I do it without even thinking about it and some ‘comfortable’ miles.

Somehow I dress Brooke and myself in matching outfits without even thinking about it. It just happens. This talent that I have (I have a feeling Brooke will consider this a flaw when she is in Jr. High) makes me really happy.

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Today’s run went really well. I felt there mentally and physically. My coach wanted me to do a warm-up mile followed by 3 miles at a ‘comfortable’ pace and then a nice cool-down. My three in between miles went: 7:23, 6:58 and 6:48 (aka my goal marathon pace). My body felt comfortable with those paces but my lungs did not feel comfortable. They were hard but that is okay. Progress not perfection right?!?!

And when we came back my niece greeted us with a box of donuts and her new sunglasses that she won’t take off. I think I might be rubbing off on her.

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After our run we got the girls from my mom’s house and went to my sister’s for lunch. I had their leftover chicken stir-fry on a salad with delicious caesar dressing, a yogurt, an orange and a beautiful sugar cookie from yesterday.

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After lunch we hit up my old campus. It was a good time. Thank goodness I went here for school because that is where I met the Billster. He moved from S. California to go to school here and fell madly in love with me.

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Brooke is sporting one of her new bows today.

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I kind of really love it.

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On a scale from 1-10 how was your run today?

What brand and flavor(s) of yogurt do you normally buy?

Where did you go to college?

-BYU Provo and BYU Hawaii (for one semester).

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I went to cosmetology school. I crossed trained again today bc my stomach is still feeling kinda wonky from being sick.
Vanilla is my favorite yogurt because I like to add toppings myself depending on my mood. Chocolate chips, strawberries, granola, endless.


Yes progress not perfection! Your lungs will be on board in no time :-) Love the matching outfits! If you are as cool as you are now (which I don’t doubt) Brooke will love being twinners with you in Jr. High! And I went to college at A&M in the lovely College Station, TX.


I hope I have a daughter someday and I’ll make her match me!


I went to the University of Lethbridge in southern Alberta.

My favorite flavor of yogurt is definitely vanilla – it reminds me of candy for some reason.


No run today, did spin class, but ran 5.5 yesterday and it was just ok. I’d say 7. I just wasn’t feeling it.I have 10 planned for Saturday, and a 5k on Sunday that I won’t really be racing obviously..I just wanted to run it!

Lately I have taken a liking to the Yoplait Greek yogurt with granola and strawberries. I feel like I can’t go back to regular yogurt after having greek yogurt!

I went to U of M flint for my undergrad and Cleary University for my MBA.


Wow! What an amazing pace! I’m glad you had a good three mile run. I did three miles too and it was with my cute 7 week old boy :) It is a lot harder to run with a stroller, but the weather was so beautiful so it had to be at least an 8!! I remembered when you did 15 miles with Brooke- that had to be way hard.

I went to Weber State for elem. education and I always buy the plain greek yogurt from Costco and then sweeten it with truvia and add my own fruit and granola to make a parfait.


Your goal marathon pace is so awesome! You rock! My run today went well it was 4 miles at a recovery pace. I also went to spin class- I am thinking about getting certified as an instructor, any advice!?


No run for me today. Strength and pool. Last nights run was a 10 though. Amazing!! I always buy Chobani blueberry. Always


Love the bows! It’s so sad that Brooke has more hair than my 4 year olds! I love Chobani and am completely Brand loyal. I went to the University of Tennessee! GO VOLS!!


Ugh your comfortable run is like my toughest run! Noosa yogurt is my favorite yogurt right now. It tastes better than any (almost) any ice cream I have had. It might just be a local Colorado thing though. DIA might have some for your layover!


I forgot to mention the flavors! I’ve only tried blueberry and raspberry but there is a strawberry rhubarb waiting in my fridge.


I was just about to say Noosa too and I’m from Colorado so you may be right! :) I love the blueberry, raspberry and honey flavors. I am waiting to try the mango and strawberry rhubarb until my next grocery trip. Yum….


Reporting from Washington state that Noosa is here and it is, in fact, the very best!


NOOSA is here in California. Got mine at TARGET. My absolute favorite yogurt!


Noosa in Missouri at Target also :). Strawberry rhubarb rocks!!


I haven’t run since my half marathon on Saturday…which went well! :) I typically by boring plain, nonfat Greek yogurt in whatever brand is the cheapest, and I went to Butler University!!! :) BTW…You are so fast!!! I can’t imagine running a full marathon at that pace, but I DO want to increase my speed :) Good job!!


Holy cow you are fast!! I did a 7 mile speed workout and I have to laugh at my “speed”. Lol. I like oikos Greek yogurt, my favorite flavors are raspberry and pineapple, yum!


Today’s run was short – my stomach decided it didn’t want to go for very long, so it wasn’t the best run. But there is always tomorrow!

I’m Chobani all the way, when it comes to yogurt.

I went to school at Northwestern University (with one semester at Universidad Pan Americana in Mexico City!)


My “run” was really a hike and a 10. The hub and I both decided we needed a day off since we’ll likely be working all weekend.

The canyon was gorgeous, our girl fell asleep a bit and then woke up, and we captured amazingly pretty pictures (are there ever words for the beauty of the Utah mountains and canyons?).

Oh, and I went to Bonas for undergrad and grad- aka St. Bonaventure.


Nice workout!! Racing this weekend so it will be just an easy run this afternoon.


My run was a 4…blah. 6 humid, tapering miles.

My favorite is Vanilla.

I went to Southern Illinois University


Wow! Your comfortable runs are amazing, I wish I could run that fast! I didn’t run today, but I did a spin class and then a body pump class right after.

I went to a school in NC for the undergrad, a school in CA for my Masters, and a school in the UK for my PhD. Whew. Yeah, it’s been fun!


LOVE Brooke’s bow and your matching outfits!!


Vanilla yogurt All Natural Dannon is my choice currently. Love to add Strawberries from time to time or granola.

Went to an Engineering school in Michigan…80% male, may not have been a good idea as a girlie girl. But joined a sorority to make up for it! :)


May I ask… did you go to Tech?!


While Tech is mostly male as well – I couldn’t have handled the winters up there! So instead I went with living in ‘Flint’ at Kettering. :)


Today is a glorious rest day for me! I went to a community college for my generals and then Chapman University.


My run was terrific today! 10 for sure. I felt great, and was done with 6.5 miles before 6:45!


That bow is the cutest! I love progress not perfection…that mantra is a keeper methinks!

My run was only a 4 today…I have just started running within 10 mins of waking up (I normally ran only in the evenings). So I am still getting used to this whole morning thing! My first three or so morning runs were amazing. This one (the 4th!) was not so hot. They are only 2 mile runs if even (no Garmin) cause I was/am injured.

All flavour yoghurt!! Nothing is safe.

I am still in college, I go to one that’s a bit outside Dublin in Ireland. I love it! Although I am doing exams right now so maybe get back to me in 2 weeks ;)


She is RIDICULOUSLY cute. No running right now – sidelined with PF. :*(

I LOVE the new Oikos Cafe Latte flavor. SOOO good.

Harding University in good ol’ Searcy, Arkansas!


Today was a much needed rest day from running and Crossfit. I always feel bad on rest days, but I know they are necessary.

I am in love with Greek yogurt. Light and Fit by Dannon is my favorite. I love yogurt so much that for weeks I have been having Greek yogurt and granola for lunch, and I am still not tired of it! I am going to start eating it for dessert and adding little candy pieces in it. Yogurt anonymous here I come!

University of San Francisco for undergrad, and Santa Clara University for graduate school. Go Dons and Broncos!


Love the matching outfits! Too cute! Not a run day for me,
Resting up for my half. I went to Oklahoma Baptist University.


My run was kinda crappy today. I am doing Couch to 5k and the app I use apparently shut down halfway through my run, and I didn’t realise for a while. Plus I used my new phone holder (it clips at the waistband) but it didn’t work well so it was just cumbersome to have to hold it in my hand along with my phone and keys. I hope my next run will be better :)


Brooke is so cute!! My run today was a recovery run after my race this weekend. It went really well! I was able to try out some new shoes as well! I went to school at The Ohio State University!


Brooke is the cutest stinkin’ baby. I can’t even take it. And great run! I’ve been having a similar struggle lately, my legs feel great during a run when I go faster, but my lungs are having trouble keeping up. And on the flip side, if I slow down my breath is great but running slower hurts my legs more (I think my form is way worse when I do that). Right now I’m blaming my springtime allergies. I can barely breathe properly going for a walk so I’m sure once my body gets used to the weather I’ll be fine!


It’s all about progress! My run was a 0/10 because I cycled instead. I’ve been having some foot pain so I’m taking it easy. It was crazy windy out, though, so cycling wasn’t exactly an easy substitute!


Great job on your run! Today, I ran my first full mile without stopping since my injury three months ago MIT was hard,Mobutu I did it? I love Fage yogurt. It’s myngpfavorite!


I went to college at California State University, Sacramento. My run score is n/a as I am no longer running right now! The babies are getting bigger and I just can’t keep up with running any more! :)


My goodness you’re quick! I’m heading home to do 5 miles now. I’m going to take it easy because I have 22 on Saturday… Eek!! Fingers crossed for a nice, happy 10 :)

I buy Stonyfield FF vanilla or Fage 0% with cherries, if I’m not having my normal oatmeal w toasted almonds for bfast.

My undergrad was at the University of New Hampshire. The good ole days!


I always go for vanilla Greek yogurt. Love it!

I met my husband my freshman year at Virginia Tech (he was a sophomore)!


Nice run girl! You’re speedy. Brook is such a cutie. I’d rate my run a 5/10 – aka average. I did 6 miles at 8:30 pace, which is a pretty standard run for me.

Yogurt brand- Chobani.
Favorite flavors- apple cinnamon, mango, pear, black cherry.

I’m a proud grad from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Go BUFFS.


DANNGGGGG girl. You are so so fast! Way to hit those fast speeds. Pretty sure anyone’s lungs would be uncomfortable at that pace ;)

Fav flavor of yogurt: pomegranate (CHO)

Go BYU!!! <3


My run was a 7 today..I did speed work and it was great! I typically buy Chobani plain 0% yogurt… I love it! I can’t really handle any flavored yogurts anymore!

I went to Coastal Carolina University for undergrad and am currently attending Florida Institute of Technology for grad school!


You went to school in Hawaii?! Gah! So jealous – I vacationed in Hawaii about 2 months ago and I’m -still- missing it. I’d kind of kill to live there for any extended period of time. As for yogurt, I’m an Oikos girl, either plain or coconut flavored. We’re kind of deprived in Canada, though, and don’t have Fage or Chobani.


That bow is beyond cute! And holy cow, I want my body to be comfortable with paces in the 6:XX!

Today’s run was just to get my legs moving, and pretty good. It was a crazy night at work followed by taking my main man to get his wisdom teeth (hello being personal nurse with no sleep) and then my legs just got restless to I ran a few. It’s amazing how those few miles fixed everything


TJ’s has great flavored yogurts! I love there lowfat Greek Mango yogurt, especially and I’m a major Chobani lover too. Have you tried the new Chobani flips…..there wonderful.


The Key Lime Chobani Flip is amazing!


Ooohhh love the matching outfits. I told my husband that I like to match his outfit same with our son. He thinks that’s weird.
I like chobani! :)


I went to five colleges to piece together one pharmacy degree, lol! I did change my major drastically, but that’s no excuse for three undergrad schools (in my defense, I only took one summer class from one of them) and two pharmacy schools!


I kept fooling myself into thinking today was Friday, too bad it’s not….

Today was my rest day since I ran really hard and then put in a gym workout on Tuesday then put in a run yesterday. So today- zero. Tomorrow will be a 10.

French vanilla – boring yes but it’s so easy for making smoothies with!



+ University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) for one semester


I think I have that same lulu tank as what you’re wearing in the top photo. I love it; it’s so cute! Your niece is adorable. I would die if someone that cute brought me doughnuts. I normally buy Trader Joe’s or Chobani yogurt. I love TJ’s Greek yogurt; it’s so tasty and only $1 a container!


My run today was a 3!! It was tough. I swear they are getting harder as it’s getting hotter! I need to start going earlier! Love that bow!


One of my best girlfriends lives in Provo and I’ve been meaning to make my way out there soon – it’s GORGEOUS!


I normally go for Oikos 2% plain or 0% coconut…both are fabulous! Although I am looking forward to my next trip to the States so I can stock up on Chobani ;-)


If 6:48 is your comfortable pace then I think you’re doing something right!!! Consider it the altitude anyways! I always try to get my mom to dress like me and I’m 21. Maybe Brooke will be the same :)


On a scale from 1-10 how was your run today?
I’d say about a 2. Note to self: don’t try running after donating blood earlier in the day. Fail.
What brand and flavor(s) of yogurt do you normally buy?
Chobani — strawberry/banana/vanilla for smoothies
Where did you go to college?
Flathead Valley Community College, online for a while at American Military University, and now Nebraska Methodist College.


Between Curly and Brooke, I think I would die from all the cuteness in your household!!


I’m not a big yogurt fan, but I usually buy Oikos for my husband. I am graduating from BYU in December! Wahoo! Gotta love the Cougars!!


Oh my gosh that last picture of Brooke just melted my heart. That bow is too cute on her! And Curly in her picture with remnants of donut on her fact-just too blasted cute!
I did my first trail run last night, it was so hard, but I had so much fun! Today I walked the treadmill for 15 mins, then did weight training, then did about 22 minutes on the bike. I was suppose to do 30 but my legs were just dead from the trail run.


My run was a 10!!!! It was only 2 miles but for one thing I got to RUN! and secondly I upped the speed every .25 miles going from 7.0 to 8.0 then a final sprint! Felt awesome!


Curly has impeccable fashion sense!

I’m obsessed with the Chobani key lime Flips right now. Nothing beats graham cracker crumbs and white chocolate with your yogurt!

Carlow University (tiny tiny women’s college) and then University of Pittsburgh for my doctorate.


On a scale from 1-10 how was your run today?
-0, I’m recovering from what could have been an injury. Took some time off :(

What brand and flavor(s) of yogurt do you normally buy?
-Archer Farms from Target

Where did you go to college?
-Hagerstown Community College. But thinking of switching since I can’t get financial aid this year :(


My run today was prob a 9/10. 90 degree weather, blue skies, had my dog with me, listened to the latest Jill podcast. I just need some new shoes to get that # up to a 10!


Gentry has Brooke’s outfit! I would love to know your running plan! Want to share for free??


Hey! Basically he sends me my workout each day so I will post my workouts daily!


I find that I dress my daughter in the same colors that I have chose for the day. I don’t realize it until we are out the door, lol.

My run today was awesome. I went to a place I hadn’t ran before and didn’t realize the slow building hills that I would come upon. I can proudly say that I kept pace and it felt great.


I can walk down stairs comfortably today after racing on Sunday. I consider that a 10 for the day, even if I didn’t run :)


I used to buy Activia but now I buy Stoney Field or Dannon. I had a track meet so I’d say my run was a 7 or 8. I haven’t done any college yet… no idea where I want to go!


Today was an unplanned rest day for me. My sweet baby boy is sick do there was lots of cuddles on the couch going on :)

Penn State was my undergrad college. Loved every second of it!


My run was like a 5 today :/ I was hoping it would be better because my run yesterday wasn’t that great but I’m gonna go ahead and blame it on the chipotle. totally. worth. it.

I discovered my new favorite yogurt, Fage. Or something like that. Its so creamy and decadent and you pour fruit stuff into it and I could eat it like five times a day.

And I go to Notre Dame! About to graduate though wah


Run was a 5. Just a quick 2 miler. I went Husson University in Bangor Maine. Love Brooke’s bow!


I’m going to Montana State University! :)


Those eyelashes!! Miami University of Ohio and IU.


My left cheek (butt cheek…) has been hurting since my run last Saturday. It is pretty sore, so I have not been running this week. I took a few yoga classes and two body pump classes…btw, body pump is rough when you go a long time without doing it.

I went to Towson University…Go Tigers!

I am in love with the key lime Chobani Flips.


Awesome that you spent a semester in Hawaii! We drove by the BYU campus when we were on the island in January. I’m a proud graduate of Virginia Tech. Go Hokies! My little one is diggin’ YoBaby yogurt right now. Trying to rebuild up my running base and put in 10 today. Weather was beautiful! Just got back from taking my oldest to Disney Princesses on Ice. Her reactions were ADORABLE!! Fun way to start off Mother’s Day weekend!


Love Brooke and her bow. :) That salad looks yum. My run (a 5k) wasn’t good, the official time bummed me out. Sigh.


On a scale of 1-10 my SPIN CLASS was an 11!!!


I LOVE Chobani Greek yogurt.


oh my word! you went to byu-hawaii!?! i was going to go there junior year (from byu-idaho) and finish school there but right before my acceptance letter came i met my husband and he did NOT want me to move there and marry a hawaiian surfer. so he proposed and here we are nearly 10 years later! he did take me to hawaii for our honeymoon. so i can’t complain.

and fage is hands down THE best yogurt!


That’s the same dressing I had tonight on my salad! Those Bolthouse dressings are the best.
Curly is so adorable… I can imagine it is so awesome to have the kids together when you are at home!
My run today was GREAT! I would give it an 8 or a 9.


My run was a 3 today. It was super hot and I over dressed and went out too fast…not a great run lol.
I buy Danone yogurt for my kids (the drinkable ones).

I really want your salad and cookie. Yum.


Brooke should definitely wear bows all the time. Just sayin. #adorbs. I went to school at CSU Sacramento!! :) And also in Paris for a semester! I looooved college and definitely miss being a student sometimes.



Pleez tell me how you worked up to those paces – I have been running for 1 year and have never gone under a 7 pace for longer than a mile, I wonder if I’ll ever get there. Had to deal with a few months of itbs over Christmas and now it feels like my faster paces have dropped off, so frustrating.
I love plain chobani which I make a lemon yoghurt out of – so yummy.
Went to college in South Africa – University of Witwatersrand, but met my hubby at church :)


I LOVE her bow!!!!!!!! Cutie!!!! <3


My run yesterday was glorious! It was my last run before this weekend’s marathon and I felt amazing.

I went to Hope College in Holland, MI. It’s where basically everyone in my family has gone to school.


I usually buy the light and fit greek yogurt, but my boyfriend gets chobani. Mostly I get whatever greek yogurt is most on sale (but that’s usually light and fit).

I did undergrad at Christopher Newport University and studied abroad for a semester in each Prague, Czech Republic and Stellenbosch, South Africa. I did my masters at the University of Denver.


Its funny looking back and thinking my mom was a bit funny when I was little but now watching you just love Brooke to pieces its like ah I get it, there are no “cool” moms haha. All moms are just go be all “hey my kid is the coolest thing since sliced bread so I’m just gunna love em till the cows come home” Its cool though, I plan on doing the same thing : )

I went to SUNY Geneseo


I spy Bolthouse Cesar dressing I am OBSESSED! Its delicious
Love that precious little bow!


My run was awesome. Probably an 8. I had a cut down and ended up running 7 miles in 7:37 averages. Had to stop once to get a drink but other than that it was great


My run yesterday was good. My “easy” pace is nowehere near yours, though!

I went to Syracuse University… GO ORANGE!


I used to constantly dress my kids similarly to me. I don’t even notice half the time until my husband comes home from work and points it out. Sometimes I’m just in the mood for something so I unconsciously dress all of us in that color/pattern.

I wish they would still let me pick their clothes out, at 5 and 7 those boys have no taste.


Colorado State University and a semester at Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia and had the best time ever!


You went to Hawaii! That’s awesome. I live in Hawaii and that BYU campus is gorgeous.


You’re training for a sub-3 mary?!?!?! Whoooohoooo! Yeeeeehhhhhaaawwwww!


I am shooting for that in December at CIM! Come do it with me!


I read your blog all the time and really enjoy every bit of it though I hardly comment. I just think you have the happiest, cutest baby in the world! she’s caught your infectious smile and joy! (: Brightens my day each time I see her face ((:

Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much for your sweet comment!

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