Happy 3 Months Old Brooke!

Is it normal that I started to cry a little when I began writing this post?  I can’t believe it has already been 3 months since I had my little girl but at the same time I can’t imagine how I ever lived without her.  The best part of my whole day is the morning when I get her out of her crib and she has the biggest grin on her face and starts cooing like a maniac.  I had no idea how I was going to handle this whole ‘mom thing’ but I can honestly say I have never been happier.  My little Brooke is my world and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  

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Brooke at 3 months:

-When we hold her in a sitting up position she can hold her head up without it wobbling around too much.

-She sings along to ‘You Are My Sunshine.’  I am not even joking, she really does coo throughout the whole song and stops as soon as I stop singing.

-Her hair can officially fit into a ponytail in the back.

-One of her favorite things to do is to go on walks.  She is so happy outside and is constantly looking all around her.  

-Billy was watching her in the living room while I got ready one day and when I came into the room and started talking Brooke couldn’t see me but Billy said she got a huge smile on her face when she heard my voice.  I cried.  Never been happier. 

-She has Billy wrapped around her finger.

-For the last 2 weeks she has been falling asleep at 8:30 pm then waking up at 5:30 am to eat and then she falls back asleep until 7:30 (daylight savings kind of messed things up the last two nights).  She knows I am crazy without sleep and so she is doing her part to make sure I am a little less crazy.  

-Her smile can and does make any bad day automatically turn into the best day. 


Is anyone interested on an updated post about breastfeeding?  I don’t know if it would be helpful for people or just TMI and you would rather me stick to posts about FMW and my treadmill.

Moms: How old are your kid(S)?

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I love her hair. She is the most gorgeous baby.


I love this post! She is absolutely gorgeous! You seem like the best mom and Billy seems like the best dad. Brooke is one lucky little girl!


I agree about you guys as parents! You make it look so fun and easy, Janae!


Double Dito! ;-)


Agreed. Her smile is contagious. :) But hey, both you and Billy have amazing smiles!


Maybe just put your post about BF in the HRG Baby section. :)
Happy three month birthday, Brooke!


Yes definitely! Thanks so much!!!!


My babies are 22, 17, and 10. Rylee is a senior and I keep having mini-meltdowns when I think about her graduating. You have such a beautiful family.


Happy 3 months to Brooke! She is so adorable and I love her faces!!


I would love a post about breast feeding. I am trying to get pregnant and am trying to get all the advice I can.


It feels like I just started reading about Brooke’s introduction to the world. Hard to believe she’s already 3 months old! Happy 3 months to her :) She’s beautiful!


These pictures are making my ovaries hurt. I cannot have a baby right now because of silly med school so I guess I just have to look at pictures of other peoples babies and squeal about how cute they are. And she is the cutest! She looks so happy, and so do you and Billy.


yes would love a post about breastfeeding!! You guys are the best!


She really is such a gorgeous baby! I am so excited for you, motherhood is the best! And PS…you look amazing too!


She is (or seems to be ) an amazingly happy baby! And you as well.

The Kidless Kronicles


Can’t believe she is 3 months old already!!! Love that last picture of her :) Wouldn’t mind a post on breastfeeding etc. Love to learn and hear others experiences.


She is beautiful! Love a breastfeeding post. I have 3 boys ages 5,3 and 17 months and am ready for #4 as soon as my husband says yes:).


Happy 3 months! She’s so stinkin’ cute!

A post about breastfeeding would be great! It’s so wonderful! I have a 7 month old and I swear he had pink eye the other night. I tried the old trick of squirting BM into their eye and it clears it up. By morning he had no signs of pink eye!! I hear it works for ear infections too!

My kids are 10, 7, almost 4, and 7 months…all boys!!


My babies are 5, 4, and 3 months (tomorrow)!

Brooke and my daughter Annabelle almost share a birthday! She is gorgeous and her hair makes me laugh when you put those pics up. I completely agree with their smiles and coos making your day – it’s the best part of my day. It’s also the best when they get older and randomly hug you and tell you they love you. I love reading anything you have to say so feel free to write about BF. Happy 3 months to Brooke!


She is just the cutest thing. And YES to an updated breastfeeding post! I need to learn all I can! ;)


She has a beautiful, happy smile!


Cutest/sweetest post! I love her little face and smile so much! Also love that there’s a baby out there who was so..uhh.. gifted in the hair department as I was! ;)

And I for one would love to read more posts like your breastfeeding one.. no such thing as TMI as far as I’m concerned! I like hearing all this stuff from a ‘real person’ perspective… helps me mentally prepare for some day in the future ;)


Happy birthday to Brooke!! Time goes so fast!! But it definitely seems like you are savoring every moment with her :)


I adore Brooke so much!! Good job Mama!


She’s just so adorable! Happy 3 months, Brooke!


What a cutie! I am glad you have adapted so well to ‘momhood,’ I think a breastfeeding post would be interesting. I don’t have any kids, but I want some one day.


You seriously have such a beautiful family! Brooke is so cute and you make it look super fun and easy! ;) My b/g twins will be 5 in a week and it just keeps getting better and better with them!


Happy 3 month birthday Brooke!!

My boys are 11 and 5! Time flies, so enjoy every moment!


She is so precious, congrats!

Yes to b/f post.

My daughter is 19 months and my baby boy is due in two weeks!!!


I love all and any updates you do! I cannot believe her hair! She is going to have some gorgeous hair!
My twins are 15 months old. Boy does the time fly when you’re having fun!


I’m not a mom yet, but I say heck yeah to another breastfeeding update! I’m so curious about one of the coolest natural processes! And if you’re baby girl is sleeping that long while you’re doing it, it’s definitely magical in my book! Brooke is the cutest thing ever. Oh, and this is from a previous post, but I about died when I read/heard the Boy Meets World news you posted!!! EEEKKK! :)


Anything Brooke related is welcome. Even if my kids are all grown up by now, my daughter is 19 and my son is 12.


Her smile and her little button nose are absolutely adorable!! You two make pretty babies :)

And yes on the breastfeeding! As someone hoping to have a baby in the near future I think it’s always helpful to hear other people’s experiences. My sister had a tortuous go of it, so hearing some not entirely horror stories would be great!


My kiddo is two months (and I can’t believe he’s that old and that his newborn clothes don’t fit anymore).

I’d love a post on breastfeeding. I’d also love a post on things like how you look so amazing every day, how you have time to blow dry your hair and put make-up on, how you fit in your pre-pregnancy jeans so quickly, and how Brooke sleeps so long in her crib and you don’t have to bring her into your bed to get her to sleep more than an hour!


Such a happy little girl :)

My baby boy is 8 1/2 mos old and I swear he melts my heart everytime he says “mama” (or what even remotely sounds like it lol) Motherhood is awesome and I don’t even remember life before my son came along.

PS: He loves going to races with me. My first two races he was in the stroller with me :) slept the whole way! Lol


Awww Happy 3 months to Brooke!! I think she’s one of the cutest babies ever!!


Gush. Too much love for me to handle. Happy 3 months to little Brooke!


She is so freaking cute! My little girl Emma is 7 months yesterday and I love seeing your posts and remembering all those amazing moments! It seriously just keeps getting better. Yes do a BF post….but more importantly show us some videos of the little cutie!


Wow. That 3 months went by shockingly fast!! Happy 3 mos, Brooke!


She is so unbelievably sweet! I have a 19 month old baby girl (ok, todder) and I’m 5 months prego with our 2nd.

A post on breastfeeding would be great, honestly I’m curious how you fit it into your workout routine, since I remember being super uncomfortable when I ran in the first few months. Also, I would love a post on your make up routine, you always look so cute!


She is the most expressive little bundle of joy I’ve ever seen! <3


Yes to a breast feeding post! It’s a difficult thing to do (surprisingly) so it’s always nice to hear others experiences.

My boys are 3 and 18 months. Such fun ages! Not gonna lie though, I am starting to get baby hungry…especially with all of the adorable photos of Brooke. She is a doll!
Boys are so fun but I would love to have a little girl someday :)


Happy 3 months old!!!! My baby is almost 8 months and we are still breastfeeding so I say sure, how about another post!


What an absolute cutie…I love, love, love her smile. I’d love to read a update on breastfeeding…all things baby.

My kids are 3, 1, and 2 weeks. Wow, I look super crazy to write it like that. Doesn’t look quite so crazy to say 4 in March, 2 end of November and 2 weeks.


Just wait until she starts to look for you. When we are around people we don’t know Isaac will look at me or my husband almost to make sure we didn’t go anywhere.

I think a breastfeeding update would be awesome!


Opps I meant to say around people Isaac doesn’t recognize.


Brooke makes ME smile through the computer screen. I swear, every time you post on Brooke I feel happier. So YAY happy 3 months girl!


Okay. I just got back from a really great date and thought my smile couldn’t get any bigger …
I thought wrong. <3 She's gorgeous and you're adorable. I'm so happy you're so happy!! :D


I’ve been dying to know how you are doing with feedings! Tell us! Im green with envy on the sleeping….my little one didn’t sleep more than two hrs at a time until he was 8 months old. Yes, that’s right…..8 months.


Happy 3 months to Brooke! She is just too cute for words.

I have 3 “not-so-little” kids ages 8, 6, and 4. Time flies!


Yes on BF post! I am having a baby in March- keep us updated on how it’s goin!
Brooke is so sweet- 3 months did go so fast!!


I want you to do one!!! I”ve actually been wanting to e-mail you to ask how nursing was going. I know when my training got more intense when Annie was a baby, I lost my milk supply (and I was only hitting around 25-30 miles a week). I didn’t start running, or exercising at all for that matter, until she was 6 months and I’m nervous about this next one. I know every body is different, but I was curious how it was for you….. I may be a creeper for thinking about your milk supply, but there you go. Ha!


This is the warmest fuzziest post, happy 3 month birthday Brooke! She is just the most beautiful baby:) I would love to see a breast feeding post, I forgot you were dealing with that since you don’t complain about it:)


Happy 3 month bday Brooke! Love the Brooke posts! She reminds me so much of my daughter, and makes me miss those days when I could hold her all wrapped up like a burrito :) My kids are 8.5 & 4. Everyone says it, and it is so true that it goes by so fast!


Happy 3 months!!! Yes! I’d love a breastfeeding post! I talk about it all the time and I love to hear other people’s stories about it too!


Yes, give an update! I have two girls-18 months old and 7 weeks old=hands full! :)


It would be great if ou did a bf post. I am due in 9 days and I still find a lot breast feeding info confusing. I know any pointers you could give would be helpful because you have one beautiful, healthy baby.


She really is so adorable, I LOVE all the pictures so feel free to post as many as you wish! And she sounds like such a good baby, a much better sleeper than some others I read about… haha.


I would love to see an update on how breastfeeding is going…what’s been the hardest/easiest? My son will be six weeks Thurs and nursing is wonderful but comes with many ups an downs. If you’re willing I would love to know how your body image is at the 3 month point as well.
Brooke’s adorable and I love reading about your experience as a new, first time mom!


yes….please post about breastfeeding! I love the darling Brooke pictures!


Happy 3 month birthday to Brooke!


Happy Three Months, Brooke! :)


Happy 3 month Brooke!!
You are such wonderful parents and make it look so easy:)
YES PLEASE. Would really appreciate BF tips, anything you can offer.

Thanks Janae


My kids are 8, 5, and 5 months. I would be interested in her napping and sleep routine too since my little one is not sleeping near as well as Brooke!


Brookie needs a puppy <3


Yes I would love a post about BF!!! I hope to get pregnant in the near future and that is the one thing I’m terrified about (other than the actual labor).

Thanks Janae! :)


Yes to a post about BF. my girl is a month behind Brooke and I am terrified of the pump!!

Happy 3 months Brooke!


I would love a post on breast feeding. I just switched to formula because my son was having terrible reflux and a friend told me to try formula. I did and I have a totally different baby. He sleeps 12 hours (at night) only waking up once and and is happy and sweet in between naps when before he used to cry almost the whole time he was awake. It was awful. He’s only 7 weeks old so I was sad to stop (I nursed my daughter for six months), but we breast feed because it is best for our babies, but when it’s not best for them, you stop. Crazy, but it is working. :) Btw, I totally had a dream the other night that you and Billy and Brooke came to my house to tell me my husband needed to go become a yoga teacher because then he would be a millionaire! Haha! So if you know any insider trading secrets in yoga instruction, I’m all ears! Haha!


oops didn’t mean to hit reply :)


She is an absolute doll and reminds me so much of my daughter at that age. She was born with the same mop of dark hair that I was able to put in pigtails before 6 months.
My daughter is now eight and my twin boys are six and are quite a bit of fun!


You’re such a great mom! I don’t mind the breast feeding posts since I’m still trying to do it for a full year. Mason and I are 7 months in and my dedication wavers on a weekly basis :)


I would love a BF post! I am 20 weeks with my first and very nervous about that one aspect!


Great job on the sleep training! Sounds like she’s doing great with learning to sleep during the night (and that early morning feeding then back to sleep is pretty normal).

I say go for it with the BF’ing post! I nursed both of my boys and still miss that time with them now that they’re older (3 and 6).


A breastfeeding post would be great!! I’m due in 2.5 weeks and need to read all the resources I can!


Would love a post on breast feeding! My baby is 7 weeks and I just got cleared to run (!!!!!) but I’m nervous about this affecting my milk production. I’d love to hear how it’s going for you and Brooke!


So happy for you – this whole baby thing is the best in the world!!! My little girl Ryleigh is 21 months old, turns 2 on 1/4/13. Her baby brother Micah is due 3/25/12, we are crazy excited and of course freaking out at the same time.

I don’t think anyone would mind about a breastfeeding post, if they are not interested they can choose not to read.

Congrats on your beautiful family.


She is adorable! I would LOVE LOVE a BF post! I’m due in less than two weeks and I want to know everything!


Time definitely flies once you have kids, Happy 3 months to Brooke

I think Moms would like to hear about your experience, I’m done having babies, but it is always interesting to hear other stories.

My little ones are 4 and 2. and my daughter had hair just like Brooke, now it’s light brown and down her back :)


Brooke is so adorable!! Ok you seriously made my day…. she sleeps from 8:30 pm to 5:30am??? When did she start sleeping through the night? My 1 month old is still getting up every 2-3 hours at night and I’m really wondering when things will get better. ;) I go back to work in less than 2 weeks and am going to shrivel up and die if I have to go to work with 3 hrs sleep each night!


Carter is 8 years old and Maddie is 4 (will be 5 next month) and it is absolutely killing me!!!! They grow up way to fast….so don’t blink!


Yes, would love to know how BF is going!


DO the update post!! You seem like you are doing a great job as a first timer! I am expecting my first in feb and I love to read what has helped others out. I’m sure its tough at times, but its seems like you really have the mom thing down,please share what has been helpful for you guys!! Brooke is so cute and looks like such a happy little girl!


Happy 3 Months to Brooke, such a sweet and happy baby! A breast feeding post wpuld be great I need all the advice I can get!


I’d love an update on breast feeding. How’s it going? How long do you plan on doing it, and how it effects running, etc? My little guy, Joey, is 6 weeks old. I hope to get the all clear to run at my check up tomorrow but wonder on comfortable it’ll be.


This post is SO SWEET! Goodness… she has such a nice smile like you guys :D
It’s good to see such a happy, smiley baby. It makes my day happy!
And you should totally do an update post about breastfeeding!


Happy three months Brooke! I love that last pic of her… She’s such a cutie!

Bring on the breast feeding post! I would be interested to hear about how you maintain a good milk supply even while running long (for me) distances each week. I was nervous to run too much while I was still breast feeding. I think it’s awesome you’re able to work out as much as you do and still feed your baby the best stuff around!


Happy birthday Brooke!!! I’d like to hear how the breastfeeding is going. I’ll have to go through that some day.


Yes to a BF post please! I’m getting my 6week checkup in three weeks and I don’t know how BF is gonna work when long runs are going to be added into the mix. Also what bra do u use for your runs? Just thinking about it makes me cringe :)

I have a 2.5 week old and a 2 and a half yr old.


I am SO interested in a breastfeeding update.. I’m due in January so there’s no such thing as TMI when I’m reading all about other new moms out there :)

I love your posts by the way – I look forward to reading about Brooke every day!


Brooke is really such a beauty – love that little smile! It sounds like you are loving every moment which is awesome…I’m sure you are sick of people saying it, but those baby days really go by in the blink of an eye. My girls are 8 1/2 and 6 1/2 and I can hardly believe some days that they are so big already! But, each stage of childhood is simply amazing and as bittersweet as it is to flip through baby photos of my girls, I still wouldn’t change a thing…I love them at the ages they are! They keep me laughing all the time and they amaze me with the wonderful little people that they are becoming :) Motherhood is just the best, isn’t it?!


I’m so happy for you, she is so cute! When I had my first baby via c-section she came out crying. I couldn’t see her because of the curtain in front of my face. I said her name and she immediately stopped crying, the nurse brought her close to my face and she just sat and stared at me. Holy cow, I’m getting all teary eyed typing this. It’s funny how from the moment they are born they know your voice. Enjoy every second of that little cutie, time goes so fast!!!


Please post! I am always interested to hear about other moms. My son is 5 months :) Being a mom is the greatest. Brooke is adorable!!!


I’d love an update on BFing…how it’s going with all your running, and how you work out pumping and bottle feeding. I notice you have bottles in quite a few pictures, and I’d love to build up a supply of milk in bottles to have on hand, but am not sure how to manage both the pumping and the feeding schedules.


aw, such a sweet baby girl. Reminds me so much of when mine were babies… tears, tears, tears. You cry way more after having children! I believe the singing thing – it’s amazing how important music is.

2 daughters, 15 (what?) and 12 and one son who will be 10 on Thanksgiving. I can’t believe they will all be double digits!?

She is precious, and I hope you have lots more !


She’s making me broody!!!! A post on BF would be ace – all the information us runners can get is great. This post was such a good mood-lifter :)


Brooke gets cuter every day! :) I would love a BF post. I am 13 weeks pregnant now and would love any information I can get!


Happy 3 Months!! What a precious little baby, and I’m so glad you are just on cloud 9 with it all. You’re a great mommy!!


I want to hear about breastfeeding haha. My baby is exactly a month younger than brooke so i like hearing how things are going to be in a month. Also, I am curious about what you ended up doing for sleep training. She sounds like a champion sleeper! But I hope everything is going great for you! We miss seeing you and Billy!


Happy 3 months Brooke!


My baby is 5 months old today. Maybe our little girls will be future blogger, long distance running friends. lol

And definitely post about BFing. I am curious on how it’s going. I produce like a dairy cow!!!


Janae, there is no such thing as TMI when it comes to blogs. :) Plus, we all need to know this stuff for future reference.

Brooke is so incredibly gorgeous!! I want to squeeze those little cheeks. You’re making my ovaries ache.


Happy 3 months, gorgeous baby Brooke!!!!! And I agree with Kate – no such thing as TMI! We’re all best friends, right?! haha


My little baby boy is also 3 months old and it’s incredible how much they change in those 3 short months! I am just getting back into running again and you have been so inspiring. Breastfeeding is never tmi among girls. I think it is helpful to share experiences because it is not an easy thing some days! Take care. :)


Okay, you’re going to think I’m psycho but I was just wondering the other day if you were still breastfeeding. I’m considering getting pregnant with my 3rd and I loved nursing my first but wasn’t crazy about it with my second. I want to nurse the 3rd to save money and because I know that it’s so good for them but with my running I lose my milk fast. Anyway, that was long, sorry. I was just wondering if the running had affected your milk supply at all? I guess I would say I would be interested in a BF update.


Happy 3 months Brooke! You are too cute!!

I would be very interested in a breastfeeding post. I am pregnant with our first and due next month, and am already concerned about it. :)


would love to hear about breastfeeding! my baby girl is due in 3 short months :)


Happy 3 months!!! That bottom picture is precious, she’s just adorable! My girls are 12 and 10. My 12 year old shares Brooke’s birthday! You and Billy are naturals. Yes to a post about how bf is going, it may encourage other new moms to keep at it!


Happy 3 months to Brooke!!! She is the cutest baby ever. You guys are such an adorable little family!


Happy 3 months Brooke! She gets cuter and cuter every day!


Yes, for sure on another breastfeeding post! I’d love to hear how it’s going with all the running you’ve been doing. Congrats to you & Billy for making it to 3 months with your sanity in tact :)


Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for about 2 years now and I think you are awesome! I started running in March of 2010 and it helped me to lose 100 lbs! I started reading blogs by other runners for inspiration and yours has been my favorite! You are just so super sweet and positive! It’s inspiring. So thank you! I had my first daughter this past September. She’s 4 weeks younger than your sweet baby girl. So it’s been fun to read about your experiences just ahead of my own. I was so inspired that you continued to run during pregnancy. I was wrongly told that it wasn’t a good idea by my first ob/gyn and because of that I didn’t maintain my fitness and running as I should have. I’m looking forward to getting back into it. I’d love to hear about your experience breastfeeding because I am too and have gotten a lot of negative responses to starting back up running while breastfeeding. My friends claim it hinders supply and even told me not to do Jillian’s 30 day shred. Has exercised caused you supply problems? And if you don’t mind me asking how do you find time to exercise? Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are a great role model!


Happy 3 months to Brooke! She is the cutest baby I’ve ever seen! You, Brooke and Billy make the cutest little family. And I can’t believe how much hair she has! Apparently it took me two years to grow hair!


Yes yes yes to the breastfeeding post!
I cannot BELIEVE it has been three months. It seems like one, and I read your blog several times a week! I am 32 weeks and 1 day and hope he comes 2-3 weeks early because you make it all seem to fun and exciting :)
I found the Women’s Running Magazine with the article about you (thought I had recycled it but it was in one of my many travel bags). Email me your address if you would like me to mail it to you – you are famous!


Happy 3 months to Brooke! <3


HAPPY 3 months Miss Brooke! I’m sorry that I’m so late. Love you! <3


I hope BF is going well, if you have things you want to share, you should.

Mine is 5.5 his half birthday was last Sunday.


Happy belated 3 months to Brooke!!


She is way, way too cute!!

And yes, I’d be interested in a breastfeeding update. :)

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