Broke my own rule.

Happy Thursday!

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 My day was going really well until Billy sent me a picture of a donut that he got at school for free.  We got in a fight because he wouldn’t save me the last bite and in the end I won because he said he will take me on a donut date very soon.

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Going running early today just didn’t happen.  I chose to hang with B$ (before our fight about the donuts) and then lay on the ground with Brooke for a while.

I broke my own rule and ran with the jogging stroller today.  It was a short run, I went slow and focused on keeping good form and felt just dandy until….

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Brooke was sleeping (actually I think she was fake sleeping) and kicked the blanket off at the bottom of the hill without me noticing.  I realized it was gone at the top of the hill.  I think this was all part of Brooke’s scheme to get me to have to do the hill twice or she just really wants to show off her legs.

Leftover mac, roasted broccoli and a banana for lunch.

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Raisin Bran has taken a back seat.

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While some cereals brag about how they are low in sugar this one is proud to say that it has sugar in every bite.


An interesting article: How Boston Bombings Will Change Road Racing:

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What time did you go running today?!?!

On a scale from 1-10… how great has your Thursday been so far?

Favorite kind of sugary cereal?

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Aww Brooke is so trendy with those neon orange stripes! My run hasn’t happened yet! I will probably go at 6. My Thursday is at about a 6 right now- work is super busy and it’s stressing me out (so I’m coping by reading blogs). And hands down, my favorite sugary cereal is Lucky Charms. It’s like dessert for breakfast.


My Thursday has been a 9! Lol Brooke is a sneaky girl with the blanket


Yes I did an early morning run! Joe and I also had a dessert fight last night… what’s up with these guys?? Ok so Thursday has been AWESOME so far! I give it a 20! The place I do treatment on Tuesdays/Thursdays decided that we are going to spend the summer doing a body relationship workshop!!! I feel like I really could benefit from it so am super excited to get started :-)


I love Brooke’s outfit! No running for me today. I did start my day off with my favorite cereal, Apple Cinnamon Chex! Happy Thursday!


What kind of Mac do you eat? Kraft? I am a shapes girl… those regular elbows just don’t hold the cheese! Ironically our Target has Cinnamon Toast Crunch on sale this week, I took one quick glance but turned my head away for my beloved Kashi.


I ran at 5 am. My favorite time of day!!! Now you’ve got me thinking about a donut-not sure that Vita Muffin I just ate will do!!!

Happy Running!!!


You are so much fun to follow! I look forward every day to your postings. I am a cereal junkie Nd my new fav is Quaker whole hearts!!! Omg sooooo good. My friend and I meet every morning at 430 for our 10 mile run. It my “me” time, my happy hour ( well 1 1/2 hr). I a, also a huge brooks fan and after your review I’m going to try the Ravenna 4. I usually run in glycerine. Thanks again and keep being so adorable!!!! Like mommy, like daughter


Best cereal ever… hands down… GOLDEN GRAHAMS. I’m not a milk drinker after I’ve finished my cereal, but I will make an exception for that golden deliciousness. :)


I’m having a great Thursday! No run, though, today’s a rest day. Cinnamon toast crunch was a fave when I was a kid. Have you tried the Cascadian Farms brand?


those are the cutest pictures of Brooke ever. I had a short run around 7am after some early morning yoga :)


I was up at 5 to run but quickly discovered I have some sort of muscle strain or pull or something. It’s more than soreness. Sad face. Hopefully it heals FAST because my first full is in just over 3 weeks. That is hilarious that it says there is sugar in every bite.


Love her outfit today! No run today, still hurtin’ from my first Body Pump yesterday. I started following you 2 weeks ago and you are one of my favorite blogs now :)


I’m going running in the next 20 minutes! And my all time favourite sugary cereal is Reese Puffs. My nannie always had Reese Puffs at her house when we were younger, and whenever we would go there you knew you weren’t leaving without a bowl.


I went running at 7:30! I only like running in the morning. Favorite sugary cereal is cinnamon toast crunch!!


I’m really into rasian bran crunch lately. It was whole grain cherrios.


I got de sha vu (sp?) with the Brooke blanket story. I’ve hard cars honk at me because we lose things all the time. Shoes, Blankets, ect.
About that cereal…. Lucky Charms or Golden Grams.


Getting out of the office now- rushing to Trader Joe’s and then home and running around my beautiful island (7 miles with 2 miles at 10K pace)!

My Thursday has been great so far because I spent half of the day (ok, 3/4 of it) reading your blog- I don’t want to sound cheesy but I have my first half-marathon coming up in May and reading again and again about your amazing races keeps me so motivated!

As I wrote yesterday, Cheerios (or Trader O’s) and milk are the perfect combo for me!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is def my fave kind of sugary cereal! SO delish!! I love the milk afterwards too, all cinnamon goodness. Brooke’s got some buff legs too, dannnng! ;) I didn’t run today, but I rode my spin bike this morning!



I looooove Cinnamon Toast Crunch! My other favourite is Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds. Also, I ran at 6 AM this morning. Beautiful morning for it!


Brooke’s little outfits are so cute!

Cinnamon Toast Crunch is easily my favorite sugary cereal! I also love Captain Crunch and Reese’s Puffs!


I hope you’re not eating macaroni with yellow dye. It’s cancerous stay away!


hehehe this makes me LOL. Isn’t everything cancerous now-a-days?


I went running at 6:30 this morning…and I’m really happy I did! It was nice and cool and it set the pace for the rest of my day. I got in a nice 5 miles…and was gonna go for 7 because I was feeling great but I wasn’t dressed properly and started chaffing. Oops.

My Thursday has been great so far. I saved a seahorse from being eaten by a hermit crab with my bare hands. My life.

Favorite kind of sugary cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch as well :D


I’m running tonight after work. Love Brooke’s smiles, love the pics you take, and love her baby toes. :)


Brooke is SO adorable!!!
I ran at 8:30 this morning and got a new mile PR! YAY!! It kind of made the rest of my Thursday awesome. I need to remember that the next time I don’t feel like a morning run. It really makes the whole rest of your day great.
I LOVE Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I’m thinking I want to get some now as a little desserty treat at night when the hungries strike. It doesn’t keep me full enough for breakfast.


Brooke is one of the cutest, most beautiful babies ever. Just sayin’ :)

I would rate my Thursday at a 10+ because I got a new job!
No running today, but I’m (planning) on 20 miles tomorrow!
Golden Grahams are the best!

Exclamation points galore! Happy Thursday! :)


I went running at 6:15 this morning. It was a speed workout and it felt awesome!!

My Thursday is a 7. Good but not out of this world amazing.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch is definitely my favorite!


Awww Brooke just keeps getting cuter.. she’s so precious!

It’s sad that we’re going to see the cost of races increase… I understand the necessity, it’s just sad. The cost of many races is already prohibitive to a lot of runners, and this will no doubt put them out of budget for even more runners. It’s unfortunate because running is touted as a “free” sport, where all you need is a pair of running shoes. I say we just make the surviving brother from the Boston bombings pay for all the extra cost. Grrr.


How adorable is Brooke?!?!

Cocoa Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I love them.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Throwback Thursday. I LOvED that stuff! Did you ever stir in peanut butter??


I would understand if there was a price increase. It’s worth it.

I didn’t and won’t run today. Still sore.

My Thursday so far has been a 10+! And I love love love Life cereal. Mmm!


I ran 7 miles today (first time in a while) and it felt awesome! I was recovering from a hip injury and to be able to run again was just what I needed :)


I ran around 9 am today (I am a fair weather runner and it was chilly so I hit the dreadmill) My day has ended up being a 8 today! I love all sugar cereal! I feel your stroller running delimas I have a a 22 month old and we played the throw everything out of the jogging stroller game too!


Mmmmmm. Donuts.

What kind if hair ties do you use in Brooke’s hair? My baby girl may be ready for pigtails soon!!


They are at Target in the hair aisle! I don’t remember what brand they are but they are kind of clear…. hope that helps!


I ran after my classes this m


Favorite sugary cereal would have to be Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch. YUM!
Hehe, love those pictures of Brooke!


Oops… I ran after my classes this morning. It was one of the runs that was completely A.D.D! We are on the way to the beach today and I just wanted to leave right then!


This past Sunday we ran in the GW Parkway Ten-Miler, and they had bomb sniffing dogs there. After Boston, we got an email from the race director saying that they would be increasing security.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is, hands down, the best sugary cereal ever. I could eat that stuff for pretty much every meal and be perfectly content. Then again, I may have to rotate it with Mac ‘n Cheese… Those two things = my childhood.


I just got back from running, and I left at 4. I would say my Thursday is a 7 because I had to take a test but not it’s OVER and I had a good run today in the beautiful warm sunshine! And tomorrow is FRIDAY!


If loving Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal is wrong, then I don’t want to be right!

Also, I lof Brooke’s delicous baby legs. Gah, so cute!


Brooke just seems to get more and more beautiful each day! Love her little facial expressions! As for Cinnamon Toast Crunch…oh girl, I know.


I’m going running in about 10 minutes!

Today has been good so far. I’m working from home, so there was lots of snuggling with our puppy and eating delicious food for lunch.

Mmmm Cinnamon Toast Crunch sounds delicious. I’ve had a lot of cravings for Lucky Charms and Crunch Berries lately.


That first picture of Brooke is ADORABLE!!!!


I went for a 4 mi run (8:00 pace) and a 2 mi walk around 11:30 this morning. 60 and sunny, can’t complain!

Thursday has been an 8.5 so far! Great run, coffee w a friend, and a trip to Target. Great day off.

Fav sugary cereals = cinnamon toast crunch, cocoa puffs, lucky charms, berry berry kix (do they even make that anymore?)


I ran at 7 this morning! Love the early AM runs

I’d give this Thursday a 7.. great cause of the run and looking forward to my dinner/dessert later ;) but not a 10 cause im working an 11 hr day and still have school work afterwards!

hmmm fav sugary cereal.. id say either your fav (frosted mini wheats!!) or cinnamon life cereal!


Brooke is the cutest girl ever. Seriously. Oh it’s been so long since I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch! It’s sooo good. I ran at like 3:30… track practice.


The greatest cereal I have ever eaten was Oat ‘n Wheat Bran Swirls from Trader Joe’s. they were so amazing…Until they discontinued them. Please tell me you had a chance to try those wonderful bites of heaven before they disappeared!
My run today will be only 3 miles this afternoon because I’m running my first marathon on Sunday!!!


Great pictures of Brooke today :) I haven’t had any kind of sugary cereal in forever, but I used to love Honeycomb!


Those pictures of Brooke are just adorable. She’s so expressive! My Thursday has been pretty good so far… maybe an 8!


How can a child get more and more beautiful with each picture – the first few are spectacular!

Today has been a wonderful cross training day – a 10 of a day to say the least! I’m definitely running tomorrow!!

Favorite kind of sugary cereal? I love Frosted Mini Wheats….I could eat them all day!


I walked today – cross training day 2.3 mile power walk! Favorite sugary cereal is brown sugar Frosted Mini wheats.

And just when I think you can’t possibly post a cuter photo of Brooke, there it is! Seriously, she should be a baby-model!!!!


Brooke is so dang cute!! I did my run at about 9 am this morning, it was already warming up (I’m in the Bay Area too). My favorite sugary cereal right now would be chocolate Krave, omg so gooooood! I love all things chocolate.


I’m going running now at 4:16. Every day when I run it’s like a windstorm at 4. It always happens here in Hollister and it’s wearing me down. Running in the wind every day.


Seriously, the first two pics of Brooke are like professional quality the way they capture her beauty and adorable facial expressions. I would show off my legs too if they looked as cute as hers!!

Favorite cereal – either cinnamon toast crunch or golden grahams.


First picture ……….SO cute.
Frosted flakes this week for the sugary one. There are usually 3 cereal boxes in my pantry……..low, medium, and high sugar. FF has the high sugar position right now.


I always run at 8am. Although on Sundays sometimes it’s 9.30 (I like to sleep in). If I run any later the run will suck!

I bought Raisin Bran today in your honor :) I probably haven’t had it since I was a teenager (20 years ago!!!).


That second picture of Brooke…wow you can really tell how much she is growing! Look how sassy she looks! I didn’t run until 10 a.m…after early wake up calls during the school year I’m taking it easy this first week of summer break :) Peanut butter cheerios are the best!!!


Seriously, can’t get over the cuteness of Brooke AND her adorable outfits. And broccoli and mac go hand in hand. Always a perfect combo.


OMG I am so glad that I’m not the only cinnamon toast crunch addict… it is TOO GOOD!


Ran early after dropping off girls. Cool, crisp air perfect for speedwork @ track. Day has been a 10. Lots of snuggles wmy bday girl & lots of cake smash fun!


No run today. Biking was on my schedule. A very windy bike ride.
Hands down LUCKY CHARMS!


oh your pictures with Brooke in the stroller make me so excited to take my little one out on the trails! those legs!


I went running between classes at 10:45 this morning. I had to squeeze it in but I am glad I got it done.
My Thursday has been a 7. I had a presentation that I got through so I’m done with one of my classes for the semester and then went shopping and got good deals at Old Navy but got really hungry/tired/grumpy so that brought my day down. haha. Tonight I have a little party with the tribe(sorta like sorority) that I’m in at school and it will be fun(circus theme) so I know it will get better!


OMG, did Brooke seriously grow up overnight? Yeeps! Had a really great run today, and my 2 faves are Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Frosted Mini-Wheats. Yum!!!


I walked 30 mins on treadmill then rode for 20 mins on recumbent bike. I’m SOOOO close to finally being over this stupid ITB injury. I almost ran a bit, but got kind of nervous.


I haven’t even read this post yet…I simply opened your page, saw the ridiculously cute pictures of Brooke, laughed out loud and had to comment. Hahahaaaa that second picture, I imagine she’s saying, “Oh heyyyy thereeee”…or something like that. SO CUTE.


I love sugar but CTC is too sugary for me. No run this morning but I did do a barre workout at 5:30 am! Perfect start to my day :)


I went running around 5pm. I had a 7 for a Thursday. Pretty nice here today. Hit 66 degrees here today!! I love Lucky Charms for a sugary cereal :)


LOVE cinnamon toast crunch!! There is nothing quite like it :) I ran at 5:15 this morning!! Had to get it in with a busy day ahead of me!


Those photos of brooke are so cute!!! It almost looks like she is posing! :) I did a run around 9:30 am ish. I would say my Thursday was about a 7! I would for sure have to say the chocolate chex! So yummy!


I love Brooke’s neon dress, too cute!!


Those are the best pictures of Brooke! She gets cuter in every post!

My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Chex! Tastes just like Cinnamon Toast Crunch but more sugary if possible. I think the sugar gets wedged in the hollow of the individual Chex. :)


Ran at 4:30 am 8 miles. My Thursday was a 4. Just crazy busy. Busy is good but this week has been long and exhausting.
Brooke is simply the cutest!!!!


Um those first 2 pictures of Brooke are amazing! I ran with the BOB today also. I actually went with a running group in my complex for the first time and ended up doing my longest run with the stroller. It was fun! I try not to run with it too much though because I know I do not run the same with it, it’s so fun though :). I’m glad you are feeling good on your shorter runs again!


Omg Brooke gets more adorable with every passing second! Cinnamon toast crunch is the bomb. My favorite for sure.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my favorite! Have you seen PEANUT BUTTER CTC? Yummmmmmm!


I ran at 8 am, nice and easy. Nothing too ambitious today : D


My Thursday has been a 9…not much I can complain about :-).

I took a rest from running today, but I took a 9:30 am yoga class and went to the gym at 5 pm.

Sugary cereal…Cinnamon Toast Crunch is really good. I can also put a hurting on Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Krispies…and Apple Jacks. Oooh, Waffle Crisp is also fabulous…do they still make it?


first two pictures are just too much. she is so precious!


Thanks for sharing the article.

I love Krave for cereal. That stuff is addicting.

Brooke has the Cutest little legs. :)


Those baby blues are killing me. Cinnamon toast crunch is THE best sugar laden cereal of all time. Hands down.


I normally run before I get the children up for school, but I have a running date with my partner at 10am this morning! We’re running in the palace gardens, because, we can. Living in a place where there are palaces, and the gardens are open for runners has its benefits. ;-) It will be a a bittersweet run, because she is leaving the city soon, but, it should be a beautiful morning for a last palace run.


I used to run with my son in the jogging stroller, but it was messing up my knee. I was outside running at 5:50am just for 3 miles. I used to consume quite a bit of cinnamon toast crunch back in the day, miss those days.


Whenever I go to the lake to run, I like to go right before sunset. Can’t beat the view of the sun setting over the water. Unless it’s a weekend long run. Then I make sure I’m running by 8 am at the latest.

I haven’t had Cinnamon Toast Crunch in forever and apparently they come in peanut butter now?! Um, yeah. Gonna need to get my hands on a box.


I ran at 7:00 today with my husband! 3 miles :)
My Thursday was a 6.5.
Brooke is getting so big. I can’t believe I read your blog almost a year ago and didn’t know what she looked like. It’s like she’s always been here! :)


Brooke is getting more beautiful every day!!! I could just eat her up!!! I think my favorite sugary cereal is Reese Puffs. Growing up my mom didn’t really let us have sugary cereal so I like Cheerios and Chex just as well!!! Have a great weekend.


Real sugar in every bite.. LOL!!!!!!!! That’s funny!!!


OH MY GOD I LOVE CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH!!!! Oh I miss it. Now I just want cereal. If I ever come back to CA can I come hang out with you and Brooke and eat all different kinds of cereal and pretend I don’t have a gluten intolerance? I can ignore it for one day…


Went at 3pm today – a public holiday here so the day has been a 10! Beach, sunshine, park, run and swimming after. Perfect day!

Best cereal – Nutrigrain!! (has claims of such goodness but definitely has sugar in each bite!!)


That Brooke. WAY too cute!


Brooke is tricking you into training. I like it!

Today is a cross training day for me, so I’ll be on the bike trainer and possibly rollerblading with the pup.


I love the donut date idea. Sunday we are doing a Bread Smith date.. I love chocolate bread…its kind of like cinnamon bread but with coco powder and powder sugar mixed together, oh and lots of melted butter. It’s the best.. so we are driving 25 minutes just to get a loaf!

Did I mention my daughter is having her first baby in December! I can’t wait to share grand-baby photos on my blog… ;0)


Dude! If you haven’t found this and eaten a box of it in one sitting, you aren’t living life right.


Interesting quote about the price increases for races. And I am happy to pay more to protect myself and my friends and family from something like what happened in Boston to happen again (and let’s be real, I already spend every last penny I have on running anyway so what is a couple more dollars at this point?!)

I ran at 5pm yesterday! Hill sprints in the hot sun… so smart.


Hahaha I just laughed out loud about the sugar comment, so funny! I love CTC (cinnamon toast crunch) and I actually really do love the “healthy” cereals too but my 2 favorite cereals are Rice Krispies and Cinnamon Life!

My Thursday was pretty good yesterday, I’d give it a 9! I had dinner and drinks with my best friend so that was fun and it was gorgeous here!

I ran 3 speedy miles this morning on the treadmill (just did weights yesterday)!


1) Brooke is still the cutest baby on the planet.

2) When I was in college I found a cereal called something like “donut o’s”. It was basically little loops that had sprinkles on them and were supposed to taste like donuts. They kind of did. I’m kind of grossed out by how much I liked this cereal but I am not ashamed! :)

PS: Will you join my campaign to create double frosted mini-wheats? (both sides!)


I went walking at 5:00 p.m. yesterday (Thursday)

My Thursday was a 6.7…..had eggs & toast for lunch….one of the highlights of my day.

CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH!! Oh my gosh – totally my favorite! (Lucky Charms is a close 2nd!)

The pictures of Brooke are so flippin’ cute!

Where will you make Billy take you on your Donut date? Are you researching locations??


Every picture of Brooke I see makes me smile.

You know the cereal Honey Smacks? By the box, my friend. I could eat them by the box. And by could, I mean have. No shame.


Have you tried the Peanut Butter Toast Crunch cereal yet?


Here’s what I don’t understand: “leftover macaroni & cheese.”
Who has that? Who doesn’t eat it all in one go!?


brooke is seriously the cutest child ever!!! my co-worker and i will send e.o that first picture when we are needing a good smile:) is that creepy? sorry!!! and yes WHO HAS LEFTOVER MAC AND CHEESE!


So, you know how past posts pop up on the side of your blog, I couldn’t help but click that sweet face. Cheeks for days.

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