Party at my house… everyone is invited.

I didn’t talk about it on Friday because I was a nervous wreck but at our pediatricians appointment we found out Brooke had lost 11 ounces. I felt absolutely awful. She was having a really hard time waking up and staying awake to eat and so after we found out she lost weight we did everything possible to make her gain weight. We were feeding her non-stop.

I set my alarm during the night to wake her up every 3 hours to feed her and do you want to know something weird? I actually really looked forward to my next alarm clock wake up. This is coming from the girl that spent her summer sleeping in every morning until 11. It doesn’t hurt to have this be your view when you wake up. Palm trees right outside your window makes you feel like you are always on vacation.

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The doctor wanted to see her again the next day (Saturday) and I was so worried that she might have continued to lose weight. SHE GAINED 4 OUNCES!!! The doctor was hoping for 1-2 ounces but she is already an overachiever and went up 4.

If she could eat ice cream I would take her out for an ice cream cone at Baskin Robins to celebrate how proud we are of her but instead I will just eat one. (Reenactment of our happy weighing once she had all of her clothes on again).

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Subway. I learned something new about Subways in California… they don’t do the point cards to earn free food?!?! Maybe the guy at the register was kidding but he said all of California doesn’t participate in that? With how many times a week that I go to Subway this is going to have a huge impact on me.

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My mom enables my candy addiction more than anyone. I have to find a new person to supply me now that we are separated.

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My mom left yesterday and Billy, Brooke and I are all mourning her departure. Thanks for everything mom and we will pick you up again in the airport next weekend (I am trying to brainwash her into coming again next week).

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Dinner didn’t happen until 10 and Billy made us egg and turkey sandwiches.

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Finished off with a cup of frosted mini wheats. For the first time in forever we have the real version of frosted mini wheats and not the off brand version. I am afraid I will never be able to go back to the cheaper stuff, some things should not be messed around with and cereal is one of those things.

Dessert and dinner eaten while staring at Brooke with a million things around us to unpack. Who is going to come over this morning for an unpacking party? I will make everyone pancakes and fresh orange juice.

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I am trying my hardest to not post every Brooke picture of the 500 a day that I take on the main blog but if you want to see more I just posted some HERE!!!!


What was the last kind of cereal that you had?

What is the view outside of your bedroom window?

Is your Sunday going to be busy, relaxing or a little bit of both?

Do you wake up during the night or do you sleep through the whole night?

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there is no pics in your link of Brooke….I need to see :)


Thank you so much for letting me know! I think I fixed it! Let me know if it works for you!


Hey!!! You’re doing so well at handling everything Janae! Moving, new baby, new subway rules! :-0 x x x


My sunday will not be busy, as I worked overnight and will need to sleep! However do have a hike planned with the hubs and little guy. I used to sleep very well through the night, but after having a baby (he’s now almost 11 months) I wake up to any little noise, however he sleeps through the night. Mommy instinct?! Happy Sunday to you!!!


love seeing the photos of Brooke, Janae!!! long time reader here and though I don’t comment often, just wanted to say that all the photos of her make me so happy – she is beautiful and sounds like you are already becoming a great mom :) congrats!!


She is so adorable Janae :) And ps– CO doesn’t do the stamp cards anymore either at Subway! They did away with them a few years ago and I was traumatized!


Janae please keep the pictures coming! You can never post too many pictures of a cute new born!


Brooke is sooooo ridiculously cute! Don’t be worried at all about her losing that 11 oz. Both of my kids lost over a whole pound before they started gaining again. You are doing a wonderful job! Keep it up!! :)


Awww Janae, Brooke is so beautiful! I don’t know how you get anything done with such a cute baby around!!

My cereal of choice is corn pops lately… so good!


I am sure that unpacking is the last thing on your mind! Who cares if you live out of boxes for awhile, cherish every moment with Brooke!


Please keep the photos coming! I hope your new place is already starting to feel like home.

I can’t recall the last time I ate breakfast cereal. That’s not to say I haven’t been tempted when I see some of the new varieties in the store but I usually just eat fruit in the morning at the moment as it’s been so humid overnight.

Your view is nice! We face another apartment block, but from where I lay I can only see sky through our bedroom window.


2 important things:
1- You shouldn’t be taking a 3 day old baby in Subway!! Baby should be kept at home so she doesn’t get exposed to unnecessary germs while so vulnerable. This is so important!!!
2- You haven’t posted any post-delivery body shots. I think you would appear more real to your readers to share the undesirable parts of the whole birthing thing.


Uh she just moved and had a baby a few days ago. I’m pretty sure sharing her post-baby body is not at the top of her list of things to do.


I took my babies out days old. Infants carry all of Mom’s resistance for up to 12 weeks as they build their own. Keep in mind germs come from everywhere, not just a public restaurant. Mom or Dad could pick up germs at Cosco and bring them home on their T-Shirt. And germs or viruses don’t free float waiting for a host. Yes, no sneezing on her or touching her face w/o washing hands.


There is nothing undesirable about having a baby. They are a beautiful creation and everything your body has to go through to have the baby is worthwhile. Anyone who believes that there is something undesirable about having a baby has some selfish issues with body image. Aside from that, Janae looks fabulous and would look fabulous even at 300 pounds because she has a beautiful spirit and a positive outlook on life. Her face just glows with happiness and she is an encouragement to all of us who, pregnant or not, need to get off the sofa and move! Congratulations Janae! You will be a wonderful mother and your daughter is just gorgeous!


She is pretty real and always has been but it is not her job to make you feel better about yourself. Although, based on the pictures posted, Janae looks pretty awesome, so it would probably have a reverse effect.


Wow. I can’t believe the audacity of some people. First of all, Her body is absolutely none of your business! None. Secondly, she is absolutely fine taking her baby ino Subway. Maybe you should consider keeping your rude comments to yourself.


Janae–You’re so real to us already! Keep the awesome updates and posts coming! :)


Hm, that was a creepy comment.


I mean, the one from Dalis is creepy. Why so obsessed with anyone’s body, post baby or whatever?! Weird.


Dalis, I am really sad that you do not find the genuine happiness of a new mum real! All of these recent post really make me smile. I wish that whatever is making your life miserable is solved soon so you can relax and enjoy baby Brooke’s cute pictures x


I am a mom to 4 kids and have always taken my babies around town with me. The whole “germs” thing is ridiculous. Moms don’t need to be cooped up at home all the time. Give her a break!! It’s not like the babies hands were touching the table and chairs.


I’m so glad everyone made the above comments. How dare someone say Janae is not being ” real” unless she posts postpartum pics! Talk about shallow and that thought would never have crossed my mind because i was too busy noticing a beautiful baby and family. I also took my little guy w me to coach cross country and to meets before he was a week old and he has been VERY healthy!


I wish our Subway did point cards!!! I get Subway all of the time!! By the way, Brooke is too cute for words!!!! I absolutely love her hair!!! :-)


oh phew. Poor little Brooke. Glad she gained those ounces back. This is such a wonderful and exciting new journey Janae. I love seeing you and Billy loving on your sweet daughter. Blessings!

love you.


She is absolutely beautiful. That’s great she is up 4 ounces in a day. Today, I have a 14 mile run scheduled then I will be relaxing all day.


I don’t usually comment, but congratulations! She’s adorable! It’s totally normal for babies to lose 10% of their weight so don’t worry! I think doctors shouldn’t tell the moms the weight because it just makes us freak out. Oh and I love the pictures of Brooke so feel free to keep posting them :)


Brooke is so adorable! I know it’s frustrating when babies lose weight. My kids were 6 lbs so we were worrying lots when they were in the lower 5 lb range. They ate well, but babies tend to lose a little weight. My kids had jaundice and that makes them super sleepy, so I have a couple of tips to keep her awake that you can try if you want. Right above her ear, you can play with her hair. I always rubbed my thumb back and forth over my kids’ ear. I breast fed my kids, so I always fed them on one side, changed their diaper to wake them up a little bit, and then fed on the other side. With my daughter, I would pump after feeding her and then offer a bottle afterwards. She hardly ever took it because she was already full, but on the plus side I ended up with a huge freezer stash and supply! We had to do weight checks with both kids (preemies) and whenever they get weighed, I always told them to think chunky thoughts!


Both of my littles lost weight after they were born, but they gained it back. We had to go to formula for both of them but they are just fine. They got a months supply of pumped milk and are both healthy, strong immune systems and fast runners. Don’t worry, she has 2 awesome loving parents and she will be just fine.


I am so glad that Brooke gained weight! You’re a great mommy already and shouldn’t feel guilty about the initial weight loss. I’ve actually heard that is pretty common.

Someone who works at Subway told me that a lot of people were forging the cards to earn free food, so most states discontinued them. It bummed me out in a big way because I am at Subway ALL of the time since being pregnant. I could have earned my weight in free sandwiches by now!


Go Brooke! Show those doctors who is boss! So glad she got her weight back. I ate cinnamon chex last. The best! The view from my bedroom window is blue sky and the vines that grow on the side of the house. Love it. Texas used to do the stamp cards too but now they don’t…..I didn’t know the cards were done anywhere! Now I’m jealous! Subway definitely owes me free food.


ahhhh she is so beautiful! Don’t worry about her losing 11 oz….it’a really, really common for babies to lose some weight right away :) If I lived in Cali I’d be all over the unpacking party…especially if it involved playing Brooke!


Janae, it’s totally normal for newborn babies to lose weight after being born.. Babies have extra fluid present at birth. After a baby is born some of the extra fluid is excreted in urine . Babies lose about 7 to 10% of their body weight in the first few days after birth. They often reach their original birth weight at about 10-14 days of life.

You were doing nothing wrong with Brooke. I’m really surprised that the doctors or nurses didn’t mention this to you.

You’re doing great, mama!. Brooke is so lucky to have you and Billy as parents :-)


My first lost 11 ounces at his first appt too. It was awful and I cried a lot. But we fixed things and he put on weight quickly and now he is a happy healthy 5 year old getting ready to start kindergarten. You’re doing a great job.


I’m so glad Brooke put on weight! And I’m so jealous you have palm tress outside your window- that’s amazing!
And please do post as many photos of her as you can!
Whether or not I sleep through tonight fully depends on my dog, how many times has to kiss me in the middle of the night, if he wants to play, etc!


So happy to see all pictures of Brooke :) Easy to say but I know not easy to do but you are doing a great job and try not to worry so much but just enjoy. And for all of those people who give unsolicited advise about what and how to raise a baby, just ignore them. They really are trying to come from a good place but are just not directing their comments towards the right direction which should only be towards themselves:)


It’s pretty normal for babies to loose weight the first week or so. I’m sad you were stressed out about it but glad it all worked out.
We always have Multi-grain Cheerios in the pantry.
I am a terrible sleeper and wake up 5 tomes a night.
We have a stressful Sunday in store because our church congregation is being reorganized and I’m pretty sure I’ll be put in a different congregation than my BFF’s. :'( please continue to post pictures of Brooke. She is a doll!


I remembered I worried about that weight loss thing too. I also check on my baby a million time a night :)

Last kind of cereal I had was a mix of fiber one, kashi and some cereal I found in my work drawer with no box so I have no clue what kind it was! My view is of other houses/condo’s apt’s across the street. We had nothing planned today which is super exciting. I’m hoping to get in a 10 mile run if daddy will watch baby. I used to sleep through the night just fine then I had a baby. He started sleeping through the night around 7 week but in the past few weeks he’d decided he doesn’t want to sleep through the night anymore so we take turns getting up with him about 5-6 times a night popping the pacifier in his mouth. Ugh. Just when you think you get to sleep through the night again the baby will have a different plan!


As others have said. Babies lose about 10% of their birth weight before they start putting on weight again.

If you are super concerned lots of hospitals will do “weighed feedings” So you weigh your baby before and then after and you get a rough idea of how much they are eating. I was super concerned because my son would only nurse for about 10 minutes (still does) and I did this. He ended up eating 3-3.5 oz.


I’m SO happy to hear that she gained 4oz! YAY! That is awesome!! I’m already nervous about feeding/ making sure our little lady gets enough, etc. It’s just SO hard to know since they can’t tell you.
But Brooke showed her doctor who’s boss…;) 4 OZ! Go her!!! :D


I’ll come visit and help!! We can eat lots of frozen yogurt, unpack and play with Brooke :)


Way to go on the weight gain Brooke!! I like mixing different varieties of Kashi cereal. Sunday will be relaxing, but I really need to get my house cleaned up too…..ugh. BTW- we love seeing pics of Brooke!


I remember when CA Subways stopped doing their card, it was a really depressing day :(


My boy lost more than his 10 per cent in the first week and I was SO stressed about it. Try not to let it spoil these precious days, it WILL BE FINE!!! Great job on putting some weight back on her!!!


so glad little brooke gained! she’s such a super star already!!

annnnnd there are such things as subway point cards?!?! ohhh man, i am really missing out! that would be so amazing to get free subway! for my tummy and for my wallet!

frosted mini wheats are heaven sent. i really wish we had some, as i am now wanting them REAL bad.

i have a view of a pretty japanese maple tree outside my window. :)

going to church in a few hours today, and then lunch and relaxing! i love sundays!


Love the pictures of your new little one!!! AND for your cereal comment, I’m a Kellogg kid (my dad and uncle work there), so I have always grown up in a house with lots of cereal, and the good stuff, too. ;) I LOVE Frosted Mini wheats Little Bites the best… Yum!!


CA is not great when it comes to spending money, I feel like everything out here is more expensive!

My daughter was born 6lb5oz and was a slow gainer, lost a lot at the beginning too. She was 10% for weight for the first 6 months and is now 90% for both height and weight at 16 months. I wish I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about it at the beginning, but it’s hard for first time parents to not sweat the small stuff! Congrats to Brooke for putting on the weight, and that means you are doing a good job too. We’ve got her little brother coming in November and hopefully I will be able to remember this advice for myself!


I LOVE the pictures!! I dont think there can ever be too many! I have soooo many pictures of my son just sleeping its actually kind of embarassing. She is beautiful, congrats again!! Enjoy every moment because she will grow up way too fast!


Cheerio’s I think.
The view is the backyard. Past that is downtown Phoenix. Kind of nice.
Today will be mostly relaxing. A trip to Costco.
I am usually up at least once in the night.

The Kidless Kronicles


oh, happy she went for 4! i’m sure you guys will get the hang of it soon. wow, unpacking and a new baby at once? what a combo :)


I’m so glad Brooke is gaining weight! Being a new mom must be so stressful, but you are obviously doing a great job. Brooke is so lucky to have you. :)


Good job momma! I did the wake every three hour thing too and it worked great! People thought I was crazy to wake a sleeping baby but we got on a great schedule and it has carried thru really well!


Sunday is usually busy AND fun. I’m at church almost all day and we all hang out or play sports in the afternoon.
I don’t mind the pictures of your beautiful daughter! My friends have infants, too, and I can just stare at them all day. It’s always so amazing to see a little bit of my friends in their tiny babies!!


So glad to hear she gained weight! :) My Sunday’s going to be a little bit of both, but I’m bound and determined to enjoy it still….because I’m definitely not at work! You are already such a good mom! I love cereal of all sorts. The last one I had was Grape Nuts! Tiny, yummy gravel pieces if you will!


I totally know the stress you were feeling when she lost weight…that happened to us with our daughter and it’s awful! I’m so glad Brooke turned it around so fast!! Grace took a loooong time to get back to her normal weight (which, btw, our girls both had the same weight/height when they were born! How random, huh? Meant to be friends, I guess! ;) Anyway, Brooke is beautiful and perfect and I’m glad you guys are enjoying every second! Also, have you tried the cinnamon roll frosted mini wheats that are really mini? YUM ;)


Lots of breast fed babies lose weight right at first. Your milk doesn’t come in until around day 3 (but don’t worry, before that they are getting colostrum and that is extremely good for their immune system!), and breast fed babies tend to have a little higher levels of bilirubin (not usually in dangerous levels), which makes them much more sleepy and not as good of eaters. Your body will adjust to hers though and start producing the perfect amount of milk so she can grow and be healthy. Do a lot of research on breast feeding if you want to learn about some amazing things your body does!!! It’s so incredibly healthy for the baby, it really is an awesome thing.

You are both beautiful!


Wait. Other states have cards for your Subway purchases?? That’s totally not fair, California! I live within walking distance of Subway and you can bet that I’d be getting free subs all the time with that deal. Pfft.

Unpacking and organization is kind of my thing, so if you need any help, let me know. Yes, we don’t know each other, but I’d be more than willing :)


I am so happy for you! I have been fOllowing your blog for a while but never commented. I was not motivated to go for my run this evening but then remembered that you ran when 9months pregnant so really I have no excuse. Take care xxxx


No sub cards in Michigan either!!! Booo. Try not to stress too much over the baby stuff. Easier said than done, I know. Kids are amazingly resilient though. All three of my kids lost weight, two had to have their billiruben (sp?) checked and weight checked every two days. I freaked out, but they were fine, gained weight and turned pink again :) The first one is always crazy stress but they are tougher than they look. I always secretly loved waking up in the middle of the night with my little guys. It was the only time when it was just baby and me while the rest of the house was asleep. It made for extra special cuddling time.


As many have said dont worry about the small weight loss…my son lost a full pound at his first visit. Then gained it back with no trouble now…its just a big deal being born and all the changes. You are doing a great job with her…she is so cute.


Just poured myself a bowl of granola to catch up on your blog. Flew home from vacation, and ran 12, so it has been a busy Sunday.
I’m off to check out the pictures of Brooke next.
Enjoy your day!!


Actually ate cereal for the first time ina while, Trader Joe’s version of Fruit Loops. Not as good as the sugar ladden one, but a wee bit better for my system :) I get the real stuf at my mother in laws ;)

I tend to sleep thru the night unless I am stressed over something or I had too much to drink and then it’s almost insomnia :\

Ran 10 miles yesterday! And then went to a wedding. Painting in studio now. :)

I haven’t had a subway card in a loooooooooooooooong time and don’t remember when they stopped…. ah well.


Haha I wake up about every 3 hours too! Brooke and I should hang out.


It’s totally normal for newborns to lose a little weight after birth. My son lost 10% of his birth weight in the first week for the same reasons as Brooke and you know what the lactation consultant dubbed those kinds of eater?! “Gourmet” eaters! So funny :) We had to use a cool cloth on his tummy to keep him awake long enough to eat. Brooke’s a champ, though! Awesome 4 oz come back! Love the pics, too.


Kix…my favorite cereal ever!

And we have mountains out our window. Well, the guest room window. Our window just looks at other apt buildings!

PS – I just want to thank you for clothing Brooke before the “yay, weight!” photo! I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! Obviously I’m not a parent but I am surrounded by friends with kids who post naked baby photos online all the time…just sayin’!


I have heard it’s common for newborns to drop some after birth. I know my mother told me I went from 6 lbs 10 oz to 6 lbs 2 oz. Looks like you guys are on the ball, though!


Hey girl–This worked REAL well for me and all my babies were over their birth weight at 1 week of birth.

FEED every two hours during the day—wake them up if needed, MAKE them eat, like, 6, 8, 10, 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Then let them sleep at night for 3-4 hours before needing to feed. This worked REAL well for us. Try to get in at least 10-12 feeds every day. REmember I’m degreed in this stuff too! Hugs and love to you! E


I eat at Subway more than I cook. Having no points program would greatly impact my weekly food budget. Glad to hear everything else is going well!



My apologies if my post this morning seemed rude. I re read them and they didn’t come across they way I intended. Glad you and billy and Brooke are settling in so nicely. Good luck:)


yay for the weight gain, don’t feel bad about he loss, V did too. They tried to convince me to give him formula, but I refused. He is now 5, can count over 280, know that a half of a half is a fourth..knows about silent E, bossy R, etc.

Stand your ground. You are doing great!


Maybe I should mention, I think his brains are so amazing due to my breastfeeding.. :)


so happy shes gaining weight back! she looks like a very healthy little lady :) such a cutie!


Girl, I cannot get over how stinking cute Brooke is. I’m so happy for you & Billy <3 <3

Ha Ha Ha, I find it to be hilarious but yet super sad about the whole Subway ordeal. Before I moved out here to Kuwait, I moved back w/ my family for the month before reuniting w/ the hubs who was already in Kuwait ((hubs & i were living in VA Beach.. parents are in PA)).. Well i went to use my subway card and was told the same exact thing. I think I may of almost broken down into tears. I went to about 5 different subways, not even joking, to see if anyyy would accept them. and nope. I was hoping & praying they did the pts in Kuwait, but again FAIL.

Well wouldn't you believe it.. when the hubs & I went to Dubai for the weekend, I of course had a crazy craving for Subway. When I went to pay the lady askd if I waned to use my subway card. I got soooo excited, reached in my purse.. yeah I didn't pay the card w/ me :( It was the worst EVER!!!


I think we’re all ok with seeing tons of pictures of Brooke :).

The view outside my bedroom window is the woods in our back yard.

I just had a bowl of cheerios and banana.


Yay for weight gain- go Brooke go!!


She is so cute!! I wish I had palm trees out my bedroom but instead I have trashcans.


When my daughter stopped needing to wake up in the night I was sad. It was our special time together and I was sad for it to end.


I live in Denver and Subway doesn’t do points here. Gosh, I wish they did…but no luck. Must have been a Utah thing?


I had one of those point cards for a Subway in San Francisco, so either they’ve discontinued the program or that guy lied to you! Maybe it depends on the franchise owner?


so excited for you and your family!!!!

the last kind of cereal i had was cinnamon toast crunch!
the view from our bedroom window is of downtown buildings
our sunday was totally nuts because my husband just won the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF PUBLIC SPEAKING in orlando, fl. i must brag everywhere i can.
if i’m stressed, i totally wake myself up during the night!


Maine doesn’t participate in the “points” program either! I have no idea what I’m going to do!!

( PS – Brooke is GORGEOUS. Congratulations, mama (and Billy!!) )

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