Craving a race and lasagna.

Brooke has just become one of the gang.  

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I found them in the hallway before church with ever single stuffed animal on the planet around them.

We went to church, came home and ate leftovers and then had a marvelous skittle party in the family room.  We tried every single flavor combination possible and my theory is still correct… the purple and red skittle combination IS the best.  Second place= green and yellow.

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Brooke is really living the dream here. They fight over taking care of her.  PS don’t they kind of look alike….

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It happened.  I was able to fulfill my craving for my mom’s lasagna.  The amount of times a day I think about this lasagna is kind of out of control.  Recipe HERE.  

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Sunday family dinners.  It was hard to go cold turkey on this tradition when we moved to California so it is always nice to be back.  

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Especially when Costco cupcakes the size of Brooke’s head are involved for dessert.  

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It has been 9 weeks since my last race.

From my Twitter:

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I could seriously go for a big ol’ race right about now.  Non-runners must think we are really crazy when we ‘crave’ paying a large amount of money to go run on the street and wake up at a ridiculous hour to go and do it.   Even when I was pregnant and running just for fun and didn’t care about my time I still did 8 races during that time.  I just love everything about them and I really need one in my life soon.   

Does anyone know of any Utah races (preferably close to where I am staying) going on this morning;)  

PS I am up to 5 days of running this week.  And they are all with my sister.  And outside.  It is going to be good.  


Do you ever experience the craving for a race?  How often do you do races?  On average how many a year?

What food are you craving right NOW?

Favorite skittle flavor or combination?

Twitter:  like it, love it or don’t understand it?

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Looks like Brooke is having so much fun! She’s a lucky little girl to have lots of family and cousins. I was craving waffles this morning, so I made a batch to have throughout the week….eating one right now….yum!! Enjoy time with the fam!!


Always! I have one booked for this Sunday. Australia’s not too far for you, is it?? ;)

Right now I am craving the cocochocobanana muffins I just made (coconut, chocolate chip and banana). But I just did my ab workout so would kinda defeat the purpose… right??!!

Definitely red and purple and only because they are the two best flavours so no doubt they would be brilliant together!

I am starting to love Twitter – only started getting the hang of it recently!


I’ve been doing a lot of races lately! About one a month! I miss Sunday lunch with my family so much!


Love twitter (@rafdarrow) and have never tried Skittle combinations with any thought. DH eats them if he is a Ragnar driver but not runner, which happens amybe 3x/yr.


So glad you get to see family and enjoy good food and extra Brooke care these days, not to mention the luxury of running 5 days a week! I am busy scoping out good, local 5 and 10 Ks over the summer to do as I am training for the longer distances. I WANT to love twitter…but it is so overwhelming! I often ignore it.


I don’t understand twitter, can you explain? I feel like you have to be on it all the time. I can’t during work.


I hope you find a race soon. I honestly race close to every weekend over the summer. Do I expect a PR in every single race? Absolutely not…but I love to see my friends at road races and half the reason I do is social LOL…


Wow, YES, they look alike!!

Last summer I raced almost every weekend. This year, since I just did my first full marathon (YAY!!!) I’m scaling back. I’m doing a half next month, and am planning to just sprinkle a few 5Ks or 10Ks in here an there throughout the summer.

Have fun on your trip!


I ALWAYs crave races!! Especially once I finish one, I am instantly on the computer looking for another! Twitter, I want to love it, but it find it soo confusing, I just don’t get it! I’m more of an Instagramer! That is my fave!


I am SO craving a run, let alone a race. I had to stop running at 23 weeks because my doctor thought I had a hernia (which I ended up not having). It’s been 12 weeks since then, and I have approximately 10 weeks until my next run. Ahhh! At least once the baby arrives I’ll have something to distract me :) There will be lots of walks with our BOB stroller.


Looks like you have some good running ahead of you! I do like to race, but usually don’t do it often just because I can’t justify spending the money. There may be a race or two in my near future though :). And I’m Twitter obsessed. I even stopped paying my subscription fee for a newspaper because I can get all of that info from who I follow on Twitter for free!


Twitter confuses/terrifies me, but I suppose I’ll join eventually. Not sure I can keep my thoughts under 140 characters!

Now that we are working around the schedules of two wee ones, my husband and I are pretty selective about races. Right now I’m seriously considering a fall marathon but haven’t had the guts to sign up yet.

There are very few meals I’m good at making, but my homemade lasagna is killer! I use the Barilla no-cook noodles, Italian sausage, ricotta, and lots of spinach between each layer. It’s yummy, gooey, and hits the spot. It’s my go-to meal for new parents, along with an easy chocolate cherry cake with homemade icing. Makes me hungry just writing about it!


Red and Green is my fav skittle combo!!! annnnnd I’m craving a race as well…that lasagna does look delicious, I want that for dinner!


I’m really craving a race but with all of my injuries since January it isn’t possible. I can’t even do any exercise for te next 2 weeks. Wahhhh.


Brooke looks so much like your nieces and nephew!!


Just got bitten by the race bug! Signed up for 4 halfs this month and then the hubs is cutting me off! All the cousins look SO precious!


A Mom’s lasagna… I know what you mean. My mom is Italian and makes the best lasagna. We have it every Christmas! Plus other random times throughout the year!
Yes, I am a race junkie… As soon as I finish a race, I am on the internet searching for the next one! I like to race 1 per month. Even if its a smaller 5K . Just for the fun of it! Last year which was my first year running, I ran 5- 5K, 2- 15K and 2- Half Marathons. This year I am up to 5K, 15K and Half Marathon.
I am really craving a big ol breakfast… Bacon, eggs, cheese and salsa all on a tortilla and grilled to perfection. YUM!
Twitter: Don’t understand it… I love Facebook but haven’t been able to get into twitter.


I think it’s time for you to sign up for a race then… on the east coast! Brooke must be in absolute heaven. I was always the big cousin that wanted to play with my baby cousins and be in charge. I got to pretend I was a babysitter or something. Purple and red are DEFINITELY the best skittle combo! They taste so good together! I like red by itself the best though.


I think the purple/red Skittle combo is the best, too. I also love running in races, especially ones that give you finisher medals, and go through withdrawal when I don’t race. I’m trying for at least one race, half marathon or longer, each month for the rest of the year. (I started in March.) Sometimes I fantasize about having a credit card that someone else pays off that I could use to pay for any race I wanted to run. Maybe someday. :)


Red and purple FOREVER!!! Best skittle combination for sure. I also like the ones that come in the purple package. Sour skittles come in third! Don’t really understand too much about twitter but I’m trying to learn :-)


I follow a ton of runner/bloggers, running companies, etc. on twitter, but don’t have time to check them out! My husband is addicted to his twitter account! :-)

I’ve had several races this spring and my next race is next weekend. After that, I don’t have any more lined up until the fall.


I hear ya on your daughter looking like your niece. I recently walked into my in-law’s home and paused when I thought I saw a pic of my daughter. Nope, it was a picture of her cousin- taken when she was 2 months older than my daughter a few years ago.

It’s great to know who our daughter looks like…finally!

Oh, and the red-purple Skittles combo has long been my fave. I’m craving good juicy apples right now.


I am craving a race so bad! After watching the half and full marathon yesterday, I need to run a race. I’m glad you are back to 5 days of running!! Hopefully pain free ;)

I love all the skittles in my mouth at once. I can’t do one color at a time. I will have to try your combinations next, but as of now, there is nothing like a big mash up in my mouth!! Love them. They are actually my favorite candy!


I’m really craving blueberry pancakes! They’re my absolute favorite. My favorite Skittle flavor is definitely grape. And I completely agree that the purple and red should be eaten together!


Those are the cutest pictures! And those cupcakes look absolutely sinful in the best possible way :) Let’s see, right now I’m craving a banana, hopefully peapod arrives at my office with the groceries soon!


I race about 10 times a year…but usually these races are just for fun and not super stressed about times. As far as twitter goes I like it but also don’t fully understand it haha


After that picture, I’m craving a Costco cupcake! I prefer the red velvet or carrot cake though.

I took Skittles as extra marathon fuel yesterday, and they tasted like perfection at miles 23-24. Red and purple was definitely the best combo!


I think after every race I run, I crave signing up for another one.


So much cuteness! Red and yellow is my fav combo :)


When my sister and I were little, we built a “Beanie Baby City” in the kitchen and took all 1000 of our beanie babies and built an empire in the kitchen. It was a blast.

I REALLY am craving a race as well! It’s kind of hard here in FL though because it gets so HOT so I haven’t been able to find many between now and October. My next race isn’t scheduled until September. I really want FROYO but it’s 8:40 am so I’m not sure that any froyo places are open at this moment.

Twitter…I like it. I recently started using it more when I first started writing my blog.


Yes to Twitter! And Instagram :)


I always crave races, but my wallet doesn’t. I try to limit myself to about 3 per year. This year it was the DC Rock and Roll Half in March, and then coming up is the North Face 50k in June, and the Marine Corps Marathon in October.

I don’t like Skittles. I know, it’s weird.

I don’t really get twitter.


Love races but they are pricey. Cheered on 10 GF’s in an obstacle course 5k in Lyons, CO on Sat. Because I’m stuck with a tibia/fibula fracture from skiing Vail. Can’t wait to start PT and at least hope to swim or bike as soon as I can ditch crutches.
Brooke is adorable and does look like her cousin.
I love UT. Was suppose to fly there for work this week, but air travel not allowed til I am off blood thinners. I need to at least do some Ab’s workout because I am getting real bored with my routine. Thank for your fun blog. Makes me smile!!


It is so good to see your little peeps again. They are growing up to such beauties! And Brook so looks like them:) I understand, especially being this time of the year, craving a race, it is perfect running weather.


I crave races! I am right now, but I am taking it easy on running being 14 weeks pregnant :) But I have some small fun races this summer :)
A large cinnamon bun, have been for days!
I am not a purple fan or maybe red and yellow?
LOVE Twitter!
I was going to say that I think Brooke really looks like her cousins in the stuffed animal photo!


I am totally craving a race right now too! So I know how yore feeling :) and so funny that you said it because I totally agree that purple + red is the best combo :)


I just did my first race on Saturday (a 5K) and I’m craving another race today! Luckily, I’m signed up for another one June 2nd.


That photo is so adorable. I used to pile stuffed animals around me when I was a kid, too!

I don’t really know how to use Twitter, but I attempt to anyways. :)


I said it yesterday and will say it again…they look totally identical! It is so cute!!!! Yes I crave races sometimes but don’t like the process of finding them and making sure they don’t conflict with other things and working all the details out. I do about 2-3 races a year. This year I am did a 10k in March, and am doing a 1/2 in June and a full in Oct. I 2 weeks I am also doing a 2.62 with my kids for fun :)!


I always have a craving for a race! I race about every 3 months. Right now I am craving oranges! I love the yellow and grape flavored skittles. I love Twitter!


Well now I’m craving lasagna. And I totally get craving races, I LOVE them, especially when I’m running them for fun with friends or if it’s a race I’ve worked really hard towards! And I like twitter generally, but I don’t get twitter chats… like it makes no sense to me. hm.


Ahh purple and red is the best!! Sunday dinners are my favorite. Whenever there’s a race I will sign up but I sure do wish there was more. I love races.


Your family is so beautiful! Now I want a week with my entire family too!
Not to make you upset, but I’ll be racing in the Santa Barbara Half Marathon next week. then I’ll have a verrry long dry spell. we’ll get through this. Good luck!


I can see the resemblance around the eyes. I think the best Skittle combination is red and green. Those are my favorites! Twitter is ok, but I actually love Instagram!


Races are so addicting! As soon as I finish one I start looking for my next. I’ve done two so far this season and so many more planned.

I don’t understand twitter.


I am craving a race. I probably do 3 to 4 5ks a year and 1 to 2 longer races a year (meaning 10k or 1/2 marathon). I would love some Nerds right now. I could always eat some Nerds. I love the purple and red skittles too. Who doesn’t?! I love Twitter. Not on it as much as FB, but I think its a great way to connect! :)


I hear ya on the race crave! I am signed up for 6 races this year but hope to add at least 1 more.

Not on twitter, maybe someday?!


Aw, I’m sure Brooke and her cousins all love hanging out together so much! Mmm that lasagna looks awesome!!


I crave racing for sure! I wish I had more miner so u could dig. Up for all the ones I wanna run.


Red and purple skittles are the only ones I eat!


I totally crave races and really wish I could race more but I’m trying to be financially responsible or something stupid like that so not doing a lot of races. I do have a mothers day race this weekend though so I’m excited about that!


I prefer to eat my skittles one by one… after I’ve separated them into piles by color… and I eat my least favorite first and then save the best for last.
:) Yes, I’m strange.


i love that. i like to just pick out the red ones. with an occasional green or orange thrown in. then my kids can eat all the yellow and purple.


Well – you have me craving lasagne AND cupcakes now. Thanks :p


red-purple is totally the best Skittles combination. Although I happen to think red-red is the best ;) On the topic of skittles, I don’t understand why the orange one exists. I mean, does anyone actually like orange skittles??


Craving fruit smoothie galore!!!!! I’m not sure why, but I’m pretty much addicted to fruit smoothies. Actually here lately all I can think about is racing lol I feel like I need to do another one! Green and yellow are the best to me :) Twitter…..I like it and don’t understand it lol.


Oh my gosh, your niece really does look like a grown up Brooke! Crazy!
I’ve got two (possibly 3) races in the works this year. One of them is my first full though, so we’ll see how many more I do after that.
I love Twitter! I think it’s so fun.


Your oldest niece looks a lot like you! I never noticed until you mentioned she and Brooke looking alike!


Family is so awesome to be around, especially cousins! Are those chocolate cupcakes just like their chocolate cakes? If so, I’m craving that now :)

Have you seen Skittles Dark Side?? They are soooooooooooooo good. I noticed that when I combine all of the flavors, it tastes like fruity pebbles!


Favorite skittle combo: green and purple. Don’t judge me, it’s just like that sometimes!


Love me some lasagna! And your daughter is the cutest thing!


They do look so alike! And curly looks just like you – so cute.

I am craving exactly what I’m eating right now, stovetop cooked creamy oats – perfecto.
I do like twitter but I definitely don’t understand it – I much prefer instagram where I can stalk with ease ;)


I DO get a craving for a race – whenever I’m looking to motivate myself, a race is always the way to do it – it motivates me in more than just running! I race about 5 times a year – used to be more but life happens :-)

I am craving a Smores Pop-Tart – doesn’t that sound delish?

Skittle combo = Red and Yellow

Mixed emotions on Twitter – I really perfer instagram but Twitter is a great way to communicate quickly and succinctly!


Huge yum to mom’s lasagna! Yes- I know what you mean about craving a race. I just finished my last scheduled race for spring and have a fall half and full planned but now find myself thinking, what’s next?! What will I do all summer?


Your family time looks so awesome! I love it!

That’s great you are back to running 5 days a week. Would there be any chance you could share with us (or email me if you don’t want to post about it) your returning to run plan post injury? I’m interested to hear what your doctor advises when getting back into running after taking time off. Did he provide you with a set plan? Is there a general plan of increasing mileage/days run, etc?


Hey Caroline! My running coach sends me weekly training plans! He is being super conservative with me and each week I only increase mileage 10%. After about 5 weeks of increasing mileage since i returned to running again i will be adding speed next week for the first time!


So happy to see we have the same favorite skittle combo. Red and purple. Mmmm.

I do get a craving to do a race! It’s a fun activity I like to include in my weekends. But I also get the craving to try new things and switch it up a bit too. My friend did the NY 5 Boro Bike Tour this weekend. I chickened out because I thought 40 miles was too much for someone that doesn’t ride bikes often. She said it was no biggie and a lot of fun, so now I’m sad I missed out!


I have to go with green and purple as the best skittle color combination! Sweet and sour… you can’t beat it.

I definitely get cravings to race. The atmosphere is so addicting and it is even better when I know I’m going to get to run with friends! I just ran a 10-miler yesterday (the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia) but I have a 5k in two weeks and a half marathon two weeks aftr that! Typically I do 1-2 races per month. I have about 13-15 on the schedule for this year.

I kind of suck at Twitter but that’s because my life is somewhat boring and my tweets would fall on deaf ears ;) I just lurk and read other people’s ( infinitely more interesting) tweets!


the big vigor is happening next Saturday down Big Cottonwood canyon. I will be slowly pacing the 2:20 group.


haha Oh my gosh, I love that they were all just chillin’ in the hallway with stuffed animals. Brooke looks like she’s having the time of her life with her cousins!! So fun :)



Ever since I started volunteering at races and pacing some races, I have been going to one about every other week (or in the month of May, it will be like pretty much every weekend). Since those things allow me to race for free, it lets me be in the race atmosphere without having to race all of them (but when I do race, like for a marathon, I have to pay so much monies!).


You can definitely see some family resemblance there!
Twitter: working on understanding it ;-)


When I started running about 1 & 1/2 years ago, as a way to motivate myself to stick with it, I committed to completing at least 1 race a month for a year. Now I’m hooked and still keeping the streak alive. I’ve finished 18 races and counting, including a 10k 1st place in my division, and my very first half marathon just yesterday (Go Pittsburgh!).

Also, I always always always crave pasta. For how much I love to carbo-load I sure picked the right sport!


I like twitter but to keep up it’s very overwhelming. Tweet lives are very short. There’s no possible way to read them all unless you were on your phone all day.
I’m excited for my race season to start! I have a race almost every month from now until my first full in October!


Love seeing brooke with those 3 kiddos! so cute.

Best skittle combo: orange & purple. hands down!

I am craving watermelonnnnnnnn!! can’t wait to announce the gender tomorrow–whheeeee!


Now I can see why we are best friends. Me & my Moms favorite Friday night activity is laying on the ground and seperating jelly belly jelly beans into piles and then figuring out the best combination. We so seriously need to get a life but it really is so much fun. :)

Your neices are getting so big and are so stinking cute. I will make up a race with you any day that you are here. Like for reals lets run together please.


This year…I will probably do between 12-14 races
geeez – us runners sure are a strange bunch…paying to put overselves through this…but wouldn’t have it any other way


I need a race this month – this weekend is really my only opportunity but the only easily accessible race is a Chicago Cubs race (if you know anything about Chicago baseball, cubs fans and sox fans are mortal enemies mostly just for baseball-I’m a Sox fan). I don’t even think I could cross that line, not even for running.

Twitter is eh- I don’t really see the point to it


Come to NYC!!! We have races every weekend- I’m going way overboard… already signed up for 3 in May (10K/half/10K) and 2 in June (10K/10K)… races are so much fun!!!

I’m not craving anything right now because I just finished a giant salad and I feel so full!!!!


Skittle party? Count me in. Fact: when I was in junior high, I used to buy Skittles for the boys to make them like me. Fact: it didn’t really work.


I only have one or two races per season, and I wish I could race more! I already had a race this April, and my next one is in September. I might sign up for one sooner…

I’m craving froyo right now. Heck, I’m always craving froyo ;)


So even after my 3 way this weekend (5k,10k and half) I CAN’T wait to run my next half in two weeks at my sister’s in KC!!! I’m going out for my nephew’s graduation and just happened to find a race there Saturday morning. Better yet….it’s kind of an all girls race. I believe the website “highly recommends” no men. :) I race about 10x/year. However this year will most likely exceed that. I swear…..I would have ran a race today if I could have found one.
Twitter….have an account but rarely use it.


I am craving a sweet potato with almond butter, but I crave that everyday around 3pm! I crave races when I havent done one in about 4 or 5 months for sure!

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