6:30 this morning:  The loudest thunder I have ever heard in my life.  It was so loud that it set car alarms off.  I sure hope Billy doesn’t have too many bruises from me jumping on top of him freaking out that there was a bomb exploding.  It woke Brooke up but that was fun because that meant we had 30 extra minutes for the three of us to hang out in bed before Billy had to get up and leave.

I walked a few miles on the treadmill and then came back and did some Jillain 30-Day Shred (I took it easy).  I haven’t been able to find my copy of the DVD since the move but I found it on YouTube!

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PS Did you hear the amazing news?  Jillian is coming back to the Biggest Loser.  I got all emotional when I read it on Facebook (where I get all earth shattering news from).

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You better believe I liked the above post.  I even created a few more Facebook accounts so that I could like it a few times. 

Another trial when it comes to moving that is very hard to deal with is learning where everything is in the Target in your new city.  I had my entire Target back in Utah completely memorized, I knew where everything was.  I decided to face this challenge and overcome it and walk around for a while and I even found where the marshmallows are for my strawberry ice cream need.  

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Brooke loves sleeping with her tongue stuck out.  

For lunch a salad or sandwich was not going to cut it.  I needed dinner foods and so I grilled up some chicken, had a baked potato and corn on the cob.  


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Lunch was followed directly by 8 cookies worth of cookie dough.

Tonight we are going over to some friends for dinner and I am bringing cookies for dessert.  These cookies are my sister’s famous cookies.  Okay, she probably got them off the internet somewhere but we don’t remember where she got them but just trust me they are delicious.  The recipe is HERE (from a previous post).

The KEY (besides 3 lbs of butter and sugar) is that you HAVE to get the Ghirardelli chocolate chips, do not skip those because they are bigger and way more delicious than normal chocolate chips.  Added bonus is that you can put the leftover chocolate chips in your freezer to eat and I guarantee anytime you eat these frozen chocolate chips it will make your day infinitely better.  

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Is there anything better than cookies right out of the oven?  I think not.  

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I actually felt really bad eating one of these in front of Brooke.  I hope she isn’t too offended.


Are you going to be watching Biggest Loser this season?  Are you a fan of Jillian?

All time FAVORITE baked good?

What was the last cross-training that you did? How many times a week do you cross-train or do something other than running?

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Those cookies look delicious! I’ve never had the Ghiradelli chips!

My favorite baked good is probably chocolate chip cookies! Or 7 layer bars!

Last cross-training was Tuesday on the elliptical! I typically cross-train 3 days per week!

Have a great night!


We watch BL on Netflix so we’re always a little behind but I LOVE it and find it really emotional and inspirational, I cry every episode even though I know I’m being manipulated!!

I’m not fussy about my baked goods. I’ll eat anything baked.

My cross training is minimal. Like almost nonexistent, but I do cycle a bit with my toddler on the back and last night, the Husband and I played tennis on date night. Does that count?


Those cookies look delicious! So excited that Jillian is back! It’s bound to be an emotional season.


Words cannot describe my excitement that Jillian is returning to BL. It seriously made my Tuesday a happy day. My dream is to serve as a trainer with her on that show. She should seriously hold auditions!!


Im so happy Jillian michaels is back on the Biggest Loser!! It wasn’t the same without her!!


I am super duper excited Jillian is back. It hasnt been the same without her.

Baked goods wise I love cookies, pie, brownies (no frosting), and cheese cake….and s’more (you bake the marshmallow)


Oh, my goodness! What great news! I will definitely be watching season 14 of the Biggest Loser with Jillian back on :D
That corn looks amazing!


Your post just made me want a cookie, and now I’m hungry!


i LOVE the 30 day shred. i run 4 days/week, shred 2 days/week, and take 1 day of rest. i have several other jillian DVDs, but the 30 day shred is my fave :)

and i’m jealous of your corn on the cobb…. mmmmm i heart CORN!


Ive never watched BL but I do like the 30 day shred pretty well. Kills me every time. I love pies so much, I guess I could say it was my favorite baked good. But most pies must be piled with vanilla ice cream on top (apple pie, blackberry, peach, blueberry….all of those pies need ice cream to make the perfect dessert). =)

Janae, you look great! I haven’t commented in awhile but I just wanted you to know you’ve motivated me a lot! I wish I could exercise as much as you did during pregnancy. I can’t stop falling asleep all the time and snacking. =P


Are you going to be watching Biggest Loser this season? Are you a fan of Jillian?
Ahhh SUCH GREAT NEWS! I love Jillian!

All time FAVORITE baked good?
I love cookies too but muffins closely follow ;)

What was the last cross-training that you did? How many times a week do you cross-train or do something other than running?

I went swimming and elliptical today I tend to cross train 5 times or so a week. I enjoy swimming but not as much as I love running :) I will run a few miles for you tomo sweetie :D


BL wasn’t the same without Jillian, I’m glad she’s back.

I like baked goods too much…

And I rarely cross-train…it’s horrible. If I don’t run, I don’t do anything :S


Okay first off I buy 2-3 bags of chocolate chips every time I grocery shop and I rarely use them for baking–I just store them in the freezer and eat them!! YUM!

Also, I love Jillian, too. Have you ever listened to her podcast? It’s really good! I love listening to it on runs/walks.


I LOVE Jillian!! I can’t wait to watch the new season, I haven’t watched it in a while.

PUMPKIN bread!! I love anything pumpkin, but I really love muffins :)

I was doing strength training every other day during the summer, but I missed my running so I added it back in and downed how much strength training I was doing ( doing both=working out for 4 hours=not fun and very tired).

I love exploring new stores!! It’s always fun :)


Hey! Jillian and I had a date today too. Good times. Good times.

I was kind of upset because after last season, I finally swore to my husband that I was not going to watch The Biggest Loser anymore. Then Jillian announced on Twitter that she had announcing she was making the next morning on the Today Show at 8. Ross mocked me when he came downstairs at 8 and I was watching the Today Show while eating breakfast. Oh man. I love her. It just wasn’t the same without Bob and Jillian together. Bob NEEDS Jillian.

Those cookies look so good. When I made cookies last week I had 1/2 a bag of chocolate chips left over. I ended up eating the entire said leftover bag. I have problems with self control.

The picture of all the marshmallows makes me want a rice krispy treat…and I have all the ingredients in my pantry….please see the last sentence of the above paragraph…

Your posts should ALWAYS include at least one picture of Brooke cause I can’t get enough of her cuteness!


I am so happy to hear she is back! I had no idea but am glad to have you keep me in the know about things like this :) Maybe I will start watching it again.

I love cross training! I don’t strength train enough but I try to squeeze it in at least twice a week, it is hard when you are training for a marathon but I guess you’ve just gotta make it work :-)


Yum! Those cookies look amazing! I had no idea about the Ghiradelli chips – good to know! I think my favorite baked good are homemade brownies, but let’s be honest, pretty much any baked good makes me a happy camper.


First time commenter… long time reader.

K, so I read your question wrong. I thought it said are you watching Biggest Loser tonight…. and are you a fan of Jillian. I quickly text my sister who is a BL fan just like myself. I made a fool of myself and said, “Are you going to watch BL tonight and guess what Jillian is returning!!” My sister set me straight and told me the season wouldn’t start until January. I had a brief moment of bliss because, yes indeed I am a BL loser fan. I am happy to hear of Jillian’s return. The show was weird without her.

Side note, two of my friends and I are doing the Couch to 5K training. I know small stuff… but everyone has to start somewhere. Thanks for the inspiration.


Those look so good. I am a big fan of chocolate chip cookies :)

I crosstrain more than I run …4-5 times a week. Today was an hour on the elliptical. I got to read People magazine …so fun!


Biggest Loser isn’t my FAVORITE show, but it’s definitely one that I enjoy watching. And I always liked it more when Jillian was on … Jillian and Bob were the best!


I’ve been biking to and from work daily to cross train, and I hit the weights 2-3 times a week.
I only started watching The Biggest Loser post-Jillian — but I’m definitely a fan of hers, so I’m really excited/curious to see what it’s like with her. And I really think she’ll succeed working with teens (UNLESS there’s a moody girl who is stubborn/jealous — in that case, I think there will be fireworks and conflict).
Cupcakes are my all times most fabulously favourite food. Hands down, no question. I could go for one right now actually … hm. Gotta get on that! :)


We love anything cookie. Last night we got out all the ingredients to make no-bake cookies and then realized that we didn’t have any butter in the fridge. No cookies for us. Saddest night ever.


Just so you know… eating those Ghiradelli milk chocolate chips with the Ocean Spray No Sugar added Cranberry Juice is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!! Whenever I’m in Cali visiting my family, my dad and I always have it as a snack.


OMG LOVE Jillian!!! Definitely going to be watching this year! I’m so excited she’s back! I just did the 30 day shred last night! :) It’s such a good workout!


I love Jillian :) I have her 30 day shred and her 6 week six pack, oh ya LOL! Right now for cross training I am doing a Beachbody program called Chalean and it is amazing! I am almost at my 60 day mark and while I can see some serious changes in my body what I am most excited about is that its helping my running and endurance SO MUCH! I love the cross training but running is where my heart is and I love that its making it that much better.

I love all baked goods. I am not biased :)


Chocolate chip cookies are, hands down, the best baked treat ever, especially straight out of the oven with some cold milk. That pretty much sums up the best memories of my childhood :D I especially love it when you just have to form the cookies into little balls before you put them in the oven and then they melt into the perfect cookie shape.

And I hate it when I’m in a new grocery store and have no idea where things are. It takes me like 3 times as long to get out of there, and I always end up forgetting something…


I am so excited that Jillian is back! Wasn’t the same without her!



OH MY GOSH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy that Jillian is going back on BL AND that they are working with teens!!! DOUBLE WHAMMY!


The best baked goods are at their prime before hitting the oven :)


I love Jillian and was super excited when I heard she was coming back!!!!


I really like Jillian Michaels and I’m definitely going to watch BL in January! Her podcasts are great too–I listen to them when I run.

Favorite baked good? That’s nearly impossible to choose…I really never say no to a homemade cookie though!


I’m SOOOO happy Jillian is back…I will finally watch it again :) I missed having her on there, it was just never the same.
Aww, little Brooke with her tongue out…that’s how I feel about grocer shopping too- lol!


I’ve never even seen an episode of BL…. How does that even happen??

And I tried crossfit for a few months, but it was making my runs miserable bc I was so sore and exhausted after those workouts. And my thighs getting too muscular to fit in my pants was the end of that little fitness venture :)


Hahaha, I actually liked Jillian’s post on Facebook too!! I love watching that show.

I can never wait for baked goods to “cool” before digging in. Psh, who does that anyways…


So happy to hear Jillian will be back! I thought last season was slackin a little bit, so I’m happy to see and hear her screaming self again! I also love it’s a teen season…. They’re always the best transformations.


I am glad that Jillian is coming back! I am glad there has been a little break between seasons of Biggest Loser this time. I was getting a bit burnt out but I am ready to watch now! My sister and I watch it “together” and text throughout the whole thing since we don’t live in the same state.

I really want some of those cookies. It is dangerous for me to bake because I will eat all of it. I love to cook and bake though!


All time favorite baked good is a cinnamon bun with cream cheese icing. The gooeyier (is that a word?) the better!!!

I am planning on watching TBL! I stopped after Jillian left and then decided I missed it so was going to start watching it again this season. Finding out Jillian is back on is just an added bonus.

I love crosstraining! Before I got pregnant I would do yoga twice a week and weights twice a week. It definitely helped make me a better runner and fixed my IT band and hip flexor issues.


Ohh, I really like Jillian so I am excited about that news!
I try to swim 2x a week for cross training, 2km each time. I actually swam today after work! I am also the captain of my all girls football team in graduate school, we play flag football at the University of Texas and we are all PhD students. Our first game is in a little over a week, so I had two flag football practices this week as well! That is a lot of cross training for me! I am the quarterback, so my arm is often sore after practice.


I am so happy she is back


Your working out post-Brooke is impressive!
Can you believe I’ve never watched even one episode of The Biggest Loser?!
My fave baked good is Oh She Glows spiced pumpkin gingerbread…so good and perfect for fall!
It’s almost been two weeks since my ironman, so I’m going to try nd incorporate yoga and various strength workouts into my recovery time. I do miss running and biking though!


SO happy to hear that Jillian is coming back, I adore her AND the show, and it will be 100x better now tha tshe’s back! I can’t wait for the new season!!


Jillian MADE BL! SO glad she is back!


My favorite baked good is whatever I’m in the mood for. Soft brownies that aren’t too chocolate-y are the best!


I love watching Biggest Loser and will watch it when I can. I think it’s awesome they are going to address teen weight loss and it will be interesting how they do it and still stay sensitive to the kids tender ego’s. Maybe it will be an example to other teens. I know I raised one child that has struggled with his weight. His dad (x-husband) was always trying to get him to go on a diet with him (fat dad). I was very careful to make sure he had lots of great choices of foods to eat and encouraged lots of activity, but never used the word diet. He is still a pretty big kid, but not necessarily obese. He knows how to stay active and fit, and eats pretty healthy.
Not the biggest fan of Jillian. Since she left the show last year it’s been nice to have a break from each other (teehee) and I enjoy doing her Yoga videos on my off day.
I try to exercise everyday but I only run 3-4 times a week.

I love baked goods. All of them.


I have a pretty good chocolate chip cookie recipe (couldn’t check out your sisters) and I use Ghirardelli!

Cross-training, full body strength training workout today. I try for twice a week….weights and volleyball

undecided about Julian and BL


i have one of her DVDs-will have to look it out of a box-i have been running again-but nee to do more workouts like this-especially for my core and arms.not today though-a 7.5km run at 5.30am (in high temperatures in kuwait) is my fix for the day. cookies are next on the list


I am so happy that Jillian is back! I am always looking forward to the new season as it is tackling childhood obesity and there will be no weigh-ins. It is just focusing on health – the way it should be!


I love that you have been in CA for like 6 days and already have a million friends. ;)

come back to UT and I will take you to Cafe Rio for a whole week! 2 weeks! just come back and visit. (and let me snuggle with Brooke!)


So excited for Jillian! I can’t wait for the new season! I actually posted about it on my blog the other day. Funny!


I once was a BL watcher…then got bored with it. This season soounds interesting though, with teens. What a great time for them to get into good life habits!

CT 1 day a week minimum. Usually P90X core. Sometimes I ride a bike to mix it up, especially when the weather is nice.


I am so going to make those cookies tonight!! :) When I read that she was coming back I was so excited and then I read that it was going to be for teens….even more excited!


I love chocolate chip cookies so much. I had never made them for Mike until we’d been married for about a year and he was almost mad that I’d never made them before they were that good.

I’ve never actually seen Biggest Loser!


Love Jillian! Guess this means I have to go back to watching BL. :) I hated season 13? 12? i know it’s about the biggest percentage of weight loss, but some of the characters of these people on the show just irked me the wrong way so i stopped watching.

i haven’t had a chocolate chip cookie in a loooooooooooooong time. this must be remedied.

i also need to get back to my training schedule!!! aaaah!


The cookies look delicious! I’m a big fan of Ghiradelli and Scharffen Berger chunks myself!


Must make those cookies now. . . brb. ;)


Those cookies look incredible!


i was so sad when jullian left. Cant wait to see her back!


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