Janae’s version of a progression run.

(Saturday’s run. Sunday is always my rest day)

I decided to be lazy as ever all morning until I realized that I only had 70 minutes of Billy’s time left for him to babysit Brooke before he had to go to school to take a practice mid-term.

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I decided I wanted to do a ‘progression run’ even though I had never done a official one other than on the treadmill (easier to control my pace) before because I usually just like to go out and run and judge my fitness according to my overall pace.

This is what Janae’s first attempt at a progressive run looks like. No time for a cool-down. Let’s just pretend that this is a progressive run based on the fact that my last mile was faster than my first mile.

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I used the Garmin 10 and I am liking it more each time I use it. At the end of your run the screen displays a bunch of information about your run that I am always dying to know the second I finish which I really like. I hit 53 miles this last week which is pretty much my sweet spot.

When I got home I had approximately .3 minutes for my personal photographer to take pictures of my awesome jacket before he left so there was no time to figure out what the heck was going on with my hair and wet face and I couldn’t think of any cool poses. I sweat a lot.

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I finally had a cold enough morning to try out my Brooks Nightlife III jacket. It was about 40 degrees when I left on my run and my jacket was PERFECT. My legs actually got really cold because I decided to wear the world’s shortest shorts but back to the jacket, it saved me from freezing to death.

I LOVE how lightweight this jacket is. It did the job that I needed it to do without feeling bulky and heavy. It is also very moveable…does that make sense? Basically I just mean that it is really easy to move in this jacket, it doesn’t feel restrictive at all. I really loved the moisture-proof phone pocket on the inside of the jacket. Since I always take my phone with me on my runs this is perfect. The jacket also makes you very visible with the drop-down reflective flaps and reflective front zip.

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Once again, I love thumb holes and this jacket has them.

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Definitely a winner. If you can’t tell, I really like running clothes. I could talk about them all day. Real people clothes are lame.

Since I can’t go an entire post without talking about food, Billy made us rockin’ bfast burritos for lunch. I think I could live off of these.

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How often do you take your cell phone with you when you go on a run?

Do you ever do progressive runs?

Anyone else having a rest day today?

What was your lunch?

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During the summer I always make Sunday my rest day, but during the school year I make the most of time off and run long Saturday and just an easy fun shake out Sunday.

I need a “how to” for making a breakfast burrito.


Agreed! Gotta make the most of those two precious days off from teaching. Basically he just scrambled eggs to cooked veggies and stirred in cheese. It was heavenly. Hope you are having a great day and we need to email soon:)


I recently started taking my phone with me on some runs so I can use the CharityMiles app. Loving that jacket!


I haven’t heard of this app yet… I am going to go find it right now!


I used to take my phone with me on every run but I hate carrying things. I don’t take it anymore. It concerns me a little bit in case I get hurt but I tend to run only in well traveled areas so someone should be able to help me… hopefully.

Sundays used to be my rest days. I’m running at night these days and that generally means there is a greater likelihood that one run might not happen during the wek so I added Sundays back in to make up for that. My body has responded surprisingly well considering my long run day is Saturday.

I really like that jacket you tried out today. Too bad I’m cheap and don’t buy any cute running stuff. I did just buy a new garmin 405cx on eBay for $50! I can’t wait for it to get here. I know people don’t like the bezel feature but I’m pretty easy to please and I’ve never had a GPS watch. I bet I’d like anything at this point!


Woah! That was a longer response than I thought. Whoops.


That is smart about adding Sunday back in and I am stoked that your body is handling the long runs so well! FIFTY DOLLARS… that is awesome!!!


Thanks so much for posting a picture with slightly messy hair and a little “shimmer”. You ALWAYS look like a model! Even in this one you’re so darn cute. :-)

I do not have anything with thumb holes. I want, want so bad. I might have to make some myself with one of my many jackets.

That was a rocking run you had. Wish I was that fast.

That burrito looks so yummy.


HAHAH that was definitely more than a shimmer:) You are so sweet! I need to send you something with thumb holes, you will love it! Hope you have a great Sunday Deb!


You look so CUTE after your run! I am so jealous! :-)


Hahahah my mom must be paying you. Hope you are having an amazing day!


Awesome run!! And I LOVE the jacket! Thumb holes are the best invention ever :)


I use the radio on my cell phone as my music, so I usually have my cell with me. I wear it in my iFitness belt (love it!) and it sits in the sweet spot of my hips.
Most of my runs are progression runs, unless I’m doing speedwork. And they look a lot like yours — trying to progressively push the pace faster, but not worrying if a mile is a few seconds slower than the last, as long as the last few are faster than the first few.
Long run on Thursday, middle distance Friday, rest day yesterday, and 60min today. Managed 8.7 miles and felt amazing!! My knee is back to 90-95% and I couldn’t be more stoked!! :D
Ps. You’re right about regular clothes being lame and you’re more adorable sweaty because your smile shines with accomplishment every single time. You can tell that in that moment, you are purely and genuinely yourself, and that’s amazing!


You’re a speedy one! It’s amazing how fast you bounce back. You always have the BEST running clothes! So jealous that you have so many cool product reviews :)


I never used to take my phone with me, but my husband likes me too so I started. I like carrying it better in the winter, because then I usually have a pocket to put it in. I love the jacket! And I agree real people clothes are lame. I’d rather spend all my money on running clothes.

I’ve never done a progressive run, but once I start running again, I’d like to try it. My body responds really well to extended “speed work” like that. And I think it would make me a lot more aware of my pace.

I usually take a rest day on Wednesday and Sunday.

Today we went out for tacos after church.


If I go on a run by myself I always take my phone. (I also have this really cool app called RunKeeper that tracks your distance, pace, route, and mile splits and I really enjoy looking at my runs after). Some of my runs end up being progressive runs cause you just get into a really good mood a few miles in, and start to go faster! It’s already after 4 here but I just had “lunch” after my run. I had a strawberry protein shake, an egg on toast, a spinach salad with avocado, mushrooms and tomatoes, and a piece of bread with peanut butter! Finishing it off my a cup of warm tea :)


I am madly in love with breakfast burritos!!


Yay for thumbholes! Having thumbholes basically guarantees I’m going to love it.


I always have to have my phone with me. It makes me feel safe, and it has music! I feel like I always do a progression run on the treadmill because I get so bored I have to up the speed every me lol and sometimes I do a degression? Run cuz I’ll go slower every mile if I feel like I’m dying haha


Does the Garmin 10 tell you your mile splits after you finish your run? I have a Garmin forerunner 110. It tells me my mile splits during my run but then averages at the end of the run. I can never remember my exact splits after a long run but oh how I want to geek out and know!


That is such a cool jacket. I want one!


That jacket looks so comfy, and like I would always be visible on my night time runs! Does anyone know if they are available in the UK?! I would love to get my hands on one of those! Thanks for the review Janae :)


I was looking at the website you linked to for the jacket but can’t work out which one it is…any I just being blind or is they style you were wearing not there?


wow Janae!! You are really speedy! I am working on increasing my pace and was wondering do you think tempo runs once a week helps or running longer distances each week helps… Maybe both? That jacket is just what I need over here in cold Jersey lol


Lunch was a breakfast bagel sandwich- twins on the breakfast for lunch thing! I love that jacket! I need a running jacket in my life living in OR. I just got a pretty awesome vest though!


Cute jacket! Glad you had a great run with a yummy burrito at the end! I totally agree about “real” clothes. I wear scrubs to work then basically live in workout gear the rest of the time. Heaven forbid the times I have to actually wear real clothes. I love having Sundays as my rest days and I wish races were on Saturdays. Today after church lunch was toast with peanut butter. (And then I raided my daughter’s Halloween candy….shhhh)


I always always take my cell with me. I haven’t invested in a Garmin watch yet, so I rely on the Map my Run app to track my running, but it works, and makes me feel a little safer. And it’s how I jam out to my Taylor Swift playlists. :)

Sunday isn’t normally a rest day for me, but it was today! Loved every lazy minute of it.


Very cute jacket!!

Our lunch was served at church, because we were helping watch the little ones in the child center. We had pizza … nothing amazing, but it got the job done! ;)


My phone goes with me on every run, walk and hike.

Lunch today? Think I skipped it. Had a banana while running errands. Then had an early dinner of soup and sandwich at Panara. Hit the spot!


Sunday’s are always my rest day as well. It just works out well because I tend to be gone or busy on the weekends. I’ve never taken my phone with me running, but I’d really like the option to. My phone is just bulky and old so it would be a pain. Perhaps when I get an upgrade it’ll happen.


No way, I wore that same jacket today! I just got it in the mail and I am liking it too. Although it is a big snug in the shoulders. I took my phone in it and it does not weigh it down. My problem/question is what do you do with multiple thumb holes? Like a shirt and a jacket….it was a bit much :)


I feel the same way about running clothes. My mom is always like when are you are and sister going to buy some real clothes–and I’m like “These ARE real clothes!!”
But I guess I do have a tiny problem–two people last week told me it was weird seeing me in jeans :/


I love the jacket, especially the color!


I always take my phone, since that’s my music source. I had a wonderful lunch….a sweet potato and chicken salad with roasted zucchini and brussel sprouts. Your lunch looks pretty awesome too!


Good job on your run! The jacket looks very cool. I always take my cell phone when I run. How else could I live tweet my treadmill run or take pics for my blog? ;-)


How often do you take your cell phone with you when you go on a run?
I only do if I’m going for a long run, and if it’s dark out.

Do you ever do progressive runs?
My short runs are usually progressive runs.

Anyone else having a rest day today?
Haha, quite the opposite. I spent 8 hours and 14 minutes tackling the toughest race of my life. I finished a 50K technical trail race, The Marshall Mangler. And mangled, I feel. It was life changing. And to be able to say that I’m an ultramarathoner is pretty darn cool.

What was your lunch?
I ate random things throughout the ultra, but to celebrate, I had a “Gobblerito” at Mad Mex. It’s basically Thanksgiving dinner wrapped in a tortilla. It was AMAZING.


My cell phone is an iPhone so it’s heavy, but I don’t feel safe NOT running with it! I feel like I am an anomaly though? For carrying it?


I went to church with my sister today from 11-2, so there was no ‘lunch’ and then I just gorged myself for an hour straight when I got to my moms. Not gonna lie though, that usually happens regardless of if I eat before I get there or not.

Eggs with salsa and avocados/huevos rancheros is probably one of my fave simple meals. So tasty.

I usually take my phone with me if it is dark when I am running or running alone. And after getting lost on my run in AZ last week and not taking my phone – I don’t think I will be making that mistake again ;)

Most of my runs outside are progression runs. I never plan it. I think it just takes me a while to get into a groove and I get faster as I run…even if I am running 20 miles, my last mile will be my fastest (this was NOT true at all when I ran the marathon, however. Boo)

Your run was awesome. I still can’t believe how fast you are running and how many miles you log a week and little Brooke is only 3 months. I want to be like you when I grow up . I am in love with that jacket. Seriously. I am coveting it.


My cell phone goes with me on all my runs. So I’m impressed with your review of the jacket. I will be adding that to my wish list:) Today was a rest day for me. We spent the weekend camping, so now it’s extra down time watching football.


I would love to take my phone on my long runs for safety reasons but I have yet to find a good solution for carrying it.
Any recommendations?


I love your jacket! I love the color and you look awesome in it! You are super fast!

My rest days tend to be Tuesday and Friday. but I had Friday off work this week, so I decided to run instead of rest so i took Saturday off for a rest day instead. I woke up this morning and just felt ready to go! I ended up running 15.1 miles, which is the farthest i have ever run.

No need for me to take a cell phone on runs since i only run on the treadmill! I am too afraid of running outside – i run very early when it is still dark out and I am terrified i will fall and hurt myself.. I like to just zone out and not worry.. thus my love of the treadmill!

Lunch today was teriyaki salmon on a big bed of mixed baby greens, romaine, carrots and celery. I also tossed in some of the trader joe’s wasabi almonds ( sooo good!!!)


You really do look so cute after a run! That color looks great on you!


Sundays are usually rest days for me too, but since I’m marathoning next Sunday, thought I’d switch it up and do my last long run this morning. I very rarely run with my cell phone which drives my husband nuts…


I’ve only ever done progressive runs on the treadmill too…You did an awesome job with this one! Good for you!!


I don’t usually take my phone with me on runs. But I am going to start running trails and will take my Camelback and my phone with me.
I did have a rest day on Sunday and had a waffle with peanut butter for lunch.
I don’t do progressive runs on purpose, but sometimes I just want to get home and speed up as it goes along.

The Kidless Kronicles


Congrats on a great run! I’m amazed at how quickly you’ve jumped back into things. The Garmin 10 is my favorite too! I don’t have much to compare too since it’s my first GPS running watch, but I love it. So light and easy to use. And, I also love the summary screen right after my run to see all my numbers from the run.


I love Brooks running clothes! That jacket is really cute. Nice job on your run! I have never done an official progression run, but plan to include them in my next training cycle. Sunday rest day was a big YES! Thoroughly enjoyed it, too :)


Nice going on the run :)! I’ve become so accustomed to having Sundays as my rest day that now working out on it just seems wrong!


You are a speeeedy lady!

I LOVE that jacket!! Gorgeous!


First of all I love that jacket and am so jealous!!

Secondly I wanted to let you know that no thanks (okay, lots of thanks! :) I am now addicted to Friday night lights and in less than a week I have gone through three seasons. *hangs head in shame* But it’s great for insomnia and also I have to agree – not as good after the original cast starts leaving!!


Dear Janae,
i’m a silent reader – this is my first comment & I love your blog! As English is not my mother tounge,I hope, you can understand what I try to ask: I tried to convert the 40 Fahrenheit in Celsius and its about 4 Degree which is really cold (for me!)! How do you train your Body not to freeze to death in the first minutes (f.e. during waiting for Garmin-GPS-connection) or warming up?
I’m often overheated and exhausted because of wearing too warm clothes while running, but I’m always afraid of freezing in the beginning.


same as you — i’ve tried progressive runs on the treadmill, but doing them outside is even harder! DC is hilly, so that makes it tough to keep pace during extreme climbs or downhills. that jacket looks awesome, especially the waterproof phone section!


AWESOME run! Isn’t running on the roads just SO awesome. It’s hard to get the motivation to get out there after a bunch of miles on the TM bc sometimes the tm is just way easier and more convenient. BUT, as soon as you get a few road miles in I’m always like ” road running is so great, i should do this EVERYSINGLEDAYALLDAY” :)


Sounds like an awesome run! Glad you got to get off your treadmill and go outside!

I only take my phone with me on long runs when I’m bringing a hydration pack, otherwise I have no idea where to put it and I don’t want to hold anything in my hands.


Hey lady! Love the thumb holes too and great run!!!!! I have some questions as to your runs in your first trimester, how did your weekly mileage and pace change (if any)? I am figuring all this out and could use some tips from your experience ; )


I slowed way down!!!! Like a lot!!! My mileage went down about ten miles a week too!


Wow girl, you are amazing. I ran 7 miles on Saturday in 1:06 and you do over 9 in 1:07…I have no clue why I can’t get my speed up. My first mile is always fine, but then I just end up slowing down so much. I really need to do speed work at a track or do progression runs more often outside. I do them on the treadmill because like you said it’s much easier to control you pace. I can get up to 7 min pace for a while but for some reason it’s really tough for me to get to that pace outside unless it’s for a race!


Love the jacket but I can’t find it on the Brooks link you provided. Any suggestions?

Keep up the good work with your blog – I enjoy reading it!


I LOVE thumb holes! I bought a (non running) fleece from Target over the weekend and when I tried it on my thumb was searching for the thumb holes that were clearly nonexistent.
I almost always have my phone on me- I’m currently trying to figure out music + gps + time, etc. I’ll be in the market for a Garmin soon- too many choices!!


Love the running outfit!! What shorts are those if you don’t mind me asking?

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