Billy gave me the best compliment.

When I walked in this morning from my run Billy told me I looked just like a watermelon.  Since that is my current favorite food I am taking it as a compliment.  It was really bright in our house and that is why I am still wearing my sunglasses.   PS putting toys away is overrated.  

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Thank you Kara and coach for the awesome clothes!  Opening them up was actually better than Christmas morning.   New running clothes always make me excited to run.  

I hope the people I saw out on the trail this morning thought I looked like a watermelon too and then that made them crave a watermelon and then they went and bought one and ate it. 

Speaking of green.  I went over to the dark side.  I started making ‘green’ smoothies.  I know.  I never thought I would but I want Brooke to start having them soon at breakfast so I figured I should do it too.  

I am lazy in the mornings so I did the prep ahead of time and put the berries, banana and spinach in baggies and froze them and then I just added greek yogurt, some oatmeal and milk to the blender and boom it was ready.  

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We went to our normal morning baby gym class together and on the way out they told us about a Father’s Day Activity going on outside.  It just so happened to be lunch time.  You do remember that I get really happy about free food.

Photo 2

 I was even happier about the fact that Brooke COLORED a picture for Billy.  I tell you, I have a baby genius.

Photo 1

In case you were wondering what Brooke’s guilty face looks like:

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Tell me what the best part about your Thursday is!!!

Who else does the whole green smoothie thing?

Favorite bagel and cream cheese combo?

Where was your run today?

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Hi Janae, Love the guilty picture of Brooke. She reminds me so much of you!!! So cute!!!


Hi Janae’s MOM! This is too cute! It makes me miss my mom, I’m going to call her right now!


Aww, you look like a beautiful tanned watermelon ;). I love Brookers guilty face, well all her faces really!

My favorite part about Thursday is that the hubby booked us a nice hotel for the weekend in St. Louis and we’re taking Izzy to the zoo and me shopping to Lululemon and Athleta. So excited.!!


Make sure you see the penguin and puffin exhibit at the zoo!! Have fun!


LOVE your outfit!!! I have exactly 1/8th of a watermelon in the fridge right now and you’ve convinced me to polish that baby off.

The best part of my Thursday was that I got a nice dress that I can wear to my son’s christening for $30.

I plan on ‘ellipticalling” later at Gold’s gym!


I love your blog name!


Thank you!! I just started blogging today! I have no clue what I’m doing but I guess that’s part of the fun! :)


I totally agree! That name is awesome!


Thanks!! :))


Does a walk count?

We went out on our usual 4 miles. Around town, no biggie.

I love new running clothes even though I do not get much running in lately.

I am thinking about going to the dark side soon. Your bag looked yummy!


I LOVE your running outfit! I like watermelon themed things, so looks perfectly fine to me!

I love the limited edition pumpkin bagels with vanilla chobani, almond butter, pumpkin, and cinnamon layered in between the slices of carby heaven. Yum.

I’m not a green smoothie lover, yet. I’m too lazy to clean a blender so that’s a no-go.


Uh oh. It’s a slippery slope from playing with toilet paper to dropping toys in the toilet! But Brooke’s guilty face is totally worth it!

I did a tempo run today and it was windy & hot. Wiped me out!


You’re the most beautiful watermelon I’ve seen ;-) I hope that was the way billy phrased it too! Brooke’s guilty face is presh.


So cute!!
Now I want watermelon!


A great moment from today was finding the trail head to hike to Ben Lomond. Equally as good was having the common sense (ego in check) to not hike it (16.4 mi round trip with about 8500 feet in elevation change) with a 6 month old today. There’s always tomorrow…

My fave green smoothie combo is- strawberries, pineapple, pear, and spinach.


I’m all about the green smoothies! Why not sneak a little extra greens in there if you can hardly even taste them? ;)

Love Brooke’s guilty face – too cute!


You seriously always have the cutest running clothes. The brighter the better in my opinion. I can’t believe Brooke Is almost a whole year old!! I don’t think I could get into green smoothies. Give me a bagel any day. Too much healthy starts to freak me out. I like my fruits and veggies in unreasonably large quantities but its usually on the side or as another whole meal sized snack.


I do a green smoothie every morning but instead of yogurt/oatmeal/milk, I just add water, chia seeds, fruit and spinach/kale. I prepare mine a month in advance and just get it out of the freezer. Works so well and takes me a minute before work.


Can’t do the green smoothie thing, can’t. I’m just getting used to the fruit smoothie thing. It’s the only way I eat fruit now. Since I have trouble with fruits and veggies


Brooke is killing it again! What a cutie she is!

No green smoothies yet, but I am dying to try out the blender my mom just gave me. I think it would be a great thing to drink after my runs. Prepping it beforehand and putting it all in a freezer is genius!

Just have to find out what to put in there now.


I love those running clothes! They are so cute! I’d love to run in those.
There’s no run for me today. I had softball yesterday so my legs are in pain and today is R&R day.
I need to hop on the smoothie train.


I’ve been eating watermelon like a beast ever since I started reading your blog. If I eat anymore I think I might just explode, and all the bits of me will land on the ground and watermelons will sprout wherever they land.


This is just the most awesome visual ever! :)


I share your obsession with watermelon! I have gone through 2.5 since Sunday (and I live alone). I ALSO recently purchased what I call my watermelon running shorts! They are the Nike tempos that are pink with green sides :)


Love the watermellon outfit. And how could you ever say no to that cute little face?! She’s a doll!


You are the cutest watermelon!! And Brooke is already a baby Einstein!


best part of today is packing for my trip to Chicago this weekend! I’m totally addicted to green smoothies… I ran this morning on the trail by my place and it was hot humid and exhausting but still made me happy!


Seeing a beautiful deer this morning on my 7 mile trail run with friends.

I use to do the green smoothie thing, but mine are currently light pink or purple. I crave them during my runs.

Everything bagel toasted well + veggie cream cheese

Local Atlanta trails- perfect combo of beautiful + muddy


I’ve been making spinach smoothies for a while, I use coconut water sometimes instead of water. Also I put spinach in my blender with water and made spinach ice cubes so I add that to my whey protein or just fruit smoothies now too. Just another way to use it up because sometimes I buy huge quantities of spinach and I don’t want it to go bad. I’m using your recipe with the oatmeal next time…good idea.


I love smoothies – I have one every day! Spinach, frozen banana, chobani greek yogurt, chia seeds, lowfat milk, & strawberries are my favorite right now. Sometimes I swap the berries for peanut butter & cinnamon. So yum. :)

My daughter is a coloring queen right now – yesterday she posted a sign on her door that said “pichr selling shop” and I was really excited until I saw the sign below it: “closd”. Darn. :)


Well you made -me- crave watermelon, so I guess that’s something :P I’m pretty sure that I’m going to have to go out and buy one after work today. And I’ve only done the green smoothie thing on a handful of occasions. I don’t actually find them to taste that bad, but I think my brain has something against drinking green things.


Speaking of watermelon, are you aware of the existence of watermelon OREOs?!?!! They are golden Oreos with watermelon flavored cream! Surprisingly delicious!!


WHAT!?!?! That sounds incredible. Off to the store.


Where are you going in Southern CA next week?! I’ll be in San Diego all week!


I’ll be in RSM!!! I need to plan a get together or something


The best part of my Thursday has been getting a massage on my lunch break and falling asleep when she got to my feet. HEAVENLY!

No matter how many times people say “you can’t taste the spinach”, I still think that I will…..not that I have anything against EATING spinach – drinking it scares me.

Sesame seed bagel + cream cheese + smoked salmon. YUM!

No run today! :( Big sad panda face!


I said the same thing about green smoothies – finally caved in about 6 weeks ago and I LOVE them! Vanilla soy milk, Hammer Recoverite ( peanut butter, bananas, spinach. And you really can’t taste the spinach ;)


Probably that I just got a beta version of the new iOS 7! It’s awesome :)
I decided to sleep in today (til 6:50 am. I know, I’m wild!) instead so that I can be well rested for my race on Saturday. I’ve been way sleep deprived and I’m feeling it.


Watermelon is the BEST. Looking like a watermelon is a huge compliment. Well, maybe not the shape, but the colors at least ;)

I love green smoothies! I don’t really like spinach or kale so if I can drink it in a smoothie or juice where I barely taste it, it’s perfect!


I adore that tank top! Fantastic colors and very watermelony!

The best part about my Thursday was that it is the last day of school. For PE the kids and I went for a hike through the redwoods and I got to go home three hours earlier than I expected which meant I got to run earlier than usual. I love being a teacher!

My run was my normal 5k route around the neighborhood, which gets a little boring, but the weather is so fantastic today, there was nothing boring about it!


my favorite bagel is asiago cheese (from einstein’s aka bagel & bagel) with plain cream cheese! I’ve never been a flavored cream cheese fan…


I’ve been doing the green smoothie thing for a few months now. It makes me feel super healthy. The best thing about my Thursday is going to be heading to the race expo for my half this weekend tonight. Expos/packet pickup always gets me excited.


Aaaugh! Those bangs! So cute they should require a warning before you look at them.


A watermelon. A freakin smokin watermelon. You look amazing!

I love green smoothies. I had one this morning :) I should do the pre baggy idea. I use kale in mine lately and Evan likes to drink it with me.

Tonight I am going to baking club and I am VERY much looking forward to it.

If that is Brooke’s guilty face she will never get in trouble. I mean, how can you get mad at that face? And also, on a random note. I don’t know if I am more impressed with your speedy run yesterday (way to go!) or the fact that you did NOT end on a even mile. I feel like I don’t even know you anymore!!


Love green smoothies! I make them all the time with different fruit, some kale or spinach and some protein powder. YUM!


Best part of my day was a b-day 9 mile run with my mom around a lake.
It was hot, so she followed it up by treating me to an ice cold DMD, and then we went to buy my b-day present of new running shoes, and outfit.


Best presents ever! Happy birthday gorgeous girl!


Your garden looks beiafutul. Am not expecting any veggies from mine (in central Michigan) until August. Unfortnately some deer munched on one of my beiafutul cherry tomato plants (little green tomatoes and all) and a few of my banana pepper plants last night. Was pretty bummed. : (


My run was in a tiny town called Salisbury Missouri. I ran with one of the girls I train. It was really fun. This week through Thursday I am in this town vacationing I guess you can call it that while the husband is taking his medical board exams. It has been so great hanging out with this family.


The guilty face in priceless! Best bagel combo is blueberry with strawberry cream cheese.

And I usually throw a handful of spinach in with my smoothies. If I don’t notice the taste, why not sneak a handful of veggies into breakfast?


Favorite part of today: my middle child graduated from kindergarten!! It was a fun celebration.

My run unfortunately was on the treadmill this morning as I could not get up at 4:30 if I wanted to go before my husband left. It’s okay, I still did 7 miles :-)

Oh and I don’t do smoothies. Not that I don’t like them, I just prefer to chew my food instead of drink it. Lame I know.


I love green smoothies. I’m actually having one for dinner because I just had a cavity filled and there’s no way I’ll be able to eat tonight.


I just love bagels all together but my go to is usually cinnamon raison with cream cheese and little bit of jelly on top!! Brooke is too cute and love your watermelon outfit! I feel like it will now be a fav of yours lol. I love green smoothies! I actually just had one. So yummy to me and so easy to get my veggies in!


The best day about Thursday is being done with my run and knowing I have a much needed rest day tomorrow. My run this morning was pretty fantastic which led to a stellar day as always happens after fantastic runs!

I usually just do a fruit smoothie for breakfast – I’m also way to lazy to prepare food in the morning. That’s just craziness!


I love the bright workout gear! Bright is what I go with!

And Brooke is so cute! Just adorable! <3


Love that last picture of Brooke!!

Favorite bagel/cream cheese: cinnamon crunch bagel with hazelnut cream cheese from Panera. Or if I’m in a savory mood, an Everything bagel with jalepeno cream cheese from Einstein. :)


Love the running outfit!!
And your little Brooke is so cute – even with toilet paper wrapped around her!!!


The best part of my day is that today is the last day of school for my kiddos. So excited for summer vacation to finally be here!

I love the running outfit! So much fun! I love having new stuff to run in!

Your little gal is so adorable, even when she’s in trouble.


Ok, I CANNOT handle the adorableness of Brooke’s guilty face!
My run this morning on the treadmill was one of the hardest in recent memory. Even though I ran intervals (my favorite workout) I never got in the zone.
I’m sure that just means tomorrow’s run will be fabulous :)


Oh my gosh I love green smoothies!!! One of my favorites is frozen berries, frozen banana, spinach, and coconut milk! Delicious and 8 year old approved!


I saw that outfit at my running store last week and thought it was so cute! Seeing it on someone makes me want it even more haha.


Green smoothies are awesome! I need to start making them for breakfast again. Does your spinach blend well when it’s frozen?


awww, I love your running outfit, so cute! My best part about today will be the run I am about to go on at the gym haha. Better late than never.


Best bagel and cream cheese combo is blueberry bagel with cheesecake cream cheese. Yeah. It’s pretty addicting so beware!
And the best part of my Thursday is going to be a track run with my running group later this evening.


Nice Job on the green smoothie! I have been having one every day lately mostly motivated by the fact that I must use the giant Costco bag of spinach before it goes bad! I haven’t tried oatmeal in it. Did you like it?

You must race in that outfit. It is adorbs on you:)


OMG, green smoothies for babies is such a good idea. I never thought of it. Every morning I drink one, but I put Sun Warrior in it, so I don’t let my 10.5 month old drink it. I’m going to start making her ones sans protein powder!


Love the outfit! My husband told me I looked like a watermelon in my yoga outfit yesterday morning, too. It was a much more ‘accidentally pulled this combination of clothes out of the drawer in the dark this morning’ kind of watermelon ensemble, though.

My best part of my Thursday has been snuggling with my kiddos, who are all recovering from being sick this week.

I do green smoothies on occasion, but I have yet to come up with my ideal combo. I usually would prefer to just eat my fruits and veggies. My kids are on a smoothie kick, though, so we do it sometimes.

My run this morning was a quick two miles on the track at the gym after spending some quality time with my friend the elliptical. Easing back after an injury, so nothing very exciting right now.


Your watermelon outfit rocks! And it does make me want to go eat some immediately!

I haven’t ever had a green smoothie. They just sound terrible! I like all the ingredients you put in yours, just don’t think I could blend them all together!

Best part of the day was playing with my family on the beach (we are on vacation!). And my run today was 3 miles on the beach. The beach is my absolute fave place to run in the whole universe, but I don’t get to do it nearly as often as I would like.


I didn’t read to see if someone else told you, but if you put the TP on backwards (the paper pulls from behind/under instead of over the top) she can’t do that! A patient taught me that, however she is stinking cute!


We did that at our house, helped a lot with a toddler!


There is no denying it. These are the custet children ever. The dad is not too bad either. You won’t believe how much fun you can have WATCHING the activities. No pain the next day either. I loved it.Nana


I love your outfit!

Green smoothies are pretty cool! I started using Shakeology which is like a green smoothie on crack. Email and I’ll send you some of mine to try ;)

Best part of my day is about to happen RIGHT NOW…. dessert :D


Can you post your green smoothie recipe (amounts)? I would live to get more veggies into my husband and son!:)


I’m a teacher and was subbing in a special ed class today… the kids in there were just so uplifting! It was definitely the best part of my day!

I like green smoothies for breakfast but my blender is broken! Need to get a new one but I’m trying to save money… Sigh!

Love your watermelon outfit :) That would definitely make me smile and then go eat some watermelon!


Love green smoothies!! Hate cleaning the blender after though! My kids love them too, as long as they can’t see little bits of leaves.

I’m weird, I don’t like cream cheese.

No run today, I feel like I’m getting sick so I took a rest day.


Best part of my Thursday was running a wonderful six mile hill loop with our running group and then enjoying “thirsty Thursday!” I LOVE RUNNING!!!


I love green smoothies…all smoothies and salads are my go-to meals during the summer!
p.s. you NEED to try adding some avocado to your smoothies – you can’t really taste the avocado but it adds a creamy texture and a lot of nutrients!


Brooke’s guilty face is ADORABLE.

I make smoothies 3-4 days a week and I always throw spinach in them, just because it adds nutrients and doesn’t alter the flavor one bit. Win-win!

My favorite bagel cream cheese combo is an Einstein’s cinnamon raisin bagel (or maple oatmeal if it’s the right season) with strawberry cream cheese schmear. SO delicious!


I love that picture of Brooke….another cherished moment she is adorable!!! Smoothies are delicious with vega protein powder and almond or coconut milk!!


I love your outfit!! Oh gosh I wish I had it. And now I want watermelon! My favorite bagel cream cheese combo is cinnamon crunch from Panera and plain cream cheese!


Such a cute picture of Brooke looking guilty! :) I have a pair of shoes that look like a watermelon, and I get that comment all the time! :) Best part of my Thursday was the Skittles I had for after dinner! I LOVE green smoothies! My run today was on the t-mill, we had horrible storms this morning!


I love watermelon colour clothes and that outfit is amazing. Can you tell me who makes the top and shorts? Watermelon is perfect at the moment, isn’t it!!!


Yes! They are from saucony!


Best part of my Thursday….spending time with my baby girl when I get home from work. Too bad she is still wanting to hang out at 10:45 pm. :-(

Blueberry and plain cream cheese is pretty good…I’m also a peanut butter on a wheat bagel kind of girl.


You are in trouble because Brooke will never be in trouble with a face like that!!

I love a good green smoothie and so do my kids. Actually, we just had some for dinner tonight and they sucked them down. I mean, you can’t even taste it!!


I’m MAD addicted to green smoothies. I start each day with one chock full of kale, spinach, fruit, chia, coconut water, etc, etc. I started it when I got a vitamix and I swear I crave them now. Also, the more you drink the more you get used to the “green taste” so you can add more and more “green stuff”. Best part of my Thursday was seeing my sister (who was visiting). :-) Happy ALMOST Friday! PS- you rock the watermelon look!


Hey, I’ve only been reading your blog for about a month or so & I LOVE IT!! I’m trying to catch up with the old ones so am starting from the beginning. I just wanted to ask you though, are you training for any races at the moment? x


Hey!!! Thank you!!! Yep, I have a 10k next month, a half after that and then a fall marathon!


Wow- good luck with them :)


You do look like a watermelon :)


Favourite bagel is chocolate chip and cream cheese, from Einstein’s. Wish they had that in the UK!! I’ve tried the Green Smoothie thing, and love it but need to be more organised about it! Love the watermelon look!


Speaking of watermelon… apparently Target has a watermelon Oreo!


The bagel place by us makes the most amazing asiago bagels. Those are my favorite with just regular cream cheese.

Brooke is too cute with her guilty face.


Me… raising hand… I do the smoothie thing every morning. They are so yummy. Keeps me fuller then food too!


Darn, I must not be putting the right stuff in my green smoothies. Milk, yogurt, banana, strawberry and a ton of spinach. Makes a lot. Then, I am hungry a half hour later :( What do you put in yours?


I put in protein powder – I think that’s the key… protein keeps you full. I’ll also add some flax seed. I like the idea of oatmeal as well (haven’t tried it yet though) because that’s a ‘stick to your ribs’ kinda thing.


I made a smoothie yesterday and the baby drank most of it (she was a baby yesterday, but today she turned one and is officially a toddler. SOB.) I’ve got a treadmill interval run on the schedule today. It’s far too humid to run outside!


Add avocado to your green smoothies! It makes them so creamy and yummy! And peanut butter and coconut oil! Not too much though or you’ll eat a days worth of calories for breakfast. :)


Janae, you have the Best running gear Ever… or maybe you just look the best in them? ;-) I’m sure that’s what Billy meant.

I’ve sooo been avoiding the whole green smoothie thing since I rather eat my calories (not drink them), but I really think I may bite the bullet soon and try it out. :-) My fave bagel combo… probably a whole wheat bagel and blueberry cream cheese. Haven’t had one in AGES though. Oops. :-p


I love green smoothies and use the Nutribullet to make them all the time now! Spinach or kale for my greens, and fruit with water. Also, I wore an outfit w/matching shoes to a race (all green/pink) and my hubby called me a watermelon. Must be what’s in this season :)


I just really love how much you seem to love life!


I had an Asiago Cheese bagel with Honey Cream cheese from Panera and it was AMAZING. oh my gosh, so good! The best part of my Thursday was new tires. Expensive, but my car drives so nicely now :D

My run yesterday was towards the beach, over the giant causeway, and complete with vomit in the bushes. Go me ;)


Haha Brooker is so cute!! I love your new outfit, and I feel the same way when I get new running clothes…it’s like Christmas!!

I make green smoothies every time because they are easy and it adds that extra fiber and healthiness :)


I keep saying I’m going to try a green smoothie but I haven’t. I need to put that on my to do list!


Best part of Thursday…only 1 more day until the weekend!!!


Aw, what a fun day, and I love the guilty face haha!


I didn’t read all of the comments, but the way to prevent her to not do it again, flip the toilet paper so it rolls backwards, instead of over, it goes under.


Your outfit makes me want Watermelon Nuun!!


Brooke’s guilty face is priceless. She’s so cute! I wanna bring her at home. Anyways, I am making green smoothies too to start up my day. Watermelon is nice to add to but usually I add spirulina powder in my green smoothies to produce more health benefits. I had so fun dropping by at your blog.

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