It didn’t happen.

The family fun run did not happen.  As you can see below, Billy is putting the carseat jogging stroller adapter back into the box to ship it back to REI.  The jogging stroller we have is from my sister and she used it for all three of her kids and it is still in AWESOME condition and works perfect but since it is an older model it doesn’t have the option to use the carseat adapter.   Four more months until Brooke’s neck is strong enough to use the baby jogger and  Family Fun Runs can occur.   It’s okay to cry… I did.  

Photo 1 1

Billy knew I really wanted to get outside for the first time in 6.5 weeks to run and so he watched Brooke while I went exploring.  There is an awesome trail that is crazy long (10 miles with NO stops) and full of other bikers, walkers and runners in our city.   I was able to see people the entire time I was running which made me feel incredibly safe even though I was running at a random time (11 am).  

I will just be sticking to the treadmill during the week when Brooke naps and run outside on Saturdays while Billy is with Brooke making me pancakes.   I always forget this after I do a bunch of treadmill running but running outside is much harder physically (much easier mentally) for me even though I put my treadmill incline on a 1.5% incline.  

Photo 2 3

I really wanted an omelet and pancakes when I got home so I went big and had a veggie/cheese/turkey omelet and a banana/chocolate chip pancake.  

DSC 4123

I am pretty sure I could spend 20 minutes in the $1 section of Target. They have the coolest stuff in that little area and I am always amazed that it is so cheap.  Brooke’s first Trick or Treat bag.  Is it weird if I get one too and hold it out for people to fill for me too when we go trick or treating?  Even if it is, it won’t stop me. 

Photo 3 1

I think Girls’ nights should be a monthly requirement.  Billy can only take so much of me talking about babies, the Kardashians and debates over the best cake flavors so it is a win-win for both of us.  Plus all of our husbands hung out and watched football while eating pizza, chicken wings and chips.  

Photo 5 1

We went to an awesome dinner and had chicken salad in a wonton shell thingee, fruit, rolls and salad.  I am glad they kept it light for dinner because there was something much more important in store for us.  

Photo 1 1 copy

What dreams are made of.  

Photo 2 3 copy

Each table (there were probably 25 different tables) had a beautiful cake in the center and you walked around and got a bunch of different samples of the ones you wanted.   I got an awesome interval workout in just from running to each different table.  I was very worried, stressed and nervous that some of the cakes I wanted to try would run out and so I kicked my heels off and sprinted.  

Photo 4 1

These are a few of the cakes that we all sampled.  The cake from our table was my favorite, it was a chocolate, whipped cream, caramel and banana cake.  As you know, I am a huge fan of any dessert that has a million different components so this cake was meant for me.  I think it would have been 100% perfect if they added a layer of Milky Ways and hot fudge so I will just have to make that combination at home. 

Wouldn’t an ice cream themed party be fun?  You could have different ice cream flavors and toppings at each table…  think of the possibilities.  


Do you have running trails near you?  Do you feel safe on them?  Are there usually a lot of other people using them?

What was the last cake flavor that you had?  What is the most interesting cake flavor that you have ever had?

Is running on the treadmill harder or easier for you mentally? Physically?

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Ummmm. I totally took my kids trickor treating before they could eat candy & then just ate their loot. It’s a lot easier to do with #2 when #1 is legitimately trick or treating with you. It distracts the candy givers ;) Defies perk if being a parent.

Our ward has done your ice cream suggestions and it was indeed amazing.

I love the Jordan river trail. It is only a mile from my house so I can run there. I like the Provo river trail better if I want make the 15 min drive.

Why am I awake right now? I swear I have never felt so tired but I haven’t been able to sleep more than a couple of hours tonight. I am not gonna make it through church.


Oh my goodness! That cake looks SO good! The last cake I had was on my birthday and it was a cherry cheesecake. It was good, but probably doesn’t compare to the one you ate last night!!

I always thought running on the treadmill was easier for me but lately I have been having really slow runs on it and I tend to cut my runs short because it’s just so easy to do that. When I am outside I am more likely to do my planned distance and I seem to be getting faster out there too!

Hope you have a great Sunday!! xoxo


That. is. my. dream. Cake heaven!
I think my next potluck will be a cake potluck, forget “real” food!


I find that running on the treadmill is almost always harder for me. Once in a blue moon, I’ll have a good treadmill run. But it is rare!


Can you find me a guy like Billy? I want to have pancakes waiting for me too. :)


Sounds like a great weekend! Running on the treadmill is harder mentally but easier physically for me also. I’m lucky that there are tons of safe trails around me so I love using those on the weekends – during the week I’m usually crunched for time and go to the gym instead. Any chocolate cake flavour is good in my books :D – in fact, I’d love to sample the one that was on your table right now becauseeeee I just completed my first half in 1:56!! Woooo :D


How do you have sôoooooooooo many friends already? Is there a secret club I need to join to constantly have people to hang out with? You just moved to a new city and have way more plans then I do! What is the secret???


There is a local trail right by our house that is a bazillion km long that goes past our city out into the boonies one way and all the way downtown and to the ferries the other way I believe :P. Sometimes we will run on there, I get nervous doing it by myself though so if I do I may only do a portion of it and then run on the road the rest of the time. I find treadmill runs easier physically but my mind can get bored :)


Those cakes look AMAZING! :)


Running on the treadmill is harder for me physically and mentally. When I run outside I am always able to run faster paces and they seem easier. There are a couple of running trails here but they are really short and not very busy. I am more scared of wildlife (moose, skunks) than people, but I try to use caution. I never took my babies trick-or-treating, but last night at a wedding the kids got to break a huge pinata and I was shamelessly telling them to get all the chocolate pieces. :)


The dollar section of Target is a dream. In January, I got so many storage containers there that would have been at least $5/each anywhere else. The holiday stuff in that section is my favorite though. :)


Treadmill running is always hard for me. I usually need to read in order to get through it. It definitely helps me power through my books. ;)


I just recently started reading your blog and love your enthusiasm for running! I live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and am lucky that we have miles of trails that are usually packed with other runners. I usually feel safe on them unless I am running either really early or late.


That cake on your table looked unbelievable….mmmmm craving cake. My mom’s carrot cake with cream cheese icing is my fav….i know sounds boring but oh so good.

Physically, treadmill runs can be hard or easy depends on the day…loving intervals on treadmill:)

Sorry that your family run didn’t happen:( but sounds like you had a nice run nevertheless.


Awwwr sorry to hear that the family run never happened, but at least you got to get out and explore some trails :) Running outside has definitely always been easier for me. I tend to get really bored on the treadmill and end up feeling like a hamster on a wheel… that and I have this subconscious fear that I’m going to trip and end up flying off the end of the treadmill or something. Luckily, where I live now has tonnes of pretty popular trails, so getting outside isn’t a problem :)


Have you ever tried Ferrero Rocher chocolate? It’s the absolute best! I just got my cousin a cake made from them for her birthday- cant wait to try some tonight!


That’s my fave trail…and the one I broke my foot on…but I harbor no ill feelings toward it :) you should run all the way to Morgan Hill–I can put a trail of cookies along the way to entice you lol. yeah, and I totally forgot about the relief society broadcast until I saw your post–this pregnancy brain is killing me!!!


The treadmill is definitely harder for me, both physically and mentally. I am much slower on the treadmill than I am outside. I could run forever outside (given the perfect weather conditions) and can only handle about an hour or so on the treadmill. Although, I have done a 16 miler on it before and I am not sure how I did it!

I do have some running trails around my house/neighborhood, but I am a little leery about running them alone, especially in the early morning or later in the evening. When I am running alone, I usually just stick to the roads and sidewalks around my house.


I haven’t been trick-or-treating for years and am missing it so much! I’m already starting to try and come up with excuses to trick-or-treat this year without looking like a crazy 24 year old.

I prefer running outdoors! For some reason, running on the treadmill is soo much harder for me.


So sad about the running stroller for you!

We have one trail near us that I feel safe running alone, but we have thousands of others in woods that I would love to run but can’t, unless I’m with someone else which rarely happens. It’s v frustrating!!

I LOVE cake so much. My favourite is…any, really. But my favourite is Red Velvet. We don’t have it in the UK so in the past two years of living here, I have selfelssly done my best to make up for many years of not eating it. Heaven!


I think I know that trail! Haha! We ride our bike in that. I rarely go on a treadmill because we don’t own one. But recently used a hotel TM for a 10 miler. Killed me mentally because they didn’t even have a tv. And I did the same thing you did with your iPhone dropping it and it flung across the room. Embarrassing. Those desserts look amazing!!


That cake looks amazing! The treadmill for some reason is easier for me both physically and mentally.


You’ll have to do an ice cream-themed birthday party for Brooke next year :)


Yeah I always feel safe on the Los Gatos Creek Trail (if you continue on it all the way through Vasona Park on the other side, it continues as a trail into the mountains! Always busy… which can be good or bad).
There’s also a Stevens Creek Trail that I tried recently with a local running group and felt super safe (since we end up running in little groups with similar paces). Let me know if you want to join! They have lots of runs practically every day and are always running in races (free entries if you are a pacer!).


OK, because of you I want an omelette and pancakes for breakfast (just ran 4 miles and walked 1.5 32 weeks pregnant so I deserve it!!!), cake for lunch, and that cream cheese chicken chili for dinner. I think I can make it happen, I aim big on Sundays!


There aren’t too many running trails around our house. The ones we do have are really short so I usually stick to neighborhoods and side streets.

My son’s third birthday party was yesterday. I made a cake and cupcakes. Funfetti and Dark chocolate! Both were awesome.

Running on the treadmill is so much harder for me mentally and physically. I am SO much slower on the treadmill and SO bored. I’m really NOT looking forward to this winter when I’ll be stuck inside.

Did you run outside during Utah winters? I’m always afraid of falling on black ice!


Running on the treadmill is only easier on short runs for me. Long runs need to be outside or I lose all motivation/interest. Sorry you didn’t get to start you tradition but I’m glad you still got to explore and have pancakes ready for you when you returned :) unfortunately I don’t have many great trail options near my house so unless I’m running with someone else I tend to avoid them. When I move next it will be a MUST that there are good trails close by!


I love cake. It doesn’t matter what flavor. I love it.

There is a running trail near me, but I don’t feel safe on it. Someone was recently attacked so…I won’t be going there anytime soon. It’s a shame because it’s really pretty and I love going there. I am treadmill snob anyway.


I used to live in a townhouse overlooking that trail!!!! Seriously, I saw someone peeing into the bushes that separated my house from that trail. Yeah, I thought about scaring him by making a loud comment, but he looked like a tool.

I used to run that trail almost every single day. I bought the house because of that trail. Running on the roads wasn’t much of an option when you regularly run double digits and morning commuters don’t usually see you running.

That trail also has markers along the way every half mile (the white stumps with numbers). It is awesome to run through in the summer with the shade. Watch out for the weekend traffic. Sometimes there’s an overload of cyclists/runners who don’t obey the trail rules. And it goes all the way into the town Los Gatos and to the reservoir. I’ve run my longest run (34 miles) on that trail…I just had to backtrack a few times to make the full mileage.

Aww man, I miss my home (sniff).


Running outside is definitely a bit harder for me physically, but mentally, easier as well. I feel like I can run longer on the treadmill than outside; but then again, outside running has no moving belt to propel me.

I only feel safe running outside of my neighborhood or at Kennesaw Mountain (everybody walks/runs/ and hikes here) when it’s not dark. Or if it’s getting dark and I’m with my boyfriend. I don’t get how night runners do it. I’d be afraid no one would see me or someone would pop out of the bushes and hurt me. Crazy thinking, I know. But I couldn’t do it. ha


I remember (17 years ago) buying some kind of pillow prop thing that allows their heads to be held up straight so you can run w/ babies in a baby jogger… they don’t still use those? They worked great for us for two kids! I can’t believe how fast you are running (and for 10 miles) just a month or two after childbirth! What an inspiration you are! Love your blog, love the recipes !


I’m still in the process of trying to find trails and places to run where I live. There are a lot of hills so it makes it really challenging! I typically have to drive places to run. What I’ve found I would call more like paths than trails. There is one I really like called Mountains to Sea trail. You can take it from Orange CA all the way to Newport Beach! It runs along a major street and I always see people so I always feel safe.

The last cake flavor I had was chai tea! It was delicious! Most unique was probably pomegranate. I didn’t like it too much, which is a shocker because I love any and all desserts.

Treadmill running is harder for me mentally, but easier physically. I feel like I’m a speed demon on the treadmill but outside I’m always a little slower. I try to tell myself it’s because I’m just enjoying the scenery (; I can always go farther outside though, because I’m always exploring.


Running outside is tougher for me physically. It’s almost like your feet aren’t being pulled along … I find that I have to push of my back toes a lot more to keep the momentum when I’m running outside, instead of just lifting and swinging my leg and having new ground under me …? I don’t know if that makes sense of if I’m describing the feeling accurately. Mentally, it’s SOOO much easier running outside. I avoid the treadmill as much as possible (we’ll see how I feel about that doing marathon training through the winter in Ottawa!!).
We do have a beautiful bike trail just outside my house, and we live in the middle of it. It’s not very long though, so I usually just prefer running on sidewalks. It’s really nice for a 3-5 miler though.
I had a Lovely Lemon (gluten-free!) cupcake this afternoon!! It was amazing! The lemon was so natural, the cake was the perfect texture, and the icing wasn’t too sweet. They used corn flour and you could just taste a hint of almost corn-bread taste in the batter. So delicious!!


Thanks to your comments and reviews – I received both 20 minute shred AND mind gym yesterday in the mail (along with 6 months to a 6 pack and another jillian dvd…dang Amazon and their ‘packaged deals’). I did level 1 of shred this morning – already feeling it! THANKS!!!


Aww , I know you must have been super disappointed about no family run… It was great that you were still able to get out for a nice run. I am sure you are counting down the days to the 4 month mark.. Brooke is adorable and I know if you came to my house on Halloween holding her, I would totally give you candy !! You just can’t start too young getting Brooke to understand the importance of the candy.. oops, I mean , Halloween LOL!

Those cakes look so delicious.. speaking of cake and Milky Ways…. I have a recipe for a Milky way cake.. it is the most decadant, rich and DELICOUS cake.. i think it has like 14 milky way bars in it.. the frosting is essentially melted Milky ways.. Heaven… I haven’t had it in years.. might have to dig up the recipe.. and get ready to do some serious running to burn it off..


Hey! Sometimes you can order the old adapters off amazon and eBay. One of my friends had the same problem you are having. Good luck.


Um where in the world did you go that you got to sample all those cakes?!?!? Yes please! And I would have cried too :( but Brooke will know the joys of an outdoor run soon enough!


The exact same thing happened to us wirh the car seat adapter. One of my friends had sold ne her BOB, and my hubs got us the car seat adapter from REI. It didn’t fit seeing that my stroller was an older model. We returned it and found an adapter for that model off of eBay.


Yeah- I didn’t want to say anything about running with a newborn because I didn’t want to get attacked… I’m a runner too and know that I can’t get a jogging stiller until she’s at least 6 months due to head control. It sucks because I want to bring her with me, but at 3.5 months, her hair still isn’t strong enough. it’s better to wait than to hurt your baby in any way.


We have lots of paved trails in suburban Indy. I feel safe on most of them any day or time of the week, except for one. It is a nice trail in the woods next to a river, so it feels much cooler on a hot day, which is awesome because I work second shift and sleep later than most people. But since it isn’t busy during the week I only run it on weekends when families are out walking on it and a kayak company leads tours on the river.

I passed out candy at my sister’s house one Halloween and a little girl totally called her mom out on eating her baby sister’s candy!


love that trail! i definetly feel safe on it… save for the random aroma of marijuana and the once in a blue moon news report of someone being attacked. it is a relatively safe trail, and i think its one of the reasons as to why its so popular. i was actually thinking of running it this morning but stuck close to the house to run with Lando instead ;) run on down to the farmers market if you get the chance!

you’ll be running with Brooke in no time! she’ll be 6 months old before you know it and you’ll be wondering where the time went.

i so want a piece of that cake!


We have bike trails near us, but just as many people use them to run. I definitely feel safe on them with all of the other runners around. On the other hand, I like in Corvallis, OR and I feel safe everywhere here. I like the trails though because then I get a better feel for whether or not I run faster than other people. (Is it okay to admit that I get a little kick out of passing people? ;)

I definitely have the same treadmill experience that you do. It’s so easy to quit a treadmill run at any point, and sometimes it’s really tempting… but treadmill runs are also so much easier on my body. *sigh*


I agree with you running outside is way harder. I love cake and all of those flavors look so yummy. For my b-day, I had peanut butter chocolate chip and it was beyond delicious!


We live at the base of a mountain with MILES of open trails. I haven’t been on them much, but there have always been other people out as well.

I made peach cobbler cupcakes once that were amazing. And a peach coffee cake. Does that count?
Treadmills are hard. Mentally. And that makes it hard physically. I would rather be outside.

The Kidless Kronicles


Brooke is just so freaking cute! She seems like such a good baby too! Jack used to be a really good baby but he is starting to get whiny. The jogging stroller is different/awkward but I think I have to get used to it. It makes me want a treadmill, haha.


What kind of jogging stroller do you have?? I have been looking at a few online. There a re some all terrain strollers that look like Joggers but don’t really specify for jogging. I have been looking at those too, those come w/ car seat adapters too.
Anyway, love ur blog and you have a such beautiful family:)


i NEED a slice of that cake!

i had funfetti cupcakes with chocolate icing this weekend. delicious – but not as good a the rainbow chip frosting!


Awesome on running the Los Gatos Creek Trail! Yea, that trail is super safe no matter the time you run it.(as long as you don’t go after it gets dark I’d say). I ran there twice this past week, good times.


Those cakes look amazing!!!!


sorry to hear you didn’t get your family run in! Soon it’ll happen.

I run in a stort of strange location, I live in town with not very good running paths, I live near a bike path (which would be great for running) and it is creepy, trees closely line both sides of the path and there are constantly reports of bad stuff happening on them. booooo.


Running on the treadmill is harder both mentally and physically for me. For some reason, I can run much faster outside than I can on a treadmill. I guess it is how unnatural it seems to have a belt pulling me along (where I could fly off of it) than pulling myself along outside.


I love that picture of Brooke and her trick-or-treat bag! Precious!

We have running trails in the city where you always see a lot of people, but we live in a small little town outside the city limits, and I rarely see anyone when I run. Yesterday I did my first 9-miler before church, and I saw ZERO people and only a few cars – although I was chased by Cujo and Cujo Jr.

We had white chocolate wedding cake with a layer of fudge going through it, and it was definitely one of my favorite cake flavors. Milky way hot fudge cake sounds AMAZING!


I much prefer running on the treadmill, unless I have someone running with me outside!

Btw – I don’t think you’re supposed to jog with the strollers until your baby is 8 months old and can sufficiently support their neck when shaken/jostled. I’m not explaining this well, but we ordered a BOB when we had our son and after reading the manual and doing some research, the adapter is just so you don’t have to buy multiple strollers for different phases. google it :) you will probably find a better explanation! don’t worry though – those suckers can hold up to like 50 pounds, so you can push Brooke around until she’s 8 :)

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