A skill I have mastered.

My new favorite hey girl.


 It is taking me longer than I expected to train Billy to think it is okay (and awesome) to come out of Target with way more than you were planning to buy.  Someday.


I honestly thought that my life would change drastically when I moved to California.

But no.  I do the same things here that I did when I lived in Utah… Yogurtland multiple times a week.  At least I went to a new location that I had never been to before.

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The only difference is that I go with my friends instead of my mom like I did in Utah.  (My mom better not have replaced me for my sister to go to with her to Yogurtland.  That would just not be fair)

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Me and Brooke in the shadows.  

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Afterwards we took the girls to walk around the mall but I don’t think they were very excited about it.  

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We like pizza at the Jacobs’ residency.   It has taken me many years to master the art of buying dough from the store, rolling it out and then layering it with toppings but I finally have it figured out.  You can read my pizza making tips HERE!

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I made a bbq chicken/bacon/green pepper pizza and I am STILL mad at myself for forgetting to top it with some avocado once it came out of the oven.  Billy was so mad that he went back to school after we ate.  

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And so it begins….

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Yesterday’s developmental task that she learned was how to get into the bathroom cupboard and take everything that was in there out.  We are so proud.


What are three things that you are going to do this weekend?

Parents reading:  what is something that your kiddo(s) just learned how to do?

Who lives in California?  What part? Always lived here or moved here?

 Are you your mom’s favorite child?

-Yes. (Now my siblings have to believe this because it is on the internet, and everything on the internet is factual)

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That pizza looks amazing!!! My brother is my moms favorite (he’s the youngest by a lot and the only boy…how do you compete with that?!?)…but I’m my mom’s BFF ;)


I am going to an expo and running a 10K this weekend! Other than that I will probably just eat and foam roll!!

Not from Cali but I’M COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! Less than two weeks!!

I am my mom’s ONLY child so I better be her favourite or else we have a problem…

Have a great day!! :)


That pizza looks amazing – wow! I have a 12 mile run tomorrow morning, shopping with a girlfriend and then a baseball game on Sunday so it will be a great weekend!!

My son (will be 2 in 2 weeks) learned how to climb into the empty bathtub like he’s taking a bath – complete with pretend swimming, lol. His dad also taught him to say “awesoooome!” It’s even better when he’s wearing his hat and sunglasses :) you have some amazing times ahead with Brooke.


Looks like you have a mover on your hands!! I am running a Tough Mudder on Saturday then a Boston Memorial run on Sunday. I will be asleep at approximately 6pm on Sunday : )


The three things I am going to do this weekend include giving my dog a bath, catching up on The Voice, and getting a hair cut. I am a new mommy so these things keep getting pushed back! :)
My son is 3.5 weeks old and last night he slept for 4 whole hours!
I’ve never lived in Cali, I’m an east coast girl :)
hmmm… I think my mom likes us all equally Lol!!


Congrats on the sleep victory!!

I don’t think our girl did that til 2.5 months.

Sleep might be known as Mom’s nectar of the gods- or is that our child’s smiles, laughter, hugs?


No I agree with SLEEP = nectar. Yay for you Megan! I remember that first long stretch. Glorious!


Haha, thanks! Somehow I don’t think it is going to be the norm yet, but it was nice to get some rest! :))


We are going camping, making s’mores, and spending time with the family! Noah just learned to make all the different animal sounds. It’s super cute! I do remember the cabinet stage though :-)


Our girl learned to roll over both ways on Weds. and is determined to crawl. She’s got the leg forward, tummy scooting, and strong core trio.

I was born in San Diego and we hope to be back to the SoCal area within 5 years for the hub’s career path. As a result, I am savoring the Utah mountains though I miss running on Virginia trails.


I love that baby stage Wendy! It’s so exciting to see them go mobile. Before you know it she will be running everywhere.


SOOO funny you post that photo about Target….I had a crazy dream a few nights ago that I won a $2000 shopping spree from Target and all I bought were sports bras…hehehe! Im thinking my subconscious is telling me its time for one, or 3 new ones. But since the closest Target is 3 HOURS away, Im sure I would buy much more then that.


Wait until Brookers starts opening that Stila Eyeshadow palette you have there, my daughter’s little finger prints are all over my eyeshadows.:)

My husband is graduating from the ARMY Engineer school today, it’s a mandatory school he has to pass before taking Company Command. I also plan to do an 11 mile run, go to a church retreat with my 9yr old son who is making his First Holy Communion.

My daughter just learned how to walk and jump off the balance beam at gymnastics all on her own. I should be my mom’s favorite child since I am the only girl out of 4 children but I know my little brother who is 33 and is still called baby is the favorite.


Congrats to your hub! Best to him on all that lies ahead.

Scott was out of the SF before we married, but I remember my Dad’s Navy time and work very well!


Thank you Wendy, I appreciate it. My hubby was an enlisted Marine for 7yrs and deployed with the Navy 3 different tours in the 90’s. I thank you for your hubby’s and Dad’s service.


My son learned to do a backflip recently! This weekend I plan to make a trip to yogurt story myself. Yes, of course, I am mom’s favorite! ;-)


I’m going on a 22 mile trail run, doing some yoga, and cheering for my sister and BIL in the GW Parkway Classic 10 miler!


This weekend I’m running a race, doing a #bostonstrong run and going to the beach. Best weekend ever:)


That pizza looks delicious! This weekend my parents are visiting to celebrate our little one’s first birthday. Her actually birthday is next Thursday, but we’re extending the celebration over two weekends. So, this weekend, we’ll definitely 1) eat lots of yummy food, 2) take pictures of 1st bday cake smash and 3) open presents.

My husband and I are also running a trail race tomorrow morning. Have to take advantage of free babysitters!

Our little one also LOVES to get into the cabinets and empty all of the contents. She started walking about a month ago and now she’s pretty much running. She loves to climb and get into all kinds of mischief!


haha that hey girl just made my day. thank you. three things i’m doing this weekend: runners’ happy hour, getting a haircut for the first time in 9 months, and eating a lot. can’t wait.


Haha “we are so proud”. Pretty soon she’ll be running circles around you! More reasons to stay injury free!
My pizza toppings are usually just cheese, but my froyo topping are a whole different story. I wish I had more people to go get it with around here! My mom usually takes me when I’m at home but at school my friends say it’s too expensive or something. Oh wait… it is.


I am celebrating my boyfriend’s birthday this weekend! I wish I lived in California, or really anywhere that summer was more than two months long! I’m the youngest in my family, so I think that automatically make me the favorite, kidding.


I think I’m my dad’s favorite child, but I’m not sure about my mom. She seems to like us all pretty equally. Maybe she’s just really good at hiding it.

This weekend I am running 20 miles, going out with my SIL and her boyfriend for dinner, and hopefully cleaning the house.


I’m one of 6, so my mom always says things like “You are my favorite oldest daughter” ;)

I just finally went to yogurtland yesterday for the first time and it was the most amazing experience!!!!! My 8-yr-old sister totally pulled a Janae with her toppings ;)


I’m running in the Blue Ridge Half tomorrow (eeeppp!), then cleaning, and preparing for the week. The first item on my weekend list is so much more exciting than the other two ;) My youngest Bebe just learned to “put makeup” on…with a stamp she had. Ridiculous! It’s everywhere! Mind you, she’s only three! Gahhh! I love these moments though =) Happy Friday friend!


Annnnd Target is my second home. Lover hates when I say I’m going there. I can never seem to get out of there under $50 bucks (and that’s good!)


Three things for the weekend: 1. Running 22 miles on Saturday 2. Celebrating my husbands birthday 3. Entertaining the in-laws that are staying with us this weekend.


I am going to run this afternoon and then play with my kiddos, then this evening we may watch a friend perform at a local coffee shop. Tomorrow the kids have swim lessons…and there is a lot more than that going on but I’ll stop there!
My little boy can finally recognize numbers, he knows how to count as high as 20, but when he would look at the flash cards he was having a hard time. Now he has 1 through 10 down on the cards!
I live in Maine! My brother lives in California though – Fairfield, close to Travis Air Force Base.
Yes I am the favorite! …..Just kidding.


Oh Target. It’s a disease. I did that this week. Somehow spent $50+ on baby girl clothes for a friend without even blinking an eye. My friend said it’s like a dormant spore.

Three things for the weekend: 1. Probably not study as much for my patho/pharm exam as I should, because I finished the exams for my core classes yesterday, and I just have nothing left. 2. Work tomorrow. 3. Lift at the gym with my husband and friend.

I used to live in Monterey when I was in the Air Force. I LOVED California. I didn’t think I would, but I did.


Omg, that caught red-handed Brooke photo!!! Adorbs! Target and I..it can be scary sometimes. I’ve gotten better though; probably only go twice a month now. {I know…that’s just not smart}.

I’m an only child…so I hope so. :) :)

This weekend I hope to do Bikram, run, and the hubby and I are doing date night on Saturday in Philly.! Enjoy your weekend!!


Go out for my friend’s 30th birthday party, find her the best present and take some photos outside.
I would love to live in California, so jealous!
I am totally my Mom’s favorite ;) I am the oldest and only girl hehe
Love BBQ Chicken and Bacon pizza, its my husband’s fav.


I was born in California but have yet to return to the sunshine state
I love that Ryan is saying ‘we just need’, yes Ryan I am glad you understand my obsession with Target when I am shopping for us :)


Oh Target…how do I miss thee! But my bank account doesn’t miss it at all! I used to live less than 5 miles from one! I am still 20 miles from one, but now a shopping trip requires planning.

I’ve never lived in CA, but want to. I’ve been a Midwest girl my whole life, but I’m not loving the wacky weather the past several years.

This weekend, I plan to work at my 2nd job, run the Kansas Half Marathon (miles dedicated to Boston), and enjoy some beer. I even got a few friends together to make and wear Boston shirts at the race on Sunday. I got to pick them up from the screenprinters last night, so I’m wearing mine at work today, too.


Uh oh! Brooke is going to be into the kitchen cabinets and banging on pots and pans before you know it! :)

Three things this weekend: Run a half marathon, go to a bakery for a cupcake (!!), and pack for my work trip next week

My sister is my mom’s favorite, but I’m my Dad’s favorite!! :) (luckily it’s just the two of us, so it balances out well)


:) My mom does a pretty good job of not having a favorite!


My little guy loves to rip the toilet paper into tiny pieces all over the floor and into the toilet. But he also learned how to say some of his cousins names and it’s pretty cute:)


I’m an only child so by default I’m the favorite child although sometimes the dogs give me a run for my money.

This weekend I have some fun runs planned, probably going to take a yoga class and maybe go see a movie


I am gong to Spring clean our house, run my first 5k since having my boy, and go to a friend’s engagement party. Busy weekend!

My 11 week old can now roll tummy to back and back to tummy!! He’s had the tummy to back part down but always got stuck going the other way.

Of course I am my mom’s favorite child, but she likes my niece and son even more.


Hahaha you cant put anything on the internet that isnt true. I too am the favorite. and now it’s official. that pizza looks good! I LOVE bacon on pizza. bacon, pineapple and jalapeno is probably my all time favorite combination.


I’m coming over for dinner on pizza night – your pizza looks so good!

And I’m my mom’s favorite child by default… I don’t have any brothers or sisters, so my mom really has no choice in the matter :mrgreen: And this weekend will be all about baking cake, singing happy birthday, and eating cake. Woop!


Oh noes, looks like you’ll be babyproofing some things this weekend. :) I am definitely my mom’s favorite child, since I am an only child. I never think to make my own pizza with store bought dough unless I happen to be at the store and see it, but I never buy it. I’ll have to try that out. Where do you buy your dough? I think TJs sells some, but I don’t know if it’s any good.


Hm, this weekend I’m going to study study study, and I have a 5k on Sunday!


One thing I’m doing is getting frozen yogurt with CHELSEY!!!! (the Clean Eating one… haha). and I love that Hey Girl, perfect. Billy needs to get with it.


I think I was the far until my daughter arrived ;) sorry brother. That hey girl is perfect. If only that could be our hubbies in the pic :)


Your pizza looks so delicious, yum!

I’m volunteering at the Lakefront 10-miler tomorrow, I was supposed to run but I had to drop out because of injury (boo)…but at least I still get a shirt! Some college friends are running the race so we are going out for brunch afterwords in all their smelly glory!!


I think it is so awesome how Brooke is always “posing” for your pictures. She is so cute!! This weekend I will be 1. Working 2. Running 3. Teaching my running class!


There’s a Target opening near me soon, it’ll be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype – for the record I’ve never been in a Target.

Three things I’ll be doing this weekend: reading (just started a good book), date night, and baking!


Uh oh.. here comes trouble opening up the cabinets! I’m thinking baby proofing will be next on your list?

I am for sure my moms favorite. Shes very sad I am getting married and moving out. She’s now stuck with my brother! Ha

This weekend I am fixing our wedding invites, sleeping, and maybe getting a long run in!


LOVE the Target “Hey girl!” so true!!!

Three things I will do this weekend: 1. run a HILLY half-marathon on Sunday (I am scared.); 2. see friends who are coming to town to run the half; 3. eat a LOT of good food after the half. :)

Pizza question for you! Do you have any tips on rolling it out? I have bought dough from the store multiple times, including TJ’s, and it never wants to roll out! It always springs back and then gets way too thick in the oven!


It’s physically not possible to go into Target for one thing. There is something in the air in that store or something. If possible, Brooke just gets CUTER every day! Would you believe I’ve never been to a Yogurtland? In SF I really don’t think we have one – just Yoppi (which I believe is probably ALMOST as good – they have yellow cake batter fro yo and a massive toppings bar). I need to remedy this!


You really DID go to yogurtland yesterday!! Lol. Where was our face time ;)

Oh Brooke. That stage is a time consuming one. Chasing after them as they slowly destroy the whole house. Good times.

Anna is reading so well lately and it is really cool to watch her learn.

My brother (the only boy) is by far the favorite.

We might go out to dinner this weekend and use all the free dinners that restaurants have been sending me. I love birthday week :)


hi janae! i thought of you yesterday because (1) i had a sweat in my EYEBALLS experience and it was magical. and by magical I mean stung a bit haha! and (2) I volunteered at my schools’ blue jays for boston fun run! I waved little american flags and directed runners and cheered them on. then afterwards I went for another workout – 2 a days baby! 9 miles on the day and a whole body circuit plus abs. it felt so good.
three things i’m doing this weekend: 5 mile tempo run, farmers market with my friends to buy some fancy jam and scones, and go on a dinner date with my boyfriend! we’re going to a charity dinner for another sorority on campus ($5 all you can eat pasta, salad, bread, desserts, drinks- um YES) and then a costume party for his fraternity. should be fun!

haha the title of your last post… nekked!!


This weekend I’m having friends over for my homemade chicken parm (tonight), working in my yard tomorrow, and running in the GW Parkway Ten-Miler from Mount Vernon to Alexandria. I love that race and do it every year!

Brooke has that “guilty” look on her face that you will see many times in the future! :-) Enjoy every second of it!!!


New favorite hey girl. That literally happens to me every single time I step into Target. I’ve honestly stopped going there as frequently just because of that!

The three things I’m going to do this weekend are (1) go on my long run tomorrow morning! (2) concentrate on eating intuitively and (3) write a 10-page research paper…hopefully!


Your pizza looks amazing. Brooke is too cute, it seems like only yesterday (2008) that I took a similar pic and blogged it with Sophia getting in the cupboard and eating the rolls.

Have a fab weekend!



Hahaha! My friend’s baby was so into pots and pans (and opening every cupboard, of course).
This weekend, I’ll be at a retreat with my church young adult for a retreat. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Born and raised in San Francisco, baby! I was suprised to see you live near San Jose in your last post. We’re so close to each other :)


I’m going to see my brother, spend time on the beach in Miami, and drink too much with my brother and his friends :D I’m excited for this mini vacation!

I am absolutely my mom’s favorite child… don’t tell my siblings.


Yes, I am my mom’s favorite child. (and I think my sister would even say so) In fact I am taking a 9 mile run with my mom tomorrow, and I can’t wait!!!!
My dad and sister have a special bond, so it’s all good.


haha wait til Brooke walks – she will help reorganize everything! :-)

Max kind of learned how to blow his nose. It is cute watching him try.


Tomorrow I’m going to san francisco for the cherry blossom festival and sunday I’m doing things around he house to get ready for the week.


Thank you for the pizza tips! I tried to make my own pizza a few months ago and failed miserably. I didn’t think it would be hard, so it kinda shot me down and I’ve been scared to try again haha
I’m definitely the favorite. My siblings aren’t here to dispute it, so I think it stands as fact.
This weekend I am going running, going into work for my whole life (but seriously I need to get a huge project done tomorrow because I don’t have time during the week) and maybe hitting up the spring college football game. We’ll see how it goes.


I have an adventure race this wkend!! Thx for the pizza making tips.


That last pic of Brooke halfway in the cabinet, the look on her face is absolutely priceless. Love it.


You seriously have the cutest life and the cutest family. I am so happy for you!


This weekend will be run run run weekend for me! Here are my three things:
NYFlyers Boston Tribute Run on Saturday morning, City Parks Foundation Run for the Parks (4M) on Sunday morning, Run for Boston in Central Park on Sunday afternoon. Can’t wait!

I’m 100% my mom’s favorite child because… I’m an only child ;)


Uh oh, she’s on the move! We have child safety locks on all our low cabinet doors. Keep the young ones from getting into some place they should :)

Always lived in CA. Born and raised here in the Bay Area, only lived in San Diego for college (only reason I moved back was because of family).

1. Going to run.
2. Garden. Plant veggies and pray they grow.
3. Paint at the art studio.


Three things? eat, sleep, run
I am every mom’s favorite child. It’s true.


That Hey Girl meme is the best I’ve seen!
This weekend we are going to hike in Point Reyes, eat too much good food and go rock climbing.
We moved to CA a few years ago and now reside close to Stanford’s campus in Silicon Valley.
Of my sister and I, I am the favorite. I can’t believe my mom even told me this. I think it’s because I’m the youngest aka her baby.


I moved to SoCal last July! I grew up in Chicago so the biggest change of pace has been the weather but the over-population of frozen yogurt places definitely doesn’t hurt.


My (almost) 15 month old just learned to carry her plate without spilling the food on it. We’ve been practicing since it’s been so nice out. We want her to be able to eat dinner without her highchair. So she is able to bring her plate from point A to point B, set it down and eat the food. It’s pretty awesome!


Oh also, I was told by my dad that I am his favorite (we had a heart to heart one night), but for my mom we might be equal. And her granddaughter (my emily) is definitely her favorite of the three of us! My brother and I don’t even matter when Emily is concerned!


Haha I just aw that “Hey Girl” for the first time yesterday and laughed so hard, because it is SO TRUE. I live in Sacramento, born and raised!! :) And duh, I was my mom’s fave ;) I’m the baby and the only girl. Nuff said.



OMG that Hey Girl… so true!! Andy is about ready to kill me for it :) I shouldn’t be allowed to go to Target alone!


Uh oh! Haha you’re going to be chasing her around everywhere now!


-1) I’m going to put together my new bed, 2) Run a 5K race with a friend, 3) Shovel, shovel, shovel (Minnesota is NOT having a good spring).
-I have a kid in college & a kid graduating high school. I’m sure they are learning lots of fun stuff that I won’t hear about for 10 years…
2) My uncle and his kids live in and around the San Bernadino area. I was 4 last time I was there – 37 years ago!!
3) My oldest brother is my mom’s favorite. I have 4 siblings and my mom carries his picture around in her glasses case & every single one of us tease her for it!


i love that hey girl… so true!

yum, i am drooling over your pizza (and froyo)- it looks perfect!

i was born and raised in southern california :) i love it here! i live in pasadena (home of the rose bowl!).


I live in Palo Alto, and recently moved within TWO BLOCKS of a Yogurtland. It is a really bad thing (in the best way possible, of course).

Three things I’m doing this weekend: enjoying as much time as possible outside in this amazing weather we’re getting, unpacking the last two boxes from my recent move, and probably visiting Yogurtland :)


Mmmmm pizzzzzaaa!!!

That hey girl is WAY too funny & too true. Love me some Target.


That pizza looks so yum! I am still too scared to try making my own.

This weekend I am going for a 9-mile run with my group, attending a baby shower and weeding my garden. I am definitely my mom’s favorite. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I am an only child. :)

Have a great weekend!!


The pizza looks great! I love making pizzas at home too!


Of course I’m my moms favorite! This weekend I’m doing a Run for Boston, making some Strawberry Cheesecake, and getting in a ten mile run!
My kids have learned the art of waiting until right when I sit down to ask for a drink, a snack, ect. It’s amazing how good they are at it.


I’m doing 10 miles on Sunday- the most I’ve ever done!! Seriously, I don’t know HOW I’ve never had froyo. I want to try it so bad! Oh don’t worry about the avocado- I ALWAYS forget to add something. Always.


HA! I *always* spend more than planned at Target. I take that back – I think I went in once and came out with only what I’d planned. I should have shouted it from the rooftops (or at least tweeted about it).


1. What are three things that you are going to do this weekend?
Hopefully sleep in Sunday. Run. Have a luncheon for our Team World Vision Team. (They raised over $14K for clean water resources in Africa!!!)

2. What is something that your kiddo(s) just learned how to do?
Kait (9yo) is perfecting her handstands. Christian (3yo) is perfecting his skills at using a fork. I’m a proud mama.

3. Who lives in California? What part? Always lived here or moved here?
Me! So Cal – about an hour east of LA. I’ve always live here and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

4. Are you your mom’s favorite child?
Absolutely. I’m the first child. :)


I’m about an hour east of LA too! Well an hour on a good day, with no traffic. I love it when I tell people who aren’t from California it’s about 20 minutes to here or 45 minutes to there and they say so what is it in miles? Because they know how nuts the traffic can be.


I live in California! So close to you actually. I’m from Walnut Creek! I love seeing all of your Northern California pictures because it reminds me of home. I’m away at college now.


HA! That is my new favorite hey girl as well. Thinking about printing a copy and sticking it on the refrigerator or something … a little (not-so) subliminal message for the boy re: my target spending issues. :D


Aliana just learned to say “avocado” (yeah she is pretty much a genius) and she also learned that shouting it in the grocery store gets her tons of attention… So of course that’s what she does.
And as for my weekend plans… I am so excited I can’t stand it. I get my Bob revolution duallie tomorrow and we are staying by a gorgeous trail in Medford OR!!!


I’m starting to believe I need to get froyo more often…

I’m originally from the Chicago area, but I just moved to San Diego in January. It’s been pretty nice avoiding the snow and other crazy weather that my family has been enduring!


Am I the only person that doesn’t get the whole Ryan gosling hey girl thing?? See it everywhere, I’m lost. And my moms favorite child is actually her son in law. Aka my husband. She favors him over me and my brother. ;)


I heart Target and Ryan Gosling! Thank you for sharing that picture! :)


Mmmmmm — that pizza looks delicious! So jealous :)


That last pic of Brooke sneaking into the bathroom cupboard… too stinkin’ ADORABLE! She really is growing up so beautifully! You’re gonna need to get her an agent soon – she could easily be the star of baby/toddler magazines! :)


definitely my mom’s fav!

now i want some pizza.

well, my 2 year old is picking his nose as i type. that’s nothing new though;)


1) Go see Oblivion tonight
2) Make a BUNCH of cookies and brownies (like 300)
3) Help my brother clean up his dirty bachelor pad!

I live in San Pedro….it’s near Long Beach. I grew up in Palos Verdes. When next you come down to SoCal, take a drive through PV and take pictures along the coast – lots of great places to hike!

I’m my mom’s favorite daughter. I’m her only daughter!


I was born and raised in So Cal. A suburb of LA called Rancho Cucamonga (yes it is a real place.) I have no reason to ever move out of state. 40 minutes to the mountains, 40 minutes to the beach. I love it here!

1) I’m doing a long ride instead of run. 20+ miles on my bike to prep for metric century ride next month. 2) I’m meeting my future Mother-in-law for the first time! 3) teaching Sunday school. Can’t wait to see what those 20-30 3rd grade girls have in store for me this week. ;)


Froyo is SO GOOD. Mmmmm now I really want some!


I was born in Huntington Beach, CA. Lived in Omaha, NE for about 10 years and now live in San Jose, CA. I have been here for 15 years now and I LOVE it! So many beautiful places to run and hike.


I’m from Southern Cali!!! <3

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