Still in our PJs and a party last night

Wow, I am really fitting in with these Northern Californians quite nicely. How perfect are the next two activities for me?

PINATA filled with every candy known to man and

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watermelon eating contests? I think I am in love.

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Last night Billy, Brooke, my MIL (yes, she is gone and I don’t want to talk about it) went to a chicken cook off activity put on by our church.

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They held a contest for the best chicken dish and so everyone brought different chicken dishes to enter the competition.

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Billy’s vote for best chicken dish… he said it tasted just like a restaurant he used to go to.

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I was faced with a tough decision and was forced to try some of everything. The enchiladas with guacamole stole the show for me. While I was pregnant I didn’t really love guac anymore and I am so thankful that it is back to my top 5 favorite foods list.

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We had a lot of fun and my MIL is the most friendly woman in the world and she made a lot of friends for me. Score.

Today we are just hanging low. Brooke is sleeping/eating/smiling like a champ, I am getting caught up with your lives via the beautiful thing known as the internet and Billy is reading about crazy law cases. So far he is loving law school and this week he is going to do a post of the day in the life of a law student.

Now we are about to start a Friday Night Lights with my Frosted Mini Wheats and we are still in our pajamas.

Photo on 8 26 12 at 12 52 PM

PS if you are here to read about running I have some running posts coming up this week… it isn’t as easy to write about running when you aren’t running. I will be back with a vengeance though and I may or may not have a race that I am already signed up for this fall. I already have a little cheerleading outfit for Brooke to wear so that her and Billy can go to different spots along the course and cheer me on.


Gina is having a compression sock giveaway HERE!


What fall races are you signed up for?

If you are a chicken eater, what is your favorite chicken dish?

Did you watch anything today? Anyone else watching Friday Night Lights lately?

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Next to Brooke, you are just the cutest thing ever, I really enjoy your blog and your posts :) Your baby is a doll, I can’t believe my oldest daughter is now nearly 15, she had the same ‘hairstyle’ as Brooke, though it was strawberry blonde. Congrats on a beautiful family (and a great blog).


I love reading all your posts. I am in a running rut myself. I have a 10k and a half and still my motivation is low. I think I am still sad about leaving my WA running group and having no one to run with in MD. It is hard. So tonight I signed up to volunteer (which I really wanted to do) and combined it with running–I am trying to volunteer with Cancer to 5K. Basically they take runners and pair them with a cancer survivor or cancer patient over the course of 12 weeks the culminates in a 5k race. I am hoping it works out because I really need a friend to run with and I am seriously missing the camaraderie.


Lauren, that sounds awesome! I am sure you will find some new amazing inspiration with your new endeavor. Is there a running group in your area?


Not that I can find :( This one is up in Baltimore so it is like 1.5 hrs away but they only meet 2x per week so it isnt that big of a deal to me.


I am reg


I am registered for runners world 1/2 marathon and mys marathon


I suspect you will watch season after season of FNL without Billy. It is that addictive. Warn him ahead of time so he knows where your brain will be this week.


I have too many races this fall! Napa Ragnar, The other Half, Las Vegas Ragnar and Winter Sun 10K. I’ll do anything for a medal.
I watched videos last night and home improvement shows all day while I worked on paperwork. Trying to get myself back into walking after yesterdays kick trash (is that what you say?) half. (well, kick trash half for me)


Not registered for fall races yet but I have my eye set on two turkey trots….I need to get on that.


You, Brooke and Billy are the cutest :) I have not signed up for any races, but I did join a walking and running group!


I just love coming to your blog to get my fill of “the cutest baby ever” pictures! What a little beauty, just like her momma. :)

Glad to hear things are going well for you all in your new home. Can’t wait to read about your (future) return to regular running and an upcoming race in the fall. I’m running the Pocatello Marathon on Saturday, but I’ve always wanted to do the CIM – maybe someday…


Can I please just have daily pictures of Brooke and her adorableness?! She’s SOOO cute!! Sounds like you had a great weekend (minus your mil leaving).


I watched every season of Friday Night Lights within a few months! I loved it, and was in tears when it was over. It made me want to move to Texas, also developed a huge crush on Riggins :)


Courtney I felt the SAME WAY except hubby and I watched the entire series in two weekends. I literally was on MLS looking for houses in Austin (where it was filmed) and asked my stepson if he was SURE he preferred hockey over football and wouldn’t he like to try it next season??? Hahah!


I’m signed up for my FIRST MARATHON October 12. Hoping I can do it since after my last 16.5 mile run I’ve had such tight quads. It’s painful going up stairs & foam rolling my quads makes me want to puke from pain. Ever dealt with tight quads?


Hey! Don’t let one bad run scare you for your first marathon. The best thing I’ve found for long run recovery is an ice bath. The key is to have everything you need in the bathroom with you – book, magazine, phone, hot drink, whatever. Get in the bath and start the cold water. Once it’s over your quads add the ice and stay for 15-20 minutes. It’s so much better than getting in an already icy bath. Good luck! You can do it!


i want to go to a chicken cook off!!! sounds right up my alley; i am quite the chicken connoisseur. ;)

glad you can eat guac again!! it’s my favourite too. definitely top 5.


I’m pretty sure you are one of the nicest people on the earth (maybe next to your MIL). You are always so positive about everything and very upbeat. I’m glad you enjoy life. Can’t wait to read Billy’s post about a day in the life.

Kelly in Michigan


I am running my first marathon this fall. The Bizz Johnson in Susanville CA.


Lazy days hanging out in PJs are so great. It’s nice to not have rush around and get to places sometimes. Your cookout looks like it was a lot of fun! And I can’t wait to see photos of Cheerleader Brooke at your races. :)

This fall I’m officially signed up for the Chicago Marathon and a smaller half marathon a few weeks after that (it was cheap, close to me, and I looove finisher medals). I might add a race or two to my list; I really love running races because of the atmosphere, even if I’m just running them to finish.


I had chicken for lunch today with a ton of lime juice to add flavor and veggies on the side. I have done nothing but watch TV all day today. I’ve been watching Grimm and I am hooked. Also, I am glad you have made me feel good about being in my pajamas all day, glad to know I’m not the only one!


Wow, that little girl in the first picture does not look very happy!! Someone needs to give her some candy.

FNL is the best show that has ever been on TV and I cannot imagine life being better than FNL with your new baby, your main squeeze, cereal and PJs. Rock on new mama!


Signed up for the Big Sur Half Nov 18….then the CIM Dec2.


My husband and I had a whole Friday night lights marathon one weekend lol. It’s good to have pj days now and then!..ESP since you guys are so busy w Brooke, law school, and a new town! I looovvveeee guac btw…my hubby makes a good one! :)


I’m signed up for the Duke City Half Marathon (my first!) here in Albuquerque in October!!! I had an amazing run today by the river- 9 miles!


Uuuuum you should totally do Chicago. Just come run with me at my pace, it will be nice and relaxing for you! And then I’ll get to see brooke :) Don’t worry, Chelsey (from clean eating chelsey) will more than gladly carry her around the race to cheer us on if Billy can’t come because of that pesky law school thing.


1. Pinatas are the best.
2. Your plate looks too legit!
3. I am jealous how quickly you were able to find a church in your new town, that’s great!


I was signed up for my first full marathon in Oct. followed by a half marathon in Nov., but it looks like I will be bailing on both…I have an MRI Tues. to see whether or not my ortho’s suspicion of a stress fracture in my talus bone is correct (UGH). Since I always need a plan, I’m focusing on a May marathon instead…I guess I’ll just be cheerleading with the kids at my husband’s races this fall!

I live on chicken…it’s the only meat I really eat other than turkey…and have to say shredded chicken tacos are my favorite dish (with lots of guac!).

Looking forward to reading your running posts again, but dare I say that reading about Brooke is even more fun than reading about running?? :)


I can’t wait for Billy’s guest post! :) Billy’s mother in law sounds awesome.. I can see the resemblance between the two! Guess my comment is all about Billy today but that’s just because your whole family rocks!!!


i’m so happy that u billser and brooke are fitting right into Cali!! looks like a blast, but how come there aren’t any pictures of u face deep in that watermelon?? ;) maybe next time when u have to speed eat/lick through a jar of PB. hehe.
take care girl and running will always be there for u when u get back, enjoy the little break, snuggle with Brookie, and can’t wait to hear more awesomeness!!


I’m running my first half marathon next month!! So excited!
I watched The Hunger Games (twice…) today – love it!! (Love the book more, but the movie still rocks – great cast and very accurate portrayals.)
Enjoy your Mini Wheats!


I’m glad things are settling down for you. Can’t wait to hear how running goes. Good luck! You are awesome.


Jenae! Okay. For reals. I’ve been reading your blog for a little whole now, and it is my daily treat. I’ve never commented because I feel like I’m a fraud coming on your blog because I am NOT a runner. But, I do have an obsession with food :) and now, bc I’m cool, I will answer your fun questions.

1. I an currently signed up for about a thousand runs. To the bathroom. At least four every night :) Oh, pregnancy.
2. My favorite chicken dish is that entire plate you posted a picture of. I will take two.
3. La la loved Friday Night Lights. Have you seen Up All Night? It’s a fun show if you have/just had/will soon have a baby. Or maybe I just like it since I fit all three descriptions.

Baby Brooke is a babe. And I love your bright pants. And you look gorgeous!


Signed up for two 5Ks in October, going to sign up for one at the end of September, and plan on doing a 10K in November. I love chicken and I think one of my favorite ways to eat it is chicken parmesan! Although grilled, in a salad, with lots of toppings is probably a close second. So glad you are enjoying Cali! So much new for you all at once and you are handling it so well. I’d be a nervous wreck!


How fun that you had a great ward activity!!! And it’s totally ok to hang in your pj’s for a while after having a baby and moving!! :O) It’s the best thing to do! :O)

I am running in the Mt. Nebo half marathon on Sept. 8th….down Payson Canyon. I hope to finish in 2 hours or less… You inspire me a ton!! And I love your posts…. about anything!! So keep ’em coming!! :O)


I have a YMCA 5K in the heart of Savannah and the Allstate Atlanta 13.1 Marathon series. I’m so excited about my first half-marathon!


I am sorry your MIL left…btw..tell Billy I recently worked at the HUGE law firm that filed bankruptcy…I got out 3 weeks before they filed.


I have a 5k coming up in September, but that’s about it for races right now!

I’ve been watching a lot of Big Brother recently. That show is so addicting!


Ooooh KFC yum! Why make your own chicken when they have it all perfected already?? LOL glad you are making some friends!

We LOVE the show Friday Night Lights and have watched every single one. And it’s not just because I may or may not have a crush on Coach Taylor.


Im doing The Color Run Memphis October 13!
It’s not a timed 5k…more of a fun run!!


I’m signed up for my very first half this fall! It’s the Go Commando half in Clarksville, TN. I’m excited!

We did quite a bit today! We went to early service at church, did our grocery shopping, picked up 5 guys (I thought of you and Billy!), ate, played some softball in the yard, prepped food for the week, I had cheer practice with my team for a couple hours, we visited my cousin and her precious boys, and then I packed up all my stuff for tomorrow! :)

Have a great week!


I am very excited about the law school post coming up. I am hoping to start law school fall 2013, I really want to study criminal law (job security is key and you can’t fix stupid.).

1. I wish I were a runner. I have horrible balance and am always falling down when I try to run. It’s quite tragic. Two of my best friends are daily runners and always talk my ear off about how therapeutic it is…it makes me quite jealous that I can’t run.

2. I’m a vegetarian (I know, why am I posting! A vegetarian nonrunner), but my dog loves to eat chicken. He was grossly underweight when he was first rescued and his foster mom spoiled him with baked chicken and rice. I buy him a small baked chicken on special occasions.

3. I recently discovered the show “Alphas”, I love anything super hero related.


How fun that you guys are already tied into a big church, that is great.

I just started getting into Friday Night Lights via Netflix and love it, I’m hooked. We are about 70% done with the first season.


That watermellon almost made me get off the couch and drive to the grocery store…I say almost bc it’s 9:30 at night and I’m exhausted so I’ll have to grab some tomorrow!
I am doing a thanksgiving 5k in October (Canada girl here :) ) and a halloween dress up 3k race at the end of October…it’s 10 days before my due date so I think a 3k is all I want to do at that point.
What kind of distance are you planning on running this fall? I’m looking forward to your running with Brooke stories!


A few weeks ago, hubby started working crazy hours (80 hours a week), so after I put the kids to bed I had the ipad to myself to watch whatever I wanted. I watched the first episode of FNL and fell in love. Just finished the last episode two days ago. Yes, I am embarrassed about how quickly I watched it, but boy was it good!


I love at home in PJs days :) When you have kids they are so much easier to pull off and you don’t feel nearly as guilty, just another perk to the whole being a parent thing :) Sorry your MIL is gone, I always get pretty down and sad when mine has to go home too. We cry and cry and then she calls on her layover and we cry some more and then she calls when she gets home and we have one more good cry. Its a sad state of affairs, LOL!


2 planned here in SoCal: Santa Clarita Half Marathon first weekend in November (to improve time) and Griffith Park Trail Half Marathon 2 weeks later (it was a free entry: doing it for fun and the scenery). It’s great that you guys found a church you like so soon, that will definitely make getting adjusted in your new home easier!!


Running or not, your posts always bring a smile to my face! Other than deep fried (yeah I’m weird), I love all kinds of chicken…even better when hummus is involved!


I’m so amazed you’re out and about with that little cutie. I have a one month old and am trying to keep life as normal as possible, but with her wanting to nurse every 2-3 hours it’s almost impossible to be out for so long. What’s your secret?!?!


haha I always enjoy reading your blog, regardless of whether you are running or not :) I WISH I could be signed up for a race right now–but I am having some kind of hip groin issues that I have had since the beginning of July. Heading to the Dr. TODAY in fact and hoping he gives me a magic stretch or strengthening exercise that makes me feel all better ;)

And, I have been watching LOTS of AcornTV which basically includes a bunch of british shows (I LOVE the mystery shows) and I am addicted. (But even more addicted to reading star wars expanded universe books that my hubby gave me when I was whining about not having anything to read lol)


I’m signed up for two marathons in the fall, but that’s the end of my racing schedule this year.

We’ve been watching Revenge on Hulu and it’s awesome!


That church activity looks!

I’m signed up for the color run (my non running friends wanted to do that), Monster Mash 15k, Santa Hustle 1/2 marathong (so looking forward to dressing up like Santa!).


Thanks for the link Janae!! Glad things with the new baby are going so well! Never a doubt that you’d be such a naturally wonderful mommy:-)


Don’t feel guilty about not writing all about running right now, I love hearing about your adventures with sweet Brooke, and seeing how you as a runner adjust and manage your time as a new mom and look forward to your journey back to running after you heal. (Im expecting my second baby in December)


love me some friday night lights! so much so that i started looking for high school counselor positions.


Looks like a fun day with new friends at church!


I love reading your Brooke posts! Please keep them coming. I love hearing about your exercise too, but all of your posts are welcome and a joy to read.


None yet. I was signed up for the Wineglass Marathon in Corning, NY (about an hour from where I used to live)…but then this spring, we spontaneously decided to move to Maine, so that’s off the table for this year. I deferred my entry to next year, though, so when we’re a bit more settled we can go back and run – it’ll be my first full marathon!

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