Gets me every time.

Can we talk for a minute about my absolute favorite thing in the whole wide world (it doesn’t involve running or sugar, I know you thought my answer was going to be running while eating swedish fish and milky ways).

It is when Brooke falls asleep on me and then I am FORCED to just lay there on the couch and feel her tiny warm body on me and listen to her little snores as she sleeps.

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In case you are keeping track, this is the third day in a row I have worn that black sweater.  At least I have switched up the necklace that I wear with it each day.  

After Brooke’s nap our friend came and picked us up to go to the running store.  Her shins have started to hurt and so it was time to find something new (I definitely invited myself to come on this outing).  

I may have mentioned that Brooks are my favorite brand but she chose the Glycerin 10s all on her own because she loved them more than any of the other shoes that they brought out for her to try on. 

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Brooke won our little sock competition once again.  Maybe she is preparing her feet for a future in barefoot running.  

I have not been in a running shoe store in FOREVER!  There is just something magical about staring at a wall of shoes and looking at a case full of Garmins.

When Billy got home from school we went to TJ’s for some edamame for a dinner that I am going to tonight.  Those darn stands of chocolate at the cash register get me every single time.  We hadn’t tried these gems yet.  Try them please.  I might have to do a giveaway of some of these for people that don’t have a Trader Joe’s close to them because I need you to try these.

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We got home at 8 and that meant that I only had enough patience (because I was hangry) to throw an Alfredo chicken pizza from Costco in the oven for 10 minutes.  The crust is super crispy and it had the perfect amount of cheese.  Winner.  

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I saw this little video and article on Runner’s World and thought of all of you living in arctic temperatures!  Hopefully it can help your muscles get warm and ready to handle the freezing temps before you head out the door.

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PS as I am typing this Billy is working on updating his resume for an internship this summer… cross your fingers (and toes) that he gets a really good one mkay? 


How do you warm-up before your run?

-All I do is run the first mile slower than I am aiming for the rest of the run. 

Where do you buy your running shoes?  At a running store?  Online?  The black market?  

Have you ever participated in an internship?  Where?

What was the last kind of pizza that you had?

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I agree. It’s the sweetest feeling ever to have your child fall asleep on you! Even better than a PR ;-). I also agree about the awesomeness of running stores! When I walk I I wish I was a billionaire so I could buy anything and everything! I usually do a mile or 10 min warm up unless its cold maybe 2 miles. Last pizza we had was BBQ chicken. Yum!


I don’t do much a warm up except when I run on my own but with cross country we do a 10 minute run and stretch. In the winter we do drills inside like the ones in the video. I get bored.
Also, have you tried the chocolate bars at TJ’s filled with cookie butter? Those are god’s gift to the world. I’m serious. They’re the same as those caramel ones but they have cookie butter inside! Double the deliciousness!!


I always go to a running store for gear. I live in a running-obsessed town, and we have TWO great running stores. They are always priced competitively with online stores, so I gotta help the local economy, right?


O my gosh, she is so stinkin cute!


I really want to try Brooks running shoes. We are in debt repayment mode so those are probably outside my budget right now. Only a few more months until debt freedom so maybe I will try them then.

Having a sleeping baby on you is the best thing in the world!


I probably SHOULD make more of an effort in the warm up..but my warm-up is a slower first mile as!


Definitely just a slower warm up for me. Sadly I go to Kohl’s for my running shoes as they are relatively inexpensive. I love visiting running stores though! I had a great internship at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC-awesomeness!!! Being from the east coast we totally have the best pizza (not being rude-just the facts :) so I’m a plain jane mozzarella kind of gal. Your candy post has confirmed that, once I drop my kids off at school in 20 minutes, I’m taking the 30 minute drive to Trader Joe’s. So wish they were closer!! :) Yummmyyyy!!!!


Love snuggling with my babies too even though they are now 6 & 3. :). It never gets old.

I have never been to Trader Joes & don’t think any are close to me. I’m in AL.

No warm up here. Just a slower first mile like you.

I’m not a huge pizza eater. We normally get Dominoes bc it is cheap & I live the crust! I don’t like lots of cheese or tomato sauce.


I always buy my shoes online bc my feet are so small that no one carries my size :( but that doesn’t mean I still don’t love wandering around shoe departments. I can’t remember the last pizza I had which means its been too long and I need to have some tonight.


I have thise


Haha sorry about that previous comment… My fingers don’t type well on my phone.. Anyways I have those sneakers! I got mine from a running store when I was fitted!


Running shoe or any outdoor/sporting stores are pretty great!
Those chocolate bars sound delicious, but sadly we don’t have the stores up in canada.
Thanks for the video. I really lack in the warm up department. It’s actually something I should try to get better at, especially in winter.


Ahhhh the internship process! Good luck to Billy. I’m sure he will land something amazing, but regardless the application process can be long and tiresome. I have participated in three internships, all in the summer time between school semesters. I worked for the public sector, and then back-to-back for a consulting firm (I’m a business student).

We don’t have TJ’s in Canada, and I doubt there are any TJ’s around me here in The Netherlands. Oh well… one day I will get there :D

I would say my current climate qualifies as arctic – about -15 and so snowy! I had to bike to the grocery store this morning and the wind almost froze me!


I love going into running store and looking at all the new running gear! I usually buy my shoes from a running store. Brooks are my go to shoe also. Good luck to Billy!


I bought my last pair of shoes at a running store. I agree there is something magical about going to running stores! ahhh!


That picture with Brooke is so sweet!

I did my Bachelor’s internship at Catholic Charities doing adoption and foster care work and my Master’s internship at a drop-in center for parents to bring their kids. Both GREAT experiences.


What kind of internship is Billy looking for?
I went to a running store to get fitted for new shoes. But now I believe that the shoes are part of my injury. Maybe I have been “over-corrected”.
I last ate cheese pizza.

The Kidless Kronicles


I do the same thing for a warm-up. I just run a bit slower for a mile.

I have those Glycerin 10s as well! I bought them at a running store. I have been hooked on Brooks shoes for about two years now. I had the Glycerin 9s and the Ghost 4 before these.

I did two externships while I was in college. What is the difference you may ask? You don’t get paid or academic credit–but they really helped my resume.

Ok, since I cannot remember the kind of pizza I had last indicates that I MUST have it tonight!


Hey Crissy,
I was hoping you could compare the Glycerin to the Ghost 4s. I love my Ghosts, but I’m looking for another kind to rotate with.


Hi Amy!
I would say main difference between the two is the glycerin shoe has more cushion. I feel like I am bouncing when I run. I know, I sound like a dork. The guy at the store said they would last longer since they are a neutral plus. A year or so ago I got the ghost 4 after my glycerin 9 shoes had enough. I believe they were on sale and I liked them and they were cheaper. Loved those shoes! Still wear them for taking my daughter to the park. Last summer I tried on ghost 5 and glycerin 10. Ghost 5 just wasn’t the same as ghost 4. It just didn’t fit my foot the same so I splurged on the glycerin 10s. I still have them because I had an injury in the fall so they don’t have many miles. Ok I have written way too much! Hope that helped.


Thanks Crissy!


I never do any kinda formal “warm-up”. Bad, I know. I just kinda run the first mile a little slower… sometimes. I’m really bad at it.

I have done an internship! I helped plan a pre-college program one summer for a college in NYC. It was amazing! Now, my JOB is to help students get internships and jobs. I help edit people resumes and cover letters and do mock interviews, etc. GREAT job!


I used to always buy my shoes at the running store downtown, but then it moved to be like a half an hour away, so now I just order online. I mean, I wear the same shoes every single time, so it’s not like I need a selection.

Good luck to Billy!!


Thanks for the warm up video. I often run in the Winter when it’s as cold as 10 degrees outside! Warming up first is so helpful!!! I too love baby nap time on my chest! Best moment in the world!! :)


i buy my shoes on the black market.

just kidding, i typically buy them online because i’ve found running stores can get pretty pushy and stubborn about certain kinds of shoes. it’s annoying!

i did an internship three years ago at the olympic training center in colorado springs. it was AWESOME, such a great experience.


My warm up is pretty much the same as yours, same with my cool downs. If I’m feeling cold I’ll do jumping jacks and mountain climbers to get my body ready to sweat.


You need to get Robeez shoes for Brooke. They are soft “shoes” and helped keep socks on. I loved these as a mom bc kids can’t pull these off as quickly as socks.


I will be trying that candy bar!

I usually buy my running shoes online.

Last pizza I had was homemade Greek. So good!


I am with you on the warm up….I just run the first run slower than the rest. But I live in the artic tundra so I guess I should read that info on warming up first.

I intially buy my shoes in a running store and then when I find something I like I order online. Mostly because we live kind of in the boonies. Roadrunner online is a great place. Good luck to Billy on his internship.


I only buy my shoes at the running store if I want to ask them questions (super knowledgeable people work at VA Runer) or want to make a change. If I’m getting something I already have, I usually order offline. They’re usually cheaper.

I love hearing my daughter or boyfriend snore. I think it’s adorable. :-)

Last pizza I had was a Papa Johns with Chicken, Tomatoes, Green Pepper, Onion and banana pepper. YUM. I hate thin crust. Please give me some dough:-)


Good luck to Billy! I interned at Philadelphia’s ABC affiliate, and it was one of the best experiences ever! :)


I had some MAJOR shin pain when I started running – I have the right shoes, custom inserts, compression sleeves, ice and stretch, and still had pain. One random day in Wal-Mart I picked up some Dr. Sholls arch supports (gel like removable things). I put them in my running shoes for extra support and it cured my shin pain. I have not had any issues since!!


Aww.. Brooke looks super comfy, and its a good excuse to take an afternoon nap :)


Good luck to Billy! In college I had an internship at MTV in NYC which was fun.

I used to buy my running shoes from the local running store but now that I know which ones I want to keep re-ordering I just buy them online from Road Runner usually.

Brooke is adorable as always and it’s too funny that she seems to hate wearing socks :)


I can relate to how you feel in a running store. That’s exactly how I feel when I go to an REI :)


I’m in my third internship right now. Loved the one I had last year at a child abuse resource center. This year I am at city hall, too fancy for me :) Hopefully Billy gets paid for his, I’m getting tired of working for free!


I don’t do much of a warmup but really should start. I recently became more of a TM runner, which I never thought would happen. But when you have no friends left to run with, you invest in an iPad and get stuck on a show… it makes the TM runs much more enjoyable.

I wear Brooks Adrenaline’s and ALWAYS go to the store to get them. Like you said-there’s something about a good running store. I really want to try out Mizunos though but never have had them before so I get nervous.

I had one internship my junior year working at the state capitol for a Senator. It was a lot of admin work but I really enjoyed it :) Crossing fingers for Billy!


I usually buy my running shoes at Academy or Fleet Feet in the mall near my house.


I usually warm up for my runs by stretching really well (I hate taking the time to do this, but I have gotten injured before when I skip it, so I MAKE myself do it!) and then running a mile or so just to warm up before I get into my real pace for my run. Usually running on the treadmill is where I need to warm up longer it seems, but maybe that’s just a mental thing. hehe

I buy my shoes at Bluemile. :)


My babies are 11 and 7 and I sure do miss those sleepy snuggle sessions. I have become better at warming up before I run. If I don’t, the first two miles are miserable and I end up having to stop and stretch anyway. I live in Louisiana and sadly, we do not have a trader joe’s so a giveaway would be wonderful!


Last pizza I had was meat lovers’! I really don’t eat a ton of meat, but when it comes to pizza, for some reason I love meaty cheesy goodness.


I thought I was the only one going through summer internship drama with my husband. Glad to hear other couples are facing the same situation. Is he only applying local? I can’t even get my head around “commuting” this summer or subletting our apt. I just keep my fingers crossed that he gets the position that is PERFECT for him and makes him happy…..wherever that happens to be.

I’ve interned at a PR agency in DC and it was awesome. I loved every seconds of it.


I probably need new running shoes.. I like my old ones though! I stick with what I know. But if you love Brooks, it might be worth a try. I want pizza now and always. That is just a fact.


PS. Janae, you are gorgeous! This is a great picture of you and Brooke! :)


I don’t have a child to understand exactly what you mean, but I do have a small puppy who does the same thing! (Not that I’m comparing your baby to a dog!) Haha, I get what you mean with the chocolate. That stuff is bad news for me! Oooo can’t control myself!


every time we check out anywhere that has treats by the register my boyfriends scans them while saying “impulse buys, impulse buys” fortunately that usually deters me from picking anything up. When I am on my own I use fall prey to the impulse buys!


I love Brooks….no running store in my area….but online is just as good!


Those first few minutes of working out are always a killer. When I’m cold (which I usually am up here, thank you Canadian weather) I swear I can feel all my bones creaking. I should probably try warming up a little first. And I really, really need a baby (or even a puppy) to fall asleep on me so that I have the excuse of not getting up from the couch. Can I borrow Brooke? :D


I always run the first km slower as a warm up too. And I usually buy my shoes at a running store but the last pair I ordered online off of eBay bc they weren’t going to ship to Canada!
Last pizza I had was a cheese pizza. Delicious!


That picture with her asleep on you is the sweetest!! I miss those days. But hugs are pretty amazing, too. :)


I am fully on board for a TJs giveaway! I don’t have one near me :)


That is the best feeling ever of having a baby sleeping on your chest – especially their little snores -so adorable! That candy bar looks so delicious. . . must make a trip to TJs soon!


That is so cute! I can understand that you don’t want to move until she wakes up. It must feel amazing!
I recently switched to Brooks (the PureGrit and PureFlow…? The purple ones – I’m not sure what they were called), and they are the best running shoes I have ever had. They feel like socks on my feet. I might have an addiction on my hands, because they are hardly a couple of months old, and I already want to get new ones!
I usually buy them online.
The last pizza I had was “a la Cancha” – only tomato and garlic.


I buy my running shoes at a running store. Sometimes I choose a pair in Canada and then hop across the border and buy them in the USA because they are often $50+ cheaper there! For warming up I usually do a bit of walking first. I am currently trying to convince myself that I can survive the cold weather outside without resorting to going to the gym to run, so it has been an adjustment to figure out what works because we are in the middle of a cold snap. The past couple of days I have surprised myself, because I’ve also been trying to get early morning runs before work in, and lo and behold, I warm up way faster at that time of day! I think it must be because my legs are all relaxed and snuggly from being in bed, and they don’t even have a chance to realize what I’m about to put ten through before I’m already a couple of km into my run. Truly scientific, I know. Oh, and Fresh Slice pizza is where it’s at; do you have that in the states?


I buy my shoes at my local running store. I always get amazing customer service that I never get at other big box sports stores.


I am in love with brick over pizza right now! My favorite kind to get is peperoni & bacon, but I also love buffalo chicken pizza (as long as there isn’t any blue cheese – yuck!).

I will admit that warming up is not one of my strong points. I usually do a few stretches & then get at it. I’m more of a cool down & stretch kind of girl.


I buy my shoes at the running spot in Cincinnati. Love it there!

I am terrible at warming up, I tend to do it during my first mile. Terrible terrible about stretching after, but not as bad as I was before I hurt my IT band.


Just like you I just start running – however if it’s cold outside I often end up running the first mile too fast (to try and outrun the cold) and always regret it. So warming up before I leave is probably a good idea.

I LOVE going to the running store. I buy my shoes online, but I still go to the running store whenever possible. In fact when I went there mid run last night they gave me a doughnut which made me love them even more.


I buy shoes online now that I have found my favorite. I wore brooks launch for a while..but now I’m loving the Brooks Pure Flows. You were right. They’re awesome!


Have you ever tried white clam pizza?? I don’t know if it’s just an east coast thing, or a CT thing, a lot of my friends have never even heard of it. But it’s amazing. I was totally grossed out at first with the thought of clams on pizza, but it’s SO GOOD.


That was my favorite way to hang out with both my niece and nephew when they were babies. Once I was wearing a long jon shirt and when my little niece woke up she had a waffle face. So funny :)
I need to try Brooks running shoes… I just have to build enough courage to take the plunge!


I buy my shoes at fleet feet. I always get suckered into buying something else besides shoes… usually socks bc i’m obsessed with socks.
The last pizza I made was a goat cheese and pear pizza! It was amazing! You can’t go wrong with anything drizzled with honey right? Here it is.


I tend to buy my running shoes online as it works out cheaper…suits me fine as I can try them on beforehand in store!


So I can totally relate to that feeling, except I have it when my puppy falls asleep on my chest. Not the same, I know, but he’s so peaceful when he’s asleep :)


I totally do the same thing with warmup, just run slower for a little while, ahha!


I do the same thing you do by warming up with a slower mile to start on the TM or outside and then speed it up.

I got my first shoes, Mizuno Wave Rider 15s, on the internet but I loved them so much and I went to Dick’s Sporting goods and got a second pair once I had put enough miles on the first ones!

I love all kinds of pizza, but recently I’ve been making a pizza with whole wheat dough from Harris Teeter, then I put olive oil pizza sauce and spices on it and then I sautee spinach and peppers and put sweet apple chicken sausage on it…ohh and lots of mozzarella cheese of course!! SOOO GOOD!!

I am the worst about going to Trader Joe’ friends think I’m crazy because they all go and they are obsessed, but our TJ’s is located in a very annoying very busy parking deck so parking is horrendous and it’s always SOOOO packed!


I always get my shoes at a running store, and I’m sure Billy will get a great internship!!


If I’m doing a tempo run I normally do a warm up mile and a cool down mile. I buy all my shoes from a local running store which I love and give them way too much of my money


Mm Red Baron supreme pizza last night and the day before :-) yum

I run the first mile slower than all the rest

I had an internship at a hospital my lat semester of school and ended up being asked to stay on when I graduated. I’m still at that hospital 4 years later.


Oh forgot the most important part. I love running stores they are magical places. However I don’t live remotely close to one so now unless I need to make a shoe change I buy online.


I buy my running shoes on amazon and recently clymb. I know what I want so I go for the cheapest option. Running shoes sadly charge twice as a much as a deal site.

I don’t warm up, or cool down much. I guess I’m bad. My first mile is usually a little slow and thus a warm up mile. Does that count?


In Singapore, I warm up by stepping out of the air conditioned bedroom. In Rochester, I used to get dressed in my workout gear, then run up and down the stairs a few times – to the point JUST before I’d start to sweat. This helped soften the blow of stepping out into the freezing cold.

That caramel bar looks gooooooooood……………. *drool*

We had a really tasty pizza the other night – seriously Mediterranean style, described like this: “Slow cooked Marinated Lamb, Tomato, Fresh Green Peppers, Spanish Onions, Feta & Oregano, garnished with Mint Yoghurt & Lemon on a Garlic infused base”. Very non-traditional, but my goodness, it was delicious!


Baby sleeping on you = little slice of heaven!!! Know what Brooke’s favorite thing is? Seeing her mama when she wakes up from that little nap! :)

Have you tried TJ’s chocolate bar with cookie butter? That is serious love. It’s BOMB-diggity!!

Happy Thursday.


PLEASE do a giveaway! i do not have a trader joes anywhere near me….i know, i know, so sad! :( i’m missing out on all of this deliciousness! i think i should move….just to be close to one!!!


Good luck with the sock battle! My son just turned one and EVERY time he gets in his car seat he takes his right shoe off (the second he gets in the truck) and plays with it. I don’t think there is any way of stopping it! ;) I get my running shoes at fitness stores usually. The last pizza I had was awful. I live in a tiny town with only one restaurant and the food is awful. Dipping it in ranch made it A LITTLE more bearable! Good luck to Billy!!!


I have the Brooks Glycerin 10s and I love them! They are really, really good to wear for runs. Super comfortable and just enough stability. Considering I was running with a knee stress fracture and it didn’t bother my knee, I think it says something about the shoes.

Last pizza I ate was a Mediterraneon pizza. It came with olives on it. I forced myself to eat it and the amount of feta cheese TOTALLY masked the olive taste. Thank goodness.


I worked at a running store this past summer and got hooked up with some pretty sweet sneaks, including my current Glycerins. I believe in going to a running store like the one I worked out where people are knowledgeable about the shoes and will look at your gait and help determine a shoe that works for you, have a good running shoe is definitely the foundation to a good run. I only warm up if I’m running on treadmill or a race, otherwise just a little stretching and I”m off.


Thanks for the article on warming up indoors! I had an all-meat pizza from Pizza Hut last. Now I want to try that Costco pizza…


Awwww she looks so cute on your chest!

I wear similar outfits in a row too….I work from home, so it’s kinda a no brainer. I just have to be careful if I ‘see people’ & have to remember if they saw me in a certain shirt or not. HAHAH ;)


I use that first mile as a warm up too. Found a new running store that I love. Small and they know what they are talking about! I have to go try them on before I buy. My daughters bought me a pair of Brooks and I love them!!!


So funny that you mentioned Billy applying for an internship, because I just read this article yesterday.

Maybe Billy can try this tactic!!! :)


You are the best! Thanks Jodi for the link! He will love it!


I buy my running shoes from the Running Room – however, shoes are way cheaper in the U.S. so I usually buy them when I am there :-)


I used to buy my shoes online but now I work in a running store and fit people and every shift I have to try to remind myself I am there to earn money, not spend it! It’s a challenge. I just bought one of those caramel bars and had it on Sunday and it was amazing! Have you tried the Speculoos (sp?) one? Even better!


Nooo!!! I have really been wanting to though!


yay for brooks glycerins! i have the same pair i bought before my last marathon and i like them a lot! :)

good luck to billy and his application process! he is going to get a great job this summer – i just know it.

have a fabulous day!


I don’t really warm up before a run. I do a few dynamic stretches and slowly head down the road.

I usually buy my shoes online because I know what I love, but right now I am lucky enough to have gotten my shoes for free from Mizuno. Winning!

We had pizza last night. Artisan wheat crust with cheddar cheese.


That really is the best feeling in the world. My little girl is 3 now so I don’t get to enjoy those moments quite as often anymore but I love it when she wants to snuggle up and nap with me. They grow way too fast!


1.) I just run the first mile or two, depending on the distance of the full run, slower.
2.) At a running store.
3.) Yes I did mine in Hospice.
4.) 4 meat pizza. It. Was. Uh-freakin-mazing.

The pic of you and Brooke is just the sweetest!


I loved it when my kids were little and they would fall asleep on my chest while we were reading or watching the tube. It’s one of my favorite memories.
Running shoes are always bought from a small local running store. I don’t like the impersonal service I get from the big box stores, and even if I’m buying the exact same shoe in the exact same size as I always do (Brooks Adrenaline) I just have to try them on before buying, so online is out. Plus, I like to support small, locally owned businesses… it’s a thing with me.


Lately for my warm up i’ve been doing a plank workout at home before hitting the road, I don’t have a great core so I find it gets my blood going enough to keep me warm for the first few frigid moments of the run.
I buy my shoe’s from the Nike outlet mostly, I live in Canada so whenever I go anywhere in the US I seek out the closest Nike outlet and walk out with 3-4 pairs of shoes :)


Good luck to Billy and his internship prospects! When I was in college I did a bunch of internships, but my two most awesome were at Glamour Magazine and I went to college in NYC so I had a lot of really cool opportunities!


When my baby was little, I used to abide by the rules that you shouldn’t let a baby get used to sleeping on you as they’d never learn to sleep by themselves etc.


Enjoy it, never move her, just sit and breathe her in and try to remember what it feels like!!


Your posts always make me hungry. ;) Last pizza I ate was from a local pizza place on Sunday. Brandon’s side had pepperoni and mushroom and my side had pepperoni and banana peppers. Clearly, my side was better. ;)


Beautiful pic of you and Brooke!
Thought of you when I saw this:
I hope you can see the picture on that FB page of the shoe-hanger turned candy-holder!


Oh my goodness!!! I need that so so badly! I love it!


That chocolate is sooo luscious. Love it. Last pizza I had was vegggggggggggggggggie


I had a couple internships for PR when I was in undergrad. I loved them – such a great way to get real practical experience. I’m currently in the same boat as Billy trying to find ones for this summer. Definitely sending lots of good luck his way!


I walk for 5 minutes to start and then I find a lightpole or street sign to hang on to and I do various leg swings to get my hips warmed up. Before races I do Y Squats (you throw your arms up) and reverse lunges too.

I buy my shoes online because I am cheap and they have the best deals. Oh and also I wear shoes that no stores carry- its the Saucony Fastwitch. Amazing low profile shoe, with a little bit of control but for some reason it is the step-child to the Kinvara or something and it wasn’t pushed very much.


My daughter has never liked socks, in fact if we put them on her before bed, the next morning they are on the floor beside her crib. It never fails!


Yay for Glycerin 10s! I hope your friend loves them! I love mine and although I always wish they were cuter, they have changed my running for the better. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to leave Brooks after these babies!


Have you tried the chocolate bars filled with Speculoos? So good!!

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