ;)


I don’t understand how people don’t like Chipotle. It’s like…food straight from heaven. Or something. And I feel you on dessert–whenever my sister and I go out to eat, it’s assumed that we’re either getting froyo or ice cream afterwards!…even if we had dessert at the restaurant.


Uh oh… I just read an article about how unhealthy frozen yogurt is for you… just stay away from the article :)

Watermelon Oreo’s? that sounds horrible…


Ah yes! My peanut is 9 months old and she cuddled with me the other day and it was PRICELESS. Certainly makes me miss those little baby moments!

And those Oreo’s. I have no words. Like you, I won’t judge until I try them. But I don’t know Oreo! Maybe too far!


I really want to try those Oreos! They also make mint ones, or did– do they still exist? I live abroad and they don’t sell them here (sad face).

Random story about my run yesterday: I found a stray dog and attempted to “rescue” him, thinking I would be the Animal Hero of the Day, but he tried to bite me and then ran away, so that was the end of that.


I like oreo’s and I like watermelon but I don’t think the two go together


Ewww watermelon Oreos?!? That is pretty gross sounding

Oh lookie, another picture of Chipotle salad….you people are killing me with hungry pains induced by delish pictures of yum yums.


Watermelon Oreos! The colours are all wrong, I love the classic Oreo too much to ever purchase these little cookie mutants. But I wouldn’t say no to trying one ;)


Ummm not sure about Watermelon oreos but back in the fall, I found the football shaped Oreos and they were AH-MAZING. I don’t know if the cookie to icing ratio was different or what, but I swear they tasted better. It’s too bad I was only able to find them in one store in my hometown and therefore only had one bag. Hoping they come back this fall.


I can handle pretty much any variety of oreo, but I think I would struggle with watermelon…watermelon and cookie just don’t mix, in my opinion.


Random: When I get home from work each day, I look into our beagle jacks eyes, pet him behind the ears and sing I love you, I honestly love you….by Olivia Newton John,


That is my favorite thing after my sons nap, I always try and get as many snuggles as I can. Sometimes I even go get him at night and just snuggle him while he sleeps:)


I don’t care for chiptole. I’m a MOES kind of girl!!
Something random – i’m addicted to tattoos. I currently have 8 and want about 15 more. Awwww I hope Brooke continues to cuddle with you each day! So precious!
Billy job seems so cool!!


As weird as these Oreos sound like, I HAVE TO try them ASAP!!!


Eek, I don’t like mixing fruit flavors and cookies – except raisins and craisins :) seriously, I will do whatever it takes to get a job with all the perks like Billy’s!


I thought of you after reading this, it’s a long read but worth it :)


Sometimes Oreos gets a little carried away!! (Have you seen the sherbert flavored ones?! Ewwwww!)

Random Fact: I just got an Exersaucer for my son, he can’t use it until he hits 4 months but I am SO EXCITED. I am probably more excited about it than he is.


I put my little guy in it at 3 months, with some books under it for him to reach – he loved it!


Watermelon oreo? Oh my word, that’s crazy!! :)

Cuddly babies are the best. I get to go visit my friend and her 8 month old later today and I’m super excited… although I miss the days when he was cuddly. Now he just wants to be all independent and stuff. What’s up with that?!


I don’t like watermelon so a watermelon oreo doesn’t sound good to me at all. I’ll sick with the double stuffed chocolate kind.
I get MAJOR food jealousy with my bf. We live over an hr away from chipotle and he works right across the street. I STILL haven’t been there!! He gets to eat there once a week.


Whoa. I’ve never seen the watermelon oreo. it kind looks freaky. . . . though, if someone had some, I’d try one.

I get to run my first mile [after a month and half] this weekend! If it feels good I can do 1.5 the following day. So excited!!! Jungle Run 1/2, here I come!


I love watermelon and Oreos but don’t think I’d like them combined. I actually never like watermelon lip glosses or juices, scented creams etc. It’s a wonderful fruit, they should leave it at that.


Hmmm I’m not too sure about those watermelon oreos there…. Kiiind of weird. But I do love oreos AND I love watermelon, so who knows?! haha Today I am going to go for a fun run with my husband!! :) I’m excited. Best Friday ever? I think so!



Oddly enough, I think I would like the watermelon Oreos… I love the fake fruit flavor just as much as the real thing :) Today is my husband and I’s 2 yr 7 month wedding anniversary- yes, I am corny like that- so I look forward to spending time with him AND this weekend is one of my good friends wedding so I am looking forward to that as well :)


I love Yogurtland froyo (clearly, since I recognized the cups)! And just last night I ran an evening 5k and celebrated with frozen yogurt, yum. Watermelon Oreos…not so sure about those.


You are the second person to mention Chipotle today and I am incredibly jealous. I might drive the 40 minutes to the nearest Chipotle to get some. Don’t worry, soon enough, Chipotle will be open down the street from me and I will move in behind the counter and it will be magical!

I don’t think I would like the watermelon oreos because I don’t like the regular golden Oreos.


My dogs have gone in to summer mode meaning they sleep all day and are only active early in the morning and in the evenings.
The Kidless Kronicles


That’s EXACTLY how I eat my Chipotle! My husband hated Chipotle at first, but now he loves it. Figures. :)


For some reason – probably the sugar – I bet they are delicious even though that sounds absolutely disgusting.

Elmo got a bug bite on his tail and now has to wear a cone on his head so he stops biting at it. He keeps running into walls and things and is now afraid to move because he ends up hitting something. I laugh but I swear I feel terrible.


Let’s see the 2 most random things about me are that I love old school rap & I’m training for my first half marathon & my main motivation is so I can put that 13.1 sticker on my car. I do not think I’d like watermelon Oreo’s. In fact I’m about 99.999% sure I would hate them. We have Izzo’s where I live (Baton Rouge) & just recently got Chipotle. I was soooo disappointed in Chipotle after hearing such awesom things about it. It was good but it’s not Izzo’s. Have a great weekend!


The photo of you and Brooke cuddling is adorable!
I know I haven’t met Bill(y) but he always seems like a nice guy, but to not like Chipotle?? What is that about??
Our weekend agenda is always a trip to Chipotle for lunch followed by a giant bowl of froyo. My 2 favorite things.


Something random……I finish law school (at 46 yrs old) in December; at 12 and 10 yrs old, my kiddos still love to snuggle. I even get hugs and an “I love you mom'” when I drop them off at school.


NO. Watermelon oreos? Disgusting. But if you ever get to the East Coast in the Summer. Go to a Friendlys Restaurant and have their watermelon sherbert log. OMG so good I want to book a flight right now….


If my hubby didn’t like Chipotle, we’d be in trouble. We go there for dinner when I don’t feel like cooking…like once a week! haha
The Oreos just look wrong :(


So sorry that your husband doesn’t like Chipotle! My husband told me that the one regret he has from our wedding day is that he didn’t add to our vows, “I promise to always bring you back Chipotle every time I go”, for both of us to say! We love it that much! Oh, and watermelon Oreos? No, thanks.


K I seriously think Brooke and my daughter are personality twins. She’s also ALWAYS moving (I call her Kamikaze cuz she likes to hurl herself off things), but the last few days I’ve gotten in a solid 3 minutes of cuddling too, and it’s changed my life. It gives me hope that one day she’ll be affectionate (but I’m not banking on it)!


I want to love Chipotle so much, but I just can’t. I got sick the last time we went there and now it makes my stomach turn when I think about it. Sad :(

I’m not sure about watermelon Oreo’s. I love watermelon and I love Oreo’s but I’m not so sure that I’d love them together..


I used to not like Chipotle. Every time I went there something would go wrong. For example, one time I went and got a salad and they didn’t have any dressing. So the girl said they would make more and then when they gave it to me it was hot and wilted all the lettuce :/ Yucky. It is my boyfriend’s favorite place so this caused strain on our relationship.. But then I tried the barbacoa tacos and now we can go there.

Not sure about Watermelon oreos.. I’d try it if someone else bought them but I don’t want to buy a box.

Something random, I’m finally getting my hair cut today after 6 months! LOL


That is so weird, my husband doesn’t like Chipotle either!! (Although I will say I don’t like the fact that they don’t give you free chips and salsa:)

About to do a treadmill run,goal: 5 miles

Random: superman movie tonight! We are so cool.


I hope to find those watermelon oreos, I would love to try them. The Berry ones are my favorite!


You know.. I’m just not a big Oreo fan. I can tolerate them in ice cream, but the cookie itself isn’t my favorite, but MAYBE the watermelon flavor would good in a blizzard!? :)

Random: My girl friends & I are running the Color Run in Chicago on Sunday! SOOOO EXCITED! :)

Random about my dog: His birthday is June 24th! He will be 2 and I plan to make him homemade doggy treats with a side of cheese cubes (his favorite). I never knew how much you could love an animal until we got him, but he’s my baby (likes to be held like a baby, rocked to sleep, lays his head on my neck like a baby, etc.)!


Watermelon flavored Oreos? I think that’s a little weird.

My random news is I got a J-O-B! I’m very excited and start on 6/24. More money for race fees :D


EWWWW I think the watermelon oreos have in fact gone too far.

Something random is that I am so happy to be running again after a month of taking off! Best of all NO PAIN ANYWHERE! I am determined to be very disciplined to only up my mileage by 10% each week so I have no more setbacks and can sign up for my first half marathon!


interesting website about food. this link should take you to the one about frozen yogurt.


you’ll have to scroll down to see the yogurt article.


That Brooke is so cute! I’m waiting for the day that my little girl lets me cuddle her while she’s awake. I usually only get the chance after she falls asleep.

Watermelon Oreos sound like a mistake. Double Stuf Oreos are the best and the only store-bought cookies I’ll eat.

Random (and disturbing): I found 2 wolf spiders and 2 scorpions in my baby girl’s room this morning! I’ll be vacuuming every square inch of house for the rest of the summer. Hubby will be hunting scorpions with a black light every night too.


took my hubby for his 1st Chipotle experience on the weekend (we live in Canada – and we don’t have that restaurant here)…he LOVED it


this is so sweet!


I can get behind most Oreo flavors but when they try to make it a crazy fruit that isn’t normally associated with cream (strawberry, blueberry, etc.)… I just don’t know, haha.


Oh, I love that cuddle time!

Please don’t hate me, but I don’t like watermelons so I’m sure I wouldn’t like those Oreos. Hopefully, I can make it up to you by saying I’m absolutely nutzoid about Chipotle!


Snuggle time with your little one is the BEST! I love Chipotle-is Billy crazy? I’m not sure about those watermelon Oreos. I doubt I buy them but if someone offers one to me I’ll try it! Random thing-sometimes I like the real food but not the flavor, like I love bananas but can’t stand banana flavored anything-same with watermelon. And I love tomatoes but don’t even put a stewed tomato in anything I’m about to eat-I’m so weird. :)


Watermelon Oreo…gag!


1. I get the vegetarian burrito bowl for the same reason. :)
2. They had golden Oreos as a frozen yogurt topping?!?! I am so jealous!


I haven’t seen those Oreo’s yet but I”m guessing that’s a little overboard!


I know you’ll probably think I’m crazy, but I don’t really even like the original oreos, so I’m pretty sure I’ll steer clear of these :)

Today was a rest day for me today, so I just enjoyed a couple of short easy walks with our puppy!


I am currently obsessed with Chipotle. Tonight was our third trip there this week.


Watermelon oreo sounds AWFUL! It really just upsets me in general that they would try to change a perfect thing. The classic chocolate Oreo is the BEST. However, double stuff is also delicious.


watermelon oreos remind me of candy corn ones they came out with around halloween.


I think I need to at least try a watermelon oreo….sounds odd!!!! haha


The guac thing is my exact train of thought at Chipotle, always. How’d the watermelon Oreos go? :/

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