You are going to love this…. GIVEAWAY! Closed!!!!!!

You know you love a product when you come home from your runs and tell (or text) your husband, “THESE (yes, I am screaming because I am so excited) are my new favorite piece of running gear. I seriously do not know how I ever lived without them.”

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JayBird sent me the BLUEBUDS X a little over a month ago and I have been using them on all of my runs (even the treadmill).

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They are wireless headphones that connect to your phone (or any other blue tooth enabled device) via blue tooth. I ALWAYS have my phone with me when I run and so I knew that these would be perfect for me because I hate cords (those darn headphone cords always get stuck in my 4 layers of lip gloss, they always seem to be tangled and get caught on my hands. I can’t tell you how many times my hand has gotten caught on my headphone cord and made my phone or iPod crash to the treadmill belt).

-The sound on these babies are incredible… I like my Britney and Linkin Park to sound good when I am running. I take quality sound while I am running very seriously.

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-It feels like you aren’t even wearing any headphones and you have an awesome surround system of music following you for your entire run. They are super comfortable!

-You can ANSWER phone calls and TALK while you run (built in microphone) which means my mom gets to hear me tell her every aspect of my day even more often.

-They are very user friendly and easy to set up. They come with 3 different sizes of ear tips and 3 different sizes of secure fit ear cushions so that they fit your ear perfectly. They don’t fall out which is one of my biggest pet peeves about normal headphones, these ones stay comfortably secure for your entire run.

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-The controls on the headphones for volume/switching songs/on & off buttons/phone are super easy to use!

-To charge (they lasted me about a weeks worth of runs ((8 hours)) before I needed to charge them) you just stick the USB Cable into the computer.

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The only con that I can think of is that they are a little pricey but if you are a music obsessed runner like I am then they are worth it!

Check out the BLUEBUDS X!!

In case you were wondering about how they handle sweat: “At JayBird, we’re athletes with a passion. A passion for getting products right. We include a LIFETIME WARRANTY Against Sweat across JayBird products.


Giveaway ends on 1/21/12!!!

To enter giveaway:

1. Tell me your favorite type of music to run to, one of your favorite song to run to or why you want to win these JayBird Bluetooth Headphones!

2. For an extra entry: Tweet or Facebook about the giveaway and tell me in a separate comment that you did so!

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These are genius!! Cords are the biggest pain in the butt when running! I have tried several times to run without music because I find it so annoying but I just can’t get motivated to keep going past a few miles!


I love to exercise to country music mostly. I would love to win a pair of JayBird Bluetooth Headphones because I am hoping this will help me with my goal of running a 5k every month this year then next year on my 50th birthday to run a 1/2marathon!


My new favorite running song is that Thrift Shop song they keep playing on the radio now. :) It makes me move no matter where I am, so naturally it ended up in my running playlist. I also love just about anything by Brittany or 3oh!3.


I enjoy a little Pink (Try and True Love).


I run to the radio.. anything that’s playing at the gym is good for me. I gave up on ear buds because they only last a month for me. They always end up breaking..


Music from Glee!


I tweeted!


Awesome earbuds!!! I usually turn on Kesha radio on Pandora for my runs! :)


PINK! My favorite song to run to is Glamorous by Fergie (no judgment please). These headphones look AWESOME, if I win them I won’t have to deal with the rubix cube that is my headphone cords!


I want to win these headphones bc when I run I always feel like my cord is too short and that it makes me put my neck in a weird way. Oh and I always end up pulling mine out of either my ear or the plug hole.


I love to listen to either Indie or rock when I run, but sometimes hip hop comes up on my IPOD and I kinda love it ;-)


My favorite music to run to is the Justin Bieber station on Pandora. :)


I am queen of getting tangled in my headphone wires and causing my Kindle Fire to fall to the ground while on the treadmill :-( These would work AMAZING for both my indoor and outdoor workouts!


I listen to mostly rock with a little bit of rap/pop thrown in there. Britney’s Womanizer is also on there which is a nice contrast to Warrior’s Call by Volbeat. I want to win these earbuds because I hate when the cord from my iPod gets stuck on pretty much everything!


I love any kind of upbeat hip-hop/rap!


I usually listen to rock, pop, hip hop and rap. Right now though my favorite repeat song is Fun’s Some Nights. LOVE IT. PR’d at St. George listening to it from mile 7 to the finish.


Mentioned you on Facebook! And I think you’ve convinced me to finally get a Twitter account!


Lately (when it works) I’ve been running to different Pandora workout stations! The 80’s being my fave!!


I love running to all different types of music. My playlist includes Britney Spears, Kanye West, and even Taylor Swift!


I hate the cords too!!I love running to pop music and especially Katy Perry!!


Electronic dance/techno music. ALWAYS has a uptempo beat that keeps me motivated.


My fave music is Top 40 hip hop/pop, and my go-to song right now is Va Va Voom by Nicki Manaj. I NEED these headphones because a) my dog literally just chewed up my old pair and b) I too tend to get caught in my headphone cords and manage to drop my phone almost every other day… my iPhone would greatly appreciate these wireless ones! :)


my favorite song to run to is dog days are over by florence and the machine, something about it just makes my feet move!


I have been jamming out to the new Ke$ha song “Cmon” which I should be ashamed of…but it is just so dang catchy.


I just tweeted this giveaway – thanks girl!! LOVE the Brooke pictures. You know she is going to grow up wanting to model, right?


I *need* these! I don’t run with music too often because my current earbuds SHOCK me sporadically while I’m running! Terrible side effect. I know that I should just break down and buy some new ones, but I’d love to have some truly great ones and it just hasn’t been a priority in the ol’ budget.


i love running to ‘fun. ‘ it just makes me happy and makes my runs more.. FUN ;-)


I just tweeted about this too! :)


I have just recently started running and beleive it or not I have enjoyed running to old rock music..think…Limp Bizkit…haha. I would love these headphones as a new motivation to get to the gym…cute clothes can only take you so far! :)


They would be so awesome to try before purchasing!!


I don’t listen to music when I run anymore… mostly because I hate the headphone cords, so winning these would be great :).


Hi Janae….my first comment ever on your blog, I’m so nervous! :) Anyway, I’m new to running (hubby ran his second marathon on Jan. 5th & now I’ve caught the bug!) and would love to win these Bluebuds to help me kick-start my training. My goal is to do a half-marathon later this year. I have tried different styles of earbuds but most seem to fall out while running. I love me some Blackeyed Peas (especially ‘Pump It’ – it kicks my butt in gear at any point in a run!) and Kelly Clarkson, Pink, Matchbox Twenty, Neon Trees). 80’s & 90’s music is great too (think C&C Music Factory, LaBouche ….. am I dating myself with these?!)


I love cheesy, happy, upbeat music to run and sing along to. Cee Lo’s forget you is a favorite :)


my favorite song to run to right now is the wobble!!! although it is SOOO incredibly hard to not stop and break out in the dance. like SO hard.


born to run and superbass are always on my running playlist!


I LOVE listening to KE$HA on my runs…she’s crazy but has some crazy awesome beats to her music (: AND I always have issues with headphones falling out of my ears (my whole life) so I’d love to use these headphones on all of my runs!!


My current face running song is still some nights by fun!!!!


Facebook-ed about it!! (:


My favorite music to run/exercise to is really upbeat hip hop and dance/electronic music. The more energy the better!


I love me some Fun, Mumford & Sons, with a little 80’s new wave thrown in but my all time favorite running song is Rain Dance Maggie by RHCP.


I love running to pop or alternative music that has a great beat.


My girlfriend has a pair of these! I tried them out when I was visiting her in Texas; they’re SWEEEEET! I listen to a lot of Rock and dirrrrrty Hip hop when I CrossFit, some funky techno beats when I Spin, and I walk dogs as a part-time job, I like to listen to audio books and podcasts. :)


i am currently obsessed w/ the pitch perfect soundtrack while i run; loved the movie and the soundtrack is just as good :). i, as most people have noted, am constantly ripping my earbuds out when i run because the cord gets tangled in my arms. the cords are either too long or too short to reach my pocket and i hate carrying my phone/ipod in my hand (had to replace a phone because of “water damage” after a 16 mile run in 90 something degree weather).


I love anything with a great beat. Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop — whatever I can jam out to and look ridiculous while doing it.

My current fav song is Thrift Shop by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. That song just cracks me up (you definitely need to find the clean version though – lots of bad language!).


I shared the Giveaway on Twitter :)


shared about the giveaway on FB :)


I LOVE running Keisha- high energy, dance music keeps me going!


I shared on FB!!


Definitely upbeat, fast music! One of my favorites is Kanye West “Stronger” – great song!


I can’t get through a workout or run without listening to Salt-n-Pepa’s “Push It.” Yes, it’s my guilty pleasure, 100%. I can’t even deny that I’m often times tempted to bust out my stellar dance moves…whatever helps keep me healthy and young at heart I suppose. :)


Tweeted :)

Also that picture of Brooke is really cute. Apparently, she is also thrilled about the idea of wireless headphones.


I have to agree with you 100%; I HATE running with a cord tangling all around me! These headphones look awesome and without the hassle-love it!! I normally listen to something upbeat or country when I’m running outside.


I usually listen to “Today’s Hits” on Pandora, or just Eminem if i’m feeling angry :)


I’m a walker (due to health) and I love walking to PodRunner podcasts as well as MotionTraxx and Choreography.
I also love to walk to really raunchy hip-hop but don’t tell my Bible Study group girls that..(0:


I would love to win these – too many times my headphone cords have gotten in the way causing my phone to fall on the treadmill!!! I love to run to top 40 music – right now Bruno Mars, Alicia Keys & Kesha are pumping me up!


Britney Spears is a favorite of mine to listen to


I love listening to something fast paced, so my own pace goes with the beat. (I kind of dance and run at the same time). Thanks for the giveaway!


I love to run to the top 40 but if I ha to pick a genre it would be rap because I find the beat easy to run with and with it bein fast tempoed it helps with me and I can keep running without realise how far I have travelled, luckyily I saw this retweeted on tweet as I nee new earphone due to mine being broken and this would be a unbelievable addition just looking at the specs of the earphones WOW!! But if I had I pick a song which I like to run to the most it would be drake-headlines. Also I have retweeted the competition


I posted to twitter, btw:
Love the blog!


Ooh my headphones just broke, so these would be excellent :-) And I love to run to upbeat pop music!


I have to admit it, but I’m a huge Glee fan! I like a mix of music but every song has a Glee song between them. :)


Omg I want to win because I ALWAYS hit the cord and send my phone crashing. Also, I hate when the cord bounces off my chest and I can hear it when I run. Oh AND I hate how the cord pulls when I feed it thru my shirt or jacket.


I love any Kesha or Britney song to get me pumped. Yes I am almost 30 and listen to Kesha.

Have you ever thought of starting a Moms Run This Town club in your town? I’m getting one started in ours…

Check out the national branch website at You would be the perfect chapter leader if your town doesn’t already have one going!


I always listen to Pandora when I run. I’m terrible at remember artist or song names so it’s great to let Pandora pick my music for me. My favorite song (and Pandora station) right now is It’s Time by Imagine Dragons.


these sound awesome!! i have tried so many kinds of headphone but always have something i dont like about them. these sound perfect!


I would love to win these!! I’ve had so many embarrassing cord moments at the gym. I love working out to techno or pop music. Maybe a little Rob Zombie when I really need an adrenaline rush. ;-)


Those are beyond awesome. My 2 favorite don’t mind me while i sing down the trail songs are “Gold Digger” by Kayne West and “Life in a Northern Town” – Live track by Sugarland. Oh, and “Marry You” by Bruno Mars. :)


I also tweeted this giveaway!


I usually listen to Pandora when I run. My current favorite stations are Jamie Grace Radio and Pitch Perfect Radio! I would love to get my hands on some of those headphones to save my inevitable frustrations with the bouncing cords!


I listen to different tunes based on my mood…but usually something with a great tempo and energy to keep me going!


I like my workout jams a little naughty! haha current favorite: Shake That by Eminem …. I’d love to win these babies because I HATE when my earbuds are constantly falling out during a run!


My favorite song to run too (because it totally motivates me) is “Church” by T-Pain. Download now if you don’t already have.


I love running to Adele and pretty much anything with a fast beat and words. I need to be able to zone out and not think about how I have 5 more miles of this b left!


Those look awesome; i would love to win because i am always hitting my headphone cord with my arm and knocking my Shuffle off my shirt (it clips on)… very annoying.


I love pretty mch any song for running. As long as i’m zoned out i’m good! :)


These look great! I agree, a little pricey, but I’m a big fan of music while I run too. Have you tried listening to Paramore? Or Girls Aloud? Those are 2 of my go-to groups to get me pumped up. :)


I have been looking for some good running headphones for forever, so I might just have to give those a try! My favorite song to run to at the moment is Hall of Fame.


I love a good Michael Jackson song. If one comes up in my ipod rotation, I’ll usually sing out loud while running!


I would LOVE these! I need to win these because it is a matter of life and death! I also end up getting caught in my cords and yank my phone/water/towel/magazine right off the treadmill which then leads to some pretty tragic tripping and falling.


My favorite type of music to run to is Pink or something with a great beat – it makes me excited to run!


I’ve been getting back into listening to a lot more hip-hop lately, stuff like Cam’ron and Kanye, the new A$AP Rocky is great as well. Oh, and the new Kendrick Lamar!

And I’d LOVE to win these headphones because I have had such a struggle finding the right ones for me!


This is so cool!! I love running to music but often times avoid it because I HATE chords and ear buds that constantly fall out or get tangled. Its annoying and messes with my concentration!! I love running to classic rock…I have a few favorite songs but my all time favorite would be Tom Petty: learning to fly. It gives me an extra jolt of energy for some reason!


I tweeted!!


I tweeted about it!


I love the new techno-y trend! The David Guetta mixes and great beats to run to! If I want a power run I’ll turn on some metal to rock out!

Oh please oh please pick me ;) I have a triathlon this year… FIRST ONE EVER! And I need some gear for running we are on a very tight budget! And these look fantasitic! Thanks!

aka FitFireWife


I NEED these because I love running with music but get annoyed and frustrated very easily by the wire. Have tried every way to wear it but it always ends up bugging me.



Years later I still like listening to Shakira!


I like country music! Jason Aldean is my fave right now. But I usually runo podcasts or books on tape. Keeps m mind distracted and I really enjoy it!


My favorite type of music to run to are pop hits – the more upbeat the better!


oh girl – spice girls, michael buble, dan mangan, OMAM, evvverrryything is fair game. I would LOVE to win these cause i was JUST researching them last week but thought they were a bit pricey – but i would ABSOLUTELY looove them.


p.s. i just shared it on FB!
pps. i can’t believe i JUST liked your fb page today, i’ve been following your page basically since brooke was born, monday to friday. 9-5. like it’s m’ job.


I would love a pair of the Jaybird Bluetooth Headphones. Everytime I run on a treadmillmy hands catch my headphone cord and my phone ends up on the floor or flung off the treadmill. I am greatful this has not broken my phone yet, but it’s just a matter of time. And it is a little embarassing in a crowded gym.


These are awesome! I love to run to the new TSwift song…..


I love listening to club music when running, sometimes I even bust out in dance! :]


I love running to non-rap music with an upbeat!


I want them because for once I would like to be the one in the family who has a cool new “toy!” haha Also, I’ve thought how nice it would be to be able to just snip my cords right off my earbuds and not have to worry about them bouncing around on my run.


ellie goulding and florence + the machine are my favorite running tunes!
these look Amazing :)


This giveaway ends on my birthday! I sure hope I win! I like listening to Britney Spears or Taylor Swift’s lastest album. I’m all about girly music.


When I ran my first half-marathon, I created a playlist to pump me up. My running partner bailed so I was going to run it solo. I was feeling a bit down and none of the songs jived with me, but while scrolling through, I saw Bruce Springsteen’s Thunder Road. Played it on repeat for over two hours straight and loved every moment of it!


shared on facebook!


I tweeted about it!


I love silly pop music!


White Lies- Bigger than us is a definite fave running song for me- gets me pumped!


I like running to rap. It’s motivating, upbeat and makes me feel hardcore!


I hate cords and I love all kinds of music. Lame answer but the truth!


I need these! I hate running with cords everywhere and a lot of earbuds don’t seem to fit right in my ears!


I usually listen to podcasts or upbeat music when I’m running.


I love running to any upbeat fast paced music, my current obsession song is don’t you worry child by Swedish house mafia! I would totally love to win those headphones they would be very convenient when I’m SUPER bundled up on my super chilly runs!


My favorite song to run to right now is Natalie by Bruno Mars!


I’m a huge fan of really cheesy music (Party in the USA for example) so anything upbeat and fast is perfect for me :)


I’ve been obsessed with Pandora’s Queen or Billy Joel radio lately! I ALWAYS get pumped when Queen – Fat bottomed girls comes on! GREAT SONG : ) Those headphones look awesome – I always end up hitting the headphone cords when on the treadmill and my iphone goes flying…not good.


I love listening to any pop music that keeps my pace up! When I listen to slower music I run more slowly! My boyfriend and I trade playlists to work out to as well which are always motivating and fast paced!


hi janae!

I am completely obsessed with Taylor swifts red album at the moment. Holy ground is probably my favorite!


Wireless headphones would be amazing, I also get my cords tangled up. I love upbeat music when im running. I usually just put on pandora for my runs (:


I am a country gal at heart, but when I run I think I am really hardcore so I listen to hip hop and rap! LOL


I usually listen to upbeat dance music when running-it helps me keep the pace sometimes.


Right now I am speed walking until I can get up to running. I am just back to this after years of not doing much on the fitness front. I have to listen to something fast or upbeat to stay motivated but it is hard as my headphones are always in the way. These would make it so much easier.


These headphones look awesome!!! I listen to mostly pop/rock music that pumps me up. I’m really liking Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble” right now.


I love listening to pop music when I run, which I normally hate listening too at other times. These head phones look amazing!


My fav is the 80’s workout station on pandora! Nothing helps me to pick it up like Madonna or Cindy screaming in my ear!


Right now I like running to Toby Mac. I really need some good earbuds because mine keep falling out of my ears. Plus, I have to delay my run for about 5 minutes to untangle them!


I’m a huge music listener while runner. I’ve been dying to try these news beauties!! My jam of choice while running is maroon 5 :)


I love to listen to taylor swift for long, steady-state runs.


My favorite music to run to is Christian rock; especially the group Skillet…AMAZING!!!! Just about anything by Skillet: Hero, Awake and Alive, Monster, It’s Not Me It’s You, Whispers in the Dark…I could keep going, they are that awesome!! :-) I also like tobyMac on my run playlist, and to finish it off, DC Talk’s Jesus Freak. All are definitely upbeat, and have me singing along like a goofball!! :-)

I don’t know how many times I rip the earbud out of my ear, or break it altogether, because I get the chord caught on my hand, elbow, foot (when using a stationary bike); drives me CRAZY!!


I love listening to fast paced music, anything that will pump me up whenever I workout!


Christina Aguilera’s song “fighter” has to be one of my favorites to run to. Every now and then I add in Salt N’ Pepper for fun :)


I hate the cord tangling in lipgloss, too! Harsh winters in Chicago have me constantly with chapstick or lipgloss and the cords are always blowing into my face. My favorite song to run to is American Woman by Lenny Kravitz. Steady beat to keep pace to!


I have a playlist on my iPod for running, mostly happy upbeat songs. I have small ears, so finding ear buds that stay in are hard to get.


Just tweeted it!!! :-)


Shared it on Facebook too!!! :-)


I listen to my playlists on my iPod Shuffle, and one of my favorites at the moment is It’s Time (Cover Mix Tribute to Imagine Dragons) by Tribute Mega Stars.


I would LOVE to win these! I hate getting tangled in the headphone cords when running or cross training-especially when I accidentally rip the cords out of my ear. OUCH!


My favourite running song is currently ‘Let’s Go’ by Neyo and Calvin Harris. It’s my settling in song that I always play as I’m hitting my rhythm and also as I’m getting tired on my long runs.


I have super tiny ears so I always have a hard time finding a pair of headphones that don’t fall out. These sound awesome! I hate fighting with the cords!


Facebooked it too :)


I change up my music selection depending on my mood. I would love to find a wireless pair of headphones tha would stay in my ears while I run!


I love running to a wide mix of music. It just depends on my mood and how much motivation I need that day!


And then all was right in the world. Seriously I can’t tell you how excited I am that there is finally a pair of wireless headphones. I swear I have tried every set of headphone out there and nothing seems to stay in place or not rub or pull in all the wrong places.
Can’t wait to hear a little Flo Rida on those babies.
One of my new favorite running songs is I Cry cause nobody does a remix of Brenda Russell’s Piano in the dark like FR.
Wooot woot!


I absolutely love running and riding on my bike trainer with music. But I hate the stupid cord always in the way. My favorite type of music to listen while I run is mostly any oldies music and some pop music. I really like songs like Footloose! I would love to have these because NO CORDS!! And it’s blue tooth and you can sync your phone, computer, etc… Music is uplifting during a work out!!


Always listen to hard rock/metal. Give me a little Enter Sandman from Metallica!


I love to listen to upbeat pop music for the most part when I run. I ran the Disney marathon this past weekend though and I have to say my favorite song from my playlist that day was Tina Turner’s “The Best” – got me over the rough parts! I’d love to try these ear buds!!!!!


My absolute FAVORITE song to run to is Fall Out Boy with John Mayer “Beat It” – AWESOME!


These are awesome!!! I always try to wrap by ear bud cords into by tank top straps to keep them from slapping me in the face while running… Genius invention to FINALLY go wireless!


Pink!! She is the best to run, to!!! Whenever I listen to her songs, I swear I run faster and with much more enthusiasm, ha!!


Love running to some 80’s hair bands and some old school rap! Weird mix, I know!


My favorite song to run to is “Eye of the Tiger”! I swear I can run to the beat of this song.


“Right here, right now” by fat boy slim is by far my favorite workout song ever! I love face paced, intense music. I need these headphones in a bad way. I have sent my iphone a crashing many times. Great giveaway!


Facebooked this post.


my favorite music is anything rob writes! i need new head phones to talk talk talk. pick me!


I seriously have been so intrigued since you 1st posted about them! I hate my headphone wires with a passion. I swear I fold them up all nice and neat each time I use them, only to have to spend 5 min untabgling them each time I use them. Bugs. These sound amazing!

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