Don’t tell Billy but I think I spent $12 on a plate of fruit.  I was needing fresh, cold fruit and so I asked the nurse for some and this is what she brought me.  I can’t wait to get the hospital bill and see how much they charged for each and every little thing that I was ‘craving’ (can I still use the craving excuse?).

Screen Shot 2012 08 16 at 9 50 01 PM

After Billy was done with class and study groups he came back to the hospital just in time to pick us up.  My car is still in Utah and I am hoping that it just magically shows up at our apartment at some point.

Somehow while packing up to leave the hospital I realized that my shoes were missing.  How my shoes ended up in the lost and found of a different wing in the hospital I do not want to know.  

DSC 3240

Don’t be intimidated by Brooke’s gangsta beanie.  

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After the hospital it was off to my Aunt’s house and she had the perfect welcome to California dinner… California Pizza Kitchen (authentic Cali pizza;)  I had the bbq salad and also some bbq pizza.  

Photo 2 3

I have something pretty cool that I have done that I bet not a lot of other people can say they have done.  I have never turned down an offering for ice cream.  Ever.  Last night wasn’t any different and my aunt offered us vanilla bean heaven. 

Photo 3 4

My cousin held Brooke and she was the first baby he has ever held!  He said that he could tell in eight years she is going to be energetic and athletic, he just scored major brownie points with me.  

Photo 4 2


Since the thought of running makes my body shake from the idea of how painful that would be… I am going to live through you.  What is your run today?

How old were you when you first held a baby?

Is there a food that you have never turned down? 

Best fruit that you have had this week?


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How sweet is Billy’s grin! I think you guys are just going to be the coolest parents. Ever. :)
So glad that you made it to your Aunts house aaaand that she had some pizza for you!

I had my long run yesterday, 5 miles! And slept like a baby last night!

Have a great day!!


You got the two best things at CPK!!! I miss that place! Hope you are feeling okay. I remember the day after I gave birth I was so sore everywhere, it was unreal.


Congratulations on taking your new daughter home!! Hmmm… the first time I held a baby was when I was three and my brother was born, and the best fruit I’ve eaten this week was a mangosteen.


Billy just looks so happy! What a proud Dad!


No run today but I am going to the beach! :) Hopefully you, Brooke, and Billy can get out and enjoy the day! I can’t get over how HAPPY Billy looks in all the pictures! (You too, of course!) Best fruit I’ve had this week: Watermelon


Fristly you look really good and you both look so happy. Brooke is truley beautiful. Enjoy everyone running around for you and rest. I first held my sister when i was 16 months old. I don’t remember but i do kind of remember holding my other sister when i was 4. i also remember sneaking her out her cot on a night to play and i couldn’t put her back in so i would shout my mum and tell her that had just got out on her own!!
I have been for a lunch run and it was far too hot!
Enjoy your first weekend with your family xx


You will be able to run before you know it! I remember (a few short months ago) that my first run after baby was pure bliss.

Today I’ll be doing 7 at lunch time. I can’t remember the first time I held a baby but I think I was about 2.5 years old when my cousin was born so I got to hold her :)

Like you, I’d like to say I’ve never turned down icecream but when I was 5 weeks pregnant the food aversions kicked in and my husband and I went to get ice cream for his birthday and I gagged at the first bite! Favorite fruit=strawberries :)
I’m so excited for you to be able to bring the baby home to your apartment. It was the BEST having my baby all to myself!!


You are just amazing and Brooke is beyond perfect!!!!!!! O and breastfeeding requires at least double the amount of extra caloriesu said ;)


You look so great Janea! And Brooke is so adorable. I hope your doing good – sometimes those first few weeks after baby can be emotional!

I always had younger cousins growing up – so I probably held a baby around age 7 or 8 too. I have the cutest picture of my five year old son holding his newborn baby brother.


I love all of the pictures of Brooke that you’ve been posting–she’s adorable! I’m glad you were able to get the fruit you were craving, even if it was expensive. I think you earned it. ;)

I also could never, ever turn down ice cream. Or a cupcake.


You are my idol, Janae. Everything in your life, you just take in stride. Yesterday, I got home from work and had a tempo run on my training schedule. I really DID NOT WANT TO DO IT. I whined and complained, but ultimately the thing that got me out of the house was thinking, “Janae ran 7 miles the day before she gave birth. If she can do that, you can go run a measley three miles.” So, I did it.

Thanks Janae, you’re my inspiration! You look great!


Conrgatulations on taking the baby home- how exciting!! You three make the cutest, most perfect little family :)

If it makes you feel any better, I’m not running today either. Today = rest day and I’m looking forward to the evening with no commitments and watching many hours of Dexter to make up for barely seeing it all week!!


She is so precious. Congratulations on taking Brooke home, she is one lucky girl to have cool parents like you and Billy!

I think I was about 11 when I first held a baby… I was babysitting, and I called my Mum to ask her what to do!


Enjoy this time with your precious gift from God. You’ll never get it back, but there will always be time to run later.

I also have never turned down ice cream and in fact, I am already scheming how to get hubby to take me to dq for a blizzard tonight. I’m going to practice my puppy dog eyes all day while he’s at work.

Best fruit this week has been nectarines.


Congratualtions to you and your husband!! You daughter is beautiful!

Ran 3 miles today with my friend ( first time running with a partner) it was really fun!! I was worried I’d get a side cramp or winded by chatting. I also got up super early to run, something I haven’t done much 0f…. But I loved it. Also I have to agree with Kristy (above). I did my first long run ever this week, 8 mi!!! And I thought about how you do it 7 miles often and you just gave birth! With that knowledge I pushed myself ( I wanted to stop around mil 6/7) and I never felt so euphoric and proud of myself.

Thanks for the awesome tips and updates on your blog!

Btw: best fruit I had this week were mangoes in my frozen yogurt!


You look amazing!!! Such an inspiration..and Billy’s expression of happiness towards the baby is too sweeet :) I actually did not hold an infant until just this past year and I am now 25 years old! I know…crazy right? One food i have NEVER turned down is red velvet cake…its simply impossible !


Love the pic of you leaving the hospital.
Guess what? you inspired me to take a picture of myself in a gym bathroom to document a run on vacation.
Never turned down someone offering me a DMD.


I <3 Kiwi :)

I want to hold your baby! I showed my boyfriend your blog and told him I want one… because doesn't every girl think that after they see precious newborns? Anyway it freaked him out muahahahaha :)


(a baby not a blog lol)


Oh Janae, you guys are just the cutest! I know you are so busy with little Brooke, but I’m loving that you’re taking the time to post. I’ll be having our first baby in 2.5 months so maybe I can pick up some tips from you :)

My workout today is a bike ride instead of a run. I have found riding so much more comfortable than running lately and my dr is still on board with me being on my bike, so I’m getting as many rides in as I can. Please don’t think about that because OUCH, I can’t imagine getting on a bike after giving birth!!!

I will never ever turn down fresh fruit that is already cut up for me and the best fruit I’ve had this week is peaches. Lots and lots of peaches!


Billy is absolutely glowing in that photo holding Brooke in her carrier – is it even possible for a man to glow?!


The first time I hold a brand new baby (ie a newborn) will be Monday when I give birth to our son :) Better late than never yeah? ;)


cuteness all around…

and I agree…I don’t think I have ever turned down ice cream or the chance of having some if its in the house or around the corner while driving…thus, my thighs love me!


Your new addition is BEAUTIFUL! Well done ;) And you will be running before you know it…! I had an assisted birth (forceps – yeouch!) with my first – she was 8lb 3oz which is big for my small frame – yet I found my first run 4 weeks post-birth to be SUCH A FUN & EASY run! I was so shocked :) One thing I will say is… pushing a baby out for the best part of an hour or two makes for a rather weak bladder… not good when mixed with running so pelvic floor exercises are a must! Lol.

I hope you continue to have a blast being new parents – enjoy every minute! Congratulations again :)



pretty baby! love the gangster hat. yes totally fine to have cravings when you are post-baby, pre-baby, or, actually, not near pregnancy at all. :)


You have a beautiful family. My run today is 8 miles with 8 hill repeats. I’m trying hard to get excited about this run, but my motivation is pretty low at 6 am. I don’t think I have ever turned down ice cream. The best fruit I have had all week was watermelon. Yum.


Brooke is adorable! You and Billy look like such happy and proud parents, as you should be!!! I was about 15 when i first held a baby.. I was so afraid i would drop it that i only held him for a minute.. I still worry every time i hold a baby that they might break! Silly, huh?
That fruit looks awesome-hopefully not $12 though! I can’t say no to ice cream either!
Today was a long run for me – I did 11.5 miles. If only i had a little more time this morning, I would have just stayed on to complete at 13.1 -but sadly , i had to get to work on time.. darn!
I am sure you will be back up and running in no time.. i mean, who else runs at the hospital while about to have a baby? You rock for that , by the way!


I don’t know how it works in Cali, but my meals were included in my stay. When my SIL had her baby, they had a whole cafeteria right outside their door to go get whatever they wanted at any time of the day or night, and it was included. I wouldn’t worry about the fruit, there is nothing you can do now.

Also, if you don’t have insurance, some hospitals have funding for people who need help. Check into it.


My mom bought the BEST watermelon this week. I have been stealing it for days!

Your little lady is seriously adorable. I don’t know how you allow anyone else to hold her. I always look forward to your blog posts but now I think I’m borderline stalking you because I cannot get enough of the baby Brooke pictures!


Girl, you are crazy hardcore. I don’t know the first thing about giving birth, but I thought you stayed at the hospital for like a week and then were practically on bedrest for another week. I can’t believe you are bouncing out of the hospital already! I am certain all the running and fruit consumption during your pregnancy is making you recover in record time.
Can I give you one totally ignorant and unsolicited piece of advice? Cut yourself some slack with the $ – it is making me sad how every post you seemed worried about money and being so tough on yourself to save some dollars! I’m probably reading way to much into this, but just wanted to throw that out there. This is going to be a tough time in other ways – you guys have your whole life to pay back student loans etc. Plus I promise – everyone in law school is crazy broke. As the wife of a former law student, I can assure you of that! You’re investing in your family and your husband right now with time, not with money. The money will come eventually, I promise.


PS – thanks so much for continuing to post! It is so fun to see little Brooke and how HAPPY you guys are! I love it.


You look so great for having just had a baby! So cheerful. Can’t wait to hear more about her birth and whatever else you choose to share. We had that same car seat and I loved it. It gets heavy quickly those as they get bigger!

I’d say I was 8 when I first held a baby – that’s when my youngest brother was born :)


i cant get enough of the pictures of your little cutie…so darn cute!

no run today, but 18 miles tomorrow..sooo, gulp.

i was 8 years old when i first held a baby..its when my sister was born :) I’m terrified of holding newborns now though, they are so tiny! haha


So impressed with all of your posts! 24 hours after I had my son I was a mess – Actually I was a mess for a good 2 weeks – You look and sound great!!!

no run for me today, taking kickboxing and long run planned for tomorrow. long run for me is only 7 miles but a few years ago a long run was 1 mile!

I made an enormous fruit salad for work today full of grapes, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, nectarines, canteloupe and watermelon so i ate that!

French fries are VERY hard for me to turn down…


haha I agree with you on the french fries thing!!!


Billy’s smile is so great! I mean, it’s always been great but aww, he looks so happy with you all. I think the solution to law school “poverty” is that he do advertisements for local dentists. “Go to Dr. Bob, you too can have great teeth”.


I can’t believe how great you look! I need to remember to look that good after I have a kid. Yesterday was trail running.I’m loving it lately. A good mix up from regular road riding and we have been grilling peaches. So delicious. And again, a good mix up from regular peach eating.


Hi Janae-
So confused…why didn’t your insurance cover 2 nights in the hospital and the food? I never heard of such a thing. Also, how long with the fam be with you?


Brooke is so incredibly precious! I will run 3 miles today…in your honor!!


Are you guys ridiculously happy? Because you look ridiculously happy :). There’s nothing greater than coming home with a new baby (even though your emotions are going completely NUTS- at least mine were). Hope you guys can get all settled in this weekend and into your own place.

I slept through my run AGAIN today- I’ve been living vicariously through others as well…

Vanilla Bean ice cream is the greatest flavor on earth.


Yay love seeing your adorable little family. Billy is beyond over the moon happy and I love it! Your mom looks so proud too! And you look stunning as ever! Like you never even popped a human out of you! Rest and rest! Hopefully the soreness leaves soon! Thinking of you! Love you!


What a fantastic looking family!! I love the CPK BBQ salad too haha!


What a cute little family! She is adorable and I am a little intimidated by the gangsta hat ;) JK! It is so cute! Congrats to both of you :)


No run for me today, it’s a rest day(:
I am 20 years old and have never held a baby!
I don’t think I’ve ever turned away a piece of cake


Also, the smile on Billy’s face when he is carrying Brooke outside is PRICELESS! Oh my goodness, so precious. You can just tell you guys are beaming and it melts my heart (:


Congrats…what a BEAUTIFUL baby!

My run today is a 12.0 mile trail run…one of the worst things possible happened…my treadmill broke and I am forced to run outside. Surprisingly, it has been really nice, since the weather is great.

I LOVE popcorn and frozen yogurt. I get excited thinking about sitting down at the end of a long day and eating them every night. I also never turn down a huge piece of fluffy white cake or ice cream cake.

Can’t remember when I first held a baby. I love holding them though…

Fresh blackberries right off the push :)


She is so cute!!! :) LOVE her little gangsta beanie :) I can’t remember the first baby I ever held… I think it was my cousin who is now a senior in High school and 6’3″ lol… craziness!


Oh MY goodness! SHe is adorable! And I am impressed how well you’re taking everything in stride. GO you.

I’ve never turned down ice cream or fro yo–ever. (At least from what I can remember). Or Swiss chocolate.

I first held a baby when I was 2 (my little sis). :)


Billy looks like such a proud dad- heartwarming! No run for me today as I did tabatas at home…did an extra round for you ;)


You guys are the cutest family! :) I think the first time I held a baby was when I was 7, with assistance from an adult, of course. When I was 17, they finally trusted me to hold my nieces without anyone being there to make sure I wouldn’t drop them. ;)


Congrats on your gorgeous baby girl! Isn’t being a momma the best?! I ran a twelve miler this morning, you can have half of them ;)


I’m not running right now because of injury, but let me know if you want to go for a walk with Brooke in the stroller sometime. Not quite the same as running, but at least it is movement!


You are seriously awesome. I hope that I handle the birth/post-birth as well as you have. Not to mention- you looked amazing through the whole thing!

The best fruit I had this week was cantaloupe. Still craving it like mad.


I really want to comment on your last like 3 posts since I just read them all, but I will hold off and only comment on this one haha.

Billy looks so proud, I love it! Brooke is so adorable and I can’t wait to read all about how you adjust to life with this new little addition. It sounds like Cali is treating you guys pretty good so far :).


I can’t remember how old I was when I first held a baby! I am the youngest of 3 and was never around babies. The thought of holding one still scares me, and I’m 28 :) Brooke is beautiful, though! Congratulations!


Janae you are a rockstar! Seriously 6 months ago, I could barely do anything and I definitely was not fit to leave the hospital in 24 hours!!

You inspired me, so I wanted to make you proud of me… I ran on the tredmill (a date with Milly) for an hour hardcore at 6.8mi pace with 8.0-9.0 mixed in every half mile for a quarter of a mile. :)

I would never and have never turned down ice cream… that is a sin!

“I love pineapple just hate cutting it hehe, so it was raspberries and blueberries for me yum!


Janae, We have to be kin in someway. I have NEVER and will NEVER turndown ice cream. I am glad you are all home. I hope things are going well. There is no dounbt that Brooke will an athelete. Look at her parents. Enjoy your weekend. I bet you will be seeing some family very soon.


That fruit plate looks so delicious!

I cannot get over how glowing you and Billy look :) so so happy for you two.


I took a beautiful jog around the shady streets of my neighborhood at about 7:30 — the early sunlight was shining through the leaves, I loved it. I know what it feels like for your cousin, I recently held my older cousin’s new baby and it was THE coolest thing ever!!! Best fruit I’ve had this week….totes the Brigham city peaches.


Best fruit I had this week = peaches!!

After I had my baby, I could not get enough of any fruit and also pudding. I made a HUGE fruit salad (actually, ambrosia salad – oranges, pineapple, coconut) and DH had to buy cases of pudding cups at Costco.


I ran 8 miles yesterday morning….today might just be a lazy, BRAVO-watching elliptical day for me. :)

As for vanilla bean ice cream…when I was younger, I thought it was fancy if you could see the little black ‘bean’ flecks in it. To this day, if you can ‘see the bean’ I consider the product upscale.


I did 6 tempo miles today. It’s very cool outside in the Midwest.
I hate fruit! Except apples in the fall. Weird right?


Look at that ADORABLE family!!! :D Billy looks SO SO SO proud of his family…I LOVE it. You can just see all of the love in your eyes. Gosh, could you guys be any more stunning?!
Your little cousin is so cute with Brooke, he looks so happy!


so sweet!!

anddddd im jealous you had cpk here :( hope you’re feelin well mama!


I just have to say that you look amazing! You are glowing and just look great! I love how sweet girl is chillin’ like a villian with her beanie! I don’t think I’ve ever turned down peanut butter or chocolate! Today is 3 miles for me! Happy Friday!


Oh my gosh you guys look so cute! What a family! It’s kinda almost making me feel like I should have a baby… ok, not quite yet… but I’m getting there & your pictures are making me smile :) My brother was the first, I was 20 months. Haha, other than him, I don’t remember. I haven’t held a lot though since I was little, holding babies makes me nervous now!

I’m going up north to time two races this weekend! One on the dunes on Lake Michigan & the other one is a triathlon! (I’m a race timer) Timing takes a lot out of me though, it’s hard work! So no running this weekend.

I’m actually eating green grapes as I type this! :) I have a kiwi for later too. The thing I’ve never turned down is probably ice cream too. I can turn down cookies or cake or pie, but ice cream… it’s a weakness.


There are pictures of me holding my younger brother (I was 2 at the time) but that’s the only baby I’ve ever held. I’ve had my chances quite a few times but I haven’t ever had a real desire to hold one – they pretty much freak me out. My boyfriend jokes that the first kid I hold will be my own…but lets hope I get some practice before that happens!


Totally worth it for that plate of fruit!! I’m thinking you earned it!! I’m going for a run at the gym tonight. I don’t feel like I can leave my new puppy home alone yet!! :)


Will you tell us about Brooke’s birth??!! She’s a DOLL!!

Rest day today..running 12 in the morning! :)

You will be back to running in no time!


I was 13 yrs old, and was in Kpt TN. and decided this was the gsetaert movie I had ever seen, saw it 7 times then and still feel the same way today. Then I didn’t really understand the true message, but today I do and believe in it with my whole heartCurrent score: 0(Please enable JavaScript to vote.)a0a0(vote for this entry)


It’s kinda ridiculous how awesome you look after having a baby. You don’t even have a bump. I looked 7 mo pregnant, my face was swollen from all the fluids they pump you up with and I had burst blood vessels in my eyes from pushing. Yep. Darn good thing Ross is stuck with me for eternity because he would have probably wanted out. Kidding.

Speaking of spouses, how was Billy during the drive home? Pretty sure Ross drove 15 miles an hour on the ride home from the hospital and was SO worried about Annabelle after every turn or bump.

I am not sure if I have turned down any food…ever ;)

I ran 20 miles today. Holy crap. I can’t believe I just typed that. How did you do that for your ‘regular’ run back when you were training for Boston? You just amaze me even more now. The run actually went well. It didn’t start hurting until I stopped. lol. There were a lot of hills. We ran to the temple and up and around it. Friggin Mary Pully drive. I am surprised I did not die at the top of it.

Hope you are adjusting well now that you are home. It is always nice to be in your ‘element’, but then again, having nurses do stuff for you is pretty swell.

I am pretty stoked I just gave you a novel long enough that you just might finish it during one of Brook’s entire naps.


Welcome to the bay area, girl! And welcome to little miss Brooke. You’ve arrived in a gorgeous state full of beautiful places to run :)


I’m glad you didn’t turn down the ice cream – that would be a crime!!

I did 8 miles this morning and am actually waiting at the airport right now to fly to the west coast of Canada to visit family (sans hubby, so I’m kinda sad right now!)

Glad you had a great day #2, and now I want some fruit!!


Such precious photos!! I agree with the others … I just love how happy and proud Billy looks. So sweet!!


What you have to pay to stay in hospital! I didn’t realize that, we get free healthcare here so you don’t think anything of it. I’m hoping I can get out for a 40 minute run today with the kids, one on his bike the other in the buggy:)


My mom had lots of kids and I have a picture of me holding my little brother when I was 2. I was changing diapers (CLOTH!) for as long as I remember.
Best fruit – Strawberries!! Bowls of them, put them in my salad – DELISH!! Brooke is beautiful and SO tiny!! Love the hat! Word.


I live in NZ and its is strange that you pay for your food in hospital! Is it like a hotel or something? Some places kick you out a few days after having the baby though.
Run, I have a 10k race today! Gunning for a PB, I’ll let you know how it goes in the next blog comment section.
Brooke is so beautiful! I am sure she will be athletic and energetic.


I have to run tonight, as I couldn’t get my fat bottom out of bed this morning!!

She is so lovely!!


Congrats! She is adorable. I am 2 weeks post-baby and I can assure you the pain goes away (even if it doesn’t seem like it now!) I’ve been given the go ahead to run again and will strap on my running shoes tonight – I can’t wait!


I held my first baby when I was 8 too! She was my first step-neice
I never ever turn down melons, they are the best! But what I do turn down a lot is things with gluten or dairy in them, because I have food sensitivities… But I know you’ll understand when I say that I can’t EVER turn down frozen yogurt :)


Holy cow….you look AWESOME!!! Seriously! She’s precious….congrats again!! :) I know little miss Brooke is so blessed to have you guys as parents!


Mmmm…CPK. I love their bbq chicken pizza! You look great, and I don’t blame you one bit for not quite feeling up to a run yet. (Although, I have to admit I kind of expected to read about you running “home” from the hospital today, being the superwoman that you are!)

I ran 20 miles this morning, but I could probably say it was almost as painful as your thoughts of running were. ;)

Keep posting pics of that cute baby!


No worries Janae, your food is covered while in the hospital! It’s one of those ‘all inclusive’ things :) Just hope you remembered to take all the diapers and pads they left in your room since your insurance would be charged for those too!


7.3 miles @12 weeks pregnant! Running the Jacksonville Marine Corps Half Marathon @20 weeks! Congrats on Baby Brooke! Thanks for inspiring me to keep up with my running even while preggo!


You’re allowed to eat $12 fruit if you want to – you just had a baby!!! PS – You look so amazing for just giving birth. Please tell all of your secrets.


Running 10 miles tomorrow. Hopefully. You look amazing girl. And billy looks like a proud papa and husband. Loving the fresh peaches and plums right now. You can get plenty fresh at the local farmers markets :)


Brooke is so adorable!!!! Wishing you and Billy tons of happiness with her :)


Loving all the pictures of Brooke! :) I ran 4.5 miles this morning and although the first 5 mins felt terrible, the rest felt great! I never ever turn down ice cream either! It’s so delicious how can you turn it down? I was probably really little when I “held” my first baby because I have a bajillion cousins. No joke. At the very least I was 2 because that’s when my sister was born.


My little girl is named Brooke, too. In less than a week, I’ll be taking my Brookie 1,300 miles away to college :( :( :( Cherish every moment – the time flies away!


This just makes me so happy! I’m so glad that you are so consistent with your posts. This way, I can feel like I’ve really met Brooke! I want to come visit you as soon as you are settled! Love your sweet family.


I just ate an amazing mango while babysitting my friend’s baby today (well, I luckily had help from my other friend who also has a 3-month-old). It was so fun and the babies were not too fussy!


I’ve been reading your blog for almost a year now… And I just found out I’m pregnant. Gosh darn now I have a reason to read it again 1000 more times!!


hi janae! words cannot describe how excited and happy i am for u and billy! brooke is so pretty!


That picture with your cousin is so sweet! He will remember that for sure! How lucky to have all of your family so close during this fun and chaotic time!


First time commenting– just discovered your blog a couple weeks ago. I used to live in Utah, and I totally miss it! Now I’m in Kansas, and hoping that when the hubs finishes grad school, we can head back west. I did a 20 miler this morning, and feeling pretty useless now (hence reading blogs…). I never turn down pancakes!


I ran 10, pain free (no chronic neck/muscular issues that I usually struggle with) miles today. It was 58 degrees and overcast. After running (and sweating) through a miserable midwest summer, the change of weather is more than welcome.

I’d probably never turn down a good pizza.


I think I held my first baby when I was 11. I’m not sure, though.

My run today was my first in a week. WOOHOO! I did 6.5 miles in the pouring rain.


Best fruit I’ve had this week is white necterines from TJ’s {they are so sweet}. I’ve turned down food, but never ice cream. Today I ran 6 miles!


I am loving to read all about baby brooke! I love her ‘gangsta’ beanie, makes her look more cute, lol:)

How old were you when you first held a baby?
First time I held a baby, I was probably 4 and it was my sister. Not sure, but most likely:)
Is there a food that you have never turned down?
Best fruit that you have had this week?
Green Grapes!


We just checked into a nice hotel and they have the best fruit I have ever eaten… for free.
I first held a baby when I was 15.
You really have the best aunt. Best of luck to Billy for his school!


My youngest sister was born when I was 5, and that is my earliest memory of holding a baby — sitting on the couch, with my arm propped up on a pillow, of course. I think the first time I was allowed to hold a baby while I was standing was when I was 15, haha.


I can proudly say I ran 5 miles today! I’ve had a rough past few months with running but today’s run was fantastic. I dedicate that run to Brooke, future running phenom. ;)


what a cute little family you have!!!!! and seriously, girl, you look AMAZING!

yummmm love me some cpk! the bbq chicken is definitely the best one there.

today was my yoga day :)

i was 5 when i first held a baby- my little cousin! he’s not so little anymore, ha! he’s 19!!!! that’s just crazy.

i have never turned down chocolate. never.

i had a might good plum today, at my parent’s house.


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