Let’s Talk About Treadmills

I opened up instagram on Friday and found the best one that I have ever seen.

Saturday morning I hit up the treadmill as usual.

Treadmill phone reenactment:

As I was peacefully running along listening to Coolio’s Gangsta Paradise my hand grabbed the headphone cord on accident.

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iPhone goes flying onto the treadmill belt:

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Treadmill belt flung iPhone off and it hit into the back wall and then landed on the ground with a loud thud.

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I don’t know what it is about phones but I just can’t keep them safe.

Did I tell you that Brooke has a twin?  Her name is Brooklyn and she is 18 days older than my Brooke.  Her mom is pretty dang awesome and so we are having a good time together.

I am thrilled that my obsession with vegetables is back and that zucchini tasted like heaven.

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Now I am staring at these babies and about to tear into them.

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PS I did a post HERE all about my Treadmill Tips


On a scale from 1-10 (you can also use negative numbers if you would like) how much do you like the treadmill?

-I love running outside much more than on the treadmill but I actually really love the treadmill.  I give it a 9.

What do you like about the treadmill?  What do you hate about the treadmill?

Ever had any treadmill accidents?  Are you a phone dropper?


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I love the mill too…prolly an 8. I do a lot of my speed work on it and I like to zone out and it’s great when the weather is bad. My iPhone has been thru the toilet…literally, lol..and I cracked it really bad on the front and back but luckily the 5 will be in my hands so very soon! Glad your marriage survived the incident lol! And it’s great Brooke has a playmate! :)


I used to be deathly afraid of treadmills because I was convinced I would fly off like on the Biggest Loser. Now I give the treadmill a 7, I would much rather run outside!


I actually enjoy the treadmill, especially when it’s super hot outside. However, if the weather is perfect I would rather be outside. Been there done that with the phone. Luckily, nothing has ever broke….knock on wood!


I love the treadmill and people look at me like I’m crazy when I say how much I love it! I really think running on a treadmill is fun because you can mix up your workout and make it as easy or hard as you want. I got through spurts, some weeks I love doing my runs on the treadmill and other days I’m dying to be outside. I guess as long as your running it’s a good day. :)


I don’t mind the treadmill, it’s just caused most of my injuries so I stay away. I just can’t run like a normal person on it LOL.

I can’t keep iphones safe either. Actually, my dog hopped on the counter last month and bit into my phone (shattering it) like it was a chew toy. I can’t keep phones safe either.


I prefer running outside, but I don’t mind the treadmill. It definitely is a lifesaver when the weather is bad or when you need to be home for the kiddos, so I would rate it a 7. Btw, what kind of treadmill is yours? Mine is so old, I really need to think about replacing it at some point :)


Hey Laura!!! It is a Nordictrack c900 and it is amazing! Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks, Janae!


I thought you couldn’t get Smarties in the US.I thought it was an Canadian thing only! I am Canadian and think they are great!!!


Hey Sarah! A friend from Canada sent them to me, they are delicious!


I’m with Laura…I’m in the market for a good treadmill! One that I can do sprints on. Do you have any good suggestions?


I absolutely love my treadmill! It is the Nordictrack C900 and it is incredible. It is PERFECT for sprints. Seriously, we haven’t had any problems with it and we have put a ton of miles on it!


You sweet thing! Thanks for answering so quick! I read every single thing you post! You are delightful! Ta!


I love how this post was so fundamentally YOU!!!! Back to running, klutzy yet hilarious antics, beauty photo with your adorable daughter, her cute twin, and gorgeous friend, love for Billy, and the candy. This post warmed my heart!! :)
Oh! And I’ll use the treadmill if I have to, but I’d rather be outside. I’d give it between a 4.5 and 5.5 depending on my mood.


No joke, I do that ALL the time with my phone! I also accidentally pull the emergency plug A LOT. It’s so awkward because it comes to a complete stop and I don’t expect it. Ha ha. Brooke and Brooklyn – too cute!!!


I have fallen while running on the treadmill. At the gym. With what felt like a million people watching. It was so humiliating and hurt really bad (treadmill burn on your knees is not fun), but I couldn’t just leave after that so what did I do? I did 15 minutes on the elliptical before finally leaving because my knees were killing me.

Now I always make sure my shoes are tied VERY well. :)


I’ve actually only ran on a treadmill a handful of times- it used to scare me! Haha, I know, it’s crazy, but I’m also accident-prone, and always had this irrational fear of the treadmill getting out of control, and my flying off of it? I don’t know. I do prefer running outside, but I haven’t used a treadmill enough to really say that with certainty. Also, I loved that re-enactment. And that you were listening to Coolio. I know every word to Gangsta’s Paradise by heart.


yea, smarties! enjoy!! :D
treadmills: i go thru phases, so anywhere from 9 down to 2. like: totally get in a zone and rhythm and can just gogogo and i can watch foodnetwork. dislike: i stare at the numbers too much, i feel dizzy for 3 seconds when i get off at the end.
back in the day of the walkman, mine flew off my hand one time and hit the wall behind the treadmill. with great trepidation, i picked it up…it was still playing!
have a great eve, janae!


I haven’t run on a treadmill since I cancelled my gym membership back in Februrary. I do miss being able to zone out and listen to music while running though. I don’t run with music outside because I am afraid of the bad guys that might try and sneak up behind me if I’m not paying attention. I’m super paranoid about that! I might sign up again at the gym though. Winter may not be as nice to me this year as it was last year so I’d like a backup plan.


I love the treadmill for everything but long runs. I don’t have to worry about weather, how to dress, if it’s dark out, if I have enough water, safety, or where the nearest toilet is! I also don’t run outside with music, so it’s nice to have that on the TM too.


I love my treadmill because it is what allows me to get 90% of my mileage done. With three kids (two of them toddlers) and a husband that leaves for work at 5:30, the treadmill is my go-to option for getting in early morning workouts.

In order to combat the boredom of the treadmill, we bought nice flat screen TV at Costco and mounted it directly in front of the treadmill. We also bought wireless headphones so I can hear the sound perfectly without having to blast the volume. I am able to get Netflix on the TV and have watched entire seasons of shows during various training cycles. While I would still much rather be running outside, I don’t know what I would do without my beloved treadmill!!


you are one lucky girl to love the treadmill that much! i’m at about a 4. on a good day. i have had that exact phone incident happy to me many a times. it’s extra awesome when it happens at the gym while you have runners on both sides of you…


I actually really love the treadmill too…dare I say even more than outside running? I love the controlled environment, selecting a pace and just being able to completely zone out…or really push myself for sprints. My gym has a Woodway (I think??) treadmill that is very easy on my knees too, which is important.

Oh my goodness. Two precious babies in one photo? Can’t take it.


I’d give tredmills a -11 .
My first experience with a tredmill was @ a Holiday Inn Express. Zack was working 2 hrs away from home for like 9mos and one week I got the brillant idea to stay out where he was working instead of having him travel back-n-forth after a 12 hr day.. so I surprised him around lunchtime & popped up at the job site and told him that I booked a hotel room. While he finished out the workday; I went window shopping and then returned to hotel because I was itching for a RUN.
I was unsure of the area so I opted for the fitness room–which all of my runs up to that point had been outdoors.. mind you at this time I had only been “jogging” for about 4 months.
I hopped on the tredmill and just choose “quick start” (i head no IDEA what I was doing)! I ran at a steady pace for a little while and got REALLY bored and claustrophic so I decided to hop off. I hit “end program” and it came to a scretching halt and I went flying backwards and knocked the back of my head on the concrete wall. I shook it off and got on the bike for a few minutes, went back to the room and showered. THIS IS WHERE I BLACKED OUT. Not really sure what happened but when Zack got back to the hotel, I wouldn’t let him in the room- I didnt recognize him at all and had no idea where I was. Eventually he called my mom and I somehow recognized her voice and she convinced me that Zack was who he said he was and to let him take me to the nearest hospital.

and my iphone now take about 103 screen shots of itself a day since the VA Beach RnR Half.. think the sweat & humidity got to it! & Once it took a 43mile joy ride on the roof of my FILs work truck and made it thru ALIVE!

Brooke & Brooklyn are tre adorable!


LOL I love the reenactment of your accident.


Whoa, Brooke and Brooklyn do look similar!

I have a rubber pad and then a plastic cover on my iphone because that is pretty much what happens to me everyday and not just on the treadmill.


I love the treadmill for convenience and also for speed workouts. It’s nice knowing you are running at goal pace without having to constantly look at your watch. It’s also nice to roll out of bed and be able to hop on the treadmill regardless of time of day or temperature. I’d give it a 9 too!

I’m so glad you’re back running and feeling good already :)


OTTERBOX! Girl, you REALLY need one! I dropped my phone today, my heart didn’t even stop – I know it’s safe :D


Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a ratehr sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.


Your treadmill phone reenactment is crackin’ me up! You’re so funny:) I think that beside Brooke’s cousins being her BFF’s I think that Brooklyn is going to be Brooke’s BFF ~ can you imagine all the fun they will have being so so close in age, looking the same, just wanting to hang out together all the time:) So cool.


Oh yeah….just like some others have suggested get an Otterbox! It has saved my husband’s phone and my phone several times:)


I’ve only ran on a treadmill once. And although I was bored, I enjoyed it. I do wish I had one for those days when its raining or its too dark to get outside. I will hopefully be an owner one day.


I would give it a 9 as well. Chris used to joke that the only thing I would ever cheat on him with was the TM, because he could not grasp how i preferred to run on that thing.


Smarties in a box! how cool. I give the treadmill a 5 because I hate it but love it for sprint workouts.

Also, this is so so weird, I live in Boston and played soccer in college with the girl you have in this post! Did you meet through your blog? What a small world! I’m so glad you guys met she is a great girl!


Hey Melissa! That is so cool! It really is such a small world! We met through church!


Gahhh they were meant to be biffls for life!
I historically detest the treadmill, but when I move in a few weeks to a rather non-runner friendly town I’ll only get to run outside on the weekend!
Time to switch my thinking!


Haha, yeah I did the same thing with my iPOD except I was at the university gym and the treadmill was on the 2nd floor. My iPOD when flying off and almost hit a girl lifting weights down on the 1st floor. lol Considering how I was in the gym the entire summer because of an injury, I am not a fan of the treadmill. Plus I just moved up north from Texas and nothing is going to stop me from running outside- its so pretty!


I like the treadmill. I give it an 8.

I like the treadmill for when it’s super hot, like now. It’s been 100 degrees here, and even at night or in the early morning it hasn’t been under 90 degrees recently! There’s no way I could run outside in that without dying. It doesn’t get cold enough here to need the treadmill in the winter so I am craving some outdoor runs once it cools down! I also tend to like the treadmill when I’m pressed for time, and for speedier workouts.

I have had one “major” treadmill accident. At the gym all of a sudden the treadmill glitched and started to go really really fast and I flew off. It was pretty embarrassing :( I am a phone dropper for sure!


Haha, I’ve had many treadmill accidents too.


Haha! You can use negative numbers! Love it. I’m glad you gave me permission because treadmills get about a -5. I know they’re good for weather or baby emergencies and setting a pace, but boy do they drain my soul!

You two mommas look fantastic. You make outfits look good that I’d hesitate to wear on any old day, let alone a month after a baby!


I definitely love the treadmill! It’s great because there’s a bathroom nearby, you don’t get stuck far from home if something happens, and the weather is always fine! Haha I give it a 9 too! Not quite a 10 because outdoors just feels better!


I was once running on my mother’s treadmill when a neighbor knocked on the window of her exercise room. I was ‘in the zone’ so this startled me so much I fell off the treadmill completely. I ALWAYS make sure to close the blinds when I run on her treadmill now haha


I hate running on a treadmill. ABSOLUTELY hate it. Oh well. Rub off on me please!!
One time while at a work-related training, I was using the gym and they had only two treadmills side-by-side. I was alone in the gym, it was dimly lit and I was jaaaming to my music in my earphones. Long story short, the very attractive gentleman that came in to run took me by complete surprise and my legs stopped moving. As the belt spit me off, I grabbed the arm to save myself and flipped head over heels onto the neighboring treadmill, right as he arrived and walked onto it. I’m not typically such a clutz, but it took me all of 15 months to stop blushing and find my voice again.
Maybe that’s why I hate treadmills. :)


I LOVE the treadmill and this is making me sad because mine is broken right now. I have no idea what is wrong or what to even fix but I’m starting to look for a new one already.


I love the treadmill. Well, I hate MY treadmill (it is crappy) but I love the ones at the gym. I also love running outside. For my fartlek or speed training runs though, treadmills are best because I can set the speed and make myself go that fast. I give them both a nine :)

I have done the phone thing while running on my treadmill multiple times. Oops. But i have never told my husband. Shhhh.


I love the treadmill! I give it a 10. Probably because it actually doesn’t seem monotonous to me because you vary your workouts so much. Plus, let’s face it, you can watch TV.


I used to be just “okay” with the treadmill and really only used it if I had to (too dark/cold/hot outside). Now, I’m a treadmill lover! I generally prefer running outside, but sometimes I even prefer the TM.

I have done the EXACT same thing with my iphone before – it fell, whipped down the belt, and smashed into the wall behind me. I picked it up knowing that it was the end, but it was spotless!


I lover love LOVE the treadmill – I give it a 10! I love that you spread the treadmill love too. I get so annoyed when people call it the dreadmill. Of course we’d all rather run outside, but I run from 4:30-5:30 am and even if I lived in Dogpatch USA I wouldn’t run outside at that time! I just did 14 miles on mine yesterday before the sun even came up. 16 next weekend! Training for MCM.


Wendy – that is amazing that you train on the treadmill for the MCM. I’m new to this training thing – what incline do you keep it at? Any suggestions? Sorry i’m so nosy. I am training for the half Flying Pig Marathon, and want to use the ‘mill for cold/dark mornings, and incorporate some outside workouts.


Hi Dominique! I keep it at 1% incline. I’m pretty slow too, my max is 5.7 mph. I’ve heard the Flying Pig is a fun one!!


LOL! I’ve had the iPhone vs Treadmill incident at the gym at work. It’s so funny too because it happens so fast. :))


I once used the 100 year old treadmill at my grandparent’s house, and my shoe lace got caught in it as it was moving. It basically ended up pulling my leg underneath, and I had to scream for help, so someone could turn off the machine. Luckily, I walked (or limped) away with some nasty cuts. It probably could have been much worse! I’m such a klutz.


I had a terrible treadmill accident…I swear the thing went haywire and started going so fast that I couldn’t keep up (I’m pretty sure it was smoking, too, but maybe I imagined that!). I was flung backwards against the wall at the gym and was kind of wedged there against the belt, which burned a huge chunk of skin off of my arm. I later found that my elbow was fractured, too! This was many years ago so I didn’t have a cool phone or iPod, but my awesome bright yellow Sony Sport Walkman went flying and was destroyed. I have never run on a treadmill again…true story :)


-2 Unless it is over 90 degrees outside. And then it goes to like a 5. I haven’t had any big treadmill accidents.
I don’t drop my phone but I misplace it around the house.

The Kidless Kronicles


Don’t like the treadmill! If it’s too cold out or I can’t get a babysitter I ride my stationary bike(forces me to crosstrain lol) I love running outside and I find I’m counting down the kms or mins on the treadmill.


I go through phases with the treadmill… sometimes I love it and sometimes (like lately) I have no desire whatsoever to run on one. I do like them for interval training though! It’s an easy way to stay on pace :)

My freshman year at college I took a step off the side of the treadmill on accident and went flying off onto the floor. It was right in the front row of treadmills at the college health center and I was MORTIFIED…

And Brooke is so expressive in pictures! It’s like she knows she’s going on your blog and she’s showing off. Haha.


I hate treadmills so much, I never ever use them. I have a similar killing thing with cameras…I am literally lethal with them. Last year, I broke/killed six cameras. I’m terrified of breaking another one – it may be the end of my marriage!


i saw a tweet the other day from will ferrel. i bust out. “i love my iphone without the case, but it’s just too effing risky.” lol!! so true.
i love the treadmill. i give it a perfect 10. when training gets tough..the treadmill gives me a lil mojo back in my step! take that! and reading your blog of course!!!


WOAH. You’re American… “smarties” on your side of the continent are not chocolate! I think I’m too attached to food because it made me so excited to see that picture on your blog because I know most American’s haven’t experienced the joy that is Canadian smarties!!


I would give the treadmill a…..8 only because i do love my runs on saturdays that are outside. but inside runs are much cooler and the treadmill can keep me at a steady rate so that when saturdays come around I can go all out and not have my shins bother me :)

brooke and brooklyn look like they could be models :) they both look like they like posing for the camera, so cute

there was this one time i was trying to call my dog (while on the treadmill), if i remember right i was trying to get her attention so she wouldn’t bark at the people walking by since that whole morning she had been barking every 5 minutes lol, anyways, when i called her name she thought i meant for her to come up on the treadmill, so she hopped on. just sat there and flew off, i’m surprised and thankful that she didn’t break any of her bones or end up with any other injuries. Happy Sunday :)


-10, hate it. I’m sorry I don’t mean to offend you but I really don’t like it. Get way too bored and can’t focus. That part is ok, I could get over it if I had to. But I get massive shin splints if I run on a treadmill even for just a few miles. That ups my hate greatly.

I have had the iPad go flying, it survived thank goodness.

You 4 girls are too cute!


Yep, I’m a phone dropper. Love that Brooke found her twin. I’d rather run outside, at home on the TM I get too easily distracted. I’ll see the floor needs vacuming or the temptation of going potty every five minutes always sabatages my run. I like that I can watch all my Tivo’d shows when I’m on it though, or if it’s too hot outside I can still get a run in.


I love the treadmill! I just ran 12.5 miles on a treadmill at my local gym this morning(: I would rate it an 8.5!


Treadmill lover right here- probably around an 8 :)! I didn’t realise that Smarties were sold in the US…so much better than M & M’s!


How do you have canadian smarties!!! Those are my FAVORITE! Whenever I visit family in Canada I stock up!


I have had a horrible time with phones in the past, so I bought a lifeproof case for mine and it is gold literally! It makes your iphone waterproof and drop proof (I have a seriously tested the theory of where it can go – so far everywhere) not to mention I have since gotten some sweet pictures in pools and at the ocean because I can bring my phone in and not worry about the water on my phone.


I love the treadmill! Outside hurts my knees too much and I hate that people can see me.


I’ve done that so many times with my iPhone! Oops! I need some tips on loving the treadmill! Maybe it’s a mental thing??!! Who knows, but I love running outside so much better!


Yay for the treadmill love!

Hahah I do that with my iPod a lot if I’m not careful – maybe the Coolio was extra protection for your phone when it flew off haha.


I’m with Sarah, I am a huge phone klutz and the Lifeproof case has saved me over and over!


Glad your iPhone survived the fall! Even more glad you showing some treadmill love. Too many people (especially on Twitter) are treadmill haters. I don’t hate on running outside, I think they both have their place. But I especially enjoy pounding out a good workout on the conveyor belt. ;)

Yes, my phone has taken many swift and had falls during my treadmill workouts. Most the time it’s because I catch my headphone cord with my hand and then yank the phone off the deck and it disconnects from my headphones on its way down then crashes to the ground. Sometimes I’ll get lucky and the phone will be holding on by the headphone cord. But that rarely happens. haha.


Glad your phone survived the treadmill’s wrath! I loveee those Smarties but can never find them anywhere! I always come across them while traveling abroad though…


I have a serious mad crush on my treadmill. I just got it but it’s so nice to have one in the house finally. I can’t run outside when it’s dark and by dark I mean I’m a wuss. So I can’t run before work and after work I only have an hour or so depending on the season. But now I can get up and run before work or afterwork or when its raining or snowing. I mean whats not to love?
It also has a monitor screen on it but doesn’t play movies or let me watch netflix :( We are putting a tv up on the wall soon though so that should help with some of the boredom.


I love a great treadmill!! Maybe an 8 if there’s good TV to keep me entertained?
(I really hate bad treadmills…)
I always leave my towel hanging over one of the arm rails (I am a sweat machine), and I always end up bumping it and it flies off the end and then I begin the inner debate over whether I should just embrace my water-fountain-like sweat production, or pause the treadmill, pick up my towel, and lose my mojo!

(Btw, you look super pretty in that picture with Brooke/Brooklyn!!)

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