A great form workout to try and the three necessities in life.

I don’t even want to try to remember what time I woke up this morning to fit my run in.  I only had time to run before teaching my spin class and it takes 20 minutes to drive to my gym so that means my alarm clock went off in the 4 o’clock hour.  Good thing I went to bed at 9 last night.  Seriously.  

This was my first treadmill run in 4 months….. I don’t know if I will ever be a treadmill runner again…. my brain almost exploded.   Maybe I just have a thing for my own personal treadmill or something?!?  

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Today my run was focused on form!  I have a lot of things to work on so the way that my coach split up different areas to focus on each 1/4th of a mile made it a lot more doable.  I kept the workout up on my iPad so that I could remember what was next (my brain doesn’t function this early in the morning).

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I tend to run with chicken arms (that is what my coach called them:) so it was tough to try to teach myself to lead back with the elbows and also I really need to work on my posture!  THIS VIDEO shows you something to do during a run when you feel like your posture is is breaking down.  Reach up over your head because it pulls everything into place and brings your hips forward again.  It totally works!

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I had a meeting this morning to go to and luckily there were other kids and toys to keep Brooke happy the whole time. Yes, I do daily coordinate our outfits so that we are wearing the same colors.

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Then it was off to errands and we picked up the three necessities in life… cliff bars, watermelon and soup (because doesn’t everyone love eating soup when it is 80 degrees out?).

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While we were out hunger struck and there was nothing I could do about it but pull over the car and search for food.  I still have at least 5 Subway gift cards left.  Expect many more sandwiches to appear.  

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One of my all-time favorite shows is back!!! Since Billy is too cool for me and goes to school at night to study a few nights a week I will be DVRing these episodes and saving them for those nights when he is gone.  Let’s be honest, I will probably get a Chipotle burrito bowl to eat while I watch them.  

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What part of your running form do you need to work on the most?  

Any Clif bar fans?  What flavor?  Do you prefer different kinds of bars?

Last time you ran on the treadmill?  What are your feelings lately about the treadmill?  

How many times a week do you eat out/get food to go for lunch?  

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I am finding that I need to do more runs outside. I just did an “easy” five miles this morning and it felt so tough.. with the heat and wind and pavement! I kind of got owned in the full marathon on Sunday because my legs weren’t used to the pounding of the pavement. I’ll be doing more outdoor running as well as trail running (for softer surface, but with the intensity of the hills and such).
Hehe, Brooke is so darn cute!


I’m not going to lie, the idea of a “5 Mile Easy Run” sort of baffles me, because I am and have ever been sooooo out of shape. Nothing about running seems easy to me. But I swear, reading your blog is pumping me up to change that! Now I’m off to go eat a couple of the cookies I just pulled out of the oven. ;)


I love this idea! I have never tried to really work on my form, partly because I don’t really know what I’m supposed to be doing other than not heel striking but since I don’t heel strike much anyways I haven’t worked on anything else. Do you think having better form makes you faster or just less prone to injury?
PS: Janae I laughed so hard when I saw your post this morning about sparkly shoes from payless because yesterday I stopped a girl in the street to ask where she got her cute sparkly ballet flats and she said payless! I couldn’t believe it because I haven’t been there in years!


I last ran on the treadmill last week, I decided on Monday to start running outside and I am loving it! :) I probably eat out twice a month or less, and the carrot cake Clif bar flavor is amazing! It actually tastes just like carrot cake!


I’m a newbie, so my entire form likely needs a make-over. But I’ve never had anyone watch me run. I LOVE white chocolate macadamian nut clif bars! Mmmm! Yum! I haven’t been in a treadmill run in about two weeks. I live in Arkansas where temps can exceed 110 with high humidity in the summer. So treadmills can be a life-saver then! I don’t like eating out often, but I tend to eat out most often when I’m working as a night-shift nurse.


I love the mint chocolate, peanut butter chocolate chip, and black cherry almond Clif bars! I’m also a fan of the Clif Builder bars and Think Thin bars.

As I eat enough of them a week, I almost never go out for lunch/dinner. We try to keep dinners out to once a month.

I need to work on picking up my heels more when I run. I don’t know, but I think it’s a being tall thing that keeps me from wanting to pick up my heels (at least that’s what I tell myself).


I definitely like the Quest Cookie Dough bars and the chocolate brownie Cliff Bars. I haven’t tried a lot of their flavors, though.

We watched extreme weight loss last night and couldn’t believe how they looked within a year! Holy cow!


I have been using Juice Beauty Blemish Clearing Cleanser http://www.pharmaca.com/Natural-Facial-Cleansers/Juice-Beauty-Blemish-Clearing-Cleanser-675oz/461940/5010-5033-5179/Product and you can even get it at whole foods!


I love Clif bars–they’re so delicious!!

That subway looks yummmmm.

I haven’t run in months–and feel fantastic ;) hehe


So excited extreme makeover weightloss is back, thank you for letting me know. I love that show so much!


I ran on a treadmill this morning. I don’t hate it but now that it’s nice out during the day, it makes me want to run outside! But it’s not quite warm enough to tempt me to be outside quite yet :) I’m a whimp.
I eat out/take out way more than I would like to admit. It’s an issue.


I always look slightly hunched over when I run! We don’t go out to eat very much now that we moved to Maine- there’s not many places to choose from! But I have been known to drive an hour in a half on Saturdays for chipotle!


Cliff Bar is on my top 3 loves list! ((others are Costco and Salomons))

CANT GET ENOUGH!!!! we buy in bulk from costco… and from the looks of your box, so do you!! :)


I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure every part of my running form is bad, haha. Something I definitely hope to improve upon this summer!

I always watch that show while eating something TERRIBLE (hello baked goods) for me and then I end up feeling guilty, haha! Great show though.


I am going to try your arms trick during my next marathon; I look dreadful the last 6 miles!!! Sadly, I have to run on the treadmill four mornings a week, work requires me to up in the awful 4 o’clock hour!!! Almost summer, when I get a break from teaching and I can run later! Sadly, my lunch is eaten while checking papers and getting ready for the rest of the day with my 1st graders.


Oh and I also use Nerium http://briennethibodeau.neriumproducts.com/ at night. It’s kind of like a face mask you leave over night (you can’t see anything when it’s on though) and it’s anti-aging/blemish fighting/all sorts of good things. Very expensive, but if you have three other people “subscribe” to it under you name, then you get a bottle free every month. Worth it!


I’ve never had a Cliff bar, but my brother loves them. I should try one.


I’m not a fan of the treadmill, but living in Canada, I definitely appreciate having one in the 6 months of winter that we have to deal with. You’ll never find me on one if the weather is nice, but it’s nice to have as a backup when I can’t get outside. And I’m one of those strange people that craves warm food in the summer and cold food in the winter. I’ve been eating watermelon and cold cereal all winter long, and now that the weather is warming up, I find myself craving warm oats and warm dinners.


I pretty much never go out for lunch. My husband and I used to go out for lunch every Saturday and sometimes Sunday but the budget says that is not allowed anymore. I am trying to change the way I carry my arms when I run. I run with total t-rex arms. I knew I bend them up when I run but I didn’t realize how high up they went until I saw the pictures from my recent marathon. I don’t know if it will affect anything but I am going to try to lower my arms a bit.


Hey! How come you warm up pace=my 5K pace? Lol ;) GREAT WORKOUT!

I like bars but they cause my stomach to burn so I try to stay away from them!

Last time I ran on the treadmill was over 4 years ago!

I eat out once/twice per week and we get sushi to go for dinner once per week… that’s mandatory!


Both you and Brooke’s greens remind me of a summery, watermelon-y green. Both the color and the fact that y’all are matching are too cute.

The last time I ran on the treadmill was I think in February (aka, a very long time ago). I hate, hate, hate the treadmill and will only run on it if I absolutely must (aka, like, 20 degree weather, hail or blizzard, the whole shebang). I want to get more into treadmill running because word on the street is that it’s better for your knees/joints, but I would much rather…go somewhere.


Random question- did you cut Brooke’s hair? Her bangs have been looking shorter :)


Cliff bars are now avaloe in New Zealand –I can’t wait to try one!!


I hardly ever go out to lunch but I plan on getting chick fil a tomorrow! Spicy chicken sandwiches are the best :-) and I used to eat cliff bars religiously in college bc we got them free from the athletic department. You had to get there on the right days though to get the good flavors!


Chick-fil-a Spicy Chicken is the best!


Love that it is watermelon season!!!


I run on the treadmill usually at least twice a week, depending on weather. But I don’t mind, it’s in my house and I do my speed work and catch up on Netflix shows then. And dang, your warmup pace is my faster pace!! Lol

I don’t eat the regular clif bars, but I love the clif mojo bars. Especially the white chocolate macadamia nut, yum!

Oh and I don’t ever go out to lunch or dinner during the week. I only do that on the weekends.


Oh cliff bars-when I was an AmeriCorps volunteer in New Orleans, I lived off them! The best flavor was anything with chocolate. I can’t eat them anymore though as I ate so many at one point.


I really need to work on my lean. I bend at my hips too much.
I haven’t tried Clif yet but I do like the Snickers Marathon bars.
I haven’t ran on a treadmill in months and I am dreading it if I ever have to. I always push myself too hard and end up injuring myself.
Now that summer is here and I am on break from college we will be eating at home a lot more. I do have a standing weekly lunch date with the husband once a week. It is our time to sit and talk without our son running all around us.


I need to work on standing up straight and not hunching over when I run.

I prefer luna bars to cliff bars…so tasty!

I think the last time I ran on the treadmill was actually a week ago. I did three miles and it went ok…not great. I think I’ve gotten used to running outside with my dog :-)

I like to go out for dinner, but when it comes to lunch, I like to bring it!


Where did u get your skinnies? Uh need that color and a pair that are long enough


H & m!!!


Clif bars are one of my favorite protein/health bars! I love the chocolate chip, white chocolate macademia, and peanut butter crunch the best, but I’d eat any of them!


It’s hard to find energy bars that don’t have any of my allergens on them, so I usually just make my own or don’t have them at all. Treadmill? Only when it is freezing cold and/or snowing out! I get bored too easily on them, and I find all the stats right in front of me way too distracting. I can only effectively use them for intervals. These days I limit myself to eating out only once a week. It’s too expensive! For form, I definitely need to work on standing taller. I tend to stoop forward, especially when I’m tired.


I hardly ever run on the treadmill except for once a week during the winter for speed workouts. I also hardly ever go out to eat–we live in a very small town and literally only have one restaurant nearby (and it’s not that great). So we save a lot of money by cooking our own meals!


You have to be the most stylish mom ever. My running form is pretty terrible. My shoulders are really tense and my knees drop which causes hip and back problems. My coach needs to give me more workouts like that. Or maybe I should just focus on them on my own…


That subway looks delicious!! I’ve never watched that before… do you like that show or Biggest Loser better?
The one main thing I work on while running is not slouching and not letting my hips collapse!
I hope you have a great Wednesday! :)


I’ve literally run on a treadmill maybe three times ever. One of my favorite parts of running is getting outside, so I’ll run outside unless there’s a thunderstorm or it’s below twenty degrees. If I have to run inside, I usually use the indoor track at the gym.

I used to have a Clif bar every now and then, but haven’t in awhile.

I almost always pack a lunch, but eat dinner out or get takeout probably three times a week…more than I should.


My love for soup is not limited by seasons…I’m making some for dinner tonight!

I cannot go near the treadmill in the summer. I’ll put up with it in the winter (because I refuse to run outside when it’s cold out) but in the summer when it’s warm? Maybe for a quick interval session, but that’s it.


I probably need to work on my stride; it gets really long and I hit with my heels a lot

I love Clif bars! I really like the chocolate chip, but I would love to try the blueberry crisp.

I’ve only ever run on a treadmill once, and I really liked it. It felt weird at first but I think it would be cool to watch shows and stuff while I run

I go out because of my family more than I’d like to … probably 3-4 times a month.


What part of your running form do you need to work on the most?
-I need to develop the “lean” that ChiRunning encourages.

Last time you ran on the treadmill? What are your feelings lately about the treadmill?
Less than a week ago. I don’t hate the treadmill, I just get bored easily. Even with a laptop right in front of me.

How many times a week do you eat out/get food to go for lunch?
Maybe once a week, if that.


Man if your running form is bad, I’m sure mine is horrible. My last treadmill run was yesterday and it didnt feel great, I had one of those bad run days.

I’m completey envious of your “Easy Runs”, especially since your easy runs are my PR times. But I feel like I have potential to be speedy, I just dont really know where to start in regards to speedwork, do you know of any good “speedwork plans”?

Oh and btw, Brooke is ADORABLE!


First – awesome post! What a great trick for improving posture!

Next time you eat watermelon, try squeezing lime juice over it and then give it a light sprinkle of sugar. Then put it in the freezer for about 30 min (just to start to form a few icy crystals on the edges). The result is phenomenal!

I didn’t get to comment on the last post about skin problems…
If you look at the active ingredients in all of the products mentioned in the comments you will find they all boil down to 3 things you can try for acne that are available over the counter. The rest of the formulation or brand really isn’t going to matter that much.
1) Salicyclic acid. Found in washes that you rinse off, scrubs, or creams to be left on. Works well for mild acne. The possible side effect is that it may make your skin dry and in more severe cases turn red or peel. You may want to cut back the dose if this happens. It comes in 1% and 2% strengths typically.

2) Benzoyl peroxide. Great for more difficult acne. This is the main ingredient in those Proactive commercials you see, but its readily available at any store. Side effect – can be drying to skin. Its usually best to start with a lower dose = the 2.5% , but they do make higher strengths of 5 and 10%. Some people are allergic to it and get itching, swelling, hives. WARNING: it will bleach your towels, clothes or bedding white if you get it on them.

3) Glycolic acid. This is used in higher concentrations to do facial peels at the dermatologist. At lower concentrations available in the store, it will help to exfoliate skin. Its not primarily used for acne, although many people say it helps. It is great for helping to fade scars (including those from acne), fade hyperpigmented areas, and reduce fine wrinkles.

Its usually a good idea to review any makeup products and make sure they are non-comedogenic.


I tend to slouch when I get tired in the later miles, so the tip about putting my arms over my head to pull myself up out of the slouch was perfect. I will try it on my next run!

We get Chipotle carry-out every Thursday night! We probably grab sandwiches out at least once over the weekend, too.

Love your green pants!


Mmmm I have been on a Chipotle craving kick for the past few weeks.
I used to run with, “Dinosaur arms” but since correcting my form, I have to work much less hard for the same results!


getting my breathing right while running is my biggest challenge. I get a stitch almost every time I run now :( the thing is i can’t run without my music and I have it so loud i cant hear my breath. you ever had issues with your breathing or have u got a technique?


I totally agree about the treadmill! I haven’t been on that thing in months :)


I totally need that giant box of Clif bars. My favorite flavor is the Mint chocolate. Obsessed!


I’m building my endurance, but I ran for five minutes on the treadmill today :) otherwise it was power walking and canyon ranch yoga DVD for me! I usually go out once a week to eat, and it’s usually Mexican or in n out :)


I’m sure there are many, many things wrong with my running form, but my dinosaur arms are the worst! I can feel my shoulders creeping up when I get tired. I go out to lunch at least once a week. I work from home so I need to see real people! We usually go out for dinner at least once on the weekends & sometimes during the week, especially if work’s really crazy. We know which places have kids’ nite!


And I haven’t been on treadmill in weeks. Yay!!


Speed. I want to increase my speed and endurance. I am averaging 8:20 per mile and would love to get in the 7s.
I ran on the treadmill a few days ago, but I prefer the outside. I really dislike the treadmill. I can do more miles now but its so much harder for me…
I eat out a few times per week. I have been trying to pack lunch at work instead of cafe dining. Plus the hubby and I do enjoy an evening out. Its nice to go out but prefer a nice home cooked meal. Yum


Ugh the treadmill is so hit or miss with me. One run I love it, the next I am aching to get off. I had my first cliff bar the other day and I am so hooked. I think it was the cookie dough flavor? yummm.


I don’t use my arms enough! Your arms help propel your body forward, so not utilising them enough means that my legs have to work harder and I’m not as efficient as I could be. I’ve been focusing on working my arms more and boy are they getting tired and sore!


I cannot wait to see how your patience with your training pays off!! You are going to be an injury-free rock star! Soup in summer….yep!! I almost made chili tonight, but my husband had a hissy!


I love that you coordinate your outfits! So cute! And I love the clif bars with chocolate, and my husband doesn’t, so it works perfectly! ;) I’ve never seen Extreme Weight Loss, but I like Biggest Loser so I may have to give this one a try…



One of my nicknames in our running group is Chicken Wing due to my left arm flailing out. Perhaps I should really make a conscious effort to work on not flailing.
Treadmills are really only an option if its -25 degrees and icy or pouring buckets with a lightening storm going on.


I love the chocolate peanut butter protein Luna bars! They’re my favorite <3


i haven’t had a clif bar in ages, but i’ve been on a larabar kick lately. the blueberry muffin flavor is amazing!

i hope i have a daughter someday so we can coordinate outfits, too! i’ll be devastated if she doesn’t love pink or purple! ;)


I was a slow runner on the treadmill this morning. What took you 40 minutes to run 5 miles, took me an entire hour.. I was running at 6.5 or 7.0 mph in the fall… over the winter I did everything but running.. I did cross country skiing, the cross ramp, swimming and avoided the treadmill. I feel like I’m starting over with running.. ;0( I will be doing more treadmill running next winter.. just to keep up my fitness.. It sucks starting over.. I do love running outdoors!


I love the white macademia Clif bars! I don’t really eat them/buy them often, though. I usually steal them from my friend when I go to visit him. Luckily he loves me. I ran on the treadmill this afternoon as a warm up before my weights class and I thought I was going to die. I hate the treadmill and in the gym at my university it’s always 12,000 degrees so I die. I very rarely go out for food…I can’t afford it AND I like to know what’s going into my meals.


Pretty much hate running on a treadmill. 5 minutes feels like 5 hours. hah! yummmm, watermelon is one of my top 5 favorite things to eat in the summer.
Way to go for a 4 am wake up call, you are a rockstar!


Love watching Extreme Weight Loss! One of the guys this season is from my area- about 20 minutes away! :)



Is it weird that I love the Clif Z kids bars? Brownie and chocolate chip are my faves.

And I totally ate beef stew in 80 degree weather last week. Who said soups and stews can only be a winter thing?! A crazy person is who. Shoot. We’re the smart ones getting our grub on.


This weekend I had my husband film me running and I was surprised at how good my form was! It wasn’t perfect, but I have this mental image of myself flailing like a cat who fell in the bathtub, and it wasn’t that bad. The only real quirk is that I sort of heal strike on the right, but not on the left, so it isn’t exactly even! I will work on that.


I totally hate the treadmill and dread any time I have to use it! There’s just something about being outside and getting fresh air that is more motivating to me.

I do love Clif bars (chocolate chip peanut crunch), but usually don’t like to spend the money. But, I do like Cascadian Farm chewy granola bars…dark chocolate raspberry…delish!!

We probably eat out twice a week, more if we’re busy. I honestly prefer to eat at home, especially with a 5 year old and 2 year old! It’s just more enjoyable! :)


That video is so interesting! I’m sure I have terrible running form, but I need to get someone to video me or something so I can see exactly what I can work on.

I’m crazy obsessed with my treadmill running lately! I think because life has been so crazy that my treadmill runs just let me zone out and relax a little, plus it’s nice not to run in the crazy heat :)


I’ve gotten pretty good about not eating too many meals out. I might have one meal out a week, and usually it will be dinner, so I can take my mini me with me.


I’m curious what he meant by “leading with your elbow!” I’m pretty sure (based on many horrible race photos) I don’t exactly have the best arm form myself (or leg form, or face form)
I have a treadmill, but I much prefer running outside. My treadmill sucks all the energy out of me… I should name it Sauron.


I need to work on leaning forward more and shortening my cadence. A couple weeks back you posted that the optimal running cadence is 180 steps a minute. I measured mine twice and I’m at 160. Yikes! I have a lot to work on!

Welcome to the dark side of running outside! I will only hit the treadmill if its above 90 degrees outside. Otherwise, I love sweating in the sunshine :)


I personally dislike the treadmill! I give treadmill runners lots of credit because I can never find my groove. I prefer to run outside even in 20 degree weather!!!


I really love my treadmill, but a lot of gym treadmills are the worst. Maybe they are used too much, but I always feel like I’m standing still and the miles aren’t moving when I’m on them even when I’m working hard.


Before we moved we were living in a condo with a gym on the floor right below us so I used the treadmill almost daily. Since we moved into our new neighborhood it’s been mornings filled with hilly terrain and the outdoors and I LOVE it. Couldn’t ask for more than to walk out your door and start running!! <3


I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a running coach. How did you find one and know he was right for you?
I loveeee the clif mojo bars :)
I ran on the treadmill yesterday. They all have TVs attached at my gym but the TVs often don’t work well so I get stuck staring at a blank screen that I can’t see past :(


LOVE LOVE LOVE the White Chocolate Macadamia Clif bars!


I love that show too!! It’s our favorite show and I cry every time!!


I normally eat out for a meal on the weekends, other than that I stick to cooking my own stuff. I’m hoarding my pennies right now, I’m not sure what dor but they are tough to part with. Brooke looks adorbs per usual!


This post made me realize I totally have chicken arms when I run. Today i changed my arms and voila! I was running faster and breathing easier. I’m addicted to your blog now.


This makes me feel so much better to hear someone else who dislikes the 4am hour and finds the run boring. I can’t find the motivation to get up that early and get out there but if I dont I know I wont find the time later in the day. Form is also a top priority of mine since it has contributed to all of my injuries this past year. Thanks for the form post help because I 100% need it. Keep up the early rises… it will all pay off right!


Have you tried the Chipotle salad with the honey chipotle dressing yet? OMG it is soooo delicious! I haven’t been to Chipotle forever so it was new to me.


I did run a half-marathon once after training almost solely on a treadmill, but on race day I really struggled. I realised then that if I’m going to run a race on the road then my legs need to be trained to pound the road! Now I do nearly all my running outside.


Sierra trail mix is muh fave Clif bar!! And I’ve actually grown more fond of the treadmill. (I used to call it the dreadmill wah wah) it’s so dang hot here in Florida I find it much more bearable :) plus since I don’t have a garmin, I can see my pace and distance!


If anyone actually looked at my form when I run they would probably laugh me off the treadmill, haha. I look like a crazy floppy person haha.


why running require daily routine or say punctuality? Like most people never miss a day to running in any circumstances?


I normally eat out for a meal on the weekends, other than that I stick to cooking my own stuff. I’m hoarding my pennies right now, I’m not sure what dor but they are tough to part with. Brooke looks adorbs per usual!

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