The latest I have stayed up in months.

There is just something magical about serving your meal buffet style.  You get so excited going down the line of food and seeing what is next to add to your plate.  Don’t even try to tell me that this stuff doesn’t make you extra happy. 

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I saw Billy add the mexican rice to the inside of his fajita so I copied him.  Is that normal to add rice to a fajita?  I was thinking it was a side thing but it definitely worked.  Once I realized that was not enough guacamole I went back for more, I was actually quite disappointed in myself. 

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After dinner I had a girls night on the schedule so Brilly was left to party on their own.  Brooke looks a little unsure about me leaving at 8:30 pm.  I am sure they both cried themselves to sleep because they missed me so much.

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(I know you are all thinking it… Billy’s haircut does look really awesome and professional and yes, I am the one that cut it.  Bet you didn’t know about that hidden talent of mine, I am really good at buzzing people’s hair off)

Going out for dessert is on my top 10 list of favorite things to do.  Billy and I had actually walked by this crepe place last week and I drooled over the dessert crepes so I was more than looking forward to getting my hands on a S’mores crepe.  

Photo 1

Just take a moment to take in the beauty of what is on the plate below.  Do not rush through this photo.  

Photo 2

Now take a look at the beautiful roasted marshmallow.  There were a few marshmallows on top and inside the crepe also.  Wow, I have really been digging marshmallows lately.

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These two gorgeous girls ordered the Willow Glen crepes and loved them.

Photo 3

And this gorgeous friend of mine had the Tri-Berry crepe. 

Photo 4

We stayed until the place closed and since we had no where else to go to continue our deep conversations we went and sat in my bangs friend’s car until MIDNIGHT.  I haven’t seen the numbers 12 a.m. on a clock since last February when I stayed up the night before my birthday so that I could be the first person to tell myself happy birthday.  


Every been to a crepe restaurant?  Favorite crepe toppings and fillings?  Do you go more towards the fruity or chocolatey crepes?

Have you ever cut anyone’s hair before?  Any hair stylists reading?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

If you HAD to choose between GUAC and SALSA (you can only choose one) to put on your taco/fajita, which one would you choose?

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Those look monstrously delicious! I’ve been to a crepe restaurant for breakfast (but they served everything all day) and one friend got a dessert crepe for breakfast. We went back the next day. It was so amazing! I buzz my husbands hair….although he says I take to long so he usually does as much as he can on his own and I finish it. Definitely salsa, I like guac but I like salsa more. Looking forward to sleeping in, going to yoga, and visiting a friend in Boston and of course running!


I used to work at a French Canadian restaurant that made MASSIVE crepes bursting with either custard and fruit or nutella and banana. They were fabulous, but OHMYGOODNESS this is definitely one of those times that I’m wishing they’d invented technology that would let me reach into my screen and grab your dessert. I have a SERIOUS love of crepes. Definitely more than kind of jealous here …
Any filling is fabulous, but I’m a fan of raspberries and bananas with custard topped with English cream and real maple syrup. MMmmm. Craving ignited — crepes might just be the best part of my weekend this weekend. Thanks!! ;)


Juliette & Chocolat? They do my fav crepe! A huge mountain of fruits and chocolate sauce. You can’t even close the crepe!


Oh wow the s’more crepe looks like heaven…best of both worlds :)! Although my favorite kinda crepe definitely involves Nutella! As for the savory question, I’m going to have to say salsa…and this is coming from someone who loves guac!


The best crepe I’ve ever had was from a crepe stand in Paris! Strawberry and Nutella….mmmmm. Something about eating a crepe with the Eiffel Tower in the background makes it a little better too. :)


I have never had a crepe that I can think of…I need to change that!!

Im a salsa girl since im weird and dont like avacado :(

Im looking forward to a date night at the Melting Pot with my Hubby tomorrow night…its the last date we will be having before we become a family of 3!!! Just a couple of weeks until we meet our little baby girl!!

P.S. LOVE your blog and thanks to your running posts I will be working towards my 1st 1/2 marathon next year! :)


Sounds like a fun evening Janae! Hopefully Brooke will let you sleep in a bit today. Those crepes look amazing! I have never had a crepe before, but I have a feeling I would go for fruit filling.

Happy Friday! I am looking forward to celebrating my moms b-day w/my family:-) And a good long nap.


The only time I remember having crepes was on a cruise. They had a crepe buffet at midnight and I remember my dad letting me stay up to go to this. It was everything and more!


Oh my gosh that crepe looks amazing!! I definitely go for the fruity/sweet crepes because I have a massive sweet tooth. Also.. guac all the way! I’m not too good with spicy foods, and I find even mild salsa too spice. Lame! But guac is amazing.


I’ve always wanted to try out one of those crepe restaurants! All of your ladies’ options sound amazing! A girls’ night out is a MUST every so often… Glad you gals had fun!

I cut my husband’s hair too, or shall I say buzz it? The last time he paid for a haircut was before our wedding which was over two years ago. What can I say, I’m quite the pro hairstylist. ;)


I get a savory lunch crepe every thursday because it’s my long day at school and they have the BEST gluten free crepes at a place near school! And what is that crazy girl doing NOT getting a s’mores crepe!? Haha that looked SO GOOD!


I tried to cut my husband’s hair…now he just does it himself because it turns out better! I have had crepes but they were breakfast crepes. Didn’t even know dessert was an option for them!!! Have a great weekend :)


I am googling crepe places nearby because I need one ASAP! Those look so yummy! I will be having a chocolate kind.

I don’t cut hair. Too scared of messing it up. But I do highlight my daughter’s hair and color mine with professional products. I worked in and managed a salon for years.

This weekend is a busy one! But the best part is my friend from CO just arrived last night and will be here until Monday.



My friend and I are planning on having a Modern Family night. SO. FREAKING. EXCITED.


When I was 16 in France I did! My favorite is Nutella and banana :) Chocolate for sure!
I have trimmed my husband`s side burns but that is as far as I go. haha
Not too much planned besides a couple surprise birthday parties.
Guac hands down, no question asked…


those crepes look unreal!


Those crepes look so good. I’ve only had crepes once. I need to get some more asap!

This weekend is my cousins baby shower and my sister is laws birthday. It’s going to be a busy weekend!

Have a great weekend!


Those crepes look amazing! I use to cut my own hair when it was a little longer. I’m special.


I’ve never had creeps before but I’m thinking I need to try them now! Especially one with marshmallows which are my favorite sweet thing in the whole wide world basically. Nice job on Billy’s haircut- looks like it was done by a professional!


Always love reading about your balanced life as woman, mother, wife, runner, friend………and the list goes on. You are amazing girl!

Reply I would answer some of your questions, but I’m too distracted by that amazing looking crepe. And perfectly broiled marshmallows? Swoon. I love crepes, but I can’t say that I’ve ever had one that exquisite. Most of mine have leaned towards fruity, but I think I’m going to have to add “eat a chocolately marshmallow crepe” to my bucket list. And asking me to choose between guac and salsa is like asking me to choose between my right and left arm – no fair! If I HAD to, though, I’d probably go with salsa… I just love the taste.


As a fellow wife hair cutter, I am always amazed he lets me near his hair with a razor and scissors. Brave man. Or maybe just cheap! A question: what level guard did you use on Billy’s hair?


Oh and I meant, my hubby is cheap, not Billy. Didn’t know if that read right. :)


I discovered Crepes on my trip to New York City last spring and was instantly addicted to the banana and Nutella one. I learned to make them at home because we don’t have any good Crepe places here in central Illinois.

Oh and I have been cutting my husband’s hair for years. He got tired of paying for hair cuts and decided he trusted me enough to do it. I have to say I have gotten better over the years.

And definitely Guacamole!


I love sweet crepes! There’s a crepe stand at our local farmer’s market and we always get one with nutella and bananas! It never looks quite as decadent as yours, but they taste so good.

Don’t worry, putting rice into your fajitas is not weird at all. Here in TX it’s totally the norm. And I would choose salsa for my fajita, but only if it doesn’t have any big tomato chunks in it. Ha, I’m very weird about my salsas!


I hope Brilly survived…and that you survive today. You might need a nap.

That crepe looks AMAZING! Seriously. I want that in my mouth. NOW. Posting a pic like that when it is not possible for me to be eating it as well, in the words of Stephanie Tanner, ‘how rude’ <– I am so cool. I am making a list of all the places I want to eat and all the food you will make me when I come and visit you one day :)

I cut Ross and Evan's hair. No way would I trust myself with girls hair.

Saturday evening is a Thanksgiving party with our friends that we call 'Gluttonfest'. Basically is it A LOT of food. All very 'naughty' food. (deep fried turkey, lots of desserts, all the yummy fattening sides, etc) and I am very excited. Plus we will be celebrating my niece and nephews birthday with family on Sunday…which is always a good time.

Guacamole. Easy. I am mildly allergic to avocados and I STILL eat them because I love them so much. They are definitely worth the scratchy lump in my throat.

Have a great weekend! Are you doing anything fun?


Hey there,

Nope, never been to a crepe restaurant. And, I have celiac disease, so probably never will, unless I find a place that makes GF crepes. I will jsut have to settle for Rice flour crepes at home! Fave toppings are strawberries and whipped cream. Also, I have this silly rule about not eating chocolate before 12pm, so i would not do a chocolate crepe before then….but, maybe for dessert!

I have cut my H and Hubby’s hair before. We have a clippers set here. It is seriously the easiest thing to do and takes five minutes. On occassion we will go to a cost cutters/great clips to get their haircut if we have a wedding or something coming up.

For this weekend, I work 12 hour nights all weekend…but, I have a photography workshop this evening before I go to work and I am hoping to take O for a run in the stroller for 8-16 miles so I am looking forward to that!

SALSA for my taco. Not a guac fan. Tried many different kinds and still just really do not love it.

What are you doing this weekend? Hope you have a good one!



YUM I am so jealous of your crepes. I would definitely choose guac over salsa, no contest!


Midnight? That’s the early show. We had girl’s night last night and I got home at the early hour of 3:15 AM. I’m going to be an awesome mom today, I bet ;). Crepes look amazing. Hope to see you in a couple of weeks! So glad you have such great friends out there already.


Those look amazing! I’ve actually never had a crepe. I can’t even tell you the last time I stayed up until midnight. I think I was out by 8:45 last night!


My mom used to love making crepes when I was a kid, but I hated the savory/creamy/chicken filling she put in them. I wanted to skip right to the jelly w/powdered sugar ones.

I’m the official house haircutter for our family: hubbins, 2 girls, 1 boy, myself.

I’m really looking forward to spectating a CrossFit competition of wounded veterans this weekend–so strong and inspirational.

Guac, hands down.

Have a great weekend!


YUMMYYY. No I haven’t been to a crepe restaurant, but I have gone to a crepe-making shop in SF. I got vanilla ice cream, nutella, and strawberries… and it came with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle. So delicious!


There is crepe place is Vegas that people like to eat at. I am not crazy about the crepe’s, but if I were, it would be the sweet ones.
You DO NOT want me anywhere near scissors and your hair.
I am most looking foward to: a 4-day weekend and volunteering at an aid station for a 50k race!
The Kidless Kronicles


aww I’m glad you got yourself some good-girlfriend time! Always needed :D

Crepes are soooo good. I always love it with nutella!


Of course I’ve had crepes but I have never been to (or even heard of) a restaurant that specializes in crepes. Sounds and looks pretty tasty though!

What I’m most looking forward to this weekend: sleeping in tomorrow morning. Yeahh.

I am complete and total salsa girl. Bring on the spicy.

And hooray for girl time! ♥


Definitely guac! And I cut everyone’s hair in my family. But I pay a professional for mine. Does that seem fair? They all get crappy haircuts, so I can get a pro one. :)


I’m not a huge crepes fan, but my husband is! He likes the strawberry ones!

I’ve trimmed a few friends’ hair before, but nothing major. :)

This weekend, I’m most looking forward to a girl’s movie night on Sunday!

I’d choose salsa! I love it so much, I could eat it plain!


O.M.G. that crepe looks INCREDIBLE!!!!! Toasted marshmallow?!??!! You cannot go wrong there! My favorite crepe is nutella and strawberries… or it WAS until I saw your S’mores one… Must try!! As for the guac vs. salsa debate, guac every. single. time. I can never get too much guac! And I cut my husband’s and my own hair all the time!! Never pay for a haircut here! :) I’ve cut friend’s hair in the past too. It’s fun! Happy weekend, Janae!



You party animal, midnight!! heh heh Girl nights out are so much fun, you never want them to end…especially with food like that! Yum!! I’ve never been to a crepe restaurant but my mom use to make them all the time growing up and we’d experiment with different fillings. I love ice cream and berries:)

They’re announcing freeeeeeezing weather here this weekend (-20) so spending Saturday afternoon working on the baby’s nursery:) Looks like I’ll be spending quality time with my treadmill till the cold snap passes.

SALSA all the way…i could drink the stuff heh heh.
Have a great Friday!

If you HAD to choose between GUAC and SALSA (you can only choose one) to put on your taco/fajita, which one would you choose?


Is that crepevine?! I used to go there every weekend for their savory crepes! You have to try the Tuscany. It has chicken and pesto and tons of cheese!


I went to Japan about 3 or 4 years ago and they had crepe stands all over the place. My brother and I ended up getting one at one point that (no joke) had a piece of cake and frosting in the middle! It was so sweet and really good, but I could see a lot of people thinking it as a ridiculous concept :)


The BEST crepes are at the US Open. I don’t know what it is about them, but they know how to do it right. I have been disappointed with any other sporting event that doesn’t offer crepes. I actually like them a little well-done and crispy. I may have to visit this crepe place when I visit my Mom next time.


I cut my husband’ss hair. It is pretty easy as long as I get the right number thingy on the razor. ;-) Not that the wrong one has gotten on the razor before =-)
I’ve never had a crepe before(sheltered yes)
I am salsa person hands down. I love guac, but salsa makes mexican food!


WHOA! That does look good!

I went to bed late last night too (1130pm)!! :( haha.

And I’ve had crepes on our honeymoon-there was a crepe bar right by the pool. Ate one almost every day!


I love how you’re so passionate about your food. I’m all about the chocolatey variety of crepe fillings, but a fruit and chocolate mixture isn’t so bad either.
And nice job on Billy’s hair! I love cutting hair way too much. I would cut my own hair in college because it was long enough to where no one would really notice if it wasn’t perfect. Now it’s short though so I’m a bit hesitant. I miss it.


Fajitas! Great idea :) Why are you asking such tough questions?! Lol! Guac or salsa? ;) I think… I’d have to go salsa. It just gives such a great kick!
Looking forward to my medium long run this weekend which will get me to my highest mileage week ever!


It would definitely be guac. I loooooove me some avocado and add lime and cilantro to the mix? Oh heck yes.

Never been to a crepe restaurant but now I absolutely must find one. Your s’mores crepe looks DIVINE!


Favorite crepe at a restaurant– the Tomato and Cheese crepe from Crepes Parisienne, a little place near the University of Pittsburgh. However, I am an expert at making them at home where I can top them and fill them with whatever my little heart desires! I love eating them plain and straight from the pan, too.
I definitely do cut my own hair, it’s not exactly straight, but I can’t stand the thought of paying someone else to do it. I have also cut my husband’s hair before with mixed results. And definitely Guacamole!!


Definitely guac! Can’t go wrong!


I’ve cut my husband’s hair for the last 5 years!!!

And yes, us Texans put the rice AND beans inside our fajitas so you can get all the good flavors in one bite. That’s why the tortillas need to be so big!


OMG I loovveee crepes. I ate at least 2 crepes a day while in Paris and every single one had chocolate lol I would choose guace 100% of the time. Nothing beats guacamole. I haven’t had a girls night in forever but I def need to call the girls and eat crepes this minute.


When Sophia was 3 I gave her an A-line stacked bob cut….it turned out SO cute. I impressed myself, however I did watch a tutorial on youtube first. Brooke is such a little love muffin…I want me one. :) Have a fab weekend, I’m running in my second half tomorrow…SOOO excited!


I used to cut my own hair all the time after getting a haircut because I always thought I could make it look even better….let me tell you, NEVER A GOOD IDEA. You did a great job on Billy’s! Even before you admitted to him gettinga cut, I thought “Billy got a haicut- looks good!” Also, those crepes look delicious – you need to go to Paris! :)


Looks like you had a great night!! The crepes look so good!


I’ve never been to a crepe restaurant, but I really want to! There is a place here in Charlotte called the Crepe Cellar and apparently it’s amazing. I need to go!

Ummmm definitely guac any day of the week. I think I have a true obsession with avocados…like it’s a little out of control haha!

We are going to a concert tonight and then hosting a cookout for our friends who all have November birthday’s tomorrow at our house! So I’m looking forward to that. Oh and a 7 mile run tomorrow morning :)


I love crepes and those look amazing! Holy moly! I had my husband trim my hair a few weeks ago and made a ridiculous video documenting the process (then blogged it). So silly. If I had to pick, I’d go with gauc!


Everytime I read your blog I want a baby. I know totally weird. Also, crepes are the my favorite thing ever. Send that place to Cleveland.


Chocolatey crepes FTW!! :) I like bananas, strawberries….and lots of chocolate sauce or nutella. OH! And it must be covered with a couple scoops of ice cream!! But HOLY SCHMOLY!! Your crepe looks incredible!!

I wish I could cut hair….my brother let his hair grow out while my sis-in-law (his wife) was pregnant. They just had their twins (!!!!) last week, and now I’m dying for him to cut his hair so he can go back to “normal David!”.

Hmmm….Salsa in tacos…..guacamole in fajitas. That’s my vote! ;)


My mouth is watering! Thanks! Time for the treadmill!


Those crepes look absolutely amazing!! I think I would have gone with s’mores too! Most looking forward to this weekend is getting my own hair cut and highlighted. I love both salsa and guac, but if it comes down to it guac wins out every time!!


I envy your ability to sleep at night! I struggle with insomnia…no bueno!

Those crepes look amazing!



I would choose guac!

Staying up late and eating delicious foods with friends is the best!!!

I do love crepes – I had one in Nashville that was a savory crepe with lemon, mint, and potatoes. It was delicious! I tend to go with the sweeter crepes though.


so I saw on your blog the other day you wanted to have a sweater with patches on the elbows and while browsing pinterest today I found this and thought of you! Totally cuter then Billy’s sweater


In high school I used to cut my own hair… that I think did favors for no one.

And Gauc all the way….

Reply I want that crepe NOW. It looks utterly amazing. I can’t even tell you the last time I had a crepe, but I’m all for the sweet ones.

My husband does the hair cutting around here, but I get mine cut at the salon. For the 1-2 haircuts I get a year, my husband is ok with it.

I think on a fajita, I’d go with the guac, since I season my meat. Actually that too sounds amazing right now.


It looks so yummy! I love doing things buffet style…but I always end up eating so much more than normal.


Neither guac NOR salsa. Yes I am weird ;)


I literally laughed out loud when I read that you stayed up past midnight so you could be the first to wish yourself happy birthday. I love it!


Oh wow do those look divine!! Yum! I agree–buffet style is best. We have pretty much every meal that way because we’re just THAT classy.


My best friend and I always end up in one of our cars chatting the night away whenever we’re at closes down. I love nights like that! P.S: that crepe made me drool.


Guac all the way! Salsa can not hold a candle the power of guac. I had it on my taco salad for lunch today and on my quesadilla for dinner. Hello Mexico!


That crepe looks breathtaking!! Was it from crepvine? I need to try it!


Yes it was!!! It was so incredible! You must go!


OMGosh! The best crepe ever is a weird one!! okay so take a crepe (if you can get savory, great!) and fill it with sharp cheddar cheese, sliced granny smith apples, and drizzle with honey!! It is TOO GOOD!! Trust me on this one!


That smores crepe is unreal! It looks amazing!
Definitely guacamole, I mean, salsa is good, but let’s be honest, guacamole is where it’s at!


I have a great crepe recipe. I like hosting crepe parties, where you stand in the kitchen making crepes while your friends fill them with what they want and eat them all. :)


LOL! You are finding more places than I have ever known living here. Adding this one to my list of places to go.

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