Brooke’s newest trick and the color test.

We are very proud of Brooke today.  She has mastered the skill of riding the toy horse all on her own.  

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Billy and I have a little too much fun with photoshop sometimes… remember floating baby?


My two favorite things from my stocking this year:

1.  Awesome socks.

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2.  A deck of Sour Patch Kids cards.  Santa knows me very well.

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Okay, so today’s post has nothing to do with food or running but we were talking about the Colors Test for a long time last night so I wanted to talk about it with you today.

A simplified version:

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Billy and I took our color test  HERE

Billy’s results:

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My results:

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I think that both of ours are exactly right on… kind of crazy!

Have you ever taken a color test before?  Which color describes you? Any other yellows?  Whites?

Did you have any fun things in your stocking this year?

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I got fleecy rabbit socks. With googly eyes! They have been worn every evening :)


OK…. that picture of Brooke is my absolute favourite! LOVE her little facial expression. She has outdone herself this time! Too funny.


Runners id. Can’t believe I’ve been running all this years without one. A running lite. And lots of other goodies but nothing like running related items.


Haha it doesn’t surprise me AT ALL that you’re a yellow! When I first saw the picture of brooke, I legitimately thought she was doing that on her own! Until you said it was photoshopped, and it still took me forever to figure it out. You two are geniuses!


Ha- it actually looks like Brooke is dancing on the horse!
I love stocking stuffers and got a ton of great ones this year! I think my fave was a new set of soft North Face headbands.


I LOVE the color test! I have a color code test book that goes into detail about your color and how different colors interact with others in relationships. I love it. I’ll have to let you borrow it :) I haven’t taken the test in like two years or so, but every time I take it, I am a strong blue, and depending on whatever stage of life I’m going through, my secondary color is either white or yellow . . . I’ll have to follow your link to see if my color comes out the same ;) Devin is a strong red. We both agree that the analysis is right on for both our colors :)

love your socks! And your photoshopping skills are fantastic! haha! So funny!



I didn’t get a stocking this year…not happy about that. But i got a camera so i’m not complaining!!


That picture of Brooke is so cute! It took me a second to realize it wasn’t real haha If you look realllly close you can kind see some fingers under her right arm ;)


I noticed those fingers… too cute!


I haven’t taken it yet but I am definitely going to. I love random personality tests like that! Way to go Brooke on riding your toy horse! Clearly a baby with lots of coordination…


Hahaha you can see the fingers underneath her arm! So cute. And those colors do sound spot on!


Hi Janae … just a quick note to tell you I think Brooke is so adorable and that she reminds me of a mini Paul McCartney (I mean this in such a good way!) I have enjoyed watching her grow up over the last few months. Keep up the great work! You’re doing an amazing job. :)


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It was hard for me to answer some of the questions on the test because I can’t remember my childhood that well. I am a BLUE. I love personality tests!

Oh Brooke! Such a cutie. I wish I knew how to photoshop!


I love these tests! They are usually right on. My stocking was fantastic this year: iTunes gift card, dark chocolate, bobby pins, and more. Santa did good this year ;)


Omg that picture of Brooke is too funny!


I’m a white. I agree that this color fits me well. At my job it’s a requirement to take a test similar to this and our color is displayed on our ID badges so that if you need to interact with another person you know how to best approach them. Interesting stuff. :)


So fun! I’m a ‘Yellow’ too! Spot on! :D My grandmother gets us those super soft fleecy socks every years. I loooove them! especially in this ridiculously cold Boston weather we have been having as of late :(


I always get fun socks in my stocking :) Those and nail polish are probably the two things I look forward to the most. And I took that test a while ago and got BLUE… kind of scary how accurate it was :shock:


I did the test and I was all blue! It was weird how accurate it was. I don’t like that I can be moody lol : )


Mmmm I got about 10 questions into that quiz and lost interest.. haha I want to see my result but don’t have the patience to sit and consider each question. And I don’t really know how I was as a child, I think I could have checked off half those boxes!!

I’m jealous of your photoshop skills :) I want to learn to use the program!


OMG I CAN’T STAND IT! Brooke is too adorable. Seriously, it should be wrong to post this many cute pictures of her. Ahh, I can’t take it! :)


Brooke looks just like Billy in that picture.

I took the color code test, and it was dead on!! Thanks for the link; it was fun.


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I LOVE the color code; my husband and I are kinda obsessed with it. I am a blue-red. My two colors are both really strong.


I have never done a color test like that, but I have done personality tests in the past. I should do this test with my fiance!! I love that stuff…it’s so interesting!


I got comfty socks in my stocking, too!! I am a blue!


those tests are always so fun to do…that’s crazy how accurate ur’s turned out!
i LOVE those socks, i actually got some in my stocking too…they are not only super cozy but the best for sliding around on the kitchen floor for. :)


Brooke’s picture is awesome. I was trying to figure out how she was doing that for the longest time…then I finally read what you had typed :)


:) We have stockings in our house … but it has never been our custom to stuff them … we just have them as decor!


Brooke was riding the horsey so well…with the help of the little fingers under her armpit, lol!! At first I thought she just had an extra chubby arm :-)!

I took this test a couple weeks ago and I was BLUE which describes me quite accurately.


I am a BLUE!


I wish so bad is wasn’t true…I am a Red (you thought I was going to say, “blue” cause it rhymes ;) But no, I want the POWER! Love you, miss you!


I took the test and I got the results of a red. Quite true.


That is a LONG color code test! lol! I may or may not have considered all the questions as completely as I should have. But I came up with RED for my color…which pretty much fits me, as I’m a driven/visionary person. :) (Though I do not like the color red. go figure)

HOW on earth did you photoshop that picture of Brooke?! That looks seriously REAL!! I still can’t tell it’s photoshopped even though I look close…NICENESS!


I’ve had a whole class that surrounded this kinda stuff in highschool – I’m a Blue! I found it pretty interesting and very accurate!


I’m a blue! :) Ha I think it’s definitely true in my case! The code of ethics, and the naturally being worry prone. Spot on!


Took the test out of morbid curiosity. I’m a RED. Not sure if that’s a good thing, but seeing as how the test was based on my childhood personality, I don’t think the results will be changing any time soon!!!


I took the test, and I’m a white, too! I love taking personality tests! In my stocking this year, I got lots of fun candy, including ginger chews! If you haven’t tried them, you’ve got to. They’re so chewy and good!


That pic of Brooke cracked me up!


My husband and I just took the color test a couple weeks ago and had so much fun with it. I’m a blue and he is a yellow… It was pretty spot on! We then analyzed each of our family members and tried to guess what colors they were. Too fun!


That picture is darling! Her facial expression is awesome. We talk about the color test all the time in my family. I’m always a mix of red and blue.
Your tests sound pretty accurate. You and Billy are definitely the perfect match:)


I’m white! And my boyfriend is yellow =)


Okay I just took that survey and it is so spot on! I’m also a ‘white’ like Billy.


1. I have those exact same socks! i got them for christmas and wore them to work. 2. I love Brooke in that picture! 3. Happy New Year!!!


Ooh, I love the tests, those sound totally right for you guys!


I almost died when I saw brooke riding this horse!!! too cute!


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lovely and cute ♥

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