I really wish I had a million dollars so that I could give you all a new pair of running shoes for Christmas this year.  Then I could force you to come to San Jose so that we could all wear them at the same time as we go for a run and while we are out running we would stop at all the best food places (mainly ice cream places) to refuel our run so we could run together all day long.

Until I can fulfill that dream of mine, I can give away one pair of my absolute favorite pair of shoes… just in time for Christmas!

The Brooks PureProject line are my favorites and I just got the PureFlow 2s and love every aspect of them.  It is a match made in heaven, comfort and lightweight.  My treadmill even approved of them.

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I am also giving the winner a package of running shoe/running person noodles.  Just imagine how happy you would be to be wearing these beautiful running shoes at the same time you are eating a big bowl of Brooks Carb Happy, Run Happy Runaroni. 

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Giveaway ends on December 15th!!!!

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To enter a chance to win your choice of shoe from the Brooks PureProject line (PureGrit, PureFlow, PureCadencePureConnect, PureFlow 2, PureCadence 2):

1.   In a comment tell me what day your birthday is or your favorite animal or your favorite baby or your favorite RUN HAPPY MOMENT.  

2.  For a second entry you can tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment saying that you did so.  

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Holy crap you have a lot of comments but maybe I will be the lucky one. :) My birthday is on Saint Patricks Day! :):)


Here is two for you, my birthday is on March 5th and my favorite animas are dogs.


My favorite Run Happy moment was finishing my first marathon this weekend in Dallas (despite the heat, humidity, and hills). I loved every minute of it! And I love reading your blog – y’all are so cute!


I also tweeted this giveaway!


My birthday is April 21st!


My birthday is April 7.


My bday is 8/25! And my favorite animal is my norwich terrier.


My birthday is July 11! and my favorite animal is a sloth!


my bday is june 29th! i love it because it’s almost 6 months from christmas! i would love to win because i have never owned a pair of fancy running shoes and need some desperately! awesome giveaway and even better blog!


Birthday 12/02 and my favorite baby is the baby duck. Seriously, is there anything cuter then a little chickie?


And I tweeted about the contest! :) @pashandlaugh


My Birthday is 2/17. My favorite animals are Cheetahs


i tweeted


My favorite baby would be my very own, just born on Nov 30th!


My birthday is 11/29! I have 4 favorite babies, (Not really babies anymore :( )


I tweeted


My favorite animal is my dog named Goat.


My birthday is 4/5. My favorite animal is my amazing golden retriever/daschund we rescued on April Fools Day two years ago. We lovingly call her golden wiener.


My birthday is 1/22, my favorite animal is a cheetah, my favorite baby is BROOKE! (just don’t tell my kids), and my favorite run happy moment is going to happen on 1/20 when I cross the finish line of the Tinkerbell Half Marathon!


My birthday is June 15


My favorite animal is my puppy, buster!


My birthday is 5-19-84 and my favorite animals are dogs.


I tweeted!


My birthday is December 18th…what a great present…RUNNING SHOES! Especially since my birthday always seems to get lost in the shuffle of Christmas :)


I also tweeted.


My birthday is the 29th of June! Favorite animal is really hard, but I’d say pandas!


My birthday is 06/30, my favorite animal would have to be dogs :) and my favority baby would be my own…. except he is now 7 :(


August 13th is my bday! But this would be a nice early (belated?) present! :)


My birthday is September 26, and my favorite animal (other than my own pets)would be a baby orangutan!


My birthday is Oct 21!!! =) LOVE this giveaway!


My birthday is February 11th and my favorite baby is the one we are going to have in June!!


My birthday is July 19th, and my favorite animals are Bald Eagles.


September 27 birthday! Pig is my favorite animal!


My birthday is July 9th and my favorite baby is the one that joined our family on July 1st! She and Brooke have so many of the same outfits. It makes me smile :)


My birthday is March 8th! Would love to win!


My birthday is June 13


My birthday is April 6 and I have 2 kiddos (4 &2). My happiest (recent) running moment was when I ran with the double stroller (and yes both kids were in the stroller) and ran an 8:40 pace for 4 miles! It was very exciting, considering I was pushing over half my weight!


my favorite baby is my 8 year old because she’s my only girl.
my favorite other baby is my 5 year old because he is so sweet.
my other favorite baby is my 3 year old because he’s a goofball and makes me laugh.
my most favorite baby is my 11 month of baby because he’s chubby and smiley and completes our family. :)


Bday. 12-28. Fav babies r my very own 3.


My birthday is June 8th :)


I tweeted!


My birthday is July 16 :) What a great giveaway.


My bday is Nov. 26th and my favorite baby is MINE!! Due on March 8th.


My birthday is Jun 29th and my favorite animal are dogs.


I can’t choose between my babies on who’s my fav so my fav Run Happy Moment is when I completed one of my mud runs and my 3 year old came running up to me and said “Mama, you’re all muddy. I wanna run with you!” My heart swelled with happiness and I told him,” As soon as you’re old enough, I’d love for you to run with me!”


My bday is 07-17-87 I’m lucky ;) and my fav animals are sharks!


I tweeted about your giveaway!


My birthday is Oct. 3 and i love puppies so much that my coworkers send me pictures everyday.


My favorite animals are PUGS!


My birthday is 4/8 and my favorite animal is my boxer, Raven. Raven loves to go on long runs through the woods with me!


My favorite baby is my niece! She is 6 1/2 months old and she is beautiful! I have even seen Brooke wearing a few of the same outfits as her!


My birthday is February 17th.
Just got my first pair of Brooks Glycerins—LOVE!


Birthday is 5/22/86! run happy moments are ANY run with my bestie (mom) running along side of me.


July :)


September 1st!


My birthday is the day after Christmas, and its my golden birthday (26 on the 26th) So this would be an AWESOME present!! ;)


My favorite babies are my 3 & 5 year old. My favorite run happy moment was at a local 10k last year – it was the first race that was close enough, late enough & small enough for my babies to come cheer me on at the finish line – great motivation for a strong finishing kick is two little smiling faces just waiting to give you a sweaty hug :)


I have been DYING to try the Brooks Pure line! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Brooks and they are worn down to the bits!
My favorite “Run Happy” moment was as I neared the finish line for the 10-miler I did in August. That was the longest I ever ran and there were tough moments, but to see that finish line, to know I DID IT, was amazing.


I just tweeted! Thanks!


my birthday is 8/10. I have three favorite babies but they aren’t really babies anymore! Why do they grow up so fast. They are 4, 5, and 7


My birthday is May 31st and Brooke is my FAR my favorite baby! I absolutely LOVE her crazy hair! :)


my bday is 11/28. my fave animal is a turtle. !! woop woop! and i want some brooks for christmas.! and my favorite baby is of course brooke!


Sept 12th= birthday!
Favorite Run Happy=when my husband did his first race with me, sooo exiting!


My favorite animal is my trusty running partner, Chloe. She is a husky-mix and loves to run.


My birthday is July 26th and my favorite RUN happy moment was the first time I crossed the finish line of my first half marathon in Lexington, KY. I’ve been hooked ever since :)


I had a RUN HAPPY moment this morning when I registered for my local road runners’ club half-marathon training program! Woop woop!


My birthday is December 16! You could select me just in time for my birthday!!!


My favorite run happy moment is that first perfect fall day when it’s still sunny but there’s a bite in the air- and I love the smell and sound of leaves crunching under my feet!


My birthday is July 31st! My favorite run happy moment was crossing the finish line at my first marathon!!!


My favorite baby is BROOKE!! And my nephew and my cousin’s baby and my other cousin’s baby and yeah that’s it. I want those shooooes!


My birthday is on January 9. My Happy Run Moment was this past fall running a half marathon with my sister.


I tweeted this give away too!!!


I tweeted too. =)


My favorite running moment was crossing the finish line of my first marathon last year. I was shooting for a 3:20 but totally bonked and ended up crossing the line in 3:35. My dad ran the last two miles with me, and I’ve never been so happy to see a person in my entire life as I was to see my dad, who had already run 13 miles of the course snapping photos. I felt so supported…even at 27, you’re a kid to your parents.


My favorite baby is our sweet baby girl that due’s in 2 weeks!!


my birthday is november 19th!!! :)


My favorite animals are penguins and pandas… I love black and white animals.


My birthday is 12/17. Would love to win a pair of the new pureflow 2s for my birthday. ;)


My favorite animal is my own dog! She is awesome, but I may be biased…


My birthday is January 7 (excited its coming up soon! :) ), my favorite animal is a tiger, my favorite baby is my niece, Klara, (well, not a baby anymore.. Almost 3!), and my favorite run happy moment was finishing my 1st half marathon last month! Whoop!

P.S. I really love your blog and, even though this is my 1st comment, I have been reading for about a year and your love for running definitely helped me make the decision to sign up for the half marathon. I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt so proud afterwards… So thank you!!


I Tweeted.


Birthday: April 10th
Favorite Animal : Penguin

Running moment: that calm moment after you finished with a really hard push where you realized you did it, and are still moving.


My b-day is on March 12th and fave animal would probably be dogs.


My favorite animal: horses.


my favorite run happy moment was this past weekend when I finished the Dallas marathon and finally became a marathoner!


Birthday: Jan 25
Favorite Baby: Mine:) Born July 18th


oohhhh!! my favorite animal is my Rowdy dog, and my favorite baby is my lovely neice, Juniper.


My birthday is October 12th. My baby is my favorite baby.


Holy comments girls. My bday is Sept. 29 and my favorite animal is a cheetah because they are beautiful, strong and FAST (not like me haha!) and my favorite baby, while Brooke is ADORABLE, is the little sweet pea growing away in my belly and I’m dying to meet her in 18 weeks or less!


My B-day is 5/23/87, and my fav animal is probably dogs, they’re such lovers!


One happy run moment was last Monday when I came out of my exam at 8pm; I didn’t feel like taking the bus home and decided to walk instead. The walk turned into me running in winter boots (hihi…) for 4 km; I felt so free and good! That’s when I realised that after 1 year of consistent running and completing a half marathon, I finally feel like a “real runner”, wanting to run anywhere I go and knowing that I can :) !

this is the first comment I post on your blog but I read you every day, your posts always make me smile and you definitely inspire me to keep running and to keep trying to beat my times!


My birthday is October 20th.


my bday is June 5!


My birthday is july 28… i love Brooks running shoes! :)


July 3rd- or America eve! :)


My favorite animal is a hippo!


My birthday is Oct. 29, so a late birthday gift of a new pair of PureFlow2s would be awesome!


My birthday is May 14th. :)


October 7th :) those pure flow2s look aweeeesome


October 16th and I love bunnies.


Birthday 7/29/84. Favorite run moment is when I finish a long run I didnt think I could:)


My birthday is March 20. My favorite animal is a dinosaur.


My birthday is June 21st, and my favorite baby is my two year old and my run happy moment was a few weeks ago when I pushed my four year old in the jogger around our neighborhood. We saw a deer family, birds, dogs, and bunnies in that short run around the block!


I tweeted this giveaway!


My birthday is on January 10th and obviously my favorite baby is Brooke :) I really hope I win. I’ve never had a nice pair of running shoes before… probably why my feet hurt like hell all the time.


My birthday is on April 13th! My favorite animal is probably a bear :) I hope i win!!!


I tweeted about the entry!!!!!


My birthday is April 10!


My favorite run happy moment was when my husband and I crossed the finish line of our first 1/2 last year!


My birthday is September 11, 1973. My run happy moment was the very 1st time I broke 3 miles and I knew I could then compete in a 5K!!!!


I think your blog is totally awesome, I just started following you about a month ago.

Favorite animal? I’ve always liked sheep!


My run happy moment on any of my special days (birthday 7/31 and mother’s day) is to start my day off with a run!


My bday is 12/6 so I just recently celebrated! My run happy moment was finishing my first marathon last July. I don’t think I’ve been more proud (or exhausted)!


My birthday is February 16.


birthday is 7/30/90…and my favorite baby has to be BROOKE bc she is the cutest, and I don’t really know any real life babies at the moment :)


I love the Brooks Pure project. My RunHappy moment has to be anytime I get to run/race with my family. I especially love the times my older sister and I totally out run our dad and older brother. Girl power!


My birthday is November 28th. :)


my birthday is halloween (best bday ever!!) and my favorite animals are PUPPIES!!


I tweeted as well for the extra entry.


My favorite “baby” is my new puppy, an Old Valley Bulldog (basically a bulldog/boxer mix) named Calliope, Calli for short. She’s adorable, but arguably as much work as a child!


Favorite animal is def a lion!



My birthday is 10/04/73. My favorite animal is a giraffe, and I’d be willing to be I could give you a run for your money when it comes to LOVING candy. I think I run just so I can eat candy


My birthday is March 31st. I’d love to try a pair of brooks shoes!


My birthday is June 21, often the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, so it’s the best!! I love dolphins. :)


My favorite run happy moment is crossing the finish line of my first half marathon because it was not easy, but it made me fall in love with running :)


My birthday is May 11th and my favorite babies are the twins inside of me! They’re starting their love for running early and are moving around like crazy :)


My birthday is May 27 – when I was younger I always missed having my birthday during the school year by only a couple of days and it killed me to not be able to bring cupcakes in for the class!

traumatic childhood memories….


My birthday is July 15th and my favorite animal is a piping plover. I know you said OR so just choose the answer you prefer :)


2/5/79 is my birthday. I love love love the Brooks PureFlow!


birthday 8/8/80 (i think it makes me special).
Run happy moment – taking my 6 year old son for a run around our neighborhood and getting lots of smiles and waves from everyone!


My run happy moment is when my hubby decides to run with me… and I beat him. :)


My birthday is 9/7/88 and my happiest running moment was crossing the finish line of my first half marathon, nothing can beat that feeling! :)


My birthday is August 1st and I love your blog!


November 16th…I love manatees


Yay!!! My bday is 3/23/80, same as my husband but different year. Kind of weird, but cool! I love my actual baby, 18 month old girl, and my favorite animal is a dog. Love running outside!!! Thanks for the giveaway :)


My Run Happy moments are when I bring my dog with me!


Birthday April 27th, favorite baby, well babies are my own (Skylar 7yrs and Colby 20months). Run happy moment…seeing my hubby and kids at the finish line of any race!


My birthday is September 12th and I would love to give the Brooks PureFlows to my baby sister who loves to run!


My birthday is August 8. My run happy moment is just finishing a run at all lately:)


My birthday is October 23. My favorite run happy moment is when I think of the places that running has taken me. Hey, that kind of reminds me of Dr. Seuss – All the Places You’ll Go! Awesome!


And I tweeted!


My birthday is January 20th and my favority baby girl is about to start college. I would adore new purple running shoes!


My run happy moment is when I just run and don’t let my mind get in the way


I would love the Pure Connect 2’s! I have been dying to try the Pure Connects but I haven’t had the $$ yet…


My favorite baby is my own (Emmalyne) and my birthday is June 16. My “Run Happy” moment was crossing the finish line of a half marathon 6 months after having Em!


I tweeted! And I didn’t say, but I would want the Pure Flow Brooks.


My birthday is August 17. My favorite run happy moment was when I crossed the finish line of my first marathon back in 2006! I am dying to try out the PureConnects or Pure Flow’s!


I SUPER love the Brooks Pure Project line! My B-Day is June 6th.


My birthday is June 29th!

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