Our Mother’s Day Celebration.

I wonder what goes through Billy’s mind when he looks at our credit card statements each month and sees that I go to Yogurtland at least every other day.  

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Someday I will learn to move my lens cap and Brooke’s toys out of the picture but that just takes too much effort for right now. 

Sharsti, Ash and Annette.  Blog friends for life. 

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Brooke was mad at me in the picture because I made her wear shoes earlier on in the day.  

We had a Mother’s Day celebration last night at my aunt’s house with all of the best foods.  PS please tell me that you have tried dipping carrots into guacamole.  

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And then we opened presents.  You may be surprised but I don’t just take pictures of food and Brooke.  I took my sister’s family pictures and it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself… too bad the sun glare is making it so you can’t see my full masterpiece.  

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Brooke had her new bff to play with the whole time.

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It wouldn’t be a Mother’s Day celebration without the Matilda sized chocolate cake for dessert.   I think they make the frosting with angel dust.  

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My plate of heaven eaten on the deck.

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I think someone had a little too much sugar.  She was singing an entire song just using one word, ‘YUM’ and had an entire dancing routine to go with it.   Chocolate is her favorite thing ever.

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And I know you are all wondering what Brooke got me for Mother’s Day…. well, she said I could order whatever I wanted off of jcrew.com.  It was very generous of her and I will spend my day researching exactly what I want. 


Do you like to online shop or would you rather go to the store/mall to shop?


Hamburgers:  yay or nay?

What are your Mother’s Day plans?

Favorite fruity kind of dessert?

-Anything lemon but mainly lemon bars.  

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Love online shopping, hamburgers & lemon desserts! Happy Mother’s Day!


Happy Mother’s Day to you!! I love browsing online, but for actually shopping, I’d rather be in the store. Your sister’s family picture looks great…oh, and that chocolate cake too!


Happy Mother’s Day Janae! That chocolate cake looks to die for! My mother makes the best Homemade lemon pie, someday, someway I will have to bring you some! Have a wonderful day!


I do 90% of my shopping online thanks to amazon prime. No red meat for me but turkey burgers? YES please.

Happy Mother’s Day


I love shopping online and in the mall. Depends on if I feel like trying on clothes :)
I do like a good turkey burger :)
And for Mother’s Day, my mom spends her day in heaven but I have the most amazing Mother-in-Law to celebrate! If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have my best friend :)
Happy Mother’s Day to you!! Brooke is such a lucky little girl!


Online for sure. When you live where we do Amazon Prime is faster than getting to town. Burgers? Absolutely….go team beef!! My husband wants to make a trip to the “city” today for random shopping….meaning he did not get me a gift and wants me to get my own. Yay!!


Last day of sugar detox-I literally groaned at the chocolate cake picture! I don’t like to shop period-but when I do I’m torn-I’d rather shop online, but return in person. Hamburgers a HUGE YAY!! Today I’m going kayaking and biking with friends, then home to hang out with the family. Favorite fruity dessert right now is Cincinnati’s Graeter’s Black Raspberry Chip ice cream-yum!


Happy Mothers Day! You know how to celebrate right with all of that good food! I will celebrate anything with chocolate cake- literally, anything. J.Crew is the best! I don’t think I own any other clothes now- but I shop at the factory outlet near me so it’s super cheap and it’s just the best.


happy mother’s day janae!! From all of Brooke’s gummy smiley pictures I think you’re doing a great job! :)


I wish I could buy everything online. Soooooo much better than the mall. Fav fruity dessert would be any fruit covered in chocolate :) I don’t think it counts as dessert if there isn’t chocolate involved :)


Online, definitely!

We celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday, and my hubby & kids spoiled me rotten! He sent me for a 1- hr massage, & while I was gone they cleaned like crazy. Then he threw a great cookout for me, his mom, &sister ( and families), then he took me to see 42 that evening. (Great show!). Love Love Love my man!

Happy Mother’s Day, Janae!


Happy Mother’s day!!!!!! Yes I ALWAYS dip carrots in guac!!! Yummy. Hav fun shopping!


AHHH I’m so jealous you got to hang out with Annette! Getting froyo with you, Annette and Ashley (food N fitness diaries) in Utah is like a dream of mine! Haha


Happy Mother’s Day! If my math is correct at this hour it’s your first! I love how much you enjoy your baby because it reminds me of when my were babies and how I cherished every single day.
I love JCrew-they give a teacher’s discount you know. And did you know-there’s an outlet in Gilory? And a Nike, Aasics, Rebok, and Under Armor outlets as well?


I like the Matilda reference. I love outlet malls but would choose online vs the regular mall. I’m going to the outlet mall today. A new to me outlet mall. I’m very excited. Happy Mother’s Day!


Holy crap, all that looks amazing. Why is my stomach a bottomless pit? Also, your niece sounds like a musical genius! Sometimes you just need to dance and sing because sugar is so amazing. For reals.


I don’t see a problem with having froyo every other day. ;) I’ve never tried carrots in guac, but it sounds awesome!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I would rather buy stuff in stores because I can try it on, but I love the variety that most online retailers carry compared with in their stores. Guess you can’t have it all!


I’m always afraid to try clothes shopping online! I always feel that I need to be able to try something on before I buy it.

And jesus, that does look like the cake from Matilda. That is all kinds of awesome.


Happy 1st Mother’s Day!

Like to go in store, hamburgers – yay! and strawberry fruity desserts.

Had a great Mother’s Day – a fun run, over 4 minutes off my time from last year and got to run with a local newsreader (aka a celebrity!) I think it just might have been the best Mother’s Day yet… (I wonder if it also had anything to do with my new lululemon running top, a beauty package – massage, facial the works for after my first half marathon in 8 weeks time and movie vouchers!)


I definitely shop online all of the time. I don’t have the patience to try things on in a dressing room anyway. Plus, I get all hot and sweaty from trying everything on and it’s just too much for me. I’d rather be in air conditioning and shopping while I sit on my butt. haha.

Happy mother’s day!


My little cutie and I took a sunrise hike in the mountains for a Mother’s Day celebration while her Daddy slept.

I’d rather shop online, but Susanna (go figure) loves to stroll the aisles in stores. She is mesmerized!

Favorite desserts would be either fruit salad, angel food cake, or something from my time as a baker at Whole Foods.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Oh it was so much fun yesterday, thanks again! That food looks delicious and I actually lol’d at Curly’s picture haha her sisters face is priceless!


I really don’t like to shop at all. (Unless it’s at Target) But I could shop online all day! I love it! I just discovered my new favorite desert. I was on vacation in Australia last month and had a Pavlova. OMG! Amazing :)


Happy Mpther’s Day!

Somewhat unrelated, but I just found out that a Yogurtland is opening near me – it mat even be the first one in Boston! Woo hoo!

I love shopping online so I can try things on at home. I an always return the item to the store if it doesn’t fit!

Burgers? Yes! I was a vegetarian for three years and the first meal I had once I started eating meat again was a burger!

I’m headed to see my mom for a low key day. Enjoy your day!


Happy Mother’s day to you! I love ordering online IF they have free shipping. In San Francisco they have basically every store so I feel ripped off if I have to spend $7 to get it to my house when I can drive 3 miles to get it.


HAPPY FIRST MOTHERS DAY JANAE!!! Brooke is a lucky girl! Yay to hamburgers nay x 1000 to fruity dessert. That’s just a travesty. Matilda size chocolate cakes are not, however.


AHHH blogger meet ups are the BEST <3 Brooke is getting so BIG! I can't even handle the cuteness!


I like shopping at the mall.
Happy Mother’s Day! (my brother and I made pancakes in the morning, reminiscent of what we used to do when we were in elementary school).
Hahaha, I love the picture of Curly singing!


Happy First Mother’s Day!!! So nice of Brooke to get you such a great gift!

I love a good burger. I also love dessert. My favorite fruity would be something strawberry


Your carrots and guacamole comment reminded me of the new edamame hummus at Costco. Have you tried it yet? I love eating it with carrots!

Happy Mother’s Day!


Happy first Mother’s Day, jenea!


Mother’s Day always must include eating at a buffet for me! Happy first Mother’s Day to you!


I love to shop online!!!!! Getting packages delivered is oh so exciting!!!!
Carrots are my second fave thing to have with guacamole. Mushrooms are my #1!! A bit odd but Mmmmmmmmm……..
Happy happy Mother’s Day to you!!!! :)


Happy 1st of many wonderful Mother’s Days!

I love shopping ONLINE. I get all my clothes from StitchFix.com, if you haven’t heard of this awesome personal shopping service, you definitely need to check it out.

YAY for hamburger’s with Feta, Cheese, and tomato please

Today my mom and I bought plants for the garden, putting them in and then going to the White Sox Game (annual tradition)! They give out killer totes to the first 10,000 ladies – obviously we are going early so we can be #1 and #2.

I love raspberry mousse!


I prefer shopping in the stores because I like the instant gratification ;-)

Sadly I’m traveling on Mother’s Day and don’t get to see my mother – I had a good friend’s bachelorette party! Happy First Mother’s Day to You!!!

I like fruity pies – particularly cherry and apple.


Wow, you are quite the photographer! :) Great picture!

For my first Mother’s Day, Brandon made me breakfast in bed, and he’s treating me to a pedicure later today. I am one blessed momma!


I love Sharsti (at least in the blogworld, we’re hoping to meet this summer!)! Hope you ladies had a blast! Shopping in-store so that I can try things on. Hamburgers – nay. Veggie burgers -yay! I actually prefer Five Guys veggie sandwich (all the fixings, INCLUDING MELTED CHEESE, just no patty, all on a bun) to either of those options. Yum yum yum. favorite fruity dessert is pie.


First off… Happy Mothers Day to you and all the ladies on the blog!
I LOVE to shop online and at the outlets.. Its hard to pay full price for something you can get much cheaper online or at the outlets!
Hamburgers: totally yay. Good burgers are the best.
We are going to my sisters soon for celebration. Its is my nephews birthday so its a double party! I am making spaghetti and meatballs! Been cooking all day!
Apple pie, strawberry pie and pineapple upside down cake… YUM


Happy Mother’s Day! Is that the Costco chocolate cake? That is my favorite store bought cake of all time! I really can’t choose between online and in person shopping, but I probably shop online more. Just for convenience. And lemon desserts for sure!!


I like to look at stuff online, but there are some things (like sneakers or pants) that I want to try on before I buy.

Blech! I can’t stand the texture of any kind of burger.

Going out to lunch with my parents, sister, brother, and grandparents

A strawberry Edy’s fruit bar


Happy Mother’s Day to you, too! And yes, I love dipping carrots into guacamole!

I love hamburgers! I don’t eat them that often, but when I do I thoroughly enjoy them with all the good stuff on them!

My biggest Mother’s Day event was going for a run with my husband and two sons. I told them that was all I wanted! In addition to some other gifts, I got mint chocolate GU! I know I am loved!!! :-)


I hate shopping. I want everything. I had a delicious brunch today! I don’t really like burgers but I like veggie burgers. The taste is gross.


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Love burgers so much especially when loaded with delicious toppings. Hope you found something awesome to buy at jcrew!


I always like online shopping in THEORY but end up not very happy with what I get (at least when it comes to clothes). However getting a big old package in the mail is probably the most exciting thing ever.


The look on Curly’s sister’s face is priceless!

Happy First Mother’s Day to you! I hope it was spectacular!


I love dipping my carrots in guac and salsa is very good as well! I love that picture of your nieces face as her sister is singing! Online shopping is the best!! I love lean hamburgers. TodayWe traveled a lot but it was really fun seeing both my mom and my mother-in-law! Fruit dessert is for sure anything banana or lemon. Banana cake or pudding is great and lemon bars are awesome!


Happy Mother’s Day!! That cake looks amazing… as do all the desserts you guys have!

I love shopping online. Probably too much. I also love hamburgers. Again, probably too much.

Our mother’s day was spent running around to my mom’s and the hubs’ mom’s house and then back home to relax!

Favorite fruity dessert would be strawberry shortcake (the real kind, not the kind where you buy the shortcakes premade!)


I went to Yogurtland 3 times last week. it’s the best!!! My new favorite fruity dessert is what my sis in law made yesterday – angel food cake, french vanilla pudding, condensed milk, strawberries, blueberries & blackberries. AMAZEBALLS!!!!


Much prefer online shopping.

Hamburgers – of course!! With lots of toppings!

I celebrated the day remembering my Mom and doing things she would have liked to do – garden, eat pb & j sandwiches, went for a walk….it was nice.

Chocolate covered strawberries or lemon bars!


Umm I can basically dip anything in guacamole so that I can get the most out of it hahaha.


I love that you referenced Matilda! ‘You can do it, Brucey!!’ Such a good movie!

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