A built in water girl, a dodgeball game and chocolate covered raisins (all you really need in life).

My mom has the coolest stationary bike hanging out in her office that she uses every day for an hour and it comes complete with a water girl that brings you chilled water in an awesome Dora the Explorer cup.

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I tested out her bike for 30 minutes while chatting up a storm with Brooke and being entertained by Curly’s weight lifting routine.   

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There really is no better salad bar than Jason’s Deli because they have all of my favorite foods:  cottage cheese (remember my obsession with that when I was pregnant?), grapes, hummus, ranch, pickles and chocolate. 

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Brooke thoroughly enjoyed being passed around the table so that everyone could entertain her.  She is already quite the people person.

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Steph, Breann (and her beautiful 2 month old), Megan, Holly, Rachelle, Megan and Ash.  None of them took me up on my offer to move in with us in San Jose.  

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After lunch I went over to my my best friend since the FOURTH grades house.  She just had her second baby and so I finally got to meet and hold her new little one.  I could sit and talk with this friend for years straight.  

I went straight home, changed, pumped and next thing I knew it I was in for another night at CrossFit.  They were allowing friends to come again and so I took advantage of that offer before I have to go back home and dream about affording a membership (anyone heard of any CrossFit scholarships that I could apply for?).  

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The workout only took 12 minutes but holy cow it got me good!  We did piggy back rides, squats and medicine ball tosses.  After the workout we played DODGE BALL for the cool down and according to the color of the ball that you got hit with you had to do a certain thing (i.e. pushups, burpees and pull-ups).   I haven’t played dodgeball since my PE teaching days.. that was the best.  

The thing I really like about these workouts are that they are FAST, competitive in a fun way and it feels more like you are playing than working.   

Dinner was waiting for me in the fridge when I got home.  My sister made us all spaghetti with breaded garlic chicken breasts (from Costco) and broccoli.  There was also a little FMW action that happened afterwards while talking with my mom.

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Since I only had one post yesterday I just had to make up for the lack of Brooke pictures today and pose her with my movie snack of chocolate covered raisins.

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My sister watched Brooke while I was at CrossFit and I got to watch her kiddos after which is always a party.  We had a flexing competition (yes, my 10 year old nephew beat me) and watched Kung Fu Panda Holiday, if only Billy was there then it would have been the absolute perfect night

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I must know what your weekend long run or race is!!!

Favorite MOVIE WATCHING candy?

-Chocolate covered raisins.

Are you still friends with anyone from elementary school?  Earlier than that?

What is the best part about your Saturday?

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Thanks for the Brooke pics! I am unaware of a crossfit scholarship but I will let you know if I hear something ;-)

I’m hoping to get in 10 later when my fam wakes up! I love weekend runs because my husband will ride his bike along side me and we can chat it up!
Def peanut m&ms.
Yes still friends with a few ppl from elementary school and a few ppl you just know all your life (neighbors, parents friends’ kids)
Best part of today will be family time and a date night! I can’t wait!

Have a great Saturday!


Ism doing a longish run this morning with my moms’ running group, and tomorrow I am doing a 5k with a friend. She doesn’t run, but decided to do the race anyway, so I don’t think it will be a race day effort. At the movies, my husband and I always split a bag of twizzlers. In real life, they are gross, but at the movies they are awesome! And I am still BFF with a girl I went to nursery school with. We’ve known each other for over 30 years. We don’t live close anymore, but still get together and talk on the phone when we can. Love her!


Milkduds are the way to go for me. I am not a chocolate lover but for some reason I love them. My friend the chocolate connoisseur tells me that for someone that doesn’t like chocolate I have chosen the worst chocolate ever!

I am great friends with a lot of people from the 3rd grade. Especially two.

As for the run … Not one mile today as I am with the hubby as he recuperates from a wrist surgery. He did not sleep at all last night, so I did not either. So much pain for him ;(.


My weekend long run is…. two miles wohooo!
(seriously though, it’s the furthest yet in my stress fracture recovery!)


Aw I love Curly’s workout routine! I am still BFF with my friend from 1st grade! We know everything about eachother no matter how long we go between seeing eachother. I loovvee chocolate covered raisins or m&ms while watching movies. I’ve been having shin splints so testing it out with a 3-4 mile run. Fingers crossed!


I’m still friends with someone who I met when I was under a year old. It’s crazy how long friendships last!


I just joined crossfit in Nov and it was exactly the kick in the butt I needed. Working out is FUN again and I’ve seen more progress in 5 weeks than I have all year in terms of my strength and physique. It’s worth the cost to me

I also found the cheapest gym in the area and asked for a student discount so I only pay $100/mo. We don’t eat out as much as we used to in order to pay for it and also to help with my weight loss efforts. Other gyms in my area cost $200 or more a month. Ridiculous!!!!

Our warmup yesterday was dodgeball it was fun!!!


I want to try Crossfit, but I don’t think they do it anywhere in my area. Oh well. One day. i’m glad you’re enjoying it! One of my favorite movie snacks is sno-caps, and my best friend and i have been best friends since the fourth grade too!


I totally agree with you, Jason’s Deli does have the best salad bar ever! I’ve never tried Crossfit, but I’d really like to. I may need to apply for a scholarship too, though! ;)


If you find out about any Crossfit Scholarship, let me know! :)
The best parts of today will be my workout this morning (strength training + kickboxing!), the deep-tissue massage I have this afternoon, and going to Costco with my husband later haha We’re new to going to Costco so we’re practically amazed by all the goodies every time we go there :)


That’s awesome and I nearly died a little bit seeing the photo of Brooke and the chocolate covered raisins LOL. (Not even sure why I found it so funny) haha… I’m doing my first road race 5k since like June tomorrow!


I wish they had Cross Fit scholarships too!

Long run–as long as I feel like running, hopefully 7+ miles. Best part of my Saturday: I get to see my parents, looking for a new car, and I get to have a date night w/the husband!


peanut M&M’s all the way :) I’ve always wanted to try crossfit!! I think I’m gonna do 13 today, haven’t done anything over 11 since XC ended so it just feels like time again


Oh my goodness, I totally thought Brooke was Curly’s doll in the first photo! She’s too cute looking up at her best friend!!


I have a women only half marathon tomorrow! Forecast: 80 and raining :S

Almost all of my friends are people I met in elementary school. Im glad you have that bond with a friend too!

Best part about Saturday is ultimate frisbee in the park!


The best part about Saturdays in the lazing around that occurs AFTER a long run. Once that is accomplished, you can sit around and do nothing and it still be considered a productive day. That’s what I think at least.


I just finished a great 8 miler :D the temp was in the negatives, but it was sunny and an overnight light snowfall made for some pretty scenery!
I’m still best friends with a girl I’ve known since grade 2! And tonight’s social activity is a crepe party so it doesn’t get much tastier than that!
Have a great day!


I was planning on a 5k since we are in Dallas ( instead of snowy Canada) but my OB said no running for 3 weeks ( had some early labor signs.. ugg) So went to the hotel gym, and then off to a wedding!
Still have a few friends from grade school, but they live so far away!
LOVE chocolate covered raisons and yogurt covered too!


Curly and Brooke are my favorite! They are so cute together!!! Curly is going to be THE BEST babysitter! It’s meant to be. I still can’t wrap my head around this short cross fit workout thing. It sounds way intense though!


cross-fit scares me!! :) I’ve only heard great things about it & I’d love to try it one day.

hot tamales w/choc. covered raisins!! you have to eat them together to get the full, satisfying effect!! ;)

no friends from elem school that I have coffee with. living overseas & re-locating a few times made that difficult.

I know you miss your Billy but, you’ll be together soon!!! :) love the last pic of Brooke!! can’t wait to meet, hold & make faces w/her! have a great weekend & ttys!!! :) xo


We don’t have Jason’s Deli, but my sister does and when we visit her over Christmas I told her I want to go. I will take a picture of my salad plate and send it to you :)
Today was 9 miles, and now off to a christmas cookie baking party with my lady friends.
Have a great Saturday!!


1. 8 mi on Sunday
2. Junior Mints or PB M&Ms.
3. I have a BFF from 4th grade too! She lives less than a mile away and our kiddos are 12 days apart. :)
4. No work. Family time. Pizza. Couch cuddles.


My best friend and I went to the same elementary school and were in the same Girl Scout troop! We didn’t get really close until middle school, but we were friendly throughout elementary school. Now we go to different colleges but we’re still best friends.

On Sunday I’m supposed to run 5 miles, but I’m worried because there’s rain in the forecast ALL day…hopefully I can find a break from the rain to get my run in.


There is a ‘Christmas Mix’ Jelly Belly package that has the BEST jelly bean flavor combinations. Coconut, green apple, cherry and strawberry. There’s not one of those I don’t like! I had these when I went to go see the movie Flight.


Brooke is really starting to look older! More like a baby, less like a newborn. She’s so adorable and pretty!

My only weekend run was a Jingle Bell 5k last night. I PR’d and came in at 27:10. Finally feeling faster and stronger after two years of running.

Favorite movie snack? Junior Mints for sure!

I’m still friends with girls I was best friends with in middle school. The only remaining elementary school friend is more of an acquaintance now. I also have good friends from high school after 15 years.


My favorite movie candy right now would be Cinnamon Red Hots and Chewy Lemonheads & Friends.

I have a few acquaintance friends from elementary school, but I met most of my closest friends in graduate school.

I’m planning on at least six miles today, but it depends on the rain. Usually I run despite the weather, but I don’t want to push it after being sick for nearly two weeks.


I hope to get in a run today – treadmill as always :( * hopefully Santa brings me cold weather gear.
I am a classic popcorn movie snacker.

I have a friend that has been my buddy since birth practically! No matter how long it has been since I have seen her….it is always like it was yesterday!


What an awesome day of working out! I really love all the pictures of Brooke! She has so many great expressions! I bet she’ll be really animated when she grows up.


One of my best friends is my childhood neighbors. She’s four years older than me, so I have literally known her my entire life!

Best movie snack – popcorn with lots and lots of salt!


Whoppers! Or lime popcorn is also a favorite.

My best friend and I have been friends since fourth grade. I have several friends i meet in third and fourth grades that I’m still close with. My oldest friend is from kindergarten. I just saw him and his wife when I was in Dallas last month.

The best part of my Saturday will be my oldest daughter’s birthday party tonight!


One of my friends and I have known each other since we were born. Our older sisters were friends, so it was kind of like an arranged friendship that worked out. To this day our parents still live down the street from each other. It’s pretty wonderful.


Tomorrow I’m running a relay in Central Park with my husband and a couple other bloggers! I’m super excited!


Mmm…the best part of Saturdays is getting a nice, slow start to the day – getting up late, browsing blogs, drinking a mug of tea down to the dregs and a nice, long devotional time. Speaking of which, I got to get back to all this loveliness. :-)


I agree, Jason’s Deli’s salad bar truly is the best! I am now going to be begging my husband for the rest of the weekend if we can go there… I’m going to blame you. ;) That’s so neat you’re loving Crossfit so far! I’d love to try it out someday. And as always, Brooke is adorable! Love the photo with her and your chocolate covered raisins!


I still haven’t been to Jason’s Deli! There’s one I found in Chicago so I’ll have to go! And I went to the same school from when I was 2 until 18, so yep, still friends with people from elementary school!


I read your blog so often and I am always so envious of your speedy times! BEST part about my Saturday was running 7 MINUTE MILES in the Jingle Bell Run this morning:) Favorite movie watching candy = cookie dough bites! And I’m still friends with a girl I met when I was five…good friends are the best!


Kylie!!!!! Holy cow speed demon!! You are absolutely incredible!!!


Thank you so much! I am so excited to be almost a minute faster than usual! It would be awesome if I could keep some of this speed while I train for my first half marathon :)


I’m still really good friends with three girls that I started kindergarten with. The best kind of friendships!


That’s so awesome that you still have friends from way back in elementary! I have a few that I still keep in touch with, but we’re kind of spread out all over the country so seeing each other is a little bit more difficult. And I’d have to say that my favorite movie watching candy is probablyyyyy… Junior Mints. The weird thing is, though, that I don’t even really like them, and won’t usually go for them under normal circumstances, but when the movies come out, the craving just hits…


Your very own water girl!? You are living the dream!

I swear in some photos Brooke looks so much like Curly. Both are gorgeous, CLEARLY!

Do you see the resemblance Janae?


Many of my closest friends are those I went to school with- the friendship just gets stronger over time :-)


oooh you’ve totally reminded me about chocolate covered raisins, thank yooou!
Gosh, elementary school seems so far away now. ahh. But yes, I’m friends with a couple of them still.

I’m trying to pick a good movie and make some hot chocolate to settle in with today. Going to NYC tomorrow! :D


I have one friend (other than family) who I’ve known since I was a baby! We don’t see each other nearly often enough, but she’s coming to my wedding next fall.

My long run this weekend will be a whopping 4 miles! Which is a lot for a girl who is coming back from an injury and hasn’t run for 4 weeks!


Oh my gosh your baby is so beautiful!!
That’s so neat that you are still friends with your elementary school friends! I moved quite a few times growing up, so unfortunately I don’t keep in touch with my friends from back then :(
I play beach volleyball on Saturdays, I definitely look forward to that all week. I”m just waiting for my baby to wake up now as we speak! lol


12 or 13 miles, hopefully!!
i’m not friend with any lol
hmmm…..gummy worms but it has to be a BIG bag :)
hanging out with chum chum all day and all weekend :)


I’m a fan of chocolate covered raisins while watching movies, too! I also like Reese’s Pieces. Yum!! :)


Yum that salad bar is amazing! I haven’t been to Jason’s in forever. No long run this weekend for me but half training starts back up next week!!


Yogurt-covered pretzels! So good. I’ve been friends with my oldest friend since we were 5-going on twenty years now! Hard to believe when I think about it.


Just finished a local 5K in my town, Elk Grove! It was my first time running a 5K (I usually walk) and I finished just under 26 min!

I am still friends with a guy from 1st grade. We call each other, “barney friend.”


oh man the hubs and I just started crossfit and my arms are shaking as I type this! =) we did 12 hang power cleans and 12 dips – 5 rounds for time… one guy did it in 4:30! It took me 5 min longer! we’ve had to make some sacrifices to make it work BUT so worth it! I am loving how fast the work outs are and how much I feel like I’m getting out of it!

I know people from elementary school… we’re acquaintances now =)


Face movie-watching candy = candy cane…. inside a cup of hot chocolate. Candy canes make the BEST hot chocolate stir sticks!!


Watch Groupon and Living Social for CrossFit deals in your area. That is how I found a couple myself.
5 miles trail race this morning. TOUGH but FUN!

The Kidless Kronicles


I said I’d let you know how it went… First post baby half marathon was uh, terrible!! We live in the most humid , hottest place on earth… Good morning America even cuts us off of the map when Sam champion does the weather! But.. I finished.. And with a BETTER time than my first half ever, by 14 minutes!

Gotta say though… Your blog cheered me up :)


my oldest friend is one ive known since i was in my mommas womb. our dads went to medical school togther and we grew up on the same cul de sac, now that we are 23 and 24, we live together…i think thats a true BFF :)

my weekend race is tomorrow…my third marathon!!!

have fun with your family, enjoy all of the time you have left before you get to see Billy!


Chocolate covered raisins are my favorite candy! No long run here but I did a Christmas-themed 5k this morning which was a blast. My best friend and I have been super close since 3 rd and although we live 1,000 miles apart we still talk or text every single day. I don’t think I could live without her!


Are there any CrossFit centers by you in CA? I have heard of some bloggers getting free memberships and blogging about their experiences, it was cool to see how it was/what the classes entailed in their blogs!


My best friend and I met when we were two years old, so pre-preschool even!

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