Monday in roughly 35 pictures.

We sure have a lot to catch up on.  Get ready for all of Monday in roughly 35 pictures.


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My legs were still pretty tired from Saturday’s workout but somehow I managed to do the above run (probably because I am not awake during my runs and I don’t even realize what I am doing until I wake up during the last mile).

7:58, 7:15, 7:09, 7:02, 7:00 and last .5 @ 6:21 pace.  Strides 1-6 and 10 felt strong.  I thought I was going to die during strides 7-9.  I think I actually may have a little.  Total of 8.6 miles.

We hurried and finished packing, got ready, went to a meeting and then hit the road for Southern California.

How Brooke entertained herself for 6.5 hours in the car:

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Seriously.  Baby genius.  (Instagram—->  Hungryrunnergirl)

She was just a little excited to see Charlie and has been following him around since we got here.

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Before I left in the morning my MIL texted me a list of all of my favorite restaurants down here and told me to choose one.

Wahoo’s Fish Tacos for the win.

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 Appetizers of course.

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And MY fish salad.  It is the Wahoo Salad with cajun grilled fish and added banzai veggies.  I just really don’t have any words to explain it.  

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Brooke has her eye on the prize.  My bro-in-law was also with us for the best meal of our life… he goes away to college THIS WEEK!!

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After dinner we went for a walk and then I went to bed at my normal ‘when the sun is still setting’ time.

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Married people: Where do your in-laws live?  How often do you see them?

How do you track your workouts?  Write them down?  Track them online?  You don’t?

People with dogs:  How often do you walk your dog(s)?

Can anyone solve the Rubik’s Cube?

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Glad you made it!!! My in laws live right down the street so we see them multiple times a week. It’s nice to have free child care :-) have a great day!


I still desperately need to try yogurt land. They just put one in Boston so I’m in luck. I use daily mile to track my workouts and that seems to work pretty well for me. I just do it when I get home from running.


I have been hearing such awesome things about yogurt land from everybody out west and I was just about to complain that there’s not one in boston until I read pickyrunner’s comment just now that we do have one up here! woohoo! yogurt land here i come!


My in-laws live four miles down the road (so do my parents, actually). We see them pretty regularly.

I track my workouts on Daily Mile for the most part.

Bungee usually runs with me about 12-20 miles per week. We take her hiking on weekends or on walks if she seems to have extra energy.


I used to walk my dog every day when I still lived at home, but after moving out and having to leave my her behind, now I only get to take her out about once or twice a week. I felt bad for taking her away from a house with a yard to coop her up in a condo all day, though.


My entire family (and in-laws) are in town. it’s so nice! I have to walk my dog every single day or else he eats everything in the trashcan!


Brooke is a genius! I can’t solve the cube.

I walk my dog at least once in the morning and 1-2x after work. I also try to come home at lunch for a walk if I have time.


My MIL lives in Corpus Christi and we visit during Christmas holidays. I write down all my workouts in a running journal.


I run or walk my dog everyday- Pointers need their exercise!! I can solve a Rubik’s cube! I memorized a formula for it a long time ago- you can google how to solve one!


I track all my workouts on training peaks but really my garmin gets all of my running down which is 90% of what I do.

My dogs get ‘walked’ at least twice a day. In the morning, we run with them for a few miles and then we’ll walk them when we get home and sometimes again before dinner. As they’re so well behaved, we take them out front and let them wander the yard sans leash. The neighbors are cool with it.

PS: I’m having a giveaway on my blog through Sunday!


I’m not married, but my boyfriend’s parents live just a couple miles away from us. It’s really convenient. I add all my workouts to my google calendar. It’s easy to go back and check what I did when, and I can plan workouts in advance. For some reason once they’re written down I’m more likely to follow through.


My in laws live in Tulsa we see them about 4 times a year. My pug, Samson gets walked everyday as long as the weather is nice. And I track my workouts on an ap on my ipad called runners log. In high school I solved the cube but I can’t remember how anymore :(


I don’t think I have ever solved the cube without taking off the stickers and rearranging them. I know, I cheat. Brooke is a total genius. I never track my runs but really think I should so that I have an idea what I am do/if I am progressing.


Trying to solve the Rubik’s Cube is a good way to drive me absolutely insane. I’m horrible at those types of puzzles! I usually don’t keep track of my workouts unless I’m training for a specific race. When I start my fall marathon training, I’ll print out a plan and keep notes on each workout. My in-laws & parents live about 4.5 hours away, so we don’t see them as often as we’d like. It would be nice to have family closer. No free babysitting for us. : (


My In-Laws live about 15 mins away and my parents 45 mins. We see them both pretty much every week. I’ve never been able to solve a Rubix cube….I don’t have enough patience haha I wish I ate as much frozen yogurt as you… all looks soooo gooood!


Your in-laws must love having you and Brooke! My in-laws live about five minutes away, so we see them often!
I walk my dog twice a day, a short one before work and then a long one in the evening. Without them he’d be bouncing off the walls! The walks are also my favourite part of the day!


My in-law’s live about 15 minutes away which is very nice!
I keep track of all my workouts on my blog.
My son was obsessed with the Rubik’s cube a few years ago. I told him that I would give him $100 if he solved it, but he never did. He did give it to a waiter at a restaurant once who solved it fast!


I track my workouts online but I am not as consistent as I should be! I have tried a couple different logs but so far I like the mapmyrun one the best. It lets you add interval splits and everything.

Rodgy (my dog) gets a walk every day that we don’t go to the park, unless it is super hot. Or pouring rain. He is a little wimpy when it comes to rain.


My in-laws live about an hour and a half away. We see them pretty regularly as well as my mom who lives about 3 hours away. They love to see the kids on a regular basis.

I don’t track my miles as well as I should but I really like the garmin connect because it gives you a lot of info when you upload your runs.

Our poor dogs don’t get much “walk” time in. Our oldest can’t make it but a few minutes without getting tired and our other dog is sweet but really hard to manage. They go in and out all day since we have a fenced yard. Plus in the summer here it is way too hot for anyone to be outside.

Never have been able to solve the Rubik’s cube but I’ve never really tried either.


Brooke is sooo cute! My in-laws live in the same town as my parents, so it really works out well!! I track my workouts online! Dailymile is the best!


I love how intent Brooke is staring at those cups of froyo! That’s exactly how I look just before I dig in :)
My husband and I live in Wisconsin, but my MIL is in Ohio and my FIL and his wife are in Switzerland. Needless to say, an impromptu trip to visit them is not possible. We normally go there every summer, but with our first baby set to arrive any day now, traveling overseas with a newborn wasn’t in the books.
Enjoy your time with your family!


My in-laws live at the base of Mt. Rainier in the same town where this year’s USAT short and long course duathlon national championship was held. We happened to visit them that weekend, and it was a gorgeous course!

We visit them about once a year, and they visit us probably twice as much. Though, soon, it’ll all be changing which means more different mountain running for me!


I never run with dogs but I run with babies all the time!
Your Brother in law looks so much like your husband.
My future in laws live right down the road but they are moving 3 hours away next month and we are moving into their old house. Not sure what I’m going to do without them!
I always hand write down my runs. I’m not sure why but I like an old school notebook.


That salad looks incredible! (food envy!)
We just moved to Germany (closer to my parents), so now we will probably see my in-laws once in the next year. Before that, the longest stretch I hadn’t seen my parents (or Nick his in-laws) was just over 3.5 years.
We do have a dog and I take her out 3-6 times a day. She is my favorite running buddy and I’d like to think that I am her favorite walk-me-to-the-park buddy.
Tracking my workouts with apps (map my run and runners log).


Right now my in laws are an 11 hour car drive away but we’re moving this summer and will be living 1 hour away. Big change! I write my workouts on my calendar and then write my monthly totals, yearly totals, and race times in a notebook.


My in laws live in South Dakota which is incredibly difficult to get to so we only see them about once year. I wish it was more for my husbands stake but right now it’s just too expensive.


They both live within 30 minutes of us, so we see them probably every 4-6 weeks most times of the year, except when my father-in-law goes to AZ for the winter.
I only track which days I will work out, and what I will do but not the exact workout. I write it on my calendar on my fridge.
I have never tried to solve one!


I hope when I get married I have a great relationship with my IL’s. Seems like you have such an amazing one! I don’t know if it’s just your pictures or everywhere you eat the food presentation is always so amazing lol.


Mine live about half an hour away, and were so lovely and came to watch our 55mile bike race in the pouring rain this weekend!


Both my parents and my in-laws live about 15 mins. from us, so we see them often! It’s great!

I have a running log that I write my workouts in…basically just to keep track of mileage cause I like to know how far I’ve gone every year. :)


I track my workouts in my head or on because I’m trying to get rid of the 5 lbs I put on. Oops. I usually use MyFitnessPal when I’m not trying to lose weight, too, as a way to track workouts. Since I’m not training for anything, though, I don’t feel the need to write down anything in a spreadsheet or anything of that matter!

My dog lives at home with my parents and when it’s nice out, I walk him when I’m there. My sister walks him every day with his girlfriend dog (our neighbor’s dog). It’s a sight to see because he’s a dachshund and she’s a hound dog, so she’s much bigger than he is, but they love each other and it’s so cute.


That pic of Brooke going for the frozen yogurt is hilarious, she definitely takes after you! haha

I write my workouts down on a calendar and highlight them in pink highlighter, then I know that if my week doesn’t have much colour to it that I need to lace up my shoes and work out. Have a great time with the fam!


What is a stride workout?? I could google it but I’m taking the lazy way out.


What sweet in-laws! We are blessed. Mine are just as sweet and live 2 hours away. I hardly ever see them, though. I track my workouts in an app. I used to keep them in my planner. It’s fun to read those past entries! I had fun symbols for how I felt after the workout.


Glad you got there safely! My in-laws live in AZ where my parents do, so we see them every few months when we go down there. I just love them – best in-laws ever. Have fun!!


We walk our dog twice a day…she’s an active little one. The worst days are when it’s raining outside…she hates having her paws wet in any capacity, and will refuse to go outside, and therefore bouncing off the walls because she has a ton of pent-up energy.


Haha aww, baby genius with the rubric cube! I’ll have to give one to my 10 month old– anything to keep them busy! ;0


Dude. Your work outs have been LEGIT. You are smashing them left and right. Amazing.

I don’t track my work outs, write them down or anything. I have a very Type A personality, so this confuses me. I never have though. I have been thinking more and more that I should, but we will see if I just keep my lazy ways and run how I feel for how long I want on any given day. Ha! Aaaaand that is why I will never be as fast as you ;)

I love that your trips revolve around food choices. This is why we are friends. Priorities. I hope you have fun while in SoCal. I love the pic of Brooke seeing Charlie. Too cute. My kids and husband keep begging for a dog. I LOVE dogs, but I am not sure I want one right now. It is like having another child. And right now I want another child. lol.

My in-laws live about 1hr and 20 min away. And about 4 miles from my parents. However, we see my family more often (they invite us to stuff more) and we see my in laws probably 1 or 2x a month.


I’ve been tracking my runs on for a few years now. Just a few weeks ago, I really got into blog reading and started my own so that my friends and family could follow my training since none of them are on the site.


Both sets of parents live about 20 minutes away from us. Our boys get to see their grandparents at least once a week!

For tracking workouts, I started this year on the I was downloading to Garmin connect, but I rarely have time for that, so I just plug in the basics into dailymile and move on. Love all the info I would get when downloading to garmin, though!


My dogs are spoiled, they get walks at least twice a day. My in-laws live over 3 hours away and we just saw them this past weekend for the first time in almost a year, they are not as cool as your in-laws. But they did take us to a fish boil when we were there.


My in-laws live part time here(less than a mile away) and then part time in North Carolina by my husband’s sister. For some reason though we only see them maybe once a week but often it’s a longer stretch than that. Don’t ask! The relationship isn’t really awful but neither my husband or his parent’s are the real warm fuzzy family type.
I don’t have a dog but am so grateful that I get to dog-sit my friend’s dog down the street. I usually walk him about 4 times a week after work. I run in the morning so it’s an awesome stress reliever to get outside and walk after being stuck inside for about 10 hours.
Enjoy all of your fave restaurants!!! BTW-your meal looks amazing!!!!


I don’t track my workouts, mine are pretty much the same, only changes sometimes. Hahaha I can’t figure out how to beat the rubik’s cube, probably just takes patience. My dog has really bad hips, so we don’t walk her too often.


My dogs name is Charlie! Really one of the best names for a dog. Brooke is the cutest little baby! I look forward to reading hungry runner girl for all the running talk but also the pictures of Brooke. Seeing her pictures always brightens my day!


I track my workouts via Daily Mile and Garmin Connect, I do not write them down at all though.

My in-laws live in my city, but I don’t see them that often (maybe once a month or so). My SIL lives in Southern California, and we only see her once a year.


We live about 1 1/2 hours from my in-laws. I’ve always really liked them, thank goodness. We see them once a month or so. When we first got married it would make me really jealous that we saw them so often but rarely see my own parents. I have since accepted it and now look forward to our time with my husbands parents. My parents are too far away to see more that a couple times per year.


i did a 60-min run with 4 striders at the end today, too! now all i have to do is eat froyo so we can be twins.


Glad that you survived! :) Mmm froyo (bro in law isn’t too bad looking either LOL!).

My computer went weird just as I was looking at that picture of Brooke and I was all Nooooo!!!! Lol baby genius!


I love walking my Pup. I actually take her on about 3 walks per day since that’s how many the trainer I went to said she needed. So, I follow her instructions;)
I don’t usually track my workouts, I’m not training for anything so I don’t feel the need too but sometimes I like to write things down. I’m not as rigid as I used to be though where I wrote every single thing down. That was too much.


Oh yum, that salad sounds great! I have never had a fish salad before… clearly I am missing out.

My inlaws live a couple miles from our house but we onyl see them every couple of months.

I track all of my workouts. I print out my training schedule as a spreadsheet (15-20 weeks at a time) and then just check off each day. Simple!


Have fun and enjoy the delicious food!

I used to log my miles, how I felt, air temp, etc. until last year and then suddenly, I lost interest. It’s a bummer too, because it would be interesting to see just how many fewer miles I’m logging now that I’m no longer training for marathons, just halves…


We live in SoCal but my in laws and my family are in Kansas City and St. Louis. Luckily, my in laws are looking for a second home in Palm Springs! Only 2 hours away and a golf course for my husband, can’t wait!


My in-laws live many, many miles away from us – in Florida. :( It’s always great to visit them though (hello sunny weather!) and they’re coming to visit us next month – yay!

I track my workouts based upon whatever I’m working on. I did speedwork for about 8 weeks, so I had a schedule that listed out my workouts for each week. Now, I’m focusing more on strength training, and to be honest, I’m winging it a bit, but I typically will research and print out my workout a day ahead of time, for each day’s workout. :)


HOW DID BROOKE DO THAT? i can’t even do that. Seriously. Baby genius.


My in-laws live 6 hours away right now. Buuuuuut, my hubby’s younger sister just moved from close to them to close to us. So. now all three children live within 20 mins of each other. I have a feeling the parents will be moving soon! haha


Looks like a fun start to your visit!!


Elmo gets walked at a minimum of two times a day but I used to walk him A LOT before I got my last surgery. I can’t wait to feel better so I can start taking him on longer walks. He loves to be outside! Brooke is such a smarty pants ;-)


I track my workouts so many different ways- through the Garmin site, in a spreadsheet, on my blog and on my training plan posted on the refrigerator! I’m a bit OCD, haha

One of my best friends in high school can solve the Rubiks cube, apparently there is some kind of trick to it. He walked me through it once, so I can technically say I’ve solved it as well :-)


My in-laws live in Canada (Edmonton). It’s faaaaar from us. We usually get to see them once or twice a year. sad.

Have a great visit!


My in-laws are in India, so we are lucky if we see them once a year! I track all of my workouts on a little calendar print out from Outlook and on


Is Brooke forward-facing in her car seat already?


No she is still rear facing! I was sitting in the back next to her taking the pictures:)


Yay!!! I am so glad to hear it. So many mamas turn their babies early without realizing how much safer rear-facing is. So glad your most precious cargo is as safe as possible!


That froyo looks delicious!
Glad you guys made it safely! Brooke and Charlie’s friendship is the cutest.


Brooke solved the Rubik’s cube?! That is IMPRESSIVE! Also, that salad looks AMAZING!

I track my runs on


Did Brooke really solve that?? or did you/Billy? I stink at Rubix cubes
I use the Nike + sensor and Nike + online


My in laws only live 15 min from us and I live it! My parents should be moving to UT this summer!! So excited:)


I try to walk my dogs every day. I’m not very successful-I hate doing it. I use the Nike App on my Iphone. Love it. I never have to look at anything, they tell me in my head (Ears but whatever) how I’m doing. Love it. Automatically loads to the computer. I do nothing.


love that you went to visit your in laws. i live in the same city as my in laws and were very close, in some ways closer than i am to my own family. they live abt 10 min walk away. we see them 3-4 times a week and speak on the phone all the time. of course there are always mother in law tensions but we get through it! enjoy the rest of your visit!


Oh I want a dog soooo badly!!! Not stable enough in my life for one yet but I’m hoping sooner rather than later I can have one!

Most of my runs are tracked in Nike+ but I usually don’t record them in particular. I have a list of runs for the week either on my phone, computer or paper but that’s about it.


We see my parents and my in-laws almost weekly – they both live within 10 miles from us. It’s awesome and I love having my kids know their grandparents well.
My son learned to solve the Rubik’s cube when he was 10. I showed him an online site that teaches you how to solve it and he memorized the sequences in a day. He loves to have people mix it up for him and then time him on how fast he can solve it. His record is around one minute and eighteen seconds, I think. It’s a great way to impress people. He taught me the first step, so I can only solve one side, but after that, I’m lost.


I’m not married, but my boyfriend and I visit his parents & my parents at least once a month (they live 7 & 6 hours away). Luckily our parents get along really well so we try to combine visits so that we can all spend more time together!

I log all of my workouts. I have for the past couple of years. I love looking back and seeing where I was a year ago – especially because I run a lot of the same races and try to improve every year!


We live in the same city as my in-laws (Charlotte, NC) but my parents live in Columbia, SC where I am from and it’s only an hour drive so that’s nice!!

I track my workouts old school style :) I have a folder that I keep in the kitchen with a makeshift calendar in it and I write down my work outs every day after I’ve finished. It was mainly supposed to be a running log so I could track my weekly/monthly mileage but it’s just turned into an all out work out log!

We have 2 dogs and luckily we have a big back yard so they play out there a lot, but we try to walk them as often as we can!

Haha I don’t think I’ve solved the Rubik’s cube before. Brooker is quite smart ;)


My in-laws live in FL (and we are in NJ). We see them 1 or 2 times / year. They will actually be up in another 2 weeks and are going to stay with us for 10 days.


My MIL is amazing and I adore her. She lives about an hour away. We see her about once a month. She just turned 90!


Married people: Where do your in-laws live? How often do you see them?
-We live in Boston and my in-laws live in Ohio. I LOVE THEM! We try to drive out at least twice a year. Every time we visit, there is a fresh box of pastries in the kitchen from the local bakery, how great is that!?

How do you track your workouts? I track them on a calendar at work on my desk. I put a G each day that I work out and highlight it in PINK so that the days I work out stand out to me :-) The more pink, the better!

People with dogs: How often do you walk your dog(s)?
We walk our dog at least three times a day, two short walks and a long walk. He loves seeing his doggy friends around our complex!


I track all my runs on my Garmin Connect online. I used to track workouts like number of situps and pushups on an ipod app but that was silly


The good old in laws live about half an hour away but my husband isn’t super close with them so we only see them about once a month. I really like them, they’re lovely, fun, happy people but our lives are busy and that’s enough.
I track my workouts on SparkPeople from time to time. I really should do it more consistently though because I know it works, so thanks for the reminder and kick in the ass.
Together my hubby and I walk our two pups (our children) twice a day. We have a large fenced in backyard though, so they get outside pretty often, lucky dogs.
Just found your site, love the post!


Hmm my parents live in Ontario and my inlaws in Texas, and we live in SK, so about 34 hour drive to each one.. we maybe see each other once a year!


My in-laws live in Memphis, TN so I don’t get to see them very often.

I use dailymile to track my runs.

I have two super sweet puppy dogs. ( We go for short walks around the block twice a day a try to do a longer walk when I’m cooling down from my runs in the evening.


Glad you survived the road trip! My boyfriend’s mother lives about half hour away from my parents, so when we go visit one we make sure to see the other.

I try to walk Atticus every day for at least 20 minutes, up to an hour if I have time and the weather’s right.


First things first: Brook and Billy (sorry, BILL) are IDENTICAL! I know that was pointed out a billion times already but after seeing Brooke’s first picture on this post I needed to say it one more time!

My BF’s mom lives in Italy, just like the rest of our family… So when we go there, we have no excuses: we have to visit everybody!

I keep track of my workouts though Garmin Connect and I also have an excel spreedsheet where I keep track of my montlhy miles!


I was trying to find who Brooke reminds me of. She looks exactly like Ginnifer Goodwin, my favourite actress! She is going to be gorgeous.


I can not do a rubic’s cube to save my life. That is not how my brain thinks, at all!


I like the multiple scoops of guacamole on your salad! :D


yogurtland!!! Yummmmm-o!

My in-laws live about 30 mins from us. We see ’em about 2-3x/ month. it’s pretty fun!


My in-laws live in the same city…about a 20min drive away…BUT we actually NEVER see them in town…we usually only see them on the weekends at the cottage (they live 2 doors down there)


I try to walk my dog everyday, but he’s an outside dog with a huge backyard so he always gets plenty of exercise!


Wow, impressive work on that Rubric’s cube, Brooke! ;)


My in laws live in PA currently but they are moving near us next month so the 8 hour drive will become 40 minutes.
I love when I see FROYO in your pics :)


No in-laws, but I live close to my parents now. Only 0.9 miles away. I see them almost daily.

I track my workouts on Love how simple it is to use!


My in-law lives in southern New Hampshire. We mostly see him when he comes to visit us, about 3 times a year for a week at a time.

I don’t track all of my workouts, but if I’m “in training” for something specific I will track them in my google calendar at work :)

I love my dog! His name is Mojo. I walk him 3 times a day. We live in a condo, so we don’t have a yard, so I have to walk him. (My husband usually wont do it unless he HAS to). We do about 1/2 mile each walk, although some evenings we go longer.

I can not solve that cube for the life of me. My brother is really good at it though! :)


Question: I have a Garmin Forerunner 10. I did a speed workout on the track this past weekend and didn’t know what to set my watch on. I worked on repeat 800’s and it seemed like I needed an old-fashioned stop watch instead. Any tips on how to prepare myself with this watch for the next time I want to do a speed workout? Can this watch be set-up like a stop watch? Thanks for any advice!


I use Daily Mile and I also keep a Numbers spreadsheet mileage tracker for my running shoes – so I can point at the numbers and say to my husband “SEE? I clearly ran 500 miles and NEED new running shoes!” (Maybe I don’t always make it to 500 before springing for new kicks…)

I think it is obvious by now that you need to get Brooke a dog! And if it’s a breed that runs, bonus for everyone!! And it would just be one more family member to take a million pictures of – double bonus for everyone! That’s what I do, anyway. :)


Ok, Brooke is seriously the cutest, happiest baby. Is she always laughing and so happy?! I wish I had that outlook. ;-)


My in laws live 90 minutes away. I see my mother in law at least once a month so she can see the grand kids. We text pretty often though. I try to send her a photo or video of the kids a couple times a week.


I try to walk my dog everyday but he is a puppy so it is more like a “dragging him along until he figures out what a lash is for” kind of walk. Fun stuff, I tell ya!

My in-laws live about two hours away from us but we still don’t see them that often. I am okay with that though. They aren’t cool in-laws like the ones you have. :-(


I track my workouts in my planner and recently I’ve started adding them to my blog! I like looking back to see how and what I did the past week.
My husband can solve the rubics cube and it drives me nuts!! I can’t figure out. The silly thing, maybe ill ask Brooke for some tips ;)


I love the photo of Brooke going for the froyo! She knows that’s good stuff!
I’m not married but my future in-laws live right around the corner, I see them in passing every couple of days.
Our dog usually runs free (we live in the country) but he runs with me on a leash and gets SO EXCITED when I walk out of the door with my running clothes on. It is so cute.


I have never solved a Rubik’s cube and I have been trying to figure out how Brooke did… especially when it was only you and her in the car with you driving so clearly Brooke had to have done it?!?! Haha :)
I usually don’t track my runs!
I also don’t have in-laws.

PS, your brother in law is very good looking!!


We currently live in the same city (-state) as my in-laws; we see them about once a week for dinner or some weekend event. Usually, our visits involve food. :)

Until verrrrry recently, I tracked my workouts by hand, in a paper log. I am finally attempting to enter the 21st century, and now have a spreadsheet set up for tracking.


My MIL lives near us so we see her often. MY FIL lives in TX and we see him maybe once a year! We are New Yorkers :)


I LOVE WAHOO’S!!! We were just in Southern California last week and we got Wahoo’s :) Love it so much. Have you had Una Mas? It’s in Northern Cal and very similar!!! I get it all the time, but I still get excited for Wahoo’s when we head down south. Can’t help it. ha



Dogs are the best. You do want some right? I think you said that once, but I cannot remember which breed. I don’t know if you’ve seen this on pinterest, it’s the cutest thing ever. :)


Go to piology while you’re there!! Go at a non busy time though. At th irvine spectrum!


My in-laws are far away- in Michigan. I don’t get to ee them as often as I would like to. Thats awesome that you went to stay with them :-)


I don’t have inlaws BUT I have other parents. Usually my best friends’ parents that I visit occasionally. Used to be more often but then life happens!

I have a most awesome dog that I walk twice a day for anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour each time. She also runs with me on almost all of my runs (not my races of course). She is a turbo charged, awesomely mellow German Shorthair Pointer named Sofie Lou!

I have never eaten at Wahoos and in fact hadn’t heard about it until recently… and I’m a Cali girl too! But of course I formerly resided in the REAL Nor Cal (way up behind the Redwood Curtain in Humboldt County), we don’t have places like Wahoo’s up in our neck of the woods. I am now in Washington though which is where someone else was raving about Wahoos (and they aren’t even from Cali). I feel like my next trip in August should include a Wahoo’s trip. Anyone know if there is one by the LA Convention Center?

Rubiks cubes are legit. I once saw someone in a bar start and finish it in under a minute… seriously!??? I have never solved one myself though :-(

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