How do you track your mileage?

One of my 2013 goals is to keep track of my mileage.  I make this goal and fail at it every year but I am determined to do it this year.  I really want to know how many miles I run a year so I better follow through this year.

I tried Daily Mile for a while but I think I have enough social media thingees to keep up with so I am keeping it simple and using a Map My Run app to keep track of everything.

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Any guesses how long I will keep up with this goal?  I am guessing I will keep up with it for 3 weeks before I forget about it.  Maybe you guys can help to remind me.  


Charlie knows that we are going to be leaving soon.  He really loves to sleep on the coffee table?!?!

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He has been spending as much time with us as possible.  We were originally going to leave today but I really want to feel 100% before we go because we are driving up the coast and stopping at all of the fun cities along the way.  I really want to have my voice back because Billy would hate it if I couldn’t talk for an entire road trip and he would just have to drive and listen to his favorite music without me asking a million questions the whole way.  


I contributed the salad for dinner.  Billy is definitely the grill master and he always grills the chicken to perfection.

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After dinner we had a very competitive game of Bananagram (kind of like Scrabble).  Judging by the amount of spelling errors on the blog you would think that I would be awful at this game but I am actually really good at it (that is what I keep telling myself).

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And the dessert of the night:

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Those Powerberries from Trader Joe’s are actually too good to be true.


How do you keep track of your mileage?  How many miles did you run last year?  What is your mileage goal for this year?  Are you on Daily Mile?

What are some of your goals/resolutions this year?

Finish the sentence:  The best part of my weekend is going to be ______________!!!!!!!!

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I started using daily mile in the fall so I’m hoping to also keep up with it in 2013!! The best part of my weekend is going to be running from Miami to Key West in a Ragar Relay!!! Sooo excited our team starts at noon today!!


That is on my running bucket list! Have fun and good luck!!


I just started using daily mile and I actually find it okay because I just do it the second I get back from my run and it’s become a habit. You ate my favorite dinner ever (grilled chicken, baked potato, lots of veggies)! Anyways, I’m excited to spend another whole weekend in Boston! Two weeks in a row neverrr happens! And i’m trying hip hop yoga, so that should be funny to watch at the very least.


Mostly I just keep up with it on Garmin Connect. It uploads straight from the watch automatically, so it’s practically fool-proof that every run makes it there and is correct. On the odd occasion I do a treadmill run or run without my watch, I just add a manual activity for that.

I just started using Dailymile because I wanted to keep track of the mileage on my shoes online and that seemed like the easiest place of the ones I looked at. I used to keep a spreadsheet but my computer is getting slow and not wanting to open a lot of things lately :-(. I tried a paper sheet but I lost one of the pages (!!) and now it’s just a guess for those shoes.


I was wondering if you could just add the treadmill miles in manually… I think I might have to switch over to this form of tracking mileage! Thanks!


I use map my run! The stats and breakdowns when you login online are really helpful!


Forget the powerberries i could just eat up those little toes! so cute! :) I love Map My Run, mostly to figure out my route before starting but I am amazed at all the technology that helps runners perform better!!

Reply has an amazing online log. Plus their forums have tons of great info!

It’s a little late, but I’m still not really sure of my goals for this year. A completely insane goal would be to qualify for regionals in the Crossfit Games, but again that’s crazy.

The best part of my weekend will be watching my Aggies beat OU in the Cotton Bowl!


This is a really cool website! :) Thanks for sharing!!


You must get up awfully early to post from the west coast!! I’ll be using my Garmin forerunner 10 that I got for Christmas!! Love it as well as Everything from Trader Joes!!!


I also love the ForeRunner 10. Had (well, still have) a Nike + watch I used before getting the ForeRunner 10 for review – and never switched back!

I also use the Garmin Connect site, but admittedly that is rather limited when you really want to do stats … I did just shy of 2000 miles last year and had to grab data from Garmin, Nike, MayMyRun and my own logbook from before I used anything else … and I *only* do outdoor runs!

I have also heard good things about The Daily Mile … but I just have too much other stuff to do to add yet another check-in point.


I used to use Daily Mile and really liked it, but I stopped logging my miles when I’m not training. I just don’t really seem to care any more. But it is a really nice tool when you are tracking and does keep you accountable.


I keep up with Garmin Connect. It uploads all on it’s own, so I don’t even have to think about it. Sometimes I forget what I ran in a week, so I have to log on and remind myself, ha. If you get a footpod, it even tracks you on the treadmill (it was on my xmas list this year, but, alas, no luck). You can also hook up a heart rate monitor and then you get all kinds of data (calories, heart rate, training zones, elevation, cadence, etc). DC Rainmaker ( has all kinds of reviews on the top run-logging systems, you just have to search through it a little.

I’m really excited for this weekend, my parents are visiting from Colorado and I’m going on a 30k (18.6 miles) trail run with my sister for her 30th birthday!


Another vote for Garmin Connect, and I can vouch for the foot pod’s accuracy. When I run with my boyfriend and his GPS Garmin, and me with my cheapo non-GPS Garmin and footpod, our mileage is almost exactly the same (maybe a tenth of a mile difference after a four-mile run, for example).


I use the Nike running app so I can keep track of what shoes I run in and for how long


I use the Nike running app, love it but now I hear its not so accurate. I would love a Harmon but don’t want to spend the $$. Relaxing and doing nothing this weekend for the first time in forever!!


I used to track mileage in hs with a handwritten log. I’m gonna check out the daily mile though. Have an amazing weekend! We are going to the cotton bowl then to crested butte to ski. I am running around white rock lake in Dallas (it’s sort of famous here) this morning so I’m excited for that!


I use Daily Mile for my runs, but I tend to only use it for tracking my mileage, I don’t really use the social aspect of it. That way I don’t go crazy.

That picture of Charlie and Brooke is too cute! She needs her own furry friend!


I got a Garmin for Christmas and I plan on adding non-Garmin runs to Garmin connect to help me track my miles. I have never been good about tracking my miles so it’s one of my goals. This weekend I am excited for some long runs and lots and lots of rest. These holidays wiped me out!


I LOVE Banana grams! best. game. ever.

I keep track of my mileage on an iphone app called Runner’s Log….it’s super duper easy. I just plug in my distance and time at the end of each run and it gives me all these different layouts to look at how my pace and distance have increased over time. I can also record which shoes I used on the run to keep track of how many miles are on each pair of shoes.


Another Garmin connect fan. I walk in the door and it uploads as soon as I am in range of the laptop.

My running buddies are my ‘connections’ on Garmin connect so we can share details of the runs we do separately.


My garmin tracks my miles automatically for me! Anytime my watch is within range of my computer, the garmin site automatically uploads data from the watch, and it doesn’t even have to be very close to the computer (sometimes my computer is upstairs and I leave my watch by the front door, but it uploads anyway). Couldn’t be any easier. Then you can sort data within the site by week, month, year, total, etc.


I really want to use my garmin to track my mileage too but I do so much of my running on the treadmill…. I wonder if there is a way to insert treadmill miles into the data???


Absolutely. On the main activity screen on your dashboard, you just click “add manual activity.” I just did that for my treadmill run last week! It’s so easy. You can also edit your garmin connect data. I do a boot camp in a downtown parking garage a few days per week and sometimes my garmin signal gets out of whack there and it will show more miles than I actually ran, so I go into my garmin data to lower the mileage to “keep it real.”


Awesome! Thank you so so so much!!!


I LOVE that Charlie is sleeping on the coffee strange, but so cute!

The best part of my weekend is going to be my family visiting..and the Vikings game tomorrow! …I couldn’t pick just one thing :)


I used to manually enter my runs after each one (if I remembered) at but I was terrible about it. With the app it’s so easy. I never run without it and 2013 will be my first year to find out how many miles I run in a year too. Good luck!


I keep track of my milage the old fashion way, a pen and paper. I love to write and using my planner is the easiest way for me to remember and keep track.
I plan on running my first marathon and a lot more races this year so my milage is going to be pretty high but on my website I set a goal that I want people to join me in. It’s a goal to run 1013 miles in 2013. I want to motivate as many people as I can with giveaways though out the year and a custom necklace after they make the goal.
The best part of my weekend is going to be surviving a 14 mile run with my boyfriend tomorrow morning! Have a safe trip!


I use daily mile and I love it! And it’s basically the same as Map My Run, you don’t have to connect it to twitter or facebook, you can just keep track on there. And at least you have your blog to look over if you forget for a few days!


That’s on my list of goals for this year too – to accurately track my miles! I’m doing it the old fashioned way – pen and paper! haha!


I’m really starting to love Daily Mile, plus I added the side link on my blog so anytime I’m blogging I’m reminded of what I’ve done (or haven’t done..) that week!


I mainly use Garmin Connect but I am also on Daily Mile because I like that it has a gear-tracking option. I ran over 2000 miles in 2012 and hoping to do the same in 2013!


When I was running more, I used to always write down the distance afterwards…it definitely motivated me during my runs to keep going!


Don’t trust the Map My Run app to keep track of your distance! I was using it for a while until it just stopped working. I tried everything, but it would only track my distance for 2.5 miles and then it would stop (it also said I had a 6:06 pace…HA!) I have friends who have had this same problem as well. Good luck!


Thank you so so much for letting me know about this! Looks like I will be using a pen and a notebook then:)


RunKeeper app is simple.. I like it!


ive heard great things about run keeper! and my friend did that last year! seemed to accurately report his miles at the end of the year.


For years I’ve used the running log Runner’s World sends out with my subscription. I haven’t gotten one this year yet, so I’m getting concerned that I might have to find something else. I prefer pen and paper, because it can travel with me wherever I am in the world, and I don’t have to rely on a computer. That being said, I might try something new this year and check out a few of the recommended sites.

I ran 1,121 miles last year — the most ever for me. One 1/2 marathon, a full marathon, and a 50K. Plus a few others sprinkled in there. It was a physically and mentally training year for me as far as running goes, and this year I’m determined to approach running from a different perspective. No goals. No planned *big* races (1/2 or above). Learn to run for fun again. Learn to love running again. I kind of killed it for me last year, and so I’m taking a step away from it for a while. I’m hitting up the gym with my husband, regaining strength, and I’m trying to increase my general fitness. Slowly but surely.


I track my mileage with a pen and a calendar. Pretty old school yet effective.
I ran just shy of 700 miles in 2012 and it was not where I had hoped to be. My stretch goal for this year is 1,000.

The Kidless Kronicles


I love game night with the family!


Let us know how you like Map My Run!! I keep a run journal which I’m pretty good about keeping updated, though after my marathon earlier in the fall I stopped tracking anything for a few weeks so I don’t know what my annual mileage would be. It would be kind of cool to have an app or electronic run tracker so I could see totals! Garmin keeps them, but I do some treadmill running too, so unless you buy the foot pod it’s not included.

The thing I’m most looking forward to this weekend is a group run up a mountain nearby. There’s a group of about 20 of us that meet at the base of the mountain and run up it, back down then to a restaurant for hot chocolate and brunch!! It’s a lot of fun!


I track my miles on Daily Mile. I only just started in September, so for 2012 I had 383.5. I think my goal will be just to stay healthy and strong and listen to my body!

I track the miles on each pair of shoes with post-it notes. haha.

The best part of my weekend is going to be going with my boyfriend and the kids to the Baltimore Aquarium. I think they are going to LOVE it. One of my resolutions is to make sure I take time to do at least one new thing a month with them.


I keep track of my mileage on Dailymile. It was actually my New Years resolution last year and I somehow managed to keep up with it all year (miracle). I also use mapmyrun to measure the distance when I am walking/running outside. I completed 360 cardio miles this year (running, walking, and biking) and my goal was 750…but that’s okay! Hopefully in 2013 I can beat 360!!

The best part of my weekend will be relaxing and sleeping in!


i’m now on dailymile!! hopefully i remember to track every run lol
those powerberries look good! i’ll have to look out for them when i go next…
my goal is to run a marathon now that i know i can run a half :)
to run in a new city/town!


I use RunKeeper…great app that you can manually track your treadmill runs as well as use GPS for outdoor runs. I do a lot of my runs on the treadmill, so RunKeeper works well for me. It can post to Facebook or you can keep all settings private. Hope that helps!


I seriously can’t believe no one said Runkeeper!! I am so in love with this App!! It is super accurate on my outside runs- checked it with my car- lol!! On my treadmill runs I enter them manually during my cool down so I don’t forget and love how it automatically does my outside runs (GPS based app). It talks to me while I run so I don’t have to look at my phone and sends me a hey don’t you wanna workout today reminder if I’ve had too many days off!! Tried it from some fellow PBF reader recommendations and hooked from day one!

Anyway the best part of my weekend is going to be NO alarm clock and peace from the pavement rather than my friend the treadmill!!


My entire team uses and i love it!
Once you set up an account, they keep track of your mileage, and show you a layout of your week in calender form and graph form. You can also fill in the temperature, time of day, shoes you wore, the type of workout…it’s awesome. It also is able to show graphs of your mileage over time! (week to week, month to month, year to year). Highly recommend!


I use Map My Run! After each run, I upload my Garmin (I just got a lovely pink 10 for Christmas – but never use it because I work when its light out and am scared of the dark!) to Map My Run (I’m also obsessed with tracking where I run for some random reason – can’t wait to try it on vacation so its not the same route around the park by my house…) and then manually add in my treadmill runs!

I love Brooke’s pjs – so cute! I wish they had adult ones!


Daily mile is the way to go. Super easy.


I track my monthly/yearly mileage on Runkeeper (just because I started doing that before I got a Garmin in the middle of last year, and I like that you can link activities with other users if you run with a friend. And I love graphs to see how much I ran each month/week/etc.).

Now I also put it in on Garmin Connect.

For weekly stuff, I use the Believe I Am training journal, because it is awesome.


The “classic” training log on is great – a lot like Running2Win, which I just looked at because of another post on here – but I think RunnersWorld has a cleaner interface. Very important to track the mileage on your shoes. I love seeing the total miles for week/month/year. I hit 1,288 last year. My highest yet!


Going to the movies! I actually just put a note in my phone to add up my mileage. I think I need something more sophsticated!


I have an app on my phone called “cardio trainer” that is awesome. I can turn it on while I run and it tracks via gps – and is actually pretty accurate – but I can edit it aftereach run so that it matches my garmin. Or, it lets you manually enter treadmill miles, or any other workout you do – and keeps a running tally of the total calories i’ve burner throughout the week. I love it.


To keep better track of my mileage is my resolution too! I use my Garmin mostly but I put all of my miles into the Running Log app on my iphone. That way I can combine treadmill runs and run when I don’t have my Garmin. I have just started to use Daily Mile so I will try and keep up with that too!
Also I love banagrams! Great game!

Thanks for a great blog!


I’m like you, I always vow to keep track of my mileage and usually start forgetting within the first week, ha! I’m pretty sure the only way I’d really be successful at keeping track would be to make a spreadsheet and make a point of entering my mileage at the end of each day.

The best part about this weekend is going to be relaxation! Somehow these short work weeks always feel the longest and I can’t wait until it’s 5 o’clock!


You keep us readers current on how far you have run each day. What if you summed up all your miles at the end of each week? You are great blogging each day so try to integrate the two.


That is a brilliant idea! Thanks!


I love Brooke’s pj choices…they all look so huggable.

As far as keeping track of miles…I use a cheap daily planner from a dollar store. Just jot down the miles, time and a number based on how I felt about the run.


I just bought this

I really like the way it’s set out, it’s on week view, and there is a box to carry over your yearly total. So much nicer than a just a notebook. :-)


I came across Bananagram in the store the other day and thought of you :) I almost picked it up, but it seems so much like Scrabble, so I wasn’t sure. Best part of my weekend is definitely going to be my birthday :D


I love using the Map my Run app! I like to take screen shots of the map routes when I’m done for posterity:)


I totally go old school with keeping track of my miles – I use a simple calendar planner and write my miles down each day. I have been doing that since 2001!


I write my miles done on a small pocket calendar. I would love to say that my garmin keeps track of my miles but knowing me half the time I forget to charge it or forget to to take it with me. Except on my long runs one those I charge/take my watch with me for sure.

My goal again is 1000 miles. Perfect amount of miles to run an average 25-30 miles a week and then crazy amount of miles for marathon training.

My weekend will be with me, myself and I. My husband and daughter will be working and my son has a sleepover.


I LOVE MapMyRun! I use it all the time :-)
And what are powerberries!? If I had to guess I would say chocolate covered coffee beans??


Any reason to not sync your garmins to Garmin Connect? I am using that as my main tracker, but trying out daily mile to then be able to use a widget to post onto my blogger. I have the daily mile widget synced to my Garmin Connect account – so hopefully I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. But I am still working that out.

This weekend is running and some much needed rest time for the hubs and I – both battling the sickies. :(


I print out ordinary calendars and hand write my mileage. I keep it in the living room (were I spend most of my time at home), so I write it down after my workouts. It seems to really work for me.


I use Running 2 win… I just use it for tracking mileage/pace. I just started using it- I have no idea how many miles I did last year and I think keeping track will motivate me more! I always add up in my head how many miles a week I do but even that is sometimes hard to remember!
The best part of my weekend in going to be attending my first Nordic Skiing Competition! I’m not skiing…just cheering on some students!

Have a safe trip!!


I used dailymile last year, and I’m using garmin connect this year, with my new garmin it’s easier. I only keep track of miles when I’m training for an A race, otherwise I get too caught up in the numbers and in comparing my numbers to other people’s numbers…(I’m ridiculously competitive, even when it’s inappropriate)

I adore scrabble but I’m in a family of word game champions so it’s difficult to win.

Have a good trip!


I use an app on my droid called cardiotrainer. I love it, it will tack my runs as well. I recieved a garmin for Christmas, so don’t need to take my phone with me now, but can manually enter my runs and when I finish them. It also records calories burned for many, many activities and has a custom setting as well. Numbers motivate me, so if I am on the edge of a distnace, OR calories burned, I uusally push myself to the next one. My phone keeps a banner of calories burned on a 7 day average as well. LOVE IT!


Hi Janae!!

I’m training for my 1st half marathon (YAY!) in February. I’m getting fitted tomorrow for actual running shoes, but in the meantime my poor toenail on my left foot is feeling pretty loose. Any tips/tricks for wrapping it or keeping it from hurting when I run?

Thanks!! :)


The best part of my weekend is going to be watching my son play his first basketball game of the season and then celebrating his 9th birthday! (And a morning run…)

Have a great weekend!


I use the RunKeeper app which I loooove! It gives me an update on average pace and time every 5 minutes or and you can check out your pace, time, distance, stats (and calories burned but I don’t know how accurate it is). You can view you history (in running and other activities actually) and measure your progress. I bet there’s more you can do with it but that’s the basic.


I only track my mileage when I’m in training mode for a marathon; and when I do that, I just make a google spreadsheet. Lame, but it works. But really, I try not to get too obsessed with my daily/weekly mileage because it can make running less fun IMO.


I use Garmin Connect – I upload everything there after my runs and manually add any activity where I did not have my Garmin. But I am obsessed with distances and knowing how far I’ve run!


I use OneNote to keep track of my life. I enter EVERYTHING in there from lists of books read, bills, bank info., and EXERCISE. I am in the habit of typing in there daily, so its easy to look back. It motivates me as well when I see a log of what I am doing.

I like the idea of adding it in your blog and keeping a weekly total. I love your blogging and you are a pro at being consistent with it.

The best part of my weekend will be seeing my love!


Have a safe drive home! I’m in southern CA too and it’s soooo beautiful.

I had to quit tracking my mileage because I injured myself (achilles tendonosis) by trying to “best” my mileage each week and month. It became an obsession and I regret doing it – this has been the toughest injury to get over.


I keep track of my mileage on my blog–I post my workout log each week so I continue to add them up there so it’s something I don’t easily forget. It’d fun to keep track of and see at the end of the year!


I love map my run! I used to have DM too but I gave it up :) It’s very freeing actually not to have it! I kind of like tracking the numbers in my head. And on my blog. ;-)


If you are still using the garmin 10 you could use garmin connect, it automatically uploads all your runs to your profile when you connect the watch to the computer and then you can run all kinds of reports. I love it


I keep track the old fashioned way – pen & paper. All last year I kept a running journal with my mileage and times and notes on the run, etc. that way I can look back and see what worked for me…my goal was to hit 1,000 miles and I did 1,036…I’m still thinking of what my 2013 goals are going to be


Strava!! It automatically syncs with your Garmin so every time you log in, it searches for a new run and just have to hit upload. It keeps a track of all of your miles (for biking, too!) and even lets you categorize your runs by which shoes you’re wearing so you can always know when it’s time to change!

Here’s the link:


I am on Daily Mile and I actually searched for you and added you as a friend! I typically don’t keep track of my mileage but I’m trying to now to get a better idea of when I should start replacing shoes. My goal for this year is 1200 miles.
Other resolutions are to go on more fun dates with my Fiance, such as hiking and enjoying things around the city, instead of our typical going out to dinner and watching a Netflix movie. Doing well on my upcoming GRE and getting into graduate school is a huge goal. And getting married and being sane leading up to it.
This weekend I’m most excited about going to my weekly yoga class, going on a hike, eating.
Oh and the TJ’s Powerberries are AMAZING!!!!!!


I use a spreadsheet (in google docs). I’m an accountant, what can I say, I love spreadsheets. Last year I did a separate one for each training plan/race, but for 2013 I put together a spreadsheet for the whole year.


Powerberries are so yummy!

Charlie is too cute sleeping on the coffee table.

I hope you feel better asap! I’m fighting off a nasty sinus infection.


I use Daily Mile (and Garmin Connect) to keep track. I like the social aspect, since you can be part of challenges, etc.

My goals are to be more present, especially with my kids, to run 1,000 miles (last year I ran 540, but considering I had a baby in April, that’s pretty good for me), and to do a pull-up. This has been one of my goals for year, but this is the year! Really! Really?

The best part of my weekend is going to be hanging with family after a longish run tomorrow morning!


The best part of my weekend is my trip to Spokane to see my sister get married tomorrow. We have a layover in Salt Lake City right now and I just ate at Cafe Rio for the first time. Yum!


I use daily mile and a good old fashioned spreadsheet on google docs!


I keep track by logging my miles in a training log book. I ran 1512 miles in 2012. Not my highest year, but I will take that since I did give birth in June!

My goals for 2013 is to eat cleaner, save money and run at least 2013 miles.

The best part of my weekend is going to be spending time with my baby and running after not running for 4 days! Being sick sucks!!


The best part about my weekend will be getting to spend time with my family working on our house. We have one more wall to paint!


I don’t track my mileage really…I just teach a bazillion fitness classes/week ;)

Hope ya feel better soon!


I use Strava ( to track my miles – both running and cycling. 1220 miles running and 479 miles cycling last year. One of my favorite Strava features is GAP (Grade Adjusted Pace). This tells you your actual pace and what your pace would be if you were running on a flat surface. Pretty cool since every where I go there are hills and more hills! It’s easy to use, I upload directly from my Garmin. Gives time, distance, pace, elevation and calories burned. If there are trails or roads run by others, segments are created and you can compare yourself to others. Total data geek overload if you’re into that!


I use MapMyRun also. And you can manually add the treadmill or the elliptical. Really you can manually add anything you want. I’ve used it since I started running in July and since I always have my phone with my I never forget to turn the app on….turning it off is another story! I was more looking at Brooke’s cute little feet than your dessert-I must be baby crazy right now-lol! I plan to rest and catch up this weekend. I’m tired!! Plus a long run (which is really not that long)


I’m a Daily Mile-r. I input my runs into it while I’m stretching.


I love your blog. I just do. Had to start with that.

Now, Skinny Runner has a mileage tally on her blog. Looks like it would be easy enough since you tell us what you ran, you could just update that.
Also, Once Upon A Lime, Sarah just provided a free download-able spreadsheet that is pretty amazing. Two tech choices.


Thank you so so much!!! Your comment made me so happy!!! I think I am going to have to put that on my blog… Thank you!


I just saw that “Bananagram” game for the first time ever on a TV show called “How I made my Millions.” I had never heard of the game before that. So it’s funny that you guys were playing it! ;)


I love me some bananagrams! I always end up finding myself making up words on accident. I can’t tell you how many times words that I thought existed didn’t.


I second Garmin Connect! I love being able to see my mileage mapped out on their calendar view, and they also have a reports feature where you can run yearly, montly or weekly reports for a given activity. Most of my mileage is just uploaded and stored from my Garmin, but as some of the other posters have mentioned, you can manually add track or treadmill runs as well. Oh, they also list all your recorded PR’s for you on your “dashboard” screen, which is kind of neat :)

My resolution for 2013 is to hopefully run every race that I am signed up for….Fingers crossed that I can actually make it to the start line of my May marathon (injuries kept me from doing my fall marathon, but I think I’m back on track)!


I use Daily Mile to track my mileage. It’s easy because I just update it from my phone as soon as I finish my workout. It also has a widget that connects directly to my blog so my daily runs go up automatically. I don’t really use the social aspect of it very much.


Oooh that app looks so good! We’ll all help remind you to keep up with it, Janae!! ;) I’ll have to try those Powerberries from TJ’s, too. Everything that TJ’s makes is delish, and those look incredible! LOVE that store. I write down every workout I do in my Lily Pulitzer agenda! :) Zack got me a large one for Christmas and I am in love. Way better than the small one I had last year!! The best part of my weekend is going to be MY WORKOUTS!!! :) I’m so excited to get out there in the sunshine and be active all weekend!



Get a foot pod for your sneakers Janay and then the garmin will automatically record your miles.

But otherwise, yes you can just add manual activities to add your treadmill miles


Haha so glad I read this post. One of my New Years resolutions is to keep track of my miles also. I downloaded the Daily mile app, ran this morning, and already forgot to log my miles. Going to do that now! Thanks for the reminder :)

Isn’t banana grams so fun?! We love that game!

The best part of my weekend is going to be finishing my 16 mile training run for the New Orleans marathon on Saturday.


I track on DailyMile. I logged 405 miles last year and am hoping for 500 this year.

The best part of my weekend is going to be running with both of my daughters tomorrow! They are training for their first 5K!!


I use my Motoactv to track miles because it syncs automatically via Bluetooth as soon as I walk in my door. It tracks treadmill runs, elliptical, stationary bike, everything. It’s zero effort, which is awesome. Love it!


I have a regular (paper and pen) day planner I use for life in general and I just put my miles in there. Although I haven’t kept a log of yearly miles. I think I’ll start a running total at the bottom for 2013.


I use my Garmin to track my mileage, the garmin site compiles everything for you. I have a footpod to use on the treadmill so it will record those miles too. It is actually surprising how inaccurate the treadmill display miles are.


I’m old school, I just write in on my calendar that is on the wall each day and add it up at the end of the month. Takes 1 sec to write it on each day! hehe. I like that it is a visual aid hanging in my kitchen as well :)


I use Running Ahead, used to use Garmin Connect, but I prefer RA in so many ways, great reports, calendar, and easy to use plan. Also easy to upload info. from my Garmin, just as easy as GC! :)


I find going old fashioned where I don’t have to log into anything works best for me, so I put a penny in a jar for every mile I run. This doesn’t account for partial miles, but sometimes that motivates me to finish a mile while I’m out.


I have a running/training journal for the year. I write down all my workouts and there is a place to total your mileage at the end of the week.
Good luck!


I usually just write my workouts down on my calendar, fancy huh? Haha


Another fan of Runkeeper! I love how it keeps me updated during my runs and automatically links to facebook/twitter. Plus I can go back and look at my past stats to see how I’m improving


I like the app Runner’s Log. I allows you to keep your log with you on your phone, you can share info to DailyMile, Twitter or Facebook from it, you can track your shoe mileage and you can keep your personal logged details personal! Just in case you don’t feel like sharing that you got the trots midrun or something like that! :-)


I use my garmin and upload to both Training Peaks and Garmin Connect. The flaw with this system is I have to manually enter in miles for TM runs, but other than that the process requires little effort. You can also track mileage on shoes if you remember which run used which shoes.


Nike+ is great on your phone!

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