Sweat in my eyeballs, football, chili and cinnamon rolls.

I officially had a sweat in my eyeball run Saturday morning and it felt amazing (besides the burning sensation in my eye).

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I am back to loving the foam roller (when you are pregnant it is really awkward to try and use) and I have been making sure to use it for 10 minutes a day.  I will not get injured, I will not get injured, I will not get injured.  

We had a late start to our day and so I didn’t finish running until about noon and after my run we watched football (seriously, Billy owes me) and played with spiky.  

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Billy repaid me by making us Talapia salads.  The boy runs and makes me salads?  I guess I owe him a football game every now and then.  

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The three of us crashed hard, Billy and I actually feel asleep sitting up on the couch but then I laid down and took over the whole couch and forced him to stay sitting up.  I woke up with one thing on my mind:  leftover ice-cream dessert deliciousness with a side of nap hair.  I don’t know why I love eating right out of the pan so much more than dishing it out on a plate.

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You have to admit, fall foods are the best (okay, I say that about each and every upcoming seasonal food) and we went over to our friends house for dinner.   Chili, baked potatoes and cornbread.

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Randomly a friend that I went to school with in Hawaii showed up

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and a friend from Provo did too.  I didn’t know either of them lived here and so this was the best news ever.  I am positive that Billy and I were meant to move here.  

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We watched the BYU vs. Utah game (they are big rivals) and it didn’t end the way that Billy would have liked.  The boys just get a little into the game.  

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It’s okay though because we had these beauties to help us get over the loss.

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Do you get into sports games?

How often do you foam roll?  Do you think it helps you to prevent injuries?

Favorite fall themed food?

What are your Sunday morning plans?

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That football picture is hysterical! We have Church this morning then kids museum this afternoon while the Mr. watches football. I do not watch it with him. I’m the bad wife who thinks it’s so boring. :( Have a great Sunday Janae!


I still haven’t tried a foam roller yet – it is something I really want to try though.

I so love fall foods too. Soups!! I am so excited for soup!


Oh, those cinnamon rolls look tasty! Definitely a fall favorite, and hot chocolate!

My Sunday plans are to visit some Incan ruins! And fund some good Peruvian vegetarian cuisine!


Fall to me means crockpot meals. The crockpot is fantastically easy. It also means soup. Yummm.

I’ve never done the foam roller either. I haven’t really looked into what exactly it’s supposed to do. That’s fun that you have friends there you didn’t even know about!


Love my foam roller!
Chili by far is the best!
Funny story…I had a dream last night you came for dinner. I fed you Swedish fish and tacos.


I love fall foods! I think chili might be a favorite. I also love anything with pumpkin (duh … I am a blogger, so that should come as no surprise haha!). :)


I am a novice runner, so I really never used the foam roller… but, I look to you for running advice, so foam roller time starts now :)

Best fall/winter food is SOUP, yummy… I miss my NY Hale and Hearty soup, so every time I go to NY or my parents come up a few quarts of soup always come too :)


btw… I was laughing yesterday remembering my after hour parties with Olivia and how I am so happy to be done with it…. and last night she woke-up at 1:45am screaming because she had peed through her overnight diaper and got her pjs and bedding soaked, so I had to change her and the sheets and then she didn’t want to go back to bed! I gave her 15 minutes of holding time, but all she wanted to do was play with me, so I put on her sleep sheep and back to bed she went and a mini-3 minute fight from her followed, but mama won (probably the only battle I won because she is too darn cute!)


I don’t think I get into sports games quite as much as you guys do;-)

I foam roll once I start having pain–I think the trick is to start before the pain starts, ooops.

I love anything pumpking and apple. I made applesauce yesterday and it made the house smell soooo good!


I put cinnamon rolls in the oven and came to read your bold, so the whole cinnamon roll similarity is amusing.
We are going to digest, workout, go to church, grocery shop and nap (well me at least……chris does not find the same pleasure in napping I do, but he finds it in video games.)


I love to put either pumpkin or maple in everything once fall hits!


I made chili for the first time yesterday! And cornbread of course!

I have a foam roller, but need to use it more than I do!


I love chili and soup! So glad the weather is cooler now.

Sunday plans: church, nap, new resident evil movie, dinner at my parents! It’s gonna be a good day!

Oh and foam rolling is so beneficial for my IT band issues :).


Hey Janae! How muchdid you run and whats your training looking like for these first few weeks, just curious. As always, you’re adorable!


The picture with Billy and Brooke is SO cute! I love tiny baby feet!

I foam roll after every run so that I don’t get a repeat of IT band issues. No bueno.

I’m going to have to say, my favorite fall food is everything that is served at a Thanksgiving feast! Including the ridiculous portions!


I LOVE fall! It is my favorite time of the year and chili just goes perfectly with it! My husband is really into football and I enjoy the atmosphere – though for some reason can not remember all of the details from season to season and have to relearn it all. Ha.


I get really into the OKC Thunder games! They’re my favorite team :)


I love college football! My FSU Seminoles are looking great this year and beat Wake Forest 53-0 last night! Fall food really is the best. It’s still a lil warm here do I’m waiting to bust out the fall recipes til October so the mood is right :) my fav is butternut squash Mac and cheese. So creamy and delicious and (almost) guilt free!



Oh, how I love Fall. It’s my fav. And I think Seattle has the best Fall weather! Nothing is better than watching college football in the Fall! Yeah, I get a little excited when it comes to my two favorite things. : ) Let’s go Huskies!

So…foam rolling? What is it?? I know nothing about this? Please share…

Plans today are church then birthday dinner with friends.

BTW…got all the stuff to make the sweet potato/black bean burritos. Can’t wait to eat for dinner tomorrow night. Yay!


I love all of the fall-themed apple and pumpkin recipes. YUM.
I can get really into baseball games but football just isn’t as exciting to me.


Apple, Apples, and more Apples! Oh and throw some hard squash in there too!


I ran a half marathon today called the “Surftown” half marathon in Westerly Rhode Island! I got a PR of 1:55! I finally went under 2:00. I will be runnning a full marathon in Philly on November 18th! I thought about you today on my run! Thanks for all e inspiration (and laughs!).


That picture of the boys during the game is priceless. Such an intense game. Glad u guys are loving it out there. You look amazing. I’m pregnant again so I am going to be referring to your blog often when I don’t feel like getting off my butt. :) thanks for the inspiration girl. Spiky is the cutest little thing!!


I get really into NASCAR. Big time.

I like Pumpkin. Pumpkin EVERYTHING.


I actually like my stick better than the foam roll


I only have patience for 1/4-1/2 of a game whether football, baseball, or hockey so I don’t usually get into it. I’m not a big sports person. LOVE fall food – cider, chili, soup, apple crisp! I do not foam roll as I do not own one but I’d love to try it out. I try to stretch and do exercises to strength my hips and IT band but it doesn’t always happen.


I don’t foam roll, but I rolling pin roll!! (I find it hits the spots more directly … and I didn’t have to go out and buy a foam roller! haha)
The more the people around me are into the game, the more I’ll be into it (totally get sucked into the energy!)


Love that pic of the guys watching the game….hilarious! Favorite Fall food, anything pumpkin works for me. I could totally go for those cinnamon rolls, though…. yum!


We get really into our Steelers games here! Chili, apple cider, and everything pumpkin… All of which go really well with football!

I could never be a runner if it weren’t for foam rolling and my stick. My IT bands just don’t cooperate otherwise. It is also heavenly on the spine after a stressful day.


I rarely foam roll. I’ve never noticed a difference when I do and don’t do it, so I just save time and don’t.

Mike gets SO into sports games. He used to scare the crap out of Bungee when he’d shout about plays. He felt bad when she’d go hide in the corner, though, so he’s gotten better.


I get really into college football. Clemson is my team and I will forever love them! So far we are having another great season! I foam roll after long runs and I should do it for longer than 5 minutes, but it gets too painful. I need to do it again today, I ran 8 miles for the first time and I’m already getting sore in the quads!


oh that game was ROUGH. bad memory… i’m shunning it out of my mind.



Food always tastes better straight out of the carton!


I LOVE that football picture! haha that was totally me last night. I get super into the BYU VS UTAH game and that’s about it. I almost had a heart attack last night it was so intense!


After having so much trouble with my IT band a couple years ago, I foam roll like a CHAMP now. My hip flexors are giving me a fit now though, and I just can’t seem to get a deep enough roll on them to fully massage them. Any suggestions on that?


One of my facebook friends posted a question the other day…do you think it’s normal to have cinnamon rolls with chili? I couldn’t believe how many people thought it was weird–in Kansas, we always have chili with cinnamon rolls, but apparently people in other parts of the country are missing out on this incredible combination?


I do get into sports. But mostly baseball and hockey. I am not much of a football fan.
I foam roll maybe every other or third day. I do think it help.
Fall is any stew or anything with apples!
Sunday plans were to do nothing but we ended up at the doc in the box for pink eye (not me) and then Costco.

The Kidless Kronicles


Kimball told me the ending of that game was insane. It was on in the late evening here so I missed it. I happened to mention your ‘sweating out m eyeballs’ term in my post today. I seriously was last night! You really are so blessed to make new friends and find old friends at your new home…so awesome. My favorite fall food are soups and pumpkin anything. Those cinnamon rolls look amazing. xo, Jess


nope, not a sports person at all. and i love all things pumpkin this time of year! although, i would eat those cinnamon rolls in a heart beat!


I’m the same. I just cant do it. I’ll put the pillow under my head when lying down but when its time to alautcly sleep i gotta remove it or i wont fall asleep because my neck feels awkward. I never thought much of it. Its just how i feel comfortable.


I actually get REALLY REALLY into football games. I’d say I’m a fanatic for my school, but I can keep my own with the boys because I know a lot about football.

This past weekend Auburn (my Alma Mater) finally won…granted we were playing ULM, but they beat #8 Arkansas the week before so it ended up being a much closer game then we would have liked but we won so that was awesome!! I could finally breathe for once even though they kept me screaming the entire 4th quarter and into overtime! War Eagle :)


I love football and FALL foods woo!!


Seriously WHY are you so pretty! also you have like perfect skin!! and I love all your clothes. Did you even have to wear maternity pants?


I love fall foods! I have dubbed Sundays soup and homemade bread day in our house. :)

And I watch a lot of football!


Ha! “I will not get injured” is my mantra too! :-) I haven’t tried foam rolling, but I really want to.

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