The best way to sightsee: RUN.

I, Janae Jacobs, will never go sightseeing the boring way that I used to…. from now on I will visit all of the things in the town that I want to see by running. 

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Brittany is moving back to Alaska (BOOOOOOOOOOOOO) and so we are trying to get everything in together before I go back to Utah on Friday.  We knew we wanted to go to Santa Cruz so we decided to just run everywhere we went there.  It may look like Brooke is upset about this idea in the above picture but I promise she wasn’t.

First stop was the pier to talk to the sea lions.  Those things are hilarious and the whole time Brooke was trying to impersonate their sounds.

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After hanging out at the pier we ran over to the boardwalk and ran up and down it.   It was so nice to be there on a weekday because usually this place is packed with people. 

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The amount of anger that I had that the deep fried Twinkies and Oreo stand to the left of us was closed was not healthy.

Our legs then took us up a huge hill (where I thought about faking heat stroke so that we could walk up it but didn’t) and over to the main street.   

We didn’t stop at all of the cool boutiques and awesome clothing stores on main street… we stopped at all of the candy stores.

We got ice cream from Marini’s Candies (they have fudge, candy and ice cream.  I tried my first chocolate covered piece of bacon in an ice cream they have there called ‘Vegan’s Nightmare’ and it was delicious).  We also bought candy there and Brittany said, ‘time for dessert, let’s eat candy’ after we finished our ice cream.  I knew we were soul mates.

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And then we ran back to the car.  I was actually amazed at how easy it was to run after eating ice cream and candy.

Brooke just chilaxin as we were getting everything out of the stroller before driving up to Davenport.  

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Davenport is in my top five favorite places in the world.  I really feel like it is MY SPOT.

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The scenery is ridiculous.  I could stand here and stare at this all day long.  

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After our amazing beach time we went across the street to my favorite little restaurant, Whale City Bakery and Grill.

We started with side salads.  I used ranch and the vinaigrette on my salad… it was a good mixture.

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And then the main event.  FISH AND CHIPS.  I could live off of you.

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I got home later and then before I knew it Bangs and her husband came over for vegetable tostadas which were also insanely good.  I liked yesterday.  A lot.


What are some of your favorite cities to run around and explore?  

Favorite animal?  (I think everyone should answer this question)

-Dolphins and dogs and now I really like sea lions.

Do you have any fun trips/vacations planned for this summer?

Who is cross training today?

-Me me me… SPIN!

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LOVED running in hawaii.
Fave animal- DOGS of course :) especially my misfit!
LOVE your pictures!!


Fav animal.. def my Great Dane! Guinea pigs are pretty sweet too.
Vacation trips?? I wish :)


I love going on vacations to new places and running to explore them. Especially if there are trails or bodies of water. :)

Favorite animal… Giraffe because I’m long and tall too and dogs.

We are going to Boston in may, SC in June, San Diego in August, and the mountains in October. No babies so we are jamming it all in. :)


I just booked a flight to see my sister in NYC. It’s been about 2 1/2 years since my last trip there so I am freakishly excited. I am especially excited to run places like Central Park. I wasn’t a runner during my last visit. This should be fun!


Wow it’s beautiful there! We must go this summer when we come visit! You are our only vacation so far :-) I like golden retrievers best… one of the only dogs I really like!


That scenery IS gorgeous. Wow. And I think sightseeing is the perfect way to get activity in. I don’t bother with trying to work out whenever I’m on vacation because I find that all the walking around is more than enough to keep me in shape; and I’d have to say that all the walking/hiking I did in Hawaii was definitely my favorite.

As for animals? Dogs, wolves, and elephants :)


I like unicorns, butterfly’s, and elephants.

In July, we are going to Utah for two weeks to visit family, and then in December we’re off to Thailand with some friends.


I hope the Bob was being nice to your legs! That definitely looks like a fun way to get around. Were you tracking miles at all?


I loved to run inWalt Disney World. They have some great paths and I get to see the hotels, which is one of my favorite things to looks at! I love frogs and lions! Very extreme oposites. We are going on mini trips across the country! No cross train, last run before my race on Saturday!


I LOVE Santa Cruz! I was just in LA a few weeks ago (bleh) and cannot wait for my upcoming trip to northern CA and I am making the boy come to Santa Cruz with me. So happy Brooke got to communicate with the sea lions. Looked like a fantastic day yesterday for you :)


What a fun day and really good eats! I’m looking forward to a beach trip to Destin, FL in June. I love dolphins and dogs too!!


Run-cations are my favorite way to visit a place! I just ran a race in Nashville and it was awesome since I’ve never been there before!


haha that is amazing — a run after ice cream?! i don’t think i’ve ever done that. usually dairy makes my stomach feel weird on a run but it would totally be worth it to eat moose tracks. yum. so cool to have runner/blogger friends, too! my faovirte city to explore by foot was madrid, when i lived there four years ago.


Charleston is an awesome city to explore! It is beautiful :) My favorite animal….I think would be giraffes. They are so tall and gaumy (sp?) and gentle. If you haven’t done Disney’s Animal Kingdom you definitely need to. Brooke would love it :) We are just doing a lot of camping this summer. Love the photos!!


What an amazing day!!!! I love to run through my home town…Birmingham. I also run through all beach town I visit. I just taught 1 of 3 spin classes for the day.


I cross trained yesterday doing sprint intervals on my bike trainer. Today is a run day. WOO!

My favorite animal is definitely a dog…particularly my dog.

We’re going to Tennessee for a week this summer. Mike has never been, so I’m going to show him where I grew up.


Your day sounds amazingly awesome!! I love exploring my city, Pittsburgh, while running! I have to say that I love elephants haha Especially the baby elephants at the zoo! Cats are also up there. I’m not a crazy cat person, but I do enjoy my one cat I have :) I did not cross train today… I ran baby! :) Actually I did a speed workout while running, which felt great.


baby elephants are theee cutest!!!


Looks like you had a great time in Santa Cruz! I am so sorry that the fried dessert stand was closed–fried Oreos might just be the best thing ever, especially when paired with ice cream. I am also cross training today–heading to a yoga class in a couple of minutes. I hope your Wednesday is as good as your Tuesday was!


Davenport looks absolutely gorgeous!


Davenport is BEAUTIFUL …. makes me want to go to the shore now!

Favorite animal = red pandas and polar bears! :)


I love sightseeing through running. I don’t do it that often since I’m usually sightseeing with family, and my parents can’t run anymore. Maybe I need to rethink visiting my roommate in California. Those places are gorgeous!


Running is the best way to explore! I wanted to run through Florence, but the cobblestones were pretty scary to run on! I love dogs although I haven’t had one since I was a kid. Your salad looks delicious!!!


Something to think about- seals are just dog mermaids! They actually really look like it!

This summer Im going to a conference in Seattle, hiking in Switzerland and on holiday somewhere with my bf too! PHEW!


Running is a great way to sightsee! I always try to run when I travel for business so I can see more of the place since I’m stuck in an office all day long. Some of my all-time favorite runs are travel runs, including amazing runs in Germany (work) and Hawaii (vacation). This summer we are going to a wedding in Maine and staying for a week after for vacation. Looking forward to some beautiful runs & hikes in Acadia National Park! Today is a cross-training day – lap swimming during lunch.


Austin, TX has been my favorite city to run in. It’s an awesome city period. My favorite animal are stingrays. They are so cute and soft and I like the way they look as if they are smiling at you. I like Dolphins too, I swam with some in Mexico. Today’s a run day for me, have 5 miles to do.


So beautiful! I loved running in San Francisco. I need to be able to run by the ocean more!
Domestic? Cat Wild? Monkeys
We are going to Tofino, west coast of Canada, I am excited to paddleboard out there!
I have prenatal yoga for my workout :)


Some family friends have a house in Marco Island Florida. It is absolutely beautiful there and all the houses are gigantic. Seriously, it’s where the rich and famous live. It’s fun to run around there and then run by the beach


Actually, I have been meaning to try this site… when I went to D.C. last October. However, I couldn’t, because I just had surgery the previous month and was not cleared to run. I love the idea of doing a six mile run, while with a running tour guide. You see the sights and get the full exercise.

I’m going to Memphis, TN for the first time in 3 weeks. I’m going to Chicago (and possibly Portland in June), Grenada (Caribbean) in August, San Fran in September, and moving to England in September. It’s a busy summer for me.


OMG that running tour sounds so fun! I am going to try next time I’m in DC!


I visited a friend in Seattle last year and ran the half marathon there and that was a great way to see the city!! Favorite animal: dog- I love my dog a ridiculous amount!


I love sightseeing on vacation runs. It’s the absolute best. I had chocolate covered bacon a few months ago and it was incredible. Such an amazing guilty pleasure :) my favorite animals are sea otters. I could watch them all day.


I cross trained last night & am doing a track workout tonight! Say a few prayers for me because I’m taking my training to the next level!


Favorite animals: Giraffes and Golden Retrievers

You live in a gorgeous area for sure, I love looking at your pictures.


Yep, Davenport looks AAAmazing. I’m always afraid to run around cities I’m not completely used to because I’d probably get lost. And my favorite animal is probably frogs. I grew up loving them and catching them.


Vegans nightmare? I need that ice cream, it sounds fabulous ;-)

Favourite animal is a polar bear. I have no idea why, I just think that they’re adorable.


I did cross training today – elliptical and weights! And I love running as a way of sight seeing! Feel free to mail me some chocolate covered bacon.


Davenport is so beautiful!

I’ve never run around a city to explore, but it sounds like a fantastic idea. My family was thinking about taking a trip to Yellowstone this summer; how cool would it be to run around there?!

I have a lot of favorite animals…stingrays, dolphins, orcas (yes, Sea World was/is my favorite place), dogs, bunnies…everything except bugs, basically. :)


Ummmm after getting lost while running in Arizona you would think I would learn my lesson and NOT run while vacationing…but I did it again when we were in DC…and got lost again…but this time I found my way back without having to call for help. lol.

This post is the perfect travel post. Now I know exactly what and where I should go should I ever go to Santa Cruz again. No vacation plans for the Summer, but we plan on going to Disneyland in the fall with my family.

Dog. However, Ross just told me a few weeks ago he is ready for that next step in our lives (getting a dog) but I am not sure I am there yet.

I ran and rode the stationary bike at the gym this morning. Then at 9:30 I am going to lift weights (leg day). SO wish I could be at your spin class!


It’s funny you say that because I’m pretty sure I learned this entire college town through running. I didn’t know where anything was until I actually starting running around that way. I do agree (granted the weather is decent) that running is the number 1 way to view the town.


Awesome way to see the sites!! I’d love to do that while in vacation. Mm the food sounds good too!


I think one of my favorite things I’ve done on vacation was go sightseeing when I was in California. I knew whales were big, but you don’t quite understand how big til you see on in person. It was an amazing experience.


What are some of your favorite cities to run around and explore?
-New Orleans, Chicago, London.

Favorite animal?
-Giraffes and dogs!

Do you have any fun trips/vacations planned for this summer?
-NO! I need ideas and to get on that.

Who is cross training today?
-Not me, I’m putting in an easy run


Favorite Cities to Run Around: NYC, Chicago and LA (love Santa Monica beach)

Favorite Animal: Dogs!

Fun Trips: Headed to country-town USA, Nashville and then Omaha, my hometown


Santa Cruz beach boardwalk, in the warm California sun. Boardwalk! Does anyone else get that commercial stuck in their head after hearing about Santa Cruz?

Favorite animal: African elephants (not Indian)


Ahhh what an amazing day!! I want to go sight running!


I pack my running shoes on every trip. There is no better way to see a city than on foot. Chicago is my favorite, but I do get really hungry running past all the yummy food.


Vegan’s Nightmare – haha!
Your friend is too tan and her clothes are too neon to move back to Alaska ;-) She just looks like she should HAVE to live in CA!


I’ve heard they have fun running tours in NYC. I’d love to do one of those sometime. HEY maybe I could host a running tour in my own city…..


I spent quite a few summers at the Santa Cruz boardwalk! Lots of good memories. I hope to take my son there. The trip wasn’t complete without stopping at Marini’s for their famous salt water taffy. We have a few trips planned: Sacramento, CA, Stockton, CA and Cleveland, OH. Not looking forward to the plane trip to Ohio with my then 18 month old son :(.


I love exploring cities by running, I think the best way to see a new place is on your feet and running allows you to do it quickly. I think my favorite city I’ve explored was Baltimore. I ran all along the waterfront to an old fort and then back and through the old part of the city.


Just about any animal is my favorite. I will stop and watch just about any animal when I see it. Bunnies, coyotes, even quail.
Ran 5 HILLY miles this morning.

The Kidless Kronicles


I loved running San Francisco. The hills were killer for a girl from super flat Ohio but the challenge was fun and the view was awesome. I also love anywhere along the water.

I really love animals. A lot. Favorites are hard. I pretty much like baby anythings and I really really love cats.

I ran a super easy 2 miles today (really just to try out a new outfit) as my LAST run before my half marathon on Saturday. Looking forward to two days of rest and carb eating!


Beautiful scenery for sure! I love running along the water anywhere I go!


LOVE LOVE running in Philly, but also the Lehigh Valley (where the Runner’s World Half Festival is held).
Animal?- Dolphin because it gets to swim all day long.
Does lugging around a 4 month old count as cross training?


OMG those pictures at the beach look so amazing! I want to visit there now!
My favorite animals are owls, dolphins, elephants and penguins <3
One of my summer vacation is coming up in less than a week!
Going on a week long cruise to the caribbean!!
Then in the end of July going to Atlantic City!
I am doing a little strength training today – maybe that circuit you posted yesterday!


The beach shots look amazing! We are heading to Sea Isle City (NJ) as usual, then to San Diego (no kids!!!) for a few days and then off to Gettysburg and Hershey park for a couple days (with kids!). Cross training? I am doing some knee rehab exercises (arthroscopic surgery yesterday) and also some reading abut running (I’m working on Pre right now). Favorite animal? Wolves, ferrets, and cats. Dragons, too :)


Heck, I would run everywhere if the route included ice cream and candy! Looks like so much fun

My fave animal are parrots. I used to have a quaker parrot. They are so sweet and adorable!


I don’t really run in a ton of different places but I do most of my races in Philly since I live less than a mile outside the city. Running down Market Street, which is usually packed with cars and people, is such a cool feeling.

Favorite animal has to be some kind of jungle cat. I can’t pick just one.

This summer we are hoping to visit Atlanta for hubby’s 30th! We are planning to go to a concert and Braves game.


That is so cool! It’s nice to have a spot that speaks to you! There is this great place called Door County in Wisconsin. It’s a huge peninsula, surrounded by water. It’s where my heart is; I can always go there to find “me” again!



I loved running in Seattle, San Diego, & New York City. You can see so much that you would miss driving around! My favorite animal is for sure dogs. Generic, yes, but come on, they are just the best!


Have you been up north to Yountville? If not, you have to go to the Bouchon Bakery there. It is amazing. My husband and I just went on a trip to northern California and that bakery is so so good. Plus the town is really charming.

Our summer vacation is to Sun Valley, Idaho. We love it there.

I am supposed to be biking outside this morning but it is only 40 degrees so we will see.


Agree!!! I think running is the best way to explore any new place. Love it!


I went to Ireland last year and i made it my life goal to eat fish and chips in like every town we stopped at. Some places have special batter, and OMG you can’t imagine!


I’m suppose to be spinning today, too. I hope nothing interrupt my plans (like they have been all week)! I love Santa Cruz, I really need to go back…soon! I planning a 3 days weekend backpacking trip during 4th of july weekend.


What a great day!! I lived by the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk when I was little and used to love to go there. It still looks the same!


I love animals – giraffes and horses are my faves though I love our black lab, Emma, too.

One of my favorite things to do on vacation is go running in a new place! Some of my favorite memories are running in France and England while studying abroad. I actually really enjoyed running in San Fran (but those hills!) when I visited there in Feb. 2011, but I’ve also enjoyed Minnesota runs by the awesome lakes and in Florida and the Riviera Maya on the beach by the ocean (the BEST!).

My husband’s family lives in Minnesota so we’ll be doing vacation there again this summer, and I’m excited.


I am planning on going on a bunch of fun camping/hiking/mountain biking/climbing trips this summer! Also taking a long weekend trip to NY for a college friend’s wedding! Can’t wait to run at sea level after training at 4,000 ft.

I am swimming today :)


I LOVE running as sightseeing! I do it every time I go somewhere new!


Fun day!!

I really love horses–so beautiful. And I think puppies & kittens are so so adorable.

We’re going houseboating at Lake Powell. SO SO excited. I love that vacation. And plus a few other fun trips!


Love Brittany’s tank top, do you know what brand/where is it from? I need some lightweight summer running tops.


Everything there looks like summer!

My favorite animals are giraffes, but I also like dogs, horses, and sheep. I was raised on a farm so animals were a big part of my life.


Those Davenport pictures are incredible. My favorite animals are dogs and elephants! This summer I’m doing a ten night backpacking trip in Colorado. I can’t wait!


Vegan’s Nightmare? That is the best ice cream flavor I’ve ever heard. I always leave this comment, but Brooke is so stinkin cute!


Dolphins are my fave! My hubs proposed to me at Discovery Cove….a dolphin brought me a buoy that read will you marry me? I died. This summer ill be going to new or
Eans for a bachelorette party. Aaand ill be spinning as well today woot!


dogs are my favorite!

I ran around Barcelona and Madrid last summer and loved it. No vacations planned yet but of course wherever I go there will be running involved!


I’m thinking of doing the Hawaiian Running Cruise my grandfather puts together. 3 organized runs on 3 islands. I can only dream of how beautiful it’d be.

From what I have done, I really like trail running and being out in nature. But I also enjoy running around the suburbs because it’s like exploring your neighborhood.

My favorite run so far has to be the RNR SF. Running across the Golden Gate Bridge was amazing. the sights! the views! so lovely.

I totally have to make it out to Davenport. I haven’t been there in ages.

Hitting up cycle class after work today. Trying to take it somewhat easy before my 1/2 on Sunday. We’ll be running through the redwoods on the Avenue of the Giants. I totally cannot wait to explore the area from a runners point of view.


I looooove that you and your friend ran through Santa Cruz! Best way to sight-see, hands down!! :) Thanks for the idea! ;) My fave animals are dogs (duh), cats and I really like giraffes too because they are awesome. Oh! And guinea pigs are cute! And. I just really like animals, this is hard.



That looks like a fantastic day! Other than a few trips to San Diego for events no plans for summer travel. But San Diego is my favorite place to explore. Oh favorite animals basically any kind of cat especially cheetahs. They are beautifully graceful creatures. And dolphins.


Running is my favorite way to see a city!!!

You feel like a local, no one looks twice at you and you see and notice things you never would have otherwise.

There are actually a lot of companies in various places that give runnin tours of cities!


Fav animal is dogs. old dogs are the best!!

Running Bay to Breakers in San Francisco in a few weeks and Americas Finest 1/2 marathon in San Diego in August. I’m all about destination runs now!

ran last night so rest day for me today.


I would love to know where your friend’s tank top is from!!!


Mexico (this past February with friends)
COTTAGE time at the beach :)
Nope…just finished my run today…will maybe consider some core work later tonight, but no promises…lol


I think I would have used the “heat stroke” excuse after eating the ice cream :]
chocolate covered bacon huh…hmmm I’m kinda intrigued.

I am jealous of all the things Brooke gets to do that I haven’t :[ luckkyyy


these pictures are maybe the cutest are gorgeous and the beach day looks like it was perfection! i want to check out this davenport place with you soon and of course the fish & chips! xoxoxo


Dogs first, and then sea lions (which are basically just what a dog would be if it lived in the ocean)


Oh my gorgeous! I think I’m going to invite myself to visit so you can take me to all these places.
No cross training for me today! I’m going to do a speed workout tonight. Can’t wait! I usually run in the morning but slept in this morning because I’ve been sleeping so poorly. Woke up so refreshed!


I’m intrigued by the chocolate-covered bacon. Mmm… I’m crazy excited about a NYC staycation over Memorial Day weekend, and even more excited about an August trip to PEI!


Love the pictures! They’re all so pretty!
I think the most memorable “explore-this-place” run I had was in Hawai’i. Running in the nice weather with the beautiful ocean and people everywhere was so fun!


I couldn’t agree more! I love to travel and I have come to love travel by foot the most — especially when that means running. My first marathon was in San Francisco, a city that I hadn’t ever really explored. Those 26.2 miles provided just the ticket!


horses horses horses!!!
what a fun day to run around town. i would LOVE to run all around california!


I looooove Santa Cruz! Looks like an awesome day!

I had the chance to run around London and Paris and it was AMAZING! I saw so many sights, and so many little things I would never have seen if I wasn’t running. I also ran along the beach each morning in Thailand and saw a BABY ELEPHANT!

My favorite animal is either a dolphin or a cheetah. I’m obsessed with big cats.

I am going to Mexico for a friend’s wedding this weekend, New York for another wedding, Hawaii with my family and then Chicago for the MARATHON!

Who is cross training today?


Also I have no idea how that cross-training question got in there – but I ran this morning and I’m going to yoga tonight :)


There are so many fun Florida cities to explore!!! I love St. Augustine, and just recently fell in love with Jacksonville.

I am a dog-loving girl all the way. Currently I live in a no-dogs-allowed apartment, so my baby lives with my parents, but I have a whole list of dogs that will one day be mine ;)

It is terribly rainy here today, so I’m going to do some walking with incline intervals to crosstrain today! I swear those inclines burn worse than tempo runs sometimes.


Ahh! You were here?! Wish I would’ve run into you…but I did my 9 miles at night. On the wharf too! I’ve been known to stop at Marini’s for fuel! Candy corn & Swedish fish for me, sour worms for the girls :)
Fav animal: dog. My old dog looked like a sea lion.
Fun trips for the summer: visiting my little bro in Portland! Never been so I’m excited.


Running around Key West is the best!

I love running with my trusty side-kick Maggie (my black lab), so dogs are definitely my favorite animal, but I also love giraffes and polar bears. When I was studying for the bar, during my lunch breaks I would walk over to the zoo and watch the polar bears swim. It relaxed me.

My husband and I are taking a trip to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. We’re going to Vancouver to run the Lululemon SeaWheeze and then spending a week camping in Yosemite where we’ll do lots of hiking and trail running!


I love watching the waves in Davenport! I love Cali… even though I’m stuck up here in Washington!


fav animals are dogs, but cats a close second


I taught Spin today too! I am going to Wildwood, NJ and Las Vegas this summer…I would LOVE to come to California! Your beach pictures are always amazing!


My favorite animals are sharks. I also love dolphins and sea turtles because I have experience working with them and they are amazing amazing amazing creatures. I’m going to Costa Rica for two weeks this summer to work, but it’ll be just like a vacation, so that’s cool :D Does walking 10 hours around Disney World today count as cross-training? If so, then yes, I cross-trained ;)


Cape Cod for our 1st wedding anniversary later this month and then ITALY in October! I am going to try and cram some running gear in my bag so I can at least say I ran in Italy….


I Looove running to places!cats are thr best animals, ever. I’m going to Washington dc in June. So excited! Mixing dressing is the bomb. Delish.


Next time you are at the boardwalk you should check out Gilda’s restaurant. Their seafood omelette is the best thing I have EVER had. Ever. And that’s saying a lot as I consider myself a seafood expert. It is on the pier across from the boardwalk.


I definitely agree with running and sightseeing! I’ve always wanted to go to Stratford-Upon-Avon (Shakespeare’s birthplace), and saw there was a race there. It’s only an hour away from where I live, so I signed up and enjoyed running through the historic parts of the town. It was a great experience!

I hope to sign up for more races in places I want to visit, particularly Edinburgh and portions of Wales, too. Trail running is also a great way to see some gorgeous sights that you might not otherwise. Cheers!


What a great way to get in a workout and time with a friend! Those fish and chips look so good!


I love running to explore new cities!! I’ve gone on runs in Prague, Paris, lots of places in Switzerland and Austria, Sweden, South Africa, and Tanzania, among others. I agree that is is DEFINITELY the best way to see a new place!

Dogs are my all time favorite animals.

I have an awesome trip planned back home to Colorado where I am running with my mom in her first half marathon (!!!!) and backpacking with my best friend. Later in the summer I am going on a week long kayaking trip with my parents – it’s a new river/route for me, so I’m really excited!


We live in Ohio, so our best places are in Columbus. Beautiful city but no beautiful water like you have. Your view is AMAZING! I would run everywhere there too!
My favorite animal: Probably my Labs. We have 4 of them! Love, Love my doggies!
Besides that I love Dolphins! They are beautiful creatures and love seeing them in the ocean.
Our vacations for the summer: We are planning a Biking trip in Pennsylvania. Plus our 10 year Wedding Anniversary is September, so we are trying to decide where we want to go :)
No cross training for me. My 1/2 is TOMORROW! Oh yeah. Excited. I have only ran 4 miles all week. I ended up getting a shin splint earlier in the week and didn’t want to risk running more until it felt better! Its all healed now.


Read more about these Ayurvedic tips for staying beautiful while flying by clicking here

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