The most random workout ever.

This morning my sis wanted to go to the gym rather than going on a run outside together because her foot was bothering her.  My goal in life is to spend the maximum amount of time with her before I am forced back to living without her so I jumped in the car and headed on over to Golds.

I had no idea what kind of workout I wanted to do so I mixed it up:

1 mile warm-up and then 1 mile in 7 minutes

7 minutes of weights with my sister

1 mile in 6:46

25 minutes elliptical with sissy

1 mile in 6:39 and then 1 mile cool down.

It was random and I was experiencing major gym ADD but I left feeling like I got a great workout in.

I love birthdays.  I think that birthdays should be celebrated to the fullest.  I also love it when people have birthday lunches at amazing restaurants like Zuppa’s.  I always get the chicken and pina colada salad there, the coconut on top is the best idea ever.

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I met these girls at the gym a long time ago and we have been bf’s ever since and they finally got to meet Brooke.  They are both running the Ogden Marathon (they run a TON of races and are super speedy) and I am very jealous that I won’t be running it with them.  I just love them.

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You know I couldn’t pass up posting one of all of us.

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Now I am just eating some cake with Curly and waiting until it is time to go pick up my other niece and nephew from school so that we can all play Monopoly and then eat another round of chocolate cake together.  I am drinking milk with my cake and she is drinking orange juice with her cake?

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Anyone else have a yellow-gold band on their ring?  What is yours”

Ever been to Zupas? What do you order there?

What was the last RANDOM workout that you had?

Ever had a foot injury?

-Just plantar fasciitis.

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I’m getting my rings re-sized right now because they were literally falling off! It feels so weird to not have them on and I won’t get them back for 2 weeks :( I don’t have a gold band, but it’s white gold…mine is a solitaire round diamond and then small diamonds on the band and the wedding band is an eternity band. I love yours though! Nothing better than a shiny ring :)

Today’s work out is bound to be tough. I got the stomach virus over Thanksgiving and haven’t worked out since Friday so it’s probably going to be a hard one!


My workout today was pretty random too… 6 miles run, 5 minute abs, 30 minute bike, 30 minute walk uphill on the treadmill… I got bored at the gym, clearly. And it’s technically my “rest week” (or 2 months if you ask my coach). That cake looks SO good! I am literally so jealous of your life right now… cake and monopoly and lasagna and family time? That is my idea of the perfect vacation. Heavy on the cake.


You are such a speedy little thing!! Never heard of Zupa’s but it sounds great!


That sounds like a great workout! I think I should start incorporating workouts like that in- it keeps your muscles guessing!
I still don’t really know if it was a foot injury, but after Ironman Arizona in 2010, I couldn’t put any pressure on my heel. One doctor thought it was because someone kicked me calf REALLY hard during the swim and it bungled up other things. Who know what it was, but it took about four weeks to heal.


Your ring is really pretty. Mine is platinum but I really want to get another one that is yellow gold so I can switch rings according to my outfit! A girl can dream, right?!?!


The last couple of days, I have been doing random exercises for a few minutes throughout the day. Like I was microwaving my lunch earlier so I did push-ups while waiting. Later I was making hot tea, so I did some jump roping, minus the jump rope.


That sounds like a fun workout. I haven’t had a gym membership since February so my workouts have either been an outdoor run or a workout video. I want to do a random gym workout. I am going to comment on the cake again. Yummmmmm!


Foot injuries? Plenty. Two years ago I broke it 3 times in 6 months. Same foot.Same break. Now I am prone to ankle spraining. And, most recently I have switched to minimalist running which has lent itself to planter faschitis. Yay! Go me!


Orange juice with chocolate cake? Hmm. That’s either incredibly strange or brilliant – the combination of chocolate and orange is a pretty darn good one. And I’m pretty sure that I suffer from workout ADD all the time. Most of my workouts usually end up being random, and anything that I have to do for more than 15 minutes at a time takes some seriously strength of will.


Curly is obviously brilliant because OJ is the only way to go when eating chocolately desserts in my opinion.

My ring is white gold and also needs cleaned a lot because I wear it no matter WHAT I am doing and I get food all over it all the time. Haha.


I have only been to Zupas once and I don’t even remember what I ordered…which is rare for me. I always remember food. But now I want to go back and try that salad. I love pina colada anything.

Anytime I do my workout only in the cardio room, it ends up being pretty random due to ADD/boredom. And I hop all over the different machines. Today was an easy 3 miles, then Turbo, then 2 more miles. Kinda random??

If I always had Skittles in front of me, I think I would start to consider everything and ’emergancy’ so that I could eat them. Gosh that Brooke is super cute!

25 hours and counting!! Not that I am excited or anything ;)


I have a white gold band and I have had a million foot injuries!! My feet are super weird and I think that causes a lot of problems but, in addition to plantar fasciitis, I have had a ton of stress fractures in my feet (and two in my femurs, too). Running is no longer my friend but I’ve moved on. Spinning and I are making it work :)


Awww I love getting my rings cleaned- they’re always so sparkly after!!! You know, after the food gets cleaned out of them ;) oj with chocolate cake? Hmmmmm never tried that one… Sometimes when I don’t feel like running or doing a Jillian workout, I’ll just do random moves that come to me. It’s fun!! Like I’M the Jillian haha



Can I comment about Skittles? I have Skittles on my desk right now. No lectures about dirty workplaces, please. I like to eat Skittles grouped in my least fav to fav flavor. It always starts with grape and always ends with orange but the middle flavors depend on the day. Today, it was purple, red, green, yellow, orange. I never get skittles at the theater because I can’t see what color I’m eating them in and it causes anxiety. Happy Monday!


Yes to plantar fasciitis. I got it in my left foot during both pregnancies and it resolved on its own after I lost the weight. Thank God bc I’ve heard it can be a nagging injury.


I have always been a fan of yellow gold over white gold or platinum and my engagement ring is rose gold which I absolutely love!


Lol I’ve never heard of Zupas! And that is a pretty random workout, but those are always the best!


Yummm I love the idea of pina colada salad!! Sounds like a kitchen adventure for this weekend!!

Goodness Brooke is awfully cute! She looks like a mini Billy :)


Rather than skittles, I keep emergency chocolate. It is great in the pocket of a coat ( a surprise), but also a necessity sometimes – I get very grouchy if my sugar levels dip too much, so emergency chocolate is the way to go !


I have a yellow gold ring too, it was “the thing” in ’98 s :) Never occurred to me to get a different metal!


bahaha that work out cracked me up! I love random workouts. Sometimes one exercise can’t keep my attention so I bounce from one thing to the next like a pin ball. I feel super spastic while doing it but usually end feeling like I had a good workout. I don’t have an engagement ring but I do have a lot of rings with yellow gold bands. A lot of people are not fans of yellow gold but I love it. And I love your ring setting. So unique!


I sometimes do 10 minutes each on the treadmill, elliptical, spin bike, then some weights, then yoga. Pretty random but it hits every body part!


I knocked my toe nail off once if that counts as a foot injury. It hurt like H-E double hockey sticks!!!

As for random workouts, I feel like all of mine are pretty much like that. I get bored easily so I have to constantly change it up to keep myself interested!!


I have a white gold band, for both of my rings. My last random workout was doing Blogilates “Gangnam” style leg workout and a 1.5 mile run today. My legs are screaming, and I’m about to put on my rainbow striped VS long john pj’s and eat some hawaiian style meatballs with white rice. Then watching some RHOBH. Fun night over here!
And I don’t know why I just laid out my boring night plans on here..? LOL.


Love the animal print Brooke is rockin’!

That salad sounds amazing. I love finding cool creations like that at restaurants.


That cake looks amaaaazing!!! I want it!!

Sounds like a fun workout with the sis!


I have a yellow gold wedding ring/band with cathedral setting. I love it but it is way too big now, so I am sporting a $14 fake silver eternity band right now.

That chocolate cake is killing me! Hurry up and eat the rest of it! The daily pics are making me want to make chocolate cake/brownies/eat all the chocolate in the house! :)


Hahaha your workout was soooo random, love it! I’m not good at spontaneity or multi-tasking when it comes to working out….I usually go in with a plan it stick to it. Boring, I know.

I have had way too many foot injuries. I refuse to take it as a sign that I should stop running, so I’m just hoping my body gets the hint and stops getting injured!


1. I have white gold wedding and engagement bands but I really want a rose gold one for our 5 year wedding anniversary next year.

2. That chocolate cake is killing me every time I see it in one of your posts. It’s making me need chocolate right now.

3. I love my bootcamp workout class because every workout is totally random but I don’t have to plan it.


I have a white-gold band, diamond in the middle with a sapphire on each side. The diamond is my birth stone, but I just love color so I wanted something in addition to the diamond.
I have never been to Zupas but that salad looks amazing!


I feel like all of my workouts are random ones! I’m so sporadic in the gym … constantly changing my mind or getting bored!


I had plantar fasciitis before – no fun at all. My band is white gold, and I definitely need to get my ring cleaned – thanks for the reminder!


I have yellow gold but we have been thinking about switching out for platinum at some point.
Never even heard of it.
I thought I was having a bout of PF but it seemed to go away in a few days.
Most of my bike workouts are pretty random.

The Kidless Kronicles


Love the pictures of Brooke!! She is so darn cute! We found out what we’re having last week … a little girl! :) We couldn’t be more excited. Maybe our little girl and Brooke can be BFF. ;)


My band around my engagement ring and my wedding band are diamonds. Love them! I’m just waiting for the top piece that goes with them. ;)

Looks like a great snack – and ew, chocolate and OJ sounds a little bit gross. Get Curly on the bandwagon.


never heard of zupas before!! but coconut on a salad sounds very interesting….not sure if i would like it but totally worth trying!!
i don’t really have random workouts, not sure why, probably because i’m about 99% of the time pressed for time lol the most random i get is not being sure how far i run or watching a random show while running lol


I’ve never been to Zuppa’s, but that salad looks amazing! Are they only on the West Coast? (I’m from St. Louis and live in Columbia, Mo.)


Mine is platinum! Is your stone a “floating” setting or whatever it is called? My SIL has one like that.


Those are some speedy mile times! I haven’t run a mile since junior high and would be interested to see if I could break 7 minutes but I highly doubt it!


What a great day and a fun workout!


That sounds like a fun workout! I love jumping around the gym. My ring is white gold and it is a princess cut. I love it still, almost 9 years later!


All the baby pics you post are so cute! My husband and I were cracking up at the post you did a few weeks ago with all the different facial expressions she made. Looks like you’re having a blast, enjoy!


I’m loving the randomness of your workout! There are days where I just aimlessly walk around my gym because I can’t decide what I want to do!


Do you remember the chocolate oranges? Maybe that’s the combination Curly was going for?


Long time reader, first time commenter. :) I recently joined a gym to help supplement my runs when it rains and I was wondering if you had any tips for treadmill running – I love that you run marathons and train on a treadmill, but I am nervous about the change. Any advice that can help? Mostly jedi mind tricks if you have them :)

I have a white gold wedding band and engagement ring.
I tend to injure my ankle instead of my foot – last time was just before my wedding in 2010 when I fell down the stairs :)


Chocolate cake + OJ = wrong…Chocolate cake + milk = winning combo!


o0o0 yummy!! Orange juice and chocolate cake sounds good. It reminds me of drinking orange juice with my grandma’s chocolate syrup and biscuits!!


I have a yellow gold ring! It was so hard to find one in the style I like – everything is in white gold or platinum these days :(

My workout today was pretty random too! I started going to a gym that my friend works at and I always end up accidentally talking to her for far too long – so today I felt like I had to supercharge my workout = so many random intervals and hills on the treadmill!


I got engaged in the 90’s when yellow gold was still a bit more popular then now, so my wedding band is yellow gold, too!

Yes to foot injuries…I always had trouble with my knees, but during marathon training this summer I developed posterior tibial tendonitis, which affects the tendon that runs from the inside of your ankle down through the arch. It’s much, much better, but my arch still does this odd clicking thing sometimes and aches when I first get out of bed. I love running with all my heart, but sure could do without the chronic injuries!! Hope your sister’s foot is feeling better soon.


I had foot issues this year because I tried out a few new shoes during marathon training. Definitely a rookie mistake on my part. Things are back to normal now for the most part.

My wedding band and engagement ring are white gold.


That chocolate cake looks so good! My engagement ring/wedding band are both yellow gold – I don’t care for white gold.

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